NFS Concoctions Revised Oa NC Ii

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 Natural farming system emphasizes on the role of microorganism applied to the soils and
leaves of the plants, to promote diversification of microbial ecologies in the soil and in the
plant surface.
 This was advocated in 1935 by Mokichi Okada a Japanese philosopher and holistic health
advocate as an alternative to chemical farming to produce foods that are safe and free from
toxic materials and harmful chemicals.
 Recommends the use of natural inputs as concoctions out of indigenous materials.
 Rejects the use of microbial inputs that are manufactured industrially. Chemically
manufactured microorganism applied to the plant will destroy local microbial ecosystem
thereby making plants susceptible to stresses and diseases.
 Regards diversification of local microbial organism as the only way to fortify plant health.
 In 1980 , Dr. Teruo Higa developed the so called “Effective Microorganism” (EM) used as
microbial inoculant. Effective micro-organism is a term used to denote the specific mixed
culture of known beneficial micro-organism (BM). Beneficial microorganism is the generic
term for the largest group of microorganism that contributes beneficial effects to the soils
such as nitrogen fixation, mineralization, humus formation, diseases suppression and

Example of Beneficial Microorganism:

1. Photosynthetic bacteria – converts useful substances in the process of photosynthesis

making it available to the plants to promote growth and development.
2. Lactic acid bacteria – Strong sterilizer, suppress harmful microorganisms such as
nematodes and fusarium. Enhances breakdown of organic matter.
3. Yeast – Synthesize microbial and useful substances for plant growth. Promotes active cell
and root division.
4. Fermenting fungi – Such as Aspergillus , penicllium, decomposes organic matter rapidly to
produce alcohol, esters and anti – microbial substances. Suppress odors and prevents
infestation of harmful insect and maggots.


1. Cost reduction
2. Less side effect of agro-chemical to the environment, farmer and consumers
3. Sustainable agriculture


1. Environmental Friendly
- All the inputs are natural
- Safe for the environment
- Rehabilitate the ecology
2. Lower cost of production
- Inputs are homemade
3. Localized source of inputs
- Materials used are of indigenous source and are available locally.
4. Farmer friendly
- The system helps farmers to become more self reliant and supporting , less reliant to
the market for their necessities
- No toxic effect to both plants and animals.
5. Higher yield
- The system is producing more at least cost
- The productive period of the crop is prolonged and are healthier.
- Plants are given what they need, when they need and how much they need.
6. Higher quality
- Produce are free of chemical residues and toxins
7. Respect for life
- The systems treats plants as one complete form of life capable of reproducing its own
species in a natural way.


1. Use of the natures power

- NFS does not use chemical fertilizer to strengthen crops instead it is based on the
theory called “Nutritive Cycle or Nutrioperiodism”. All crops management is based on
the theory including fertilizer application.
2. Use of Indigenous Microorganism (IMO)
- NFS stresses the use of IMO fortifying phyllosphere microorganisms thereby enhancing
potential and resistance of crops against external enemies.
3. Do not use chemical fertilizer.
- According to NFS chemical fertilizer disregard the vital power of the crops, has serious
side effects and destroys the ecosystem.
4. Maximize the inborn potential
- The basic philosophy of NFS is to maximize the inborn potential of a life form and its
harmony with the surrounding
- Prevents diseases by making the plants healthy
- Maximize yield by making crop healthy and allowing them to bring out the best they
have, through “Nutrioperiodism”.
5. No tillage
- Conventional farming plows deep the soil . plowing and tilling the soil breaks down soil
clusters into particles destroying the habitat of microorganism which results to poor
aeration and drainage.
- In NFS, you do not till the land instead use the nature ‘s tiller such as aerobic and
anaerobic bacteria, fungus, earthworm, mole crickets and moles are mobilized.
6. Do not use herbicide
- No tillage is somewhat like no to weeding. Tilling brings the buried seeds up to the
surface. Natural farming recommends mulching. Rice straw is the best mulch because
it has a lot of beneficial microbes. Rice straw mulch suppress weed seeds from
germinating , holds moisture, maintain optimum moisture and rear microbes.
7. Zero Emission of Livestock Waste Water
- In livestock natural farming requires no chemical treatment application to control
undesirable emission of wastes. The housing itself is a treatment facility , feces and
wastes were recycled and converted to resources with the help of the indigenous
8. Sow Less and Reap more
- Natural farming recommends distant planting to allow sunlight and air through the
plants and to disallow competition of nutrients among plants. Distant planting
discourages pest harborage and rapid spread of diseases.


a. Function:
o Revive soil nutrients
o Speed up composting
o Controls non-beneficial microorganism
b. ingredients
1 kg cooked rice
1 kg crude sugar/ 1 li molasses
c. procedures:
o place cooked rice in a wooden box/ kalalaw/ perforated plastic tray.
o Cover with clean sheet of paper and tie with a string.
o Cover with plastic sheet to keep off rainwater and other crawling insects.
o Place under forest or bamboo leaves or cocohusks. OR Place in a sack with
rice straw inside.
o Cover with screen wire to keep rodents and stray dogs
o Remove after 3 days and place the moldy rice in a jar and mix it with crude
sugar or molasses.
o Cover with clean sheet of paper and place it in a shaded and cool place.
o Ferment for 7 to 10 days.
d. Rate and mode of application:
o Mix 10 ml of IMO with 1 Li of water and spray on the surface of the
soil/medium and/or drench on soil on the soil once a week.
a. Functions :
o To water/irrigate the plants (vegetables, fruit trees & any crops)
o Probiotic for animals (chickens, pigs, livestock etc)
o Eliminate foul odor from farm animals- can be used as spray to the
surroundings of the farm or for bathing of animals
b. ingredients
900 ml unchlorinated water
50 ml EM-1
50 ml molasses
c. Procedure
o Mix the ingredients and ferment for 7 days
d. Rate and frequency of application
o Mix 10 ml/li of water and spray or drench on plants once or twice a week;
o Mix to animal feed at 10 ml/kg of feeds done once or twice a week


a. Functions:
o Plants: As a natural potassium source for heavier yield;
o Encourages flowering/fruiting and sweeter fruits
o Animals: Natural Taste enhancer
b. Ingredients
o 1 kg ripe fruit (banana, papaya, melon, pakwan, squash, etc)
o 1 kg crude sugar or molasses
o 20 ml EMAS
o 1 li unchlorinated water
c. Procedures:
o Clean, wash fruits and drain for 5 minute;
o Remove the seeds;
o Slice to an inch size;
o Mix all the ingredients thoroughly in a plastic pail;
o Place the mixture into a nylon screen;
o Put it on a container with tight cover;
o Ferment for 7 days;
o Extract the juice and keep in a cool dry place.
d. Rate , mode and frequency of application
o Mix 10 ml of FFJ with 1 Li of water and spray on the surface of the soil and
plants once or twice a week.
o Mix 10 ml/1kg of feeds for animals


a. Function:
o Food for the IMO
o Enhances plant growth
o Used in photosynthetic activity
o for greener leaves –
b. ingredients
o 1 kg of any of the following:
banana stalk/bamboo shoot/ malunggay/camote tops/kangkong/alugbati
o 1 ½ kg crude sugar or molasses
o 20 ml EMAS
o 1 li unchlorinated water
c. Procedure
o Chop or slice the preferred plant ingredients;
o Mix all the ingredients, molasses, EMAS and water thoroughly;
o Place all the mixture in a nylon screen and put in an airtight container;
o Ferment for 7-10 days
o Harvest or extract the juice and keep in a plastic container and store in a cool
dry place.
d. Rate and mode of application:
o Mix 10 ml of FPJ with 1 li of water and spray on the surface of the soil and on
plants once or twice a week.
o Mix 10 ml/kg of feed for animals once or twice a week.


a. Function:
o Act as pesticide and insecticide specially for crawling insects
o Controls downy and powdery mildew.
b. Ingredients
Ginger Hot chili
Garlic Neem Fruit
Any herb with known insecticidal
Crude sugar/molasses
c. Procedures:
o Chop the ginger/crush the garlic
o Put in a jar and add beer up to the level of the equivalent or material
o After 12 hours add crude sugar or molasses 1/3 of the material and ferment
for 4-5 days.
o Add gin up to 2/3 of the container
o Extract after 7-10 days the same amount of the added gin
o Repeat no. 4 and no.5 for three times.
o In the 4th times mixed with crushed chili or any other herbs to maintain
d. Rate and mode of application:
o Spray on the surface of the soil and plants together with other concoction at
the rate of 10 ml/li of water once a week.
 When crops are weak mix FPJ (500 ml), BRV (500 ml)and OHN (5oo ml)
 When plants have soft rot or anthracnose add water soluble calcium (WCA
1000) to this solution


a. Function:
o Source of amino acid
o Source of nitrogen
o For replacement of urea
o Increase the growth of earthworm.
b. Ingredients:

1 kg fish
1 kg crude sugar/molasses
20 ml EMAS/IMO
1 li unchlorinated water
c. Procedure:
o Clean, wash fish and drain for 5 minutes;
o Slice to an inch size;
o Mix the fish ,molasses, EMAS and water thoroughly in a plastic pail;
o Put the fish inside the net and add the liquid mixture;
o Wipe the mouth of the plastic pail;
o Put stones on top to avoid floating;
o Cover tightly and ferment anaerobically for 15-21 days;
o Harvest or Extract the liquid and keep it in a plastic container.
d. Rate and mode of application
o Spray both on soil and on plants at the rate of 10 ml/li of water once or twice a


a. Function:
o Induces flowering
o Strengthens flowers
b. Ingredients:
0.5 kg animal bones
0.5 kg eggshells
2.5 li of natural vinegar
c. Procedure:
o Grill animal bones until charcoal black and let it cool.
o Wash the eggshell with water and EMAS (to remove the foul odor)
o Grill/stir fry the eggshell in a pan until the color becomes brown
o Ferment the grilled/fried eggshell and animal bones anaerobically in a sealed
container for 30 days
o Extract the liquid part
d. Rate and mode of application
- Mix 10 ml/li of water, then spray on plants as needed.


a. Function:
o Defense against virus and fungus
b. Ingredients:
Rice washing
Fresh milk
Crude sugar/molasses
c. Procedure:
o Save the first rice washing and place it on the jar (Almost 7 inches deep)
o Let it settle for a period of 7 days in a cool and shady place
o Strain and get only the water
o Put in a clean jar and add fresh milk 20 times it quantity
o Cover with clean sheet of paper and store for another 10 days
o Strain and save the yellowish substances
d. Rate and mode of application:
- Mix 10 ml of LABS with 1 li of water and spray both on soil and plants once or twice a


a. functions:
o Insect and disease repellents
o Control foul odor for animal
o Enhance resistance to disease and pest
b. ingredients:
o 6 Liters Water (60%)
o 1 Li EMAS (10%)
o 1 Li molasses (10%)
o 1 Li vinegar (10%)
o 1 Li distilled spirits (10%)
Plant materials
o 1 kg neem leaves
o ½ kg chili
o 3 bulbs garlic
o ½ kg marigold
Other plant materials that can be used:
o Onion leaves
o Lemon grass/citronella
o Turmeric
o Langkawas ( Alpinia galangal)
o Ginger
c. Procedure
o Chop all solid ingredients and put inside the net
o Mix all liquid ingredients inside the pail
o Dip the net inside the pail with the liquid solution
o Put a nylon screen at the top and add stones to prevent the net from floating
o Cover the pail tightly and apply markings.
o Ferment for 21-30 days
o Harvest and put in a plastic container
o Label the container
e. Rate and mode of application:
o Mix 10 ml of juice to 1 li of water, spray or drench to the soil as needed.


a. Function:
o Eliminates flying insects
b. Ingredients:
Coco vinegar without color
Crude sugar/molasses
Fermented plant juice
c. Procedure:
o Mix 1 gallon of coconut vinegar and ½ kg of crude sugar/molasses before boiling
o Let it cool and add 8 Tbsp of FPJ concentrate
o Put the mixture in a container and post it around the area away from the plants.


Nutrio-periodism theory – is a theory that emphasizes the different nutritional requirements of crop
plants at the different growth stages.

There are two different major stages in the life of crop plants, the vegetative and the reproductive
growth, the transitional and overlapping period is called as the change over period.


IMO   
FPJ   
OHN   
FAA   Is growth is stunted  If growth is
LAS   
CALCIUM phosphate  If N is high  
Phosphoric Acid  

To summarize:
Nutrients Vegetative Change over Reproductive
Nitrogen High Low Low
Phophorous Low High Medium
Potassium Low Medium Medium-high
Calcium Low High Medium

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