FIG. 4 Bent Strap Test Specimen

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D 2657 – 07


8.2.4 Bring the piping components together and check for

high-low alignment, and out-of-roundness. Adjust as required.
Re-face after adjustment. The ends of the piping components
shall be square to each other around their full circumference.
8.2.5 Place the heater plate between the component ends,
and move the component ends against the heater plate with
sufficient force to ensure complete circumferential contact
against the heater plate. Hold the components against the
heater plate briefly, using limited force to ensure that proper

contact with the plate has been made. Release the force, but
hold the components against the heater plate until an appro-

priately sized bead of molten plastic develops circumferentially
around each component end as a result of the thermal expan-
sion of the material. Do not push the components into the
heater plate as the melting progresses.

8.2.6 Move the melted component ends away from the

heater plate, and remove the heater plate. Quickly inspect the
melted surfaces per 8.2.1. If the melt is acceptable, immedi-
ately bring the melted ends together with enough force to roll

both component melt beads over to the pipe surface around the
entire circumference of the joint. When the bead touches the
pipe surface, stop moving the component ends together, but do
not release the force. Hold the force on the joint until the joint
has cooled.
en Do not use excessive or insufficient force. If the
components are brought together with too much force, all
molten material may be pushed out of the joint and cold

material brought into contact forming a “cold” joint. If too little

force is used, only the melt in the beads may be fused together
and, as the molten material in the joint cools and contracts,

FIG. 4 Bent Strap Test Specimen

voids or non-fused areas may be formed. If the softened
material sticks to the heater plate, discontinue the joining

procedure. Clean the heater plate, re-square the component

8.1.1 Heating Tool—The heating tool shall have sufficient ends, and repeat the process from the beginning (8.2.2).
area to adequately cover the ends of the size of pipe to be Inspect the component ends quickly when the heat-

ing tool is removed. The melt should be flat. A concave melt

8.1.2 Alignment Jig—The alignment jig is three basic parts:
surface indicates unacceptable pressure during heating. If a
(1) a stationary clamping fixture and a movable clamping
concave melt surface is observed, do not continue. Allow the
fixture for holding each of the two parts to be fused in

component ends to cool, and start over from 8.2.1.

alignment; (2) a facer for simultaneously preparing the ends of
the parts to be joined (Note 6); and ( 3) appropriate adapters for For any pipe size and wall thickness, the actual
fusion joining force is determined by multiplying the interfa-

different pipe sizes. Alignment jigs are manually or hydrauli-

cally powered. cial pressure by the area of the pipe end. To determine a fusion
pressure gauge setting for hydraulic butt fusion machines, the

NOTE 6—A facer is a rotating cutting device used to square-off the pipe force is divided by the area of the hydraulic cylinders that
or fitting ends to obtain properly mating fusion surfaces. move the fusion machine carriage. The hydraulic fusion
machine gauge pressure setting may need to be increased to

8.2 Procedure:
8.2.1 Bring the heater plate surfaces to proper temperature. overcome internal machine friction drag or to provide addi-
8.2.2 Clean the inside and outside of the components (pipe tional force to move pipes attached to the butt fusion machine.
or pipe and fitting) to be joined. Remove all foreign matter 8.2.7 Allow the assembly to stand at least until cool before
from the surface of the component where it will be clamped in removing the clamps or other aligning device (Note 7). Do not
the alignment jig. subject the joint to high stress until it has cooled to less than
8.2.3 Align each component with its alignment jig clamp, approximately 130°F. Do not apply internal pressure until the
and close the clamp. Check component to component align- joint and surrounding material have reached ambient air
ment, adjust as needed, and face off the ends. temperature. Take care when placing pipe or fittings in the NOTE 7—The joint is usually cool enough to remove from the align-
alignment jig. Pipes shall be aligned before the alignment ment jig if a bare hand can be held against the beads without discomfort
clamp is closed; however, do not force the pipe into alignment (less than approximately 130°F). Further cooling is recommended prior to
by pushing it against the side of an open alignment jig clamp. ditching the pipe.

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