Questions - WASH Manager (Solving

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Written Assessment - WaSH Programme Manager

Name ……Mohamad Almosaa…………………………………………………………………………………


Place:……Syria -Adleb…………..

Time: 3:00hr

Questions 1:30 minutes

1) There is a sudden influx of approximately 50000 IDPs in Aleppo area. Unconfirmed

sources indicate that they are residing in schools, abandoned buildings and informal
settlements. As the WaSH Manager you are expected to lead in need assessment of
the WaSH program, how would you contribute to the assessment? What
methodologies, tolls and steps would you use for collecting data related to WasH?

I am Sending assess teams to assessing the situation on the ground and determine the
Basic needs of the refugees of drinking water and water for washing and Cleanness and
in the light of the assessment teams results are Prior reaction by building field tanks for
drinking and washing. and secure drinking and washing water pending the completion of
the build field tanks . and then a toilets field toilets that had no toilets or to ensure the
safety and readiness of existing toilets

Questions 2: 30 minutes

MRFS is implementing different WASH projects in 87 campsand 10 districtss of Aleppo and

Idlep governorate. As a WASH manager you are responsible to design your staffing plan for
the upcoming project. Prepare the organogram of the staff. Please describe how you will
manage your staffs.
I do divide the staffs several teams:

1.Assessment and field study teams

2.Specialized teams to oversee the situation on the ground in the camps: composed of
engineers and assistant engineers and supervisors and workers in the camps.

3.Teams of data composed of the engineers and assistant engineers.

Managed my staff are through linkage between work teams and follow-up functions of
each team and make sure that each team is doing its job fully and punish negligent and
replace corrupt

Question 3: 30 minutes

Based on your experience and knowledge, mentionfive sustainable approaches for water and
sanitation that you will want to apply in the camp inside Syria with 15,000 populations. You
can make your own scenario of the WASH services provided, mention the current scenario
and. Describe each innovative approaches in two or three sentences

By creating a several departments:

Sterilization Department
Environment Department
The Health Education Department
Sewage and solid waste disposal Department

Question 4: 30 minutes

Prepare the quantity and cost estimate for the construction of simple single pit latrine with
rough sketch using Syrian engineering norms of construction. What design factors did you
take into consideration?

The dimensions of Pit:


Volume Pit :

Cost of drilling =6*2500=15000 s.p The volume of the concrete for the roof of

The cost of concrete with iron=0.4*30000=12000s.p

The total cost =15000+12000=27000 s.p

The criteria to be met in the place of choice of Pit:

It must be far away from sources of drinking water and to be far from places of cars, heavy
equipment and play areas for children over

Question 5: 60 minutes:

An assessment have been done for one village, the assessment result shows the following
information and needs for the village:

Current population: Host 2500 IDPs 2500

WASH Priority needs are: 1. Water supply 2. Solid waste management

Water situation: Before there was one water station providing water to the village that is
totally destroyed, There is a tower water tank with a capacity of 50m^3 and 10m high + 20m
on a higher elevation land than the water well,static functioning, there is one borehole with a
yield of 40m3/hr, Static water level 111m, Dynamic water level 120m but it’s not equipped,
and local electricity network is not functioning in the village. See figure 1.

Solid waste situation: Currently in the village there are a lot of random piles of waste in the
streets and there is no solid waste management system in place, however there is a nearby
landfill used to be dumpsite before and it’s in a good condition. See figure 1.
500m Assessed village
Water well:
SWL 111m
DWL 120m Tower Water tank 50m3, 10m high 2Km
Connected to the water network

Good condition landfill

Given the previous scenario prepare the following:

I. Chose the proper pump and generator size and prepare a BOQ based on that with all
the works necessary to connect it to the water tower tank.
II. Prepare a BOQ for all the works to conduct a full cleaning campaign for the village.
III. What are the negative (environmental and Infrastructural) impacts regarding to:
a. Wrong technical specification choice for the pump/Generator, both over and
lower estimation.
b. Using a random dumpsite / piling and not treating the accumulated soiled


ρ(water) = 1000 Kg/m^3 g = gravity (9.81 m/s^2)

η = pump efficiency η = 75 %
Water demand in emergency “community” 35 liters/person/Day

Feel free to add any additional Presumptions as you’re per understanding of the context.

I-calculate the able to pump from the relationship

P(KW)= Q*H/102*3.6*Eff

P motor = P pump * 1.1

P: Able to pump { kilo Watt}

Q: pump flow {m3 / hour}

H: height that the pump is pumping him + losses in the clouds and payment {meter}
m Eff: returns and is Able to pump out the pump / pump Able to income and does not have

calculate the Flow to be secured from the pump:

Flow = (number of PersonS* need daily per Person/ 24) / 1000

Q=(5000*35/24)/1000=7.29 m3/h

P pump=7.29*120(102*3.6*0.75)=3.2 kw

P motor =1.1*3.2 =3.52 kw

II- Open streets and cleaned of debris

-Rehabilitation of all the faults in the water pipes to the local network

- Reconnect the main pumping line

- Rehabilitation of garbage containers and the development of new containers instead of the
damaged containers

- Deploy teams to sensitize the population hygiene

III-a- That the wrong choice of the pump or motor follows:

Technical failures lead to damage to the pump

Inadequate water from the village because he may not reach the desired flow

III-b-That the wrong choice for the disposal of waste resulting in the spread of disease and
insect also leads to damage some land that could be agricultural land or land intended for the
construction, industrial and commercial purposes

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