Mushroom Entrepreneurial Behaviour: Dimensions and Measurement

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Mushroom entrepreneurial behaviour : Dimensions and measurement

Article · January 2015

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4 authors, including:

Mahantesh Shirur
National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management


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Int. J. Agricult. Stat. Sci. Vol. 11, Supplement 1, pp. 61-68, 2015 ISSN : 0973-1903



Mahantesh Shirur*, N. S. Shivalingegowda1, M. J. Chandregowda2 and B. J. Rajkumar3

Directorate of Mushroom Research, Solan - 173 213, India.
Department of Agricultural Extension, University of Agriculture Sciences, GKVK, Bengaluru - 560 024, India.
Zonal Project Directorate (ICAR), Zone-VII, Hebbal, Bengaluru - 560 024, India.
Dairy Science College, Mahagaon cross, Gulbarga - 585 101, India.
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract : Mushrooms are appreciated world over for their nutritional and medicinal properties. Though, global mushroom
industry has seen a rapid growth, India is beginning to see the spurt in its growth only recently. Mushroom entrepreneurship
offers major scope both for small farmers and large entrepreneurs. Absence of standardised scale to measure the performance
of mushroom entrepreneurs has rendered us unclear about the status of mushroom entrepreneurship and in turn the mushroom
industry in India. Hence, a scale on mushroom entrepreneurial behaviour is developed to address the existing research gap.
The social research methodology using Guilford procedure was followed to develop the scale. The eleven dimensions of
entrepreneurial behaviour assumed different scale values from 7.469 to 1.071, with innovativeness of entrepreneurs getting
highest weightage. The scale developed will have utility in identifying and studying the successful and unsuccessful
mushroom entrepreneurs in framing policies by the Government and designing trainings and seminars by training and
research institutions. The researchers of social sciences will find the scale useful for studying entrepreneurial behaviour of
mushroom growers and similar entrepreneurs. The financial institutions can adopt the scale in deciding criteria for extending
the loans to the new entrepreneurs. The entrepreneurs themselves may use the scale to assess their own entrepreneurial skills.
Key words : Mushroom, Entrepreneurial behaviour, Measurement, Management.

1. Introduction the last 35 years (from about 1 billion kg in 1978 to 27

Since ancient times mushrooms are widely billion kg in 2012), whereas, the human population has
appreciated all over the world for their nutritional and grown 1.7 times during the same period (from about
medicinal properties. Besides having low fat, high 4.2 billion in 1978 to 7 billion in 2012) [Royse (2014)].
protein content, high vitamin (B, C, D, K) content On the other hand, in spite of varied agro-climate
mushroom contain several minerals (P, K) and trace conditions together with abundant agriculture residues
elements (Selenium). Mushrooms contain substantial and cheap labour, the mushroom entrepreneurs in India
amount of dietary fibres and are known as an unlimited have not made significant impact on the global
source of bioactive molecules and valuable enzymes mushroom scenario. With the conspicuous growth of
with around 126 therapeutic effects [Wasser (2010) mushroom production only in recent years, India
and Badalyan (2012)]. Mushrooms are proven to have produces more than 100,000 tonnes of fresh mushrooms.
immune modulating, antioxidant, genoprotective, But, its contribution amounts to less than 1 per cent of
antitumor, hypocholesterinemic, antidiabetic, global mushroom production [Wakchaure (2011)]. But,
hepatoprotective and other medicinal properties blessed with varied agro climatic conditions, abundant
[Badalyan (2000), Lindequist (2005), Wasser (2010) agriculture residues and cheap labour, India offers great
and Badalyan (2012)]. opportunity to increase the mushroom production by
many folds.
Global mushroom industry has seen a rapid growth
with the production increasing more than 25-fold during
*Author for correspondence Received February 12, 2015 Revised June 21, 2015 Accepted July 14, 2015
62 Mahantesh Shirur et al.

In recent times, small farmers in their quest to but the opportunity identification is the function of
ensure their livelihood security and large Agri-preneurs interaction between the individual entrepreneur and the
in anticipation of higher profit are exploring high value environment [Shane and Venkataraman (2000)].
enterprises like floriculture, apiculture, terrace or roof Furthermore, the importance of studying and analysing
gardening, mushroom cultivation, etc. Mushroom entrepreneurial behaviour lies with the fact that the
cultivation is emerging as an important horti-business relationship between human capital and various
activity and helping small farmers and entrepreneurs in outcomes associated with entrepreneurship may be
realising round the year returns. Mushroom mediated by entrepreneurial behaviour [Baron and
entrepreneurship is a potential, yet largely untapped Kenny (1986), Cohen (2003)].
venture to address many of the problems plaguing rural Hence, it is to be noted that though there is vast
India like hunger and malnutrition, decreasing land body of research in the area of entrepreneurship, the
holdings, declining soil fertility, poverty, lack of nature of this research has been highly diverse. There
employment and opportunities for income generation is a lack of an agreed definition and theory of
[Verma (2014)]. Further, the need for promoting entrepreneurship and a concern over what
mushroom entrepreneurship emanates from the fact entrepreneurship constitutes [Gartner (1990)]. The
that per capita consumption of mushroom is very low similar problem of what constitutes mushroom
(30 g per annum) in India, compared to more than 4000 entrepreneurship in India is hardly studied. To add to it,
g in the western countries [Wakchaure (2011)]. there is huge variation in the performance of mushroom
It is widely believed that the entrepreneurial units across India owing to several factors like, location
function is a vital component in the process of economic of the unit, accessibility to raw materials, scale and size,
growth [Schumpeter (1950) and Reynolds et al. (1994)]. variety of mushroom grown, differences in composting
The recognition for entrepreneurship has accelerated and cultivation technology, market dynamics and
since the mid-1990s, with policy makers in many entrepreneurial skills of mushroom producers. These
countries and international organisations beginning to twin reasons have augmented the need for research
explicitly recognise its importance by developing policies studies focussing on entrepreneurial behaviour of
to improve the entrepreneurial environment, either by mushroom entrepreneurs.
removing obstacles or by direct targeted actions such Entrepreneurial behaviour has to be studied to
as subsidies [Lundström and Stevenson (2005)]. This understand the factors that promote or constrain an
has engendered to lay enough emphasis on entrepreneurial activity. However, lack of systematic
entrepreneurial behaviour of entrepreneurs. and standardised procedure to measure the
Minzberg (1976) stated that entrepreneurial entrepreneurial activity, let alone the mushroom
behaviour is characterised by active search, entrepreneurship has led to a void in horticulture
expansionist outlook and decision making. Heredero research. As there is an exigent need for
(1979) described agricultural entrepreneur as a person, entrepreneurial behaviour measurement tool for
who introduces changes, which directly or indirectly mushroom entrepreneurship, procedure to measure, it
lead to higher agricultural product. Entrepreneurial has been standardized and presented in this article.
behaviour was operationalised by Monika and Talukdar
2. Methodology
(1997) as the extent of qualitative and innovative
activities carried out by a woman entrepreneur in her The methodology in developing the procedure to
enterprise to increase production spontaneously, where measure the entrepreneurial behaviour of mushroom
her activities are also a manifestation of internal mental entrepreneurs is based on the behavioural measurement
events and processes like ideas and attitude. procedure suggested by Guilford (1954). The detailed
steps followed in the methodology are explained under
In many businesses - especially the smaller ones,
the steps listed below.
the entrepreneur is the key resource or a key constraint
of the organisation [Castanias and Helfat (1991), Brown Step 1- Identification of dimensions and
and Kirchhoff (1997)]. The environment may be a statements : The ‘entrepreneurial behaviour’ of
source of opportunities [Kirzner (1973), Gartner (1985)] mushroom growers was identified as a variable, which
would serve as the basis to analyze the performance
Mushroom Entrepreneurial Behaviour : Dimensions and Measurement 63

of different mushroom entrepreneurs. Based on a

thorough review of literature related to entrepreneurship, P
cR  0.5h  100
eleven dimensions and statements to explain each of
the dimensions were identified. The procedure or scale Where, Ri is the rank value and n is number of
used to measure each of the dimensions is presented in things ranked. The deduction of 0.5 from the rank value
Table 1. is to get the middle of the area for the dimension so
Step 2- Relevancy weightage : All the statements
under 11 dimensions were subjected to experts’ rating P is essentially a centile value and represents the
area under the normal distribution below the median of
on relevancy of each of the statement, regarding its
the interval assigned to the object. From the normal
utility to measure a particular dimension of
entrepreneurial behaviour. The experts were asked to curve tables, we find corresponding z values to
represent linear distances from the mean on the base
indicate the relevancy on a Likert’s scale of five point
line. Since, z values are awkward numbers to use, we
continuum. The continuum ranged from most relevant
(MR) to not relevant (NR) with 5 and 1 score make a liner transformation to values of a convenient
type [Guilford (1954)]. For this purpose, Hull (1928)
respectively: The ‘relevant’ (R), ‘somewhat relevant’
proposed a ‘C’ scale of 10 units covering a range of 5
(SWR) and ‘least relevant’ (LR) were assigned the
values of 4, 3 and 2 respectively. Fifty five out of 130 standard deviations.
experts responded to the relevancy analysis. Relevancy The procedure followed in arriving at the scale
weightage was worked out by using the formula values for all the 11 dimensions of entrepreneurial
behaviour is presented in Table 2.
MR5  R4  SWR3  LR2  NR1
RW  Step 4- Schedule development and Scoring : For
Maximum possible scores  No. of Judges
all the relevant statements under each of the 11
Statements rated as relevant with a relevancy dimensions, the questionnaire was prepared to elicit
weightage (RW) of 0.75 or more (worked out on the appropriate variability for entrepreneurial behaviour. The
basis of summated scores of all the judges for all the responses on four point scale varied from Mostly Agree
statements) were considered and retained for the next (MA), Agree (A), Some What Agree (SWA) and Not
step. Agree (NA) for each of the statements given under
Step 3- Calculating scale values for dimensions each of the dimensions (D1 -D11 ) of entrepreneurial
of entrepreneurial behaviour based on judges behaviour. Scoring was done by giving the linear score
rating : It is apparent that all the eleven dimensions values of 4, 3, 2 and 1 respectively for positive
will not contribute equally towards the entrepreneurial statements and the order of scoring was reversed for
behaviour of any entrepreneur. Hence, the variation in negative statements. The data was collected from 30
contribution of each dimension for the entrepreneurial mushroom entrepreneurs across India for pre-testing
ability must be represented by assigning different the questionnaire and to ascertain whether the
weightage to each of the dimension. Hence, the judges’ questionnaire is measuring the intended behaviour and
rating was sought to obtain the scale values for each whether the variability in the behaviour is properly
dimension of the entrepreneurial behaviour. The experts elicited.
were asked to rank the dimensions of entrepreneurial Step 5- Calculating Entrepreneurial Behaviour
behaviour in the order of importance as perceived by Index (EBI) : The entrepreneurial behaviour Index
them. The ranks given by 35 judges were converted was calculated for all the individual mushroom growers.
into rank values by using the formula The mean score (Raw score/ maximum possible score)
Ri = (n – ri + 1) obtained by each respondent mushroom grower for
different dimensions was multiplied with the scale values
Where, Ri is the rank value, n is number of items
of respective dimension. The summation of values
ranked and ri is the rank given by the expert for each
obtained for all the dimensions gives the composite index
dimension. The centile position values (P) were arrived
measuring the entrepreneurial behaviour of the
for each rank by the normalization of ranks approach
mushroom growers. The formula used in arriving at
using the formula
EBI values is given below.
64 Mahantesh Shirur et al.

11 length. The rxx value was 0.986 suggesting the high

Actual score of D i  Scale value of D i
i 1 Max. score of D i
 100 reliability of the full length of the scale.
EBI  Testing for Validity : Validity of the scale was
 Scale value of D i ensured by analysing content validity, construct validity
Testing for reliability and validity : Pilot test and criterion validity. Since, the items were based on
was conducted for a sample of 30 respondents randomly extensive review of literature and relevancy analysis
drawn across 13 different States of India, to test the by the judges, the content validity was ascertained.
reliability and validity. Looking at the extensive literature and the nature
Testing for reliability : The coefficient of stability of mushroom entrepreneurship, 11 dimensions with
(test-retest method) and the coefficient of equivalence suitable statements were finalised and were sent for
(split-half method) were employed to measure the relevancy analysis. Then the ranking for each of the
reliability of the scale. dimension were obtained from 35 judges to calculate
scale values. Hence, the content validity was
The coefficient of stability is the correlation between ascertained.
scores on two administrations (A1 and A2) of the same
form of the test, separated by a time period. In the pilot The internal consistency was tested through
analysis, the responses were obtained twice at an interval construct validity by using correlation matrix technique
of 12-15 days from the respondents with the same with individual dimensions of the scale. All the
questionnaire. The coefficient of correlation (r) was correlation coefficients were above 0.70 suggesting high
calculated between scores from two administrations. construct validity.
The score on the level of recognition and
cX hcX h  cX hcX h
A1 A2 appreciation received by the respondents was taken to
N A1 A2 ascertain the criterion validity. The score was given to
ra A1fa A 2 f cS hcS h A1 A2
the respondents based on awards and appreciation they
received at local, state or national level. The association
The correlation coefficient (r) between two of scores between entrepreneurial behaviour with the
administrations with time gap was found to be criterion score was found to be 0.821, indicating very
significantly higher (0.979). high criterion validity.
The coefficient of equivalence is the correlation 3. Results and Discussion
between scores on parallel forms (P and Q) of the test,
The present scale was developed by following
administered with a minimal time lag between testing.
methodology from social science perspective to
The responses for the odd (P) and even numbered items
objectively assess the entrepreneurial behaviour of
(Q) were obtained and the scores of both sets were
mushroom entrepreneurs in India. The dimensions of
used to calculate coefficient of correlation (r).
entrepreneurial behaviour were finalised based on the

ra P faQ f 
cX h eX j N  cX h eX j
review of vast literature and also to suit the nature of

cS h eS j P Q
mushroom enterprises. These eleven dimensions
identified for the study assumed scale values ranging
The correlation value for split-half method was from 7.469 to 1.071 indicating different weightage to
0.974, suggesting high reliability of the scale. be assigned to them based on the expert opinion arrived
through Judges’ rating. The scale values of respective
Further, Spearman-Brown Prophecy formula was
dimensions are presented in Table 3.
employed to know the reliability of the test of the original
length from the values of split-half reliability. The present research study shows that
innovativeness with a maximum scale value of 7.469 is
2 rhh the most important factor contributing to successful
rXX 
1  rhh entrepreneurship among mushroom growers.
Where, rhh is the split-half reliability coefficient and Literature relevant to entrepreneurship suggests
rxx is the estimate of the reliability of a test of the full that creative individuals are more likely to engage in
Mushroom Entrepreneurial Behaviour : Dimensions and Measurement 65

entrepreneurial behaviour [Ward (2004)]. The entrepreneurs need to have knowledge about several
association between entrepreneurship, innovative areas of activity relevant to his domain of enterprise.
behaviour and creativity has long been established Such knowledge helps him plan his strategy and use
[Amabile (1996) and Nystrom (1993)]. It is often his skills effectively. Knowledge about environment,
suggested that, innovation is synonymous with the idea industry and technology is considered important [Pareek
of entrepreneurship [Pareek and Nadakarni (1978) and and Nadakarni (1978)]. Understandably, knowledge on
Khan (1998)]. Entrepreneurs with innovative action the entrepreneurship forms an important basis for
were more likely to have a commercial rather than making the correct decisions in the farm. The knowledge
subsistence economic orientation, they had more of mushroom entrepreneurship is still more critical
favourable attitude towards risk, high level of considering the technical skills involved in spawn
achievement motivation and greater knowledge of production, compost production technology,
innovations [Rogers and Shoemaker (1971)]. Rao understanding and manipulating growing environment
(1989) reported that there was significant relationship to suit to different mushroom varieties, management of
between innovativeness and entrepreneurial behaviour pest and diseases, efficient marketing and processing
of vegetable growers of Andhra Pradesh. of mushrooms to address its fast perishability.
Achievement motivation (scale value of 6.863) Economic motivation and marketing strategy are
emerged as the second important dimension. Higher at 6 and 7th place with scale values of 5.516 and 4.371
need for achievement shows positive relation with respectively. Entrepreneur’s success is measured by
entrepreneurial ability. Atkinson and Miller reported that, the financial stability of his enterprise. Hence, the
achievement motivation was important factor affecting economic motivation of a mushroom entrepreneur is
the entrepreneurial behaviour of the farmers [De and important behavioural character in ensuring success in
Jirli (2010)]. Hence, higher weightage assumed by his enterprise. His economic motivation must be
innovativeness and achievement motivation as important matched by his acumen in designing marketing strategy
indicators of successful mushroom entrepreneurship after the production and processing activities. Hence,
appear to be logical. they have been rated as the next best important
Risk bearing ability, technical competency and dimensions by the experts appear meaningful. The
decision making ability are the next three important scientific orientation and management orientation will
dimensions in the order of importance with a scale value act as complimentary characters for mushroom
of 6.728, 6.122 and 5.650, respectively. All entrepreneurs. They are at 8-9th places with a scale
entrepreneurial activities involve risks, may be in varying value of 3.900 and 3.293, respectively.
degrees. Knight (1921) defined the entrepreneur as a The leadership orientation and information seeking
calculated risk-taker and the recipient of pure profit, behaviour have assumed last two places in the order
where profit is seen as the reward for bearing the costs importance with the scale values of 1.543 and 1.071,
of uncertainty. Cantillon (1955) emphasised risk taking respectively. Entrepreneurs played both the roles of
as the distinguishing attribute of a successful manager and leader. Managerial role was exhibited by
entrepreneur. According to Bhattacharjee and Akhouri entrepreneur in their capacity as head of the enterprise.
(1975) and Rao (1985), risk taking ability was found to They also played leadership role when they were driven
be significantly associated with entrepreneurs. The by their own vision to innovate or bring in a change in
risks of uncertainty of economic profitability are to be the manager events took place [Kanungo and Mendonca
handled by good decision making ability. Joshi and (1994)]. Vijaya and Kamalanabhan (1998), Fraser
Kapoor (1973) emphasised the managing a farm as a (1961) and Manjula (1995) concluded that management
continuous process of decision making. Not just the orientation was positively and significantly related to
decisions but correct decisions will lead to successful entrepreneurial behaviour of participant and
management of the entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs nonparticipant women under Development of women
are seen as making judgements based on their superior and children in rural areas (DWACRA) programme.
information and knowledge [Ucbasaran (2004)]. In the present analysis, the Judges might have felt that
Knowledge of the world as well as business was among leadership ability of entrepreneur has little to do with
the special qualities of the entrepreneurs. The the success of mushroom enterprise. Though, an
66 Mahantesh Shirur et al.

Table 1 : Dimensions (D1 - D11) of entrepreneurial behaviour of mushroom entrepreneurs and the scale used for measurement
of dimension.
S. No. Dimensions Scale/ procedure borrowed
1. Innovativeness Scale developed by Anonymous (1981) with modifications
2. Achievement motivation Scale developed by Anonymous (1981) with modifications
3. Economic motivation Scale developed by Supe and Singh (1969)
4. Technical competency Structured schedule developed
5. Decision making ability Scale developed by Anonymous (1981) with modifications
6. Risk bearing ability Scale developed by Anonymous (1981) with modifications
7. Information seeking behaviour Structured schedule developed
8. Scientific orientation Scale developed by Supe and Singh (1969) with modifications
9. Leadership ability Nandapurkar (1982)
10. Management orientation Samanta (1977) with suitable modifications
11. Marketing strategy Structured schedule developed.

Table 2 : Calculation of scale values of all the dimensions of entrepreneurial behaviour based on the Judges’ ranking.
ri Ri D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 P C
1 11 9 5 3 6 2 4 1 1 0 1 3 95.45 8
2 10 5 7 4 3 4 6 0 2 1 1 2 86.36 7
3 9 4 4 5 4 4 5 0 1 2 2 4 77.27 7
4 8 4 3 5 3 5 3 1 3 2 3 3 68.18 6
5 7 3 5 2 5 3 7 0 3 2 3 2 59.09 5
6 6 2 2 3 4 4 3 2 4 1 6 4 50.00 5
7 5 2 5 2 2 3 2 3 8 3 2 3 40.91 5
8 4 3 1 4 2 6 2 4 2 5 4 2 31.82 4
9 3 2 1 1 4 3 2 8 4 3 4 3 22.73 3
10 2 1 0 3 1 1 1 9 6 3 5 5 13.64 3
11 1 0 2 3 1 0 0 7 1 13 4 4 4.55 2
fji 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35
Rj = fji C 215 206 186 195 188 204 120 162 127 153 169
R=Rj / fji 6.14 5.89 5.31 5.57 5.37 5.83 3.43 4.63 3.63 4.37 4.83
Rc * 7.47 6.86 5.52 6.12 5.65 6.73 1.07 3.90 1.54 3.29 4.37
*Rc = 2.357*R-7.01

Table 3 : Dimensions of entrepreneurial behaviour and their respective scale values and ranks.
S. No. Dimension Scale value Rank based on scale values
D1 Innovativeness 7.469 1
D2 Achievement motivation 6.863 2
D3 Economic motivation 5.516 6
D4 Technical competency 6.122 4
D5 Decision making ability 5.650 5
D6 Risk bearing ability 6.728 3
D7 Information seeking behaviour 1.071 11
D8 Scientific orientation 3.900 8
D9 Leadership ability 1.543 10
D10 Management orientation 3.293 9
D11 Marketing strategy 4.371 7
Mushroom Entrepreneurial Behaviour : Dimensions and Measurement 67

important character of many successful entrepreneurs- pilot study for testing the reliability of the scale. Authors
the information seeking behaviour is placed last. The greatly acknowledge the comments of anonymous
reason could be experts’ perceived ease of scoring high reviewers which lead to considerable improvement of
on the dimension by majority of entrepreneurs involved the paper.
in mushroom entrepreneurship.
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officers (PDOs). Int. J. Agricult. Stat. Sci., 11(1), 185-
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