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March/April 2008 >> Vol.



Generative Green
Components Design
Advanced form Evaluating building
design in architecture performance with
IES and Ecotect

CAD training special / Autodesk 2009 portfolio / Display Technology

AEC Mar/April Cover.indd 1 3/4/08 14:00:11

Vol.36: Contents
9 Newsdesk Autodesk’s 2009 family
Editorial We report from the AutoDesk World Press Day event
Managing Editor: Greg Corke
as the new line-up for 2009 is revealed, including
Email: [email protected] the new features, the full AutoCAD suite and a new
version of 3ds Max.
MCAD Technical Editor: Alistar Lloyd Dean
Email: [email protected]
Editorial Assistant: Stephen Holmes
Email: [email protected] 10 Report Generative Components
Consulting Editors Martyn Day looks at advanced Generative
Martyn Day Components software at SmartGeometry, Munich.
Email: [email protected]
John Marchant
Email: [email protected]
Publisher: Geoff Walker
Email: [email protected]

Design and Production

Dave Oswald
Email: [email protected]

Group Advertising Manager: Peter Jones
Email: [email protected]
Deputy Advertising Manager: Steve Banks 14 Case Study A bridge too far
Email: [email protected] The unique GenerativeComponents double-helix design
Accounts Director: Terry Wright
of the Marina Bayfront Bridge in Singapore.
Email: [email protected]

20 Case Study Digital project

Subscriptions London architects Newtecnic utilise
Database Manager: Alan Cleveland Gehry Technologies Digital Project
Email: [email protected] (DP) software to create structural
Free Subscriptions: AEC Magazine is available on building facades that are innovative,
free subscription to UK readers qualifying under the beautiful and buildable.
publisher’s Terms of Control.
Paid Subscriptions: AEC Magazine is available on
paid subscription at the following rates: UK – £36
per annum; Overseas – £50 per annum.
23 Comment Benchmarking for recruitment
Cheques should be made payable to Electronic A more targeted approach to benchmarking CAD skills for recruitment can give HR managers
Design Automation Ltd support in assessing the technical competence of candidates at interview stage, says Rory
Vance, Managing Director, CADsmart.
©Electronic Design Automation Ltd. Reproduction
in whole or part without prior permission from the
publisher is strictly prohibited 27 Opinion Training
With the imminent release of Autodesk’s 2009 AutoCAD and Revit
EDA Ltd. 63-66 Hatton Garden, London EC1N 8SR platforms, what options are available to engineering and architecture
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7681 1000
firms to keep on top of educating staff to use new features? Stephen
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7831 2057
Holmes looks at the approaches being taken to make training both
Printed in the UK by effective and justifiable in the modern workplace.
Warners Midlands plc
28 Case Study Green thinking
Ecotect is one of a new generation of so called ‘green’ building
analysis programs. Since adopting the software, architect Alan

Visit our online resource

Gillard has been able to base his designs on more than just
‘green gut feeling’.

31 Software Review Virtual environment Revit goes green with the addition of the Integrated Environmental Solutions ‘VE Toolkits’. Now
architects and MEP Engineers can optimise their designs without leaving the Revit environment and
check against industry green standards compliance.

Online articles, Back issues, 33 Case study Set in concrete 33 Technology Monitoring change
PDF Magazines, Subscriptions Bison Concrete leads the market in precast concrete
technology and as such makes heavy demands on
Robbie Jamieson contemplates new Display
Port connections and 10-bit support and

and much, much more... its printing solutions. Amy Nicholson finds out how
Océ equipment has helped Bison to stay on top.
how they will change the way we look at
displays in the design sector.


03 AEC Contents.indd 1 7/4/08 15:16:09


Tekla enters Russian

market with software
Tekla is looking towards opportunities in Russia
with the upcoming Tekla Structures 14 software
version, which will include a fully localized Russian
New thinking on latest KIP offering
In the KIP9000, KIP UK has launched their most powerful
Holding their first seminar in Moscow on Tekla
integrated production system to date.
Structures software, more than 50 companies
representing the major steel fabricators in the area Offering 600 x 600 DPI printing with advanced imaging
participated. algorithms for high quality reproduction, the KIP UK introduces
The event was organized in co-operation new thinking on electronic distribution and printing at the point
with CNC machine manufacturer Ficep, Tekla of use, by including its own PrintNET software as standard which
Corporation and Tekla Structures Russian reseller can receive files electronically from anywhere via a web browser.
VentSoft. As with the rest of the range, the KIP9000 has an open
According to Telka’s market research, Russia is architecture that according to KIP will be able to integrate
a challenging market but also the one showing the seamlessly into existing information management systems using
strongest IT growth at the moment.
an application programming interface to allow users to fully
integrate their new investment with any existing system.
Capable of delivering 22 A1 prints per minute, it prints from KIP also boast an increased quality and sensitivity in both
Piranesi artists given new all major software packages on Windows, Linux, Mac or Unix scanning and output to produce the accurate tonal gradation

gallery online platforms and includes native DWF batch processing for printing
complex drawings.
differentiation when printing in mono.
A new website from
Informatix is showcasing

Hilton happy with BIM savings on latest project

the work of customers using
Piranesi artist’s impression
The central part of every The utilization of Building Information Modelling has been field conflicts within the award-winning, $46 million project,
page is dedicated to a customer image, with most showcased in the opening of the new Aquarium Hilton saving more than $800,000 in extras and avoiding months
accompanied by a short passage about the image Garden Inn in Atlanta, United States, saving the project more of potential delays from collisions.
and its creator. than $800,000. “The collaborative 3D sessions improved
Infomatrix marketing manager Jeremy Jones, Serving as the BIM creator, integrator and manager, communications and trust between the various stakeholders
says: “The real message behind the product is Atlanta-based general contractor Holder Construction and enabled us to make rapid changes in the early phases
simple: Piranesi enables our customers to create
modelled the structure, skin, MEP systems and interior of the project,” said Paul Hedgepath, senior BIM engineer at
wonderful, stylish artist’s impressions of their
finishes in ArchiCAD, integrating with NavisWorks to enable Holder Construction.
design projects, which will genuinely wow their
the team to identify 590 collision conflicts. “The spaces they designed and approved with 2D
clients. What better way to express that than by
showcasing the illustrations themselves? Through frequent 3D coordination sessions, the project drawings and static renderings now could be experienced in
“If demonstrating Piranesi’s potential helps team revealed they were able to quickly identify and resolve an active 3D model.”
promote the individuals and firms who are
submitting images, then Informatix is happy to
Bentley book place in infastructure history
Excitech awarded The digital version of “The Year in of the 2007 BE Awards of Excellence

BlueCielo reseller
Infrastructure 2007,” Bentley’s 180- program.
page project yearbook showcasing the Jay McGraw, group publisher,
of the year work of Bentley users, has been made
McGraw-Hill Construction, which sponsors
the BE Awards ceremony, said: “It
Excitech have been named by BlueCielo as their
The yearbook features descriptions provides the opportunity to learn about the
European Reseller of the Year by Partners, at the
ECM Frontiers Awards. and colour illustrations of more than the year in accomplishments and challenges faced by

Martijn Janmaat, President and CEO, of 230 recognised project nominations 2007
some of the most innovative project teams
BlueCielo ECM Solutions was pleased to announce and 36 winners honoured in the in the world.”
the UK supplier, praising the team’s skills. “This Building, Plant, Civil, Geospatial, IT
award recognises not just Excitech’s best revenue and Training, and Academic categories
performance in Europe in 2007, but also its
top expertise, excellent customer service and
strong skills in handling sophisticated, multi-
site implementations of our leading InnoCielo Océ adapt printer for Mac runs as well as it would with a PC, while also linking to CAD
accounting software.
engineering content management solutions,” he
Océ have adapted one of their TCS500 systems to work One of the largest architects’ practices in the region, they
on a Mac-based interface, the first of its kind in Southwest had been Mac-based since the mid-1980s. The company
Excitech’s Electronic Document Management
(EDM) team offer a range of information England for Océ and distribut0r Westec. found that finding a compatible printer was a near-impossible
management consultancy and solutions based As with the majority of professional digital printing task. Westec sourced Océ, stating that the problem was
on industry standard platforms and software systems on the market, the TCS500 is designed some manufacturers’ technology could potentially be
solutions. predominantly for use with a PC interface, although Océ set converted to work, but suppliers did not have either the to work converting it on site at Poynton Bradbury Wynter expertise or the desire to go down this route.
Cole architects in St Ives. Océ now say that the system


04AEC News.indd 4 3/4/08 15:26:03

Cadsline Midas.indd 1 31/3/08 09:30:05
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06 AEC Ads.indd 1 3/4/08 15:03:03


New 64-bit mental ray

rendering software
EMEA revenue growth looks set A new renderfarm software
solution for mental ray 64-

to continue in the next year

bit standalone rendering
software is now available
from ARTVPS.
The company, known
for its 3D visualisation rendering technology,
Last year, revenues for engineering applications software (France) and NavisWorks (UK) is expected to lead to further
has produced a Windows based application that
providers in the European, Middle East and African (EMEA) growth. combines mental ray rendering software with
region grew seven per cent to nearly E30Bn, with similar growth ARTVPS’ own render management interface.
expected in 2008. Bentley The company state it is fully compatible with
Architecture, engineering and construction was the fastest Although not directly comparable with Autodesk figures, Autodesk’s 3dsmax and Maya plus Softimage XSI,
growing and second biggest segment, increasing by 16 per cent Cambashi estimates that in 2007 Bentley generated around and it is now possible to utilise existing hardware
to nearly E460m, with expected gains in the coming year of 11 E103m in AEC revenues including building, civil and plant by installing it on any 64-bit machine running
per cent to around E510m. applications, forecast growth of eight per cent for this year. Microsoft Windows.
Creators of the survey, Cambashi, believe growth is attributed Already in 2008 they have announced the acquisitions of Graham Wylie, CEO at ARTVPS said, “ARTVPS
is renowned for developing high performance
to two related factors: The transition from 2D to 3D building ECT promise and Hevacomp in the UK; and LEAP Software in
rendering solutions, which not only produce great
information modelling technology, and the demand of software the USA, adding components such as electrical, and heating,
images but are also easy to use.
users for better integration of products. ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) to the building
“Delivering a fully compatible Windows
information modelling platform. software version is an obvious next step and will
appeal to 3D users wishing to add mental ray
Nemetschek rendering to an existing rendering network or to
With AEC revenues of over E121m for 2007 those creating a new render farm with a preferred
Nemetschek is the largest European based hardware partner.”
AEC competitor to Autodesk and Bentley.
Following the acquisition of Graphisoft in
2006 and a series of niche developers in
structural steel and civil engineering, revenue
Penguin offer cool solutions
McNeel Europe has announced that the new
in EMEA grew 38 per cent in 2007. In 2008, version of Penguin is now available.
Cambashi predicts growth of around 8%. The non-photorealistic render plug-in for Rhino
and AutoCAD, Penguin 2.0 boasts a host of new
Aveva features including improved user interface and
Revenues grew 18 per cent to over E72m. closer integration with Rhino, and a new shader
2008 growth is expected to be around 6 per engine that allows the combining of different
cent as high oil price generates new investment in plant, creating shaders. Penguin are offering a free evaluation
Autodesk demand for plant design software, as well as the acquisition of version is available for Rhino 4.0 and AutoCAD
In 2007, Autodesk’s AEC software revenues, which include Tribon.
Since its first version in 2003, Penguin
building and civil, but exclude the use of AutoCAD and AutoCAD
says it has become the preferred rendering
LT in AEC, grew by 18 per cent to E94m. In 2008, Cambashi Intergraph PPM
tool for designers and architects that want to
predicts growth of over 25 per cent to E120m. Now a private company acquired by Hellman & Friedman and create conceptual, artistic images and technical
3D products, Revit and Civil3D, with their increased focus Texas Pacific Group in 2006, Integraph had EMEA revenues of illustrations for catalogues.
on BIM are responsible for generating this growth. The recent E47m in 2007. Forecasts for 2008 show growth of around five
acquisitions of complementary technologies, like Robobat per cent.

CADS brings in new Revit

Structure solutions
New features from Bentley’s ProSteel International software
company CADS has become
an approved Revit Structure
Bentley has released Version 18 of their ProSteel application for Reseller, the only UK
structural engineers, fabricators and detailers of structures of all software developer to hold
types. this status.
The software offers powerful automated and integrated tools Specialising in structural engineering design and
detailing software, CADS have further increased their
that Bentley claim will enhance productivity, allowing more
profile to include Revit Structure.
profitability and quicker production of structural fabrication data.
CADS Marketing Manager Gary Dale, said: “This
Boasting a list of new features, version 18 includes new
latest development further underlines CADS role as
interfaces CIMSteel / CIS/2, SDNF 2 and SDNF 3, DSTV, and also a partner for companies looking for leading solutions
supports the UCS-System of AutoCAD 2007. that address the needs of modern building design.
In addition Bentley has made improvements that should allow It also opens up a new knowledge path for owners
individual dimensioning according to the type of object, complex of Revit Structure to help them exploit this powerful
and ‘multilevel’ dimensioning of groups, and better dimensioning software and relate it directly to their project needs.”
of bended objects.


07 AEC News .indd 7 3/4/08 15:29:18

CADpoint Ad.indd 1 3/4/08 08:26:47
Expansion sees Exactal
open first London office
Autodesk delivers 2009 family Exactal is continuing its worldwide expansion by
opening its new European office in London.
As part of the expansion into Europe, the Australian

and previews new Viz technology

software company has appointed Phil Lines as its
European channels manager. Since March last year
Exactal has been represented by Cadco in Ireland,
with the establishment of the European office helping
provide direct support to Cadco and the existing
network, while extending the reseller network.
Mark Kefford, CEO of Exactal, said: “CostX
is already in use by a number of international
companies with offices in Europe. Establishing the
new office in London for the European market will
enable us to offer a wider range of support options
to those companies as well as making CostX more
available to the wider European market through an
expanded reseller network.”

Nemetshcek relaunch
brand image
Nemetschek AG is unveiling
a new corporate design,
emphasising the group’s
position as an international
vendor of AEC software
technology under the slogan
‘moving minds’.
A new horizon logo that “reflects the group’s
At the recent Autodesk World Press Day event in San in this area, that of Carmel Software Corporation, a developer
diversity” is also added as part of the companies
Francisco, the company introduced its 2009 series of products of HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) mechanical
umbrella branding strategy that incooporates
which include the full AutoCAD suite, a new version of 3ds Max engineering software, and Green Building Studio, a provider
the two subsidiaries Nemetschek Allplan and
for design professionals, and all of the company’s Revit-based of web-based building energy analysis that enables architects Nemetschek Scia .
Building Information Modelling tools. Autodesk also used to perform whole building energy analysis early in the design Ernst Homolka, CFO and Board Spokesman for
the event to preview some brand new design visualisation process. Nemetschek AG, said: “The new public image will
technology for architects, codenamed Newport, and announce Elsewhere in Revit Architecture, Autodesk has enhanced not only create the necessary clarity for the group’s
some new acquisitions in the area of sustainable design. the rendering functionality and swapped out the Accurender broad product portfolio, it will also clearly set the
For AutoCAD users the big news was a new ribbon interface rendering engine in favour of Mental Ray, which is at the heart group apart from its competitors.”
which enables users to view operations that are relevant to the of 3ds Max. Nemetschek has reworked its website in parallel
current workspace in a single, compact place. The interface is Autodesk’s growing commitment to design visualisation with the new brand launch.
customisable and a ‘classic workspace’ option still offers the was also clear with the release of a dedicated version of 3ds
more traditional toolbar and menu interface. There’s also an Max for architects or design professionals.
emphasis on learning with new Tooltips, which provide more Autodesk 3ds Max now comes in two distinct flavours Upgraded version of RAM
information about commands, links to help documentation and
Show Me animations.
to better meet the specific needs of our entertainment and
visualisation customers,” explains Marc Petit, senior VP,
gets latest steel specs
Featuring the latest steel design
In addition to user interface enhancements, new productivity Autodesk Media & Entertainment. “3ds Max 2009 and 3ds Max
specifications, version 11.3
features include the Action Recorder, which further streamlines Design 2009 provide users with tailored online experiences,
of Bentley’s RAM Structural
drafting tasks by allowing the user to automate them without any user interface and application defaults, tutorials, samples, and
System is now available.
software programming. A mode-less layer manager lets users more. This simplifies the learning process and makes it easier Bentley’s modelling,
view changes to layer settings without exiting the Layer Manager for users to find the information that’s most relevant to them. analysis, and design software
and 3D users will find 3D navigation improvements with new 3ds Max Design 2009 includes all features offered in for structural engineers involved in the design of building
ViewCube and SteeringWheels tools. Autodesk 3ds Max 2009, with the exception of the software structures of all types has been upgraded. Bentley
The new release also includes the addition of Impression development toolkit (SDK). However, it also includes Exposure state that the upgraded software will provide powerful
functionality to the AutoCAD feature set, so AutoCAD technology for simulating and analysing sun, sky, and artificial automated and integrated tools, that will “enhance
subscription customers can create ‘artistic’ images. lighting to assist with LEED 8.1 certification. structural engineers’ productivity, allowing them to be
2009 versions of the Industry-specific releases of AutoCAD Autodesk also showcased a brand new visualisation more profitable and to more quickly produce economical
including AutoCAD Architecture, AutoCAD Civil 3D, AutCAD technology codenamed Newport, which is designed to enable
RAM Structural System V11.3 includes several
Map 3D, AutoCAD MEP, AutoCAD P&ID, and AutoCAD Raster architects to carry out high-quality renderings with little effort.
new design and usability features, including latest steel
Design were also announced. The technology is still under development, and Autodesk
design specifications; updated design of columns,
For Revit Architecture 2009 Autodesk has placed a huge stressed that it may never come to market as a product, but from baseplates, braces, and beam web openings; and steel
emphasis on Building Performance or Green Building design. At the quality of the demonstrations at Autodesk University, which design tables for the U.K. have been updated to include
the heart of this are closer links to partner applications including showed it working with Revit models effortlessly, this seems the Corus Advance sections.
IES. However, the company also announced two acquisitions unlikely.


09 AEC News.indd 9 3/4/08 15:30:42


SmartGeometry Conference, Munich

If you are into advanced form design in architecture, then you know what Generative Components is all about. Smart
Geometry is the industry’s leading event for advanced applicatons of computer technology. Martyn Day reports.

ne of the Architectural highlights of the year awareness of GC in the industry, and the company
is without doubt SmartGeometry. It’s the one looks to be more committed.
event where you can see totally cutting edge There appear to be no hard feelings between
technologies applied to Architecture and structural Dr.Aish and Bentley, as Aish was warmly welcomed
design. Although these are, in the main, research by the Smart Geometry directors, as well as Bentley’s
projects, a handful of innovative thought leaders Huw Roberts, Global Market Director for building. Aish
also present how they are using new methodologies stayed for the duration, listening intently to all the
to create some of the most radical buildings of our presentations but could not be drawn into a discussion
generation. as to what he would develop at his new masters,
The founding fathers of the Smart Geometry Autodesk. It would be foolish to not introduce some
organisation are Lars Hesselgren (KPF), Hugh conjecture on this particular point, as Autodesk hired
Whitehead (Foster and Partners), J Parrish (Arup him on the basis of what they saw with Generative
Sport) and Dr.Robert Aish, formerly of Bentley but Components. Parametric form generation is absolutely
now, somewhat shockingly, at Autodesk. Each event catching on at leading practices and Autodesk realises
is a chance for the best students and most talented that it doesn’t have anything that can be sold as a
architects to come together for tuition on Bentley’s solution. Products like Inventor, Maya and 3D Studio
parametric Generative Components technology, which Max have been used with lots of hand-penned scripts
was developed by Dr. Robert Aish and is based on but there’s little for mere mortals to get stuck into.
MicroStation. Although this sounds Bentley-centric It’s a fair assumption that Autodesk wants and needs
(and I guess it is), the conference element is highly some Form generation capability, this may be based
non-vendor centric, and you’ll see presentations on on Maya or Max, as I have reports of ‘Aish sightings’ at
projects using technologies ranging from McNeel’s Autodesk’s Toronto offices, which is where Alias used
Rhino to 5-axis Robots used to lay bricks! to reside. It appears that Aish is getting the scope of
what technologies he has at his disposal for product

The Autodesk shift development. For now, Bentley has to get as far ahead
as it can with GC, before Autodesk shoves its millions
This was the first GC event to run since the ‘father’ of dollars into the market.
of GC, Dr.Robert Aish, jumped sides and moved to So, enough competitive talk, what was the event
Autodesk at the start of the year. The move shocked like?
Bentley and many wondered what the future of GC The 2008 conference was held in Munich, at the
would be. Would it continue to be developed? What incredible BMW Welt (BMW World) building. Itself an
would Aish do at Autodesk? It appears Bentley took outstanding curvaceous form, the building is a BMW
this event to make a very bold statement - that GC was The Dubai towers museum, a display area and a community space.
alive and kicking and continuing to grow in usage, under development Innovation continued into the theatre area where a
despite only leaving a prolonged beta state last year. inside MicroStation rising back wall (entrance and exit) came out of the
If anything, Aish’s departure has forced Bentley to and Generative floor – all very cool and a parametric environment in its
change down a gear and ramp up the marketing and Components. own right! The sub title of the event was ‘Architecture
in a Parametric Age’. And before I relay a few of the
presentations, I have to say it was far and away the best
Smart Geometry conference program I have seen and
really depicted the realities of parametric modelling
by the leading design firms, many on live or built
projects. There was also a healthy dose of theory with
the practical, as well as many research presentations
leaving you thinking what on earth will happen next in
this exciting area. Also of note was the pre-eminence of
rapid prototyping models that were on display and the
clear focus on post model fabrication, which indicated
the traction that was now being forged between
modelling and reality.
There were far too many presentations to go
through in detail, so I will concentrate on ones


AEC Generative.indd 10 3/4/08 15:33:16


that made the biggest impressions. There were always take over from being a geek and in the future its complexity and requirements for diverse skills in
presentations from the likes of: MIT, Zaha Hadid, KPF, systems would require, hopefully, less scripting. Conceived by projects these days.
Gimshaw, Ecotect and Foster and Partners, together Whitehead felt that the technology has a long way to international To the question on best practice of deployment
with students from the previously held workshops. go before it matures as a platform and that it will attract architects TVS, of Generative Components, the answers from all the
The event kicked off with the SmartGeometry people from different design disciplines and while the Dubai Towers directors seemed to indicate that specialist modelling
directors answering as a panel, some audience the current concentration is on building performance was developed teams in architect’s practices now appear to be the
generated questions. It was clear that everybody has and sustainability, that’s a natural progression for using Generative most common way to push this kind of technology
different ideas about how this technology will be the technology’s capabilities. Whitehead added that Components and into a practice. These teams produce their own tools
adopted. To the question ‘will all architects become despite thoughts that parametric design in architecture forms the centrepiece to capture knowledge. But here there is a divide – the
script writers,’ Hesselgren (KPF) answered ‘almost would decrease team size and increase output, it’s for the vast ‘Lagoons’ knowledge resides in the architects that are 40 years
certainly!’. Parrish (Arup Sport) felt that artistry would actually increasing the size of design teams due to development. old plus, where the technology skills are in the kids in


AEC Generative.indd 11 3/4/08 15:33:23


Hugh Whitehead, Foster and Partners

Whitehead has the tool maker role at Fosters but this
year went one step ahead and looked at the ‘Architect
as the lawmaker’. Using generative tools, together
with digital topology, Whitehead was looking at the
concept of being able to ‘drop’ a generative model of a
building into a simulated environment, with the correct
latitude and longitude, and having the building create
the best form for the orientation. And all by taking into
consideration the lighting, natural air conditioning,
prevailing winds, envelope allowance, and louvres
etc. Here the architect would have created the original
form and its response to certain conditions, the
environment, being the defining factor. It’s a fantastic
thought and we are probably not that far away from this.
The architect would then be the aesthetic judge on the
variations that the computations generated.
Bentley and Foster + George Jeronimidis from Reading
Partners - Krassimir University
Krastev In an absolutely spellbinding presentation, Jeronimidis
took us through the world of fibres as a building
material. The spider is a great builder, working in 3D
Nesting-of-Bended-Pyramids, Zaha it’s an architect and fabricator all in one. In today’s
Hadid’s Studio - Martin Krcha buildings, joints are always a weak point and give rise
to torsion issues and sometimes failures. So what can
be done with fibres instead of point, lines, surfaces
and solids? When you are fabricating with fibres the
material is the structure. Is there anything wrong
with knitting the Eiffel Tower? One only has to look at
nature to see what can be done with fibres and nature
always develops effective solutions. Using nature as
an example Jeronimidis thinks that the future will see
increased growth of fibrous composite designs that can
be designed to intrinsically handle loads better, as the
structure can be mapped to stress paths and carried
deeper within the materials.
While I am rapidly running out of space to relay
much more of the presentations, Bentley has made the
event an online event, visit www.smartgeometry2008.
com, where streaming sessions will become available.

(or leaving) universities today. off building and applying it to a cityscape. Should the My final thoughts on the event are that it was truly
Asked what still inspires them, Hugh Whitehead practice be so lucky and influential, which it is, huge inspirational and is certainly not to be missed. The one
answered ‘Poetry in pragmatism’. Hesselgren liked swathes of land could be dedicated to an architect’s presentation that has been making me think was from a
to be around people who like what they do, while J. brief, allowing computational generative forms to be University presentation that was using a 5-axis robot to
Parrish still got a buzz out of designing a stadium in applied to standard geometry or skeletal systems to lay bricks. In itself not exactly a stunning use of a Robot
a computer and having someone build the 1:1 model produce a cityscape of individual and unique buildings but the team then started playing with the bricklaying,
which he could go and sit in. The team wrapped up in response to applying formulas derived from any applying transforms to brick walls producing truly
with a humorous reflective quote “The older we get, the number of sources. Taking a lead from topology of complex designs with different sized bricks, generating
better we were”. the curvature of a nearby river could be used and images, odd alignments and letting the robot just get
applied to an array of buildings, which would morph on with it. The final designs were stunning. The only
Patrik Schumacher, Zaha Hadid and form in the computer to automatically respond thing missing was mortar, which was kind of essential
What can be said about the amazing designs of Zaha to the operands that the architect chooses. This is and every brick had to be placed by a human hand to
Hadid? Probably most would not be possible if it amazing to watch and really takes parametrics to the area where the robot could grab it. All these could
were not for the use of cutting edge technology. The another dimension, although I have major reservations be easily sorted I am sure with more funding. I think
practice is a heavy user of Rhino and a multitude of about what it would be like to live in such a generated with this event it’s clear that technology in architecture
CAD applications, including Catia. Patrick Schumacher building. It would certainly be a unique building and is dragging the industry from dumb 2D to something
gave a visionary talk on Parametricism as an would fit in context by formula but I did find myself that we only expected in science fiction and it’s almost
architectural style’. This takes the concept of using wondering “why??”. so close you can touch it.
parametric form design from the production of a one


AEC Generative.indd 12 3/4/08 15:33:25

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13 AEC Ads.indd 1 3/4/08 14:48:25


GenerativeComponents: bridging the gap

The Marina Bayfront Pedestrian Bridge in Singapore features a double-helix to replicate the
designers’ vision of walking through a DNA molecule. The creation of this complex form was made
possible with the help of Bentley’s unique generative design software, GenerativeComponents (GC).

rup, a leading global design and business DNA molecule. GC’s capabilities are well suited. The bridge’s DNA-
consulting firm, knew from the beginning that What enabled the designers to pursue this inspired double-helix structural support mechanism
completing the Marina Bayfront Pedestrian inspired design was GenerativeComponents (GC) is fundamentally unique. Unlike the Golden Gate
Bridge design project in Singapore would require – Bentley’s unique generative design software that Bridge in San Francisco and Millennium Bridge in
innovative technology. The 280-metre-long bridge captures and exploits the critical relationships between London, which though different in appearance utilize
features a double-helix exoskeleton constructed design intent and geometry. GC allows architects and conventional structural systems, the Marina Bayfront
from stainless steel to support a 6-metre-wide deck engineers to quickly explore a broad range of “what-if” Bridge doesn’t belong to any tried-and-tested bridge
spanning 65 metres between piers. When it opens alternatives for even the most complex structures. type.
in 2009, the bridge will replicate for pedestrians The Marina Bayfront Pedestrian Bridge project Moreover, as an aerial view shows, the bridge’s
crossing it the designers’ vision of walking through a presented the type of design challenge for which centreline adapts to the site geometry, with the


AEC GC Bridge.indd 14 3/4/08 15:37:13


bridge curving in plan while simultaneously rising to abutment, and facilitate supports close to existing critical path. Using InRoads, Bentley’s powerful civil
a high point in the centre to create a shipping lane. bridge supports to reduce the impact on ships engineering design solution, Arup finalized the bridge
Incorporating the plan curve and vertical geometry navigating the bay.” design centreline for use in GenerativeComponents.
within the constraints of the helix rhythm required The design team also understood that any GC’s flexible associative modelling technology
complex geometry. To understand that geometry and project constructed around complex, nonrepetitive empowered the design team to prepare a model of the
create the necessary drawings to accurately estimate geometry often attracts premium pricing during the double-helix geometry around this critical final design
construction costs and coordinate the design between tender process. To avoid this, the Arup team deployed A string of computer- centreline.
engineering analysis and documentation, Arup needed sophisticated geometric analysis to rationalise controlled lights By associating this flexible model with the new
an innovative 3D modeling solution. portions of the structure. along each helix will design centreline, Arup was able to regenerate a
“The main challenge that impacted our ability By using Bentley’s integrated software turn the bridge into complete complex geometry model of the bridge
to coordinate the geometry was associated with applications, Arup was able to take advantage of an active element in minutes. The team then imported the wireframe
finalizing the bridge centreline,” said Greg Killen, streamlined collaborative workflows that increased during evening into the main structural analysis and design software
senior associate in Arup’s Brisbane office and the efficiency and productivity of its project teams. fireworks displays applications. Once the structured analysis was
design manager of the Marina Bayfront Pedestrian For example, by deploying GenerativeComponents, and light shows. complete, Arup used the model in Bentley Structural,
Bridge. “Ultimately, it became a delicate balancing the team could begin modelling the complex helix These multicolored Bentley’s advanced Building Information Modeling
act to provide sufficient clearance for the shipping exoskeleton, even while finalizing the critical bridge lights are designed (BIM) application.
lane, as well as a gentle slope to move pedestrians centreline geometry, fully confident that the design to mimic the This 3D model was then used to prepare fully
comfortably along the bridge. We also needed could accommodate any late changes. chemical processes coordinated drawings. To ensure the structural
to create a link to a nearby vehicle bridge, allow Arup’s ability to work simultaneously on linked found in DNA analysis and design stayed in sync, Arup then returned
pedestrians to pass under the bridge at each design tasks allowed compression of the project’s replication. a post-processed version of the model to the analysis


AEC GC Bridge.indd 15 3/4/08 15:37:16

What is GenerativeComponents?
GenerativeComponents enables architects and engineers to pursue designs
and achieve results that were virtually unthinkable before. Empowered by
computational methods, the designers can direct their creativity to deliver
inspired sustainable buildings that are freer in form and use innovative materials
program. MicroStation’s support for industry file and and assemblies. GenerativeComponents facilitates this by allowing the quick
data standards, as well as connecting the geometry exploration of a broad range of “what-if” alternatives for even the most complex
with the analysis engine, greatly enhanced this buildings.
process. This unique generative design software captures and exploits the critical
By using MicroStation’s Visual Basic macro relationships between design intent and geometry. Designs can be refined by
capabilities to generate Excel spreadsheets, Arup either dynamically modeling and directly manipulating geometry, by applying
statistically analyzed the component geometry to rules and capturing relationships among building elements, or by defining
develop new curve geometry that used one bend complex building forms and systems through concisely expressed algorithms.
radius for each of the two spirals that formed the To inform decisions, GenerativeComponents is integrated with building
double helix. This increased bending speed and information modeling, analysis, and simulation software, providing feedback GenerativeComponents model to include the design
reduced the waste associated with the cold-bending on building materials, assemblies, systems performance, and environmental team’s intent for the complex panel arrangement.
process, which saved on stainless steel costs. conditions. This integration also ensures that intent becomes reality by enabling Initially, the Arup team was concerned that once
Arup then combined the structural analysis results designs to accurately and efficiently flow through to detailed production and it had completed the helix rationalization, the complex
with the Bentley Structural model by using the ‘Place fabrication. arrangement of panels and the bridge geometry would
Member along Path’ tool to quickly regenerate a 3D GenerativeComponents is already enabling leading architects and result in the panels being of unique size. However,
solid model. Combining this with the BIM drawing engineers around the world to deliver inspired sustainable buildings. Among using the Visual Basic capabilities Arup was able
production technology allowed Arup to quickly and them are Arup, Buro Happold, Foster + Partners, Grimshaw Architects, HOK, to populate a spreadsheet of the panel geometries
accurately create as many drawings as necessary to Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates, Morphosis, and SHoP Architects. for analysis. This proved that for a given tolerance
describe the complex design. For more information about GenerativeComponents and the forthcoming – of about 2 to 3 millimetrets – the panels could be
With the structural design in hand, Arup could GenerativeComponents Discovery Subscription program, visit grouped into sizes that, for fabrication purposes, could
turn its attention to designing the glazing panels that be considered the same, which significantly reduced
form the bridge canopy. Arup again modified the glazing costs. The design team knew that it could


AEC GC Bridge.indd 16 3/4/08 15:37:23


allowed Arup to identify sets of repetitive components

A bridge to future renewal and growth with the complex spiraling geometry. Moreover,
The 280-metre-long Marina Bayfront Pedestrian Bridge in Singapore will not GC enabled the Arup design team to model the
only serve as a walking route, but also be a worthwhile destination in itself. The complex detail geometry before finalizing the over
6-metre-wide footbridge, encircled by opposing double-helix structures that site geometry. The time-saving flexible modelling
create the designers’ vision of a DNA molecule, will be the sole link between technology within GC enabled Arup to update the
the central business district and the world’s largest casino complex currently geometry in minutes rather than hours. This ability
under construction on the southern bank of Marina Bay. allowed the team to make changes and explore
Residents and visitors to the city will have access to large balconies spaced options they could not have imagined.
reduce fabrication costs by representing the double- at several points along the bridge with platforms for viewing the city and the Without deploying Bentley products on the Marina
curved helix geometry with a series of single-curved bay. Although it is difficult to estimate how many pedestrians will cross the Bayfront Pedestrian Bridge, achieving this design
(planar) segments. bridge on a daily basis, a prominently located pedestrian bridge in a major city would have required using expensive software, a
Since GenerativeComponents allowed the Arup typically carries approximately 60,000 people a week. dedicated 3D graphics programmer, and considerably
team to recognize, and have more control over, A string of computer-controlled lights along each helix will turn the bridge more time, which would have added costs for the
geometric parameters, it was able to investigate into an active element during evening fireworks displays and light shows. These client, Singapore’s Urban Redevelopment Authority.
design ideas more quickly. For example, through multicoloured lights are designed to mimic the chemical processes found in For Arup, Bentley products formed the back
GenerativeComponents Arup discovered it could DNA replication – the basic building block of life symbolizing renewal and bone of its design, analysis, engineering, and
reduce the weight of the bridge by using a fifth growth and reflecting Singapore’s own aspirations for Marina Bay. documentation processes. The products provided the
less steel than is generally required to construct a power and flexibility required to successfully complete
conventional box girder structure. complex projects, while maintaining construction
In addition to facilitating the geometry schedules and holding the line on costs in the
coordination, Bentley BIM in conjunction with GC process.


AEC GC Bridge.indd 17 3/4/08 15:37:30

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18 AEC Ads.indd 1 3/4/08 15:23:46


The key to successful software adoption

As successful as an architectural practice can get there’s still room for improvement. Richard Mitchell looks at how a
Scottish design team got to grips with their new software investment through some tailored training from Excitech.

ince 2005, Dundee based architects Wellwood empowered its staff, allowing the company to increase
Leslie, responsible for such projects as the an already excellent staff retention level.
clubhouse refurbishment at The Royal and “The biggest asset that any company has is its
Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews, and Carnoustie Golf staff, particularly in such a fast moving industry where
Course Hotel and Resort, have continued to grow and skills are at a premium. One of the reasons we were
invest in the latest CAD tools. keen to gain our Investor in People accreditation was
Expanding its team of architects, technicians and to show just how committed we are to investing in our
support staff to cope with new projects, the practice staff, not only by giving them the best tools to do their
has always strongly believed in using the latest design jobs, but also to support them with the best training”,
tools; turning to AutoCAD Architecture in 2005 to explained Brian.
enhance its existing CAD software. As part of their culture of staff investment,
Having invested in the software on a trial basis for Wellwood Leslie is now committed to an annual
a project the firm were keen to see what it was capable training programme linked to the company’s Autodesk
of and decided to test it in a live project environment.
Recognising the need for assistance with a new
software product, Wellwood Leslie contacted Excitech,
their CAD partner, who were able to create a number
of bespoke training courses aimed at providing the
practice’s CAD users with the necessary skills to
begin using AutoCAD Architecture.
“Whilst we were aware that other training
organisations could have provided courses at a
slightly lower price, we recognised the industry insight
and quality Excitech possessed,” said Brian Smith,
partner at Wellwood Leslie.
“Our preference has always been to carry out
training with our vendors, so choosing Excitech was a
natural choice,” explains Brian.
Recognising at the outset that a key factor in the
long-term success of the software was how well the
design team embraced it, the firm requested that
the entire architecture team received basic training,
despite only four members being involved on the Loch Gelly’s multi- much to learn. software subscriptions. “We recognise that each year
initial project. Training comprised of a bespoke two- purpose civic centre. “We are still learning how to use the software. It’s Autodesk are releasing new software and with each
day features overview focusing specifically on design a bit like group therapy with everyone working together release comes more functionality and refinement. As
and documentation, before a further two bespoke to help each other when problems arise,” admitted the functionality becomes ever more complex there
courses for the project team. These were provided Steve. “We have a basic understanding of the software is a need to receive training to ensure that our staff
in two stages as high-level one-day training courses but we’re keen to take our usage and understanding of stay informed of all the new features and, in essence,
focusing on project administration and system the product to the next level.” ahead of the game.”
configuration. However, for Wellwood Leslie, the key to Brian concludes by explaining that the practice
Once training was completed the firm chose successful adoption is down to persistence. “Like has been fortunate to work with such an informed
a project to utilise the new software and skills on. any new piece of software you really have to use it company as Excitech who “proved to be an excellent
“We decided, some might say rather rashly, to use on a frequent basis to ensure that the features and partner.”
AutoCAD Architecture on a large scale mixed-use functionality of the software actually stick in the user’s “The industry-knowledge and product
redevelopment and extension in Fife,” said senior mind. At the moment we have a number of users who understanding along with tailored training has meant
architectural technician Steve Mathewson. “Whilst it have been trained and are aware of the features but that we have been able to roll-out new software and
was quite daunting at the time we knew it would give who aren’t using the product on a daily basis, so for working practices successfully. On top of this, the
us the perfect environment to see just how effective them remembering how to use some of the features is constant support we receive from Excitech has been
the software could be.” quite hard,” added Steve. outstanding. Having that level of assurance and
Having completed the project successfully, while That being said, Wellwood Leslie gives the support has allowed our team to flourish with the new
meeting project deadlines, the practice has realised impression of being a forward thinking company that software and perhaps even succeed where others may
the benefits of using AutoCAD Architecture, but like recognises the benefits continuous training can bring have failed.”
many successful adopters of discipline-specific to its team. As well as developing a more effective
design tools, there is a realisation that there is still workforce and the training here seems to have


Excitech.indd 19 4/4/08 15:28:12

Best face forward
London architects Newtecnic utilise Gehry Technologies Digital Project (DP) software to create
structural building facades that are innovative, beautiful and buildable. By Nick Lerner.

ondon based Architects, Newtecnic specialise in liberates us by allowing considerable creativity within that the mechanical services of a building will change
architectural facades using complex geometry. the rigour of strict rule based engineering discipline.” along with the usage so a 3D building model is the
Their work ranges from large-scale projects He continued, “The way modern buildings are ideal repository for the design because it allows
currently including developments in Moscow, Dubai, designed has changed to accommodate ideas about changes to be made over time; effectively extending
Kuwait and St. Petersburg to large-scale residential how usage will alter over time. Consequently spaces the design period over the life of the building.
projects in London. The firm develops innovative are much more flexible and non-specific. This means “The process of making buildings is becoming
technical facade solutions that are optimised for more complex and the tools such as DP are
efficient manufacture and fabrication. developing along with that process. Many architects
Before founding Newtecnic Andrew Watts worked have wanted to have this type of tool for years and now
on high profile projects including the iconic Institute it is finally available. The ability to change a building
du Monde Arabe, Paris, and LAB’s Federation Square while retaining the integrity of the design vision allows
in Melbourne, while co-director Yasmin Watts worked us not only to design faster and more easily but to
on Renzo Piano’s remarkable New Caledonia Cultural show interested parties how the design is developing
Centre. in ways that they can understand and make best use
Because Newtecnic’s facade systems function of.
structurally their work goes far beyond conceptual
design and, as a result necessitates evolving a Into the 4th Dimension
complete manufacturing methodology. To handle this “In the past architectural drawings were impenetrable
level of involvement Newtecnic deploys Digital Project to most people but with DP we have the tool
software, which was developed by Gehry Technologies that shows exactly what we mean, including its
environmental intervention.
“DP also gives us the remarkable ability to
include the 4th dimension - time. In real life we
observe the world in time but traditionally architects
do not include time because their drawings are static.
The animation tool in DP allows us to describe the
energy and drama of a design, which in a traditional
2D drawing may be stylish but actually gives nothing
away. It is not possible to draw in a way that includes
time and therefore drawing will never deliver the
whole vision. Time gives the drawing reality and also
enables the practical advantage of communicating the
details of a façade system and how that will change to
accommodate the shape of a building to all involved
from the client and the occupant to the fabricator and
the construction team. Another function of this feature
is that it enables a view of accelerated weathering of a
and based on Dassault Systemes Catia V5 PLM building over an extended time period, which is both
system - the same software that is used by companies fascinating and an important planning tool.”
including Boeing and Toyota to design and build the The DP infrastructure at Newtecnic was supplied
worlds most advanced engineered products. by Gehry Technologies’ UK representative, Desktop
Engineering which has provided systems and ongoing
Liberation support for other leading architectural practices
Andrew Watts explained his choice, “The ability to including Zaha Hadid, SOM, Allies and Morrison
turn conceptual designs into buildable structures and Thomas Heatherwick. Geoff Haines Desktop
while retaining the precision of the original creative Engineering’s MD said, “The uptake of DP in the UK
intention requires the equally precise methodology has accelerated over the past 12 months because
that DP parametric software provides. This tool is firms in the AEC business have recognised that this
liberating because it allows designers to iterate the software allows them to realise their vision by making
design within a set of flexible governing rules. Some designs buildable.”Newtecnic has recently been
architects reject this type of tool because they feel working on the Gazprom Building planned for St
that it compromises their vision but at Newtecnic it Petersburg. Andrew Watts described the firm’s work


AEC Digital.indd 20 3/4/08 15:44:06


on the project, “The Gazprom Building work was won

through a competition by RMJM against several of the
world’s leading architects. The design is based on a
single stack rotated through 2.5 degrees multiplied
over 5 towers. The whole building describes a twisted
taper. The facade was developed in DP with a new
system of shell-like panels across the faces of the
structure. DP is being used to minimise the panel
variation and to design the whole façade system
including the smallest detail. The ability to do all
the work in one software package rather than having
to jump between several makes the work flow much
smoother and saves time in the design process. This
is one example where DP’s parametric methodology
really shows its strength because changing one
element automatically updates those related to it.

Math generation
“The Gazprom tower is a mathematical model from
which we can generate visual, engineering data and
excel output that allows us to alter the building and its The tapered castings that hold the glass panels on the Great Ormond Street re-development project are reminiscent of a gothic
details while maintaining full control over the design design which has been optimised using FEA (finite element analysis) the results of which were fed into DP to inform the final model.
and its associated reports. The model can be altered
using excel, and vice versa, which provides us with
greater design flexibility along with the ability to make
multiple changes quickly. DP allows us to simplify
complex geometric shapes and produce interrelated
patterns from them. In the Gazprom Building for
example shapes are laid out on a simple curve even
though the finished model looks much more complex.
Andrew Watts is aware of the place that DP has
in the history of tools available to architects and says,
“Use of DP is similar to the use of tools in C15th
gothic churches – callipers, plumb line and a set
square, with which builders created magical effects,
DP is simply an up to date tool. There is a continuum
of ideas and tools in architecture even though many
people treat history as a free toyshop rather seeing
themselves as adding to the wealth of past experience. design which has been optimised using FEA (finite
“Like architects of the past, Newtecnic works with element analysis) the results of which were fed into
companies that fabricate building components and DP to inform the final model.
physically construct buildings so our work goes far Andrew Watts commented, “Our brief was to
beyond conceptual design. Currently this is unusual create a folded glass wall design including final
practice because division of labour often creates a fabrication and construction details. An original
separation between designers and those who carry wireframe model for the building was provided and
out the labour of construction. DP allows everyone input to DP. The parametric capability within DP allows
to be part of the building process and to take from us to change the design easily to fit with the demand
the model that which they need to effectively and of clients, designers, planners and others involved in
efficiently manage their work. the process. The final design will be a lovely crafted,
“DP allows us to quantify what we have in our friendly building that is sensitive to the functional and
heads and shows you how to build the building and emotional needs of its users. It will be appear modest
its constituent parts. It puts us onto a strong position through the use of appropriate components. DP has
throughout the design-to-production process by allowed us the design freedom to achieve this level of
enabling a complete and totally accurate project sensitivity along with absolute technical rigour so that
vision.” the structure and its components are guaranteed to be
Kids stuff In conclusion Andrew Watts said, “DP is able
At Great Ormond Street Childrens’ Hospital Newtecnic to reveal the complexity of a design in a simple and
is working with leading architects Llewellyn Davis readable way. It helps to make things straightforward.
Yeang, on a folded glass facade with Newtecnic This saves hours of talking and explanation
producing detail designs from concept to component. because we can show what we mean in a split
Interestingly the tapered castings of one design option second.”
that hold the glass panels are reminiscent of a gothic


AEC Digital.indd 21 3/4/08 15:44:15

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22 AEC Ads.indd 1 7/4/08 14:41:23


Benchmarking CAD skills for recruitment

A more targeted approach to benchmarking CAD skills for recruitment can give HR managers support in assessing the
technical competence of candidates at interview stage, says Rory Vance, Managing Director, CADsmart.

nefficient use of CAD technology in industry the typical circumstances in which CAD is used during
wastes millions of pounds each year. It is vitally the course of their work. Some may be full-time users,
important that HR teams in UK businesses while others may only use the tool occasionally.
have the tools to quantify the skills of new CAD
members of staff, to make sure that they are right CAD training and resourcing in the
for the role in question, and that the role in question construction industry
is right for them. Companies need to ensure the The following data illustrate companies’ attitudes
optimum performance of technical staff to deliver to CAD training and resourcing in the construction
crucial workloads accurately in a highly pressurised industry:
environment. • 20 per cent of companies do not set any
Many companies today employ CAD technology money aside for training;
on multiple projects at the same time, often across • 56.3 per cent of companies have an official
a number of offices, even across several locations company training policy;
worldwide. This, combined with the trend towards • only 18.8 per cent have a structured CAD
outsourcing and off-shoring of production information training scheme;
work, means it is vitally important to be able to • 16.3 per cent of companies rely on the
benchmark the performance of teams using CAD users to request training and 32.5 per cent rely
software to maintain high standards. on logged support calls to form CAD training
It is essential that design and construction content, while 32.5 per cent of companies
firms are able to quantify the performance of CAD rely solely on their CAD manager to decide on
teams, particularly when recruiting new staff. More training content;
enlightened firms are responding to this need by • 78.8 per cent of CAD managers are
implementing a roadmap to enable a better return on responsible for providing internal training;
their considerable investment in CAD technology. • an average of 44.5 per cent of a company’s
At the same time, HR teams need clear direction training budget is spent on CAD training;
on how to improve CAD operative standards. Until • 60 per cent of practices test the CAD ability of
recently, lack of quality information relating to CAD interview candidates;
productivity and performance has meant that HR • 80 per cent induct CAD staff once they have
teams have not been able to develop appropriate started work;
training plans, and develop a more strategic and • 25 per cent always prefer to send their staff
accurate approach to recruitment, resourcing, new out for CAD training;
staff inductions, software upgrades and annual • 15 per cent never send their staff on external
appraisals. CAD training;
Points for thought
Although CAD has been used on projects for • 75 per cent prefer their training to be bespoke; There are several benefits to be gained from benchmarking CAD productivity.
more than 15 years, the construction industry has • 67 per cent of firms state lack of time/ These include:
never really had a formula or suitable metrics in place resources as a reason for not sending people out • gain visibility of CAD skills;
to monitor and benchmark the efficiency with which to CAD training courses. • identify individuals’ strengths and weaknesses;
this technology is being used. Often, due to project (Source: Evolve Consultancy CAD Manager’s • better CAD training plans for staff;
pressure, and a lack of an industry standard for CAD, Survey 2007; data based on responses from • improve recruitment processes;
recruiters have relied upon references, or trusting 128 registered UK architectural, engineering and • share performance data across an organization;
that a candidate’s CV and portfolio really are a true construction firms. • promote collaborative working between teams and offices;
representation of his or her CAD ability. Inevitably, this A project running in the UK construction industry • measure the performance of outsourcing or off-shoring
is not always the case. This hit and miss approach to since 2003 has captured the results of more than partners;
hiring new staff can prove costly. 6,000 individual CAD skills assessments, all taken • best practice for CAD development;
Both HR and CAD managers can benefit from using CADsmart independent testing software. The • clearer staff inductions;
a clearer understanding of an individual’s ability results comprise a national CAD benchmark - a • more meaningful staff appraisals;
to use CAD software. Communication between HR standard against which companies can compare their • better skills resourcing for projects;
management and IT management can be improved own staff CAD performance - and have set meaningful • continuous-improvement process for CAD;
with better visibility of each individual candidate’s targets for improvement. • save time and money;
core skills. ºIt is estimated that a staggering 75 per cent • best value for clients.
When planning CAD training and development of the UK construction industry’s working drawings
programmes, it is important to consider each user and produced during the design stage are created using


AEC CADSmart.indd 23 3/4/08 15:55:49

CAD software. In a sector estimated to make up
about 10 per cent of UK gross domestic product,
bentley + bIM approaching £95 billion each year, the fact that so
many firms are dependent upon the accuracy and
efficiency of their CAD operatives is significant.
Missed deadlines, project reworking,
problems on site caused by inaccurate drawings
- a host of issues can lead to construction
projects experiencing delays during build phase,
which could easily have been avoided with
better working practices at the design stage.
The consequences of inaccurate drawings can
be significant, not only in terms of the knock-on
effect across the entire project, but also financially
technical errors and slow delivery of drawings
can have an immediate impact upon the project’s
financial profits and ultimately the bottom line of
the entire company.
Architects, civil engineers, structural
engineers, technologists, building-services
engineers, technicians, surveyors, landscape
designers, house builders and contractors each
use CAD in a distinctly different way. Tailoring
training and development plans to reflect these
individual needs is not only more effective, but
costs less, too.
Typically, when planning CAD training
courses, the industry has a habit of spending

change its budget on non-tailored, “off the shelf” style

courses or software-upgrade modules from
IS vendors and resellers. This does not always
provide the best return on investment, as seldom
does the course content apply to their staff’s
individual needs or project types.
the building industry is full of change.
By mapping the training courses to gaps in
And you are constantly trying to keep up. With the each user’s knowledge, and by using a mix of
big changes in how the profession does business. in-house resources and formal external training,
With the countless small changes made on every the learning environment is much more relevant,
and results are demonstrably better.
project, every day.
How well do you respond to change? Are you sure The options available
that every change you make is good for business? for improvement
Companies identifying individual user ability and
Bentley’s building Information Modeling and
experience using CAD can consider a range of individual CAD knowledge;
Management solutions make change a good thing. By options: • use a CAD skills-assessment
equipping your team to respond to changes effective- • appoint a CAD reseller or preferred software package – such as CADsmart
ly, they’ll embrace change and see it as an opportu- training partner to conduct one-to-one – to benchmark CAD teams and feed
nity, rather than a challenge. And so will you. interviews with staff to gauge their level of performance data into more targeted training
CAD experience; and recruitment programmes.
by changing the way you think about change –
• task the CAD management team with
you can transform your business. developing an in-house “CAD test” for The advantages of the
Make change good for you. existing teams and new recruits; assessment-software approach
• appoint a preferred recruitment agency A number of engineering consultancies,
to quantify CAD knowledge during initial architectural practices and local authorities are
candidate interview and to reference check adopting the assessment-software approach to the CAD credentials of potential new starters; help to measure and improve CAD productivity.
• investigate more formal examinations, The results of every assessment allow each
such as C&G (City & Guilds) 2D and 3D organization to access, sort and analyze the data
CAD, CAD vendor certification exams post- and then apply the outcomes to the business.
training, or the ECDL (European Computer The assessment data feeds into specific,
Driving Licence) 2D CAD course; targeted training programmes and workshops
© 2007 Bentley Systems, Incorporated. Bentley and the B logo are either registered or unregistered
trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated or one of its direct or indirect wholly-
owned subsidiaries. Other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.
• search the web for a “multi-choice” for AutoCAD and Microstation, the two most
question-type assessment that captures commonly used CAD software products in the UK.


AEC CADSmart.indd 24 3/4/08 15:55:56

Great scope for productivity
To highlight the risks of recruiting unknown CHANGEPRACTICE
CAD personnel, a six-month live exercise was
carried out across nine UK firms of engineering
and architectural practices. During this time the
basic CAD skills of 85 recruits were assessed at
Accuracy scores achieved by those taking
the exercise ranged from 5 per cent to 95 per
cent. The time the candidates took to complete
the assessment ranged from 26 minutes to over
four hours. This demonstrates the broad range of
basic CAD skills in today’s marketplace.
Once a company knows what people can and
cannot do with CAD, the firm can both provide a
more valuable induction process for new recruits,
and know with confidence where to place new
starters within the organization.
The data can also benefit firms when used as part The research has shown that, by targeting
of a structured recruitment process. simple performance improvements each year,
companies can make significant productivity gains.
A couple of case studies Take an average salary of £25k p.a. and a
Benoy is an international firm of award-winning 225-day working year.
architects, masterplanners, interior and graphic For every 1 per cent improvement in HKR Architects, Kling, and Ghafari embrace change
designers working from offices in the UK, Middle productivity, a practice could save £250, or 2.25
and Far East. The company has a dynamic days per person per year.
and well-managed CAD team that mainly A target of 5 per cent annual improvement in
uses Autodesk software for the production of
information and detailing work. The practice has
performance is worth £1,250, or 11.25 days per
person per year. Remember that 11.25 days is
been using CADsmart since 2004, to help to the equivalent to 90 working hours, based on an IS
monitor CAD development. average eight-hour working day.
Associate director Paul Carnell observed: All of this means that a company with 20
“CADsmart allows us accurately to understand staff could be seeing a saving that is worth the
Bentley Building Information modeling (BIM)
the skills base of our current and prospective equivalent of a new member of staff (20 x £1,250
solutions help architects and engineers embrace
colleagues and enables the continuous = £25,000).
change. Coordinating the daily changes throughout
development and maintenance of high-level CAD Improving the visibility of the CAD ability of
your team. Positioning your firm for success in a
standards within our practice.” incoming staff can save money and time. changing profession.
WSP Group plc is a global business Employing inappropriate personnel for
providing design, engineering, management three months can be expensive. Consider the
• Enhanced coordination
• Improved quality
and consultancy services to the built and natural following:
• Time saved
environment. WSP has around 8,000 staff Permanent:
• Better buildings
operating from more than 100 offices in Africa, Assuming a £25k annual salary:
Asia, Europe, the Middle East, north America and 15 per cent agency fee = £3,750
Bentley BIM is being used by leading architects and
Oceania. 3 months’ salary = £6,250
engineers on all types of buildings around the world,
WSP has a large CAD resource, using Contract: from the conventional to the most inspiring projects
Autodesk and Bentley software for its production Assuming £18/hr: of our time.
information and detailing work. The practice has 7.5 hrs x 5 days = £675 x 12 weeks =
Bentley’s Building Information Modeling & Man-
been using CADsmart since 2006, to help to £8,100
agement solutions allow you to see change as an
maintain a high level of CAD productivity between These examples do not include advertising
opportunity, rather than a challenge.
the group’s offices. costs for staff employed directly, or the cost of
David Hoole, UK CAD improvement reworking for drawings that were not done right Learn how you can make change good for you.
manager, explained: “CADsmart has proved first time.
to be a valuable tool in increasing visibility
and understanding of our large and diverse Industry Best Practice
CAD user-base. The individual assessments Leading industry influencers are now promoting
combine to allow us to develop targeted training best practice for CAD performance improvement.
programmes, making efficient use of our These include the IT Construction Forum,
resources. In addition to training needs analysis, Construct I.T., ACE and ICE.
CADsmart assessment also forms part of our
recruitment process, helping to provide a more
© 2007 Bentley Systems, Incorporated. Bentley and the B logo are either registered or unregistered
objective view of potential employees.” trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated or one of its direct or indirect wholly-
owned subsidiaries. Other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.


AEC CADSmart.indd 25 3/4/08 15:55:58

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Bentley Ad.indd 1 1 13-3-2008 15:37:06
31/3/08 09:12:46

Training day
With the imminent release of Autodesk’s 2009 AutoCAD and Revit platforms, what options are available to
engineering and architecture firms to keep on top of educating staff to use new features? Stephen Holmes looks
at the approaches being taken to make training both effective and justifiable in the modern workplace.

O “Almost all of the companies

ften considered an expensive luxury, training this can be addressed is by progressive companies
for CAD users is becoming an annual dilemma utilising the likes of Excitech who have the skills
for architects and engineers across the country. we’re working closely with and expertise to assist in imparting the knowledge
With 67 per cent of firms stating a lack of time and
see the benefits of using the and understanding of these products on to existing
resources as a reason for not sending staff out to CAD employees.
training courses, online and self learning materials are likes of Revit over traditional Training for staff seems to prove as much of an
becoming more popular due to their ability to be used
2D draughting tools but the investment as taking up new software. Claire Bass
anytime, anyplace. But is this the end of traditional views the return on this investment as ‘Immense’.
classroom training? We approached two of the biggest biggest barrier to adoption is “You’re taking very laborious tasks and automating
CAD training companies in the country and found that
the current skills shortage” them, so the return on investment there is quite
things haven’t moved on quite as quickly as perceived. straightforward. The truth is that there are very few
“In the last couple of years we’ve seen a general Susanne Hayward, Excitech companies that are choosing to put the staff through
move for clients very concerned about releasing a lot upgrade training every year. What they tend to do is
of people at a time, across a number of days because classroom training,” says Susanne Hayward, Excitech. AutoCAD training, they do it every two or three years
of the downtime that they get,” says Claire Bass, “Whether we’re delivering courses in our training to refresh more than anything else, because a new
CADline. “We’re doing a lot more training at client’s centres or on a customers premises this is still the version – unless you get a very significant update
sites – so we’ve got a lot more mobile training kit that best form of training. It’s all very well sitting down – doesn’t stop you working.
we take around the country with us.” and watching a video but it’s very much a one-way “But what it does do is damage your efficiency
Training in excess of 3,000 people each year, the dialogue. Training is very much a two-way dialogue and productivity gains because you’re not taking
majority of CADLine’s methods centre on variations of and being able to ask questions and learn from a advantage of all the latest and greatest.”
the classroom format, the majority being six people to skilled professional is beneficial. Most of our trainers Susanne Hayward agrees, explaining that the
a room, each with a PC. have spent a significant amount of time training utilisation of training can have an extremely positive
The company offers a training skills analysis CAD users so as well as understanding the products effect on a workforce. “Companies who very much see
upfront which is designed to find the areas that inside out, they understand what the person actually themselves as learning organisations and embrace
delegates aren’t up to speed on, then get them to receiving the training needs and how best to deliver it training tend to have a significantly increased staff
sit on only those modules. “What you tend to find to suit that individual requirement. You just can’t get retention and create a motivated, empowered and
when you go on a two-day course is that there’s that from sitting in front of on online tutorial or DVD. more productive team as staff see the investment the
usually some of it that you know. What we’re trying That said, Excitech, is looking at ways of company is making in them.”
to do is stop people having to repeat training just for expanding its methods in the near future to incorporate
the convenience of sitting on a scheduled training new training methods, as the delivery of these
course,” maintains Claire. “It is still very intensive, becomes more viable.
focused training that gets the better results. I think that “I think there is still a perception that training
the very large corporations that have got hundreds and is a luxury, because some companies still struggle
hundreds of people to train will be more imaginative to make the cost justification,” explains Susanne.
on how to get some training for all, rather than very “But with the likes of Revit and some of the vertical
intensive training for a few. Some of that’s about AutoCAD applications there is a need to receive
E-training as well.” significant training to ensure that you gain the
The boom in E-training has yet to materialise. maximum return on the software investment made.
Most architectural practises are still as sceptical Making that investment up front means that companies
of internet and DVD courses as they were nearly a can reap the productivity benefits in a much shorter
decade ago. In a survey from the Business Advantage timescale. I think it’s fair to say that there are an
Group published in 2001, 57 per cent stated that increasing number of progressive companies in the
they would not be interested in web-based training UK who are doing just that and really starting to see
in the future. Only 19 per cent expressed a positive the benefits from using the likes of Revit.
reaction. Currently, training firms are seeing increasing “I think the biggest challenge at the moment
competition from online tutorials and suppliers of is trying to increase the adoption of these products
training DVDs and are busy promoting their own more widely in the UK. Almost all of the companies
E-learning capabilities. However they remain adamant we’re working closely with see the benefits of using
that the best returns on investment are still to be found the likes of Revit over traditional 2D draughting tools
in traditional training. but the biggest barrier to adoption is the current skills
“I think these new methods are really exciting, shortage. Because these products are still relatively
but a formula doesn’t yet exist which is better than new, the skillbase is small and right now the only way


AEC Training.indd 27 3/4/08 15:59:14


Green thinking
Ecotect is one of a new generation of so called ‘green’ building analysis programs. Since adopting the software,
architect Alan Gillard has been able to base his designs on more than just ‘green gut feeling’.

first got interested in Ecotect while studying for with a general interest in environmental design can buildings for other practices including schools,
a master’s degree in the Environmental Design learn to use. Our staff pick it up as a part of our hotels, and urban housing projects. Some of these
of Buildings at Cardiff University back in 2002. working methodology and without previous training. have been successful, but I always felt that in terms
Ecotect is building performance analysis software This early test-driving convinced me to look of their environmental design any degree of success
designed by architects for use by architects. Whilst into how my own practice could benefit from using depended on my gut feeling, the opinion of the
learning about simulation and analysis of building building performance analysis software. Now, some services engineer, and a large dose of luck.
performance as part of the taught course, I was four years later, I regularly use Ecotect in the early The ability to assess performance at a very
involved in the early trials of Ecotect, then being stages of sketch design, to assess the environmental early stage in the design process is critical to really
developed by Dr Andrew Marsh. It was particularly performance of our projects. sustainable architecture; we are at a turning point
useful when I was investigating my thesis subject Using Ecotect, we are able to show clients how in the building industry where it will no longer be
– still an area I have a great interest in – the an investment in sustainable design will pay off in the possible for the designers in the different disciplines
application of interseasonal heat storage in small future in, for example, the reduction of energy bills to work independently as fully integrated design is
buildings. Despite its potential for pursuing specialist for heating, cooling, or lighting. We can investigate necessary from the outset.
interests, Ecotect is a software that all practitioners the effectiveness of other building improvements, like Now Graphisoft has created the link that
solar panels or collectors, shading devices, different enables an ArchiCAD BIM model to be transferred
glazing configurations, and a raft of other variables, automatically into Ecotect. This means you no longer
to see how these measures affect a building’s have to build in Ecotect a separate environmental
performance or even viability. analysis model from scratch, which saves a lot of
I have been interested in environmental design time and effort. The ArchiCAD/Ecotect combination
since qualification in 1988 and have designed gives me the ability to do ‘quick and dirty’ sketch

Above and left: Proposed design and strategy for refurbishment of the Atlantic College, Wales.

Atlantic College Project in Wales.

Left: Existing building in decay. Above: Existing problems.


AEC Ecotect.indd 28 3/4/08 11:25:39


schemes, and be reasonably sure that when we come For the Atlantic College Project in
to the detail design stage we will, at the very least, Wales Gillard Associates was able to
be able to talk intelligently about parameters which demonstrate, via studies completed in
are traditionally thought to be solely the remit of Ecotect, that by a range of low energy
the services engineer. Hopefully we will be able to measures, the original 1960s student
continue the process of refinement without needing to house’s heat load could be reduced by
resort to major surgery or alteration of the concept. up to 90%.
Ecotect also gives me the opportunity to show
clients, in an environmental model, how the building
will perform with certain adjustments, which gives
them confidence that sustainable designs can and
do respond well to local conditions. The software
produces a range of easily interpreted graphs and presentation incorporating an environmental strategy
other data on a building’s performance over time; for the site. We are hoping that this project will set
really powerful tools in winning over a client’s a standard for low energy social housing in South
commitment to energy-efficiency. Wales, and help to reduce fuel and water poverty for
As an example, whilst working with Atlantic its users.
College in Wales, we have been able to demonstrate, Using Ecotect can help practices gain a
via studies completed in Ecotect, that by adopting competitive edge in the expertise they can offer and
heat pump technology alongside other low energy in convincing existing or potential clients of their
measures, the original 1960’s student house’s heat “green credentials”. At its most fundamental Ecotect
load could be reduced by up to 90%. This sort can provide the evidence to prevent an architect
of basic analysis has enabled us to convince an from embarking on a design that is destined to
understandably cautious client to commit to a quite fail Part-L compliance. And, Ecotect can help an
radical building and refurbishment programme. We architect achieve far beyond what is required by
are hoping that we will be able to achieve at least current building regulations; which is very much my
a CSH level 4 rating on this project, making it an practice’s ambition on all of our projects.
exemplar refurbishment scheme: an important target Alan Gillard is principal of architecture and design firm,
considering that 99% of the UK’s building stock is sub Gillard Associates based in The Vale of Glamorgan,
standard in terms of energy use. Wales.
More recently, the analyses from Ecotect helped
us win a job with the Swansea Housing Corporation;
we were the only shortlisted practice with a


AEC Ecotect.indd 29 3/4/08 11:25:42

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Bentley Project Ad.indd 1 7/4/08 16:28:30


IES Virtual Environment

Revit goes green with the addition of the Integrated Environmental Solutions ‘VE
Toolkits’. Now Architects and MEP Engineers can optimise their designs without leaving
the Revit environment and check against industry green standards compliance.

reen Building is undoubtedly the hottest topic links between the authoring tools and the analysis approach and get timely feedback through multiple
in the industry today. While there’s a lot of tools are also in a disappointingly embryonic state, analysis cycles. The Toolkits are designed to allow
hype and folks being very earnest about saving however these are improving from release to release. architects to undertake top-level building simulation
the planet, there is a basic concept that really makes The two main building optimisation solutions analysis, facilitating sustainable design at the click of
sense - know the performance characteristics of the available in the UK are Ecotect, which we looked at a few buttons.
building you have designed. In the Manufacturing last month, and Integrated Environment Solutions There is no need to rebuild any models for
world, performance is the metric that any design is (IES) suite named Virtual Environment (VE), which this performance analysis, integrating green-
first marked on; how it looks is certainly important, has forged close ties to Autodesk and especially build knowledge directly into the design process,
but secondary. Performance-based design has really with its Revit line of products. At the core of the IES optimising the actual 3D design and minimising any
lagged behind in the building world, as the tools haven’t solution are multiple applications which comprise structures energy consumption. Currently IES has
been widely available and the fractured nature meant the ‘Virtual Environment’. Each specializes in the four toolkits available for tight integration with Revit
that the optimisation and performace were really only analysis of different criteria: Thermal, ventilation, CFD, - Sustainability, LEED, BREEAM and Greenstar.
understood, either once the design was completed, or evacuation, costs, compliance, daylighting, solar, This new development enables the Revit
worse, once the building was being occupied and used. lighting, electrical and mechanical. Architecture BIM (Building Information Modelling)
At early stages in projects (sometimes as early as week model to be easily imported into IES’s system of
three or four), 70% of the design decisions which affect integrated building performance analysis tools. Core
performance have been made. IES and Revit aspects of the performance of the building can be
So, radical changes are in the pipeline and the Revit has many advantages but the concept of the assessed without any specialist simulation knowledge
Green/low carbon emissions initiative has focused the single platform means that a multi-discipline team or the need to re-input geometry data. The user does
software developers into broadening their applications can collaborate and work on the same design data. not even need to leave the Revit environment.
to offer the designer really useful feedback as to how IES has developed a plug in for both Revit MEP and By clicking the IES toolbar in Revit Architecture,
fit for purpose their concept would be. No longer will Revit Architecture, to pass the essential information the BIM model is transferred into IES’s VE software
analysis be something that happens at the back end for analysis in its range of specially designed, and a dialog automatically opens. This displays the
of the process, it can happen at the conceptual phase architect-oriented ‘VE Toolkits’. As everything is imported model and provides an easy-to-use method
and continue throughout, giving the best, ‘virtually’ linked together, the whole team can take an integrated of assigning basic construction and room-type
proven design. We are at the very first part of this properties to the building and rooms as required.
‘performance’ revolution but it will drive practices to VE Toolkits produce multiple reports and moves
move to 3D-based design, as it’s the only way to get “IES has recognised that directly from Revit Architecture and give Architects a
meaningful analysis and architects are going to have level of insight and understanding of performance that
to skill-up in some of the basic concepts of building
architects aren’t experts at isn’t available in a core package. This allows architects
optimization, to both run the software, or more building analysis and so to make informed decisions about orientation, layout,
importantly, understand the output. form and construction. Furthermore, generating this
As things stand, the key 3D software tools, like
has really striven to boil performance information at the early stage of the
Revit, ArchiCAD and Bentley Architecture don’t have down the results to something design process makes it easier to design sustainable,
any of these analysis tools built-in, so additional low-energy buildings.
stand-alone applications have to be bought-in. The
IES has moved from being a provider of individual
high-end analysis tools, used to analyse specific
building functionality, to offering a complete suite of
powerful applications that function as a whole. With
the decision to support Revit, IES has crossed into
the third-party arena and with Autodesk and Revit,
the company is certainly picking the rising star of the
architectural community. IES has also recognised
that architects aren’t experts at analysis and so has
really striven to boil down the results to something
meaningful. The continued development and growth
of this integration will lead to better, compliance
certified designs in quicker time. I don’t think that
point can be argued.


AEC Cads.indd 31 3/4/08 16:01:53

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Set in concrete
Bison Concrete leads the market in precast concrete technology and as such makes heavy demands on
its printing solutions. Amy Nicholson finds out how Océ equipment has helped Bison to stay on top.

ome companies pride themselves on providing has included landmark projects like the Channel
bespoke solutions, others prefer to be on the Tunnel. Bison’s prodigious output certainly demands
receiving end. Bison Concrete – a market leader a robust solution.
in precast concrete technology and solutions to the As Bison grew, its equipment needed to be
construction business – has been at both ends of the upgraded to cope with the expanding needs of the
spectrum simultaneously. company. And Bison’s needs were certainly evolving:
Bison gained its business edge by offering the Océ TDS600 was undergoing very heavy use in
customers a bespoke service, one that begins Bison’s main office, so it was replaced with an Océ
with conceptual design, and is followed by off-site TDS800, which was more appropriate to Bison’s
manufacture right through to the installation of the developing needs. It was also decided that the role
approved products on-site; £50 million has been of the Océ TDS400 in Falkirk would be better filled
put into a programme of investment, ensuring by the Océ TDS600 from the main office. These new
that Bison can continue to offer optimum service. solutions have enabled Bison to continue providing
But the company has also enjoyed a four-year the best possible service to its clients. “The main
partnership with Océ in which it has seen its print benefit is that the equipment is printing more quickly
production overhauled and streamlined to its unique and is still very reliable, and we are currently doing
specifications. about 200,000 linear metres at Burton upon Trent,”
Bison initially approached Océ to provide it adds Peter.
with print solutions in 2002. The group was setting Since this upgrade has been implemented, the
up a new office and was looking to replace old and relationship between Océ and Bison has evolved
unreliable plan-printing equipment. Working primarily further and the new hardware, particularly the Océ
in AutoCAD, technical drawings and documentation TDS800, has made Bison’s challenging workload
accounted for most of Bison’s print output. manageable.
The company wanted to make their print Thanks to Bison Concrete’s use of the software,
production run more quickly, more easily and with the Océ DDM has now gone international. Bison has
less breakdowns. Peter Kelly, Technical Director at appointed a team of approximately 60 designers in
Bison remembers what Bison initially wanted from its Vietnam and Bison has found the application to be so
print solutions: “We wanted to have a productive, high versatile that it benefits the work of the design team
volume, reliable system that automated as much of immensely.
our print production as possible. Initially we looked Furthermore, Bison has found that Océ is able to
at hardware to print sets of drawings in collated packs provide them with more than just the large-scale print
that were folded so we didn’t have to fold them by solutions a company of their size requires. Recent
hand.” installations include an Océ TDS600 stand-alone
Bison initially leased an Océ TDS600 for its head scanner, as well as an Océ DS10 A4 scanner. Bison
office in Burton upon Trent and an Océ TDS400 for needed this equipment to help with its latest in-house
another of its offices, based in Falkirk. Further to project: making a digital record of their document
this, Bison had three Océ 9300 printers to allocate to archives. Given Bison’s long history and the number
satellite offices throughout the country. of ventures it has been involved with, this constitutes
The Océ hardware soon proved its worth, leading a major project.
to Bison turning its attention towards improving its “When we saw what the Hardware Bison has also recruited some extra staff to
document workflow: “When we saw what the Océ
could do, we asked Océ to extend the manage the project. This kind of work is vital to a
hardware could do, we asked Océ to extend the company of Bison’s size, since it needs reliable and
solution to automate our issuing and distribution solution to automate our issuing and complete archives and scanning ensures that all
process,” Peter reports.
distribution process” documentation is safely and securely backed-up for
Océ was just launching a new software package, future use.
Océ Digital Distribution Manager (DDM), and Bison issuing and distribution process, streamline our Catering to Bison’s need for both large-format
was clearly impressed with it and had it installed as workflow and just make things a lot more efficient.” printing and smaller scanning equipment has led
soon as it was released. Peter was certainly happy with Océ DDM has been specially designed for Océ’s relationship with Bison to grow and develop
the solution from the word go: “We recognised that organisations whose growth means they spend mutually: as Bison’s needs have increased, Océ’s
the Océ DDM represented a great solution.” an increasing amount of time administering the product range and capability has also expanded.
Amalgamating Océ technologies made life easier distribution process rather than fulfilling their revenue- As long as this trend continues, the two
for Bison, as Peter points out: “This partnership creating roles. Bison fits the bill: its portfolio has companies will be able to continue supporting each
demonstrates the unique productivity of Océ’s swelled to include products for retail, commercial, other long into the future.
combined hardware and software to improve the industrial, education and governmental sectors, and


Oce.indd 33 3/4/08 16:02:39


A change in the display

Rob Jamieson takes a closer look at two new display technologies
and their potential impact on the design sector.

s new technology arrives there is always an
initial resistance from people who invested in the
old technology and don’t want to think that their
investment is wasted. An example of this is the move
from AGP to PCI-Express - although now everybody is
happy with PCI-Express as it has become the de facto
Today we are on the cusp of some new changes
in the graphics industry in the form of two separate
technologies combining to form a new standard. These
are known as Display Port and 10-bit “consumer”
panels - consumer meaning affordable to the general
Audi R8 image courtesy of Bunkspeed
audience as opposed to the high-end panels used in
special disciplines.
most DVI carries an analogue signal as well. “If aesthetics and colour are
Major OEMs have announced support for Display
Display Port Port monitors including Dell, which has one on its
important then 10-bit
Display Port is a new form of interconnect between range today. The more interconnects you put on the colour will make a difference.
the graphics card and the display. It is a smaller monitor the more that the cost increases, so it’s likely
thinner cable than DVI or VGA and, in its basic form, that if Display Port becomes popular it will end up
Car body designers for
can be three metres long (likely to support more being the only fitting on a monitor. instance are prime examples
length in time) with the ability to drive monitors up
to 9 megapixels i.e. resolutions of 2,560 x 1,600.
of people who will
As it’s a digital interface it does not suffer from the 10-bit panels benefit from a closer
analogue interference associated with VGA plus there 10-bit support, which allows access to more colours,
is the option of chaining monitors together using has been around for a while. However, the cost of
representation of colour.”
one cable, allowing more data to be transferred. To monitors has meant a slow adoption of the technology.
get high resolution support today you need a dual Nonetheless it is important. Colour depth is the mainstream. Colourists who match different TV and
link cable where all of the pins are used to send data graduation between different colours so, for example, movie scenes shot at different times by using gentle
down a DVI. Besides the aforementioned advantages, if you take a greyscale colour transition bar on a cheap changes in the colour temperature will also benefit
its small connection is very useful for laptops where laptop screen you can see banding where you may from 10-bit technology, as will oil and gas companies
space is limited. There is no reason why a laptop will Dell’s new 3008WFP expect a smoother blend. This is because a lot of the that create massive simulations of the earth’s strata
not have a VGA port in the near future but expect them (Widescreen Flat cheaper laptop displays are only 6-bit, and where the to find the elusive precious minerals needed for that
to be phased out as more projectors are built with Panel) is one of the graphics card may be sending 8-bit colour, the screen industry.
digital inputs. Display Ports can also have a converter first monitors to is only interpreting 6-bit. 10-bit displays, on the other Although graphic cards that support 10-bit have
attached to plug into DVI/ However as it’s purely digital feature Display Port hand, not only lessen banding but allow a greater range been around for a few years, there is a big difference
it’s harder to get a Display Port to VGA, which is why technology.. of transitions, meaning that you can see the difference between cards that can display 10-bit in 2D mode
between light and dark in greater contrast. and those that can provide 3D performance and 10-bit
But what does this mean to the average CAD user? on both outputs at the same time. Luckily for me
Well if your only interest is plugging a blue part into a the ATI FireGL range does this, as does the previous
red one without consideration for how the final design generation of cards.
will look, then not much. However if aesthetics and So why aren’t we using 10-bit now? The answer is
colour are important then it will make a difference. Car that it still needs some software support that is already
body designers for instance are prime examples of available in the specialist areas but that is not quite
people who will benefit from a closer representation ready for mainstream consumers. 10-bit screens have
of colour. also been viewed to be expensive; however there are
Some of the classical areas that will see great rumours of a shift in price of monitors soon which will
benefits and promote the use of 10-bit technology are make more accessible to a wider audience speeding
in medicine where the slightest colour variation could up the adoption process.
indicate the presence of a tumour. However, areas such [email protected]
as photography, where it is possible to remove the dark Robert Jamieson works for the hardware manufacturer
circles from a model who has been out late the night AMD. The opinions in the article are not necessary the
before, is how this technology will be pushed into the opinions of AMD as a company.


AEC Robbie.indd 34 3/4/08 16:03:26

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