Sahmbel Ayay SN - REPORT

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Sanitary Design Report

Table of contents

1.0 BASIC DATA...............................................................................................1

1.1 LOCATION......................................................................................................1
1.2 SITE CONDITION............................................................................................1
1.3 DESIGN DATA................................................................................................1
1.3.1 Population..............................................................................................1
1.3.2 Water Demand.......................................................................................1
1.3.3 Waste Water Production........................................................................1
1.3.4 Plumbing System....................................................................................2
1.3.5 Availability of Pipe Materials................................................................2
1.3.6 Waste Treatment and Disposal System...............................................2.0
THE DESIGN.....................................................................................2
2.1 WATER SUPPLY.............................................................................................3
2.1.1 Source....................................................................................................3
2.1.2 Storage...................................................................................................3
2.1.3 Distribution............................................................................................3
2.2 WASTE WATER COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM............................20
2.2.1 Source..................................................................................................20
2.2.2 Sewer Line............................................................................................21
2.2.3 Vents.....................................................................................................21
2.2.4 Disposal...............................................................................................21
2.3 STORM WATER COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL...........................................22
2.3.1 Source..................................................................................................22
2.3.2 Drainage Lines.................................................................................2.3.3

2.1 Location

The hotel Building is located in mekele. The area is expected to have adequate water
supply system and Municipal Drainage system, as a benefit from the existing &/ or
proposed city infrastructure.

2.2 Site Condition

The project site is sloppy to the right side of building. The main outfall for surface drainage
is the municipal main along the bypassing road on the south side.

2.3 Design Data

3.2 Population

The population of the caption project can be categorized into hotel. The building contains
6 twin room’s and 24 standard room’s.

Table 1: Estimated Population of the Project

Ser Number of
No Group Members\Seats

1 hotel (1x4+4x2)x6 =72

total 72

3.3 Water Demand

The daily water demand calculation of such building is based on the population number
served. The domestic Water demand of the project has been established on the basis of
200lits/capita/day for Hotels (per bed) Up to 4 stars.

Table 2: Water Consumption per Day
Rate of water
Ser. No of demand, Total
No Group Members lpcd Demand, l/d

1 Residence 72 200 14,400

Total -------------- 14,400l/d; or 14.4 m3/days

3.4 Waste Water Production

The quantity of liquid waste produced is estimated on basis of type of SANITARY

FIXTURES, safety and economical simultaneity factors.

3.5 Plumbing System

Standard and common engineering practices have been used in determining the plumbing
system, including ease of installation and accessibility for maintenance purposes.

3.6 Availability of Pipe Materials

The available piping materials in the local market are galvanized steel, HDPE
compression pipe, UPVC, the Hydro system (PP-R) pipes which, including their fittings.
UPVC, PVC (polyvinyl chloride) and concrete pipes are the major available materials for
sewerage. The design, therefore, envisages the use of PP-R pipes for internal conveying
of water supply, and HDPE, COATED PP-R & GS Pipes for the external water distribution
& connection systems. For internal and external sewerage systems, UPVC drainage pipes
are recommended; and also concrete pipes for the storm water drainage system.

3.7 WASTE WATER Collection Treatment and Disposal System

The sewer System have been arranged to meet the Design Standards:

 Conveys the flow quickly, quietly, free of nuisance.

 Minimizes risk of blockage or leakage

 Well ventilated & sealed for escape of foul air

 Accessibility for installation inspection and maintenance.

A new expansion of the municipal sewer line is expected nearby, which will be the
destination for the waste disposal system of the project; and septic tank is proposed as a
temporary solution.



4.2 Source

As it is assumed that potable water supply by the Municipality is dependable, there was no need
for locating or investigating for an independent source of potable water.

4.3 Storage

As a safeguard against interruption and resolution for any fluctuation of water

supply, the project is provided with a water reservoir adequate enough to meet the
water requirement, at least, for twenty-four hours including that of fire-fighting. A
ground reservoir and elevated water tanks over roof systems, together with
boosting pump units facilitate the gravity distribution of water to sanitary units in all
floors; except the fire-fighting system, which has a separate direct pumping system.
The ground reservoir capacity designed to accommodate both the Domestic
Demand for one and half day and the water Demand to the Fire Fighting; the
Domestic water demand of 21.6m3/day including the reserve for expected fire-
fighting, 14.4m3(considering two hydrant will act 4 l/s) x 3,600sec x 1hr)), is 36m3.for
standard purpose use two GRP or equivalent water tank with capacity of 20m3.

The water requirement/ water demand of the building was calculated by assigning specific load
values from the new Ethiopian Codes of Standard to all fixtures in order to achieve economy in
selecting pipe sizes and to ensure adequate supply to all fixtures at all times.

4.4 Distribution

The water requirement/water demand of the building was calculated by assigning specific
load values from the new Ethiopian Codes of Standard to all fixtures in order to achieve
economy in selecting pipe sizes and to ensure adequate supply to all fixtures at all times.

A. Roof Mounted Water Tank Sizes:

Roof water tank provision is selected based on the fact that any cut-off in the main
distribution system may interrupt, or seriously affect, the proper functions of the buildings.

Roof water tank sizes are determined from the daily water requirement for sanitary units
located in the building or the population being served. Assuming a one days interruption
of supply:

Volume = 40m3 (ground reservoir)

Therefore, = 30% x ground reservoir = 0.3 x 60 m 3 = 12 m3

15m3 provide three elevated water tank with each volume of 5m3.

B. PIPE SIZING: sizes of pipes are determined from Monograms, charts and/or tables
based on fixture loading units and Hazen William's formula, namely V= 0.85cR 0.63 S

B1. Rising Main Pipe: This is a pipe feeding the elevated/ roof water tank whose size is
determined from the volume of the elevated water tank in respect to pumping
period to fill it.

Storage volume(C) = 15,000lit. =15mᵌ

Assumed filling time (T) = 1 & half hrs. = 5,400 seconds

Rate of discharge, Q = C/T = 15,000/5,400 = 2.8l/s

Assuming Rising main of Ø63mm/bore size 32mm/

Flow Velocity (V) = 4Q/ d² = 4x0.0028/ (0.042)² = 2m/s

Therefore; Ø63mm/bore size/ pipe is sufficient for the riser.

C. Pumping

The pumping station (pump house) will be at the basement floor of the building, as shown
on the drawings provided. Two pairs of pumps are allocated for Domestic purposes, each
pair containing one for daily operation and the other as a stand-by pump. That of fire
fighting system is allocated separately as described below.

C1. Domestic pump: The pump characteristics was determined from the basic data such
as the volume of the elevated water tank, the time allocated to fill it, and the elevation to
where water has to be pumped along with the head loss in the riser pipe.

The total head for which the pump will operate is:

a. Elevation difference between the surface of the water in the reservoir and the elevated water
tank, which is the static head, is 40m.
b. The head losses due to friction both in the pipes and fittings and at the suction and delivery
lines shall be 30% of the static head, i.e., flv2/2gd= (0.025x65x(2m/s)2)/2x9.81x0.042=7.9
c. The residual head (pressure) required at the point of outlet to the roof mounted water tank
shall be 5m.
The total head for which the pump will be operating is 40m + 7.9m + 5m =52.9m, ≈ 55m

The discharge capacity of the pump

V  4 m³ (Volume of the roof water tanks)
V 15m 3
Q   (Assuming that the RWT can be filled in 1hr.)
t 1.5hr

= 10m³/hr = 2.8L/s

Discharge (Q) =3 l/sec

Head (H) = 55 m
Suction end diameter (ID)= 75mm
Delivery end diameter (ID)= 63mm
Efficiency ( ή%) = 75%

C2. Pump for Fire Fighting:

This pair of pumps is also installed in the same position as shown in the detail plan
provided. The main purpose is to boost water through fire hydrants during breakout of fire
or for any other purposeful operation.

I. The discharge capacity of the pump will be:

 One fire-fighting equipment =2l/s

 Two fire-fighting equipment with pump's discharge capacity
= 2.0x2= 4.0l/s
 Q = 4l/s

II. The total head at which the pump will be operational is:
 Static head (Hs) = 33m (the most extreme hydrant point, within the system,
which is the fire hydrant point at 7th floor.
 Head loss due to friction pipe(hf)=flv2/2gd
= (0.025*73*(2.5 2) l/s)/ (2*9.81*0.04) =13.84m =14m
 Head loss due to fittings, (ht) = 0.30 x hf =0.3x14 =4.2m)
 Pressure required at firefighting NOZZLES (Hn) shall be = 10m
 H = Hs+hf+ht+Hn = 33+14+4.2+10 =61.2m
 H = 65m

B2. Pipe Sizing in Buildings: This was performed on basis of load values of sanitary
appliances under consideration and was taken from standards.

The determination and selection of each pipe section is based on the water flow in each pipe
section, as directed from the water flow required at each fixture draw-off points.

Sample analyses for w1

2 Tabular method of pipe sizing

The tabular method uses a work sheet which can be completed as each of the steps is followed
in the pipe sizing procedure. An example of the method follows with some explanation of each

Explanation of the tabular

Pipe work
(1) Make a diagram of the pipeline or system to be considered
(2) Number the pipes beginning at the point of least head, numbering the main pipe
run first, then the branch pipes.
(3) Make a table to show the loading units and flow rates for each stage of the main
run. Calculate and enter loading units and flow rates.

Table 4-8 Design flow rates and loading units

Outlet fitting Design Minimum Loading

flow rate flow rate units
(l/s) l/s

WC flushing cistern single or dual flush – 0.13 0.05 2
to fill in 2 minutes
WC trough cistern 0.15 per WC 0.10 2
Wash basin tap size ½ DN 15 0.15 per tap 0.10 1.5 to 3
0.05 per tap 0.03 –
Spray tap or spray mixer 0.20 per tap 0.10 1
Bidet 0.30 0.20 10
0.60 0.40 22
Bath tap, nominal size ¾ DN 20
0.20 hot or cold 0.10 3
0.20 0.10 3
Bath tap, nominal size 1 – DN 25
Shower head (will vary with type of head) 0.30 0.20 5
Sink tap, nominal size ½ DN 15 0.60 0.40 –
0.20 hot or cold 0.15
0.15 0.10 3
Sink tap, nominal size 3/4 DN 20 0.004 per position 0.002 –

Figure 4-4 Conversion chart - loading unit to flow rate

(8) equivalent pipe length(m)

(9) effective pipe length(m)

(7) measured pipe run(m)

(11) progressive head(m)

(10) head consumed(m)

(12 ) available head(m)

(5) loss of head(m/m)

(6) flow velocity(m/s)

(4)pipe size(mm)
(3)flow rates(i/s)
(1)pipe reference

(2)loading units

1 54 0.8 33.2 0.925 0.03 7.83 4.80 12.63 0.42264923 0.42264923 3.23 40…ok
2 45 0.7 33.2 0.809 0.03 3.40 2.00 5.4 0.142638827 0.565288057 9.46 40…ok
3 36 0.6 26.6 1.080 0.06 0.50 1.50 2 0.115762737 0.681050794 12.52 32…ok
4 27 0.54 26.6 0.972 0.05 3.40 3.00 6.4 0.307368508 0.988419302 15.58 32…ok
5 18 0.42 26.6 0.756 0.03 3.40 3.80 7.2 0.221545261 1.209964563 18.64 32…ok
6 9 0.3 26.6 0.540 0.02 3.40 1.53 4.93 0.083581675 0.083581675 6.4 25…ok
7 9 0.3 21.2 0.850 0.05 0.80 0.36 1.16 0.058067989 0.141649664 9.46 25…ok

The same procedure, as shown above, have been adopted for each sub-main supply
pipe, and the sizes of all branch pipes are similarly determined and shown on floor plans
and riser diagrams.


4.5 Source

The main sources of waste water are the bathing, toilet, laundry, kitchen and
other sanitary facilities within and outside the blocks. The rate of wastewater
production is established on the basis of standard engineering practices.

4.6 Sewer Line

The appropriate sewer pipe material and size have been selected and the sewer
lines have been arranged in such a way that the installation and maintenance
that would involve none or minimum demolishing works and accessibility for

 Branches from fixtures: waste water running from individual or group of

fixtures to the vertical stack is collected by UPVC pipes.

 Pipe size is determined based on fixture type, size of outlet and nature
and quantity of waste flow, as well as using Monograms and tables which
are prepared using manning formula.

 The external sewer lines are of UPVC pipes of suitable size and quality,
with manholes at every change of direction or invert elevation,
branching/joining points, and at 40 m to 50m interval in straight run.

4.7 Vents

Since waste water flow during flushing a fixture, or group of them, tends to loose
the water seal of fixtures at upstream and create an access to the foul gases in
the rooms, vent pipes are provided to lead foul gases in sewage drainage system
to the external of the building, thereby maintaining atmospheric pressure in the
system that is reducing air turbulence.

A stack vent, which is an extension part of the vertical stack collecting soil and
waste water products down to the ground floor, is extended up through the
roofing system to the exterior of the building and terminates with a vent cap,
mostly at 30cm above the roof terminal.

4.8 Disposal

Waste water collected from all facilities will be disposed temporarily into
septic tank. Municipal sewer line is expected for the Future.

4.9 Capacity Determination

Fore Septic Tank Provide On The Left Side Of The Building

STv = Lv + Sv Where, STv = Septic Tank Volume

Lv = Liquid Volume

Sv = Sludge Volume

Lv = WC x Td Where, WC = Day water Consumption

Td = Detention time (2 day)

WC = 14,400Liters /day (see water consumption determination)

Lv = 14,400 Liters /day x 2 days = 28,800 Liter = 28.8 m3

Sv = P x 0.15 x DP/1000 Where, P= Population

DP = Dislodging period (Assume 5 Years)

P= 72 Persons. (Resident)

Sv = (72 x 0.15 x 365 x 5/1000)

= 19.71m3

Thus, STV = 28.8 + 19.71

= 48.51m3

Therefore use 50m3 capacity septic tanks according to the location shown
on the site layout


5.2 Source

The main sources of storm water are the roofs of the block, parking areas access
roads and other pavements. The run off quantity is determined using the rational

1. A roof drainage system generally comprises the following three parts:

 The gutter or channel that collects the flow from the roof;
 The outlet into which the flow from the gutter or channel discharges;
 The pipe work /down pipe/that convey the flow from the outlet to the
drainage system.
2. Method of Design
The method of design is carried out so as to comply with Ethiopian
Building Code Standard-9/EBCS EN-9/;
3. Calculation of flow in gutter
To calculate flow rate from the roof of the building rational method is
adopted. Rational method is most accurate for estimating the design storm
peak runoff for areas less than 50 hectares (0.5km²). The rational formulas
estimates the peak rate of runoff at any location in catchment’s area as a
function of the catchment’s area, run-off coefficient, and mean rain fall
intensity for a duration equal to the time of concentration.
The rational formula is expressed as:

ciTC Aeff

Where: Q: maximum rate of runoff, liter/second

C: runoff coefficient; for roof; C=0.75-1
iTC =average rainfall intensity for duration is equal to the time
Of concentration for a selected return period; mm/hr
Aeff. =Effective catchments area, m² /ERA Drainage Manual-2002/

5.3 Disposal

The project site has MAJOR outfall in the North (front side) of the project site.
The main Road with drainage facilities can be used as a drainage out fall for the
captioned project.


1. Ethiopian Building Code of Standard (ES 3960)

2. Technical Briefs on Health, Water and Sanitation by John Picck Ford.

Intermediate Technology Publications, 1991.

3. Water Supply and Sewerage, E.W. Steel and Tenenced Mc Ghee, Mc

Grew Hill, 1997

4. Civil Engineering Hand Book, Leonard Church Urguhart, 4 th edition

Mc Grew Hill, Book Company

5. Standard Hand Book of Civil Engineering.

6. Gurcharan Singh, Standard Publishers Distributers.


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