Department of Education: Technology and Livelihood Education Agriculture

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Sorsogon
C. M. Recto Bulan, Sorsogon



Name of Learner: __________________________________

Date: _____________________________

Caring for Orchard Trees and Seedlings

Welcome to TLE 6 – Agriculture Self – Learning Activity Sheet 10 on
Systematic Ways of Caring Orchard Trees!
This activity was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time.
You will be enabled to process the contents of the learning material while
being an active learner.


All the activities provided in this lesson will help you to:
• Discuss the systematic ways of caring orchard trees and seedlings such as
watering, cultivating, preparing, and applying organic fertilizer.
• Identify the different ways of preparing organic fertilizer.
• Explain the benefits of using organic fertilizer and locally made
pesticides toward sustainable development.
Performs systematic and scientific ways of caring orchard trees/seedlings
such as watering, cultivating, preparing, and applying organic fertilizer.
(TLE 6AG-0e-5)
A. Let Us Study
I. Background information for Learners
Systematic ways of caring the orchards

Ways of Watering Plants

In orchard gardening, one needs to consider
that seedlings require extra care particularly
when it comes to watering. Water is essential for
plant growth and survival. Plants can adopt to
any environment l factors but without water it
will die. However, too much water can also be
harmful. Plants grow healthy when properly

1. Natural- this is nature’s way of providing water for plants through the
2. Manual- this is with the use of water pail and dipper or water sprinkler.
3. Artificial- water supply is artificially produced from deep well, dumps
and river with the use of water motor.

Surface irrigation - Water is distributed to each row so its applicable only

for row crops with uniform slopes.

Sprinkler irrigation - This include the line, rotating and micro sprinklers
in which artificial rain is generated through special devices that wet the
entire field.

Drip or Tickle irrigation - A special water source designed to

discharge close to the plant only the area
and leaving the rest dry.

Sub- Irrigation - This type of irrigation is very expensive because the

water source is under the ground.

Ways of Cultivation
Cultivating the land is practiced helping promote the
growth of roots and improve aeration for past absorption of
nutrients by the soil.
Off-baring- cultivating the soil in rows Hilling-up- cultivating the soil
towards the base of the plant.

Hilling-up- cultivating the soil towards the base of the plant.

When cultivation is undertaken properly, the growth of weeds can

be controlled. Soil texture will improve plants growth and
destructive microorganisms found in the soil will eventually die.

Preparing and Applying Organic Fertilizer

Fertilizer is any substance added to the soil that promotes the

healthy growth of the plants.

Inorganic- the artificial fertilizer made from chemicals

(liquid, soluble and granular form) Organic – the
natural fertilizer from decayed matter, animal and other
natural sources.

Examples of Organic Fertilizer

1. Humus - comes from decayed matters from the plants and animals
mixed with soil.
2. Manure – comes from animal waste such as livestock (big animals) and
poultry (chicken) waste.
3. Green Manure – comes from decayed plants.
4. Compost – comes from decomposed biodegradable waste on a pit.
5. Compost Pit – composting by digging pit keeping compost
6. Basket Compost – composting home garbage in container.
7. Compost heap – a compost pile.
8. Vermi Compost – comes from the waste of vermi
9. Liquid Fertilizer – made from the juice of plants and vermi compost
through the process of concoction ( allows the juice to decompose with
red sugar/molasses in a container).
Preparing organic fertilizers takes a long period of time but
provide a lot help to the plants to grow healthy.
Pest Control

The use of pesticide may be necessary to protect and prevent plants and
trees from getting damage due to infestation.
The following are some of the advantages and benefits of using pesticides:
• Insect pest life cycle will be stopped Infestation will be lessened.
• The growth of plant will continue to progress.
• Higher yield is expected.

The best thing about using organic pesticide is that it is not harmful to
humans and other animals. There is no side effect to health. It can sustain the
budget of growers because it is affordable, the materials and readily available
within the community and it is very easy to prepare.
B. Let Us Practice
Let us help Charles to identify the objects below to be used
in propagating. You can also search or look for some tools
and equipment inside your house to make it enjoyable.

Read the poem below. You may invite your older brother or sister to accompany
you. Do it with grace and proper intonation for better understanding.
Feel it and enjoy it.
Garden Tillage Are You Fond of Gardening?
It is enjoyable and relaxing
We can talk to them, we can show our care for
We can also love them They have lives
They have necessities
Like other living things.
Plants need water to survive
They need cultivation
It helps promoting the growth of roots
Improve aeration for fast absorption
Plants need fertilizer
It promotes healthy growth of the soil
So come, start doing your own garden It will bring
happiness in you.

After reading the poem, you should answer the following question.
1. What are the things we can do to a plant?
2. What are the necessities of plants?
3. What is good about in providing their needs?
4. Are they helpful to the plants? Why?
5. What did you feel when you do the gardening?

Answer the following on a whole sheet of paper.
Matching type:
Column A Column B.
____ 1. Natural a. comes from decayed matter from
plants and animal mixed with soil.

____ 2. Manual b. made from the juice of plants and

vermi compost through the process of
____ 3. Artificial

c. it is to protect and prevent plants from

getting damaged due to infestation.
____ 4. Off-barring d. a nature’s way of providing water for
plants through the rain.

____ 5. Hilling-up e. cultivating from rows in a row.

____ 6. Humus
f. comes from animal waste such as
____ 7. Manure g. comes from the waste of vermi.
____ 8. Green Manure
h. composting by digging pit keeping
compost underground.
____ 9. Compost i. a compost pile
____ 10. Compost pit j. cultivating the soil towards the base of
the plant.
____ 11. Basket compost k. it is a use of water pail and dipper or
water sprinkler.
____ 12. Compost heap l. Comes from decayed plants.
____ 13. Vermi Compost m. composting home garbage in a
____ 14. Liquid fertilizer n. Water supply is produced from deep well,
dumps, river with the use of water supply.
____ 15. Pesticide o. Comes from decomposed bio degradable waste
in a pit.
Write your answer on a one whole sheet of paper. I.
Enumerate the 4 systematic ways of caring orchard trees and seedlings.
1. ___________________ 3. ____________________
2. ___________________ 4. ____________________
II. Essay (3 points each)
1. Explain the importance and benefits of using organic fertilizer and
pest/insect control.
2. If you see your plant is slowly dying, what proper ways of caring would
best help the plants to survive? Why?
3 2 1
Unclear or no
Clear and complete explanation with
Basic and minimal
explanation with three or minimal or irrelevant ideas.
explanation with one or two
relevant supporting ideas.
relevant supporting

Activity 1 Activity 2

1. Trowel 1. Answer may vary.

2. Sprinkler 2. Answer may vary
3. Pruning shear 3. Water, cultivation, fertilizer
4. Gloves 4. Answer may vary
5. Answer may vary
Activity 3 Evaluation
1. d 10. h I. Enumeration
2. k 11. m 1. watering
3. n 12. l 2. cultivating
4. e 13. b 3. applying fertilizer
5. j 14.g 4. use of pesticides
6. a 15. c II. Essay
7. l Answer may vary(Please
8. p refer to the rubrics)
9. o
DepEd (2016) Life Skills Through TLE by Vival Group, Inc.
DepEd (2016) K to 12 Curriculum Guide Technology and Livelihood Education
Department of Education – Region III, Schools Division of
Bataan – Curriculum Implementation Learning Resources
Management and Development Section (LRMDS)

Prepared by:
Rose G. Gernandizo LAS

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