Combine Thesis
Combine Thesis
Combine Thesis
Master of Philosophy
Student Name
Muhammad Qasir Nadeem
Reg #.
Dr. Ghulam Murtaza
This chapter gives an introduction about issues of Muslims identity crises in context
socio-cultural, economic, political, and religious perspective of globalization in 67 Mogul
Miniatures (2008) by Raza Ali Hassan. In condition it consists upon historical background,
delimitation, significance, objectives, research questions, thesis statement, thesis statement,
theoretical framework and methodology y, rationale of the study and chapterization.
Theory of Globalization
The word ‘globalization’ was firstly introduced by Reiser and Devies in 1944 which later
on got famous for researchers almost from every academic field subsequent to the fall of Soviet
Union at the ending of cold War in the last decade of twentieth century. While the term
globalization was vague due to lack of theoretical frame work. Thus concept of globalization is
multidimensional because there are various aspects of globalization for example socio-cultural,
economic, and political and role of religion etc. This research work emphasis on the issue of
Muslim identity crises in perspective of socio-economic, cultural, political and religion. Actually
culture is based upon a religious belief system because no one can be hundred percent unbiased
or neutral from its belief .Hence, it’s human nature to follow a belief even to reject all beliefs in
itself also has a believer who believe to not follow others except itself.(Hsiao,2003).
Islamic Globalization
From the very beginning of its manifestation in Arabia Islam presented itself as a global
and universal religion. More than one verse in the Quran states that the message of Islam is
universal, and addresses the humanity of all races. Prophet Muhammad SAWW also emphasized
on universal dimension of Islam in a convention with the intention to encourage fairness, when
he said on the occasion of Last Sermon that, there is no difference between an Arab, a Persian
and an Ethiopian black or a white apart from how pious and good and can be best. Thus, due to
very quick and large territorial spreading out of the Islamic state, Islam proved itself a global
religion. This named as Islamic globalization centered a new stage of "globalism.
On the base of interaction with other civilizations, for the duration of this period, the
world observed a resilient mobility y of human comprehension in relation to the boundaries of
the Muslim world that create a constant communication amongst Muslims themselves positioned
them face-to-face by means of the legacy of olden civilizations and allocate themselves as a new
source of knowledge.
During seventh and thirteenth centuries Islam and Muslims were emerged as center of
world for the knowledge of science, philosophy, logic and leading civilization. In such evolution
process, firstly Arabs, then Persians and at the end Turks lead the Muslim world. Thus in
thirteenth century Africa and Asia became huge center of Islam. Meanwhile, Muslim kingdoms
were also established in Malay- Indonesian world, similarly, Muslims got established throughout
in China.
Thus this propaganda which was by done by West against Islam and its followers in
westerner literature like as (Oliver of Paderborn a character in Orientlists), criticized Islam by
saying this against propagation of Islam across the globe that, Islam was started on the base of
force and its military expansionism and it was also maintained with the use of force throughout
the world and now it will be clean out with the use of force against it. Hence it indicates that a
large scale transformation happened when Islam emerged as way complete of life and a direction
for all Muslims. These qualities of Muslim civilization and the harmonious communications of
its founders had apparently showed the way for whole humanity as George Barnard Shaw
forecasts that “the faith of Muhammad would be acceptable to the Europe of tomorrow as it is
beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of today."
Anglo-Saxon Globalization
Globalization is an ongoing and evolving process and it is neither a one way process nor
a simple phenomenon. Actually it is a very complex, multilayered and two way process which
has its various dimensions too. Such as if we talk about impacts of globalization then we come to
know that it influenced the almost every field of life but the emphasis of this research is to focus
upon the socio-cultural, economic, political and religious aspect of globalization .Globalization
acquired so many centuries to achieve its current stage as well as span, therefore, if we see an
over view of its evolution and emergence we come know that at first the era of Islamic
globalization(it ranges from establishment of first Islamic caliphate era to Ottoman Empire)
comes before this Anglo-Saxon globalization.
The first phase of Anglo Saxon globalization includes time period of almost one century
from the 19th to 20th century. In this phase colonization of third world war being done by the
leading European nations in order to exploit their natural resources for this purpose these
colonizers provided various kinds of self-generated discourses regarding civilization mission of
the colonized nation. Hence on the name of so-called help of colonized these colonizers imposed
their own version of political, economic and cultural norms and traditions.
In the second phase of Anglo Saxon globalization world history observed a cold war in a
bipolar world b/w two leading powers United States of America and Soviet Union. In such
tension between the United States of America and Soviet Union third world countries were being
exploited as a battlefield for this war. Such as Korea, Vietnam, Palestine, and Afghanistan were
those lands which were used for a proxy war. This war was coming to an end with the fall of the
Soviet empire and rise of the united stated of America as an only one dominant power in the
The third phase of Anglo Saxon Globalization
As superpower of the world United States of America launched its “New World Order”.
Such development started the third phase of globalization. In this era of globalization United
States of America became center of the whole world and rest of world marked as a "periphery ".
In this way this newly emerged superpower enabled itself to impose its own version of socio-
cultural, political, economic and even a religious believe system upon rest of the world.
There are different features of globalization which play their role in the issues of
Muslims’ identity crises in the context of globalization are connected by means of the monetary,
socio-cultural , political changes and change in religious role. Under the influence of
globalization almost field of life evolved he the name of progress on an accelerating rate with
passage of time. According to Nye and Donahuc (2000) the phenomenon of globalization is an
ongoing process in which different networks are not only mutually interconnected but are also
interdependent without discrimination of any border and distance. Hence, present research is
conducted to highlight the misunderstandings and misrepresentation of Muslims and Islam in
West and Europe in context of historical revelry among Muslims and Christian generally and
after 9/11 on the issues of Muslim identity crises of Pakistanis particularly in context of
So in this research study the researcher highlights different misconceptions about Islam
and Muslims after 9/11 and in paradigm of globalization, although , theory of globalization
come into view with the lenses of colonialism firstly and secondly post colonialism. At the end
there are different global issues which are discussed in the global scenario. Moreover present
research work the researcher has draw attention to the other various fundamentals of global
quintessence. However the term globalization first of all was introduced in the 1980's to describe
the rise in the movement of the people who belong from one place to a new place for the purpose
of trade and immigration.
Similarly, Jameson (1998)states his own point of view in his work “Notes on
Globalization as a Philosophical Issue "by uttering these words.
As cultural process, Globalization names the expulsion of plurality of mutually
intersecting, individually syncretism, local differences; the emergence of new
hitherto. Suppressed identifies, and the expansion of a worldwide media and
technology culture with the promise of popular democratization. As an economic
process ...the assimilation or integration of markets of labor of nations.(World
Literature and Global Theory: Comparative Literature for the new Millennium,'
Symploke, Vol 9, Issue 1-2, 2001, pp. 15-43, p.16)
Standard, D. and Fitgibbons, D. (1995) stated another point of view about the concept of
globalization in other words, “Globalization as an ideological construction devised to satisfy
capitalism’ need for new markets and labor sources and propelled by the uncritical sycophancy
of the international academic business community (p.30-54). In other words it can also be
described that globalization in itself is an abstract and ideological discursive reconstruction to
propagate the socio-cultural, political and religious believe system in the interest of dominant
Halm, H. and Sorensen, G.(1995) compliments upon this whole discourse of globalization in
these words, "The intensification of economic, political, social and cultural relations across
borders "(p-1).Thus, globalization is a multilayered and dynamic process. Such ongoing
processes include economic, political social and cultural evolution since last more than five
decades. Moreover, scientific developments, and westernization leads to re-territorialization and
issues of identity crises and in context Globalization. Such declined of regionalism, geopolitical
boundaries and rise of new globalized socio-cultural, political and economic world order.
According to the sociologist Robertson, R.(1992)," Globalization a concept refers both to the
compression of the world and the intensification consciousness of the world as a whole, both
concrete global interdependence and consciousness of the global whole” (p.8). Similarly, Waters
M.C.(1995 )defines in his work Globalizations, “Globalization in terms of socio-cultural
progress leads rise in consciousness of public about their rights and benefits an due status in
modern world. (p.48). Similarly at another occasion in same work Waters once again describes
his concept about “Globalization in terms of social process in which geographical classification
is considered as an hurdle to such social and cultural progress, hence, lose its importance”(p.3).
In this way, Mittleman, A.L.(2002) in his work Making Globalization Work For The Have Not
explains concept of globalization by exploring it’s various aspects simultaneously.
Hence as it can be seen how globalization is complicated and, multilayered and evolving process
which is at one side compressing the time and space, while on the other hand emergence of new
globalized world order based upon on historical evaluation of gain of socio-cultural, political and
economic hegemony over others. As a result of such globalized new world order leads to a
number of socio-cultural political and even clashes of civilization as a byproduct of globalization
To sum up the whole debate it can be said into other words that issue of identity crises is also an
outcome of globalization.
Globalization is an ongoing and evolving process and it is neither a one way process nor
a simple phenomenon. Actually it is a very complex, multilayered and two way process which
has its various dimensions too. Such as if we talk about impacts of globalization then we come to
know that it influenced the almost every field of life but the emphasis of this research is to focus
upon the socio-cultural, economic, political and religious aspect of globalization .Globalization
took so many centuries to reach its present stage and scope, therefore, if we see an over view of
its evolution and emergence we come know that at first the era of Islamic globalization(it ranges
from establishment of first Islamic caliphate era to Ottoman Empire) comes before this Anglo-
Saxon globalization.
Now-a-days we are experiencing the latest and third stage of Anglo-Saxon globalization
after the collapse of Soviet Union when United States of America became Super power and our
world became mono polar. In first phase of Anglo-Saxon globalization European colonizer and
imperialists divided the world into Western and Muslims as a third world after the fall of
Ottoman Empire. In this way the New World or Western World showed its hatred and launched
a revengeful aggression towards Old World or Muslims and Islam because they could not
accepted success of Islam and Muslims in the form of socio-cultural, economic , political and
religious domination across the globe. Hence they took it disgraceful and humiliation to get ruled
by their rival because they took Muslims as a rival on socio-cultural, economic, political and
religious grounds.
Huntington further endorsed his vision by giving his own concept of multi- polar world.
In this way, he divided the whole world into eight civilizations. Such clash of civilizations will
globalization. “The dangerous clashes of future are likely to arise from the interaction of western
arrogance, Islamic intolerance and Sinic assertiveness”. Consequently, the terrorists attack on
World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001in New York proved validity of Huntington’s
Similarly, through use of mass media, international institutes and platforms such as
International Courts for Justices and underground Intelligence Agencies Networks penetration
are main global tools to maintain and manipulate the imperial hegemony of leading global
nations over rest of the world. “Global politics remains extremely complex and countries have
different interests, which will also lead them to make what might seem as rather bizarre friends
and allies.”Hence, by using such global mechanisms almost every field of life as socio-cultural,
political, economical and religious belief system are controlled. A very strong existence of Al-
Qaeeda as a terrorist network expends almost throughout the world very effectively as a
One good illustration of socio-political and religious impacts of globalization under the
umbrella of global world as a one village where non-state institutes or networks who neither
have any legitimate representation of majority Muslim communities nor any official authentic
belonging to the Islamic civilizations. “Some Westerners […] have argued that the West does not
have problems with Islam but only with violent Islamist extremists. Fourteen hundred years of
history demonstrate otherwise”(Huntington, 1996). There is other evidence which also endorsed
Huntington point of view regarding clash of civilizations between west and Islam in the form of
As ,it was asserted for the duration of 1960s and 1970s so as to some of the globalization
globalization afterward on turn out to be a major cause of anti-American and anti westernization
sentiments in Iran. According to Al-e-Ahmad (1979), before this foreign policy and intelligence
elites may perhaps have failed to spot this for the reason that “they did not think religion
Al-e Ahmed further argues ironically about Islam and emergence of globalization in by
stating these words, “Vital, native, non-western part of Iranian identity with potential for
effective resistance to westoxication,” and as a powerful force for inspiring indigenous
opposition to westernization (p.1, 12 , 19). Similarly Ali Shareti not only refused Marxism in
order to resist the westernization like as did be Al-e Ahmade but he also supported for, “a
politically active: even revolutionary , revitalized Shiaism , indigenous to Iran , struggling for
context of globalization when he talks about securing of Persian culture such as he states that,
“the foul claws of imperialism” plays their role for poising the Persian culture. For this purpose
he even borrows the term, ‘gharbzadegi’ which means ‘westoxication’ and make use of it during
his sermons. Thus this term further can be explained as; the poising means westernization of an
indigenous of an indigenous culture. This term was at first introduced by Fardid in his speeches
at University of Tehran but got famous after the publication of Jalal-Al-e Ahmad’s book,
Gharbzadegi (p.1,19).
Later on, in the context of post-9/11, the issue of identity crisis for the Muslims in west
put a lot of questions on so-called liberal democratic western claim. A personal shift of identity
was observed by Tariq Mehmood, a British sociologist, in 1960-70s was identified as Pakistani,
in the 1980s turned Asian and in the 1990s became Muslims. While the Muslim Diaspora
identity has become a modern phenomena according to Geoffrey Nash. Hence, Muslim identity
established as an independent entity in the global context in twentieth to twenty-first century due
to a significant raise in the immigrant minorities in Europe.“Every civilization sees itself as the
center of the world and writes its history as the central drama of human history” (Huntington,
1996). In the process of self-consciousness, Muslims across over the globe symbolically and
ritual believes without limitations of time and space considered themselves as one body called
Ummah. Such global Muslim identity goes beyond nation and state, languages, ethnicity and
indigenous culture.
Huntington predicted in his famous work The Clash of Civilizations that there will be no
reconciliation on cultural and religious confrontation especially in case of the west and Islam. He
argues that “Islam's borders are bloody and so are its innards. The fundamental problem for the
West is not Islamic fundamentalism. It is Islam, different civilizations whose people are
convinced of the superiority of their culture and are obsessed with the inferiority of their
power”(Huntington, 1996 p.35).Thus issue of Muslim identity crisis and religion in historical
perspective are paradoxically co-relate with each other in context of globalization.
In agreement with the existing time limit as well as level of research, the present research
would observe Hassan’s collection of poems 67 Mogul Miniatures in accordance with the point
of view of Huntington’s theory of globalization, the research work is qualitative analysis of the
previously mentioned text and this examine is done manually.
This research study presents the historical clash of civilization between the West and
Muslim world by applying theoretical paradigm of globalization in accordance with the point of
view of Samuel P. Huntington on 67 Mogul Miniatures(2008) by Raza Ali Hassan. The purpose
of this present research study is to highlight the issues about Muslims identity crises in socio-
cultural, economic, political and religious perspective of globalization in previously mentioned
an anthology of poems 67 Mogul Miniatures. Moreover the present research work study also
provides a evaluation involving two different approaches by West or Christian World and
Muslims such as it can be seen in 67 Mogul Miniatures by Hassan in which he talked about
different conflicts of globalization in socio-cultural, economic, political religious perspective and
issues about identity. Thus, this present study could be helpful for the Muslims of the world
generally while for Muslims of sub-continent and Pakistanis particularly in order to understand
the issues about Muslims identity crises in context of globalization.
1.6 Objectives of the Study
There are following objectives of this research work which are given below as:
1. To examine and explain the crises of Muslim identity under the paradigm of globalization
67 Mogul Miniatures.
2. To explore the American manipulation of American socio-cultural, economic and
political hegemony or westernization in the Muslim world.
3. To discuss the modern religious backlash and issue of Muslim identity in 67 Mogul
4. To analyze a comparative analysis of rejectionists or reactionary attitudes by the
Muslims towards Western civilization.
1. Howe can sufferings and decline of Muslims be found in Raza Ali Hassan’s work 67
Mogul Miniatures?
2. How does globalization poses a challenge to Muslim identity in 67 Mogul Miniatures ?
3. How does Raza Ali Hassan presents the discursive reconstruction of Muslim Ummah
through his poetry ?
The present research work is carried out to deal with issues about Muslim identity crises
in socio-cultural, economic, political and religious perspective of globalization in order to
highlight the historical clashes between West and Islam. For this purpose theory of globalization
in accordance with the Huntington’s point of view is applied on primary text for this research
study 67 Mogul Miniatures
the issues about Muslim identity crises for this purpose we needed a proper frame to work to do
so. While in post-partition context Pakistani people and societies have been put yourself forward
with social-cultural, economic, political and religious problems. There are a number of Muslim
writers other than Raza Ali Hassan who also highlighted various issues of globalization. Hence,
in this study researcher analyzed the selected collection of poems 67 Mogul Miniatures by Raza
Ali Hassan in the paradigm of theory of globalization and in its various perspectives such as
socio-cultural, political, economic and religious aspects. In order to generate discussion and data
analysis of the selected text the investigator has made qualitative investigation to explore the
themes and subject of Muslim identity crises from socio-cultural, economic and religious aspect
in context of globalization by doing critical analysis of the poetry in the previously mentioned
Rationale of Study
Now in twenty first century when humanity and civilization is at their peak while
it took hundreds of centuries present status and scope. Still man is unable to get rid of prejudice
against others who differ in thinking, speech and actions about socio-cultural, economic, political
and religious ideologies. Therefore, when Huntington analyzed future of civilizations and
upcoming major issues in his work The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order
(1996) he predicted about clash of civilizations in near future. According to Huntington’s point
civilization war humanity e to suffer a lot because it is inevitable to resist such human nature to
prove its superiority over other. For this purpose different civilization are always in war against
each other in different field of life. Such as clash of West and Islam in perspective of emergence
of globalization in context of socio-cultural, economic, political, and religion . Thus issue of
Second chapter literature review presents the start, history and different aspects of issues
about Muslim identity. Thus this chapter incorporates background and emergence of issues about
identity crises context of globalization through providing reviews from various research articles
in addition to other works to discover loopholes.
Forth chapter gives an analysis of select text such as 67 Mogul Miniatures (2008) by
Raza Ali Hassan in order to answer the research questions .For this purpose, Huntington’s theory
about globalization is being used to produce discussion and analysis.
The fifth chapter provides conclusion about what have been answered after doing a
qualitative investigation of the selected primary text. Moreover it also presents recommendations
nd solution for the highlighted issue under the research paradigm.
A number of attempts have been done so far to define the phenomenon of globalization but very
few out of them which can be considered as comprehensive definition of globalization. The
reason is that it is not only one dimensional process; actually, it is a very complex and an ever
ongoing process. More over such abundance of definitions is clearly an indication of the plurality
of point of views regarding defining globalization.
Waters, M. (2001) describes globalization as spread of European civilization across the globe by
defining this phenomenon in these words;
As it can be understand very clearly from above given lines, that, how Waters percepts the whole
process of globalization as a transition phase of human society in to the third millennium. In this
way Khor,M. (1999) also defines globalization by this statement, “Globalization is what we in
the third world have for several centuries called colonization(New York: Oxford University
Press, 1999, p. 15).
Similarly, Jameson (1998)states his own point of view in his work “Notes on Globalization as a
Philosophical Issue "by uttering these words.
Standard, D. and Fitgibbons, D. (1995) stated another point of view about the concept of
globalization in other words, “Globalization as an ideological construction devised to satisfy
capitalism’ need for new markets and labor sources and propelled by the uncritical sycophancy
of the international academic business community (p.30-54). In other words it can also be
described that globalization in itself is an abstract and ideological discursive reconstruction to
propagate the socio-cultural, political and religious believe system in the interest of dominant
Halm, H. and Sorensen, G.(1995) compliments upon this whole discourse of globalization in
these words, "The intensification of economic, political, social and cultural relations across
borders "(p-1).Hence on the base of all previous discussion, it can be concluded that
globalization is a multilayered and dynamic process. Such ongoing processes include economic,
political social and cultural evolution since last more than five decades. Moreover, scientific
developments, and westernization leads to re-territorialization and issues of identity crises and in
context Globalization. Such declined of regionalism, geopolitical boundaries and rise of new
globalized socio-cultural, political and economic world order.
According to the sociologist Robertson, R.(1992)," Globalization a concept refers both to the
compression of the world and the intensification consciousness of the world as a whole, both
concrete global interdependence and consciousness of the global whole” (p.8). Similarly, Waters
M.C.(1995 )defines in his work Globalizations, “Globalization in terms of social process in
which the constraints of geographic on social and cultural arrangements recede and in which
people become increasingly aware that they are receding”(p.48). Similarly at another occasion in
same work Waters once again describes his concept about “Globalization in terms of social
process in which geographical classification is considered as an hurdle to such social and cultural
progress, hence, lose its importance”(p.3). In this way, Mittleman, A.L.(2002) in his work
Making Globalization Work For The Have Not explains concept of globalization by exploring
it’s various aspects simultaneously.
Hence as it can be seen how globalization is complicated and, multilayered and evolving process
which is at one side compressing the time and space, while on the other hand emergence of new
globalized world order based upon on historical evaluation of gain of socio-cultural, political and
economic hegemony over others. As a result of such globalized new world order leads to a
number of socio-cultural political and even clashes of civilization as a byproduct of globalization
To sum up the whole debate it can be said into other words that issue of identity crises is also an
outcome of globalization.
From the advent of Islam in Arabia it was represented as not only a universal faith but also as
a complete code of conduct for all humanity without any discrimination of caste, color, creed and
race across the globe. Therefore, the Quran also describes this globalization mission of Islam in
more than one verse. Similarly, Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) not only stressed upon such
universalization but also promoted it through his speech, actions and approach while addressing
his followers without any regional, ethical and social discrimination. For example, Prophet
Muhammad (S.A.W) said on victory of Makkah even without shedding a drop of blood of any
All mankind is from Adam and Eve,neither Arab has no superiority over a non-
Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no
superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety
and good action (The Last Sermon of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) delivered on
the Ninth Day of Dhul Hijjah 10 A.H, 632 AC).
It highlights equality and Peace of Islamic globalization: Due to such globalized approach of
Islam, at one side it not only got spread almost all continents of the world but also got the title of
religion of peace. While on another side Islamic civilization emerged a compatible one to its
contemporary ancient civilization between the 7th and 13th centuries. Such universal spread of
Islam in Africa, Asia, China Malay-Indonesian world, and in China in 13th century, influenced
the writer of ' History of Western Civilization to state that: Conversion of large numbers in the
conquered areas was not a feature of early Islam. That came later when Islam was more firmly
established as a government, when its brilliant material gave success it added prestige, and when
the civil right and privileges enjoyed by all the faithful it tempted many unbelievers into
conversion to Islam.
As it can be observed from above given lines propaganda against Islamic globalization seems to
be an invalid argument by an Orientals, for example when Olive of Padeibau states that, "Islamic
began by the Sword, was maintained by the Sword and by the Sword would be ended."
While Shaw, G.B.( )also indorsed the universal and global acceptance of Islam. He
said, "The faith of Muhammad (S.A.W) would be acceptable to the Europe of tomorrow as its
beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of today. "Article (19) reference
In the seventeenth (17th) century, Muslim Empire was started to decline which leads to
drop some fundamental universal features of Islamic globalization. Such as the fall of the
Ottoman Empire created un-breach able gap of supreme leadership in the Muslim world. Due to
absent of a supreme collective leadership and united center for Muslims more than 200 years
paved the way for Western civilization to replace the Islamic civilization completely.
Anglo-Saxon Globalization:
In the 20th century a term 'Western' was introduced when the United States become a
prominent leader of west or Europe. While after the rise of Japan and the Soviet Union that term
was replaced by the division of developed and developing parts of the world. Later a new term
was introduced to describe less developed and weak a back word regions across the globe.
Although no specific territory was being highlighted for this term but mostly Muslim states were
confirmed suitable as a third world country on the base of their vulnerability and backwardness
in socio-cultural, political and economic due to their lack of progress in science and
technological advancement, Such politically motivated manipulation of so-called civilized
European developed nations evidently winds up the Muslim globalization. Furthermore, the
colonization of Muslim countries by dominant European states further facilitate the European
colonizer to control the natural resources of the Muslim world.
All these circumstances created a suitable environment for the promotion of Anglo Saxon
globalization as a supreme and only available alternative for Muslim globalization to fix all what
European imperialist wanted to gain. For this purpose, this European colonizer firstly, converted
a large part of Muslim colonized population into wage earner at the hands of their foreigner
lords. Secondly, they replace the Islamic laws and values system with secular ones. In this way
colonizers maintained their rule and law at the local Muslim community level.
Introduction of the third world created a very clear political division between Muslim and
Western world. Hence, such classification ended the era of Muslim Globalization. At critical this
turning point of the world history Anglo Saxon globalization got started as which is still evolving
until now. The whole era of Anglo Saxon globalization can be divided into these phases.
The first phase of Anglo Saxon globalization includes time period of almost one century
from the 19th to 20th century. In this phase colonization of third world war being done by the
leading European nations in order to exploit their natural resources for this purpose these
colonizers provided various kinds of self-generated discourses regarding civilization mission of
the colonized nation. Hence on the name of so-called help of colonized these colonizers imposed
their own version of political, economic and cultural norms and traditions.
In the second phase of Anglo Saxon globalization world history observed a cold war in a
bipolar world b/w two leading powers United States of America and Soviet Union. In such
tension between the United States of America and Soviet Union third world countries were being
exploited as a battlefield for this war. Such as Korea, Vietnam, Palestine, and Afghanistan were
those lends which were used for a proxy war. This war was coming to an end with the fall of the
Soviet empire and rise of the united stated of America as an only one dominant power in the
As superpower of the world United States of America launched its “New World Order”.
Such development started the third phase of globalization. In this era of globalization United
States of America became center of the whole world and rest of world marked as a "periphery ".
In this way this newly emerged superpower enabled itself to impose its own version of socio-
cultural, political, economic and even a religious believe system upon rest of the world.
For this purpose now 'United States of America declared herself as a saviors and leader of
both west and rest of the world. In order to do so Americans declared an enemy of democracy
and civilization and terrorist to all those who challenged the Americanized western hegemony
over them.
The first school of thought belongs to those who got education at western institution
became westernized in their approach and thinking. For example Kamal Ata Turk is a perfect
historical reference for first school of Muslims thought towards globalization.Kamal Ata Turk
not only got himself westernize but he also showed believe to do secularized the Islamic culture
and Muslim nationalism in post ottoman Turkish society. Similarly, Zain Ul Abdin bin Ali of
Tunisia is another example of those Muslim who blindly followed the western socio-culture,
political and economic and secularization instead of Muslim religion believe system in their own
land. Hence these white washed and westernized Muslim did so to oblige blindly their western
pattern and chiefs in order to get support to establish themselves in their respective national
power politics by protecting westerner interest at the cost of Muslim national self.
Muslim Second school of thought and globalization
There is another group of Muslims who neither completely rejected the western values of
globalization nor blindly got influence of them. This group is called the third school of thought
who appreciated some positive features of Anglo Saxon globalization in order to bridge the gap
between contemporary world and traditional Islamic value system. In this way the third school of
thought tried to create a balance and harmony between socio-cultural, political, economic and
religious believe system demands of globalized world which can pave the way for the growth of
Muslim communities. Such class of Muslims at one side focuses on public welfare projects at
large scale. On the other hand they used to challenge the status quo in their respected Muslim
countries. At the end somehow the third group of Muslims manages to prove their existence as a
socio-cultural, political and religious pressure group. Even though sometimes they became
successful to manage their governments by using force in order to establish Islamic chain. For
example, the Islamic revolution in Iran and Sudan are a very good example of the success of the
third school of thoughts.
Karen Armstrong provides the socio-political setting of the rising in conviction arrangement of
Crusades. Armstrong stated a bit of the mission for the new character as for West. There was a
push to regain the previously existed radiance of the Roman Empire. Furthermore, collapse of
the Muslims within Spain as well as climb of the Turks in Asia in like manner energized
Christian Europe started an adventure in opposition to the Muslims. Consequently, the
conviction framework was also a Christian reaction towards rise of Muslims. Western Christians
expected to pronounce their diverse character to bring back the ex-Christian rule over rest of the
world ranges from East to West.
For this purpose Christian religious authority put emphasis on the encroachment of the
West to regain its superiority and rule under the flag Christianity to spread this religion across
the globe at any cost and under all circumstances . The Benedictine shelter pushed the change
advancement in European dominant belief system about Jesus Christ. Such change improvement
raised pioneers to the sacrosanct spot where there is Jerusalem. Karen Armstrong states "A
Passionate commitment to Jerusalem was one of the consequences of the Cluniac clique of the
journey and key to crusading" (Armstrong, 2001, p. 59).
Thus no matter how you look at it starvation of 1033 A.D improved belief’s sentiments in
society who spoke to God for help. This conveyed an entire world crushing eagerness and
number of pioneers to the heavenly terrains of Jerusalem expanded to satisfy the predictions as
per which before the apocalypse and ruler as of the Europe should be entrusted in Jerusalem and
would battle Antichrist here" (p. 61).
Public would be holding on for ruler who will end up their distress, hence, once again
they can live in a peaceful New Jerusalem. These components clarify the customary belief
system like a game plan of considerations in the contention involving the two social affairs.
Assaults of the savage groups upon Westerner Christian has made a quality of warfare as well as
valor, thus, the Christian knights were contumely engaging them in order to protect the follower
of the Christianity. Thusly the possibilities of sacred battles were the bit of West. Bahrain's
strikes wrecked like northern space.
First, they squashed and blessed through the water the savages anyway after the animals
have been oppressed and changed over to Christianity; the Franks were searching for the new
foe. The internal conflicts were started among Knights to settle down the domestic affairs
regarding the issues such as share of power and authority among christen generals and the
religious authority pushed a concordance improvement which was done on the name of Jesus
Christ. Thus a social affair of religious representative ,Christian generals, political elite and
common public who were checked through a get-together of army personals arranged just before
battle anyone towards shield that congruity which they named a armistice of Jesus. There is a
different model to exhibit the faith gave well-built way of thinking structure for Christian
In this way the Christian supreme authority of Rome further wanted to increase its
influence and authority. Therefore, such situation and condition were no in favor of their enemies
like as Muslims at that that time. For this purpose they launched a war to get back the Jerusalem
by get free thing free that area from Muslims. This furthermore gave the game plan of the issues
about medieval battling. Such as, it can be seen in case of this new role of religion on the name
of Jesus. Before long religious faith on the name of Jesus transforms into a way of thinking the
grips and legitimizes to the antagonistic vibe of new adaptation. Hence, Christian Supreme
religious authority started a war to achieve their superiority in socio-cultural, economic, political
and religious grounds over others generally while upon Muslims and Jews particularly.
He describes in his work the Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order
(1996) the chronicled background of the contention among believers and non-believers.
Moreover he explains the rivalry between believers and non-believers in case of clash of
civilization. Thus there is hostility as well as offense among them. Huntington refers to Bernard
Lewis who says in his book Islam and the West that from “the first Moorish landing in Spain to
the second Turkish siege of Vienna, Europe was under constant threat from Islam" (Huntington
1997, p. 210). Huntington further explains that “Islam is the only civilization which has put the
survival of the west in doubt and it has done that at least twice" (Huntington, 1997, p. 210).
The follower of Jesus recovered their territories back from believers having faith in Allah
the 15th century. The triumph of Granada in 1492 A.D and the control of Sicily made the
complete. According to Huntington’s point of view Christian’s wars were the consequence of
people advancement, fiscal triumphs, and Clunaic recuperation. By after that, here moved
toward the Ottoman Empire which squashed Byzantium along with undermined Vienna. The
powerlessness to take Vienna indicated the beginning of an extended withdraws of the Muslims
along with the happening to Westerner expansionism to somewhat standard of Muslim’s step
In his manuscript, The Clash of Fundamentalism Tariq Ali depicts the particular situation
along with the situation that upheld the strength of the Crusades by means of phenomenal
orientation toward the Muslims after the death of Prophet (PBUH), the Muslims turn out to be
apportioned in more than one socio- political divisions, for instance, Sunni and Shia. There
created three focal points of force given this biased distribution. Cordoba and Baghdad be the
centers of two Sunni lines. The Fatimid developed them within Egypt. Muslims were divided
into two separate political or social united substances around at that point, there world Cordoba
and were particular social shows in different bits of the Muslims, meanwhile, Baghdad was on
zeniths of social triumph. Regardless, supporting solidarity of the Muslims was broken down on
account of a movement of basic wars. In this circumstance, Crusades associated Muslim world.
Crusaders included Jerusalem following forty days assault in 1099 A.D.
They capriciously butchered Muslims along with Jews. The reports on the (Crusader's
immensities traumatized the Muslim world anyway from the start at hand was no reply in light of
the disarray within the places of fans. A bit of the Muslim good Amir and overlords searched for
the aid of Crusaders in opposition to their related followers. Thus, social accomplishment of the
Muslims pulled in a segment of the Crusaders to give up their violence anyway larger piece of
them remained concentrated on their purpose behind 19 doing combating an imminent warfare in
opposition to the Muslims. They expected on the way to wash out the consecrated territory from
the corrupted existence of Muslims. The shock of the Crusaders obliged the Muslim world to
join in opposition to the Crusaders. Tariq Ali explains: opposing on the way to regular conviction
the idea of War for the sake of Allah’s will as "heavenly combat" had a restricted family.
Subsequent to the early on triumphs of Islam, it had been discreetly fall as a preparing trademark.
It was the uncouth fanaticism of the First Crusade that supported Saladin in solidarity his
elevation at the back shades of Islam... (Ali, 2003, p. 42)
Ali reviews the activity of quiet similarly as cruel gauged to conquer the all-inclusive
community, the monarch employ savage of tranquil steps in accordance with their requirements
as well as benefits. In his true to life book The Clash of Fundamentalism, Tariq Ali (2003)
depicts the history too extraordinary orientation in the direction of actions utilized in the troubled
social occasions. Ali depicts that the Calf battle in 1991 pushed his charmed by the recorded
setting of Islam. Similar to this manuscript, the short story on the subject of the association
between the Muslim as well as the Christian Europe was furthermore the result of his energy for
the history of the relationship between the Muslim world and the Christian West. As shown by
Ali, Islam, Christianity, and Judaism were a sort of biased advancement. He depicts the early fast
triumphs of the Muslims as the eventual outcome of the wars among Persian and Byzantine
Empire are those that had vitiate them.
The repelled peoples of these spaces performed not stay away from spreading out of the
Muslims. Ali makes with the intention of the city out of Gendeshapur within southwestern Persia
winds up the point of convergence of nonconformist scientists, wise individuals and free brains
of both the Muslims as well as Christians. The 20 Nestorians of Edessa and the school of Neo-
Platonic masterminds, who were given Emperor Justinian, got harbor within this town which
pulled in specialists pulled in scientists from India and China. On top of the armed frontage,
Muslims vanquished whole of the Peninsula in addition to set up a domain. The obnoxiousness
of the choice Visigoth gave an inconceivable help to the Muslim saints. The old framework was
not safeguarded by means of local people who greeted Muslims militaries at the same time as a
place of experimentation. The frontward stroll of the Muslims militaries was finished by Charles
Marti's military.
The Umayyad of Spain set up the structures of the human advancement of Muslin Spain.
Cordoba ends up the noteworthy focal point of civilization within West. The Abbasid capital city
of Baghdad was the contiguous rival of Cordoba around on so as to point. As demonstrated by
Ali Muslim specialist was not constrained but instead was his outcome of the courses of action
between Muslims, Jews, and Christians. It was the delayed consequence of the association of
different social expands the normal wars and the climb of hard-hitters similar to Berbers enabled
Muslim Spain. The hard-hitters eradicated Muslims, Jews, as well as Christians in accordance
with their philosophy about interpretation of religion. Here, such circumstances well-ordered
prepared for Christian to the triumph of Muslim Spain.
According to Ali collapse of Granada in 1492 was and last effort to eliminate the
Muslims and Jews from Peninsula by killing them at large scale . (Ali, 2003, p. 37).Hence,
believers in Spain built up the systems of Renaissance in Europe. Ali gives details that
subsequent to the pulverization of old-style human headway West was living in its dark times.
Throughout that time period believers protected in addition to improved the old Greek
inheritance of award as well as civilization. Ali describes that the hybrid culture and civilizations
were being produced very close interaction between Islamic and Westerner cultures while at time
of Muslim’s rule over Cordoba as well as Sicily. Therefore very deep rooted effects of such
closest living interaction between Islam and West left everlasting marks on the historical front as
well as geographical boundaries of the Europe. (Ali, 2003, p. 38).
The Book of Saladin (2000) is the next in fiction portraying the contention among the
followers of Jesus as well as believers of Allah. It delineates how Saladin controlled the
likelihood of fight for the sake of Allah’s will on the way to oppose the European threatening
vibe. The Jewish appalling of Saladin the Yakub depicts Saladin's climb to control, his
undertakings to join the believers in the wake of wars against Christian. It depicts Saladin's fight
just before set free Jerusalem commencing the control of the cruel Christians.
The storyteller Yakub portray Crusades in addition to the political as well as social states
of the believers of Allah that was divided into three encampments for instance Abbasids in
Baghdad, Fatimid in Egypt and Umayyad in Cordoba. Baghdad was in its pathetic phase of
account since Caliph was completely subject to his Emirs along with Sultans for administration
the association of the area. These Emirs were furthermore involved in irrelevant authority fights
as well as plans in opposition to each others.
Episode of 9/11
In any case, it is in like manner impact that various events and setbacks which occurred
around a similar time had extra appalling as well as real consequences than 9/11 (Banita, 2012).
The completion of the after 9/11multi decade extend diverse responses as well as thoughts across
the globe. Specialists of the 21 century are endeavoring their most excellent way in the direction
to tackle by means of the critical occasion of account along with on the way to put in plain words
the upcoming consequences of the 9/11 ambushes. It's the unexceptional bearing of these assaults
in addition to the following structures that have come to fruition inside the establishment of a
spic and range World Order. Regardless, it may be ahead of time of said with the intention of
these interconnected elective actions which happened around a similar time and had a bunch of
exhaustive centrality than 9/11. As an aftermath of this scene, a surge of extreme dislike towards
the Muslims as well as mainly the Asian Muslims scattered over the globe.
During the current time period we separate the normal issues in the two unique habits; the
most exceedingly dreadful wretchedness which is endeavoring to wreck the state uncommonly
immature states, such as Brazil, India, China, Russia, in addition to various those are struggling
towards elevation in their rank in the fresh money related source of power in the world. This
fresh alteration inside the human race plus financial system is apparently progressively important
inside the foundation of the New World Order than 9/11.
The thing brings more changes inside the nearby structure in addition to geological areas
are endeavoring to develop the newest pathway along with earth-shattering techniques for the
biased line of attack which is forwardly make use of for the Third World. Notwithstanding how a
large amount these incidents grasp for the leftovers of the world, for Asian states as well as
predominantly for Pakistan its 9/11 that positions most raised similar to impact inside the latest
decade and future consequences (Randall, 2011) No other country was troubled as well as upset
like Asian states in the compensation of 9/11.
Beyond this disaster, it was surveyed around then that concerning 3500 citizens were
denied from their live, precautions parts of America address dazzling reports on 35,00. America
first or maybe last time itself is tactful shows up the entire loss of 9/11. However, these mind-
blowing deaths of 3500 according to America are only 30% of the whole in the Islamic States
who are being precluded from claiming their lives on dispense of America. In this way money
related issues, quick or indirect disasters add up to 67 billion United States greenbacks, a number
as a result to a large amount better than average for a making state to shoulder. The Asian
country has misplaced their capacity and guiltlessness end as a result of a bigger than regular
locale inside the constituency of North West.
In a general sense they and their domain in the eye of the staying scene are presented as a
harbor for family unit and all-inclusive dread based oppressors, Asian countries ate dove into a
confounded defenselessness about wherever the horrible survival of the state is being alluded to;
in light of the way that the fiscally pulverized United States by means of an immature state at
present tactics a leave come closer from the Islamic State of Afghanistan, there shows up ne way
out starting here in addition to states disillusionment is conspicuous for Asian states (Gray,
Regardless of the way that the enunciation confrontation on fear was the statement that
was sired by the Bush in addition to his administration specialists, Pakistan's commitment with
authority as well as war has made the mind-boggling pictures inside the pipeline for quite a
while. To be sure, even the when Zia ulHaq's famous framework proceeded to arrange, Asian
state was inside the worldwide modify in addition to attention inside the ninetiesfor
militarization, they were preparing along with underneath the dread based oppressor practices
which were setting up their foundation in the Islamic State of Afghanistan, Kashmir, India,
Bosnia, Near East as well as even in Pakistan additionally. In attendance of intelligence in
substantiating themselves been a nearby political hindrance at rest as worldwide load in
opposition to such methodologies.
To be sure, the fight and exercises in opposition to the power here in Asian country along
with unequivocally within Pakistan even earlier than 9/11 in addition to in all probability be able
to hang about along these lines when America's exit from the Islamic State of Afghanistan in
addition to its adjacent boundaries. The awful ambush of 9/11 did in like manner what the
foreplay of archduke of Westerner states achieved for confrontation solitary. Those killers along
with crime tinted the truly flighty stimulate of since an extended time back settled pioneer
rivalries. Likewise in an Asian country, questionable along with dangerous paths were created
worked for at any rate twenty years, it, at last, realizing Asian states like as Afghanistan as well
as Pakistan; via converting into a forerunner of mental fighting as well as its havens. For upper
or progressively awful, 9/11 inside its chiefly remuneration conveyed the United States in the
direction of the intersection anywhere the country had created an substitute among at the bottom
of and disposal forcefulness Ideological assistance for valence, threatening, risk, along with
murder might be an extremely amazing subject matter.
Those who limit Pakistan's war in opposition to dread for elective causeas routinely
imply get help and weight notwithstanding wrongdoing of Pervez Musharraf this game plan the
congruity of his arrangement of where he saw himself as a ruler. The request to be presented is
WHO made plans to acknowledge misuse forcefulness as a delegate to attain state objectives.
What would be the legality of the system of following indispensable significance and defensive
aggressors as fundamental asses? Proper reactions four-sided figure too clear on the way to even
think about evening considers being referenced.
Sincerity of certifiable plus moreover the gigantic incidents we have troubled inside the
earlier on while later on it should to deal with our inking, The objective on do something
courageously in opposition to impulse fading to endeavor to do along these lines might show the
way to a bundle of 9/11's, further battles, and unending normal native striate for quite a while to
Terrorism and Terrorists
Qadri (2001), Head of the Awami Tehrik Party, Pakistan: Bombing government
workplaces or devastating non-armed force bases like the World Trade Center is no
jihad...."Those who impelled the Sept. 11 mental oppressor ambushes not simply executed
countless guiltless people in the United States yet what's more put the lives of a large number of
Muslims over the world in risk… … (Qadri, 2001 ,p. 6)
Critical Reviews
As appeared by spectators this term sees the conditions and conditions were mixed
sentiments are sought after out. The issue or abhor it when such conditions come it is named as
emergencies for example issues of character for Muslims in socio-social, political and religious
setting of globalization.
Waldman (2012) features such issues route that as showing up distinctively in connection
to other tasteful structures fiction is that bit of forming which has altogether more space to depict
the debates and wise anomaly among considerations and characters and after 9/11 the utilization
of this term has expanded so much If we see vulnerability concerning part in the wake of pulling
again from the sub-landmass Pakistan despite the manner as well as wordings to spent the life
on opportunity assurance civilization along with checks at any rate in opposition to this by
uprightness of giving out a extended account but are hesitant from different viewpoints of
existence Literature of Pakistan as well as Pakistanis even in the wake of leaving from India can't
verify itself as open-minded in light of the manner in which that the columnists face the faulty
emotions about different points of view of life.
This examination is essentially wanted to call thought towards the issues of Muslims
character emergencies, socio-social perspective, label in addition to shame of Asians within the
work of fiction The Reluctant Fundamentalist. In the event that we assess these issues, there is a
colossal measure of work has been done on it. Beneath sunshade of Globalization, the academic
assessment of The Reluctant Fundamentalist featured general problems similar to the issue of
character emergencies, insignificance, and feeling of otherness for the Muslims after the
occasion of 9/11. This epic is of world endorsement and alternate points of view are exhibited by
various experts. Similarly, Desai (2007) is an Indian producer of notoriety who fights on the
subject of the substance in this magnificent work. Hamid untangle the foundation of the latest
scene of vulnerability among East and West. The story is adjusted by feel affection for as
shocking as the awful powers meeting, regardless of at what time it pulls back keen on an
apparition of want (Desai, 2007, p. 32).
Ulin writes in Another City: Writing from Los Angeles that, Hamid's The Reluctant
Fundamentalist having demonstration of impacts in addition to looks like Albert Camus The Fall
from different points of view. Like Camus, Hamid also has more at the cutting edge of his
thoughts than plan of the story. The writer presented a mixture of European civilization and
managerial issues by means of an impelled globe (Ulin, 2001, p. 6). The mental assurance of The
Reluctant Fundamentalist is in the depicting an anecdote concerning a Pakistani man who made
it and after that discards it since he needn't waste time with it anything else, since he fathoms that
creation within America (Halaby, 2007, p. 8).
A plenty of research has also been done on The Reluctant Fundamentalist yet
simultaneously in attendance is a breach in light of the way that all around work of fiction is
shown problems of character, disillusionment in be in adore with, post 9/11 issues anyway
mainly the postponed results of 9/11, for instance, socio-social, reasonable, political and
religious conviction system are perspectives which don't introduce as overall terms. There is an
assessment opening in all of the works done by different researchers, observers, and experts.
They for each situation simply relate made by Hamid with individual parts or essentially balance
them with find the similarities and differences yet there are a couple of segments which can be
considered and saw past the possibility of accumulation of diaries and postcolonial influence. I
being an examiner find these parts.
Nazar (2012) showed his points of view about post 9/11 situation the issues of Muslim
character Crisis both in the west and even in Pakistan. He explains about post-outskirts domain
of Pakistan is looked by means of personality unpredictability, thus, they need to substantiate
themselves endeavoring to portray their character, particularly from the earliest starting point of
the 9/11 strikes in the United States. Corresponding developments are administration over the
scene of Pakistan, at the same time as a few interest an Islam express, somewhere in the range of
a worldwide express, some battle for a mainstream, in addition to around a just, again plague in
the midst of multifaceted nature about come again? Sort of Islamic state-Shia or Sunni Pakistan
ought to he and to what degree (Nazar, 2012, p. 12).
Eventually, progressively fitting systems for looking making by and large culture, on they are
being watched out, on one hand, it pushes the acclimation and similitude, while then again it
decays continually from the accentuation on multifaceted nature. Hamid have it in mind on the
way to demonstrate the resemblance as well as typical edges via giving it a orator who endeavors
to describe in addition to suggest in developing well-built associations throughout daring to all
aspects of the more significant realities and appearances the reason viewpoint which make the
overall system. The continuous examinations in such way exhibit which is done in weaved
manners along with excessively enlightening the books of Hamid character the passage in his
The present section of research provides a theoretical framework about crisis of Muslim
identity in context of Globalization with reference to Samuel Phillips Huntington point of view.
Emphatically, the portion of this chapter describes major key ideas about the issues of Muslim
identity crisis and impacts of Globalization associated with socio-cultural and political aspects.
Firstly, a brief autobiography of Samuel Phillips Huntington is presented. Secondly, main
concerns are highlighted in Huntington’s perspectiv. Lastly, this chapter consists on brief
discussion about collection of poems 67 Mughal Miniatures (2008) by Raza Ali Hassan.
Samuel Phillips Huntington was an inspirational figure who is known for his
controversial theory about expected conflicts between liberal democracy and communism in
future will create clash among civilizations. He was born on 18 April 1927, in the America. In
his work, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order (1996) raised the
controversial debate about emerging conflicts among several large civilizations that he
considered as an anti-west. His others notable works include: Who Are We? (2004), Culture
Matters (2001), Many Globalizations (2004), Global Dilemmas (1985), Political Orders and
Changing Societies (1968), The Third Wave: Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century
(1991) etc.
Huntington in his work The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order
(1996) says that globalization encourages the amalgamation of socio-cultural, political and
economic systems of different nations in globe. It evaluates the impact of globalization on
conversion of individual inclination towards different moralities, civilizations, religion and
cultures. Huntington argues that “civilization” as well as “culture”, “refers both to the way of
life,” “to values, rules, institutions and ways of thinking” (Huntington, 1996, p.58). Hence,
globalization brings change in socio-cultural and political perspectives both at an individual and
collective level.
Huntington in his book, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order
(1996) stated socio-cultural, political and religious belief are dominating factors in ongoing
process and multilayered process of globalization in post Cold War scenario.
People define themselves in terms of ancestry, religion, language, history, values,
customs and institutions. They identify with cultural groups: tribes, ethnic groups,
religious communities, nations, and, at the broadest level, civilizations. People use
politics not just to advance their interests but also to define their identity. We know who
we are only when we know who we are not and often only when we know who we are
against (p.15).
It is quite unnatural for a human being to be unbiased from influence of caste, class, creed
and religion. Such, inclination of thought, speech and action at collective level. Hence,
sometimes these factors can be supportive as positively and constructively and vice versa. It can
be seen by the impact of globalization or westernization regarding progress and development.
Huntington quotes The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order (1996)
“The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion […] but rather
by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact; non-
Westerners never do.” There are always more than two sides of picture in the form of lighter,
darker and gray ones. For instance, the mission to civilize rest of the world by the west has it’s
by products as emergence of identity crisis in post 90’s.
Later on, in the context of post-9/11, the issue of identity crisis for the Muslims in west
put a lot of questions on so-called liberal democratic western claim. A personal shift of identity
was observed by Tariq Mehmood, a British sociologist, in 1960-70s was identified as Pakistani,
in the 1980s turned Asian and in the 1990s became Muslims. While the Muslim Diaspora
identity has become a modern phenomena according to Geoffrey Nash. Hence, Muslim identity
established as an independent entity in the global context in twentieth to twenty-first century due
to a significant raise in the immigrant minorities in Europe.“Every civilization sees itself as the
center of the world and writes its history as the central drama of human history” (Huntington,
1996). In the process of self-consciousness, Muslims across over the globe symbolically and
ritual believes without limitations of time and space considered themselves as one body called
Ummah. Such global Muslim identity goes beyond nation and state, languages, ethnicity and
indigenous culture.
Huntington predicted in his famous work The Clash of Civilizations that there will be no
reconciliation on cultural and religious confrontation especially in case of the west and Islam. He
argues that “Islam's borders are bloody and so are its innards. The fundamental problem for the
West is not Islamic fundamentalism. It is Islam, different civilizations whose people are
convinced of the superiority of their culture and are obsessed with the inferiority of their
power”(Huntington, 1996 p.35).To sum up whole discussion, it can be concluded that issue of
Muslim identity crisis and religion in historical perspective are paradoxically co-relate with each
other in context of globalization.
Again, Huntington talks about issues of identity crisis in context of globalization as
cultural and intellectual adaptation. “In the ‘90s, a global crisis of identity broke out. Everywhere
you looked, people were asking “who are we?”, “Who do we belong to?” and “who is not like
us?” (Huntington 1997, p.180).Furthermore, this research explains the Muslim identity crisis in
context of socio-cultural, political and religious paradigm. Moreover, it reveals the Muslim
identity by questioning who reckon as a Muslim is very important. The term ‘Muslim’ is
frequently used for generating different discourses to problematise the issues about Islam and
Huntington in The Clash of Civilizations (1996) presented his own opinion, after the Cold
War clash of different major civilizations between west and others will be a key reason for
conflict. Moreover, he classified world into seven most important civilizations that are
indifferent from west. He argues that both cultural conflict and religious belief are other factors
to war between west and rest of the world. In near future dealing among nations would be based
upon the overlapping and dissimilarities in their civilizations. (Interview with Amina Chaudary, June 17, 2012). Hence, globalization favors Huntington point of
view regarding confrontation among west and rest of the world.
Huntington (1997)The Clash of Civilization describes culture is one of the major factors
which will divide the world in future. These cultural conflicts have been occurred and draw
attention towards the impacts of globalization.
The fundamental source of conflict in this new world will not be primarily
ideological or primarily economic. The great division among humankind and the
dominating source of conflict will be cultural. Nation states will remain the most
powerful actors in world affairs, but the principal conflicts of global politics will occur
between nations and groups of different civilizations. The clash of civilizations will
dominate global politics. (Huntington, 1993).
Hence, such collision of civilizations can be divided into three kinds. Firstly, clash
between leading countries of diverse civilization called center nations conflicts. Secondly,
confrontation between different civilizations those borders adjacent to each other. Lastly, there
are those states that consist upon different civilizations can also be defined as fault line
(Huntington, 1997 p.416).
The concept of identity is not a very simple because it has multiple dimensions such as
age, gender, ethnicity, cultural and territorial, political, economic and social.
“The argument now that the spread of pop culture and consumer goods around the
world represents the triumph of Western civilization trivializes Western culture. The
essence of Western civilization is the Magna Carta, not the Magna Mac. The fact that
non-Westerners may bite into the latter has no implications for their accepting the
former.” (Huntington, 1996)
Hence, the issue of identity crisis can be identified in current scenario of co-existence
multi-cultural societies. Such cultural clashes among different civilizations can be analyzed as
cultural exchanges in globalization. For example, influence of western’ concept of socio-cultural,
political and economical as a system of society in non-west.
Huntington in his book, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order
(1996) talked about social aspect of globalization. In social context, almost every value of human
beings and family are examined in globalization. There are various impacts of globalization such
as westernization of traditional family values in the process of modernization. Due to growing
urbanization in modern society across the globe, there is different changing in order to raise the
living standard of life. For this purpose, various social institutes are being adopted west as their
role model in socio-cultural, political, economical and even in case of their religious belief
system too.
In this way, west not only protect themselves but also promoting through propaganda and
manipulation in non-western world generally and Muslim world particularly. Moreover, this
might be justified how American imperialism is being maintained its hegemonic control not only
Europe but also Muslim world. All such stuffs are being carried out on the name of human
rights, superiority of the world, liberal democracy, progressive and broad vision under the
agenda of one global village world.
Huntington further endorsed his vision by giving his own concept of multi- polar world.
In this way, he divided the whole world into eight civilizations. Such clash of civilizations will
be the major cause of confrontation among various civilizations as a white product of
globalization. “The dangerous clashes of future are likely to arise from the interaction of western
arrogance, Islamic intolerance and Sinic assertiveness”. Consequently, the terrorists attack on
World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001in New York proved validity of Huntington’s
Similarly, through use of mass media, international institutes and platforms such as
United Nations Organizations, Security Council of UNO, International Monitoring Funds,
International Courts for Justices and underground Intelligence Agencies Networks penetration
are main global tools to maintain and manipulate the imperial hegemony of leading global
nations over rest of the world. “Global politics remains extremely complex and countries have
different interests, which will also lead them to make what might seem as rather bizarre friends
and allies.”Hence, by using such global mechanisms almost every field of life as socio-cultural,
political, economical and religious belief system are controlled. A very strong existence of Al-
Qaeeda as a terrorist network expends almost throughout the world very effectively as a
meaningful stakeholder in the international peace.
One good illustration of socio-political and religious impacts of globalization under the
umbrella of global world as a one village where non-state institutes or networks who neither
have any legitimate representation of majority Muslim communities nor any official authentic
belonging to the Islamic civilizations. “Some Westerners […] have argued that the West does not
have problems with Islam but only with violent Islamist extremists. Fourteen hundred years of
history demonstrate otherwise”(Huntington, 1996). There is other evidence which also endorsed
Huntington point of view regarding clash of civilizations between west and Islam in the form of
blasphemies’ publications on September 30, 2005 in Denmark.
There are some other works by Huntington that includes similar issues other than The
Clash of Civilizations such as Who Are We? (2004), Culture Matters (2001), Many
Globalizations (2004), Global Dilemmas (1985), Political Orders and Changing Societies
(1968), And The Third Wave: Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century (1991). The theory
of Huntington about cultural clash based upon number of socio-economic, political and religious
aspect of a civilization. He argues that idea of cultural dominance in reshaping self-interest and
national identity are the key reasons behind his theme of clash of civilizations. According to
Harry Halen, “Samaul Huntington was not right about everything. Rather his greatness lay in his
ability to conceptualize big idea in a wide variety of fields” (p.1).
In his work, Who Are We?, he emphasizes the issue of identity crisis with reference to the
United States of America in order to highlight the role of religion in context of globalization.
Similarly, in his another work, Who Are We?(2004) Huntington describes the issue of
identity on ground of ethnicity and cultural values in case of religious belief, individualism and
collective social values IN United State of America. The role of Anglo-Protestant settlers in the
success of North America is due to their compatibility on ground of cultural value play a vital
role. Even though, socio-cultural and religious values are not only determining factors of
development and success in context of globalization.
However, Huntington was accused as a racist who is anti-migration racist. So, he was not
against any human right to move freely from one place to another for its betterment. He asserts
that the roots of every culture and civilization ultimately based on a religion which further foam
identities. He quotes number of examples as evidence in support of his thesis regarding revival of
religion as a driving force in context of global scenario. In fact, he is genius who observed with
his foresighted vision that revival of religion and its role in national identity formation as a
dynamic factor in modern politics therefore, he is also called as prophet of Trump era. Hence,
selection of Donald Trump as a president of America proved authenticity of Huntington point of
Similarly, such shift of modern power politics both at national and international level is
also evidence in Middle East where a clear division can be seen among Muslim world. At one
side, Saudi Arabia and Iran are too leading Islamic countries where women are graduating more
than men. Meanwhile, traditional concept of national patriotism once again seen in China and
Japan, in recent year, while on the other hand, selection of Narindandar Moudi who is candied
of Bartia Janta Party (BJP) are heart core Hindu religion organization. Thus, nowadays national
interest and identity are playing prominent role in the socio-cultural, political, economical and
religious belief system across the globe.
By doing so, Huntington explains nature of world order in future would not be based on
power politics and technological advancement rather ideological issues and identity would form
the world order. He further advanced his point of view by dividing the whole world into seven
main religiously grounded civilizations.
Huntington in his latest work Many Globalizations (2004) describes that globalization is
not purely a secular subject matter rather it has very much influence of religious belief through
socio-cultural, economical and political aspect as an impact of globalization across the globe. He
further endorses his view by interpreting current globalization as a stereotypical approach of
American Imperialism towards rest of the world on the name of westernization to maintain its
hegemony over ‘others’.
In his famous work Many Globalization (2004) he talks about global cultural exchanges
and its influence over values of American society and ‘others’. Hence, globalization is not a one
way process because at one side, dominating Americans play as a role model for socio-cultural,
political and economical context as a social system across the globe. On the other side, he also
highlighted import of non-Americans features in recent years like selection of heart core
American President Donald Trump and revival of very clear distinction between Protestant and
Catholic and other religion as Islam and Buddhism in United States of America. To encapsulate
the whole discussion, Huntington is of the view that globalization is a very complicated, multi-
layer and ongoing process in which dominant civilization seen to absorb others. Meanwhile,
there is also emergence of new civilizations through amalgamation of indigenous with due to
globalization which ultimately leads to result in the form of many globalizations within the
Current work is meant for discussion and data analysis of the various themes related to
the issues about Muslim identity crises in context of socio- cultural, economic, political, and
religious aspect of globalization presented in this anthology of poems 67 Mogul Miniatures
Raza Ali Hassan. For this purpose from Huntington’s opinion about globalization is being
applied on above mentioned selected text to generate the critical discourse regarding issues of
identity and marginalization of Muslims cross the globe generally and in European and western
world particularly in context of globalization. Hence, there are significant features of
globalization and Muslim identity that can be derived from this discussion of theory for
application to the selected text as method of analysis.
There are different features of globalization which play their role in the issues of
Muslims’ identity crises in the context of globalization in economic, socio-cultural , political
changes and change in religious role. Under the influence of globalization almost field of life
evolved he the name of progress on an accelerating rate with passage of time. According to Nye
and Donahuc (2000) the phenomenon of globalization is an ongoing process in which different
networks are not only mutually interconnected but are also interdependent without
discrimination of any border and distance. Hence, present research is conducted to highlight the
misunderstandings and misrepresentation of Muslims and Islam in West and Europe in context
of historical revelry among Muslims and Christian generally and after 9/11 on the issues of
Muslim identity crises of Pakistanis particularly in context of globalization.
So in this research study the researcher highlights different misconceptions about Islam
and Muslims after 9/11 in the paradigm of globalization, although , theory of globalization come
into view with the lenses of colonialism firstly and secondly post colonialism. At the end there
are different global issues which are discussed in the global scenario. Moreover present research
work the researcher has draw attention to the other various fundamentals of global quintessence.
However the term globalization first of all was introduced in the 1980's to describe the rise in the
movement of the people who belong from one place to a new place for the purpose of trade and
In this way the researcher analyzed the selected collection of poems 67 Mogul Miniatures
by Raza Ali Hassan in the paradigm of theory of globalization and in its various perspectives
such as socio-cultural, political, economic and religious aspects. In order to generate discussion
and data analysis of the selected text qualitative study is being done to explore the themes and
issues of Muslim identity crises from socio-cultural, economic and religious aspect in context of
globalization by doing critical analysis of the poetry in the previously mentioned text.
Hassan used a traditional form of Urduthe poetry in his beautiful anthology of poems to
raise his voice for wakeup call to his Muslim nation in present age across the globe from war and
of central Arab states, Afghanistan to Southern Asia. Such as, he followed his role model Iqbal’s
format of Shikwa and Jwab e Shikwa while composing his own piece ofthe poetry. He has
firsthand exposure to live in United States of America for more than two decades; therefore, he is
very much able to understand racism by whites against Muslims in terms of the coded language
and prejudice. Moreover, it was also very hurting for him to observe down fall of his nation.
Hence, used to recall glorious past of his forefathers who once ruled over the world for centuries
but now there is no central supreme leadership of Muslims in the world.
Similarly, the poet is also very much realistic too while analyzing current scenario of his
nation. Therefore he accepted that there is need to do lot of work to recover from sufferings and
disgrace which is being faced by the Muslims across the globe. Such as issues of Muslims
identity crises in context of socio-cultural, political, economic and religious aspect of
globalization. A very much clear and visionary approach can be observed in tenth poem from 67
Mogul Miniatures by Raza Ali Hassan in which he used metaphor from nature to describe the
true picture of circumstances through which Muslim Ummah is going through in the form of
different conflicts in present globalized scenario.
From above written lines it can be analyzed how much literariness is reflecting in the
writing style of thethe poet. For example, the use of imagery from nature in order to express his
point of view through histhe poetry ‘land meets the scorching sun’, ‘parched grass singes ’ ,
‘butterflies do not congregate’, ‘the thing to talk about are either missing’, and ‘dark, shadowy
nothings’. Here, this expression ‘where the land meets the scorching sun’ symbolizes the time
span which is spread over centuries when once dawn of Muslim Ummah was at her rise. While
now-a-days there is no role of Muslim Ummah or nation at all anywhere else in the world.
Similarly, ‘parched grass singes’ means collapse of Muslim Empire after the decline of ottoman
Empire and raise of Anglo- Saxon globalization.
Butterflies do not congregate. Trees do not shade.
Whereas ‘Butterflies do not congregate’ stands for disunity among Muslims such as
historical revelry between Shia and Sunni are two major sects. These two divisions not only
caused trouble for whole institute of Ummah but their internal conflicts, conspiracies against
each other and wars among them also played its role in down fall of Muslims. For example
conflict among Umayyad (Sunni), Abbasid (Sunni) and Fatimid ( Shia) were three Muslim
dynasties but they were always ready to lay down other in their respective reigns.
In the same way ‘the thing to talk about are either missing’ identifies disappointment of
thethe poet over the disunity and lack of sincerity by his people even after facing so much
humiliation in the form of misrepresentation of Muslims as a terrorist. Therefore,the poet did
criticize his fellow Muslims who are still in negligence from their nation self respect by saying
these words that now nothing remains left to even discuss us with dignity. Likewise the
expression ‘or show up as dark, shadowy nothings’ signify the socio-cultural, economic and
political crises in poor Muslim countries which are therefore named as third world countries.
Correspondingly,the poet is of the view that sufferings and damage which has been
done to his nation is both at very large scale and severe in nature. Through his poetry very
smartly the poet highlights various problems of Muslims. As , it can be seen from following lines
of twenty nineteenth poems that the poet is very keenly interested to make reforms in the
situation of his nation. Therefore through his the poetry he used to express his reservation and
concerns over the present adverse circumstances of Muslims cross the globe generally and in
European or Western world particularly. Such as he describes his point of view in twenty
nineteenth poem of his work 67 Mogul Miniatures;
It can be understood from above description that why the poet is used these words
‘cypress tree’ to describe Muslim Ummah because once when Muslim’s Empire was established
in the world then they were as graceful and prominent nation as tree of cypress get attention of
every one where ever cypress tree is planted. Similarly Muslim Ummah was leader of the whole
world in almost every field of life. Such as Socio-Cultural and religious influence, political
stability, economic and military superiority and lead in intellectual achievements in logic,
philosophy and different branches of science (i.e. Chemistry, Physics ,Medicine, Astronomy ,
Mathematics etc).
Likewise ‘petals unhinged like droplets’ represents division and disunity among
Muslims. For example there are various kinds of divisions among Muslims on socio-cultural,
economic, political and religious divide on the name of different religious school of thoughts. In
case of socio-cultural conflict there is very famous historical division among Muslims in this
regard. We know that Islam has its roots in Arab where it was started, therefore, due to such
blessing upon Arabs, Arabic language and culture enjoyed a special privileged over other
regional civilizations under the umbrella of Muslim Ummah. Hence, soon after the Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) such socio-cultural issues become started to emerge which later on became
more and more severe with the passages of time.
Although, it is a historical fact that loss and damage which hurt the Muslims Ummah
was neither caused neither by any external force nor by an enemy of Islam rather it is being done
by the internal selfish culprits who compromised the interests of Ummah for getting their short
term benefits. In order to get their petty interests these black sheep not even hesitated to commit
a cold blooded martyr of grandson of Prophet (PBUH) of Islam along with his entire family.
Such revelry dented permanently on the face of Muslim Ummah and noted in the history as
Karbala tragedy. However, this political revelry is evident from history of Muslim rule from era
of rightly guided third Caliph Imam Ali(A.S.) which is bring into light by Hassan in second
poem of his book of poems.
Actually, Islam and Muslim rulers in history are two different subjects. Even after the
victory of Makah when Prophet (PBUH) announced victory for all on this occasion without any
discrimination and punishment or penalty to any one against any kind of charge. While it is
claimed by Shia Muslims that Umayyad did not accepted their defeat by Islam because they were
ruling elite of Makah before Islam. They took revenge from Prophet (PBUH)’s family and tribe
Hashmi whenever they got any opportunity to do so. Hence, Karbala tragedy is result of such
revelry; however, what are the root causes behind such tragedy what happens ultimately
grandson of Prophet (PBUH) and his family were martyred cold bloodedly and their remaining
ones and beloved were suffered a lot at the hands of Yazid.
Later on the issues about superiority of Arabs over non –Arab were witnessed in the and
a lot of wars fought among different Muslim dynasties against each other. For example, rivalry
between Umayyad (Arabs) and Abbasid (who have support of non-Arabs to overthrow the
Umayyad) is very perfect example of socio- cultural conflict among Muslims which has been
evolved further with passage of time in the form of Saudi Arabia and Iran revelry against each
other. Such issues regarding creation of permanent division among Muslims after the tragedy of
Karbala are highlighted by thethe poet when he talks about the division of Ummah with the
passage time in his twenty ninetieth poem .
The leaves too fell leaving the branches bare.
In the same way ‘leaves too fell’, indicates decline of Muslims Empire either due to
internal conflicts of interests either on grounds of socio-cultural, political and sectarian
differences or rise of others in socio-economic, political and military power. If we talk about
political and religious conflicts among Muslims then a very prominent division can be analyzed
in the form of Sunni Muslims and Shia Muslims who are two different religious schools of
thoughts in Islam. Historically we can also observe revelry among Umayyad (Arabs and Sunni),
Abbasid (Arabs Sunni but political revelry of Umayyad who overthrew Umayyad with support
of non-Arab and Shias) and Fatimid (Arabs and Shia). Similarly by this phrase ‘desolation on the
ancient garden’ denotes past when once Muslims were at their peak now there is only adversity
in socio-cultural, economic, political and en in religious belief system.
Here the poet states that Muslims are at the verge of their decline to the lowest level of
the history in almost all fields of life. Therefore the poet raised his voice to highlight the
severances of the matter for discussion and analysis to take necessary remedial and measures to
tackle the current circumstances by saying this verse, ‘pouring concrete over concrete my lone
lament’. Meanwhile the poet is also aware of his limitation too, that’s why in the last verse of his
twenty nineteenth poem he says ‘…my lone lament went unheard in the hardening cement’.
Hence, the poet raises his voice upon the crises and sufferings of Muslim Ummah but he also
accepts that his voice is very weak to express his grievances upon Muslim’s sufferings.
Another chief cause for decline of Muslims is their internal conflicts and mutual clashes
of Muslim ruling elite, such as to get military support and aid even from Crusades against their
political rival Muslim ruler to prolong their own rule or to get rule by over throwing someone
else. Moreover it can also be observed that sometimes Muslim ruling elite did pre-bargaining
with non-Muslim enemies to get Crown after throwing their political opponent by disregarding
even blood relations among them only for the sake of getting themselves in position of as
supreme ruler .Such as Raza Ali Hassan also highlights these issues in forty one poem in his
anthology of poems 67Mogul Miniatures.
In this poem, thethe poet compares Tipu Sultan and Prince Hector who was also got
killed as Sultan Tipu was martyred due to betrayal of his own people. Likewise Haidar Ali who
was father of Tipu Sultan was also a very wiser and visionary king who was luckier then king
Priam who was father of prince Hector. Unfortunately king Prim had to pick up dead body of his
son in the darkness of night due to betrayal of his faithful ones. There so many other reasons
which leads Muslims rule to end but internal treasons of Muslims with sincere kings like as Tipu
Sultan paved the way for decline of Muslims and foreign occupation.
Here,the poet describes the class discrimination even within Muslim world on economic ground,
such as; at one side there is an Arab Muslim world which is rich enough to live a luxury life.
While on the other hand there is third world Muslims countries that spend their lives even below
the poverty line and such division is presented by thethe poet in eleventh poem in these given
below lines.
In the first two lines the poet describes poverty and deprivation of poor Muslim nations
of third world who live their life even below poverty line. While on the other hand there are
rich Muslim Arab world that have more than then enough resources which is described in the
third and forth lines of the poem. For example Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Behrine, United Arab
Emirates and Maskat are those who have very large petroleum resources. In the last line of
this poem the phrase “Still life with Apples” signifies resourcefulness in the life of rich and
developed nations of the world that are spending a luxury life .Hence there is so much in their
life long with all its sophistication people are enjoying almost every available facility in the
Likewise in fifteenth poem the poet further highlights such issues like absolute
poverty in third world Muslim countries. It can also be analyzed from third and fourth verses
of this poem when the poet provide a harsh but true picture of adverse economic
circumstances of poor people who spend their life below poverty line.
As it can be observed by above given verses of the poem how socio-economic decline is
there in Muslim societies belong to third world countries that there is no even availability of
basic needs like even food. In the same way the poet also criticizes the present day economic
developments on the name of globalization where it is claimed that now this world has
become global village. Such globalization can be analyzed in these verses of sixteenth poem;
With no Bolsheviks left and Mao’s barefoot doctors
Thus it can be observed by this phrase of first verse from above given stanza “With no
Bolsheviks left” that after communism means after fall of Soviet Union a Western economic
system was launched on the name of social welfare as an alternative economic system for world.
A lot of dreams were showed for the betterment of common man and development of the whole
mankind which will be achieved with this new economic system on the name of social reforms in
the society in context of globalization. A very popular version of globalization was described
that now whole world become a global village therefore economic benefits from developed
In the same way “The glittering caravanserai” denotes so called globalized trade leaders
who are dictating the weaker ones how to develop their economic growth rate by following these
developed nations. While if we look back at history, then, we come to know that once these
developed nation were colonizer who exploit the colonized by importing their all available
resources in the form of raw material and free labor. As it can be evident that in colonial era how
colonizer benefited from colonies that even poor colonized were imported to back at home state
Similarly, “a rowdy celebration of things to come” phrase from fourth verse of previously
mentioned poem indicates all those shallow slogans which are claimed as a fruit of globalized
economy. Therefore a lot of international trade agreements and trade dealings are being
conducted to defend the new developments in the international globalized economic scenario. A
number of various international and regional economic cooperative organizations are formed to
connect the different economies. Such as World Trade Organizations (WTO), International
Monitoring Fund (IMF), World Bank and Shanghai Cooperation Organization are examples of
these international economic forums which are established for the sake of economic support to
its members.
There are also other issues like as socio-cultural conflicts and economic exploitation of
poor middle and working class of third world countries like as Pakistanis when they g to Arab
states for earning. There is a very cruel system on the name of sponsorship or registration under a
local Arab who will be called as ‘Kafeel’ of a foreigner wanted to be there for working purpose.
Hence, these poor workers have to pay decided amount to ‘Kafeel’ monthly from their monthly
income which they earned after very hardships and labor work plus living without their families
at distance of thousands kilometers far from their homeland. It can be analyzed how Raza Ali
Hassan highlight issues about socio-cultural conflicts and economic exploitations in his work 67
Mogul Miniatures. Such as in twenty sixth poem he describes how Pakistani struggles abroad
The poet feels very sad and disappointment over sufferings of his nation because a
majority of Pakistani middle class has to migrate even towards rich Arab states for example
Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.), Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and Mskat etc. Here in
first verse of this poem “A remittance-prone Pakistani middle class turns to Hijaz” it can be
observed to those Pakistani middle class who have to migrate from their homeland only for
earning something to send back at home to provide economic support for their families. In this
verse word ‘Hijaz’ denotes Arab states and ‘remittance prone’ means income which a Pakistani
earn by doing lobar work at abroad not only valuable for their family while it is also count a lot
In second verse of above written poem “just as a blind , wingless bulbul takes off from a
high branch” it can be evident how poor Pakistani middle class has to suffer a lot that’s why the
poet used these words like as ‘a blind , wingless bulbul’. This shows the socio-economic
exploitation of Pakistani working class at Hijaz (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.),
Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and Mskat etc. ) because they have to fulfill the all demands of their
Kafeel at any cost under any circumstances if they want to stay there.
In the same way third verse “chinar tree and hits the ground with a plop” express the
severances of the issues about hardships faced by the Pakistani working class during their stay at
abroad due. Hence, due to uneven circumstances in the form of very inconvenient rules and
regulations of host countries and attitude of Kafeel towards Pakistani labor and working class.
Furthermore, these poor working people also have to face domestic crises both at host and home
countries in the form of socio-cultural conflicts as it can be seen in fourth verse of this above
written poem. As it can be analyzed how effectively the poet explains issue of cultural conflict
through his work for example in this verse he says that “such zeal can only cause cultural
confusion at home”. Hence there are various by products of globalized version of modern day
Actually there are a very large range and variety of literature on various global issues
like as international peace and harmony among international community, economic monopoly of
developed economies, Terrorism and political manipulation of militarily dominating nations for
example United States of America. On the other hand there are also some other issues other than
free trade and flourishing life such as socio-cultural and economic aspects in context of
globalization. So it can be evident in last two verses of twenty sixth poem how ;
From above given verses it is very much understandable how Pakistani middle class has
to suffer at the hands of both Kafeel and problematic legal framework of host countries. In fact
these host Arab countries like as Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.), Bahrain, Kuwait,
Qatar and Mskat etc. always introduced such rules and regulation which facilitate their citizens
in order to do so they legalize socio-economic exploitation of foreign working and labor class. In
this way no matters who get benefits what happens poor Pakistani middle class struggle under all
these circumstances.
dependent upon its agriculture sector same like as Pakistan has an agriculture based economy.
Her economy largely earn its revenue by foreign reserves against its export of cash crops like as
them Rice and Patson . Although it is being claimed by her government that peasants will be
relieved by providing subsidy in order to help out them to deal with their financial burden. The
poet presents this whole scenario of economic depression in Bangladesh in twenty seventh poem
On another occasion in this poem the poet talks about mishandling of water resources in
Sylhet a district of Bangladesh which cause a lot of trouble for local formers who wanted to
grow Rice crop because it is major cash crop of Bangladesh. While what happens with
suffered due to all this stuff which further put financial pressure on them in the form of loss in
production of rice crop. It can be seen in third and fourth verses of previously mentioned twenty
Hence, it can be analyzed by above given verses from work of Hassan about financial
crises due to which burden of national fiscal pressure shifts from financial institutes of
Bangladesh to individuals. Moreover such economic depression cause more inconvenience to the
local formers who are already sharing loss of financial crises of agriculture sector by
mismanagement of respective administration and concern authorities. In the same way the poet
further highlights the limitations of agriculture sector and its contribution in the national
economy of Bangladesh in the last two verses of this poem when he talks about role of
Now along with such difficulties how it can be possible that only crop of rice which is
one of the major cash crops of Bangladesh is enough to deal with these economic issues like
absolute poverty, unemployment and overpopulation. What happens ultimately the poor formers
have to struggle even in order to meet their day to day affairs and even bread and butter for
themselves and their families. In the same way there are a lot of hardships and difficulties which
are being faced by poor workers and labor class across the globe. Here, the poet expresses a
scene of protest of formers which did not covered by electronic media in Pakistan in sixty two
The reason is that neither industrialist nor relevant state institutes are interested to
provide basic and humanitarian rights to the farmers and labors .For example there is no surety
of their jobs and availability of their wages regularly in accordance with the minimum wage rates
which has been declared by the present government very year in accordance with the inflation
rate and cost of living standard at least to fulfill their basic needs of life. Thus, there is no take
care of violation of safety measures and harsh conditions while duty hours for poor working
class both in government and private local and even international level exporting firms for their
workers. Therefore, it is very common incident to happen accidental deaths of workers due to
short circuit got fire at working site, due to inhumane conditions of high temperature and
suffocation , leakage of dangerous gas, due to non-availability of safety measures while working
Furthermore such discrimination with working class can also be seen even in government
departments too with workers having lower rank or scale generally below sixteen scale
supervisor staff while such negligence get more severe in case of technical employees having
scale ranges from twelve or nine to seven scale named as assistant to supervisor and technical
helpers. For example lower rank Technical staff in Water and Power Development Authority
(WAPDA), Sui Northern Gas Pipe Lines Limited (SNGPL), Railways, National Steel Mills etc.
At the end of the poem, the poet describes hardships and sufferings of the poor labor and
working class throughout the world from Pakistan to the Philippines. Therefore, he asked labor
and working class that they should united from Karachi to Manila to take stand and started a
struggle to get their due rights at any cost and under any circumstances. Similarly, the poet also
highlighted issues about socio-economic crises in Yemen in twenty eight poem when he
describes adverse socio-economic circumstances. Meanwhile he presents the whole picture of
what’s going on in the economy of Yemen which can be analyzed by reading these given below
economic and political crises. After continuous civil war and insurgencies in Yemen it has been
turned into battle field or backyard for proxy war on ethnic and sectarian ground between Iran
and Saudi Arabia. Economy of Yemen has been almost destroyed because its major remittances
produced due to her export of coffee and other natural mineral resources. So, if the production of
coffee and other exporting goods and its demand in the market varies in accordance with the
other economic variables then foreign reserves against revenue collection of export will
Such as it can be seen how the poet explains his point of view regarding fluctuations in
trade cycle and its effects on socio-economic indicators of Yemen. For example in third and
fourth verse of twenty ninetieth poem the poet highlights actual on ground impacts of globalized
Thus, it can be analyzed from above given lines how socio-economic factors get effect of
fluctuations in international economic indicators .The change is obvious in either case under the
influence of shift in equilibrium in demand and supply equation. So, when prices for
commodities will be lower than demand will increase, which leads to make sure a rise in supply
in the market and vice versa. Now in globalized world it is impossible to prevent from impacts of
socio-cultural, political and economic fluctuations happens in some other part of world.
West versus Islam in view of Historical background and Evolution of Globalization
Globalization is an ongoing and evolving process and it is neither a one way process nor
a simple phenomenon. Actually it is a very complex, multilayered and two way process which
has its various dimensions too. Such as if we talk about impacts of globalization then we come to
know that it influenced the almost every field of life but the emphasis of this research is to focus
upon the socio-cultural, economic, political and religious aspect of globalization .Globalization
took so many centuries to reach its present stage and scope, therefore, if we see an over view of
its evolution and emergence we come know that at first the era of Islamic globalization(it ranges
from establishment of first Islamic caliphate era to Ottoman Empire) comes before this Anglo-
Saxon globalization. Raza Ali Hassan portrays clash of civilization between West and Islam in
globalization after the collapse of Soviet Union when United States of America became
Super power and our world became mono polar. In first phase of Anglo-Saxon
globalization European colonizer and imperialists divided the world into Western and
Muslims as a third world after the fall of Ottoman Empire. In this way the New World or
Western World showed its hatred and launched a revengeful aggression towards Old
World or Muslims and Islam because they could not accepted success of Islam and
because they took Muslims as a rival on socio-cultural, economic, political and religious
Such as, it can be seen in the form of Crusades wars which were fought by Christians to
get back their supremacy on socio-cultural, economic, political and religious grounds over
Muslims, Jews and rest of the world at any cost under all circumstances. Hence, Anglo- Saxon
globalization can be analyzed as post-crusades policy of West and Europeans to maintain their
hegemony and superiority over East or others generally while over Muslims and Islam
particularly. Similarly, Huntington in his book, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of
World Order (1996) explains the Westerner policy in terms of socio-cultural, political and
religious belief system in context of globalization in post Cold War scenario. Huntington
forecasted that there will be no reconciliation on cultural and religious clashes especially in case
of the west and Islam. He argues that “the West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas
or values or religion […] but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners
very clearly how Raza Ali Hassan highlights the issue of identity crises of Muslims in
perspective of globalization in these given below lines. It is noticeable that, although, the morale
of the poet is very low due to observing sufferings of his nation after its decline but still his tune
approach shows resilience and aggression of typical Muslim once who ruled over more than half
Hence , it can be analyzed from above given verses of the poem how Muslims are a very
much aware of their national self, glorious past and legacy of their forefathers, Who used to rule
over rest of the world on the base of their ability to do so. Therefore, the poet says that Muslim
conquers neither should stop at the Rock of Gibraltar nor the upcoming Muslim emperors should
indulge in time and space to enjoy the luxuries of life rule over the world for their personal
gratification. Hassan endorsed his point of by saying this verse second last verse of this poem
“would have galloped further on our majestic seafaring horses” in order to expand the Muslims
incident when he saw a display of sixty seven Mogul miniatures in the west for sale in his work
67 Mogul Miniatures. This shows the humiliation and disgrace of Mogul legacy after the decline
of Mogul dynasty by European in order to level the score with Muslim rulers. Such as Mogul
were Muslim rulers who ruled sub-Continent more than one century but after the establishment
of British colonial rule the legacy of socio-culture, economical, political and religious institutes
were almost not destroyed but they were replaced by European ones by the colonizer. These
issues are being highlighted by thethe poet in thirty seven poem in which he argues about an
Sometimes manners of thought, speech and action matter a lot than that of thought,
speech and action, therefore, in this case of exhibition of sixty seven Mogul miniatures
represents the Westerner approach towards their rival. In this poem compliment such attitude of
West toward Muslims and the legacy of their forefathers which shows glorious past of Muslims.
Although, here these sixty seven Mogul miniatures are symbolical representation of Muslim
rules for so many centuries in Sub-Continent and their exhibition in Europe indicates attitude of
The issue of Palestine is another cause of grieving for the poet because from last
many decades Israel has been occupied there on the land of Palestine. In this way Muslim of
Palestine are not only deprived from their basic humanitarian rights such as to live free on their
home land, to follow their religion and to live on motherland because their forefathers were
belonged to this land. While on other hand Jew settlements are being done on the land of
convert Palestinians into a minority. So that Jews claim to occupy Palestinian land would be
justified able by doing so. Therefore, the poet states this issue of Palestinian struggle to get
In this poem the poet described a scene of bomb blast in Bait-ul- Muqadas or Masjid
Aqsa in Palestine which was once ex-Khana Kaba for both Muslims and Jews. Now due to civil
war and Israeli violations of Palestinian’s sovereignty by intervention in Palestine with the use of
force against unarmed civilians caused a lot of trouble. Such as now poor civil Palestinians are
not allowed to do worship at their second most sacred mosque in the world. They are being
stopped by imposing curfew on offering Firday prayers (a weekly worship) or even Eid prayers
(a yearly worship) by the Israeli military. The scene which is being portrayed by the poet is
presenting such scenario in which people of Palestine are being stopped by offering prayer at
Masjid Aqsa .Hence, when people started protest against violation of their basic right to practice
any religion with freedom, then they were promised that tomorrow curfew will off and they will
allow to do worship there. Therefore people seemed to be disappointed and remembered the old
Similarly, the poet talks about before Soviet-Afghan War and pre 9/11 beautiful and
unparallel natural scenery and peace at Afghanistan. For instance, as the poet describes a natural
scene at S. Sakai name of an area in Afghanistan in fifty three poem. In this way the poet not
only highlights the peaceful nature of Islam and Muslims while on the other side he also explores
the actual reasons behind aggression of Muslims against Westerner world. Therefore by doing so
the poet exposing the true face of west because before their intervention in Muslim world(i.e.
Division of Turkey or Ottoman Empire after WW-II, Colonialism in Muslim World, Attack of
United States Of America on Iraq and Afghanistan etc.) we were living in peace and harmony
As it can be analyzed from above given versus by Raza Ali Hassan how Afghanistan was
before it was made battle field firstly for cold war between Soviet Union and United States of
America for protecting the interest of West and Americans in this region. For example
Americans was wanted to get themselves as super power of the world at any cost, for their
purpose they even did not hesitated to promote Jihad and Mujahideen in Afghanistan and
Pakistan was being used as back yard for this battle. Later on in pos 9/11 context all such
situation got turned in reverse direction, no matters what is the point of view of west towards
Muslims and Islam the end result is that Muslims suffered a lot across the globe due to Westerns
As ,it was asserted for the duration of 1960s and 1970s so as to some of the globalization
globalization afterward on turn out to be a major cause of anti-American and anti westernization
sentiments in Iran. According to Al-e-Ahmad (1979), before this foreign policy and intelligence
elites may perhaps have failed to spot this for the reason that “they did not think religion
study for clash of between Islam and west. Therefore, Hassan draws a comparison between
today’s indigenous Muslim youth with those who got settled in West in sixty poem of his work
67 Mogul Miniatures.
Today’s Muslim youth is so much ignorant from their national identity and religious
teachings as well as practicing of religion. Therefore, the poet compares at one side he describes
a scene of thousands of Iranians are offering their Friday prayers at Tehran University While on
the side there is Muslim youth who are off springs of those whose parents have been settled in
United Kingdom , United States of America and other European states. Therefore, the poet
compares these westernized young Muslims with directionless and visionless far distant stars in
The designated driver and the light is coming out of your car’s
have been white washed who do not have any self consciousness and no more interested about
their original home land and Muslim identity at all. Moreover, Raza Ali Hassan further argues
about issues related to Muslim identity crises in socio-cultural and religious context of
economic, political and role of religion in context of globalization which can be examined in his
The poet says that today’s generation is under the influence of western civilization, thus
from nowhere they seem like a Muslim or Pakistani because they do not interested in to carry
them like that. These people are like as neither they have any future ambitions about their self-
reliance nor any direction regarding national self conscience. Therefore, now Muslims are like
those people who always in search of external aid. Due to lack of awareness and self
consciousness Muslims are like crowd instead of a nation that neither has any leadership nor any
we examine initial phase of globalization ironically. Then, we come to an analysis with respect
to history and westernization about Islamic Revolution of Iran in 1979 was in many ways, part of
backlash of religion against globalization. Thus this can be seen as case study to understand the
role of religion in globalization, for instance, Iranian Revolution is a perfect example of religious
Al-e Ahmed further argues ironically about Islam and emergence of globalization in by
stating these words, “Vital, native, non-western part of Iranian identity with potential for
opposition to westernization (p.1, 12 , 19). Similarly Ali Shareti not only refused Marxism in
order to resist the westernization like as did be Al-e Ahmade but he also supported for, “a
politically active: even revolutionary , revitalized Shiaism , indigenous to Iran , struggling for
context of globalization when he talks about securing of Persian culture such as he states that,
“the foul claws of imperialism” plays their role for poising the Persian culture. For this purpose
he even borrows the term, ‘gharbzadegi’ which means ‘westoxication’ and make use of it during
his sermons. Thus this term further can be explained as; the poising means westernization of an
indigenous of an indigenous culture. This term was at first introduced by Fardid in his speeches
at University of Tehran but got famous after the publication of Jalal-Al-e Ahmad’s book,
Gharbzadegi (p.1,19).
According to the poet enemy of Muslims is very cruel and is not very far from us. Enemy
is very readily spread and very frequently moving around and within us very easily and freely on
our land. Our enemy is Christian who is selling out its socio-culture, economic, political and
even religious belief system at any cost and under all circumstances. Such as our enemy is very
a social system to replace Islamic complete code of life, globalized Americanized or westernize
culture instead of indigenous Islamic one, Capitalism as an economic system, European version
Islam. For this purpose they launched propaganda before starting crusades wars which is still
continue up till now even after demolishing the Muslim rule over world which was spread over
centuries after advent of Islam. The area Muslim rule was consisted upon from more than half of
the world such as from Arabs to Africa, Africa to Asia and Asia to Europe. In addition, Hassan
highlights the issue of identity crises in perspective of evolution of globalization in fifty six
Here, Hassan draws a comparison between ‘Old World’ and ‘New World’ in terms of
requirements of their respective ages through his poetry very successfully and skillfully by
describing the whole cycle of peak and fall of nations with the passage of time. The poet further
expresses views about issues related rise and decline of nation, for instance, once Muslims were
ruled over more than half of world but now-a-days after their decline they are being
misrepresented by the West. Hence, now if any terrorism like incident occurs then Muslims of
the whole world generally Pakistanis have to face it particularly without any reason. There is no
rule or logic behind this misconception and misrepresentation of Muslims and Pakistanis other
than of prejudice of West towards Muslims. So, there are issues about Muslim identity in context
Present research work highlights the issue of Muslim identity crises in context of socio-
cultural, economical, political and religious aspect of globalization in 67 Mogul Miniatures
(2008) by Raza Ali Hassan. For this purpose the lens of globalization from Huntington’s point
view is applied for data analysis of the select text. In this way this chapter of present research
study is so much helpful for the future researched on the similar issues.
Huntington presents the issues about Muslim identity in emergence of globalization
because he had a very crystal foresighted vision as well as a very good eye on both current
scenario of globalization and historical back ground of clash of civilizations. He presented his
point of regarding future clashes of civilizations in his work The Clash of Civilizations and the
Remaking of World Order (1996) .He predicted that in future the war will not be fight for any
ideological, economical or political interest while the root cause for wars among different
civilization will be cultural conflicts. According to Huntington there will be no reconciliation or
agreement on cultural and religious confrontations between Western and Islamic civilizations.
This present research study explores conflicts of globalization in 67 Mogul Miniatures by
applying Huntington’s theoretical paradigm about globalization as a lens for analysis and
discussion to explore the main issues from the selected primary text. There are different features
of globalization which play their role in the issues of Muslims’ identity crises in the context of
globalization are associated with the economic, socio-cultural , political changes and change in
religious role. Under the influence of globalization almost field of life evolved he the name of
progress on an accelerating rate with passage of time.
The phenomenon of globalization is an ongoing process in which different networks are
not only mutually interconnected but are also interdependent without discrimination of any
border and distance. Hence, present research is conducted to highlight the misunderstandings and
misrepresentation of Muslims and Islam in West and Europe in context of historical revelry
among Muslims and Christian generally and after 9/11 on the issues of Muslim identity crises of
Pakistanis particularly in context of globalization (Nye and Donahuc, 2000).
However globalization itself is an ever ongoing and very complex phenomenon which
got emerged in different dimensions simultaneously to reach its present status and scope. In his
work 67 Mogul Miniatures Raza Ali Hassan not only portrays glorious past of Muslims but he
also laments over the decline of his nation. It can be seen in seventh poem of his previously
mentioned collection poems how he portrays his feelings of grief and disappointment over
decline of Muslim Ummah.
As it can be concluded from above given lines that the poet is feeling extremely sorry and
disappointed over the lack of any central leadership in the Muslims after the fall of Ottoman
Empire. Due to which the whole Ummah was being treated by European imperialists as an
orphan who do not have any one to protect her members from attacks of enemies in almost all
walks of life. Such as division of the world into West or developed world and third world or
Muslim world by New World who did so to take revenge from of the Old World or Muslims to
rule them .
The things to talk about are either missing
In the same way ‘the thing to talk about are either missing’ identifies disappointment of
thethe poet over the disunity and lack of sincerity by his people even after facing so much
humiliation in the form of misrepresentation of Muslims as a terrorist. Therefore, the poet did
criticize his fellow Muslims who are still in negligence from their nation self respect by saying
these words that now nothing remains left to even discuss us with dignity. Likewise the
expression ‘or show up as dark, shadowy nothings’ signify the socio-cultural, economic and
political crises in poor Muslim countries which are therefore named as third world countries.
Correspondingly, the poet is of the view that sufferings and damage which has been
done to his nation is both at very large scale and severe in nature. Through his poetry very
smartly the poet highlights various problems of Muslims. As , it can be seen from following lines
of twenty nineteenth poems that the poet is very keenly interested to make reforms in the
situation of his nation. Therefore through his the poetry he used to express his reservation and
concerns over the present adverse circumstances of Muslims cross the globe generally and in
European or Western world particularly. Such as he describes his point of view in twenty
nineteenth poem of his work 67 Mogul Miniatures;
Here ,the poet used once again symbolism from nature when he says , ‘The ring- doves
flew away from the cypress branches’ in order to portrays circumstances of Muslims by using his
imagination power and as well as the poetic expression too. He used metaphor and simile when
he says that ‘ring doves’ means good time or fortune flew away from ‘the cypress branches’
stands for Muslim Ummah and ‘petals unhinged like droplets’ represents division and disunity
among Muslims ‘leaves too fell’, indicates decline of Muslims Empire and ‘desolation on the
ancient garden’ denotes past when once Muslims were at their peak now there is only adversity
in socio-cultural, economic, political and even in religious belief system.
Here the poet states that Muslims are at the verge of their decline to the lowest level of
the history in almost all fields of life. Therefore the poet raised his voice to highlight the
severances of the matter for discussion and analysis to take necessary remedial and measures to
tackle the current circumstances by saying this verse, ‘pouring concrete over concrete my lone
lament’. Meanwhile the poet is also aware of his limitation too, that’s why in the last verse of his
twenty nineteenth poem he says ‘…my lone lament went unheard in the hardening cement’.
Hence, the poet raises his voice upon the crises and sufferings of Muslim Ummah but he also
accepts that his voice is very weak to express his grievances upon Muslim’s sufferings.
It can be understandable how Raza Ali Hassan highlight issues about socio-cultural conflicts and
economic exploitations in his work 67 Mogul Miniatures. Such as in twenty sixth poem he
describes how Pakistani struggles abroad generally and in Arab states particularly for earning
their livelihood.
A remittance-prone Pakistani middle class turns to Hijaz
The poet feels very sad and disappointment over sufferings of his nation because a
majority of Pakistani middle class has to migrate even towards rich Arab states for example
Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.), Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and Mskat etc. Here in
first verse of this poem “A remittance-prone Pakistani middle class turns to Hijaz” it can be
observed to those Pakistani middle class who have to migrate from their homeland only for
earning something to send back at home to provide economic support for their families. In this
verse word ‘Hijaz’ denotes Arab states and ‘remittance prone’ means income which a Pakistani
earn by doing lobar work at abroad not only valuable for their family while it is also count a lot
for their country in category of foreign reserves.
Raza Ali Hassan portrays clash of civilization between West and Islam in perspective of
Now-a-days we are experiencing the latest and third stage of Anglo -Saxon globalization
after the collapse of Soviet Union when United States of America became Super power and our
world became mono polar. In first phase of Anglo-Saxon globalization European colonizer and
imperialists divided the world into Western and Muslims as a third world after the fall of
Ottoman Empire. In this way the New World or Western World showed its hatred and launched
a revengeful aggression towards Old World or Muslims and Islam because they could not
accepted success of Islam and Muslims in the form of socio-cultural, economic , political and
religious domination across the globe. Hence they took it disgraceful and humiliation to get ruled
by their rival because they took Muslims as a rival on socio-cultural, economic, political and
religious grounds.
As it can also be concluded from above given versus by Raza Ali Hassan how
Afghanistan was before it was made battle field firstly for cold war between Soviet Union and
United States of America for protecting the interest of West and Americans in this region. For
example Americans was wanted to get themselves as super power of the world at any cost, for
their purpose they even did not hesitated to promote Jihad and Mujahideen in Afghanistan and
Pakistan was being used as back yard for this battle. Later on in pos 9/11 context all such
situation got turned in reverse direction, no matters what is the point of view of west towards
Muslims and Islam the end result is that Muslims suffered a lot across the globe due to Westerns
Islamic Revolution of Iran in 1979 was in many ways, part of backlash of religion
against globalization. Thus this can be seen as case study to understand the role of religion in
these words, “Vital, native, non-western part of Iranian identity with potential for effective
westernization (p.1, 12 , 19). Similarly Ali Shareti not only refused Marxism in order to resist the
westernization like as did be Al-e Ahmade but he also supported for, “a politically active: even
revolutionary , revitalized Shiaism , indigenous to Iran , struggling for social justice as a third
Hassan draws a comparison between ‘Old World’ and ‘New World’ in terms of
requirements of their respective ages through his poetry very successfully and skillfully by
describing the whole cycle of peak and fall of nations with the passage of time in 67 Mogul
Miniatures(2008) by Raza Ali Hassan. Firstly, the poet further expresses his views about issues
related rise and decline of nation, for instance, once Muslims were ruled over more than half of
world but now-a-days after their decline they are being misrepresented by the West. Secondly,
now if any terrorism like incident occurs then Muslims of the whole world generally Pakistanis
have to face it particularly without any reason. Hence, there is no rule or logic behind this
misconception and misrepresentation of Muslims and Pakistanis other than of prejudice of West
towards Muslims.
Thirdly, there are issues about Muslim identity in context of socio-cultural, economic,
political and religious aspect in emergence of globalization .Hence, this present research study
would be not only helpful for upcoming researchers but it also paved the way for addressing such
issues about Muslim identity crises in socio-cultural, economic, political and religious
perspective of globalization.