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Strikes called from 22 October...

don’t let bosses

off the hook!
HE CWU UNION HAS called makes it impossible for the bosses to trade unionists to join postal workers
strikes from Thursday 22 cover the job or to get in enough agency and their families in solidarity.
October unless management workers and casuals.
accept a new offer. There can be no deal until the We can win
Postal workers are in a very strong executive action is withdrawn and there The postal workers’ fight is crucial for
position. is a proper commitment on all the key every worker, student, pensioner and
We have never before gone into a issues—including reinstating all those unemployed person in Britain.
strike with a backlog in the system. sacked or disciplined. It is a crucial early battle in a much
Traffic volumes make this a good time bigger war—the war over public
of year to strike. A mass response services, jobs, cuts, union rights, pay
Other trade unionists and the wider We need every weapon in our arsenal to and conditions at work.
public can be won to support us if we win. We must prevent Royal Mail from It’s about who pays for the continuing
explain the fight is for public services, setting up a major scabbing operation. economic crisis.
jobs, union rights, pay and conditions. Regions could organise a solidarity A victory for the postal workers
 A massive backlog of bitterness has day outside the centres inviting other would show everyone else that
built up among the workforce. As long resistance is possible and can win.
as it is used to keep up the momentum Pampered politicians, both Labour and
then it will be a powerful force. The
union must not let the members down. We want our Tory, are bidding to see who can force
us to work the longest before claiming a
But there are some worrying signs.
The union leaders have been far too money back! measly state pension, and who can slash
the most from public spending.
slow in calling the strikes. Postal workers in London have Postal workers must not be left on
The members returned a magnificent voted by a huge majority to suspend
their own to face the bosses and the
76 percent yes vote on a 67 percent funding to the Labour Party.
politicians that stand behind them.
turnout. That’s a mandate for strikes, That result is a wholly justified
response to Labour’s attack on Postal workers’ enemies in
not dithering. management, government and the media
workers in general and postal
will unite in an effort to crush us.
Wrong direction workers in particular.
Unfortunately the vote is Our side must unite to win.
Then there was the CWU’s dangerous
only consultative and will not The CWU should:
offer to management of a deal to avoid
strikes. immediately stop the cash.
Every area should follow Escalate the action
It was completely unclear about
London’s lead and organise such Call a national demonstration
executive action, and raised the a vote to increase the pressure on Build support groups
possibility of local agreements—a government ministers, and on the Start a full ‘do the job properly’
retreat from the key principle of union’s leaders to call a national campaign to build the backlog
national agreements. ballot to suspend the money to Demand the TUC and other trade
There was no clear commitment Labour. unions organise massive fund raising
demanded from management over
a shorter working week or pay, or
The fact that the management have
■ I would like to get Socialist Worker regularly
brushed aside the offer shows they are ■ I want to join the Socialist Workers Party
not seeking a negotiated deal—they
want blood. Name.................................................................................................................
Instead of concentrating on the talks,
the union must call action to win. Address.............................................................................................................
The best strike would be all-out and
indefinite. ..........................................................................................................................
It would quickly force the issue to a
conclusion. Postafterresult2
At the very least we need accelerating Return to SW industrial dept PO Box 42184, London Circulation 020 7819 1171
strikes. SW8 2WD [email protected] Editorial 020 7819 1180
Sustained action, not one-day action,

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