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Build and extend the

mass movement
THE NCAFC national conference today is one of the most every community and workplace, building up to a truly mass
important days in the student calendar this year. movement that can bring millions on to the streets and onto the
We will be amending and voting on the structures that NCAFC picket lines. In the run up to the TUC demonstration on 26
needs to go forward. March, this is vital and gives us a chance to argue among thou-
We will also be voting and amending on the tactics and strate- sands of people that we can and should coordinate industrial
gy that we believe the wider education movement needs to take action and protests up to and including a general strike to bring
up in the months ahead if we are to defeat the ConDems and the government down.
beat their cuts. Orienting to the unions doesn't mean that the great struggles of
The draft Battleplan that will be discussed today was put for- students and youth are unimportant. Nor does it mean taking a
ward to an NCAFC meeting a few weeks back by REVOLU- back seat and letting the leaders of the Labour Party and Trade
TION members. It outlines the need to build the broadest unity Unions call the shots.
against all the cuts - by linking up with trade unions and anticuts On the contrary - it is our job to go to every picket line and
campaigns to form the broadest possible movement. We believe support workers striking for their jobs, challenge the trade union
that the NCAFC should affiliate to the Coalition of Resistance leaders to call and support our demonstrations, and push the
to bring our struggles together. unions into action and challenge their leaderships to go further.
Some people in the student movement have questioned the When the NUS refused to take the necessary action to fight
above approach. After all, the radicalism of youth and students fees and cuts we tried to work with them where ever possible, but
taking to the streets in November and December seemed to rock we went alone when we had to and demanded they followed our
the government far more than the bureaucratic and slow-moving lead. The same will apply to the struggles ahead.
trade unions have in recent years. In the next few months we have everything to play for.
But the truth is students can't stop the cuts alone. The brutal We've already shown how students and youth alone shook the
slashing of everything from healthcare to council services means ConDem government. Now, together, united we can break
we need to build a movement that reaches into every corner of them.

Vote for democracy

NCAFC’s loose network structure worked well when the
organisation was first set up at a conference last February.
But with our increasing role in movement, we’ve had to
make important decisions every single day – from whether
to call an emergency protest in response to a government
announcement, to what to say in media interviews.
We can’t let these important tasks fall only upon those
who are willing to take them up. It overburdens a few
individuals with work, and more importantly reduces
accountability to other NCAFC supporters if our leader-
ship is self-appointed rather than elected by a majority.
That’s why it is vital that this conference makes steps
towards having more of a structure. It will make NCAFC
more democratic, not less.


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