Lead Magnet Creation For Nutrition Professionals: A Guide To Building An Irresistible Opt-In That Converts

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Lead Magnet Creation for

Nutrition Professionals
A guide to building an irresistible opt-in
that converts.
Introduction  3 
Lead Magnet Creation for   
Nutrition Professionals 
Why Lead Magnets Matter  5 
A guide to building an irresistible   
opt-in that converts. 
Benefits of Email Lists  6 
Qualities of Irresistible Lead  8 
© 2019 That Clean Life   

Disclaimer​ No parts of this book may be  Best Performing Types of  10 

used or reproduced in any manner without  Lead Magnets 

written permission from the copyright   

owner, That Clean Life.  Creating Your Lead Magnet  12 


Promotion & Building Your  13 


Converting Leads  16 


Take Action  18 


There are hundreds of people who need your help. 
A successful business starts with the most basic ingredient: paying clients. 
As a wellness professional, you’ve learned how to assess health status, give guidance on 
lifestyle choices, design plans to improve health and use food as medicine. What you probably 
didn’t learn is the extremely important skill of attracting paying clients. 
It is very unlikely that you will naturally have a line-up of potential clients banging on your door, 
begging for your help. But that certainly doesn’t mean these potential clients do not exist! 
Most people don’t even know that their health struggles could be related to what they are 
eating, and they definitely don't think to hire a nutrition professional to help them. This is why 
you have to work hard to educate potential clients about what you do and how you can help 
Putting yourself out there is not easy, but we’re here to help. 
Over the years, That Clean Life has worked with thousands of nutrition professionals, just like 
you, to grow their businesses by leaps and bounds. As much as we hear complaints that the 
wellness industry is “completely saturated” we totally disagree. In fact, we’d argue the 
complete opposite. We can tell you first hand that there are hundreds, if not thousands, of 
people out there who need your help and who are willing to pay you to improve their lives. 
So how do you find these people? 
Creating irresistible, highly-valuable content for your ideal clients will make it a lot easier for 
them to find and connect with you. Having a great lead magnet can help you automate this 
process and attract leads while you sleep. It will also help you capture email addresses, so you 
can stay in touch with these ideal clients and continue to nurture the relationship 
We’ve created this guide to teach you how to create an awesome lead magnet that will help 
you to consistently attract your ideal clients. When done properly, a lead magnet can 
supercharge your business growth like never before, and this guide will give you the formula to 
make it happen. By the time you finish, you’ll have a plan to not only create an awesome lead 
magnet, but also a plan to convert subscribers into paying clients. 
It’s time to get serious about your growth, so let’s dive in! 
Why Lead Magnets Matter 
Before we go any further, let’s define exactly what we mean by a ​lead magnet​. 
Lead​ ​i.e. a potential client who has shown interest in working with you 

Magnet​ ​i.e. an object that has a powerful attraction force 

Put together, a lead magnet is an item that will attract potential clients. It is usually a free piece 
of downloadable content like a meal plan or recipe book which is offered in exchange for the 
person’s email address. 
A great lead magnet is designed to be uber appealing to your niche market, and provide them 
with a ton of value. Once they’ve opted in, the lead magnet is automatically delivered to their 
inbox to rock their world. Now, not only have you made your first impression on this potential 
client, but you have also captured their email address so you can stay in touch and nurture the 
As you consistently promote and share your lead magnet, you will continue to generate leads. 
Your email list will grow, and you’ll start to build a community of people who are interested in 
your work and who are very likely to convert into paying clients. 
Benefits of Email Lists 
You might be wondering if creating a lead magnet and growing your email list is really worth 
your time. Let’s face it: we live in a social media dominated world, and it can be tempting to 
invest all of your time into growing your likes, followers, and comments. 
But here’s the thing… 
Email marketing has been shown to have a higher return on investment than any other 
marketing strategy. Your email subscribers are more valuable than your Instagram™ followers, 
your Facebook™ fans, or any other social media community combined and here’s why... 
✓​ Your emails will be seen more than your social media posts 

We’re all guilty of looking at fellow nutrition professionals who have thousands of followers on 
their social media accounts and thinking, ​Wow, they must be killing it in their business!​ But not 
necessarily — your social media followers don’t belong to you. They belong to the platform 
they’re following you on and that platform gets to decide when, or if, they see your posts. 
The most recent studies suggest that on Facebook pages, only about two percent of your 
audience will see your content organically. This means that if you make a post on Facebook 
and don’t pay to promote it, about two of every 100 people who have liked your page will see 
it. Instagram is better, but not by much. Research suggests that about 30 percent of your 
followers will actually see any of your given posts on Instagram. 
Unlike social media, you don’t need to worry about whether an email sent to your list will be 
seen. Instead, simply click send and the email will be delivered straight to your ideal client’s 
inbox. The average person checks their email 15 times per day, so the odds of the email being 
seen and opened are ​much​ higher than any social media post. 
✓​ Your email subscribers are much more likely to buy 

Because your lead magnet will be created to attract your niche market, you will be building a 
mailing list full of your ideal clients. With social media, on the other hand, you are often 
followed by robots, family, and colleagues — who are much less likely to buy from you. 
People who opt-in to your mailing list are saying, ​Yes! I am interested in your work​. They will 
get familiar with who you are, what you do and the solutions you offer. An engaged mailing list 
is like speaking to a room full of warm leads who love hearing from you. 
✓​ Email marketing builds relationships 

Before people buy from you, they need to know, like and trust you. This means you need to 
invest in nurturing the relationship, and email is a great way to do this. 
After a potential client has signed up for your email list, you can stay in touch and provide 
constant value. Send emails that teach, entertain and provide guidance. Then, when you have a 
program to promote, or a new service to announce your subscribers will be ready, excited and 
happy to sign-up to work with you. 
Qualities of Irresistible Lead Magnets 
So now that we’ve established what a lead magnet is, what it does and the power of building a 
mailing list — it’s time to take action and start creating! 
An email address is like a phone number, and if you want someone to share their personal 
contact information with you, you need to make them an irresistible offer. Your lead magnet 
should offer something so valuable, that your ideal client will happily enter their email address 
to receive it. 
Your lead magnet needs to not only attract your ideal client and provide value, but it also 
needs to form a connection and help them to get to know, like and trust you. 
Here are the qualities of an irresistible lead magnet… 
✓​ It solves a problem that your ideal client has 

A general c​ lean eating​ meal plan or a recipe book with h

​ ealthy​ recipes, is not enough to attract 
quality leads. Your lead magnet should be designed to attract your ideal client, and it should 
solve one specific problem they have. Don’t hold back on the good stuff! You want to give 
away something so amazing that your audience can’t believe you are offering it for free. This 
starts building trust. They will get to know that if they do hire you, you will deliver a ton of value 
and be worth every penny. 
✓​ It delivers a quick win 

Your lead magnet should provide an instant benefit to readers. We know there are no quick 
fixes in health, but your lead magnet should have one key, valuable takeaway that has the 
power to improve your ideal client’s life right away. 
✓​ It has a strong title that communicates the value 

The title is often the only part of your lead magnet that your ideal client will read before they 
decide to download it or not. This is why it is so important that your lead magnet has an 
extremely compelling title that clearly describes who it’s for and how it can help improve their 
lives. Choose a title that will draw them in. 
✓​ It is short, simple, and to the point 

Your lead magnet needs to be clear and concise. It should not contain pages upon pages of 
health information. Do not overwhelm your leads! Instead, focus on keeping things simple, 
accessible and approachable by focusing on one key point. 
✓​ It is instantly accessible 

When someone signs up for your lead magnet, they should be able to access it immediately 
while you are top of mind and they are highly motivated. Setting up your lead magnet to be 
automatically delivered within minutes of your ideal client entering their email address is key. 
✓​ It forms a connection and introduces yourself as an expert on the topic 

Your lead magnet needs to include more than just recipes or a meal plan. It should contain a 
solid introduction to who you are, why you are the expert in solving this problem, and how you 
can help transform their health. 

Pro Tip 

Take a minute and read ​How to Write a Lead Magnet Introduction That Turns Potential 
Clients Into Paying Clients​ — You’ll learn about the three key things that must happen 
before you turn a potential client into a paying client. 

Best Performing Types of Lead Magnets 
Now that we’ve discussed the qualities of a high-performing lead magnet, it’s time to decide 
what type of lead magnet you should create. 
We’ve found that there are two types of lead magnets that perform best for nutrition 

Curated Recipe Book 

People often struggle to find recipes that meet their specific dietary needs and help them 
overcome the nutritional challenges they’re facing whether it’s a time constraint, financial 
barrier or coping with a disease. This is why a curated recipe book makes a great lead magnet. 
By putting together a really awesome collection of simple, healthy, delicious recipes that solve 
a problem for your ideal client, you will have people opting into your list left, right and center. 
For example, let’s say you specialize in nutrition for athletic performance, you could put 
together a recipe book called, ​Portable, High Protein Breakfast Recipes for Athletes 
On-the-Go​. Or let’s say your niche market is children struggling eczema. You could create a 
recipe book called, ​The Dairy-Free Snack Guide for Children with Eczema​. 
Your curated recipe book should have a cover page, an introduction and recipes that are tried, 
tested and true. The recipes must contain all of the elements of a great recipe including total 
time, ingredients, directions and recipe notes. They should also be consistently formatted and 
include drool-worthy photos to draw your ideal client in. 

Three-Day Meal Plan 

One of the most valuable resources you can offer as a nutrition professional is a meal plan 
because it is like a blueprint to help them implement your advice. Everyone loves having an 
organized plan, and offering one as a lead magnet is sure to attract your ideal client.  
When using a meal plan as a lead magnet, you want to make sure that it is valuable, but not 
overwhelming. We've found that a three-day meal plan is a perfect length for a lead magnet 
because it’s enough to help them see results but leaves them wanting more from you. 
For example, let’s say you specialize in helping women suffering from IBS. You could create a 
lead magnet meal plan called, ​The Ultimate Three-Day Bye Bye Bloat Meal Plan for IBS​. 
Your three-day meal plan should include a cover page, an introduction, a meal plan outline, an 
itemized grocery list and recipes. Again, all materials within your lead magnet meal plan should 
be consistently formatted and include photos. 
Creating Your Lead Magnet 
Now that you understand what your lead magnet should include, and you have chosen the 
type of lead magnet you are going to create, it’s time to get to work! 
The actual creation of your lead magnet can feel super overwhelming. Testing recipes, taking 
quality photos, fighting with the formatting, adding your custom branding and making it look 
nice and professional can be time-consuming and frustrating, which is why we recommend you 
use ​That Clean Life for Business​, so you can save yourself a ton of time and energy. 
That Clean Life for Business is a meal planning platform that gives you access to simple, 
delicious, healthy recipes with professional photography which you can use to create an 
awesome lead magnet, like a recipe book or a meal plan in minutes. No need to spend days 
on it! 
All recipes within That Clean Life for Business can be quickly filtered by dietary requirements 
like vegan, paleo or ketogenic, so you can easily build a lead magnet for your unique niche 
market. You also have the ability to import recipes or add your own to expand your selection. 
Before you export your lead magnet from That Clean Life as a PDF, you can add a beautiful 
cover page and an introduction. This provides context to your ideal client, and gets them even 
more excited to follow your advice. 
The final product will be a beautiful meal plan or a recipe book branded with your business 
information and colors so you have a gorgeous, quality lead magnet ready to go. No graphic 
designer, recipe developer, photographer or nutrition calculator necessary! 
Promotion & Building Your List 
Once you have created your lead magnet, you need to host it somewhere so that it’s shareable 
and instantly accessible to anyone who wants it. What tool you use for this will depend on 
where your website is hosted and your email marketing platform of choice. 
Creating an awesome lead magnet is one thing, but promoting it is another. We hear from so 
many wellness professionals who are bummed that no one is downloading their lead magnet. 
But this is often because they aren’t promoting it! No one will know about your lead magnet if 
you don’t tell them about it and why they need it in their lives. 
Promoting your lead magnet isn’t something you do once. It’s a continuous effort that you 
should invest in weekly. This means sharing it across multiple platforms on an ongoing basis. If 
you want to build your email list full of quality leads, then promoting your lead magnet needs 
to be a priority. Every week you should look for new ways to share it and get it in front of more 
of your ideal clients. 
So how will you share your lead magnet far and wide? Here are a few ideas to get you started... 

Your Website 

First, be sure to share your lead magnet on your website. It can appear on multiple pages of 
your website including the homepage, blog sidebar, footer, ​about me​ page and resources 
page. Featuring your lead magnet in various places across your website and blog will ensure it 
is visible and offering free value for people who are checking out your services. 
You may also want to consider having a pop-up on your website dedicated to promoting your 
lead magnet and collecting email addresses from potential clients. 
Your Content 

Next, you can share your lead magnet in your content such as videos, webinars and blog posts. 
​ ortable, High 
For example, if your niche market is busy athletes and your lead magnet is P
Protein Breakfast Recipes for Athletes On-the-Go​ — then you could write a blog about the 
importance of protein for athletes, and link to your lead magnet throughout the post. 

Guest Blog Posts 

On top of creating your own content to share your lead magnet, you may want to consider 
writing guest blog posts to reach new audiences. Connect with professional colleagues who 
aren’t your direct competition, but who target similar audiences and ask if they would be 
interested in a super awesome guest blog post that would provide a ton of value to their 
community. Your guest blog post should always have a call to action to download your lead 
For example, let’s say you are a Nutritionist who specializes in helping new mothers in the 
postnatal phase and your lead magnet is a three-day nutrition plan for breastfeeding moms. 
Perhaps you want to write a guest blog post for a popular mommy blogger on simple snacks 
for breastfeeding mothers. At the end of this post, you could link to your lead magnet. 

Social Media 

Social media includes Facebook pages, Facebook groups, Instagram posts, Instagram stories, 
Instagram lives, LinkedIn™, Pinterest™, Youtube™, etc. These are all great places to promote 
your lead magnet. 
For example, if your lead magnet is ​The Ultimate Breakfast Guide for Working Moms​, then you 
could take a photo of you making one of the recipes, with a call to action to download your 
lead magnet to get the recipe. 
Paid Advertising 

If you’ve been in business for a while and are feeling like your number of leads is slowing down, 
it may be time to invest in paid advertising. Running ads on Facebook or Instagram can help 
you target people by location, age, gender, interests, job titles and more, which is great for 
reaching more of your ideal clients. Running ads to your lead magnet is a great way to capture 
emails from an entirely new audience and start nurturing relationships. 

Your Email Signature 

Your email signature is a great place to prompt people to download your lead magnet. You 
can easily add a link to your programmed signature in just a few seconds. This way, you are 
letting anyone you email or reply to know about it. This method of building your list is 
completely free and effective. 
Converting Leads 
Now you have an awesome lead magnet, you are promoting it like crazy and your email list is 
growing. Wahoo! Next, it’s time to convert your email subscribers into paying clients. 
This is not the time to constantly send sales pitches to your email list. People need to get to 
know, like and trust you before they will be ready to buy from you. So continue to nourish the 
relationships and send your subscribers valuable content that will improve their lives. 

Pro Tip 

About 90% of the email you send should provide value and ask for nothing in return. The 
other 10% of your email marketing can promote your services and programs. When you 
use this 90/10 split, you will be providing value and building relationships so that when 
you do have a new service or program to announce, people will be more likely to buy. 

Sending a weekly newsletter is a great way to stay in touch with your ideal clients and provide 
value on a consistent basis. A weekly newsletter tells your email list that you are serious about 
your work as a nutrition professional and committed to improving their lives. 
Although sending a weekly newsletter can feel like a lot of work, it is a lot more simple than 
you think. A weekly newsletter doesn’t need to be long, and it should take you less than an 
hour to put together. Ensure it goes out on the same day every week and choose an email 
template to keep the look and feel consistent. 
In terms of what to include in your weekly newsletter, we recommend including at least one 
piece of your original content that will provide value. It could be a video, a Facebook Live, an 
interview, blog post or an inspiring client story. Whatever it is, it should be helpful to the reader 
and clearly demonstrate that you are an expert on the topic. This will help your subscribers 
learn that you are capable of helping them with their own health goals. 
Your weekly newsletter can also curate content related to your nutrition niche. You are already 
reading nutrition articles to keep up with nutrition science, right? Share these articles and 
lessons with your subscribers as teaching opportunities and to show off your knowledge. 
Remember! Keep your weekly newsletter super simple and valuable. It’s all about serving, not 
Every now and then you will have a new service or program to promote to your email 
subscribers. When this time comes, you’ve already invested so much time into nurturing your 
leads upfront that they will be much more ready to buy from you. 
It’s all about playing the long game! 
Take Action 
We have officially covered everything you need to know to create an incredible lead magnet 
that will attract your niche market, and also how to convert subscribers into paying clients. But 
all of the education in the world won’t help unless you have a plan to act on it! So now it’s time 
for you to take action. 
Start by choosing the type of lead magnet that you will create, and ensure that it includes all 
the qualities of an irresistible lead magnet. Then, create your lead magnet using ​That Clean 
Life for Business​ and export it as a PDF. Integrate it with your email marketing platform of 
choice, start promoting it and nourish your leads. It’s that simple! 
Being an entrepreneur means holding yourself accountable and taking personal responsibility 
to deliver on the promises you make to yourself. The thing that separates the wellness 
professionals that are successful, from those who fail is simple: those that succeed simply don’t 
give up. 
Take things one step at a time. Set goals and timelines for yourself and get your lead magnet 
up and running. It can be the single most important tool you have for growing your nutrition 
business, so don’t waste any time. 
And remember: just like a fresh loaf of bread, your lead magnet may eventually go stale. The 
number of leads you are attracting may start to decrease and this is when it is time to release 
something new and exciting. Review this guide, and start the lead magnet creation process 
It is an ongoing, constant process. 
You have everything you need including the knowledge and tools. Now go forth, create an 
awesome lead magnet and transform some lives! 

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