Interpreting SNT TC 1a - Part13

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Inquiry 01-7 highly qualified in the relevant

NDT field or can he or she be a top

Inquiry 01-10
I work for the Department of Defense management representative (in our We sometimes recertify persons
and I’m in the middle of reviewing a case, our divisional head — that is, periodically based on Paragraph 9.5.1.a
contractor’s written practice, which vice president of maintenance) who on recertification in the 1996 edition of
supposedly was written in accordance is knowledgeable in NDT but who SNT-TC-1A, which cites “evidence of
with SNT-TC-1A. According to the does not have qualification in the continuing satisfactory performance.” At
contractor’s written practice, SNT-TC-1A NDT field? present, my qualification to date has been
allows the employer to waive Level III 3. It is well understood that ASNT NDT Level III RT. Will I be able
examinations. “In accordance with SNT-TC-1A is a guideline and that to issue a certificate (with my signature
Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A, the employer can modify it on the certificate) for someone who is
based on demonstrated ability, reasonably to meet any specific being recertified by the above route?
achievement, experience, and education, needs warranted under the
the employer may waive examination for circumstances and/or applications. Response
the Level III individual.” It doesn’t say There are various organizations and Yes.
anything about having a valid ASNT schemes in NDT qualification/
NDT Level III certificate. Is this true? certification such as ISN’T (Indian
Note that the contractor is required to Society for Nondestructive Inquiry 01-11
utilize the latest version of SNT-TC-1A. Testing), DIN, MIL and Japanese 1. May a Level III perform a color
certification schemes. Each has its contrast differentiation test along
Response own constitution and procedure for with the near vision acuity test as
Yes. Reference Inquiry 85-7 and NDT personnel qualification mentioned in Paragraph 8.2 of
81-9.1. countrywide. If somebody in my SNT-TC-1A (1996), if documented
company is preexisting with other so in the written practice?
than ASNT Level I or II 2. Is it also required to perform a test
Inquiry 01-8 certification status (like ISN’T) or of gray shades, if the color contrast
1. Paragraph 8.1.1 of SNT-TC-1A if a new person joins my company differentiation test is performed as
(1992) reads: “An NDT Level III with some other Level I or II per Paragraph 8.2 of SNT-TC-1A
shall be responsible for the certification status, considering his (1996) using the Ishihara series of
administration and grading of competency, education and course plates and so documented in a
examinations specified in Section coverage in that method, can I written practice?
8.3 through 8.8 for NDT Level I, II, certify him or her to equal/
or other Level III personnel. The equivalent ASNT NDT level status Response
administration and grading of by modifying the company’s
written practice accordingly? That 1. Yes.
examinations may be delegated to a 2. Yes.
qualified representative of the NDT is, can an ASNT NDT Level III
Level III and so recorded. The certify ISN’T (or some other)
actual administration and grading Level I or II person to an equal
ASNT NDT level based on
Inquiry 01-12
of Level III examinations specified
competency, education and course In the 1996 edition of SNT-TC-1A,
in 8.8 may be performed by a
coverage in the method? Paragraph 9.4 states (in part) that
qualified representative of the
4. Is the existence of a company NDT “personnel certification records shall be
personnel certification procedure — maintained on file by the employer.”
In reference to the above paragraph, a written practice — equally Who is it that actually maintains the
what is meant by a “qualified important and required for NDT records? The company’s human
representative of the NDT personnel irrespective of industry resources department? The company’s
Level III” to whom an NDT type? personnel department? The company’s
Level III can delegate authority for appointed Level III person? The
administration and grading for Response certifying authority? Is it a common
NDT Level I, II or other Level III practice to delegate this task to the
personnel? Please explain 1. Needs to be addressed in appointed NDT Level III person as per
specifically the term “qualified.” employer’s written practice. the written practice?
What shall be the extent of the 2. See Inquiry 95-1.
qualification of the person? Does it 3. Yes. Response
mean that the person should be 4. Yes.
highly qualified in the NDT field or Needs to be addressed in employer’s
written practice.
can the person here be a responsible
management representative?
Inquiry 01-9
2. Again in reference to the above Regarding Paragraph 8.2.2 of
SNT-TC-1A, is there a recognized method
Inquiry 01-13
paragraph, what is meant by
“qualified representative of the for differentiating shades of gray used in This is in relation to Paragraph 10.2
employer?” What is the level of the method (radiography)? of the 1996 edition of SNT-TC-1A. One
qualification necessary in this case? division of company A was merged and
For NDT Level III certification by Response acquired by company B. All of the
the employer, is it required for the employees of its division were hired by
SNT-TC-1A does not define a specific company B within six months and their
person who will issue certification method. The specific method is up to
to the ASNT NDT Level III to be job activities did not change. The
employer discretion.

Interpreting SNT-TC-1A 21
employer of company B designated the 87-2 implies that only bona fide 2. No.
Level III personnel of company A as the employees can be certified. 3. SNT-TC-1A (1984) provides the
outside agency. The employer established 1. Is it the intent that employers user sufficient latitude under
a written practice, which was prepared certify only their qualified Paragraph 9.7.1 to identify
by the Level III of company A. In the employees? specifically how they would
written practice, it is specified that the 2. Is it the intent that employers, when evaluate “evidence of continuing
employer can waive the examination in permitted by their written practice, satisfactory performance.” The
cases where the job activities are the certify qualified nonemployees? requirements should be documented
same as they were in company A. May 3. Would the answer in question 2 in the employer’s written practice.
the employer of company B certify the change if a third party, who agreed 4. There are no specific provisions in
employee who had been certified by with the arrangement, were the1984 SNT-TC-1A regarding
company A without examination in this compensating both the interruption of NDT duties while
case? nonemployee and the certifying continuing to work for the same
company? employer. However, the employer
Response must be satisfied with the
Yes, if addressed in employer’s Response proficiency of any individual at any
written practice. Reference Inquiry 87-2. level to handle work tasks. The
1. Yes. employer has direct knowledge of
2. No. the employee’s prior performance
Inquiry 01-14 3. No. and can best judge the need for
reexamination as a function of
The wording of Paragraph 4.3.1 of
duration of interrupted NDT
SNT-TC-1A (which reads the same in the
1996 and 2001 editions) is not clear and
Inquiry 02-2 service.
is inconsistent with the body of Is it the intent of SNT-TC-1A (2001)
knowledge. Please advise of the official Paragraph 10.2 to recommend periodic Inquiry 03-2
ASNT position on the following. testing with test props with at least one
1. Is it the intent of Paragraph 4.3.1 of flawed specimen or are other means of May an NDT Level III develop,
SNT-TC-1A that a Level I receive technical performance evaluation qualify and approve NDT procedures,
direct supervision from a Level II acceptable, for example, monitoring an and establish and approve techniques in
or Level III by their presence inspector performing an official the methods in which not certified?
during the examination, production inspection?
interpretation, evaluation and Response:
reporting of NDT test results? Response No, see the response to Inquiry 90-1,
2. According to the recommended The means for periodic technical Part 2.
training listed in SNT-TC-1A, a performance evaluation should be
Level I individual does not receive
training on discontinuities,
described in the employer’s written Inquiry 04-1
practice. Note that the evaluation of
interpretation and evaluation in technical performance should consist of 1. Is it the intent of Paragraph 1.4 that
most NDT methods such as PT, RT, not only monitoring the proper an employer can modify the
UT and VT. How could a Level I application of technique, but also the “Guidelines” of SNT-TC-1A to the
individual perform the functions of ability to recognize relevant indications extent that Level II and Level III
interpretation and evaluation and evaluate those indications against the NDT personnel can be “certified”
authorized in Paragraph 4.3.1 even employer’s acceptance criteria. without any examinations if written
with the presence of a Level II or this way in the written practice?
III? 2. What are the limits that are
Inquiry 03-1 intended regarding how much the
Response employer can deviate from
1. Regarding SNT-TC-1A (1984)
It is the intent of 4.3.1 that the Level I Paragraph 9.7.1, what is considered SNT-TC-1A as written? If no limits
should receive the necessary instruction proper “evidence of continuing are given, the employer can change
or supervision from a certified NDT satisfactory performance”? the entire context of SNT-TC-1A to
Level II or Level III individual. The 2. Does this mean the certified eliminate all certification exams. Is
extent of said instruction or supervision individual shall maintain that the intent?
should be sufficient to perform the tasks documentation of satisfactory
required as determined by the responsible performance? Response:
party. 3. How often should performance be 1. No. The provisions of Paragraph
documented? 1.4 allow modification of the
4. CP-189 (1991) indicates suspension detailed recommendations; it is not
Inquiry 02-1 should occur if duties are not intended to allow elimination of the
An interpretation of SNT-TC-1A performed during any consecutive basic provisions of the document.
(2001) Paragraph 2.1.14 is requested. 12-month period (Sec. 7.2). Is this 2. No. Paragraph 9.2. requires
The paragraph states that an employer implied in SNT-TC-1A? certification in accordance with
writes a written practice for the “Section 8, Examinations” as
qualification and certification of their Response: described in the employer’s written
employees. However, Inquiry 83-7 1. Please reference Inquiry 91-4 practice.
suggests that employers can certify Question 2.
qualified nonemployees, while Inquiry

Interpreting SNT-TC-1A 22

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