American Remedy

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The text discusses various strategies for managing debts and taxes including using forms like 1099C, 1099OID and 1040 to claim debts as income and get refunds. It also talks about establishing entities like trusts and businesses to separate finances.

Some strategies discussed include using forms like 1099C to claim cancelled debts as income to get refunds, as well as establishing trusts and businesses to separate finances and make accounts non-taxable. The text also discusses using instruments like negotiable instruments and set-off to manage paying debts.

The text discusses that a person is a role to play in court with rights and duties, unlike an actor who has none. An entity like a trust, business or corporation can be established to separate finances and records from an individual.

Grantor type Trust.

Federal income tax withheld= Cancelling the debt= the same

1099C with estate EIN. They will send a treasury check for up to one million dollars.

Or, 8302 Direct Deposit

Should be satisfactory.

1099C Line 2 is the amount of debt you are discharging

Line 3 is the Service or Value you received (that’s the interest)

From the debt you are discharging

Subtract Line 3 from Line 2.... Block 7 is the difference. Block 3= 0.

A withdrawal from Estate. Estate is Creditor. Debtor is SS person or

Certificate of live birth

1040 you can do one per year. After that 1040X

Account Number is Social Security Number

Creditor’s postal depository number

1040. Line 61. Everything else is 0. You have no income when you cancel the debt

(You are cancelling the inflation) you have labor payments

Then come back in and claim the credits as debt-free money

1099C value you are claiming 25, 28, 29

Utilities: 1099C. This lets the IRS know that they are the ones who received the income and
they need to pay the income tax.

You cannot tax lawful money. You cannot tax labor.

Now they have to pay taxes because they are the ones who got the income

It’s a foreign tax a usury tax for their bonds and capital gains and shit

When you go to court: you didn’t cancel the debt! You didn’t forgive the debt! You go to jail!

WE are the ones who have the authority to cancel debts. If you don’t= you’re guilty. It’s a sin

This is our own fault not accepting our estate when we came of age. So, you own nothing. You
are “ barred” you have to plead for things. We took what was not ours and gave up what we
had. People who have property work and “mine” their own business

Vital Statistics Act= governs the b.c.

Agnostic= someone who is not able to recognize faces and persons

Person= a role to play in court or at law with rights, powers, and duties, unlike the actor, who
has none.

Personification= attributing human characteristics to abstract concept

The person is the medium they use to give life to the dead

We are dead in the law. God does not respect persons! Our law only respects/ recognizes
persons. A country is a corporation. A nation is the land the the people.

Nation= treaty law

1040 All the way down to what was withheld? Line 61. Everything else is 0.

You have no income. (= debt money) you have labor payments

Call for your 98# I am foreign to the United States. What country? Explain that you are an
American citizen not a United States citizen. I do not identify with a country

1. Social security name change

2. Birth certificate

3. Certificate of baptism

4. Humberto ppwk: 1099C

1099C when you’re claiming

1041 line 20 deductions? Exemptions? Everything is 0 until Line 24e= Line 7 from 1099C

= the amount you are claiming = Line 25, 28, 29= same.

Sign and date with W-8

Ev.= 0 Ev.= No

Form 56 and 56F

3520? No. They are trying to get you back into their system.

Do we need it? No. We canceled a debt.

1099 A, B, C, or OID

Put your estate EIN number in the account # or description block

Foreign Grantor Trust EIN use it primarily with your 1099OIDs

Get receipt from Phillie

Demure Transmitting utility/ transmitting account#

Your Clerk is your PMB# your postal mail box

Private banker uses Private routing number as bank

American Counter affidavit

98# It’s for Banking Purposes. There isn’t going to be any income to report. It’s simply for
accounting procedures and banking purposes.

No income= no employees

We will pay as we go

Get a non-interest bearing checking account with American Express.

No FDIC. no insurance. You don’t want any insurance.

Bank acct= use your treasury check or IRS paperwork or b.c./ set of fingerprints

Call social sec. get number from back of card

Surety Bond and Security Agreement

With UCC1 use national forms

Get an acct with IRS website

1096 X Agent in Commerce

Amount withheld= total amount= same

1099A Lender: social sec. number with one dash

Description of property: Asset transfer for acquisition/ purchase

Borrower= Bank. With loan# for account# on 1099A

Any contract or debt needs it’s own UCC1 or NonUCC with addendums.

Not a US citizen then no 1040. 1040 NR

1040NR non resident for foreign trust for estate

1041 domestic trust

PayPal 1099C it. For standard person with no claim 1042.

Surety Bond SF28

Revocation of Election Affidavit... like a SF28...

Turnkey to Exit the tax club

Secured Promissory Note

NonUCC Secret 30 year Maritime Lien doesn’t have to be recorded.

You need to report something to IRS

Don’t forget administrative process with 2 or 3 witnesses an/ or right and left index print

Don’t forget notarial protest

Certificate of Service

Certificate of Negative Averment


Assessor Parcel # Letter re: title change

APN # will tell you someone’s ss#

Make sure they redact or take that off all your ppwk or you’re back in their system

The Income Tax Credit

Forms of Discharge & Set-Off

56 Fiducuary

1099 Series

1040/ 1041 Returns


8811Remic/ Mortgage

SupportingW-8 Series, W-8 BEN W-8 IMY intermediary= you.

Otherwise bank is beneficiary

2848! Private Power of Attorney!

Power of Attorney General or Private POA over ALLCAPS

UCC filing is your ledger

Ledger the instruments

UCC contract trust account

It’s your ledger. Your contracts. Your 1099s. All need to get ledgered there.

You’ve got your estate EIN and your 56F. Send those to your AIQ office local I R S office

1040s go with form 56

56F goes to Austin, Texas

(Documents that begin with 5)

Now do your W-8 item. List your 2 accounts estate EIN and EIN

You have to do an affidavit to correct your name R and L index fingers

3 cents stamp on top corner. Do a registered mail label to yourself.

“Mail” it to yourself. Scan a copy. Keep it on file.

Send 56 to appropriate place. W-8 keep the original.

A return to source cannot be made by dollars (whole numbers). Must be made electronically.

So the units must be in International Units of Revenue. That’s what should be used to pay a bill

A bill must be paid by Int’l Units of Revenue!

The only way to obtain revenue is to have H&R Block fill out federal tax form 1099OID on your
issues and give you back an advance on the refund. HR block will get the tax refund based on
the discount to maturity. Thus your advance will come in tax paid dollars, a closed escrow no
longer open to the public.

It is these open escrows where criminal charges are taken from

The voluntary 1099OID returns to source and closes escrow on your account!

Dollars go wire transfer which originates with a debt instrument

Dollars cannot travel electronically because they are whole numbers not eligible

Revenue travels in electronic circuits in return to source

A dollar has 2 values US dollars and revenue

International units of revenue are leveraged by brokers and lawyers by derivatives

Attaching a municipal tax account and increasing the debt by (000) by adding 3 0’s to multiply
the revenue into international units of revenue.

Here is a reason for voluntary reporting of a tax to “charge”a “return” to “source”

The tax is used to close the circuit.

Everything is a tax deferred debt until tax is used to bring it back to source.

Corporations don’t have a ss# (treasury direct acct) so they cannot reach the treasury or any
funds whatsoever. Except through us and our ss act #s

Form 1099OID determines the Owner at Treasury Direct.

It’s not the bonds. It’s the Federal Tax Form 1099OID identifies the issue for return to the
source for settlement and closing in exchange Treasury direct

County Attorney holds the funds (mutual funds)

This is why it’s all PrePaid.

US Dollar= delinquent tax-deferred debt.

So, you are pursuing a Tax Recovery that is expressed in International Units of Revenue

Once that issue is returned to “source”, that amount is eligible to be paid in whole dollars.

Whole dollars= tax-paid dollars prepaid= tax-prepaid dollars

Might want to name the count attorney

So the property and the dollars must be released to you asa matter of public policy

It’s a small claim in a small claims court

Federal tax form 1099OID is needed to identify the currency as revenue and not tax delinquent
dollars. This simply means the issue identified by the 1099 must return to source before the
resulting property can be returned or released to the owner.

You have not because you ask not.

Request the agent to fill out fedtax form 1099 OID on the issue regarding acct#/ loan#/ case#

If he doesn’t; he is a tax protestor.

3520a plus form 56 Comissary acct

You’re going to have your Esquire #2 person on that doc ss# is our access key

To our safety deposit box. That’s the combination to our safety dep box/ Comissarius acct

98# Series is where we transfer it to.

1 share 100%

Value full

Type of stock. Vassal

This is a transfer because it’s going to my living trust

Account # at the bottom is your b.c. Number

1099A, B, C, CAP plus 3520a

1099V negative invoice. Put a net on one side to cancel a pos. On the other side

Civil curators= us

All 1099Cs for the DEBTOR should be addressed to:

Your SSN # PERSON (either ssn or estate EIN)

C/O The Depository Trust Company DTC

55 Water Street- 25L

New York, NY US, 10041- 0099

The account number would be the municipal and corporate insured product

PhiladelphiaMint Only one curator is Dejure curator has our gold

Underwriting Services: a service offering of the Depository Trust Company DTC

Income Tax Revenue Act for refunding illegally taken

You can go in and put in a claim for those. You are Am. Civil curator to claim those illegal

The Assistant Legal Advisor for International Private Law

Office: in the Secretary of State they cover wills, estate, trusts

An advisor

When we go there to ask for sects of state assistant legal advisor

They have a fax 202-776-8582 to request their assistance

Thus, the county attorney holds the funds that prepay the bills you receive for what you use

And the Superintendent of the federal project supervised the tax return to the source to identify
the prepaid funds as yours by a charge to the electronic circuit via the FTF 1099OID.

It’s a federal matter. The revenue is prepaid in dollars

The state cannot print its own specie

When you get a bill, request that the 1099 OID be filed. If Refused, Boom!

That Dishonor is an International Contract eligible for one to request it be placed with a
supervisor for payment/ settlement in international units of revenue

The supervisor is authorized to give the tax refund identified

Do a 10,000 withdrawal.

Title 28 USC 1346.

Close an act with an international bill of exchange

By way of your local bankruptcy court

Draw by bill of exchange. Attach invoice for car. Car dealership put in their 3D party banking

Escrow closing means their access to your account is closing!

Access to your exemption is closed off.


So, after filing 1099OID on the issue the tax is returned to the source and Escrow Closes.

This Is It: No case can be maintained against you if the 1099 is filed.

Charges can only come from open escrows.

All charges are tax-deferrals!

Have HR block file the 1099OID and get an advance on the tax refund.

1099 is voluntary tax reporting form

The reporting identifies the source as a small claim

Expressed in international units of revenue

And eligible for a judgement to enforce tax recovery in small claims court.

The quiet title and ejectment actions would come later.

Teddy Roosevelt “One of the greatest shortcomings in contemporary society is the ability of
many to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, as well as the lack of the spirit to
fight against injustice. Fundamentally, our peace and our humanity must be backed by the
spirit to challenge what is wrong. Shutting ones eyes to injustice is not tolerance, it is little more
than cowardice and apathy.”

When you tax issues back to their source (you), you close the escrow, and you close off their
access to your treasury direct acct (ss#)

Now, no surety can be maintained on the instruments.

Now, no more stealing your exemption. One needs an open escrow to steal from the acct

This method can be used to eliminate car loans, or mortgages, or credit card balances

All= fraudulent contracts

No one loaned you anything. The so-called Lender just stole the funds for the alleged loan from
your exemption. Then, they trick you into “paying” back what they never loaned you.

It’s the ultimate scam

The living trust can never go to jail.

Make the Corp. or the state of Corp. as the defendant and you are Plaintiff

Plaintiff never loses! Have to do the 1099C

We have to cancel the debt that they owe to us

Then we have to claim the payment back 1099A

Bank is supposed to file 1099OID, request they do!

The Bank has to do it! To tell the Comptroller to go ahead and put that in his Comissary acct
and he will go do it

1099CAP When we are doing an Acquisition


He is located in Wash DC at Treasury Department. HE is creditor. (It’s a Trust) (cestui que)

When you sign void where prohibited now you cannot be held to any criminal charges

It’s all about the 56 and 56F. Cancel all others out. First you have to become the Senior
fiduciary over your own account

1099C and 1099A. Receive all fractionalized interest and proceeds back

Some of it to be processed by 1099OID back to your account

To the State Comptroller CID when you address them with the proper authority that you are the
Nominal Defendant in Namesake Only you cannot be held accountable for the ALLCAPS

These fucking civil servants are the ones who are enemies of the estate

This is all a continuation of civil war, civil vs public

They put in a curators claim. They have to come in as curator or guardian (health & safety)

Only a Curator can put in a claim to the Secretary of the Treasury

Principal is Curator. Bible= we are curators of earth per God

The People are Curators NOT the civil servants who serve us.

Civil servants are taking from war vets. Our estates paid for the bonding of servicemen (thanks

3949a to CID for Criminal Investigation

Private International Law is under Convention they have to comply

This is foreign entity between public and private

Trading With the Enemy Act

Non-Enemy Non-Combattant Civilian should be left alone no authority

98 Series Curator

DD-214 tap it Jimmy

They all get kickbacks from cestui que.

Civil servants get paid from Tariff taxes the rest go to cestui que “curators”

The usury of our assets has peaks and valleys

It’s Restitution for Unjust Enrichment on their part

Unjust enrichment is getting monetary gain at the expense of another without permission or
without a contract

You can get away with it unless the person you are doing it to has standing.

1. An award (not taxable)

2. Compensation (taxable)

When you lose it’s because you didn’t have standing. Register your kids, too. Now they can’t
be fucked with

1. In answer to Complaint, you would file the DBA, and say, “My business entity doesn’t have
any liability for the debt because there is no way for IT to be able to pay. Because how can
a business entity pay back a debt with another debt?” Expose the fantasyland fiction, the
money paying problem. So, are you going to throw my business entity in debtor’s prison?
Go ahead. THEY CANT. And now, they cannot hook YOU into representing the fictional
business entity, because they can’t. Because there is no license!

If they sent something to your business entity, tell them, listen, you say my business entity
owes a debt. But how can my business entity pay a debt with a debt (FRN’s are debt notes)

Everyone in court are actors. It’s fake. But they will pretend it’s real. If you contracted at all, it’s
your business entity. If in default, it should end up in court.

YOU move to Dismiss the case. He (the judge) is going to agree. NO WAY he cannot tolerate
the living man in his court.

Now, no strings are attached to you.

Now,you have taken away all powers from the judge.

He can’t decide “Oh, I don’t like this guy I will give him a high fine” or whatever else.

NO. NOW, he can’t do that. Now, you are holding him to the law. Now,you can sue someone
(the judge, for example)

2013 the Pope said “No more immunity for govnt employees”

Whoever signed for the Corporation is Liable.

Whoever is there has no standing (pick him off)

If you open bank acct with trust is still taxable.

If you open bank acct with DBA is non-taxable.

So you can put as much money in that business account you opened up with your DBA
Certificate: it is not taxable. That business entity has no tax liability.

They can report it but cannot touch it.

Just Notice the clerk/recorder in your county w/ your DBA

Use DBA to clean up your credit/ public records and credit reports

Let the county know this: “Hey. This is my DBA, etc. Now, if you have any other entities in there
in the county in their records who are using THIS NAME which is registered to ME then you
need my permission and you don’t have it. Therefore, any entity using this name is tied to my
social security number IS a business entity. If anything else is in there, you’d better get rid of it.
Any liens, public records, if I call back in a month and find them there, then I’m gonna file a
claim. My business entity will file against you, personally, Mr. Clerk.

They gotta remove it. They will do a sweep.

When you are not registered, that social was for an Individual.

They should remove them from your credit reports then.

Needs to be attached to a bus. Entity., not an individual.

So, your business entity is in a contract. So, if IT is the one who doesn’t pay, they can try to
sue your bus. Entity, but they won’t win. Your bus. Entity is being sued.

Understand Negotiable Instruments

We Cannot Lawfully Pay For Anything

27 CFR 72.11. All Crimes Are Commercial

Public Law 73-10= public policy and public law

All the products of the economic system are prepaid including cars, bonds,tax bills, etc.

They are generating bonds and a true bill off your credit in court

And not paying taxes on it!

People are no longer able to “pay” their debt at law.

Public Law 73-10= Gives the ability to “excercise their exemption”

To achieve Set-Off (exempt from paying)

Set-Off= mutual cancellation of debt.

For All Debts Incurred

All men are created equal. We are under no man, only God

Since 1933, the men who seized the gold must pay for us

“ All OMB forms #9000- 0045 Bonds for Case #_______ state of _______ v. JOHN Q. DOE”

Prepaid because of Public law 73-10

Ex: a traffic ticket is a eligible issue, tax bills, any bills,etc.

1099OID allows the issuing party to volunteer the issue to be taxed.

1099OID taxes the issue back to its source (ultimately you) for settlement and closing of

Until you file 1099OID, those issues (of your credit) floating around are delinquent, deferred
taxes that appear to be “abandoned property” in that you never made any claim to them.

When we identify the Issue (of our credit), we force the funds to be set aside in a federal
withholding demand deposit for recovery as a tax refund.

(On Form 1040 at Line 64)

The 1040 establishes the Title to the Eligible Issues, as both being income to you (Line 21), And
as a Federal Withholding from you (Line 64).

Commercial Instruments only obtain commercial value from you, so you are the source/ the
Pricipal creditor.

However, since you didn’t receive any funds, then the entire amount in question is in a
withholding status at the time of filing the 1040. The 1099OID filed earlier affected the federal
withholding of the funds that WERE being held privately. (It was a deliquent, deferred tax kept
hidden from you unless you learn of its existence and tax it back)

Technically, when they send you a bill, they are supposed to send a check to pay it with, too, or
they are in dishonor.

Exemptions 0 it does not matter

Line 40 deductions 0

Line 44 The tax. (See page 37)= parentheses mean it does not exist on the page

So you are not held to it

Line 44 is a trick to get you to assess yourself other than 0

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