Indofood Sukses Makmur: (Indf Ij)
Indofood Sukses Makmur: (Indf Ij)
Indofood Sukses Makmur: (Indf Ij)
Undemanding valuation amid rising positive
Positive sentiments arise as most concerning factors come out
As most of the concerning factors (e.g. Indonesia’s 2Q20 weak GDP figure and 1H20
Food and Beverage financial results) have come out, we anticipate for rising optimism in the market
going forward. For Indofood Sukses Makmur (INDF IJ) particularly, its share prices
Company Report rallied quite significantly in the market last week (+6.6% WoW). We believe that there
are at least four positive sentiments that support INDF’s share price performance: 1)
August 10, 2020
INDF’s resilient 1H20 financial performance, which we expect to continue in the
future; 2) positive sentiments from ICBP due to its impressive 1H20 net profit
achievement and more clarity on its acquisition plan (read more details in our ICBP
(Maintain) Buy report dated August 6 titled “ICBP: Rising optimism as future prospect remains
intact”); 3) INDF’s relatively undemanding valuation; and, 4) the market’s optimism
Target Price (12M, IDR) 8,700 on economic recovery as most of the concerning factors have been known.
Shares Outstanding (mn) 8,780.4 Slightly adjust down our revenue forecast, but expect higher margin
Free Float (%) 49.9
We revise down our revenue forecast slightly, partly due to the adjustment to
Beta (Adjusted, 24M) 1.0
Bogasari’s weak sales. Thus, we lower our FY20 revenue estimate by 1.6% (vs. our
52-Week Low (IDR) 5,000
previous forecast). We currently estimate INDF’s FY20 revenue at IDR80.9tr (+5.6%
52-Week High (IDR) 8,300 YoY). However, our latest FY20 net profit estimate is merely 0.1% higher than our
(%) 1M 6M 12M
previous forecast, due to higher margin expectation. We project that INDF’s FY20
net profit would arrive at IDR5.2tr (+5.3% YoY).
Absolute 6.8 -10.5 -2.4
Relative 3.0 3.2 14.1 Maintain Buy with higher TP of IDR8,700 as we roll forward to 2021
JCI INDF We maintain our Buy recommendation on INDF with higher TP of IDR8,700 (from
previously IDR8,600) as we roll forward our EPS base from FY20F to FY21F for our
multiple P/E valuation. We derived our target price by applying a P/E of 12.8x (close
to its -0.5 SD) to our 2021F EPS. We believe that INDF’s valuation is still
80 undemanding and quite attractive. Downside risks to our call are higher-than-
expected interest costs due to the Pinehill acquisition by ICBP, higher-than-expected
8/19 10/19 12/19 2/20 4/20 6/20 8/20 raw material prices, worse-than-expected depreciation of Rupiah, and slower-than-
expected economic activities.
PT. Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia FY (Dec.) 12/17 12/18 12/19 12/20F 12/21F
Revenue (IDRbn) 70,187 73,395 76,593 80,886 86,405
Operating profit (IDRbn) 8,463 7,928 9,530 10,226 11,378
Mimi Halimin Net profit (IDRbn) 4,156 4,166 4,908 5,168 5,948
+62-21-5088-7000 (ext.: 167) EPS (IDR) 473 474 559 589 677
[email protected] BPS (IDR) 3,565 3,828 4,303 4,302 4,691
P/E (x) 14.5 14.5 12.3 11.7 10.1
P/B (x) 1.9 1.8 1.6 1.6 1.5
EV/EBITDA (x) 4.9 6.5 5.6 5.5 5.1
ROE (%) 13.3% 12.4% 13.0% 13.7% 14.4%
ROA (%) 4.7% 4.3% 5.1% 5.4% 5.9%
Dividend yield (%) 3.4% 3.4% 4.0% 4.2% 4.8%
Net gearing (x) 31.4% 50.0% 24.3% 44.6% 45.0%
Note: Net profit refers to net profit attributable to controlling interests;
Source: Company data, Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Research Estimates
August 10, 2020 Indofood Sukses Makmur
(IDRbn) (IDRbn)
100,000 Revenue - LHS growth (YoY) 20% 6,000 Net profit - LHS growth (YoY) 80%
4,000 40%
10% 20%
2,000 0%
0 0% 0 -40%
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020F 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020F
Source: Company data, Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Research Estimates Source: Company data, Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Research Estimates
(IDRbn) (IDRbn)
Total net sales (LHS) YoY growth (RHS) Total net sales (LHS) YoY growth (RHS)
50,000 25% 25,000 EBIT margin (RHS) 20%
EBIT margin (RHS)
10,000 5% 5,000 0%
0 0% 0 -5%
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020F 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020F
Source: Company data, Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Research Estimates Source: Company data, Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Research Estimates
(IDRbn) (IDRbn)
Total net sales (LHS) YoY growth (RHS)
Total net sales (LHS) YoY growth (RHS)
16,000 EBIT margin (RHS) 20% 6,000 20%
EBIT margin (RHS)
15% 5,000
14,000 3,000
-10% 1,000
Source: Company data, Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Research Estimates Source: Company data, Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Research Estimates
+ 2 SD
+1 SD
12 -1 SD
-2 SD
Aug-15 Aug-16 Aug-17 Aug-18 Aug-19 Aug-20
Source: Bloomberg, Company data, Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Research Estimates
Forecasts/ Valuations
Cash Flow (Summarized) (Summarized)
(IDRbn) 12/18 12/19 12/20F 12/21F 12/18 12/19 12/20F 12/21F
Operating Cash Flow P/E (x) 14.5 12.3 11.7 10.1
Net income 4,166 4,908 5,168 5,948 P/B (x) 1.8 1.6 1.6 1.5
Depreciation 2,749 2,646 3,166 3,432 EV/EBITDA (x) 6.5 5.6 5.5 5.1
Changes in operating accounts EPS (IDR) 474 559 589 677
∆ in trade receivables 362 4 356 393 BPS (IDR) 3,828 4,303 4,302 4,691
∆ in inventories 1,851 -1,985 1,355 1,598 DPS (IDR) 236 278 288 332
∆ in others CA -327 -760 616 215 Payout ratio (%) 49.7% 49.7% 49.0% 49.0%
∆ in trade payable -47 493 -178 303 Dividend Yield (%) 3.4% 4.0% 4.2% 4.8%
∆ in short term debt 9,527 -8,218 46 39 Revenue growth (%) 4.6% 4.4% 5.6% 6.8%
∆ in accrued expense 136 598 -381 171 GP growth (%) 2.2% 12.4% 6.8% 6.5%
∆ in others CL -50 609 -181 210 OP growth (%) -6.3% 20.2% 7.3% 11.3%
CFO 14,594 3,778 5,313 7,896 EBITDA growth (%) -16.6% 4.9% 11.6% 11.9%
Investing Cash Flow NP growth (%) 0.2% 17.8% 5.3% 15.1%
∆ in PPE 5,644 3,330 6,000 6,000 AR turnover (x) 14.1 14.2 14.0 14.0
Others 4,916 846 2,139 1,628 Invt. turnover (x) 5.0 5.1 5.1 4.8
CFI -10,561 -4,176 -8,139 -7,628 AP turnover (x) 13.1 12.6 13.0 13.0
Financing Cash Flow ROA (%) 4.3% 5.1% 5.4% 5.9%
∆ in other liability -126 427 381 596 ROE (%) 12.4% 13.0% 13.7% 14.4%
∆ in equity 1,854 745 5,174 2,532 Gearing
∆ in minority interest 502 122 0 0 Total debt (IDRbn) 29,729 22,977 23,097 23,186
CFF -5,596 1,270 -4,719 -1,886 Debt/equity (%) 88.4% 60.8% 61.1% 56.3%
Net cash -1,562 872 -7,545 -1,617 Net debt (IDRbn) 16,801 9,177 16,841 18,548
beginning balance 14,490 12,928 13,801 6,255 Net debt/equity (%) 50.0% 24.3% 44.6% 45.0%
ending balance 12,928 13,801 6,255 4,638
Source: Company, Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Research
Aug-18 Aug-19 Aug-20
As of the publication date, PT Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia, and/or its affiliates do not have any special interest with the subject company and
do not own 1% or more of the subject company's shares outstanding.
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