Combined Solution CCN PDF
Combined Solution CCN PDF
Combined Solution CCN PDF
Afreenzehra Sayed
A transport-layer protocol in the TCP suite needs both the IP address and the port
number, at each end, to make a connection. The combination of an IP address and a port
number is called a socket address.The client socket address defines the client process
uniquely just as the server socket address defines the server process uniquely
In a connectionless service, the source process (application program) needs to divide its
message into chunks of data of the size acceptable by the transport layer and deliver
them to the transport layer one by one. The transport layer treats each chunk as a single
unit without any relation between the chunks. When a chunk arrives from the application
layer, the transport layer encapsulates it in a packet and sends it In a connection-oriented
service, the client and the server first need to establish a connection between themselves.
The data exchange can only happen after the connection establishment. After data
exchange, the connection needs to be teared down.
Dr. Kevin Noronha and Ms. Afreenzehra Sayed
IP was originally designed for best-effort delivery.This means that every user receives
the same level of services. This type of delivery does not guarantee the minimum of a
service, such as bandwidth, to applications such as real-time audio and video. If such an
application accidentally gets extra bandwidth, it may be detrimental to other
applications, resulting in congestion.
A unicast address defines a single interface (computer or router). The packet sent to a
unicast address will be routed to the intended recipient. As we see shortly, IPv6 has
designated a large block from which unicast addresses can be assigned to interfaces.
An anycast address defines a group of computers that all share a single address. A
packet with an anycast address is delivered to only one member of the group, the most
reachable one.
An anycast communication is used, for example, when there are several servers that can
respond to an inquiry. The request is sent to the one that is most reachable. The
hardware and software generate only one copy of the request; the copy reaches only one
of the servers.
A multicast address also defines a group of computers. However, there is a difference
between anycasting and multicasting. In multicasting, each member of the group
receives a copy. As we will see shortly, IPv6 has designated a block for multicasting
from which the same address is assigned to the members of the group.
f. Name the 2M
1. Transport layer protocol used for HTTP, FTP, SMTP and DNS.
2. Address associated with data link, network and transport layer.
Datalink- Physical(MAC), Network-Logical(IP), Transport -Port
Physical Layer: The physical layer is responsible for movements of individual bits
from one hop (node) to the next.
Data link layer: The data link layer is responsible for moving frames from one hop
(node) to the next.
Physical addressing
Flow control
Error control
Access control
Dr. Kevin Noronha and Ms. Afreenzehra Sayed
Network Layer: The network layer is responsible for the delivery of individual
packets from the source host to the destination host.
Logical addressing
Transport Layer: The transport layer is responsible for the delivery of a message
from one process to another.
Service-point addressing
Segmentation and reassembly
Connection control
Flow control
Error control
Session Layer: The session layer is responsible for dialog control and
Dialog control
Application Layer: The application layer is responsible for providing services to the
06 32 00 35 00 1C E2 17
a. Explain the concept of sending an E-mail using an appropriate application layer protocol 5M
The actual mail transfer is done through message transfer agents (MTAs). To send mail,
a system must have the client MTA, and to receive mail, a system must have a server
MTA. The formal protocol that defines the MTA client and server in the Internet is
called Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). SMTP is used two times, between the
sender and the sender’s mail server and between the two mail servers. As we will see
shortly, another protocol is needed between the mail server and the receiver. SMTP
simply defines how commands and responses must be sent back and forth. Each network
is free to choose a software package for implementation. SMTP uses commands and
responses to transfer messages between an MTA client and an MTA server
Mail Transfer Phases
The process of transferring a mail message occurs in three phases: connection
establishment, mail transfer, and connection termination.
Connection Establishment
After a client has made a TCP connection to the well-known port 25, the SMTP server
starts the connection phase.
The server sends code 220 (service ready) to tell the client that it is ready to receive
Dr. Kevin Noronha and Ms. Afreenzehra Sayed
mail. If the server is not ready, it sends code 421 (service not available).
2. The client sends the HELO message to identify itself using its domain name address.
This step is necessary to inform the server of the domain name of the client. Remember
that during TCP connection establishment, the sender and receiver know each other
through their IP addresses.
3. The server responds with code 250 (request command completed) or some other
code depending on the situation.
Message Transfer
After connection has been established between the SMTP client and server, a single
message between a sender and one or more recipients can be exchanged. This phase
involves eight steps. Steps 3 and 4 are repeated if there is more than one recipient
1. The client sends the MAIL FROM message to introduce the sender of the message.
It includes the mail address of the sender (mailbox and the domain name). This step is
needed to give the server the return mail address for returning errors and reporting
2. The server responds with code 250 or some other appropriate code.
3. The client sends the RCPT TO (recipient) message, which includes the mail address
of the recipient.
4. The server responds with code 250 or some other appropriate code.
5. The client sends the DATA message to initialize the message transfer.
6. The server responds with code 354 (start mail input) or some other appropriate
7. The client sends the contents of the message in consecutive lines. Each line is
terminated by a two-character end-of-line token (carriage return and line feed). The
message is terminated by a line containing just one period.
8. The server responds with code 250 (OK) or some other appropriate code.
Dr. Kevin Noronha and Ms. Afreenzehra Sayed
Connection Termination
1. After the message is transferred successfully, the client terminates the
b. Explain in detail the networking topologies and explain which is practically preferred 5M
Topology refers to the manner in which the network is laid out either physically or logically.
Mesh Topology:
Every device has a dedicated point to point link to every other device.
n(n-1)/2 physical channels are required to link n devices
No traffic: The use of dedicated links guarantees that each connection can carry its
data load, thus eliminate traffic problems
Robust: If one link becomes unusable, it does not affect the entire network
Every message travels along a dedicated link, hence only the intended recipient sees it
Fault identification and fault isolation is easy
Installation and reconfiguration is difficult
The sheer bulk of wiring can be greater than the available space can accommodate.
The hardware required to connect each link (I/O port and cable) are expensive.
Bus topology:
A linear bus topology consists of a main run of cable with a terminator at each end. All
nodes (file server, workstations, and peripherals) are connected to the linear cable.
Dr. Kevin Noronha and Ms. Afreenzehra Sayed
Ring Topology:
Each device has dedicated point to point line configuration only with the two devices on
the other side of it.
Relatively easy to install and reconfigure
Unidirectional flow can be a disadvantage
A break in the ring can disable the entire network
Star Topology:
A star topology is designed with each node (file server, workstations, and peripherals)
connected directly to a central network hub, switch, or concentrator
Data on a star network passes through the hub, switch, or concentrator before continuing
to its destination. The hub, switch, or concentrator manages and controls all functions of
the network. It also acts as a repeater for the data flow. This configuration is common
with twisted pair cable; however, it can also be used with coaxial cable or fiber optic
Dr. Kevin Noronha and Ms. Afreenzehra Sayed
Tree Topology:
A tree topology combines characteristics of linear bus and star topologies. It consists of
groups of star-configured workstations connected to a linear bus backbone cable. Tree
topologies allow for the expansion of an existing network, and enable schools to
configure a network to meet their needs.
Dr. Kevin Noronha and Ms. Afreenzehra Sayed
Any organization can use an address out of this set without permission from the
Internet authorities. Everyone knows that these reserved addresses are for private
networks. They are unique inside the organization, but they are not unique globally. No
router will forward a packet that has one of these addresses as the destination address.
d. Compare circuit switching, datagram packet switching and virtual packet 2
switching M
e. Explain switching fabric with the help of routing and forwarding mechanism. 2
Input ports. An input port performs several key functions. It performs the physical
layer function of terminating an incoming physical link at a router; this is shown in the
leftmost box of the input port and the rightmost box of the output port in Figure 4.6.
An input port also performs link-layer functions needed to interoperate with the link
layer at the other side of the incoming link; this is represented by the middle boxes in
the input and output ports. Perhaps most crucially, the lookup function is also
performed at the input port; this will occur in the rightmost box of the input port. It is
here that the forwarding table is consulted to determine the router output port to which
an arriving packet will be forwarded via the switching fabric. Control packets (for
example, packets carrying routing protocol information) are forwarded from an input
port to the routing processor.
Switching fabric. The switching fabric connects the router’s input ports to its output
ports. This switching fabric is completely contained within the router a network inside
of a network router
Output ports. An output port stores packet received from the switching fabric and
transmits these packets on the outgoing link by performing the necessary link-layer
and physical-layer functions. When a link is bidirectional (that is carries traffic in
both directions), an output port will typically be paired with the input port for that link
on the same line card (a printed circuit board containing one or more input ports,
which is connected to the switching fabric).
f. Explain IPv6 tunneling with the help of diagram 2
Tunneling is a strategy used when two computers using IPv6 want to communicate M
with each other and the packet must pass through a region that uses IPv4. To pass
through this region, the packet must have an IPv4 address. So the IPv6 packet is
encapsulated in an IPv4 packet when it enters the region, and it leaves its capsule
when it exits the region. It seems as if the IPv6 packet goes through a tunnel at one
end and emerges at the other end. To make it clear that the IPv4 packet is carrying an
IPv6 packet as data, the protocol value is set to 41. Tunneling is shown in Figure
Q.2 Attempt any one.
a. Explain OSPF in detail 5
The Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) protocol is an intradomain routing protocol
based on link state routing. Its domain is also an autonomous system. To handle
routing efficiently and in a timely manner, OSPF divides an autonomous system into
areas. An area is a collection of networks, hosts, and routers all contained within an
autonomous system. An autonomous system can be divided into many different areas.
All networks inside an area must be connected.
Routers inside an area flood the area with routing information. At the border of an
area, special routers called area border routers summarize the information about the
area and send it to other areas. Among the areas inside an autonomous system is a
special area called the backbone; all of the areas inside an autonomous system must be
connected to the backbone. In other words, the backbone serves as a primary area and
the other areas as secondary areas. This does not mean that the routers within areas
cannot be connected to each other, however. The routers inside the backbone are
called the backbone routers. Note that a backbone router can also be an area border
If, because of some problem, the connectivity between a backbone and an area is
broken, a virtual link between routers must be created by the administration to allow
continuity of the functions of the backbone as the primary area. Each area has an area
identification. The area identification of the backbone is zero.
In OSPF terminology, a connection is called a link. Four types of links have been
defined: point-to-point, transient, stub, and virtual. OSPF uses five different types of
packets: hello, database description, link state request, link state update, and link state
acknowledgment. The most important one is the link state update that itself has five
different kinds.
b. Explain IPv4 header format in detail. 5
Version (VER). This 4-bit field defines the version of the IP protocol. Currently the
version is 4. However, version 6 (or IPv6) may totally replace version 4 in the future.
This field tells the IP software running in the processing machine that the datagram
has the format of version 4.
Header length (HLEN). This 4-bit field defines the total length of the datagram header
in 4-byte words. This field is needed because the length of the header is variable
(between 20 and 60 bytes). When there are no options, the header length is 20 bytes,
and the value of this field is 5 (5× 4= 20). When the option field is at its maximum
size, the value of this field is 15 (15× 4= 60).
Service type. In the original design of IP header, this field was referred to as type of
service (TOS), which defined how the datagram should be handled.
Total length. This is a 16-bit field that defines the total length (header plus data) of the
IP datagram in bytes. To find the length of the data coming from the upper layer,
subtract the header length from the total length.
Identification. This 16-bit field identifies a datagram originating from the source host.
The combination of the identification and source IP address must uniquely define a
datagram as it leaves the source host. To guarantee uniqueness, the IP protocol uses a
counter to label the datagrams. The counter is initialized to a positive number. When
the IP protocol sends a datagram, it copies the current value of the counter to the
identification field and increments the counter by one. As long as the counter is kept in
the main memory, uniqueness is guaranteed. When a datagram is fragmented, the
value in the identification field is copied into all fragments. In other words, all
fragments have the same identification number, which is also the same as the original
datagram. The identification number helps the destination in reassembling the
datagram. It knows that all fragments having the same identification value should be
assembled into one datagram.
Flags. This is a three-bit field. The first bit is reserved (not used). The second bit is
called the do not fragment bit. If its value is 1, the machine must not fragment the
datagram. If it cannot pass the datagram through any available physical network, it
discards the datagram and sends an ICMP error message to the source host (see
Chapter 9). If its value is 0, the datagram can be fragmented if necessary. The third bit
is called the more fragment bit. If its value is 1, it means the datagram is not the last
fragment; there are more fragments after this one. If its value is 0, it means this is the
last or only fragment
Fragmentation offset. This 13-bit field shows the relative position of this fragment
with respect to the whole datagram.
Time to live. A datagram has a limited lifetime in its travel through an internet. This
field was originally designed to hold a timestamp, which was decremented by each
visited router. The datagram was discarded when the value became zero. However, for
this scheme, all the machines must have synchronized clocks and must know how long
it takes for a datagram to go from one machine to another. Today, this field is mostly
used to control the maximum number of hops (routers) visited by the datagram. When
a source host sends the datagram, it stores a number in this field. This value is
approximately two times the maximum number of routes between any two hosts. Each
router that processes the datagram decrements this number by one. If this value, after
being decremented, is zero, the router discards the datagram.
Protocol. This 8-bit field defines the higher-level protocol that uses the services of the
IP layer.
Checksum. Checksum field is used for error detection purpose
Source address. This 32-bit field defines the IP address of the source. This field must
remain unchanged during the time the IP datagram travels from the source host to the
destination host.
Destination address. This 32-bit field defines the IP address of the destination. This
field must remain unchanged during the time the IP datagram travels from the source
host to the destination host.
Q.3 Attempt any one.
a. Find the shortest path between the source node 1 to all nodes for the network 5
given below using Djikstra’s algorithm. Also draw the shortest path tree from M
node 1 to all the other nodes.
{S} 1 2 3 4 5 6
{1} {0,1} {1,1} {2,1} {5,1} {∞,-} {∞,-}
{1,2} {0,1} {1,1} {2,1} {3,2} {∞,-} {∞,-}
{1,2,3} {0,1} {1,1} {2,1} {3,2} {3,3} {7,3}
{1,2,3,4} {0,1} {1,1} {2,1} {3,2} {3,3} {7,3}
{1,2,3,4,5} {0,1} {1,1} {2,1} {3,2} {3,3} {5,5}
Shortest Path
1 2 3
4 5