PFFB Jan - June 2019 PDF

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PCP Certified


Office No. 3, 2nd Floor Al-Babar Centre

F-8 Markaz, P.O. Box 1652, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Facebook: “Pakistan Foundation Fighting Blindness”
Email: [email protected], Website:
Ph: 92-51-2253709, 2253775, Fax: 92-51-2253972

Board of Trustees
Mr. M. Abdullah Yusuf, FCA Chairman
Dr. Anis-ur-Rehman Vice Chairman
Mr. Ali Noor Mohammed Rattansey, FCA Treasurer
Mrs. Nasrin Mansoor Chief Executive Officer
Mrs. Lubna Aftab Company Secretary
Dr. Aamir Matin
Syed. Anwar Mehmood
Mr. Ijaz Akber, FCA
Mr. Iltifat Rasul Khan, FCA
Mr. Jamal Akbar Ansari
Mrs. Khurshid Niaz
Mr. Muhammad Iqbal Sheikh
Capt. (Retd.) Maqbool Ahmed
Mr. Nisar Kayani
Mrs. Rijie Yusuf
Mr. Shibli Islam Rehan, FCA
Mrs. Shaila Khalid
Dr. Tariq Hassan
Mr. Tariq Niaz
Mr. Vaqar Zakaria
Mr. Zahid Abdullah

“If we all do a little, we can do a lot”

Pakistan Foundation Fighting Blindness
Askari Bank Ltd.
A/C # 026-010000039-1
IBAN No: PK57ASCM0000260100000391


Pakistan Foundation Fighting Blindness (PFFB) founded in
1988, formerly known as the Pakistan Retinitis Pigmentosa
Society (PREPS) is a registered national, non-profit, non-
governmental organization (NGO) working in the field of
medical research and humanitarian services for the visually
impaired persons in Pakistan. PFFB is certified from Pakistan
Center for Philanthropy.

Mission Statement
"Pakistan Foundation Fighting Blindness (PFFB) has been
actively participating in activities to create awareness about
the Foundation besides successfully running and maintaining
the existing projects within the available human, financial
and infra-structural resources"

Aims & Objectives

To help improve quality of life of partially sighted and
Visually Impaired Persons (VIPs) through provision of
Education, Training, Assistive Aids and Counseling.
To find a cure for hereditary transmitted Retinal
degenerative disease known as Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP)
and other Retinal Degenerative Diseases in collaboration
with National and International organizations and
laboratories working within the framework of the
“Retina International” of which PFFB is a full member
since 1990.
To be the single preferred platform for coordination &
information sharing amongst organizations working on
cure and prevention of Retinitis Pigmentosa in Pakistan
and be the principal coordinator with international
agencies under the framework of Retina International.
To assist Visually Impaired Persons (VIPs) in any way,
which is helpful for them to live with or overcome their



Audio World Program

Audio World was established in 1995 to satisfy the

educational needs of the visually impaired individuals
throughout the country. Audio World is focusing on providing
Education, Information and Entertainment to visually
impaired students in form of audio recorded books through a
free registered postal facility. Audio World Library has more
than 1200 titles covering all reading ranges"

PFFB National Project

PFFB aims to establish accessible computer labs and organize
training workshops about modern assistive technology,
capacity building at Government Special Education Centers
and community organizations for visually impaired students
and provide recorded syllabus books to improve quality of
education. During 2011-2015 Pakistan Foundation Fighting
Blindness (PFFB) established accessible Computer Labs at
Government Institutes for Visually Impaired in Lahore,
Multan, Peshawar, Karachi and Mirpur Azad Kashmir and also
Organized Regional Training Workshops in Punjab, Sindh,
Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa and Balochistan. Alhamd-o-lillah at
present PFFB established thirteen (13) Accessible IT Centers
across Pakistan"

PFFB IT Center Project

“The main objective of this project is to provide a place to the
Visually Impaired persons wherein they could interact with
other blind persons in relaxed environment. The Center is
located in the premises of PFFB Head office and providing
opportunity to visually impaired persons from different ages
to enhance their computing skills, personality grooming
techniques, art and craft jewelry making skills and cooking
skills so that numerous educational and employment
opportunities shall be created for visually impaired persons.
This would lead to whole new vista of empowerment”

PFFB Medical & Research

“M&R Project is serving as a focal point for the dissemination
of information to affected families, specialists and the society
at large about genetically inherited eye diseases such as
Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) and Allied Retinal Dystrophies.
PFFB participates in RI World Congress, where Scientists and
Researchers from all over world share their latest updates
regarding cure and treatment of Retinal Degenerative Eye

Message From The CEO
Dear Friends,
Assalam Alaikum,

I got opportunity with pleasure in sharing with the supporters

and well-wishers of Pakistan Foundation Fighting Blindness
(PFFB) the update regarding the activities and events of the
Foundation for the period spanning over January to June
2019. I, on behalf of the Foundation, express my gratitude for
all those who have been supporting the cause of the
betterment of visually challenged community of Pakistan.

This Newsletter provides you the updates of the major events

and activities which PFFB managed to conduct only because
of the support and generous contribution of the individuals
as well as of donor organizations. During the period January –
June 2019 the Foundation, among other initiatives,
undertook projects updates, the establishment of Computer
Labs at Government Institute for Blind, Gujranwala with the
kind support of Mr. Jamal Akbar Ansari, the Honorable
Trustee of PFFB, hosted an interactive PFFB Annual Gala
Dinner, organized the awareness and capacity building
training sessions.
It is also my privilege to update you that PFFB convened the
capacity building training sessions from our own resources on
regular basis. During the summer vacations training was
especially imparted from PFFB Head Office in mobility and
daily living skills, personality grooming, art and craft income
generation skills, computing skills and online cooking on PFFB
Youtube channel. Moreover, PFFB also organized Teachers
Training Workshops at newly established PFFB IT Centers at
Muzaffarabad and Gujranwala Institutes for Visually
Impaired. It is worth mentioning here that PFFB also offered
internships during the summer vacations under community
support and participation program to the students from Head
Start School Islamabad.
I take this opportunity to acknowledge with highest
appreciation that the Foundation is successfully helping the
Visually Impaired People of the country through our Audio
World, IT Projects and Art and Craft Income Generation
Projects only because of the wholehearted support of its
cohorts and well-wishers. It is an encouraging fact for all of us
that the number of beneficiaries of the program is constantly
on the rise. Of course, this cause requires a lot more efforts
and support of everyone around; so, we hope to receive
constant financial and moral support from your side.
With warm regards,
Mrs. Nasrin Mansoor


Audio World Program Update:
Distributed audio academic inputs to 223 students,
provided textbooks in MP3 players to Govt. High School
for Blind (Girls) Shamsabad, Rawalpindi and different
Departments on their demand and also distributed two
complete audio Quran Majeed.
Completed Urdu recording of M.A special education two
subject codes combined in one.
Finished production of a voluminous M.A special
education subject code in English.
Released Islamiat Lazmi and Urdu test papers for Punjab
Board 5th class.
Completed recording of “Helping Children Who Are
Blind” translation in Urdu. This is the first ever book for
the parents of blind children which will help them in
raising their children from the start and pre train them
for the schools and daily living.
Federal Public Service Commission' guide for
recruitment of Secondary School Teachers is converted
in to audio for the support of our students.
Completed recording of “Aap Se Kiya Parda” an out of
print but good collection of columns by “Ibn e Insha” in
humor category for the listening pleasures of our
Package upgrade on shared hosting for the speedier
streaming and increasing storage capacity of Audio
World online library.
Released FA Urdu and Archeology textbooks for KPK
Completed recording of English test paper for 7th class of
Punjab Board.
Released an information title “Choose or be Chosen” for
helping our beneficiaries in job hunting.
Recorded “Aam Logon Ki Khas Kahaniyan” a good
collection of short stories.
Recorded “Gentleman Bismillah” by Col R. Ashfaq
Hussain, a humorous account of ISSB selection process
and training at Pakistan Military Academy Kakul,
Collected Zakat donation of Rs. 687,669/- during


Pffb IT Center Project Update:

&During this period, more than 700 visually impaired
benefitted with the service of training in computers,
mobility skills, Art and Craft, CD support, Technical
Assistance, Ebook Scanning service, awareness and
assistive aids.
&10 visually impaired successfully completed art and craft
training at PFFB Head office.
&E-book scanning of Punjab Public Service Commission
test guide book, psychological assessment guide, BPS 17
Scale Test Guide, MA English NUML 2nd Semester
&Scanned Ebooks were development consists of Grade 6
and 7 Geography Books of KPK Board, Pak studies FA
Punjab Board, Islamiat, IR & Gender Studies Books for
CSS and MA English Literature 2nd Semester.
&PFFB provided assistive technology support and online
audio book library service to AFIO resource center
Rawalpindi. Major Haroon Coordinator from GHQ
acknowledged the support completed during Ramzan.
More than 25 injured Pakistan Soldiers at Rehab Center
will benefit through this service.
&PFFB Team provided technical feedback to Super sense
mobile application made for visually impaired that helps
in accessibility. Mediate a US-based artificial intelligence
startup. Super sense, which is a new Android app for the
blind and it finds empty chairs, doors, trashcans, stairs
and many other objects using the smart phone camera.


Distribution of Assistive Aids at Kohlu, Baluchistan:

PFFB supported All Disabled Organization (ADO) Kohlu,
Baluchistan in providing white canes and talking wrist
watches among twenty five visually impaired.

Radio Pakistan Program on World Braille Day

Rabail Pirzada Chief Coordinator PFFB participated in the
special Program on World Braille Day organized by Radio
Pakistan Islamabad. Program covered the Educational
Challenges faced by Visually Impaired Students of Pakistan.
Ms. Pirzada briefed about the Educational services provided
by PFFB Audio World and other challenges faced by Visually
Impaired in Educational system. Members of Al-Makhtoom
School for Visually Impaired were also invited in the program.

Mrs. Ayesha Nisar sister of Late
Mrs. Saima Ammar Visited PFFB:
Mrs. Ayesha Nisar sister of late Mrs. Saima Ammar visited
PFFB. She was glad to see PFFB flourishing day by day. Mrs.
Ayesha Nisar became regular donor of PFFB Art and Craft
Project. PFFB acknowledges kind support from Mrs. Ayesha

Mrs. Rashida Rauf Donor from UAE visited PFFB:

Mrs. Rashida Rauf from UAE who is dedicatedly supporting
PFFB Art and Craft Project visited PFFB Office. She was
pleased to see the PFFB Project activities.

Members of Young Women Writers Forum

Visited PFFB For Interview
Young Writers Forum team visited PFFB office for report
writing on Role of Women with Disabilities in the society.
Nosiqa Syed Writer and Program Organizer Young Women's
Writers forum specially visited PFFB to meet Rabail Pirzada
for interview. She was pleased to see the activities and service
support for visually impaired persons.


Computer Lab Established in Govt. Institute for

Blind Gujranwala
PFFB successfully established IT CENTER Computer Lab at
Government Institute for Blind, Gujranwala. Ms. Irum
Shabbir, Principal of the School requested PFFB to establish
Computer Lab for the visually impaired students few months
ago. By the grace of Almighty Allah PFFB established
Computer Lab of five state of art computers at the Institute.
The Lab will benefit Fifty (50) visually impaired students at
school. PFFB is thankful for Honorable PFFB Trustee Mr. Jamal
Akbar Ansari Sahab for Computers contribution.

Beneficiaries From Quetta Visited PFFB:
Mr. Adil and Mr. Sammi Ullah beneficiaries from Quetta
visited PFFB. They are also running a group Internal Vision of
The Blind to promote skill development and grooming among
visually impaired male and females in Baluchistan. PFFB hope
to expand its services in area of skills development to make
unemployed visually impaired of Baluchistan a productive

Participation at Closing Event of Blind Women

Cricket Tournament
Mr. Abdullah Yusuf, Chairman, Rabail Pirzada Chief
Coordinator and M. Azam- Computer Instructor participated
in the Closing Ceremony of the Blind Women Cricket
Tournament at Shalimar Cricket Ground Islamabad.


PFFB Representation at Regional Forum on

Digital Accessibility
Mr. Abdullah Yusuf, Chairman, Rabail Pirzada Chief
Coordinator and Tahir Ali Project Coordinator participated in
the Regional Forum on Digital Accessibility organized by
Islamabad Internet Society Islamabad Chapter. The Forum
aims to highlight the best practices as replicable solutions for
Persons with Disabilities that have been undertaken in
Pakistan and South Asia. Mr. Abdullah Yusuf, Chairman PFFB
also chaired the 1st Session. Rabail Pirzada presented the
Case Study of PFFB in playing active role in utilizing the best
available practices of Digital accessibility in Pakistan. Mr.
Mudassir Hussain, Member Telecom, Ministry of IT Pakistan
was the Chief Guest of the Event. The forum was attended by
approx. 100 representatives from stakeholders of Internet
accessibility in Pakistan and regional countries Afghanistan,
India, Nepal and Sri Lanka. PFFB acknowledged the efforts of
Mr. Shabbir Awan Member Board of Directors and Mr. Waqas
President both from Islamabad Internet Society Islamabad
Chapter for taking International initiative for Persons with
Disabilities in developing policy and way forward in the field
of Digital Accessibility.

PFFB Art & Craft Stall at Toyota GT Motors
PFFB Art & Craft successfully setup stall of handicrafts at
Toyota GT Motors, Islamabad. PFFB acknowledges their kind
support in helping visually impaired in education and better
art and craft skills. PFFB displayed the handicraft items
consists of Cushions, Neck Pillows, Bangles, Bracelets, Wall
hanging decoration with pocket, table mats and packed
stuffed toys. These activities encouraged visually impaired to
display and sale their handmade items and earn a reasonable
pocket money.


PFFB YouTube Channel Highlights:

Twelve productions at PFFB YouTube channel related to
Cooking are uploaded on beneficiaries demand. Visually
impaired members are taking great interest in following the
YouTube channel episodes and improving their cooking skills.

PFFB Art & Craft Stall on Valentine Day:
PFFB Art & Craft displayed stall on Valentine's Day at head
office Islamabad. Trustees and Friends of PFFB participated in
the event and purchased the gifts for their families.

Blind Girls from Skardu GB completed

Art & Craft Training at PFFB
Team from Baltistan Blind Welfare Organization visited PFFB
in December 2018. M. Ismail, General Secretary, Ms. Gulnar,
Coordinator, two visually disabled girls Safiya and Farheen
attended the trainings in Art and Craft and computing skills.
Blind Girls Safiya and Farheen and Coordinator Ms. Gulnar
learned making of rugs, wall hanging pockets, jewelry and M.
Ismail leaned basic concepts of Computers. PFFB hopes that
these trainers will help to learn other blind girls living in the
far places of Skardu, Gilgit, Baltistan to improve their living.


PFFB organized Teachers Training Workshop at

Muzaffarabad Complex
PFFB organized one week training workshop for teachers and
students from February 22-27, 2019 at PFFB IT Center in
Visually impaired Section of National Special Education
Complex Muzaffarabad, AJK. During the one week training,
Mr. M. Azam - Computer Instructor PFFB conducted
assessment of teachers and sessions on computer skills with
JAWS screen reader, Mobility and orientation, Personality
Skills, discussion on solutions of Social issues being faced by
visually impaired community at large and skill opportunities

for them. Mr. Abdul Wahid Director and Mr. M. Ashraf Deputy
Director Social Welfare Government of Azad Jammu Kashmir
were present at the event. Ms. Rabail Pirzada, Chief
Coordinator and Tahir Ali, Project Coordinator PFFB
encouraged the teachers and students to enhance their skills
for their better performance and also distributed certificates
among 14 participants. PFFB acknowledges the efforts of
members of Department of Social Welfare Special Education
Azad Jammu and Kashmir making the training workshop


Participation in Such TV Program on Women's Day

Ms. Rabail Pirzada, Chief Coordinator PFFB was invited on
Such TV Program on International Women's Day. The
program covered success stories from Women of Pakistan,
who excelled in the life and proved themselves through
struggles. Ms. Rabail also participated as role model for the
Persons with Disabilities and society.

PTV Teledrama Biography on Rabail Pirzada

and PFFB
Mr. Ayaz Pirzada, PTV Producer composed a tele drama based
on Rabail Pirzada Success Story and How PFFB transformed
her Life toward Success. All the Drama Artists acted
beautifully and followed the script as a reality. Drama was
telecasted on air at the occasion of World Women's Day in the
month of March.

Participation in the Consultative meeting on
Policy for PWDs:
Mrs. Rijie Yusuf, Trustee PFFB, Ms. Rabail Pirzada, Chief
Coordinator and Mr. Tahir Ali, Project Coordinator PFFB
participated in the Consultative meeting on Policy for Persons
with Disabilities (PWDs) organized by Directorate General of
Special Education (DGSE). Objective of the meeting was to
collect the reviews from the Organizations working for PWDs.
PFFB team gave their valuable recommendations relevant to
challenges being faced by visually impaired.

PFFB Art & Craft Stall on Pakistan Day

PFFB organized Exhibition of Art and Craft items prepared by

visually impaired students on March 20, 2019 in memory of
Pakistan Day. Mr. Abdullah Yusuf, Chairman PFFB and other
Board Members and Friends visited and purchased the items
made by visually impaired students. Exhibition was well
praised by the Members and Friends of PFFB.


Mr. Zafar Bakhtawari Chairman D.WATSON Group

Visited PFFB
Mr. Zafar Bakhtawari, Chairman D.WATSON Group
Pharmacies visited PFFB. Ms. Rabail Pirzada Chief
Coordinator briefed Mr. Zafar Bakhtawari about Vision and
Projects Activities of PFFB. In near future PFFB will
collaborate with D.WATSON Group of Pharmacies, to setup
Art and Craft display stall at their F10 Branch in Islamabad
that will benefit visually impaired to increase their income
generation and Art and Craft Skills. PFFB is grateful to Mr.
Zafar Bakhtawari for giving us quality time for this noble

PFFB Awareness Session at Government Institute
for Blind Girls Shamsabad, Rawalpindi
PFFB team organized awareness session at Govt. Institute for
Blind Girls Shamsabad, Rawalpindi. Objective of the session
was to distribute gifts among visually impaired students on
behalf of Mrs. Shaila Khalid- Trustee PFFB. Moreover Ms.
Rabail Pirzada Chief Coordinator and Tahir Ali Project
Coordinator PFFB raised awareness among visually Impaired
Girls about PFFB Project activities in area of education,
capacity building training and career counseling. PFFB Team
had a great time with students and teachers and also
organized small quiz for them. PFFB is grateful to Ms. Samra -
Principal for making this activity successful.


Regional Chairperson Lion Club International

Visited PFFB
Lion Abdul Hameed Baloch Regional Chairperson
International Lion Club visited PFFB. Rabail Pirzada Chief
Coordinator briefed him about PFFB Vision and Projects. Lion
Abdul Hameed Baloch was pleased to see PFFB services for
visually impaired across Pakistan.

Contribution from PFFB Friends:

Mr. Zohaib Khalid son of Late Mr. Zaheer Khalid, Founder
Chairman and president Emeritus visited PFFB during
Ramzan and observed the project activities in detail. Mr.
Zohaib also met with the beneficiaries of projects and
pleased to see the progress in the noble cause started by his
Father. Mr. Zohaib also gave donation of Rs.3 Lac for PFFB
Projects. PFFB acknowledges the kind donation from Mr.
Zohaib Khalid. During this period, Toyota motors contributed
Rs.74,500/- to PFFB.Ms. Ammara Ijaz beneficiary of PFFB
donated 25,000 for PFFB IT Project.

PFFB organized Teachers Student Training

PFFB organized five days teachers, students training

workshop at Government Institute for Blind, W-Block,
Peoples Colony, Gujranwala from April 12-17, 2019. Training
covered assessment of teachers, students and enhancement
of computer skills, Communication and Personality Skills,
discussion on solutions of Social issues being faced by visually
impaired community at large. 12 visually impaired teachers
and students benefitted through this training. Rabail Pirzada,
Chief Coordinator and Tahir Ali Project Coordinator
participated in the closing ceremony of the training
workshop. All participants were found attentive and
motivated to learn new things about assistive technology,
computing skills, communications and personality grooming
techniques. Certificates and assistive devices were
distributed among visually impaired teachers and students.


State Bank of Pakistan Team conducted Currency
Awareness Session at PFFB
State Bank of Pakistan Currency Management Unit (CMU)
organized currency awareness session at PFFB. The session
was designed to inform the participants of the different
features incorporated in Pakistani Banknotes (e.g. Braille
feature, intaglio printing etc) to facilitate the VI in conducting
routine transactions and to raise their level of awareness.
PFFB acknowledges the efforts of State Bank of Pakistan for
organizing this session.

PFFB Organized Annual Gala Dinner

at Marriot Hotel
PFFB successfully organized Annual Gala Dinner on May 4,
2019 at Marriott Hotel, Islamabad. PFFB made this event
unique by adding performances from visually impaired stars
that proved themselves in the field of music and singing and
cultural dance. Rabail Pirzda, Chief Coordinator PFFB hosted
the event and presented the annual progress. Mr. Touseeq
Haider specially participated to share his personal experience
working as Reader of PFFB Audio World Program. Certificates
were distributed among visually impaired performers and
PFFB staff. Visually Impaired Professionals working on key
positions of Government Departments, Social Sector and
International Organizations were also present at the Gala



Awareness Interviews on Radio Pakistan
During this period, PFFB success stories participated in the
interviews sessions series “Hoslay Buland Apnay” at Radio
Pakistan Islamabad. Mr. Shabbir Awan Research Associate
NDU, Mr. Haseeb Yasin and Hassan gave separate interviews
on Radio Pakistan about issues related to disability and how
they can cope them.

PFFB Team Participated in the UNDP Consultative

United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Pakistan is in
process of developing a country level proposal as part of a
regional initiative to be funded by the Adaptative Fund. The
overall objective of the project entitled Building the
Resilience of Persons with Disabilities to cope with climate
change in the Asia Pacific Region, is to improve the resilience
in persons with disabilities to climate change and climate
related disaster. In this regard, a stakeholders consultative
workshop was planned. The Workshop provided a platform
to all stakeholders to identify the key challenges and propose
viable solutions which will be translated into the proposal.
Ms. Rabail Pirzada, Chief Coordinator PFFB and Tahir Ali
Project Coordinator added valuable input during the event
challenges along with their solutions related to climate
change impact on PWDs.

PFFB Awareness Session at NISE Islamabad

Ms. Rabail Pirzada Chief Coordinator was invited by National
Institute of Special Education (NISE) for session delivery to
the participants from across different cities of Pakistan. Ms.
Rabail briefed the participants about the PFFB Mission and
Activities. Moreover, Ms. Rabail also motivated the trainers
to understand the basic concepts and challenges being faced
by visually impaired community. More than 28 teachers and
visually impaired benefited through the session.


Delegation from PAB Bahawalnagar visit to PFFB

Mr. Ghulam Murtaza, Head of PAB Bahawalnagar, visited
PFFB. Mr. Ghulam Murtaza had meeting with PFFB
Management and observed the Projects of Audio World, IT
Center and Art & Craft income generation. They also
requested PFFB to support them in setting up a computer lab
at their new Building. Insha Allah PFFB will support PAB
Bahawalnagar in setting up a computer lab.

Mrs. Sadia Kirmani Head of M. Bin Qasim Trust

Multan visited PFFB
Mrs. Sadia Kirmani Head of Muhammad Bin Qasim Trust for
Blind Multan visited PFFB. Ms. Sadia met with the PFFB team
and observed the progress of PFFB projects. PFFB also shared
a List of Audio Courses and library Catalog with her. Ms. Rabail
Chief Coordinator PFFB also presented Souvenir to Ms. Sadia

1st Batch of Head start School Internees joined
Every year PFFB collaborate with Islamabad Schools Colleges
and University Students to offer internships under
community service program. This summer first batch of
Internees students from Head Start School Islamabad joined
PFFB as Internees. PFFB Team helped them to understand the
PFFB Vision and activities. At present they are actively
engaged in PFFB projects and helping us promoting PFFB
quality work.


Summer Training Camp at PFFB:

Every year during summer vacations, visually impaired from
across Pakistan join our Training program. This July visually
impaired from Peshawar, Gujranwala, Chakwal, Rawalpindi
and Islamabad joined us on Summer Camp Training Program.
They are actively engaged in multiple training sessions based
on Mobility and Daily Living, Personality Grooming,
Computer Literacy and Art and Craft Income Generation
skills. PFFB Trainers Rabail Pirzada Chief Coordinator , Tahir Ali
- Project Coordinator and M. Azam Computer Instructor PFFB
IT Center passionately delivering services and giving the
trainees a welcoming and encouraging environment so that
they can improve their self-esteem and can excel in their
academics and careers.

Syed Irshad Hussain Kazmi
Syed Irshad Hussain Kazmi resident of Tehsil Danyor of District
Gilgit, is well-known to his social work. Mr. Kazmi has been
facing vision problem due to Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) or
night blindness since birth. He completed high school studies
and with the passage of time, night blindness prevailed and
he could not continue his studies through general education
system. After losing his eyesight completely, he didn't lose his
will and started social work with full zeal to the betterment of
Disabled Community of Gilgit Baltistan. He completed his
Graduation and Master with the help of recorded books of
PFFB Audio World Program.
During PFFB research and identification of visually impaired
activity in Gilgit Baltistan, Mr. Kazmi actively participated as
focal person for arranging meetings with the concern
departments and community organizations that helped PFFB
in developing strategies for enhancement of outreach
services. He also learned about assistive technology and
application for visually impaired through PFFB IT Center. PFFB
team also helped him through consultative sessions about
developing strategies and plan of action for persons with
disability (PWDs) of Gilgit Baltistan.
In 2009 Mr. Kazmi started to communicate with visually
impaired community of the region and in 2011, he
established first ever organization of visually impaired
persons. Visually Impaired Person Rehabilitation Association
(VIPRA) in Gilgit,Baltistan. He has done a great job to create
awareness among the people in a short span of time. In 2013
he found Vision Welfare Foundation (VWF) registered with
the GB government. This Foundation is envisioned to work for
the betterment of all kind of disabilities. Mr. Kazmi is also the
pioneer to celebrate these international days after his tireless
efforts now celebration of these events is a regular occasions
in Gilgit Baltistan, which includes awareness walks, Seminars,
Articles and special editions in Newspapers, talk shows in
available electronic local media such as radio and cable
networks, coverage in national media such as TV and Radio
channels. One of his best achievements is passing a
resolution in Gilgit Baltistan assembly regarding the rights of
the disable persons which is the second legislation of its kind
after Baluchistan. To make legislation of international
standard, he done lobbing, consultation, counseling and
provided technical support. He also collected data regarding
disable persons of GB. He is also a counselor of disable
community as he is in action for the rehabilitation and case to
case counseling of such persons. Due to his tireless struggle
general community of GB is now becoming disabled friendly.
Despite having such a sever disability Mr. Kazmi paid full
attention towards his higher education as well. At Present,
Mr. Kazmi is graduating 2nd Masters in Special Education.

Please select any one of the category given below indicating your interest in one or more, complete the loose form and mail
it to our Head Office.

ENDOWMENT FUND CONTRIBUTION: To ensure continued growth and expansion of the service, Foundation has
created its Endowment Fund. You can donate in this Fund:

If you are an individual, you can join the Foundation as a Friend, by making a contribution of Rs.10,000/- or more
annually, proposal of your name by an existing Member or Friend, and approved by the Executive Committee of the

If you are an organization, you can join the Foundation as a Corporate Member, by making a donation of Rs.200,000/-
or more. annually


Category Amount (Rs.) Check Box
Laptop for Higher Studies 60,000/-
Smart Phones 30,000/-
CCTV Magnifier (Low Vision) 15,000/-
Business Kit for income generation 15,000/-
Sponsoring a Training Session 15,000/-
Audio World Education program 5,000/-
Assistive Aids 1,500/-
(Talking watch, White Cane, MP3 Player with USB)

Donations Volunteer work Voice for Recording

(In cash or kind)

Please complete this form indicating your interest in one or more of the listed categories. please refer "HOW CAN YOU HELP?" and send it to our head office:


Office No. 3, 2nd Floor Al-Babar Centre F-8 Markaz, P.O. Box 1652, Islamabad, Pakistan. Ph: 92-51-2253709, 2253775, Fax: 92-51-2253972
Email: [email protected], Website: | Facebook: “Pakistan Foundation Fighting Blindness”

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