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DATE/S June 22-24, 2020



Unit 3 Science and technology and nation building

Roselyne A. Tanas,

1. Discuss the role of Science and Technology in Philippine nation

2. Ev aluate gov ernment policies pertaining to science and
technology in terms of their contributions to nation building.
LEARNING 3. Identify actual science and technology policies of the
gov ernment and appraise their impact on the dev elopment of
the Filipino nation.

Activity: Socratic Dialogue

Total No. of Points: 30

Time Allotted: 1 hour

ENGAGE Topic: Science education in the Philippines

Socratic method will stimulate your critical
thinking and understanding ability to statements.
Read, understand, and analyze the statements that
are prov ided below and complete the table using the
concepts giv en or implied.

Consider the following.

1. The dev elopment of Science and Technology in the
Philippines is divided into 5 different regimes with
corresponding 5 historical events, has 5 different schools
stablished per regime in 5 different years.
2. Univ ersity of the Philippines was established during the
American regime but is not in the year 1859 or 1941.
3. The first republic acknowledges secular educational system
or non-religion related educ system.
4. Ateneo de Manila is the oldest school here in the list
followed immediately by Univ ersidad Lateraria de Filipinas in
5. The Spanish regime is the first regime and the first to
establish the school system in the Philippines. The regime of
the short -lived First Republic is not the third or the fourth
6. Recognition of the Alternative Learning Schools did not
happen in 1908 or 1898 but during the last regime.
7. Japanese regime started in 1941 and not in 1987.
8. Recognition of English as medium of instruction happened
after secular educational systems were acknowledged.
9. Teaching of science was made compulsory in schools, as
well as, recognition and promotion of other forms of
education other than the formal education are the last to
occur in this list.
10. There was a regime where education and scientific
adv ancements were put to a halt. This regime is definitely
not the “Since independence” regime. Commented [DFS1]: May I please see the table to be

Suggested Reading: History of Science and Technology by


Access the answer sheet that is prov ided to you in this link:
uzMHW1AQXXndY/edit or download it from our google class.

Scoring: 2 points for ev ery correct answer.

Task: Scavenger Hunt

Total No. of Points: 25

Time Allotted: 2 hours

Topic: Philippine Development Plans (PDP)
The PDP is a long-term dev elopment plan that was
guided by the Duterte administration to improv e the quality of
life of the Filipinos. It is anchored in the Ambisyon Natin 2040,
signed by the president, to build a future where ev ery Filipinos
is also in line with the country’s international pledges to the 2030
SDG (Sustainable Dev elopment Goals).
The 25-year framework of the PDP is div ided into four
time frames, being 2017-2022 as the first medium-term plan
fastened to socioeconomic agenda. Target, pillars, strategies,
and strategic outcomes associated to this
framework of the PDP are outlined in the handout
that was prov ided in the google class.

Suggested video:

68XW VqbPxMq0F2M-FXk9xjs/edit?usp=sharing
or download it from our google classroom.

Suggested Reading: Philippine Development Plans. Handout is

uploaded in the google classroom.

Look for an example of a Philippine gov ernment
program/law/policy that is aligned with each of the following Commented [DFS2]: Each of A-E? Will 1 hr be enough?
strategic outcomes and briefly define each.

A. Expanding economic opportunities for the marginalized

B. Adv ancing Science, Technology, and Innov ation (STI).
C. Ensuring people-centered, clean, and efficient governance.
D. Promoting Philippine culture and v alues.
E. Accelerating human capital dev elopment.

Note: Access the answer sheet that is prov ided to you in this link: Commented [DFS3]: May I see this? Will it include citing the impact .. I hope so coz 1 of the learning outcomes is to
593-lo/edit or download it from our google class. “appraise impact on the devt of the Filipino nation”

Scoring: 5 points per item. You get a full credit if the presented Commented [DFS4]: Rubric? Breakdown?
program/law/policy is aligned to the strategic outcome
prov ided, precisely defined, and impacts giv en are well
Breakdown of rubrics:
RUBRICS Distribution of points
Program/law/policy giv en 0- not aligned/irrelev ant
1- Aligned/relev ant
Brief description of the 0- Description given is not
Program/law/policy given correct
1- Description is
2- Program/law/policy is
well described
Impact to the development 0- Student did not answer
of the nation 1- Impact giv en did not
fully explain the giv en
2- Impact giv en
sufficiently explain the
giv en topic

Activity: Three-panel display

Total No. of Points: 30

Time Allotted: 2 hours

Topic: Indigenous Science and Technology in the Philippines
Like in tri fold brochure, create a simple promotional
brochure that will promote your prov ince. Use any of the
av ailable tools such as Microsoft publisher, etc. to depict your
idea about your prov ince.
W hat should be found in the three-panel display?
a.Name of the prov ince
b. Signature products/arts and crafts of your prov ince. Giv e
2 -3 examples.
c. Indigenous tools, traditional practices, cultures and
beliefs (such as in burial, birth, medical and
health practices, food preservation,
farming). Giv e 2-3 examples. Commented [DFS5]: How bout documentation of their
d. There should be defining statements and native or indigenous tools or traditional practices
considered as technology which improve their way of life?
brief descriptions/explanations to any inserted photos. In areas such as health, agriculture etc.

Note: Finished output must be sent in pdf file. Turn in your outputs
to the designated classwork entitled “Three-panel display” inour
google classroom.

Scoring: Rubrics for checking

Information content = 15pts
Organization & clarity (mechanics/spelling/grammar)
= 10pts
Visual creativ ity =5pts
For the full breakdown of points refer to the rubrics prov ided in
Appendix A. (See attachments)

Suggested Reading: Indigenous S & T Handout. Handout is

uploaded in the google classroom.
Title: Reading material: Selected Indigenous Science and

Activity: Unit Test (Multiple Choice and Crossword Puzzle)

Total No. of Points: 30

Time Allotted: 1 hr

EVALUATE Instructions:
Unit quiz is uploaded at or
download it from our google class.

Good Luck!

CHEd Recommendations
Philosophy of Science (Encyclopedia) Scientific Progress, Scientific
Floridi, Luciano. 2014. The Fourth Revolution, Ox ford University
Caoli. History of Science and T echnology of the Philippines.
Video: Stephen Colbert’s interview with Neil T yson
REFERENCES https://w
Youtube: World’s Greatest Inventions (3 minutes)
Philippine Great Inventions
Paul Anderson article: “M ore is Different” 1976
https://ex reductionism
t/videos/mankind-the-story-of -all-of-us- scientific-revolution
Kuhn, Structure of Scientific Revolution
Appendix A (Rubrics for three-panel brochure) Commented [DFS6]: three

Indigenous S&T/ Excellent Good Fair

Information All inputs in the Requirements are Many of the
content brochure are met but lacking inputs in the
accurate and accurate brochure are
relevant to the explanations and inaccurate and
topic at hand. content. (9-12 are irrelevant to
All the giv en pts) the topic.
requirements are 0-8pts)
(13- 15pts)
Organization & Each section in Not all sections of Most sections of
clarity the brochure has the brochure the brochure
(mechanics/spelli a clear hav e a clear hav e unclear
ng/ grammar) beginning, beginning, beginning,
middle, and end. middle, and end. middle, and end.
(5pts) (3-4pts) (0-2pts)

No spelling errors No more than 3 More than 3

and all sections spelling and/or spelling and/or
of brochure are writing errors are writing errors are
free of writing present. present.
errors. (3-4pts) (0-2pts)
Visual creativity The brochure has The brochure has The brochure's
exceptionally well organized formatting and
attractive information or organization of
formatting and format but not material is
well-organized both. confusing to the
information. (3-4pts) reader.
(5pts) (0-2pts)

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