Grammar 3.2 - Primer Intento

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Comenzado el miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2020, 12:14

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2020, 13:12
Tiempo empleado 58 minutos 13 segundos
Puntos 64,34/81,00
Calificación 79,43 de 100,00
Pregunta 1
Parcialmente correcta
Puntúa 32,08 sobre 35,00

Marcar pregunta
Enunciado de la pregunta
We use one  (singular)  and ones  (plural) to avoid unnecessary repetition.
See those two girls? Helen is the tall one and Jane is the short one.
Which is your car, the red one or the blue one?
My trousers are torn. I need some new ones.
See those two girls. Helen is the one on the left.
Let’s look at the photographs. The ones you took in Paris.
We often use them after Which ...  in questions:
You can borrow a book. Which one do you want?
There are lots of books here. Which ones are yours?
Here you are a video that will explain this topic a little bit more:
Now, let's practice! Complete the sentences writing one or ones   into the
1. How old are my children? The younger Respuesta

 is four and the older Respuesta

 is seven.
2. The new mobiles are much lighter than the old Respuesta
3. I don't mind what kind of car it is, I just want Respuesta

that gets me there.

4. Which do you prefer; this or that Respuesta

5. I need some new glasses. The Respuesta

 I have at the moment are broken.

6. I hope this holiday will be Respuesta

to remember.
7. Which is your coat? Ohh... it is that Respuesta

 The green Respuesta

8. We have missed this month's camp. We'll wait for the
next Respuesta

9. Some of my friends went to work in banks. They were the
intelligent Respuesta

10. I prefer to eat vegetables like those Respuesta

 on the table.

Pregunta 2
Parcialmente correcta
Puntúa 25,45 sobre 35,00

Marcar pregunta
Enunciado de la pregunta
Both the past simple and the past continuous refer to completed actions in the past.
Most of the time when we are talking about such actions, we use the past simple. This is by
far the most common way of talking about the past.
 I lived there for 6 years.
 I only found out a few moments ago.
 I asked her but she didn't know anything.
 The company made 100 people redundant last year.
Only use the past continuous when you want to emphasize the continuity of the action.
 Everybody was talking about it all evening.
 They were really trying hard but couldn't do it.
 I was thinking about you the other day.
 Were you expecting that to happen?
When we use these two forms in the same sentence, we use the past continuous to talk
about the "background action" and the past simple to talk about the shorter
completed action.
 It was raining hard when we left the building.
 I was reading the report when you rang.
 He was going out to lunch when I saw him.
Here you are some important information about the structures:
If you need more information, click HERE to watch a video.
Now, let's practice!
Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue:

A: Hey Jenny, how are you?

B: Hey Tom. Did I Respuesta

 you I went camping with my husband last weekend?

A: Oh, really? That sounds great. How was it?
were having
B: Tom, it was an incredible experience. We Respuesta

was shining
 time for ourselves. And everything was so beautiful... The sun Respuesta

 when he Respuesta

 to set the camp.

A: Wow... I can see it was a very romantic camp, wasn't it?
were eating
B: You'll never imagine what he did. At about 5:30 p.m. we Respuesta

 and suddendly, he Respuesta

 and Respuesta

 at me. 
A: And the, what happened...
B: He Respuesta

 into the tent and Respuesta

 his backpack. 
A: I see... and then...
B: I Respuesta

 because I was surprised. Then, he Respuesta

 me this beautiful ring. It was perfect.

A: You are lucky. He is a great man.
B: Yes he is. Now, I love camping.
Pregunta 3
Parcialmente correcta
Puntúa 6,00 sobre 10,00

Marcar pregunta
Enunciado de la pregunta
Adverbs of manner mainly modify verbs and tell us the way in which something
happens.They usually come after the main verb:
 He drank  quickly. [after the verb]
 He drank the water  quickly. [after the object]
 He drank  quickly  the water. [NOT between the verb and object]
Most adverbs of manner end in –ly.
Please, take a look at the following presentation.
Here is a short list of adverbs of manner you can use: 
Adverb of
Examples of usage
react angrily, speak angrily, say
something angrily
anxiously wait anxiously, say something anxiously
badly play badly, perform badly
sing beautifully, play an instrument
calmly act calmly, wait calmly
carefully speak carefully, walk carefully, drive
cautiously speak cautiously, act cautiously
clearly speak clearly, explain something clearly
closely look closely
correctly spell correctly
easily pass a test easily, win easily
enthusiastica clap enthusiastically, react
lly enthusiastically
fast drive fast, talk fast
frantically search frantically, run frantically
hold something gently, touch something
happily live happily
healthily eat healthily, live healthily
innocently say something innocently, act innocently
kindly act kindly, speak kindly
mysteriously act mysteriously, disappear mysteriously
naturally act naturally
wait nervously, speak nervously, stutter
obediently listen obediently
patiently wait patiently, listen patiently
perfectly work perfectly, time something perfectly
swim quickly, speak/talk quickly, react
repeatedly ask repeatedly
safely arrive safely, get home safely
silently tiptoe silently, leave silently
slowly drive slowly, repeat slowly
softly whisper softly
act suspiciously, say something
well play well, speak well
Let's practice!!
Choose the correct answer for each sentence. Pay special attention to the
spelling before you answer.
more dangerously tha n
1. Do you think men drive Respuesta

 women in your country?

2. The group found their hotel Respuesta

 after they bought the map of the city. 

3. Megan is a very Respuesta

 athlete. She loves sports.

4. I want my children to behave Respuesta

 to every person that they meet. 

5. Angelina is a Respuesta

 student. She is kind and pleasant.

Pregunta 4
Parcialmente correcta
Puntúa 0,80 sobre 1,00

Marcar pregunta
Enunciado de la pregunta
Choose the best adverb of manner to complete each sentence. 
There was an accident in my street yesterday; a car hit a boy Respuesta 1
who was __________  injured. seriously
Respuesta 2
Do you think he died _____________? suddenly
Respuesta 3
Carla is impatient. Carla is waiting for her friend _________ impatiently
Respuesta 4
Terry is a dangerous driver. He drives ________ dangerously
Respuesta 5
If you walk so __________ you will miss the bus. quietly
Respuesta 6
He answered the teacher __________, so he was punished. rudely
Respuesta 7
The speaker looks angry.He is banging the table _________. angrily
Respuesta 8
She reads the text __________  before answering. carefully
Yesterday, there was a football match. Roy was a bad player. Respuesta 9
He played __________ badly
She entered the room _________  so that she would not wake Respuesta 10
the baby up. slowly
Respuesta parcialmente correcta.
Ha seleccionado correctamente 8.

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