Aqua Integra - Taal Lake Proposal

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JULY 20, 2018

Feasibility Study on the Treatability of Raw Water AICI REF PP-BI01-0001
in the Taal Lake and Bulk Water Supply for
Tagaytay City Water District

1.1 Background
Tagaytay City is classified as a component city of the Province of Cavite. Located relatively close to
Metro Manila, the City is considered as one of the premiere tourist destinations of the metro residents
and of adjacent municipalities. This is because of its spectacular view of the Taal Lake, on which one
of the more active volcanoes in the country is situated, the Taal Volcano. Due to the influx of people,
residents and tourists alike, the existing supply of water has been greatly affected.

Tagaytay City Water District (TCWD), the primary water distributor of Tagaytay City, has seen the
inadequacy of supply to its current consumers and potential future service area expansion and
development. Thus, bulk water supply is viewed to aid in satisfying the water district’s (WDs) current
demand gap, while still having sustainable supply for further additional service connections.

Through the initiative of Manila Water Philippine Venture (MWPV), herein referred to as “the Client,”
a Manila Water Company, Inc (MWCI) subsidiary, a Study is to be undertaken that will generate
additional supply to complement the needs of TCWD. The Study extends from the sustainability and
viability of the identified source (Taal Lake) up to planning of the bulk water supply system going to
Tagaytay City through the WD.

Project Proposal | 1-1

Feasibility Study on the Treatability of Raw Water AICI REF PP-BI01-0001
in the Taal Lake and Bulk Water Supply for
Tagaytay City Water District

The Study’s main goals are two-fold: i) to evaluate the quality and treatability of water within the Taal
Lake, and ii) to develop bulk water supply system from identified source/s, including Taal Lake, to the
Tagaytay City. Primarily, the consultant is to be guided by the key objective of the project, “to
determine the technical feasibility and financial viability of attaining the desired level of services
through a long-term balanced water demand and supply requirements, by way of the 24/7 availability
of potable water to all water consumers in Tagaytay City.” In undertaking the Study, a set of working
objectives is applied to the needs of the study, in particular:

▪ Working in full partnership with Manila Water Philippine Ventures and the City Government of
Tagaytay to understand the specific technical, organizational and administrative issues that affect
the Study;
▪ Planning, programming, implementation and monitoring will be based on the application of
systems techniques in order to ensure efficient execution of study activities.
▪ Promote efficient and effective local resource mobilization to facilitate the timely provision of
local resources needed; and
▪ Place importance on facilitating timely physical and financial progress for the Study.

Guided by the abovementioned working objectives, the following specific objectives will be the bases
of the Study; included which are:

▪ To verify the long-term sustainability of water supply in Taal Lake;

▪ To evaluate the quality and treatability of water on specific and identified locations;
▪ To determine the volcanic capability and hazards within Taal Lake;
▪ To determine the most appropriate treatment technique and facilities for the type of water
obtained from source;
▪ To develop plans on proper management of wastes generated from the water treatment;
▪ To determine the required supply of water based on the identified water demand gap of Tagaytay
City over the next 25 years;
▪ To validate existing water supply system and facilities and determine possible upgrades,
rehabilitations and/or replacement of both system and facilities;
▪ To develop a viable expansion program that can maximize the capacity of the existing sources
while providing ample supply to new connections;
▪ To determine the required capital investment and operational costs for the implementation of
the project;
▪ To determine the overall environmental impact of the project; and
▪ To determine the CAPEX, OPEX and final net present value (NPV) of the project.

Project Proposal | 2-2

Feasibility Study on the Treatability of Raw Water AICI REF PP-BI01-0001
in the Taal Lake and Bulk Water Supply for
Tagaytay City Water District


A work breakdown structure (WBS) is prepared accordingly in order to properly manage and facilitate
the project. With WBS, the project is broken down into smaller components, each representing the
primary and supplementary activities in the project. Table 3.1 shows the proposed WBS of the Study.

Table 3.1 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Project Management
Mobilization of the Consultant Team
Data Gathering and Review of Related Literature
Report Preparation
Meetings and Technical Presentations
FS on the Treatability of Raw Water in the Taal Lake
Water quality assessment
Water Point Inventory
Volcanological Hazard Assessment
Preliminary engineering design of water treatment plant
Planning on waste management disposal
Preparation of cost estimates
Environmental and socio-political assessment
FS on the Bulk Water Supply for the Tagaytay City Water District
Population projection
Determination of water supply requirement
Preliminary engineering design
Environmental impact assessment

3.1 Project Management

3.1.1 Mobilization of the Consultant Team
Mobilize Team Members
On mobilization, the project team leader will endeavor to have a thorough orientation of the Study to
be undertaken. The team leader will brief each of the project team members and support personnel
on the project scope and objectives, their respective tasks and deliverables and the schedule by which
all said deliverables are to be submitted.

Project Kickoff Meeting

The project team will conduct a meeting with the Client and its team in order to discuss the activities
to be done for the duration of the project. The team leader will introduce each of the team members
included in the project and identify their counterparts on the side of the Client. Both parties will level-
off on the schedule, deliverables, requirements and tasks to be accomplished to maintain smooth-
flow of the project execution.

Arrange Logistical Support

Utilization of project office is subject to rental cost. All materials will be included in the operations
cost. The project management office on the other hand will be set-up in AICI main office in Pasig City.

Project Proposal | 3-3

Feasibility Study on the Treatability of Raw Water AICI REF PP-BI01-0001
in the Taal Lake and Bulk Water Supply for
Tagaytay City Water District

3.1.2 Data Gathering and Review of Related Literature

Coordination with Regulating Bodies
Prior to data gathering, the Consultant will coordinate with the respective regulating bodies or offices,
the activities to be undertaken during the course of this Study. All request letters and courtesy calls
will be done accordingly to give respect to the people and offices of which the project is under
jurisdiction of.

Data Gathering
Primary and secondary data will be collected based on the checklists provided by each of the project
team members. Transmittal and request letters will be furnished accordingly to different agencies
and institutions of which specific data are to be obtained.

Collected data will be verified to validate their accuracy and relevance to the project. These data will
be filed accordingly for ease of access and reference.

Review of Related Literature

Reports, journals and other previous references that are directly or somewhat related to the project
to be undertaken will be reviewed by the team in order to extract valuable information that may help
in developing a more accurate Study. The project team leader will borrow these materials from Client
and will be returned in good condition once project is completed.

3.1.3 Report Preparation

Monthly Progress Reports
The Monthly Progress Reports record the accomplishments during the month. Progress will be
reported against each of the activities of the work plan comparing actual to planned accomplishment
during the period and indicating the planned activities in the next months.

Constraints to achieving the planned results will be identified and proposals for overcoming these
constraints presented. The reports will be reviewed in a progress meeting.

The monthly reports shall be submitted every fifteenth of the succeeding month.

Draft and Final Project Reports

The Consultant shall prepare a Draft Final Project Report outlining all the activities involved in the
project from start to completion for the review of the Client.

The Client comments and recommendations on the Draft Report shall be incorporated in the Final
Report of which four (4) hard copies (1 original, 3 duplicate copies) and one (1) electronic file shall be
prepared by the Consultant.

3.1.4 Meetings and Technical Presentations

Participate in the regular Client-Consultant meetings
The Consultant will ensure that regular meetings be held with the Client during the whole duration of
the Project. The regular meetings are designed to assess the progress of the Consultant work, resolve
issues and concerns and to clarify/advise on technical matters.

The project team leader and the concerned key technical staff will participate in these meetings.

Project Proposal | 3-4

Feasibility Study on the Treatability of Raw Water AICI REF PP-BI01-0001
in the Taal Lake and Bulk Water Supply for
Tagaytay City Water District

3.2 FS on the Treatability of Raw Water in the Taal Lake

3.2.1 Water Quality Assessment
Sampling Locations
As required in the Terms of Reference (TOR), samples will be extracted accordingly from Taal Lake.
The locations of these points are identified and are subdivided into three (3) subsets, as follows:


▪ East-1 14.082001°, 121.028920°

▪ East-2 14.076718°, 121.051583°
▪ East-3 14.062466°, 121.063611°
▪ East-4 14.058261°, 121.034641°


▪ TL-01 14.037969°, 121.030889°

▪ TL-02 14.010229°, 121.075332°
▪ TL-03 13.982999°, 121.035826°
▪ TL-04 13.956932°, 121.066227°
▪ TL-05 13.939282°, 121.006354°
▪ TL-06 13.895621°, 120.995997°
▪ TL-07 13.942945°, 120.955803°
▪ TL-08 13.998371°, 120.959081°
▪ TL-09 14.038350°, 120.958820°
▪ TL-10 14.070225°, 120.977013°


▪ Wawa River 14.065769°, 121.075629°

▪ Balete River 14.025220°, 121.089103°
▪ Laurel River 14.047832°, 120.935040°

Samples within subsets 1 and 2 or those points located in the lake, will be taken within 300m from the
radius of the indicated point. On the other hand, samples to be taken on the tributaries of the lake
(subset 3) will be taken within 10m from the stretch of the indicated point along the reach. All samples
will be taken from said locations with the aid of GPS.

Sampling Schedule
The abovementioned water samples will be taken accordingly based on the provided schedule, as
per TOR, in order to consistently assess the quality of said body of water and its included tributaries.
The sampling frequency is presented in Table 3.2 and is graphed in Annex A.

Project Proposal | 3-5

Feasibility Study on the Treatability of Raw Water AICI REF PP-BI01-0001
in the Taal Lake and Bulk Water Supply for
Tagaytay City Water District

Table 3.2 Sampling Schedule Frequency

Class Subset 1 Subset 2 Subset 3
Method of Analysis
Biological/ Every 30 days Every 60 days Not required
except Salmonella
Salmonella spp Every 30 days Not required Not required
Microbiological PNSDW DOH Every 30 days Every 60 days Every 60 days
AO 2017-0010
Inorganic Chemical PNSDW DOH Every 15 days Every 30 days Every 30 days
AO 2017-0010
Organic Chemical PNSDW DOH Every 15 days Every 30 days Every 30 days
from Industrial AO 2017-0010
Organic Chemical PNSDW DOH Every 15 days Every 30 days Every 30 days
from Pesticides AO 2017-0010
Physical and PNSDW DOH Every 15 days Every 30 days Every 30 days
Chemical AO 2017-0010
Radiological PNSDW DOH Every 90 days Every 90 days Not required
AO 2017-0010
Parameters Every 15 days Every 30 days Every 30 days
measured in-situ
DENR WQG DENR AO 2016-08 Every 60 days Every 60 days Not required
Primary Parameters
Ammonia DENR AO 2016-08 Every 60 days Every 60 days Not required
DENR WQG Organic DENR AO 2016-08 Every 60 days Every 60 days Not required
Additional Every 60 days Every 60 days Not required
Jar Test ASTM D2035 or EPA East-2 only, Not required Not required
every 90 days
Raw Water Static East-2 only, Not required Not required
Settleability Test every 90 days
Reference: TOR for Taal Lake Treatability, MWPV

The Consultant will ensure that samples will be obtained between 9:00AM and 4:00PM Philippine
Standard Time (PhST). All samples will be subject to analysis by a DOH-accredited laboratory, as
approved by Client. Some samples will be obtained twice and be brought to MWPV office for their
own assessment, which will be discussed further below. On the other hand, all samples with
radiological-related analysis will be sent to DOST-Philippine National Research Institute (PNRI) for
proper assessment.

The Consultant will coordinate with these receiving bodies and that all samples will be preserved
accordingly to avoid spoilage of water samples.

Testing Parameters
Samples taken from site are subject to analysis and assessment following the parameters stated
below. Said parameters will be tested in accordance to the schedule provided above.


▪ Microcystin-LR

Project Proposal | 3-6

Feasibility Study on the Treatability of Raw Water AICI REF PP-BI01-0001
in the Taal Lake and Bulk Water Supply for
Tagaytay City Water District

▪ Algae, including microcystis sp.

▪ Zooplanktons Salmonella spp.


▪ Total coliform
▪ Thermotolerant coliform
▪ E.coli
▪ Heterotrophic plate count (HPC)


▪ Antimony
▪ Arsenic
▪ Barium
▪ Boron
▪ Cadmium
▪ Chromium (Total)
▪ Cyanide (Total)
▪ Fluoride
▪ Lead
▪ Mercury (Total)
▪ Nickel
▪ Nitrate
▪ Nitrite
▪ Selenium


▪ BTEX (Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, total xylenes)

▪ Benzo(a)pyrene
▪ Carbon Tetrachloride
▪ 1,2-Dichlorobenzene
▪ 1,4-Dichlorobenzene
▪ 1,2-Dichloroethane
▪ 1,2-Dichloroethen
▪ Dichloromethane
▪ Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate
▪ Styrene
▪ Tetrachloroethene
▪ Vinyl chloride


▪ Aldrin and Dieldrin

▪ Atrazine and its chloro-s-triazine metabolites

Project Proposal | 3-7

Feasibility Study on the Treatability of Raw Water AICI REF PP-BI01-0001
in the Taal Lake and Bulk Water Supply for
Tagaytay City Water District

▪ Carbofuran
▪ Chlordane
▪ 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane
▪ Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane
▪ Endrin
▪ Ethylene dibromide or 1,2-Dibromoethane
▪ Glyphosate
▪ Lindane
▪ Pendimethalin


▪ Odor
▪ Apparent color
▪ Turbidity (Laboratory)
▪ Aluminum
▪ Chloride
▪ Copper
▪ Total hardness
▪ Hydrogen sulfide
▪ Iron
▪ Manganese
▪ Sodium
▪ Sulfate
▪ Total dissolved solids (Laboratory)
▪ Zinc


▪ Gross alpha, excluding Radon

▪ Gross beta
▪ Radon-222


▪ Temperature pH
▪ Conductivity
▪ Dissolved oxygen
▪ Turbidity
▪ Total dissolved solids
▪ Chlorophyll a


▪ Biological oxygen demand (BOD-5)

▪ Chemical oxygen demand

Project Proposal | 3-8

Feasibility Study on the Treatability of Raw Water AICI REF PP-BI01-0001
in the Taal Lake and Bulk Water Supply for
Tagaytay City Water District

▪ Phosphate
▪ True color
▪ Total suspended solids


▪ Total Ammonia Nitrogen (NH3-N)


▪ Cyanide
▪ Organophosphate as Malathion
▪ Oil and Grease
▪ Polychlorinated biphenyls
▪ Phenol and phenolic substances
▪ Surfactants (MBAS)
▪ Chlorinated Pesticides


▪ Calcium hardness
▪ Magnesium hardness
▪ Total organic carbon (TOC)
▪ Salinity
▪ Alkalinity (Total) as Calcium carbonate
▪ Sodium
▪ Silicates
▪ Total sulfides

Aside from the abovementioned, vertical water quality profiling of the lake’s epilimnion will be
conducted on the surface, middle and bottom layers of Taal Lake, specifically in areas within subsets
1 and 2.

As mentioned above, a number of samples will be obtained separately and will be submitted to MWPV
for their own testing. These samples are to test the following:

▪ Microbiological
▪ Dissolved inorganic chemical
▪ Physical and chemical
▪ Primary parameters
▪ Secondary parameters (Ammonia)
▪ Organic parameters
▪ Additional parameters

Water Quality Assessment

Obtained samples will be analyzed on either an accredited laboratory/ies or on-site (in-situ). Those
that will be analyzed in the laboratory will make up the spatio-temporal assessment, which will
determine the seasonal variation of water quality in relation its annual and spatial deviation. On the
Project Proposal | 3-9
Feasibility Study on the Treatability of Raw Water AICI REF PP-BI01-0001
in the Taal Lake and Bulk Water Supply for
Tagaytay City Water District

other hand, profile and jar test will be tested in-situ to immediately assess discrepancies and changes
on water’s physical attributes, such as changes in values of apparent color and alkalinity. Other
parameters that can be measured in situ such as pH, turbidity, and total dissolved solids will be tested
using either of the following agents: ferric chloride, polyaluminum chloride, and aluminum sulfate.

3.2.2 Water Point Inventory

Aside from water quality assessment, it is also necessary that water point inventory be conducted.
This includes inventory of wells and springs used by lakeside residents. This is to assess mode of water
extraction and pretreatment used prior to distribution. This will serve as benchmark or reference to
what improvements the Study can propose should water in Taal Lake be utilized for consumption.

3.2.3 Volcanological Hazard Assessment

Determination of Gas Emission Effects
Because the lake houses one of the active volcanoes in the country, Taal Lake should also be subject
to volcanological hazard assessment. The lake emits gasses from underwater vents, which are among
the reasons of massive fish kill in the lake. Such assessment would determine if these gasses are
deemed water soluble, as well as the effects on water chemistry.

Analyzing Shoreline Movements

Shoreline threats due to movements and erosion have been monitored in a number of municipalities
around the lake. It has been recorded that some sections of the shoreline are prone to slumping and
some sections of the lake have experienced underwater landslide. This activity is vital particularly in
the hydraulic analysis and preliminary engineering design of facilities to be installed for the lake.

3.2.4 Development of Waste Management Plan

Preparation of Residuals Process Flow Diagram
The said process flow diagram will serve as guide in developing proper disposal of residuals generated
from water treatment. This diagram will comply with the provisions stated on DAO 2016-08, DAO 35
and MWPVs water quality objectives.

Dispersion Modeling
This activity includes the study on the circulation system of the lake and assessment on the lake’s
“oceanographic characteristics,” which include meteorological data and tidal heights. The presence
of brine as residue of the treatment process will be highlighted in the development of dispersion
model. Considering the lake’s water characteristics, the proposed location/s of outfall/s for the
system will be determined, should outfall be identified inside the lake’s premises.

Planning of Waste Management

In addition to the abovementioned, brine disposal will also be planned out. The Consultant will
identify at least five (5) possible brine outfalls either within the lake or its tributaries. Should the
outfall be situated within the lake, the Consultant will provide dispersion modeling. Otherwise, waste
disposal management will be planned out.

Project Proposal | 3-10

Feasibility Study on the Treatability of Raw Water AICI REF PP-BI01-0001
in the Taal Lake and Bulk Water Supply for
Tagaytay City Water District

3.2.5 Preliminary Engineering Design of Water Treatment Plant

Identification of Treatment Plant Location
Prior to the design of water treatment plant (WTP), the Consultant will identify possible WTP locations
to be presented to MWPV for their approval. Criteria for site identification include geographical
location and topography, accessibility, social acceptance and ownership.

Preparation of Treatment Process Flow

Considering the results of the water quality assessment, the Consultant will provide a schematic
diagram that would depict the treatment process proposed for Taal Lake. The said process will comply
with both the Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water (PNSDW) and the MWPV water quality

Preliminary Engineering Design of Treatment Facilities

Upon the approval of proposed treatment process, conduct of preliminary engineering design (PED)
of included facilities will be undertaken. The Consultant will work on the PED of facilities such as intake
structures, reservoirs or tanks and water treatment plant. These sets of design drawings are limited
to structural plans and elevations including proposed dimensions. These drawings will be presented
to Client on A3 paper for approval.

3.2.6 Preparation of Cost Estimates

Unit Cost Analysis
In developing a more comprehensive cost estimate, unit cost analysis (UCA) will be undertaken. The
conduct of UCA enables the Consultant to develop in-place costs that combine materials, labor and
equipment costs as part of item unit cost. Labor and equipment cost are computed accordingly, in
relation to the quantified output of said labor and equipment over specified period of time. Likewise,
also included in this analysis are taxes, contingencies and other additional costs brought about by
economic and construction conditions.

Preparation of CAPEX and OPEX costs

Upon completion of unit cost analysis, CAPEX and OPEX will be computed. Capital expenditures
(CAPEX) refer to amount estimated for investment on physical assets while operating expenditures
(OPEX) pertains to the amount computed for the operation and maintenance of said assets. These
costs will determine the overall project cost.

3.2.7 Environmental and Socio-Political Assessment

Identification of Taal Lake Pollutants
The Consultant will determine the pollutants that are dispersed onto the lake. These include the lake’s
existing sources of pollution as well as the future residual wastewater that will be brought about by
the proposed water treatment.

Environmental and Social Impact of Project

Upon identification of the pollutants of Taal Lake, the Consultant will determine impact of these to
the environment, specifically within the vicinity of the lake.

Project Proposal | 3-11

Feasibility Study on the Treatability of Raw Water AICI REF PP-BI01-0001
in the Taal Lake and Bulk Water Supply for
Tagaytay City Water District

Aside from the environmental impact of the potential project on the vicinity of the Taal Lake and its
tributaries, social impact will also be analyzed by the Consultant. Impacts of fish cages situated within
the lake’s vicinity will also be considered.

Preparation of Environmental Monitoring Plan

3.3 FS on the Bulk Water Supply for the Tagaytay City Water District
3.3.1 Population Projection
Definition of Service Area
Knowing that the target service area of the project is Tagaytay City Water District (TCWD), the
Consultant will define the barangays that are currently served by the water district (WD). Also, the
Consultant will make use of the proposed development plan of the WD for the next twenty-five (25)
years to determine the barangays that will eventually be included in the WD’s service area.

Population Projection
From the above service area, The Consultant will determine projected population and water demand
per barangay per classification (domestic, commercial, etc.). Projections will be based on 2015 Census
of population utilizing the LWUA Methodology Manual. Considered a bulk supply study, the
Consultant will focus on addressing the demand gap within the service area of the TCWD.

3.3.2 Determination of Water Supply Requirement

Water supply requirement will be computed based on the results of the projected population and
using unit consumptions based on either actual average or the LWUA Methodology Manual. In
addition, “royalty” in terms of water volume for each municipality the transmission line will traverse
prior to reaching Tagaytay City will also be considered.

3.3.3 Preliminary Engineering Design

Identification of Injection Point
For bulk supplies, one of the most vital part of the study is the injection point identification. This is
the point where additional supply of water is to be injected to the current system the WD is running.
Injection point/s will be identified strategically, considering the barangays which require additional
supply, the hydraulics of the system which will impact the possible replacement or upgrading of pipes
and the pressure which will affect the system upon the water’s entry.

Analysis on Area Topography

For this Study, topography will be analyzed using NAMRIA and google maps. If accessible, waypoints
using GPS will be taken to verify or validate elevations on-site.

Hydraulic Analysis
To accommodate the new supply of water to the system, hydraulic analysis would be undertaken. The
analysis will determine the pressure at injection point, the pipes in the system which will be affected
by the volume and pressure increase and the additional facilities that may be installed to compensate
with these results. The Consultant will provide options for this analysis in order to come up with the
most viable and economical bulk supply system.

Project Proposal | 3-12

Feasibility Study on the Treatability of Raw Water AICI REF PP-BI01-0001
in the Taal Lake and Bulk Water Supply for
Tagaytay City Water District

Preliminary Engineering Design of System

Upon the approval of proposed injection route and optioneering on hydraulics, conduct of preliminary
engineering design (PED) of included facilities will be undertaken. The Consultant will work on the
PED of facilities such as transmission lines, reservoirs or tanks and pump houses, bridge crossings and
injection point. These sets of design drawings are limited to structural plans and elevations including
proposed dimensions. These drawings will be presented to Client on A3 paper for approval.

Preparation of CAPEX and OPEX costs

Using the above prepared UCA, CAPEX and OPEX will again be computed. This time, costs will be
computed for facilities included in the preliminary design, such as transmission lines, reservoirs or
tanks and pump houses, bridge crossings and injection point.

3.3.4 Environmental Impact Assessment

The Consultant will recommend potential measures to mitigate these impacts and estimate the cost
for the said mitigation measures. The social impact assessment, on the other hand, will utilize the
results of the socio-economic survey in assessing the social impacts or benefits of the project. Potential
issues on right-of-way, income displacement, gender, and other project conflicts will be assessed and
mentioned in the report including some mitigation measures.

Project Proposal | 3-13

Feasibility Study on the Treatability of Raw Water AICI REF PP-BI01-0001
in the Taal Lake and Bulk Water Supply for
Tagaytay City Water District

4.1 Cost Proposal
AICI's financial proposal is based on the tasks and activities provided above, including surveys, field
investigations and related works to be carried out, remuneration of key personnel and staff, and other
items that will be vital in the execution and completion of the services. The breakdown of the proposal
is presented below:

Items Amount
Remuneration of key personnel and staff 5,873,000.00
Operation expenses
Office materials 210,000.00
Transportation (boat, bus, tricycle), accommodation, per diem, etc. 260,000.00
Tests and surveys
Water Quality Test 350,000.00
Dispersion Survey 175,000.00
Operational Tax (2% of Operational Expenses) 19,900.00
Withholding Tax (15% of Remuneration) 880,950.00
VAT (12% of above items) 824,160.00
Total Project Cost 8,593,010.00

4.1.1 Remuneration
Fees for remuneration of key personnel and staff are based on the submitted and approved man-hour
cost by the Consultant. Breakdown of each are provided below:

Position Key Personnel Man-hours Remuneration

Project Team Leader/
Imee Bren Villalba 1,248.00 1,105.77
Water Resource Specialist
Deputy Team Leader/
Bien Aaron Madayag 1,248.00 980.77
Water Supply Specialist
Volcanologist Dr. Emmanuel Ramos 208.00 778.85
Dispersion Modeler Dr. Paul Rivera 312.00 1009.62
Treatment Specialist TBD 208.00 865.38
Environmental Specialist Dr. Emmanuel Bate 520.00 1105.77
Chemist TBD 208.00 576.92
Structural Engineer Ryan Palsahingin 416.00 807.69
Hydraulic Engineer Imee Bren Villalba 312.00 750.00
Electro-Mechanical Engineer Renaldo Cenicio 208.00 750.00
Financial Specialist Rodolfo Pantillano 312.00 1009.62
GIS Specialist Vophie Pendon 416.00 576.92
Cost Engineer TBD 416.00 519.23
Junior Engineer TBD 1,040.00 288.46
CAD Operator TBD 520.00 230.77

Project Proposal | 4-14

Feasibility Study on the Treatability of Raw Water AICI REF PP-BI01-0001
in the Taal Lake and Bulk Water Supply for
Tagaytay City Water District

4.1.2 Operation Expenses

In addition to the remuneration, AICI has included out of pocket expenses that will enable the project
team to perform its assigned tasks effectively and efficiently. These include office expenses, utilities
and cost of materials and office supplies. Other costs include allowances that will be incurred within
the duration of the study such as per diem, accommodation and transportation. Transportation costs
include, boat rental, tricycle and other necessary transportation means.

4.1.3 Tests and Surveys

The project requires the conduct of test/s and survey/s that are needed as prerequisite to the tasks
needed for the completion of the project. As such, costs of the abovementioned test/s and/or surveys
are included in the computation of the total project cost. Any test or related activity requested by the
Client and not included on the above breakdown will be added and costed accordingly.

4.1.4 Taxes
The engineering services will be undertaken by Acqua Integra Consult, Inc, a VAT registered company
in the Philippines. The proposed cost of the project included 12% VAT charges. Aside from this, a 15%
withholding tax, which is applicable only to remuneration cost and 2% for operational costs, are also
added to the project cost.

4.2 Project Timeline

See Attachment B.

4.3 Proposal Validity

The above cost proposal is valid for fifteen (15) days from day of submission, or until May 11, 2018.

4.4 Payment Conditions

Payment shall be made to ACQUA INTEGRA CONSULT, INC. according to the following schedules:
Payment Description Amount
Mobilzation Payment 20% of total project cost for project commencement 1,718,602.00
Inception Payment 10% of total project cost upon submission of Inception 429,650.50
Monthly Billing for 11 40% or 3.5% of total project cost per month upon 300,755.35
mos. submission of Monthly Progress Report
Draft Treatability 15% of total project cost upon submission of Draft 1,288,951.50
Report Payment Treatability Report
Treatability Repot 5% of total project cost upon submission of Final 429,650.50
Payment Treatability Report
Draft Final Report 10% of total project cost upon submission of Draft Final 859,301.00
Payment Report
Final Project Payment 10% of total project cost upon submission of Final Project 859,301.00
Total PhP 8,593,010.00

Project Proposal | 4-15

Hydrodynamic and Dispersion Modeling and AICI REF PP-BI01-0001
Environmental Impact Assessment for the
Yapak STP (11.5MLD) and Manoc-manoc STP (11MLD)

Annex A MWCI Requirement for Sampling Schedule























Description Summary

Water Quality Test

Biological/ Biotoxicological1 every 30 days
except Salmonella 2 every 60 days
Salmonella spp 1 every 30 days
1 every 30 days
Microbiological 2 every 60 days
3 every 60 days
1 every 15 days
Inorganic Chemical 2 every 30 days
3 every 30 days
1 every 15 days
Organic Chemical from
2 every 30 days
Industrial Pollution
3 every 30 days
1 every 15 days
Organic Chemical from
2 every 30 days
3 every 30 days
1 every 15 days
Physical and Chemical 2 every 30 days
3 every 30 days
1 every 90 days
2 every 90 days
1 every 15 days
Parameters measured in-situ 2 every 30 days
3 every 30 days
DENR WQG Primary 1 every 60 days
Parameters 2 every 60 days
1 every 60 days
2 every 60 days
DENR WQG Organic 1 every 60 days
Parameters 2 every 60 days
1 every 60 days
Additional Parameters
2 every 60 days
Jar Test 1 East 2 only, every 90 days
Raw Water Static Test 1 East 2 only, every 90 days

Initial Assessment Report | 4-16

Hydrodynamic and Dispersion Modeling and AICI REF PP-BI01-0001
Environmental Impact Assessment for the
Yapak STP (11.5MLD) and Manoc-manoc STP (11MLD)

Annex B Proposed Project Timeline

Work Breakdown Structure Days
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
FS on the Treatability of Raw Water in the Taal Lake 450
Water quality assessment 360
Water point inventory 45
Volcanological hazard assessment 30
Determination of gas emission effects
Analyzing shoreline movements
Planning on waste management disposal 45
Preparation of residuals process flow diagram
Dispersion modeling
Planning of waste management
Preliminary engineering design of water treatment plant 45
Identification of treatment plant location
Preparation of treatment process flow
Preliminary engineering design of treatment facilities
Preparation of cost estimates 30
Unit cost analysis preparation
Preparation of CAPEX and OPEX costs
Environmental and socio-political assessment 60
FS on the Bulk Water Supply for the Tagaytay City Water District 60
Population projection 15
Definition of service area
Population projection
Determination of water supply requirement 15
Preliminary engineering design 30
Identification of injection point
Analysis on area topography
Hydraulic analysis
Preliminary engineering design of system
Preparation of CAPEX and OPEX
Environmental impact assessment 30
Project Management
Inception Report
Mobilization of the Consultant Team Draft Final Report - Bulk Water
Data Gathering and Review of Related Literature
Report Preparation Final Report - Bulk Water
Meetings and Technical Presentations

Draft Report - Treatability Treatability Report

Monthly Progress Report

Initial Assessment Report | 4-17

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