Procedure 1-Socket Fusion

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D 2657 – 07

the heating surfaces. The heating plate surfaces, coated or 7.1.8 Fitting Puller, an optional tool to assist in the removal
uncoated, shall be kept clean and free of contaminants such as of the fitting from the heating tool and to hold the fitting during
dirt, grease and plastic build-up, which may cause excessive assembly.
sticking and create unsatisfactory joints. Most of these con- 7.2 Procedure:
taminants are removed from the hot tool surfaces using a clean, 7.2.1 Attach the proper size heater faces to the heating tool,
dry, oil-free lint-free cloth. Do not use synthetic fabrics which and heat the tool to the fusion temperature for the material.
may char and stick to the fusion surface. Some pigments, such 7.2.2 Cut the pipe end squarely, and clean the pipe end and
as carbon black, may stain a heating surface and probably fitting, both inside and outside, by wiping with a clean, dry,
cannot be removed; such stains will not contaminate the joint oil-free, lint-free cloth.

interface. 7.2.3 Chamfer the outside edge of the pipe end slightly and
6.2.1 After a period of time in service, non-stick coatings or fix the rounding clamp about the pipe as determined from the

fabrics will deteriorate and become less effective. Deteriorated depth gage.
fabrics should be replaced, and worn, scratched, or gouged
NOTE 4—Chamfering may not be required by some procedures or some
non-stick coatings should be re-coated when they lose effec- fusion tools. Pipe sizes 1 in. (25.4 mm) and smaller are not usually
tiveness. Heat fusion quality may be adversely affected by

chamfered, regardless of tooling design.
deteriorated non-stick surfaces. Spray-on chemicals, such as

NOTE 5—Some recommend using a 50 to 60-grit emery or garnet cloth
non-stick lubricants or oils shall not be applied to heating iron to roughen the outside of the pipe and inside of the fitting as a means of
surfaces as they will contaminate the joint. minimizing any possible skin interface when making the fusion. Sandpa-
6.3 Temperature Indicator—Heating tools shall be equipped per is not recommended for this purpose, as it might disintegrate and

with a thermometer or other built-in temperature indicating contaminate the joint interface. If roughening is performed, first clean the
surfaces before roughening. Clean dust and particles from the roughened
device. This device indicates the internal temperature of the surfaces afterwards by wiping with a clean, dry, oil-free, lint-free cloth.
heating iron which is usually higher than temperature of the
fusion surfaces. Use a pyrometer periodically to verify the
7.2.4 Bring the preheated tool faces into contact with the

temperature of the tool surfaces within the pipe or fitting outside surface of the end of the pipe and the inside surface of
contact area. Select multiple checkpoints to ensure uniform the socket.
surface temperature. 7.2.5 Heat the pipe end and the fitting socket for the time
required to obtain a proper melt. Proper melt is a function of

NOTE 2—A significant temperature variation, that is, cold spots, on the material, time, tool temperature, and the size of the parts. Pipe
fusion surfaces may indicate a faulty heating iron which may need to be
serviced before it can be used.
and fittings of larger diameters require more time to reach the
proper melt consistency than those of smaller diameters.

7. Procedure 1—Socket Fusion Underheated or overheated materials will not form a good
7.1 Apparatus—Socket fusion tools manufactured in accor-

7.2.6 At the end of the heating time, simultaneously remove

dance with Specification F 1056 are used for joining polyolefin the pipe and fitting straight out from the tool, using a snap
pipe, tubing, and fittings. action. Immediately insert the pipe straight into the socket of
7.1.1 Heating Tool—In order to obtain a proper melt, it is the fitting so the rounding clamp is flush against the end of the

necessary for a uniform temperature to be maintained across fitting socket. Hold or block the joint in place until the melts of
the heating surface. Therefore, gas-fired tools are generally the mating surfaces have solidified. The exact cooling time
restricted to use with pipe sizes of 2 in. IPS (63 mm) or less.

depends on the size of the pipe and the material being fused.
7.1.2 Heating Tool Faces—Consisting of two parts, a male 7.2.7 Remove the rounding clamp, and inspect the melt
end for the interior socket surface and a female end for the pattern at the end of the socket for a complete impression of the

exterior pipe surface. Both parts shall be made to such rounding clamp in the melt surface. There shall no gaps, voids,
tolerances as to cause an interference fit. or unbonded areas. Clean the heating tool of any residual

7.1.3 Alignment Jig—The alignment jig is an optional tool material using a wood stick or a clean, dry, oil-free, lint-free,
which consists of two sets of devices holding the components non-synthetic cloth. Take care not to damage the heating
in alignment to each other. One set of holding devices is fixed, surfaces. Plastic left on the tool tends to char when reheated,

and the other allows longitudinal movement for making the causing a loss of heater efficiency and joint contamination.
joint. 7.2.8 Allow for extremes in weather when making field
7.1.4 Rounding Clamps, (cold ring) to maintain roundness joints. Heating times, operation of alignment jig, dimensional
of the pipe and control the depth of pipe insertion into the changes, and the like, are affected by extreme conditions.
socket during the joining operation. 7.3 Testing—Evaluate sample joints in order to verify the
7.1.5 Depth Gage, for proper positioning of the rounding skill and knowledge of the fusion operator. Cut joints into
clamp. straps, (see Fig. 4) and visually examine and test for bond
7.1.6 Chamfering Tool, to bevel the end of the pipe. continuity and strength. Bending, peeling, and elongation tests
are useful for this purpose.
NOTE 3—The depth gage and chamfering tool may be combined into a
single tool. 8. Procedure 2—Butt Fusion
7.1.7 Tubing Cutter, to obtain a square end cut on the pipe. 8.1 Apparatus:

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