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The report describes experiments measuring the attenuation of radiant heat by clothing layers and newspaper sheets, as well as human tolerance to radiant heat from LNG fires.

Experiments were conducted exposing mannequins clothed with normal civilian clothing to a 10 ft x 10 ft LNG pool fire, measuring the radiant heat flux with and without various clothing layers and newspaper sheets interposed.

The author exposed himself, wearing normal civilian clothing, to radiant heat fluxes from 4-7 kW/m2 for durations of 25-97 seconds without injury.

Radiant heat attenuation by clothing

Human tolerance to radiant heat:

Field experiments with LNG fires

Final Technical Report

Developed under

Contract Number: DTRS56-04-T-0005

Submitted to

The U.S. Department of Transportation

Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
400 Seventh Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20059


Technology & Management Systems, Inc.

102 Drake Road
Burlington, MA 01803

May 21, 2007

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May, 2007 Final Report: September 2006 – May 2007
Radiant heat attenuation by clothing and human tolerance to radiant heat:
Field experiments with LNG fires Contract Number
6. AUTHOR(S) Phani K. Raj


Technology & Management Systems, Inc. REPORT NUMBER
102 Drake Road, BURLINGTON, MA 01803
U.S. Department of Transportation, AGENCY REPORT NUMBER
Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
400 Seventh Street, S.W., WASHINGTON, DC 20590


13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)

A series of tests involving the exposing mannequins clothed with normal civilian clothing to a 10 ft x 10 ft LNG pool fire was conducted. Both
single layer clothing and double layer clothing were used. The radiant heat flux incident outside the clothing and incident on the skin covered by
clothing were measured using wide-angle radiometers, for durations of 100 s to 200 s (per test). The levels of heat flux incident on the clothing
were close to 5 kW/m2. The magnitude of the attenuation factor (AF) (ratio of the outside radiant heat flux to that on the skin) was calculated. It is
seen that AF varies between 2 and higher for ordinary cotton and polyester clothing (of thickness 0.286 mm to 1.347 mm). Values as high as 6
have been measured for clothes of thickness 1.347 mm.

Tests similar to the above were conducted to determine the attenuation factor when a single or multiple sheets of newspaper are interposed in front
(about 5 cm) of the radiometer. Singe sheet newspapers reduce the heat flux to the radiometer by a factor of about 5 at a heat flux level of 5 kW/m2.
Double sheets reduce the heat flux intensity by a factor of almost 8! The magnitude of the AF for newspaper sheets depends on the magnitude of
the heat flux and thickness. It decreases linearly with increasing heat flux values and increases linearly with increase in thickness.

The author exposed himself, in normal civilian clothing (of full sleeve cotton/polyester shirt and jean pants) to the radiant heat flux from the LNG
fire at levels of 4 7 kW/m2 and higher for tens of seconds; Occasionally, as high as 7 kW/m 2 for durations of several seconds. He did not suffer any
injury, burns or skin blisters for exposure times ranging from 25 s to 97 s at average heat flux values of 4 kW/m 2 to 5 kW/m2. The incident heat flux
on the author was measured by a handheld radiometer with a display and later by wide-angle radiometers (whose output was recorded on a
computer) strapped on to him. The results indicated that he could withstand the regulatory criterion of 5 kW/m 2 for 30 seconds without suffering
any damage or burns. Temperature measured on the skin of the author covered by the clothing did not rise above the normal body temperature even
after 200 s of exposure to an average heat flux of 4 kW/m 2.


LNG Fire, Emissive Power, Radiant Heat Flux, Atmospheric Absorption, Spectral Radiance, 109
Burn injury, Pool Fire, Vapor Fiore, Jet Fire, Fireball
Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified
NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form
298 (Rev. 2-89)

The LNG fire exposure experimental data, results from the analyses and other work
indicated in this report were developed under the US DOT Contract number DTRS56-04-T-
0005, Mod 3. The work was jointly sponsored and co-funded by the Pipeline and Hazardous
Materials Safety Administration (“PHMSA”) of the U.S. Department of Transportation (US
DOT) and the Distrigas of Massachusetts Corporation, LLC (“DOMAC”). Technology &
Management Systems, Inc (“TMS”) performed the work in this contract. Dr. Phani K. Raj was
the project manager, principal analyst and author of this report. Mr. Morad Manjikian of
DOMAC and James Stevens, a coop student working at DOMAC, assisted him in the conduct of
the LNG fire tests.

The field test facility of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Fire Services
(DFS) at Stow, MA was used in conducting the LNG fire tests. The author expresses his thanks
to the officials at DFS who permitted, with enthusiasm and encouragement, the performance of
these tests at the Stow facility. In particular, Dr. Raj acknowledges with thanks the support and
active interest in the project shown by the following officers at DFS.

1 Mr. Stephen Coan (Fire Marshall of Massachusetts State and Director of DFS)
2 Mr. Thomas Leonard, Dy. Fire Marshall
3 Mr. Kevin Partridge - Director, Emergency Response & Homeland Security
4 Laurent (Larry) McDonald - Director, Massachusetts Firefighting Academy
5 Richard Farrar - Acting Deputy Director, Massachusetts Firefighting Academy

The technical, logistical and physical support provided by a number of people from the Gas
School (at DFS facility) was singularly instrumental for the success of the tests. The tests would
not have occurred without the very enthusiastic help and accommodating attitude of Capt.
Richard Swartz, Coordinator, Flammable Gas Training, the Gas School. He not only supported
readily the idea of conducting these tests but also was a very interested participant. We express
our sincere thanks for all his help. In addition to Capt. Swartz his team of very dedicated staff
also assisted in getting the site ready, releasing the LNG, igniting the fire and putting it out at the
needed time. Many of them, especially, Norm Seymour acted as my “guardian angel,” by
standing by my side (literally) in every instance when I approached the fire in civilian clothes.

Dr. Raj expresses his sincere thanks to each and every one of the following persons for the
help they provided during the tests.

1 Norman Seymour
2 Jack Joyce
3 Stephen Corbett
4 Dick Shafer
5 Tim Choate
6 Mike Gurnick

The concept of conducting a series of measurements with the LNG fires that were to be
used in a firemen training course came from Chief David Butler, and Capt. Mike Nigro of

Everett Fire Department. The author thanks Chief Butler and Capt. Nigro for permitting
interruptions to the firemen training and allowing us to set up the instruments and gather the data
on radiant heat fluxes and the effectiveness of clothing in attenuating the radiant heat.

Dr. Raj acknowledges with sincere thanks to PHMSA and DOMAC for their financial
support for this project. Mr. Stanley Kastanas, Mr. Charles Helm, and Mr. Frank Licari of
PHMSA provided significant encouragement during the course of this project. Thanks are also
due to Mr. Francis Katulak and Mr. Anthony Scaraggi of DOMAC for their keen interest,
enthusiastic moral support, financial backing, and authorizing the services of two of the
employees of DOMAC to provide technical assistance during the experiments. Finally, and by
no means the least, Dr. Raj thanks Mo Manjikian and Jim Stevens for programming the data
logging instruments, setting up the instruments in the field, participating in the tests, and doing
all important technical activities during the experiments. Without their help, the project would
not have been a success.

Table of Contents
Executive Summary E-1 to E-13

Chapter 1: Introduction 1

1.1 Background 1

1.2 Literature review 2

1.2.1 Burn injury hazard criteria 2
1.2.2 Skin burn injury experiments 2
1.2.3 Radiant heat energy spectrum from a LNG fire and skin burns 3
1.2.4 Effect of clothing on skin burn injury protection 5

1.3 Project Objectives 5

Chapter 2: Description of Equipment and Tests 7

2.1 Test facility 7

2.2 Parameters measured in the tests 11
2.3 Materials, instruments and other equipment used 11
2.3.1 Mannequins 11
2.3.2 Clothing used in the tests 12
2.3.3 Wide-angle radiometers 12
2.3.4 Handheld radiometer 14
2.3.5 Thermocouples 15
2.3.6 Meteorological tower 16
2.3.7 Other instruments 16
2.4 Description of test procedure 16

Chapter 3: Experimental data from mannequin

and human exposure to LNG 22

3.1 Mannequin exposure tests: Radiant heat attenuation by clothing 22

3.2 Results from tests of exposure of clothed mannequins to LNG fire 23
3.3 Data from tests with newspaper sheets 29
3.4 Tests involving human exposure to radiant heat from the fire 31
3.5 Data from human subject exposure to radiant heat from a LNG fire 32
3.5.1 Qualitative observations 32
3.5.2 Handheld radiometer data 32
3.5.3 Data from Medtherm radiometers strapped on to the human subject 33
3.5.4 Temperature data 35

Chapter 4: Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations 38

4.1 Findings and discussion of the results 38

4.2 Conclusions 41
4.3 Recommendations 41

References 43

Appendix A: Specifications, Calibrations and Other Details of Instruments A-1

Appendix B: Data from video films and other instruments B-1

Appendix C: Plotted data on radiant heat fluxes and temperatures measured

by instruments C-1

List of Tables
Table 1-1 Radiant heat exposure criteria in NFPA 59A Standard 1
Table 1-2 First-time introduction of the Thermal Radiation Hazard criterion
in NFPA 59A Standard 4
Table 2-1 Details of the clothing used in the tests (on mannequins and
the human subject) 13
Table 2-2 Locations of the two types of radiometers on the mannequins 13
Table 2-3 Summary of test conditions 17
Table 2-4 Parameters varied in the tests 19

Table 3-1 Test details of the exposure of clothed mannequins to LNG fire 24
Table 3-2 Attenuation factors for different thickness clothing at
different exposure levels 27
Table 3-3 Attenuation factors for different thickness of newspaper sheets 30
Table 3-4 Handheld radiometer data on human exposure to radiant heat 33

List of Figures
Figure 2-1 View of the dike, the LNG fill pipe and the observation tower 8
Figure 2-2 Schematic diagram of the test site plan view, location of observation
gallery and LNG fire dike 8
Figure 2-3 Close-in view of the 10 ft x 10 ft (top) dike with concrete floor and
sand wall 9
Figure 2-4 Dike depth illustrated with a ruler 9
Figure 2-5 Schematic diagram of the dike with dimensions 10
Figure 2-6 Picture of the fiberglass mannequins used in the field experiments 11
Figure 2-7 Picture showing the locations of the radiometers outside and inside

the clothing of mannequins 14
Figure 2-8 Handheld radiometer and illustration of its use in the field 15
Figure 2-9 The author approaching the fire holding the handheld radiometer 20
Figure 2-10 A location where the handheld radiometer indicated 5 kW/m2
radiant heat flux (at about 30 ft from the dike center) 20
Figure 2-11 Picture showing the strapping arrangement of the Medtherm
fast acting radiometers onto the author 21
Figure 2-12 Another view of the author in civilian clothes facing the fire
at the location of 5 kW/m2 heat flux (at about 30 ft from dike center) 21

Figure 3-1 A sample record of radiometer data from the male mannequin 25
Figure 3-2 A sample record of radiometer data from the female mannequin 26
Figure 3-3 Radiant heat flux attenuation factor vs. clothing thickness 26
Figure 3-4 Attenuation of radiant heat flux by a single sheet of newspaper 29
Figure 3-5 Radiant heat attenuation factor vs. newspaper sheet thickness 29
Figure 3-6A Human exposure to a LNG fire radiant heat flux – test 2 of 10/21 34
Figure 3-6B Human exposure to a LNG fire radiant heat flux – test 3 of 10/21 34
Figure 3-6C Human exposure to a LNG fire radiant heat flux – test 5 of 11/02 35
Figure 3-7 Comparison of mannequin and human skin temperatures for exposure
to the same fire at the same distance 36
Figure 3-8 Temperature of human subject skin after repeated exposure to fire heat
flux without cooling off periods between tests 37
Figure 3-9 Temperature of mannequin skin after repeated exposure to fire heat
flux without cooling off periods between tests 37

Executive Summary

E.1 Background and the need for the experiments

The criteria presented in the LNG hazards assessment literature on hazards to people from
exposure to radiant heat from fires are based on small scale, laboratory type experiments. Most
of the testing has been on dead skins, artificial skin simulants and on pigs. In only one
documented experiment was there any testing with live human beings (wherein volunteers were
exposed in a laboratory to heat from a small quartz lamp over a very small area on the forearms).
There have been no large scale, field type of tests in which human beings in their normal
clothing have been subject to radiant heat fluxes from real fires and their effects measured. Yet
these laboratory and very small scale criteria, and especially the criterion on skin burn in human
beings exposed for 30 seconds to a radiant heat flux of 5 kW/m2 (or 1600 Btu/hr ft2), have been
adopted by industry standards (such as the NFPA 59A, API, etc) and in US regulations
applicable to liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility siting (49 CFR, Par 193). Without large-scale
test data obtained under conditions normally prevalent in an accident situation the correctness of
the use of these hazard criteria are to be questioned. In addition, the policy implications of the
regulations and the standards, which require calculation of exclusion zones (from fire exposures)
using these criteria obtained under ideal conditions in a laboratory, are significant.

Neither the industry standard, NFPA 59A nor the US federal regulations take into account in the
required exclusion zone calculations some of the realistic conditions that exist around LNG
facilities and the effect of some of these conditions. For example, no considerations are given to
the effectiveness of clothing on people or the effect of obstructions (buildings, structures, and
other objects) in attenuating the radiant heat flux from a fire. This may be due to the lack of field
data on such effects.

Therefore, and with a view to obtaining baseline data on several issues related to exposure of
people to LNG fire radiant heat, Technology & Management Systems, Inc., undertook a series of
tests in the field with 3 m x 3 m (10 ft x 10 ft) size LNG fires. The tests were jointly sponsored
and supported by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (“PHMSA”) of
the US Department of Transportation and Distrigas of Massachusetts Corporation, LLC

E.2 Test objectives

Tests were designed and conducted to determine the following.

1 The effectiveness of ordinary civilian clothing, both single layer and multi layer, in
attenuating the radiant heat flux from a LNG fire, at a level of 5 kW/m2 (1600 Btu/hr ft2).
That is, to determine the fraction of the heat flux incident on the clothing that actually
reaches a person’s skin covered by the clothing.

2 The reduction in the heat flux reaching a person when shaded by simple objects such as a
thin newspaper sheet held in front.

3 The level of heat flux that a human being, dressed in normal civilian clothes, can withstand
without significant pain or suffering skin burn injury, and the duration over which such heat
fluxes can be withstood.

Although the 3rd objective was not part of the original design of the tests, the project manager
(and author of this report) utilized the opportunity to volunteer and test the adequacy and validity
of current correlations in the LNG hazards literature on the degree of tolerability to radiant heat
fluxes and the duration of safe exposure without suffering skin burns.

It is noted that only a part of the energy in the radiant heat flux incident on a human skin is
actually absorbed (or transmitted through the thickness of the skin to the blood vessels). A
fraction close to 35% gets reflected and scattered, irrespective of the visual color pigmentation
(white, black, brown, etc). The magnitude of the fraction absorbed depends upon the moisture
content of the skin (the higher the moisture content the greater the absorption) and the spectral
distribution of energy in the incident radiation. If, for example, the radiant heat energy
originating from a fire (including an LNG fire) has traveled significant distance (greater than 100
m) and the atmospheric relative humidity is high (> 50%) then it is known that a substantial part
of the radiant energy is absorbed by the moisture in the atmosphere and the energy spectrum
incident on the skin will be devoid of the energy in the water vapor bands. Since the skin absorbs
preferentially in the water vapor bands, the absence of energy in these bands implies that the skin
would absorb a smaller fraction of the incident energy, even if the total radiant heat flux falling
on the skin is 5 kW/m2. The higher the wind speed the greater is the cooling of the skin and,
therefore, the greater is the time for the skin temperature to reach the critical (burn) temperature
for a given incident heat flux level.

Figure E-1: Overall view of the test facility showing the dike, the LNG fill-pipe
and the observation tower

E.3 Test details
A series of tests was performed with LNG pool fires in a 3 m x 3 m x 0.53 m depth (10 ft x 10 ft
x 21 inches) dike made of concrete floor and wet sand sides. The field test facility of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Fire Services at Stow, MA was used to
conduct the experiments. The tests were run between September and November 2006. Figure E-1
shows the general view of the test facility.

Three types of tests were conducted in this series, namely,

(i) Exposure of clothed mannequins (a male and a female) to LNG fire radiant heat. The
mannequins were instrumented with radiometers located outside the clothing and
inside the clothing. Also thermocouples were provided to measure the atmospheric
temperature close the mannequins, just above the outer shirt and on the skin of the

(ii) Interposition of newspaper sheets (of one sheet and two sheet thickness) about 5 cm
(2 inches) in front of the outer radiometer of one of the mannequins while the
radiometer of the other mannequin was not obstructed. (Both mannequins were next
to each other at the same distance from the dike center).

(iii) Exposure of the author (Dr. Raj) in civilian clothes to the LNG fire radiant heat by his
movement towards the fire until the handheld radiometer indicated heat flux levels 5
kW/m 2 or higher. The duration of time that the author could withstand the radiant
heat at that location without suffering pain or skin burn injury was noted1.

Figure E-2 shows the two fiberglass mannequins used in the tests. Figure E-3 shows the author
using the handheld radiometer and approaching the fire.

The clothing on the mannequins and on the human subject consisted of both cotton apparel
(outside shirt and undershirt), as well as polyester & cotton (65% & 35 %, respectively) mixed
outer shirt. The radiometers used were all of the wide-angle type. In general, the mannequins
were located at such a distance from the dike center that the heat flux was about 5 kW/m . Of
course, the instantaneous heat flux varied (in some instances significantly) due to the flame
bending by the wind in different directions. The heat flux values were recorded at 0.1 s intervals
of time. Tests involved duration of exposures ranging from 60 s to 300 s. A total of 16 tests
(exposure trials) were conducted with mannequin exposure. In 8 of theses tests, newspaper
sheets were held in front of one of the mannequins for sufficiently long time (ranging from 30s
to 100 s) to determine the heat flux attenuation by the newspaper sheets.

In none of the tests did the author suffer any injury of even severe “burn” pain. In addition, he was always
accompanied on the side by a fireman in full bunker gear to provide assistance in case of need, which never

Figure E-2: Picture shows the mannequins used in the tests and their clothing

Figure E-3: The author facing the fire in civilian clothes. The handheld
radiometer indicates the heat flux level to which he is being

On 16 instances the author approached the fire with the handheld radiometer. The heat flux
values displayed on the handheld radiometer screen were noted. The handheld radiometer did not
have the proper connection to record the data on a computer. The duration of time over which he
was exposed to the fire at the particular level of heat flux was obtained later from video films of
the tests. In subsequent 4 tests, the author used one of the more sophisticated radiometers from
the mannequins and recorded digitally the exposure heat flux data on to a computer. Because of
the wind effects on the fire and the constant shifting of the fire plume towards and away from the
author, it was difficult for him to maintain the same exposure radiant heat flux level, even though
he tried to move back and forth trying to be in sync with the fire plume.

E.4 Principal results

Attenuation of radiant heat flux by clothing

A typical data recording from one of the tests is indicated in Figure E-4. This figure shows that
heat flux level outside the location of the mannequin, the radiometer reading inside the clothing
and the attenuation factor (defined as the ratio of the outside heat flux to the heat flux after
passing through the clothing) are shown plotted as a function of time. It is seen that in this case
the attenuation factor (AF) is about two for the case when the view of the inner radiometer is
through the thin parts of the outer and inner shirts. Similar data have been obtained for other
conditions (of clothing thickness), exposure heat flux magnitude and duration.

Figure E-4: A sample record of radiometer data from the male mannequin

The overall result from the clothing exposure tests indicate that normal civilian clothing provides
a significant reduction in the magnitude of the heat flux reaching the skin (covered by the

clothing). This reduction factor can be between 2 and 3, even though in some cases factors as
high as 6 and 7 have been measured at exposure levels close to 5 kW/m2. Figure E-5 shows the
overall results from the clothing exposure tests showing the relationship between the attenuation
factor and the nominal thickness of the clothing (nominal thickness does not include the
thickness of the air gap between the inner and outer clothing).

Newspaper sheet effectiveness

It is seen that even a single sheet of newspaper attenuates the magnitude of the radiant heat flux
by a significant factor. Figure E-6 shows a typical radiant heat flux record of the same
radiometer without any obstruction and with a single sheet newspaper in its front at about 5 cm
(2 inch) distance. The dramatic reduction is quite evident.

Figure E-5: Radiant heat flux attenuation factor vs. clothing thickness

Figure E-6: Attenuation of radiant heat flux by a single sheet of newspaper

It is also noticed in these tests that the attenuation factor of the newspaper depended upon the
magnitude of the exposure radiant heat flux. The exact cause of this is not fully understood. It
may due to the drying of the paper due to heat exposure and hence higher “transmissivity” (or
lower attenuation factor) values. The data from all newspaper obstruction tests are summarized
in Figure E-7. As can be seen from this figure the attenuation factor by a single sheet of
newspaper is much larger than that from the clothing immediately on top of the skin.

Figure E-7: Radiant heat attenuation factor vs. newspaper sheet thickness

Human exposure trial results

In the trials in which only the handheld radiometer was used to record the magnitude of the heat
flux incident upon the author no records are available on the time wise variation of the heat flux
to which the author was exposed. The information from the display screen (similar to the ones on
hand calculators) was recorded on paper after the tests. Because of this there is some uncertainty
in the “best estimate” of the mean and the range of heat fluxes to which the author was exposed.
The duration of exposure of the author could however be obtained from the video films of the
tests. Table E-1 shows the results of “after-the-fact record” of heat fluxes to which the author
was exposed in several tests. As can be seen, the heat flux levels do vary from a low of 2.2
kW/m2 to a high of 5 kW/m2 (with bursts that exceeded this value by at least 1 to 1.5 kW/m2).
The reason for terminating the experiment at the indicated durations for low level heat fluxes
was due to the wind shift which started blowing the fire plume towards the author an not because
of his inability to withstand the levels for a longer duration.

In the subsequent tests the author wore the radiometers that had been fixed to the mannequins.
These radiometers recorded the data in 0.1 s intervals. Figure E-8 is from one such tests. Clearly
it is seen from this figure that the author was exposed to a mean heat flux of 4 kW/m2 for over 45
s with absolutely no burns, pains or skin blisters on the parts of his body not covered by clothing.
He did not feel any heat sensation more intense than what may be felt in front of a hot fireplace
in a home.

Table E-1: Handheld radiometer data on human exposure to radiant heat

Expo- Mean Location of Mean radiant heat Exposure

sure flame human flux and duration (2)
Date in (1)
session height subject [range]
2006 2
# [m] [m] [kW/m ] [s]
1 5.1 12 2.2 [2.1 - 2.9] 53
2 4.2 8 4.4 [3.8 - 5.8] 17
3 5.1 10.5 2.2 [2.7 - 5.8] 60
09/28 4 5.9 11.0 2.2 [2.0 - 3.0] 103
5 5.5 7.9 4.4 [3.8 - 6.0] 22
6 4.3 7 4.4 [3.8 - 5.8] 21
7 5.5 7.9 2.2 [2.0 - 3.2] 120
1A 7.2 9.3 5.0 [4.9 - 6.2] 26
1B 7.1 12.2 5.03 [4.0 – 8.0](3) 93
2 6.6 11.1 5.0 [4.5 - 6.0] 42
3 5.5 8.7 5.0 [4.9 - 6.2] 24
1 6.7 9.7 5.0 [4.9 - 6.2] 57
2 5.0 9.3 5.0 [4.9 - 6.2] 16
11/02 3 5.1 8.4 5.0 [4.9 - 6.2] 32
4 5.0 8.8 5.0 [4.9 - 6.2] 20
5 4.7 9.1 5.0 [4.9 - 6.2] 31
Notes: (1) All distances are from the center of dike
(2) The author did not suffer any injury over the duration indicated in the table
(3) Based on the outside radiometer on one of the mannequins next to the author

In all of the exposure tests, the author experienced heat flux levels close to 5 kW/m 2 for
durations of time in tens of seconds. In many instances the incident heat flux levels were much
higher (the highest experienced, albeit for very short durations of time of the order of 5 seconds,
was 7 kW/m2). In one test he was able to stay at one location and experience a mean heat flux
level of 3.9 kW/m2 for over 100 seconds with occasional bursts of heat flux above 5 kW/m2 and
6 kW/m2.

Temperature data

The mannequin “skin” temperatures rose considerably from the ambient values for even short
durations of exposure. This is as expected since the mannequins, made out of fiberglass, do not
conduct and there in no other cooling mechanism. Hence the “skin” temperature rises quite
rapidly. This is in contrast to the experience of the author exposed to the same levels of heat flux
and for the same durations of time. Figure E-9 shows a typical comparative result indicating the
‘normal body temperature” being maintained by the human being where as the mannequin skin
temperature rising to almost 60 oC. It is argued that in the case of a human being the increased
blood circulation and the sweating (which indeed was experienced by the author) keeps the skin
temperature steady where such mechanisms are absent in a “dummy.”

Figure E-8: Human exposure to a LNG fire radiant heat flux- test 2 of 10/21

Figure E-9: Comparison of mannequin and human skin temperatures
under identical fire exposure conditions

Reproducibility of data & Measurement Errors

The calibration of the radiometer and that of the thermocouples are accurate to less than 1%
error. Therefore, the values recorded for the heat flux and temperature are accurate within 1% of
the actual value of the heat flux incident at the location of the instrument or the temperature to
which the thermocouple is exposed. The temporal variability seen in the measured values (of
heat flux or temperature) at the location of the mannequins or at the location of the human
subject are therefore only due to the variability of the heat flux incident on the instrument due to
variability in the fire plume tilt, size and changes in fire emission caused by the wind (both wind
speed and wind direction) and turbulence in the fire. When the wind is blowing from the
mannequins to the fire, the fire plume tilts away from the mannequins, causing a lower level of
heat flux to be incident on the mannequins. A higher heat flux is recorded when the fire plume
tilts towards the mannequins. In effect, the wind and combustion induced turbulence determines
the variability (about a mean) value of the heat flux measured at any specific distance from the
fire. Hence, the mean value of heat flux may be reproduced (to within 1% accuracy) at any
specified distance from the fire provided all other parameters such as the fire size, wind speed,
LNG burning rate, etc remain constant.

E.5 Findings
The following principal findings result from the review and evaluation of the data collected in
this series of field tests.

Finding # 1: Ordinary civilian clothing, even a single layer clothing, provides a factor of at least
2 reduction in the magnitude of radiant heat flux reaching a person’s skin for relatively long
term exposures (of the order of minutes) at an exposure level of 5kW/m 2 or close to it.

Finding # 2: Any object that intervenes between the heat flux source and the object receiving
the heat flux results in a substantial decrease in the heat flux to the object. The object could be as
thin as a single sheet of newspaper.

Finding # 3: At 4 kW/m2 radiant heat flux level a person can be exposed for as long as 60 to 120
seconds without feeling either severe pain or suffering any skin burns. At 5 kW/m2 a person’s
exposed skin can withstand the heat flux for at least 25 to 30 s, without much pain, permanent
injury or skin burns.

Finding # 4: The temperature measured on the skin of a fiberglass mannequin exposed to

radiant heat does not provide a representation of the temperature attained by the skin of living
human being.

The above findings are very conservative in that the durations of tolerance of a given magnitude
heat flux without any pain or injury are in many tests longer than indicated above. Similarly, the
attenuation factors of clothing and of intervening objects have also been recorded higher than
indicated in the findings.

E.6 Conclusions and Recommendations

Based on the results and the findings the following conclusions are made from the experiments
conducted in this series.

E.6.1 Conclusions

1 The current criterion for public safety in the US regulations and standards (5 kW/m 2 for
30 s exposure) is very conservative and represents a very high level of factor of safety.
This is because while the criterion is based on exposure of bare skin, as is seen from the
results of this investigation, even thin clothing on the skin provides a reduction of heat
flux (to the skin) by a factor of 2 to 3. Hence, when the outside the clothing heat flux
2 2 2
level is, say, 5 kW/m , the skin will feel only about 1.67 kW/m to 2.5 kW/m .

2 Very simple and even single layer clothing and other simple objects provide significant
reduction in radiant heat flux to the skin of a person. The reduction in the heat flux levels
by single layer of clothing can amount to a factor of 2 or 3. Newspaper sheets in front of
the face or hands can reduce the heat flux levels by factors of 5 or more.

3 Mannequins can be used as a substitute for live human tests to determine the
effectiveness of clothing to reduce radiant heat flux to the skin. However, mannequins
cannot act as a substitute when determining the skin temperature rise due to exposure to a
radiant heat flux, because the human physiology of skin cooling is completely and
drastically different from that in a mannequin. A mannequin skin, generally constructed
of fiberglass, does not conduct heat. Also in a mannequin there is no mechanism of heat
removal by internal cooling or sweating as in the case of a human being.

4 Because of the reduced area of the skin exposed to the fire in a clothed person, the human
physiological systems may work to reduce the effect of the heat flux on the exposed part
of the skin by carrying away heat and initiating other protective mechanisms, such as
sweating. That is, a partially clothed human body may withstand a higher heat flux
exposure than a completely naked body.

E.6.2 Recommendations

In the tests conducted not all parameters that could have been varied were actually varied or
when varied the range of variation was limited. Some of the parameters will have significant
influence on the results and need to be used in future tests. With this in mind the following
recommendations are made for future research.

1 Tests should be conducted with mannequins protected from fire during the periods when
no data are recorded. This will ensure that conditions that prevail in a sudden and
unexpected exposure of a person to LNG fire (in an accident scenario) can be duplicated

2 Human subject, if used, must be able to “cool off” or completely protected from fire
exposure (however small) before initiating additional data gathering trials.

3 Tests with hand held radiometer or strapped on radiometer must be designed such that the
instruments are capable of relaying the data captured by wireless to the computer at rates
exceeding 10 Hz. Wiring limits the ability of the person to ambulate to maintain the same
heat flux level. Wiring also limits the ability to move the mannequins quickly.

4 Future tests should be designed to move the mannequins easily (located on wheeled
trolleys) so that their location with respect to the fire can be changed quickly and easily.

5 Experiments similar to the ones conducted in this series need to be carried out with
bigger LNG fires for the following reasons. In a larger LNG fire,

 The distribution of radiant energy as a function of the spectral wavelength will be

different compared to that in a smaller fire due to soot effects in larger fires.

 The distance to 5 kW/m 2 heat flux location will be larger. Because of the larger
distance, the absorption of the IR in the atmospheric water vapor and CO2 bands will
be higher and could be significant. This may influence the ability of a person to

withstand an overall heat flux of 5 kW/m2 for longer duration because the spectrum
of energy incident on the skin will be devoid of energy in the water vapor and CO2

 A given wind speed has smaller effect on larger fires than on smaller diameter fires.
Therefore in a larger fire, a given wind speed will produce less variations in fire
plume tilt and, consequently, more steady incident heat flux.

Chapter 1

1.1 Background

The US Code of Federal Regulations, 49 CFR, Part 193.2057 refers to ‘Thermal radiation
protection’ from potential LNG fires in a LNG facility and states: “Each LNG container and
LNG transfer system must have a thermal exclusion zone in accordance with section of
NFPA 59A (2001) edition.” The determination of the exclusion zone distances, in NFPA 59A
(section, for people exposure, is based on using one of the following hazard criteria:

Table 1-1
Radiant heat exposure criteria in NFPA 59A
Magnitude of the maximum
radiant heat flux at the
specified location
(kW/m2) (Btu/ft2 hr)
At a property line that can be built upon for ignition of a design spill as
5.0 1,600
specified in §
At the nearest point located outside the owner’s property line that, at the
time of plant siting, is used for outdoor assembly by groups of 50 or more
5.0 1,600
persons for a fire over an impounding area containing a volume of LNG
determined in accordance with §
At the nearest point of the building or structure outside the owner’s property
line that is in existence at the time of plant siting and used for occupancies
classified by NPA 101 ‘Lire Safety Code”, as assembly, educational, health 9.0 3,000
care, detention and correction or residential for a fire over an impounding
area containing a volume of LNG determined in accordance with §

There has been considerable misinterpretation in the application of the above criteria in LNG
plant hazard assessment. In most hazard assessment calculations the 5 kW/m2 criterion is used
for determining the exclusion distance for people exposure hazard. However, this may not be
entirely appropriate. This is because the NFPA’s intent is to apply this radiant exposure criterion
only when calculating the distance to open areas where there is a likelihood of 50 or more
persons congregating at any one time. Unfortunately, the same criterion is used for exclusion
distance calculations even when there are less than 50 in an open area. Furthermore, this criterion
is also used to determine the hazard distance to residences (where people are within a building
for a very large part of the day). In fact, the NFPA 59A criterion that will be applicable to
residences and other covered buildings is the 9 kW/m2 and not 5 kW/m2. Also, the same
misapplication of the criteria occurs when used for calculating the hazard distance from (LNG)
pool fires caused by potential spill scenarios from ships.

Other important issues not addressed either by 49CFR, Part 193 or NFPA 59A are the duration
of exposure and the mitigating effects of passive parameters such as the shadow cast by an
object, high-rise buildings, trees, residences, or other obstructions, and the radiant heat

Page 1
attenuation by civilian clothing worn by people during their daily activities. It is known that
infrared (IR) radiant heat from a fire is felt only when there is a line of unobstructed sight
between the radiator (fire) and the receiver (person or object exposed). Any intervening object
effectively reduces or eliminates the effect of IR. One important fact that should be considered is
that all persons are clothed and, hence, the extent of injury that may be caused by exposure to
radiant heat will be reduced or eliminated depending upon the area of the body that is protected
by clothing (summer or winter attires), type, material and thickness of clothing, and the duration
of exposure.

1.2 Literature review

1.2.1 Burn injury hazard criteria

The 1979 edition of NFPA 59A stipulated (for the first time in the NFPA LNG Standard) the
hazard criterion for public exposure with a level of 5 kW/m2 (1600 Btu/ft2 hr). Table 1-2 shows
the language that appears in the 1979 edition of NFPA 59A and the substantiation provided for
introducing the criterion for people exposure. The substantiation does not provide the scientific
basis on which the magnitude of the thermal exposure flux (5 kW/m2) was stipulated.

1.2.2 Skin burn injury experiments

The implicit assumption in the development of the hazard exposure criteria indicated in Table 1-
1 is that a person may experience a reversible 2nd degree burn on the exposed portions of the
body if the exposure is longer than 30 seconds. This is based on the information in the medical
literature on human exposure tests, in the 1940s, in which a very small area (about 2 to 3 mm in
diameter) of the forearm skins of volunteers were exposed to different magnitudes of radiant heat
fluxes [Buttner, 1951]. Animals (specifically pigs) have also been used to determine the extent of
skin injury when exposed to different levels and durations of thermal radiation. Raj [1977] has
presented a review of the literature (available at that time) on skin burns and the criteria for burn
injury. More recently, Hockey & Rew [1996], and Sullivan and Jagger [2004] have reviewed the
literature on skin burns with a view to using the information in pool fire hazard modeling. These
data indicate that there are different approaches to specifying the criterion for burn injury to a
human skin exposed to radiant heat.

It is known from the medical literature that a 2nd degree burn occurs when the surface
temperature of the skin attains 55 oC, from its normal 37 oC, [Mehta, et al, 1973], and
subsequently the skin absorbs another 2 cal/cm2 (83.7 kJ/m2) energy. Hendler, et al [1958],
report tests conducted to determine the thermal properties of human skin exposed to radiant heat.
The average value of the thermal property (K C) for human skin is indicated as [18.92 ± 1.4] x
5 2 4 2
10 W s/m K . Stoll & Greene [1959] report tests in which the blackened forearms of human
2 2
subjects were exposed to radiant heat flux values ranging from 2 kW/m to 16.7 kW/m . Pain
sensations are reported to have been felt only when the receptors in the skin at a depth of 200 m
(0.2 mm) were elevated to a temperature of 43.2 oC. In addition, there are other medical
literature on the exposure of human skin and tissue (especially ocular tissue) to the harmful
effects of exposure to intense IR radiation. These experiments were conducted in the laboratory

Page 2
with the subject skin surface (fore arm) very close (of the order of a few centimeters) to the heat
source, which was a tungsten lamp, radiating very much like a black body. Experiments
conducted by Hardy [1956] in the 1950s with human skin exposed to different wavelengths of
light in the visible and near infrared indicated that (i) about 20% of the incident energy in the 0.5
to 1.5 m wavelength range gets reflected off the skin, and (ii) in the spectral wavelength range 1
to 2.4 m the skin appears to be almost non-absorbing except for the water vapor band

While a considerable body of literature seems to exist in medical journals on skin injury by
exposure to heat radiation from fires, these are misleading to the extent there have been no direct
measurement of skin injury or burns arising from the exposure of a human being at some
distance from a real, large size LNG or any other type of fire. All data that exist are based on
small, laboratory-scale tests, extrapolations from direct flame contact injuries and theoretical
modeling. Without minimizing the importance of the results that have been collected over the
past 6 decades, suffice it to say that there have been no documented evidence of any person
being injured, let alone being killed by exposure to any large fire radiant heat at a distance. As is
discussed below, other important phenomena associated with large fires occur, which have a
bearing on the potential for burn injury and the level of radiant heat flux at which these injuries
can occur.

1.2.3 Radiant heat energy spectrum from a LNG fire and skin burns

The spectrum of radiant heat received by an object at a distance from a large LNG fire may not
be represented completely as that from a black body emitter. This is because of the absorption of
radiant energy in selective bands by the atmospheric water vapor, carbon dioxide and other
molecules. Also, in large fires the black smoke formed due to incomplete combustion of the fuel
forms a shroud around the emitting surfaces of the fire thereby absorbing considerable quantity
of the emitted thermal radiation. The carbon and hydrogen (C & H) radicals in the smoke also
absorb selectively in bands in addition to the scattering of radiation by the smoke particles.
Hence, the spectrum of radiant energy incident on a subject at some distance from a large
hydrocarbon fire, such as an LNG fire, is considerably different from that of a black body
spectrum. Even for relatively short distances of a few tens of a meter, the incident energy
spectrum seems to be devoid of the radiant energy in the water vapor bands and show
considerable absorption in the CO2 bands [Malvos & Raj, 2006]. The peak energy in the
spectrum occurs at about 1.94  m for a LNG fire radiation, which is very close to water vapor
absorption band center wavelength.

The above results are very interesting when applied to the radiant heat from a LNG fire incident
on a skin at a significant distance from the fire. The incident fire spectrum is devoid of energy in
the water vapor bands and therefore there is no energy in the incident beam that can be absorbed
by the water in the skin, whereas a considerable energy in the 0.5 to 1.5 m wavelength range is
reflected and the rest of the incident energy is transmitted directly through the skin to the blood
without absorption. The upshot of these phenomena will be to significantly reduce the
temperature increase of the skin material and, hence, reduce the potential for skin burn even
when exposed to durations of 30 seconds or longer.

Page 3
Table 1-2
First-time Introduction of Thermal Radiation Hazard Criterion in NFPA
59A Standard

Page 4
It is uncertain what fraction of the body has to be exposed to a radiant heat from a fire (with the
incident energy spectrum devoid of water vapor band energy) before a serious injury to a person
could result in 30 seconds. Secondly, if the protection provided by clothing increases the time of
exposure by a significant duration beyond which burn injuries occur, then the response action by
emergency services or self initiated shelter seeking response by individuals could provide
sufficient protection against thermal injuries. Unfortunately, there do not seem be full-scale test
data of the protection provided by clothing when exposed to radiant heat from a large fire. The
information on clothing protection available in the literature is indicated below.

1.2.4 Effect of clothing on skin burn injury protection

Clothing normally worn by people can partly absorb, partly reflect and scatter incident thermal
radiation and thus protect the covered skin from experiencing the full intensity of the incident
radiation. Stoll and Chianta [1970] show that the time to produce “white” burns in rats, with a 4
mm air gap between a fabric and the skin increased by a factor of 3 compared to the time to
produce the same burn without the fabric. For large radiant heat flux levels (30 kW/m2, which
levels would be experienced when the person or an object is very close to a fire) the researchers
found that the absolute protection time provided by normal clothing (of 1 to 1.5 mm thickness)
was short and that much thicker (and multi layered) clothing, such as is worn during winter
months, was necessary to provide any burn protection. Theoretical work by Haskestad, et al.
[1971] shows that the thermal protection offered by the apparel depends upon the gap between
skin and the clothing, in addition to the thermal properties of the cloth itself. In these calculations
high heat flux levels (33.5 kW/m2) were used. No results are presented for low thermal flux
levels of interest (5 kW/m2) to this study. If the results are extrapolated to 5 kW/m2 intensity
level, the duration for charring of the cloth is found to be longer than 300 seconds. The source
characteristics used in these assessments were that of a black body.

From the above brief discussions on the characteristics of LNG fires, the spectrum of incident
radiation, effect of clothing, etc., it is seen that, unfortunately, no systematic evaluation of each
of these effects (individually and in combination) have been conducted with field experiments
with LNG fires or other hydrocarbon fires. Therefore, it is uncertain at present whether the 5
kW/m2 criterion in the NFPA 59A Standard and in 49 CFR Regulations is too conservative a
value for determining the (hazard) distance to potential skin burn hazard to people from large
LNG fires. It is further noted that the occurrence of a large LNG fire in any specified LNG
facility has an extremely low probability of realization. Also lacking are field test data indicating
the effectiveness of ordinary clothing that people wear during their normal activities and the
degree of protection that the clothing provides. It is with a view to developing such important
data that the tests indicated in this report were conducted.

1.3 Project Objectives

The objectives of the research indicated in this report were to determine:

1 The effectiveness of ordinary civilian clothing, both single layer and multi layer, in
attenuating the radiant heat flux from a LNG fire, at a level of 5 kW/m2 (1600 Btu/hr ft2) .

Page 5
That is, to determine the fraction of the heat flux incident on the clothing that actually
reaches the persons skin covered by the clothing.

2 The reduction in the heat flux reaching the person when shaded by simple objects such as a
thin newspaper sheet held in front.

3 The level of heat flux that a human being dressed in normal civilian clothes can withstand
without significant pain or suffering skin burn injury and the duration over which such heat
fluxes can be withstood.

Although the 3rd objective was not part of the original design of the tests, the project manager
(and author of this report) utilized the opportunity to volunteer and test the adequacy and validity
of current correlations in the medical and LNG hazards assessment literature on the degree of
tolerability of radiant heat fluxes and the duration of safe exposure without suffering skin burns.

The experiments conducted to fulfill the above objectives are described in the following
chapters. Chapter 2 provides the details of the tests facility, the equipment and instruments used,
instrument calibration results, and details of the clothing and mannequins used in the tests. In
Chapter 3 are indicated the types and number of tests conducted, data gathered, analyses of the
results gathered and the principal findings. Chapter 4 includes the conclusions and
recommendations from the study.

Page 6
Chapter 2

Description of Equipment and Tests

2.1 Test facility

A series of tests involving the ignition of a pool of LNG in a dike during its steady state
evaporation was conducted at the test and firemen training facility of the Department of Fire
Services (DFS), Commonwealth of Massachusetts in Stow, MA. These tests were performed in
conjunction with the training of firemen from Everett, MA to respond and manage a LNG pool
fire on land. The opportunity presented by the live LNG fire training of firemen was utilized to
obtain important data on the effects of radiant heat from a field size LNG pool fire.

The DFS facility consists of several buildings for administrative and classrooms, and also a field
test and training area encompassing about 10 acres. A part of the training ground surface
(200,000 sq.ft. area) is paved. Also, the training facility has a number of fire test buildings,
equipment, water drafting pit and other resources suitable for conducting fire experiments.
Figure 2-1 shows one view of the test facility including the LNG fire test dike and the
observation tower. Figure 2-2 shows, schematically, a plan view of the test facility including the
observation tower location and the location of the test dike in relation to the observation tower
and the LNG storage tank. Figure 2-3 shows the details of the concrete floor, sand wall dike.
Figure 2-4 shows the depth gauge showing the depth of the dike floor from the end section of the
fill pipe.

The LNG fires were conducted in an approximate square dike of top dimensions 10.5 ft x 10.5 ft
and bottom dimensions 8 ft x 8 ft, built over a concrete surface. Figure 1 shows a schematic view
of the test dike. The walls of the dike were made of wet sand and sloped both into the dike and
outside the dike.

LNG stored in a tank about 1000 ft away from the dike was pumped under the tank pressure and
spilled into the dike through the spill pipe shown in Figure 2-5. About 500 gallons of LNG was
spilled into the dike over a period of about 10 minutes. Part of the spilled liquid was allowed to
boil from the heat transfer from the dike floor and the liquid wetted walls. The moisture in the
sandy walls of the dike would freeze forming a self-sustaining, impervious, refractory dike wall.
The vapors produced by liquid boiling were dispersed using two fire-hose streams directed at the
vapors outside the dike. Ignition of the pool was initiated only after the liquid boiling was
reduced to such a level that one could actually go near the dike and see the liquid pool inside the
dike. The depth of LNG in the dike at the time of quiescent boiling (steady state evaporation due
to atmospheric convective heat leak), and just before ignition, ranged from 10 inches to 13
inches. At a liquid depth of 13 inches the horizontal dimensions of the liquid surface was
calculated to be 10 ft x 10 ft. After each fire test, parts of the dike wall that spalled due to heat
were re-built with wet sand.

Page 7
Figure 2-1: View of the dike, the LNG fill-pipe and the observation tower

Figure 2-2: Schematic diagram of the test site plan view, location of observation
gallery and LNG fire dike

Page 8
Figure 2-3: Close-in view of the 10 ft x 10 ft (top) dike with concrete-floor
and sand-walls

Figure 2-4: Dike depth illustrated with a ruler

Page 9
Figure 2-5: Schematic diagram of the dike with dimensions

Page 10
2.2 Parameters measured in the tests

A number of parameters were measured in the tests. The instruments used for gathering these
data are described in section 2.3. The measured parameters included (i) the local meteorological
conditions (temperature, wind speed and direction, and relative humidity), (ii) the incident
radiative heat flux and its temporal variation at the location of mannequins (measurements both
outside the clothing and inside the clothing), and (iii) the closest distance to the fire reached by a
person and duration of exposure at about a radiant heat flux level of 5 kW/m2.

2.3 Materials, instruments and other equipment used

2.3.1 Mannequins:
In order to assess the effectiveness of ordinary clothing in attenuating the radiant heat flux to a
person exposed to about 5 kW/m2 heat flux level, two mannequins were used in each of the tests.
The mannequins were made of fiberglass and represented the average size of a person. Figure 2-
6 shows the male and female mannequins used in the tests. The mannequins are made of
fiberglass and are supported on a glass pedestal with a single vertical stem inserted into a hole
cut out at the back of the leg.

The mannequins were used in the tests without arms (to facilitate the ease of clothing them in the
field) and clothed both on the chest (shirts) and on the legs (pants). Tests were conducted with
single layer clothing and double layer clothing. Additional details of the tests are indicated in
Chapter 3.

Figure 2-6: Picture of the fiberglass mannequins used in the field


Page 11
2.3.2 Clothing used in the tests

The clothing for the mannequins were purchased from a department store and represented the
normal civilian clothing worn by men and women during most of spring or summer. The
selection was at random and did not represent any particular brand of clothing or fabric material.
The male clothing purchased consisted of a pair of full sleeve outer shirts (one white and the
other black) and a white cotton undershirt and light brown pants. The female clothing consisted
of somewhat tighter clothing including a green inner shirt (half sleeve) and a red outer (full
sleeve) shirt and appropriate pants. The outer shirt was found to fit the female mannequin tightly
so that the outer and inner shirts would be very close compared to that in the male clothing.
Other details of the clothing used in the tests including the fabric thickness are indicated in Table

In each of the tests the principal investigator of the project (Dr. Raj) approached the LNG fire
wearing normal civilian clothing to determine the radiant heat flux level he could withstand (and
the duration of exposure) without suffering any burns or permanent skin damage. The details of
the clothing worn by this investigator are also indicated in Table 2-1.

In a few tests single sheet of a newspaper and double sheets of a newspaper were used to
determine the effect of thin sheets of paper on the attenuation of radiant heat flux. Single sheet of
newspaper used had a thickness of 0.076 mm (3x10-3 in) and double sheets total thickness (as
squeezed by the micrometer) was 0.147 mm (5.8x10-3 in).

2.3.3 Wide-angle Radiometers:

Two types of wide-angle radiometers were used in the tests. These included (i) Medtherm
infrared radiometer [model 32R (ZnSe)-1-0-394-21325A], and (ii) Medtherm heat flux
transducer [Model # 32F-1-394-21037]. The detailed dimensions, specifications and calibrations
of these radiometers are indicated in Appendix A. One radiometer was located just under the
chin of the mannequin and the other 5 cm (2 inch) below.

Two radiometers (see description of the radiometers in the next section) were placed on each of
the mannequins, one essentially on the chest and the other slightly below the chin. The
radiometer under the chin was the MedTherm infrared radiometer (model 21325A). The one on
the chest was the MedTherm heat flux transducer (model # 21037). Both radiometers were
attached to a vertical aluminum bracket which itself was attached by bolts to the body of the
mannequins. The locations of the radiometers on the mannequins are shown in Figure 2-7A and
Figure 2-7B, respectively for the male and female mannequin.

The radiometer under the chin was placed as to protrude outside the clothing, by about 5 cm (2
inches). The radiometer on the chest was essentially flush with the bracket surface, which itself
was about 1 cm ( ½ inch) from the “skin” surface of the mannequins. In addition, the chest
radiometer was covered by clothing in front of it and therefore would receive and measure only
the radiant heat flux that penetrated through the clothing. The vertical distance between the two
radiometers was 5 cm (2 inches). The locations of the radiometers vertically above the local
ground are indicated in Table 2-2.

Page 12
Table 2-1: Details of the clothing used in the tests (on mannequins and
human subject)

Exposed Garment Garment Garment Thickness of garment

subject color fabric location (mm)
White 0.320 & 0.292
Cotton Inner
undershirt Mean = 0.306
Mean thickness over button flap =
“US Polo”
Male 1.041
White full Cotton Outer
Mannequin Mean thickness in other areas =
sleeve shirt
Black, full 65% polyester 0.635 & 0.660 on the button fold
sleeve shirt 35% Cotton 0.198 & 0.196 on rest of the shirt
60% Cotton & 0.259, 0.30, & 0.30
Dark green Inner
40 % Modal Mean = 0.286
Female 0.302, 0.363, 0.279, 0.320
Mannequin Red, full 60% Cotton & Mean = 0.316
sleeve 40 % Modal Collar border thickness = 2.433
mm. Width of border = 1 cm.
Cotton Inner 0.254 mm (mean)
Mean thickness over button flap =
60% Cotton & 0.702
Gray full Outer
40 % Polyester Mean thickness in other areas =
sleeve shirt
Human Mean thickness over button flap =
Light green
(Dr. Raj) 60% Cotton & 0.676
full sleeve Outer
40 % Polyester Mean thickness in other areas =
Washed light Mean thickness at thigh position =
-- Outer
blue jeans 0.787 mm
Light brown 65 % Polyester Mean thickness at thigh position =
pants & 35% Rayon 0.309

Table 2-2: Locations of the two types of radiometers on the mannequins

Location of radiometer
Type of Height above
Type of radiometer Remarks
Mannequin Position ground
Infrared radiometer, MedTherm
Under the Protruding outside the
Model 21325A with 1 mm thick 155.1
chin clothing by about 5 cm.
Male Zn-Se window.
Heat flux transducer, Placed between the skin
On the chest 150.0
MedTherm model # 21037. and the inner clothing
Infrared radiometer, MedTherm
Under the Protruding outside the
Model 21325A with 1 mm thick 146.0
chin clothing by about 5 cm.
Female Zn-Se window.
Heat flux transducer, Placed between the skin
On the chest 140.9
MedTherm model # 21037. and the inner clothing

Page 13
Figure 2-7A: Male mannequin Figure 2-7B: Female mannequin

Figure 2-7: Picture showing the locations of radiometers outside and

inside the clothing of mannequins

2.3.4 Handheld radiometer

A handheld radiometer was also used in these tests. This radiometer, made by the Hukseflux
Thermal Sensors B.V., of Netherlands (model # HF03) with digital readout unit (model LI18)
displays the incident radiant heat flux value in real time on the screen. The range of the
instrument is 0 to 10 kW/m2. The instrument averages the input radiant heat flux over 0.1 s
intervals and displays the data on the screen. The instrument and the method of use are
illustrated in Figure 2-8

The readout unit can also be connected by a serial port to a computer; however, the in-built
program records the data only once every 10 seconds and provides the average heat flux over the
10 s interval. This unfortunately is not accurate enough to record the fast changing variations in
the heat flux level during the exposure of a person over a short time interval (of the order of 30
seconds) to a LNG fire in variable wind conditions. This is especially unfortunate when trying to
understand the effect on a person exposed (as closely as possible to the regulatory criterion heat
flux of 5 kW/m2) under varying heat flux conditions caused by wind-induced variability in the
fire plume tilt and direction (resulting in fast changing radiant heat flux value at the observer

Page 14
Figure 2-8: Handheld radiometer and illustration of its use in the field

2.3.5 Thermocouples
o o
Several type J (32 F to 1000 F) thermocouples were used to measure temperatures at different
locations during the tests. These locations included, (i) atmospheric air temperature just in front
of the mannequins, (ii) temperature just above (1- 2 mm) the outer clothing of the mannequins,
(iii) temperature in the space in between the skin of the mannequin and the inside surface of the
inner clothing. The types and specifications of thermocouples used are indicated in Appendix A.

It is noted that no special care was taken to identify the exact location of the beads of the
thermocouples. For example, the thermocouple “in contact” with the outer surface of the outer
clothing of the mannequin was some time touching the clothing and some times one or two
millimeter above the surface. Similarly, the “inner” thermocouple behind the inner clothing was
placed behind the clothing. It is not therefore certain whether this thermocouple read the
temperature of the air between the mannequin skin and the inner clothing surface or the skin
temperature of the mannequin.

Dr. Raj also used a thermocouple close to his skin during his tests to determine the maximum
radiant heat that he could withstand. This thermocouple was placed behind the undershirt close
to his chest. Very likely, the thermocouple was touching his skin; it could also have been
measuring the air temperature between his skin and the clothing, or the inner surface temperature
of the underclothing.

Page 15
2.3.6 Meteorological tower

The atmospheric temperature, wind speed and relative humidity near the test site were measured
using the Vantage Pro2TM Plus weather station manufactured by Davis Instruments of Hayward,
CA. The meteorological data instruments were on a tripod and located about 2 m above the local
ground. The station was located at an approximate distance of 30 m (100 ft) from the center of
the fire so that any micro-meteorological effects created by the fire did not influence the
atmospheric data gathered by the instrument. The data gathered by the instruments were down
linked, in real time, by radio communication to and stored in a data display console (Vantage
Pro2TM Console). The data were stored at 1second intervals. The stored data were downloaded
through a USB connection between the console and a laptop computer at the end of the day.
Additional details of the weather instruments are provided in Appendix A.

2.3.7 Other instruments

The data from thermocouples and radiometers were fed to a National Instrument Data
Acquisition and Control Module (Model # NI-SCXI-1600). The input into the module was
through 32-channel, milliVolt signal amplifier (Model # NI-SCXI-1102), which mates with the
Channel Isothermal Terminal Block (Model # NI-SCXI-1303). The data acquisition module
(DAQ) receives the input milliVolt DC signals, conditions and digitizes the signals. These data
together with internal clock generated time data are fed to a laptop computer through a USB port.

The digital data are stored and displayed using the LabVIEW™ software system developed by
National Instruments. This software tool is used in the industry for design development, control
and testing of data systems. The system provides built-in I/O and interactive user interface
controls for data acquisition, manipulation, display and plotting as well as active control of the
equipment based on the value of the data. Additional details of the DAQ are provided in
Appendix A.

2.4 Description of Test Procedure

Most of the LNG fire tests were conducted in conjunction with the firemen training program
during which the firemen were provided hands-on training in approaching and extinguishing a
LNG pool fire on land with dry chemical powder and also in vapor control using fine spray water
nozzles. Radiant heat flux measurements were made during the initial part of the firemen training
when the fire was not “polluted” by any extinguishing agents.

Table 2-3 provides information on the test dates, number of test conducted, the weather
conditions at the time of each test and other relevant information. The tests of 10/21 and 11/2
were conducted exclusively for the sake of taking radiant heat exposure data (no associated
firemen training). Table 2-4 indicates the conditions of the test and the mannequin clothing
parameters that were used in the tests.

Page 16
Table 2-3: Summary of test conditions

# of LNG Atm. Mean
Dates Test duration Relative
of in the Air wind Weather condition & other
in begin of each Humidity
fire dike at Temp speed Remarks
2006 time (1) fire test o (%)
tests ignition ( F) (kph)
Bright sunny day. Low winds.
Fires lit primarily for the
09/25 14:00 - 30 NA 63 60 1-3 training of firemen. [Tests
conducted to check out the
instruments. No data taken].
Cumulus clouds, otherwise
09/28 13:30 2 30 NA 70 55 1 –6
bright sun.
10/05 14:00 1 30 13 71 31 3.0
10/19 13:25 2 30 13 61 61 1-2
Blue sky. Very gusty winds.
2, 6, 13,
10/21 10:45 2 30 14 49 49 Highly variable directions of
It rained in the morning. At
the time of the test initiation
11/02 13:30 1 30 14 47 75 1-6
the sky was clear, but gusty
winds and variable direction
Note: (1) Number of fire tests implies the number of times the pool was ignited to form a pool fire.

In each test the following test procedure steps were followed.

1 The distances from the center of the dike were measured and traffic cones were set up at 20
ft, 30 ft, 40 ft and 50 ft from the center of the dike2. These distances were set off in a
direction perpendicular to the direction of the wind at the time of the test.

2 The instrumented mannequins were set up initially and temporarily at about 30 ft distance
up-wind from the fire center. Before recording data, and after the fire was lit these
mannequins were moved to a location where the handheld radiometer indicated a heat flux
level close to 5 kW/m2.

3 About 4 m3 (1000 gallons) was continuously spilled into the dike over a period of about 15
minutes. The spill was through the spill pipe at the center of the dike, which was connected
to a LNG tank located about 150 m (500 ft) away, on the farther side of the observation deck.

4 The vapors generated during the spill were managed by directing two water hose streams on
both sides of the dikes to warm the vapors and to disperse them away from the dike (and the
visitor deck) into the woods behind the dike. Care was taken to ensure that no water spray
from the stream actually went into the dike with LNG in it.

Only in the test of 9/25 the traffic cones were set up at 10, 20, 30 and 40 ft distance from the edge of the dike.

Page 17
5 When the boiling was reduced significantly (about 30 minutes after the initiation of the spill)
and the vapor generation was at a minimum, the dike was approached and the relatively
quiescent liquid pool depth was noted.

6 A fireman with a propane torch with a long stem effected the ignition of the pool.

7 Simultaneously, the recording of the data from the radiometers was initiated on the laptop

8 Dr. Raj (the experimenter), in civilian clothes and holding the hand held radiometer at the
navel level and with the plane of the heat flux sensing element about 6 inches in front of him,
approached the fire. A fireman in bunker gear accompanied Dr. Raj, and was always by his
side. This was intended to provide the experimenter assistance and aid in an emergency, if
one occurred. The experimenter approached the fire until the radiometer read 5 kW/m 2.
Because of the wind effects and the constant shifting of the fire plume in different directions,
he would move forward or backward trying to maintain the reading on the handheld
radiometer as close to 5 kW/m2 as was possible. Figure 2-9 shows a picture of Dr. Raj
approaching the fire accompanied by a fireman next to him. Figure 2-10 shows the location
(at the cone 30 ft from the dike center) when the handheld radiometer was reading 5 kW/m2
heat flux.

9 In general, the data-taking phase of the fire test was about 5 to 10 minutes.

10 When data gathering was completed the firemen training would begin with the demonstration
of the proper use of dry chemical extinguishing agent on a burning pool of LNG.

11 If significant depth of LNG was still available, steps 5 through 9 were repeated. In some
cases the dike was again filled after allowing sufficient time for it to cool after a fire test.

Figure 2-11 shows the details of how the Medtherm radiometers are strapped on to the author. In
addition, Figure 2-12 shows another view of the author in civilian clothes approaching the fire
with the Medtherm radiometers being strapped on to him.

Page 18
Table 2-4: Parameters varied in the tests

from dike Test
in Test parameters/conditions
2006 center #
32 1 Double layer clothed mannequins exposed to radiant heat
2 Inner radiometer on male mannequin on the stomach looking through the button
28 Sep
40 flap on the shirt. Inner radiometer on female mannequin on the stomach looking
3 through the bulge of the two layers of tight fit clothing.
1 Double layer clothing – Only male mannequin used. Also Raj Exposure: with
40 2 half sleeve white shirt and undershirt. Only body temperature data recorded
5 Oct 3 (malfunction of radiometer on Raj)
Raj exposure: Heat flux data recorded from handheld radiometer. Frequency of
25 - 35 4
recording only once in 10 s, not very accurate.
Exposure of double layer clothed mannequins to radiant heat
Inner radiometer on male mannequin looking through thicker part of the button
flap. Inner radiometer on female mannequin looking through the thicker neck
30 border of blouse.
19 Oct Raj also exposed but only body temperature data recorded (button type
radiometers failed to work).
2 Single layer clothing on mannequins (white shirt on make and red blouse on
40 3 female) + Raj exposure- recorded only temperature data.
30 - 40 4 Raj exposure: Hand held radiometer data recorded. 2 trials of exposure
1 Exposure of double layer clothed mannequins to radiant heat
21 Oct 31 2 Single layer of undershirt clothing only on the mannequins
Single layer of undershirt clothing only on the mannequins + single sheet
3 newspaper in front of one of the mannequin radiometers
4 Exposure of Raj : Body temperature data only (Radiometers did not work)
21 Oct 25 – 32 5 Exposure of Raj with Medtherm radiometer + body temperature measurements
6 Exposure of Raj with Medtherm radiometer + body temperature measurements
Double layer clothed mannequins exposed to radiant heat
Inner radiometer on male mannequin looking through thinner parts of clothes.
Inner radiometer on female mannequin looking through the thicker neck border
of blouse.
A single sheet of newspaper is held in front of female mannequin for some time.
2 Nov 30 Both mannequins had double layer clothing
Two sheets of newspaper held in front of female mannequin. Both mannequins
had double layer clothing
Single layer clothing on the mannequins. Also, long duration (300 s) exposure of
4 the female mannequin ou ter radiometer obscured by one and two sheets of
newspaper in front
Exposure of Raj with Medtherm radiometer on the shoulder level, outside of two
2 Nov 25 – 35 5 layers of clothing (long sleeve outer shirt and inner white undershirt). No
mannequin data taken during these tests.
Note: (1) Double layer of clothing on male mannequin = White outer shirt + white undershirt
(2) Double layer of clothing on female mannequin = Red blouse outside + green undershirt + bra
(3) Single layer of clothing on male mannequin = White outer shirt
(4) Single layer of clothing on female mannequin = Green undershirt + bra
(5) Tests were video filmed only on 09/28, 10/05 and 11/02.

Page 19
Figure 2-9: The author approaching the fire holding the handheld

Figure 2-10: A location where the handheld radiometer indicated a

5 kW/m2 radiant heat flux (at about 30 ft from dike center)

Page 20
Figure 2-11: Picture showing the strapping arrangement of the
Medtherm fast acting radiometers onto the author

Figure 2-12: Another view of the author in civilian clothes facing the fire at the
location of 5 kW/m heat flux (at about 30 ft from dike center)

Page 21
Chapter 3
Experimental data from
mannequin & human exposure to LNG fire
In this chapter the data gathered in this test series are indicated and the results are discussed.
Three types of tests were conducted, namely, (i) Exposure of mannequins clothed with civilian
clothing to the radiant heat flux from a LNG fire. The radiant heat fluxes outside the clothing and
in between the inner clothing and the mannequin skin were measured. (ii) Effect of obstruction
by one or more sheets of a newspaper in front of the mannequins on the radiant flux incident
outside the clothing, and (iii) Exposure of a human being wearing normal civilian clothing to the
radiant heat flux from the fire to determine the level of radiant flux that can be tolerated without
any injuries and the duration of such exposure.

3.1 Mannequin exposure tests: Radiant heat attenuation by clothing

A number of trials were conducted to determine the effectiveness of ordinary civilian clothing in
attenuating radiant heat transmission through the clothing. The purpose of the experiments was
to obtain baseline data on the effectiveness of ordinary clothing worn by people in their daily

The effectiveness of clothing in single layer configuration (outer shirt or undershirt only) and
double layer configuration (outer shirt + undershirt) were investigated. A male mannequin and a
female mannequin with the above configuration of clothing were used. The difference between
the male and female mannequin lies in how the clothing was worn by each mannequin; the male
clothing was loose fitting (with the outer shirt hanging out of the pant) and the female
mannequin’s outer shirt was tucked inside the pant. In addition, the female mannequin clothing
were of the tight fitting kind thereby reducing the air gap between the inner and outer clothing
(when the inner clothing was used). No measurement was made of the size of the air gap
between the inner clothing and the skin of the mannequins or between the inner and outer

The scope of the study was limited due to the constraints of time and budget. The data gathered
was limited to that from one type and one color of clothing on each mannequin. No attempt was
made to use clothing of different thicknesses, different colors, weaves, material, types (summer,
winter, etc) or systematic variation in the width of the air-gap between inner and outer clothing.

Both the male and female mannequins were located at a fixed distance (from the fire center) in
each test and the radiant heat incident on the outside and inside the clothing were recorded. In
general, tests were conducted with (i) two layers of clothing (outer shirt and inner undershirt) on
both mannequins, and (ii) single layer clothing, with either only the outer garment or only the
inner garment. The location of the inner radiometer was such that in different tests, its line of
sight would go through either the thinner parts of the clothing or through the thicker button flap

The exposure of the human subject did not result in any temporary or permanent injury (to the exposed skin or
to any other part of the body) during or after the completion of each test.

Page 22
of the outer shirt. Tests were also conducted to determine the effect of a simple object, such as a
newspaper (one or two sheets) held in front of the mannequins obstructing the radiant heat input
to the outer radiometer. In these tests the radiant heat flux incident on the outside of the clothing
and incident on the (mannequin) skin protected by the clothing was measured as a function of
time. Also measured were the temperature of the air, temperature just above the outer clothing
and temperature between the “skin” and the inner garment.

Table 3.1 summarizes the parameters varied in the tests conducted with clothing on the
mannequins and exposure of the mannequins to a LNG fire.

3.2 Results from tests of exposure of clothed mannequins to LNG fire

The raw heat flux data from the Medtherm wide-angle radiometers (located outside the clothing
and in between the skin and inner clothing of the mannequins) were recorded at 0.1 s intervals.
Also recorded in most cases were temperature data from three thermocouples located on the
outside of the clothing to measure the air temperature, very close to the outer shirt surface, and
between the “skin” and the inner garment. These data have been processed and plotted. The data
for all tests are presented in Appendix C in the form of graphs of radiant heat flux vs. time, and
temperatures recorded at different parts of the mannequins vs. time.

It is found that the heat flux recorded by the outside radiometer is always higher than that
recorded by the radiometer whose view is obstructed by the clothing. That is, the clothing
material attenuates the radiant heat flux going through it by absorption. Other effects that may be
occurring at the clothing include radiant heat reflection and scattering. The attenuation factor
(AF) for the effectiveness of clothing of different thickness is defined as follows:

AF (Attenuation factor) = Ratio of Radiant heat flux recorded by the radiometer in front
of the clothing to that recorded by the radiometer behind the
clothing (in between the skin and the inner clothing) (1)

In the graphs presented in Appendix C, the value of the attenuation factor (AF) is also plotted
as a function of time for all tests. Also provided in Appendix C are the data for the attenuation
factors for newspaper sheets (held in front of the radiometers).

In all tests, the two mannequins (male and female) were located side by side at the same
distance from the fire center. The difference between the clothing on the male and the female
mannequins (in addition to colors of the clothing) was in the looseness of fit. In the case of the
male mannequin the clothing was loose (outer shirt not always tucked into the pant), whereas
the clothing on the female mannequin was always tight (outer shirt tucked into the pant). It is
hypothesized that because of the loose fitting clothing on the male mannequin, the air gap
between the outer shirt and the inner undershirt was thicker than in the case of the female

Figure 3-1 shows a typical temporal record of the radiometers outside and inside the clothing for
the male mannequin. Figure 3-2 shows the same type of record for the female mannequin. The
results in both these figures indicate the radiometer readings (outside the clothing and inside the

Page 23
Table 3.1: Test details of the exposure of clothed mannequins to LNG fire

Mean Distance to Description of clothing on the

Test Expo- mannequins mannequins
Date in sure from fire Remarks
height Male Female
2006 test # center
[m] [m] Outer Inner Outer Inner
1 5.1 9.8
White Green Inner radiometers at stomach level
2 4.2 12.2 White Red
09/28 under- under-
shirt shirt Radiometer data not recorded.
3 5.1 12.2 shirt shirt
Instrument malfunction
1 7.2 12.2 White
White Mannequin not Inner radiometers just below chin
10/05 2 6.6 12.2 under-
shirt used level
3 5.5 12.2 shirt
The data from the inner
White Green radiometers on both the male and
White Red
1 9.8 under- under- female mannequin are suspected to
shirt shirt
shirt shirt be erroneous. The wiring may have
been loose.
10/19 White Green
2 9.8 Not used under- Not used under- Radiometers on the chest
shirt shirt
White Green
3 12.2 Not used under- Not used under- Radiometer data recording failure
shirt shirt
Inner radiometer on the male
mannequin viewing through two
White Green thin clothing layers(black outer +
White Red
1 under- under- white inner) . Inner radiometer on
shirt shirt
shirt shirt the female mannequin viewing
through the undershirt and button
flap of the outer clothing.
Only the inner shirts were used.
2 White Green Test 2: No newspaper shield used
Not used under- Not used under- Test 3: Single sheet newspaper
3 shirt shirt held in front of both radiometers
on the male mannequin
Inner radiometer on the male
mannequin viewing through two
1 6.7 9.7 thin clothing layers. Inner
radiometer on the female
mannequin viewing through the
undershirt and button flap of the
White Green
White Red outer clothing. Also, briefly one
2 5.0 9.3 under- under-
shirt shirt and two sheets of a newspaper was
shirt shirt
11/02 held in front of the outer
radiometer of the female
3 5.1 8.4 Test 1: No newspaper
Test 2: One sheet of newspaper
Test 3: Two sheets of newspaper
Both single sheet and two sheets of
White Red
4 5.0 8.8 newspapers were used in the same
shirt shirt
test at different times.

Page 24
inner clothing) for the case in which both mannequins had double layers of clothing. The inner
radiometer reading can be interpreted as that radiant heat flux incident on the skin of the
mannequin. The difference between the two mannequins are that in the case of the male
mannequin (Figure 3-1) the inner radiometer view is through the two thin sections of the
undershirt and the outer shirt, whereas in the case of the female mannequin (Figure 3-2) the
inner radiometer view is through the thinner undershirt and the thicker outer shirt collar
material. From the two figures it is evident that the outer radiometers read the same heat flux
(as it should be because the mannequins were located at the same distance from the fire center
and next to each other), whereas the inner radiometers read different fluxes. The attenuation
factor in the case of the female mannequin (with thicker cloth through which the radiant heat
flux has to go through) is higher than in the case of the male mannequin. That is, the thicker
the clothing material, the higher is the attenuation of the radiant heat flux.

Table 3-2 provides the details of the data collected on the mannequin exposure to LNG fire
heat flux. This shows the statistical average and standard deviation values (over the duration of
exposure) of the incident heat flux, and the average and standard deviation of the measured
attenuation factor. The condition of exposure and the thickness of the clothing through which
the inner radiometer “looks through” are also indicated. Figure 3-3 summarizes the statistical
data on the attenuation factor plotted as a function of the cloth thickness. A few anomalous
data are also indicated. Based on the results presented in Figure 3-3, the following dimensional
correlation is obtained for the clothing attenuation factor (for the clothing used in these tests)

AF = 1.82 + 0.875 * t (2)

where, t is the clothing thickness in millimieters.

Figure 3-1: A sample record of radiometer data from the male mannequin

Page 25
Figure 3-2: A sample record of radiometer data from the female mannequin

Figure 3-3: Radiant heat flux attenuation factor vs. clothing thickness

Page 26
Table 3.2: Attenuation factors for different thickness clothing at different exposure levels

time interval
Overall for heat flux Attenuation factor
clothing outside from inner & outer
Test Date Test Mannequin and radiant
Inner radiometer view through thickness(1) attenuation radiometer data Remarks
in 2006 # type heat flux
(mm) (s) (kW/m2) (Mean) (Std. Dev)
1 Inner & outer clothing over the 1.347 0-100 2.0 5.73 0.76 Normal air gap between inner
Male belly. View through outer button
2 1.347 0-20 1.0 7.11 0.68 and outer clothing
9/28 1 0.602 0-100 2.0 2.33 0.20 Inner & outer clothing layers
Inner & outer clothing over the
very close and tight. Inner
Female belly. View through thinner parts
2 0.602 0-20 1.0 1.97 0.64 radiometer bulging on the two
of both clothing
1 Double layer clothing. Inner 1.347 15 - 300 3.92 ± 1.1 2.86 0.50
radiometer view through the outer
10/5 2 Male shirt button flap 1.347 0 - 40 3.75 ± 0.31 3.23 0.29 Radiometers at chest level
Only outer shirt. View through
3 1.041 0 - 120 2.97 ± 1.41 2.71 0.65
button flap.

Only inner white undershirt used..

2 Male 0.306 0 - 70 6.81 ± 0.94 1.71 0.46
View through thin part of clothing
10/19 Radiometers at chest level
Only inner green undershirt used.
2 Female 0.286 0 - 70 6.81 ± 0.94 1.76 0.13
View through thin part of clothing

Black outer + white under shirt.

10/21 1 Two thin parts of the clothing in 0.503 0 - 290 3.9 ± 0.7 2.60 0.30
Male series Radiometers at chest level
2 0.306 0 - 250 3.8 ± 0.6 2.20 0.30
White undershirt only
3 0.306 0 - 66 3.6 ± 0.5 2.60 0.50

Page 27
Black outer + green under shirt.
1 View through button flap of outer 0.931 0 - 290 4.2 ± 0.7 5.40 1.50
Female black shirt. Radiometers at chest level
2 0.286 0 - 250 3.9 ± 0.6 3.60 1.00
Green undershirt only
3 0.286 0 - 350 4.0 ± 0.6 2.90 0.80
1 0.619 0 - 170 4.21 ± 0.73 2.17 0.25
Double layers. View through thin
2 0.619 0 - 50 4.49 ± 0.3 2.05 0.14
parts of the clothing
3 Male 0.619 0 - 55 4.68 ± 0.87 2.34 0.22 Radiometers at chest level
Single outer shirt only. View
4 0.306 0 - 300 4.16 ± 1.14 1.91 0.14
through the thin part of the shirt
1 Double layers. View through 2.719 0 - 170 3.93 ± 0.64 3.74 0.61
collar border thickness on outer
2 2.719 28 - 50 4.13 ± 0.45 4.31 0.62
and thin part of the inner clothing
Double layer clothing. View
3 0.619 41.5 - 55 5.36 ± 0.21 5.35 0.44
through thin parts of the clothing
Female Radiometers at chest level
Single layer outer red shirt only.
View possibly changed during
4 test, initially through the collar 0.316 0 - 15.5 3.7 ± 0.46 2.57 0.58
flap and later through the thin part
of the clothing

Page 28
3.3 Data from tests with newspaper sheets
Tests were conducted by placing one and two sheets of a newspaper at about 5 cm (2 inches) in
front of the outside radiometer. The size of the newspaper sheet was about 30 cm x 30 cm and
this sheet was held on a coat-hanger wire frame. During the experiment it was ensured that the
newspaper obstructed the view of only one outsider radiometer (of the two mannequins) with the
other on-obstructed outside radiometer (on the other mannequin) measuring the radiant heat flux
value at the location of the mannequins. Tests were repeated with and without the newspaper to
ensure that both outside radiometers were measuring the same heat flux when unobstructed.

Figure 3-4 shows a typical radiant heat flux record of the unobstructed radiometer and that of the
radiometer in whose front the newspaper sheet was held. The considerable decrease in the heat
flux behind the newspaper can be clearly seen even in the case of a single sheet of newspaper (of
thickness 0.076 mm (3x10-3 inches). Other data from newspaper obstruction are indicated in
Appendix C.

Figure 3-4: Attenuation of radiant heat flux by a single sheet of newspaper

Table 3-3 summarizes the newspaper sheet attenuation factor values obtained in the tests and the
heat flux values to which the sheets were exposed. The same data are plotted in Figure 3-5.

It is seen that the even a single sheet of newspaper provides a substantial reduction in the radiant
heat flux. That is, a single sheet can provide a substantial relief from exposure to radiant heat
flux from a fire. The attenuation factor increases as the newssheet thickness increases. Also, it is
seen that the attenuation factor is dependent upon the magnitude of the heat flux; as the heat flux
value increases, the attenuation factor decreases indicating the decrease in the shielding
effectiveness of the newspaper sheet at higher exposure levels. It is noted that at the level of
concern for human exposure (5 kW/m ) the attenuation factor for a single sheet is about 5.

Table 3.3: Attenuation factors for different thickness of
newspaper sheets
time interval
Overall for heat flux Attenuation factor
Radiant heat
Test Date Test newssheet and from inner & outer
thickness(1) attenuation flux radiometer data Remarks
in 2006 #
(mm) (s) (kW/m ) (Mean) (Std. Dev)
2A 0.076 22 - 35 6.22 ± 0.67 3.58 1.74 1 sheet of newspaper
2B 0.147 48 - 57 6.54 ± 0.33 4.29 2.04 2 sheets of newspaper
3A 66 - 186 4.1 ± 0.5 5.40 1.00
10/21 0.076 1 sheet of newspaper
3B 245 - 359 4.2 ± 0.4 8.10 1.60
2 0.076 0 - 28.1 4.13 ± 0.45 4.72 0.37 1 sheet of newspaper
3 0.147 0 - 41.5 4.3 ± 0.63 11.75 1.43 2 Layer newspaper sheets
4A 0.147 0 - 189 3.96 ± 0.7 9.10 1.69 2 sheets of newspaper
4B 0.076 240.3 - 270 6.37 ± 1.07 5.40 1.00 1 sheet of newspaper
Note: All newspaper sheets were held about 5 cm (2 inch) in front of the radiometer

Figure 3-5: Radiant heat attenuation factor vs. newspaper sheet thickness

Based on the statistical results presented in Figure 3-5, a dimensional correlation of the following
type is developed for radiant heat attenuation by newspaper sheets.

AF(newspaper) = 6.528 + 30. 423 t - 0.68 q (3)


AF = Attenuation factor by newspaper sheet

t = newssheet thickness in millimeters
q = Radiant heat flux in kW/m2 incident on the sheet

3.4 Tests involving human exposure to radiant heat from the fire
The purpose of the human exposure tests was to determine the highest level of heat flux that a
person in normal civilian clothing and unprotected skin could tolerate when suddenly exposed to
the radiant heat from a LNG fire. The objective was to obtain baseline data from a live human
being without causing any temporary or permanent radiant heat caused injury. By his own
volition and on a completely voluntary basis the project manager and author of this report (Dr.
Phani Raj) acted as the human subject for these tests.

These tests involved the subject, in civilian clothing (but accompanied on the side by a fireman
in full bunker gear) going close to the fire until the reading on a handheld radiometer indicated a
heat flux level close to 5 kW/m2. The subject stayed at the location or ambulated towards or
away from the fire depending upon whether the wind was tilting the fire plume away from the
subject or towards the subject, respectively. The duration over which the subject could withstand
the heat without pain or injury was noted.

Three different variations of the above procedure were used in these tests. In the first phase of
the tests the author used only the handheld radiometer (see Figure 2-8, Figure A-8 and Figure A-
9) and recorded on paper after the completion of the test recalling from memory the data
displayed on the radiometer screen during the test. The handheld radiometer is capable of
displaying incident heat flux data at 0.1 s intervals. No digital recording of the data on a
computer was possible. In the second phase of these human exposure tests the handheld
radiometer was connected to a computer through a serial cable. However, because of the
software limitation, it could record on to a computer file only once in 10 seconds. The data
recording in both the first and second phase was somewhat unsatisfactory. Therefore, a third
phase of tests was implemented. In this third phase one Medtherm wide-angle radiometer (that
was normally on the mannequins) was strapped on to the author using the same mounting
bracket that was on the mannequin, and the readings from this radiometer were recorded digitally
on a computer file at a rate of one record in each 0.1 s interval. In addition, in several of the tests,
thermocouples were also placed both on the outside of the shirt as well as between chest or
abdomen skin and the undershirt of the author to record, respectively, the temperature of the
outer garment and the skin when exposed to the radiant heat.

The results of these human exposure tests are discussed in section 3.5.

3.5 Data from human subject exposure to radiant heat from a LNG fire
3.5.1 Qualitative observations

In none of the tests when the author (Dr. Raj) was exposed to the radiant heat from the fire did he
experience severe pain or any type of burn on the exposed parts of the skin. Tests were
conducted with full sleeve shirts, half sleeve shirts, both with undershirts and full pants. It was
very difficult to maintain the incident heat flux level exactly at or even close to 5 kW/m2 because
of the shift in wind direction and the consequent fast response bending of the fire plume. Also, in
some cases the natural turbulence created by the fire itself resulted in burst of energy in different
directions. The human response action always lagged behind the variations in the heat flux at any
given point, even though the author made an effort to maintain the reading on the handheld
radiometer as close to 5 kW/m2 as possible. In some cases, he was exposed to short bursts of heat
flux (for 3 to 5 seconds) as high as 7 kW/m2 and in other cases to as low as 3.5 kW/m2.

When exposed to relatively prolonged durations (of the order of 10 seconds) to heat flux levels
close to 5 kW/m2 the sensation of heat was close to what one experiences in front of and close to
a hot well established fire in a household fireplace. Heat flux levels of 6.5 kW/m2 and higher
begin to result in a sensation of pain on the unprotected skin within a very short duration (several
seconds approaching 10 s). Even when exposed to long durations (of the order of 50 seconds) at
levels less than 4 kW/m2 or for less than 30 seconds at 5 kW/m2 and higher no feeling of heat is
felt on the skin protected by clothing. However, the body begins to sweat and maintain the body
temperature at the normal human temperature.

Exposure for short intervals (of the order of tens of seconds) of time followed by very short time
(less than a minute) away from the radiant heat flux levels of 3 – 5 kW/m 2, followed by another
session of exposure to the fire, resulted in less tolerance to the radiant heat flux (both magnitude
as well as duration). What the author noticed was repeated exposure without sufficient “cooling”
time after each exposure resulted in the outer clothing getting ‘hot’ and the ability to withstand
heat flux levels of 4 - 5 kW/m2, lower. These observations are supported by documented data
from the radiometers and thermocouples discussed below.

The author’s skin on the gullet became red in the final test by repeated exposure to the fire and
the irritation due to this “redness” persisted for about 30 minutes after the completion of the test.
There were no other temporary or permanent skin or other injuries to the author, even though the
exposures were repeated several times in one fire test (without, as noted above, any prolonged
2 2
cool down period) to levels as high as 4 kW/m and with bursts of 5 or 6 kW/m and exposure
times measured in 30 to 50 seconds.

3.5.2 Handheld radiometer data

The data recorded (during the first few days of tests and based on the author’s memory
immediately following the tests) from the visual of the handheld wide-angle radiometer are
indicated in Table 3-4. Location of the subject, flame heights during the time of exposure and the
exposure time were obtained from the video records of the tests. The heat flux data are from the

screen readings on the visual display of the radiometer and is based on the paper recording after
the test. The range of heat fluxes indicated show the minimum and maximum displayed on the
screen and do not necessarily indicate how long such levels were experienced. The mean heat
flux values experienced may also not be very reliable since they are based on the best judgment
of the subject and his memory. However, the data do indicate levels that are relatively high and
the durations of exposure (measured from the films) quite long.

No data are provided from the digital recording of the output from the handheld radiometer since
the recordings were unsatisfactory. This is because, the software only recorded once in 10
seconds (averaged the heat flux over that 10 seconds). Hence, in each session one got only 3, 4
or 5 data output, which, to say the least, was not very useful for the experiment of concern.

Table 3-4: Handheld radiometer data on human exposure to radiant heat(1)

Expo- Mean Location of Mean radiant heat Exposure

Test (3
sure flame human flux and duration )
Date in
session height subject(2) [range]
# [m] [m] [kW/m2] [s]
1 5.1 12 2.2 [2.1 - 2.9] 53
2 4.2 8 4.4 [3.8 - 5.8] 17
3 5.1 10.5 2.2 [2.7 - 5.8] 60
09/28 4 5.9 11.0 2.2 [2.0 - 3.0] 103
5 5.5 7.9 4.4 [3.8 - 6.0] 22
6 4.3 7 4.4 [3.8 - 5.8] 21
7 5.5 7.9 2.2 [2.0 - 3.2] 120
1A 7.2 9.3 5.0 [4.9 - 6.2] 26
1B 7.1 12.2 5.03 [4.0 – 8.0](4) 93
2 6.6 11.1 5.0 [4.5 - 6.0] 42
3 5.5 8.7 5.0 [4.9 - 6.2] 24
1 6.7 9.7 5.0 [4.9 - 6.2] 57
2 5.0 9.3 5.0 [4.9 - 6.2] 16
11/02 3 5.1 8.4 5.0 [4.9 - 6.2] 32
4 5.0 8.8 5.0 [4.9 - 6.2] 20
5 4.7 9.1 5.0 [4.9 - 6.2] 31
NOTES: (1) For more detailed data from the video films, see Appendix B.
(2) All distances are from the center of the dike. These distances represent the mean
values during a test in which the subject moved closer to or away from the fire
depending upon whether he received less than or higher than 5 kW/m2 heat flux.
(3) No injury of any kind was sustained by the person exposed
over the duration indicated in the table
(4) Based on measurements on the mannequin radiometer next to the author
(See test # 1 of 10/5/2006).

3.5.3 Data from Medtherm radiometers strapped on to the human subject

The data recorded by the Medtherm wide-angle radiometers strapped on to the author (see Figure
2-11) when exposed to the radiant heat flux from the LNG fire are shown in Figure 3-6A, Figure

3-6B and Figure 3-6C. Each figure refers to a different test. Common to all the tests are that the
exposure is quite above 3.5 kW/m2, and in spurts above 5 kW/m 2 and the durations are long

Figure 3-6A: Human exposure to a LNG fire radiant heat flux- test 2 of 10/21

Figure 3-6B: Human exposure to a LNG fire radiant heat flux- test 3 of 10/21

Figure 3-6C: Human exposure to a LNG fire radiant heat flux- test 5 of 11/02/06

(about 50 seconds in the first two and 120 seconds in the 3rd figure). As mentioned before, there
were no injuries from any of these exposures and there certainly was no skin burn. In Appendix
C are provided all data recorded during the human exposure experiments..

3.5.4 Temperature data

Temperatures were recorded on both mannequins and on the human subject. The temperatures
were measured by thermocouples placed just outside the clothing and inside the clothing. In the
case of the male mannequin as well as in the human subject the inside thermocouple was placed
between the skin and the inner undershirt, either on the chest or on the belly. In the case of the
female mannequin the inner thermocouple was placed between the skin and the bra. No special
care was taken to place these thermocouples to read temperature at any special point or location.
For example, the thermocouple inside the author’s undershirt (once on the belly and other times
on the chest) was dangling between the skin and the undershirt, some times touching the clothing
and some times the skin. It is anticipated that the “inner“ thermocouple measured the air
temperature between the skin and the inner shirt or clothing in all cases. The outer thermocouple
was attempted to be placed just above the outer clothing (and not touching it) by strapping it on
with sticky tape. This did not always work as intended and the readings indicate that in many
instances the outer thermocouple bead may have been touching the outer garment surface (which
tends to heat up considerably after repeated exposure to the fire radiant heat).

In Figure 3-7 are shown several temperature measurements and a comparison between the
temperature attained by a human skin behind clothing and a mannequin skin behind clothing. It
is seen that the human skin temperature rises slightly but never goes above the normal human
body temperature of 36.9 oC (98.4 oF). This is contrasted with the mannequin “skin” temperature,
which rises rapidly (to a high of about 60 oC). This rise is attributed to the fact that the
mannequin “skin” has no internal cooling mechanism as in the case of a human being who can
sweat and whose blood circulation carries away the heat that is incident on the skin. The
mannequin is made of fiberglass and it is a poor conductor of heat. The heat flux over the
duration of this exposure was about 4 kW/m 2 (see Table 3-2 for the test # on the date specified).
Other similar human skin and mannequin “skin” temperature data recorded in the tests are
indicated in Appendix C.

Figure 3-7: Comparison of mannequin and human skin temperatures

for exposure to the same fire at the same distance

It is seen that repeated exposure to the fire without the person or the mannequins being removed
from the site (to cool off) between the times that that the data are taken result in much higher
skin temperatures and outer clothing surface temperatures. For example, Figure 3-8 shows the
temperatures measured on the author in the final stages of a test on 11/2/2006 when he had been
exposed several times to the fire. The exposure was at a mean heat flux value of 3.8 kW/m2 (±
0.7 kW/m2 Std dev) for over 120 seconds. As can be seen in the figure, while the air temperature
is hardly above 20 oC, the human skin temperature of the skin protected by double layer clothing
is approaching 40 oC. The temperature just on or above the outer shirt surface is not much higher
than the ambient temperature. Figure 3-9 shows a similar mannequin skin behavior for heat flux
exposure without much “cooling off period” between data taking and constant exposure to fire.

Figure 3-8: Temperature of human subject skin after repeated exposure to fire
heat flux without cooling off period between tests

Figure 3-9: Temperature of mannequin skin after repeated exposure to fire

heat flux without cooling off period between tests

Chapter 4
Findings, Conclusions & Recommendations

4.1 Findings and discussion of the results

Finding # 1: Ordinary civilian clothing, even a single layer clothing, provides a factor of at least
2 reduction in the magnitude of radiant heat flux reaching a person’s skin for relatively long
term exposures (of the order of minutes) at an exposure level of 5kW/m or close to it.

The results in this report substantiate the above finding. Even single layer clothing such as an
undershirt of thickness 0.2 to 0.3 mm (8 x 10-3 to 12 x 10 -3 inches) reduces the heat flux by a
factor greater than 2 for exposure time of minutes. The thicker the fabric the greater is the
attenuation factor, reaching as high as 3 or 4. In the tests performed no attempt was made to
determine the effect of the air gap between two layers of clothing. It is known from the heat
transfer literature that air gaps do provide “insulating” characteristics to the clothes and help
keep the person warm in winter. However, in this literature no test is reported where the
effectiveness of air gap to reduce the magnitude of pure IR radiation (at the levels of 5 kW/m2),
for relatively short-term exposures has been studied. The objective of the tests indicated in this
report was to determine the “protection” provided by ordinary civilian clothes under conditions
encountered in the normal, daily lives of citizens.

It has been found that the magnitude of the attenuation factor (AF) varies between 2 and 3 for
overall fabric thickness ranging from 0.2 mm to 1.5 mm, respectively. In one or two
experiments, very high values of AF (as high as 6-7) were found. It is entirely possible that these
high AF values are real because during these experiments the inner radiometer was actually
“looking” though the thick button flap part of the outer shirts, where as in other cases, where we
thought that the view was through the thick part of the shirt actually was not realized. Hence, the
data points plotted in Figure 3-3 for thickness values of 1.05 mm and 1.47 mm (shown in red) are
suspect rather than the higher AF values. An alternative correlation utilizing the higher AF
values at thicker clothing values is also shown in Figure 3-3. Unfortunately, we did not have
sufficient “control” in the experiment to make a definitive statement as to whether the correlation
provided in equation 2 is valid or a higher AF correlation with thickness is needed. This could be
the subject of any future research. However, suffice it to say that the correlation provided is very
conservative in that it predicts lower (but significant) AF values with clothing thickness. It
should also be noted that the thickness measure used in this report does not involve the
consideration of the air-gap thickness. Future work should take this into account as well. It
should also be noted that in this experiment the fabric quality (texture, smoothness, material, etc)
or the color were varied over sufficiently wide values as to provide a picture of the effectiveness
of different types of clothing. However, it is expected that any type of clothing would provide
similar heat flux attenuation.

The clothing on the mannequin were exposed repeatedly to heat flux levels higher than 5 kW/m2
and one time to as high a level as 13 kW/m2 for over 20 seconds 4. In none of these instances did
the clothing show any type of degradation nor was there any ignition, even though the outer
clothing of the male mannequin was a black, full sleeve, 65% polyester shirt. Only the hair on
the mannequin head was singed. Hence, it can be categorically stated that under conditions of 5
kW/m2 heat flux exposure levels there is absolutely no cause for concern with clothing ignition.

Other effects noticed in these tests include the dependence of the AF on the magnitude of the
heat flux and on the tightness with which the outer and inner shirts are held together. It was
found that the tighter the clothing the lower was the AF. Similarly, the higher the heat flux the
lower was the AF, all other conditions being similar. However, no systematic study of these
parameter variations was undertaken to provide any quantitative correlation.

One of the real effects of exposure of a human being to radiant heat flux is the generation of
body sweat, which will tend to wet the clothing. In this series of tests the effect of clothing
wetness on the AF was not studied. It can be however, surmised that the presence of wetness of
clothing will only increase the value of AF by the clothing moisture absorbing the water vapor
band energy in the incident IR beam. Secondly, the evaporation of the water from the clothing
will absorb considerable energy thereby increasing the effective absorptivity of the garment
(hence, higher AF than in dry clothing). What is uncertain is the effect of steam thus generated.
Whether this steam will cause its own burns on the person’s skin is uncertain and should be
subject of a future research. One can, perhaps, postulate that the steam will be generated a
relatively low temperature (35 oC to 40 oC) and hence may not present a problem - only
definitive tests can provide answers.

Finding # 2: Any object that intervenes between the heat flux source and the object receiving
the heat flux results in a substantial decrease in the heat flux to the object. The object could be as
thin as a single sheet of newspaper.

The test results obtained by placing a single (and double sheets) of a newspaper in front of the
radiometer are very revealing. A single sheet of newspaper (of thickness 0.076 mm or 3 x 10
inch) held about 5 cm from the object results in an attenuation factor of about 5 at heat flux
levels of 5 kW/m2. This attenuation is far larger than those from the clothing (even with
thickness 3 to 4 times that of the newspaper). The complete scientific reason for this level of
attenuation is not clear. It is possible that the distance between the radiometer and the newspaper
has significant effect (involving the back scatter of IR radiation by the newspaper). In the case of
clothing, the “inside” radiometer was essentially at the back surface of the inner shirt and
therefore, collected all of the back scatter energy – resulting in lower AF values.

The results with newspapers also indicate that both the thickness of the newssheet and the
magnitude of the incident IR radiation have significant impact on the attenuation factor. A more
systematic study of this intriguing result should be made. Also not measured (or maintained) in

This occurred because at the end of one of the tests the firemen directed a water stream on to the burning pool
of LNG, as a part of the firemen training. This resulted in RPTs and the formation of a very large fireball, which
essentially was over the mannequins (that had not been removed from their locations) as an umbrella of fire. The
radiometers did record very high levels of heat flux.

these tests was the moisture content of the newssheet. Paper, a cellulosic material, contains
moisture, which depends on the relative humidity in the atmosphere. Moisture in the object will
have strong effect on energy absorption. Finally, not investigated in this series of tests are the
temporal variations in the attenuation factor (due to possible demoisturization of the paper) of a
newssheet with long-term exposure to the same level of incident radiation. It was not possible in
this series of tests to maintain a steady level of incident heat flux, thanks to the wind driven
movements of the fire.

Finding # 3: At 4 kW/m2 radiant heat flux level a person can be exposed for as long as 60 to 120
seconds without feeling either severe pain or suffering any skin burns. At 5 kW/m2 a person can
withstand the heat flux without much pain or permanent injury or skin burns for 25 to 30 s.

The values for heat flux and the duration of exposure without pain or injury have some ranges
because of the nature of the tests. The author (“human subject”) repeatedly exposed himself in
the course of a single fire burn trial without much cooling after each data taking episodes. This
diminished the duration of time that he could withstand the same heat flux because of the higher
temperature of his clothing as well as of the exposed skin. The longer duration number presented
above, therefore, must be associated with the first time a person is exposed to the fire without
any prior exposures to the same level of heat fluxes.

The results from these full body human exposure tests prove that the public safety criterion
enshrined in regulations and LNG standards, based on a 5 kW/m2 radiant heat flux exposure for
30 seconds, is a very conservative. Medical literature is replete with results from small laboratory
scale experiments, which predict that a human skin exposed to 5 kW/m2 for 30 seconds and at 4
2 nd
kW/m for 40 seconds will result in severe 2 degree burns. No such results were found in the
full body, live human, tests conducted in these series of experiments. In none of the tests with
exposure times measured in several tens of seconds (up to 120 seconds) did the author feel any
severe pain, temporary or permanent injury or any skin burns. The results from the current series
of tests, therefore, clearly indicate the effect of the resilience of the human body to react to heat
exposure and act a system rather than as a single small (dead) skin specimen used in the
laboratory tests. In effect, the current standards are overly conservative even for the exposure of
the bare skin.

As has been shown with other data from the clothing protection and obstruction effects, the
realistic exposure radiant heat flux actually incident on the skin of a normally clothed human
being in an urban or industrial environment when the calculated nominal heat flux level at his
location is 5 kW/m2 will be much smaller, perhaps, of the order of 2 kW/m2 or 3 kW/m2. At this
level of radiant heat flux one does not feel even a discomfort, let alone suffer a skin burn.
Therefore, the proposals that some have championed in public hearings to reduce the statutory
safety level of 5 kW/m2 to 1.6 kW/m2 are scientifically unsupportable and baseless.

Finding # 4: The temperature measured on the skin of a fiberglass mannequin exposed to

radiant heat does not provide a representation of the temperature attained by the skin of living
human being.

This is because, when a mannequin and human being are exposed to the same levels of incident
radiant heat, their reactions are completely different. The heat flux that goes through the clothing
of the mannequin tends to heat up the mannequin skin locally to high temperatures due to the
fact that the mannequin body is made of non conducting fiberglass and all heat incident locally is
utilized to increases the skin temperature. This is in stark contrast to the reaction of a human
being; when heat flux reaches the skin and as the skin temperature begins to rise an increased
blood flow results locally to carry away the heat. Secondly, the body sweats significantly (as was
experienced by the author) resulting in the evaporative cooling of the skin and maintenance of
the normal body temperature. This is clearly illustrated in Figure 3-7. Hence, thermocouple data
from mannequins should not be used to predict human skin temperatures.

4.2 Conclusions
1 The current criterion for public safety in the US regulations and standards (5 kW/m2 for 30 s
exposure) is very conservative, adequate and represents a very high level of factor of safety.

2 Very simple and even single layer clothing and other simple objects provide significant
reduction in radiant heat flux to the skin of a person. The reduction in the heat flux levels by
single layer clothing can amount to a factor of 2 or 3. Newspaper sheets in front of the face
or hands can reduce the heat flux levels by factors of 5 or more.

3 Mannequins can be used as a substitute for live human tests to determine the effectiveness of
clothing to reduce radiant heat flux to the skin. However, mannequins cannot as a substitute
when determining the skin temperature rise due to exposure to a radiant heat flux, because
the human physiology of skin cooling is completely and drastically different from that in a

4 Because of the reduced area of the skin exposed to the fire in a clothed person, the human
physiological systems may work to reduce the effect of the heat flux on the exposed part of
the skin by carrying away heat and initiating the sweating protective mechanism. That is a
partially clothed human body may withstand a higher heat flux exposure than a completely
naked body.

4.3 Recommendations
In the tests conducted not all parameters that could have been varied were actually varied or
when varied the range of variation was limited. Some of the parameters will have significant
influence on the results and need to be used in future tests. With this in mind the following
recommendations are made for future research.

1 Tests should be conducted with mannequins protected from fire during the periods when no
data are recorded. This will ensure that conditions that prevail in a sudden and unexpected
exposure of a person to LNG fire (in an accident scenario) can be duplicated properly.

2 Human subject, if used, must be able to “cool off” or completely protected from fire
exposure (however small) before initiating additional data gathering trials.

3 Tests with hand held radiometer or strapped on radiometer must be designed such that the
instruments are capable of relaying the data captured by wireless to the computer at rates
exceeding 10 Hz. Wiring limits the ability of the person to ambulate to maintain the same
heat flux level. Wiring also limits the ability to move the mannequins quickly.

4 Future tests should be designed to move the mannequins easily (located on wheeled trolleys)
so that their location with respect to the fire can be changed quickly and easily.

5 Experiments similar to the ones conducted in this series need to be carried out with bigger
LNG fires for the following reasons. In a larger LNG fire,

 The distribution of radiant energy as a function of the spectral wavelength will be

different compared to that in a smaller fire due to soot effects in larger fires.

 The distance to 5 kW/m 2 heat flux location will be larger. Because of the larger
distance, the absorption of the IR in the atmospheric water vapor and CO2 bands will
be higher and could be significant. This may influence the ability of a person to
withstand an overall heat flux of 5 kW/m2 for longer duration because the spectrum of
energy incident on the skin will be devoid of energy in the water vapor and CO2 bands.

 A given wind speed has smaller effect on larger fires than on smaller diameter fires.
Therefore in a larger fire, a given wind speed will produce less variations in fire plume
tilt and, consequently, more steady incident heat flux.


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Appendix A

Specifications, Calibrations and Other Details of Instruments

A-1 Wide-angle Radiometers
In each test two units of three types of wide-angle radiometers manufactured by MidTherm
Corporation were used. These were (i) the infrared radiometer [model #32R (ZnSe)-1-0-394-
21325A], (ii) heat flux transducer [model # 32F-1-394-21037] and heat flux transducer [model #
24-1-21581]. All of these radiometers are of the natural cooled type and, therefore, required no
special cooling accessories to function in a field environment. These wide-angle radiometers had
a range of 0 to 12 kW/m2. Exposure to a heat flux greater than the maximum specified require
the instruments to be cooled to give accurate readings.

Figure A-1 shows the manufacturer drawing with the dimensions and other information for the
infrared radiometer [model #32R (ZnSe)-1-0-394-21325A]. This radiometer was fitted with a
Zinc-Selenium (ZnSe) window of thickness 1 mm. The calibration chart (supplied by the
manufacturer) of voltage produced vs. exposure heat flux, for the model 21325A infrared
radiometer fitted with the ZnSe window is presented in Figure A-2. Figure A-3 indicates the
transmissivity of the ZnSe window as a function of the wavelength of radiation. It is known
from other LNG fire experiments that the wavelength region of 1 m to 10 m (the near IR
region) contains most of the energy radiated by a large LNG fire.

Figure A-4 shows the details of the heat flux transducer [model # 32F-1-394-21037, another type
of radiometer]. The calibration chart (relationship between the voltage developed vs. the incident
heat flux) for this heat flux transducer is shown in Figure A-5.

Figure A-6 shows the details of the heat flux transducer #21581 and its calibration chart is shown
in Figure A-7. Unfortunately, these radiometers did not properly record the heat fluxes because
they were not mounted on a plate (as they were supposed to have been).

A-2 Hand-held Infrared Radiometer

In addition to using the two types of radiometers described above a hand-held, wide angle,
portable radiometer was also used. Figure A-8 shows a photograph of this radiometer. The
radiometer wand is 15 cm long and 5 cm diameter at the front; however, the heat flux sensing
element is only 1 cm in diameter and is located at the front end of the wand. The radiometer is
connected by a cable to a hand-held read out meter, which displays the magnitude of the heat
flux on the window. The particular unit used in the tests was factory calibrated to read out the
heat flux levels in W/m2 (0 – 10,000). Other relevant specification information for this
radiometer is included in Figure A-9.

This radiometer integrates the incoming flux at 0.1 s intervals and displays the mean value over
this interval. The radiometer can also be connected to a computer through a serial port (on the
readout unit) for digital recording of the data. Unfortunately, because of the (inflexible) sampling

program that was included with this model, the data could be stored only in 10 s intervals (i.e.,
the data averaged over 10 s and the mean of the data values over this period is stored, every tenth

A-3 Thermocouples
Air immersion thermocouples were used to measure the temperature of the air near the
mannequins, temperature just in front of the outer layer of clothing, and behind the inner clothing
(between the skin of the mannequins and the inner clothing). The thermocouples used were of
type J, air/immersion bare tip probe type. The beads were of 1/16” diameter, with temperature
measurement range of 32 oF to +1400 oF with a response time of 0.3 seconds. Each thermocouple
wire terminated in a mini connector which was connected to a data logger.

A-4 Meteorological Data

The Vantage Pro2TM Plus weather station manufactured by Davis Instruments of Hayward, CA
was used to gather the wind speed, wind direction, atmospheric temperature and relative
humidity data during the experiments. This weather station was located at some distance (about
100 ft) from the center of the fire so that any micro-meteorological effects created by the fire did
not influence the atmospheric data gathered by the instrument.

The weather instrument consists of an anemometer, a thermocouple station, a rain collector and a
humidity gage and a fan aspirated radiation shield. These instruments are mounted on a tripod at
a height of about 2 m from the ground. The data collected by the instruments is downloaded
through a wireless link to a Vantage Pro2TM Console. A rechargeable battery, charged by a solar
panel, powers the weather instruments. Figure A-10 and Figure A-11 show, respectively, the
weather station mounted on a tripod and the data-logging console. The data collected and stored
in the console are later downloaded into a laptop computer using the “Weatherlink” data logger
& software for Vantage Pro2TM . The weather data were taken at 1 min intervals and stored on
the laptop.

A-5 Other Data Collecting Instruments

The data from the thermocouples and the radiometers were fed to a National Instrument Data
Acquisition and Control Module (Model # NI-SCXI-1600). Figure A-12 shows a photograph of
this instrument. The input into the module is through 32-channel, milliVolt signal amplifier
(Model # NI-SCXI-1102), which mates with the Channel Isothermal Terminal Block (Model #
NI-SCXI-1303). The data acquisition module (DAQ) receives the input milliVolt DC signals,
conditions and digitizes the signals. These data together with internal clock generated time data
are fed to a laptop computer through a USB port. The digital data are stored and displayed using
the LabVIEW™ software system developed by National Instruments. This software tool is used in
the industry for design development, control and testing of data systems. The system provides
built-in I/O and interactive user interface controls for data acquisition, manipulation, display and
plotting as well as active control of the equipment based on the value of the data.

Source: Medtherm Corporation

Figure A-1: Specification drawing for the MedTherm Infrared Radiometer

Figure A-2: Calibration chart (w. ZnSe window on) for the MedTherm Infrared Radiometer, 21325A

Source: Medtherm Corporation

Figure A-3: Transmission characteristics of 1 mm thick ZnSe window on the transducer

Source: Medtherm Corporation

Figure A-4: Specification drawing for the MedTherm Heat Flux Transducer 21037

Figure A-5: Calibration chart (no window) for the MedTherm Heat Flux Transducer, 21037

Figure A-6: Specification drawing for the MedTherm Heat Flux Transducer 21581

Figure A-7: Calibration chart (no window) for the MedTherm Heat Flux Transducer, 21581

Figure A-8: Photograph of Hukseflux Thermal Sensor (hand-held
radiometer), Model HF03

Figure A-9: General information and specifications of the hand-held
radiometer, Hukseflux Thermal Sensor, Model HF03

Figure A-10: Vantage Pro2TM weather station

Figure A-11: Vantage Pro2TM weather data display console

Figure A-12: Data Acquisition and Control Unit with thermocouple and
radiometer signal input connector modules

Appendix B

Data from video films and other instruments

Table B-1: Data from the video film (of 9/28/06) on human exposure to radiant heat

Measured Clock (3)
Duration Distance from flame
Actual on the
Session heat of height
video Remarks
# exposure measured
flux (2) film
dike dike from film
edge center
kW/m2 mm:ss (s) (ft) (m) (m)
0:36:22 35 12.2 5.1
1 2.2
0:37:15 53 35 12.2 5.1
0:37:53 21 7.9 3.0
Range of actual heat flux 3.8 to 5.8 kW/m 2
0:37:59 21 7.9 5.1
2 4.4 o
Flame tilt w.r.t vertical about 30 away
0:38:16 23 21 7.9 4.6
from observer
0:38:46 32 11.3 5.5
0:38:57 35 12.2 6.1 Heat flux was always > 2.7 kW/m2
3 2.2 0:38:59 35 12.2 4.9
0:40:08 31 11.0 4.3 >45 fire tilt away from observer
0:40:10 84 31 11.0 4.9
0:40:43 30 10.7 4.1 Flame low in height but fat
0:40:50 31 11.0 7.1 Significant tilt away from observer
4 2.2 0:41:35 31 11.0 8.1 Fire vertical (calm condition)
0:42:22 31 11.0 4.1
0:42:26 103 31 11.0
0:44:50 21 7.9 5.5 Vertical flame
5 4.4
0:45:12 22 21 7.9 Wind shifted, flame towards observer
0:45:36 18 7.0 4.3 Approached the fire from a slightly
6 4.4
0:45:57 21 18 7.0 different direction
0:46:59 25 9.1 6.1 Flame away from observer @ 20o tilt
7 2.2 Heat flux > 3.1 kW/m . Flame away from
0:48:57 21 7.9 5.5 o
observer @ 30 tilt
0:48:59 120 21 7.9 5.5 Vertical fire
Notes: (1) Data recorded at about 2:00 PM; the sky was blue with scattered white cumulus clouds; the wind was somewhat
(2) The heat flux values identified in the audio part of the video film are incorrect due to hand-held radiometer
calibration setting. The data in the table indicate the true radiant heat flux after correcting for the error.
(3) Distance marker traffic cones were set in this test (only) at 10 ft intervals to the east from the outer edge of the
dike. The outer edge is 5 ft from the center of the dike. The data reported in the table are the distances from the
dike center to conform to the norm in the fire radiation calculation literature.

Table B-2: Data on human exposure to radiant heat from video film (of 10/05/06)

Measured Clock Instantaneous

Nominal on the Distance from flame height
Session of
heat video dike center measured Remarks
# (2) exposure
flux film from film

kW/m2 mm:ss (s) (ft) (m) (m)

0:01”39 Ignition of the fire
Half sleeve, white shirt and washed blue
0:01:50 32 9.8
jeans worn.
1 5 0:02:02 30 9.1 7.5
0:02:06 30 9.1 6.8
0:02:18 26 Fire slightly brick red
0:10:28 6.1 LNG pool ignition. Flames high
0:10:38 38 11.6 Raj walks towards fire
0:10:47 35 10.7 5.5 Fire bright yellow
2 5 0:10:51 35 10.7 9.1 Very tall fire
0:11:00 32 9.8 5.5 Fire bright yellow
0:11:06 37 11.3 Quite tall flames.
0:11:10 42 40 12.2 Quit exposure
0:13:43 30 9.1 Fire getting much redder
3 5 Go closer because fire is diminishing is
0:13:59 28 8.5 5.5
height. Also very brick red in color
0:14:07 24 28 8.5 Quit exposure

Notes: (1) Data recorded at about 1:30 PM; the sky was partly cloudy at the beginning of the test. However, towards the end of
the test (about 15 minutes) the sky became quite gray with clouds. Initially the wind was very light. Towards the end
the wind was in the 5 – 10 kph range and constantly shifting in direction.
(2) Heat flux measured by the hand-held radiometer was in the 4.9 – 6.2 kW/m2 range

Table B-3: Data on human exposure to radiant heat from video film (of 11/02/06)

Clock Instantaneous
on the Distance from flame height
Session of
video dike center measured Remarks
# exposure
film from film

(mm:ss) (s) (ft) (m) (m)

Raj w. full sleeve shirt and washed blue
01:20 32 9.8 5.1 jeans worn. Fire ignition time. Fire tilted
30o to east
01:29 30 9.1 7.0 Raj begins to walk toward the fire
Flame drag spill over downwind . Bright
1 01:39 32 9.8 7.0
yellow fire
02:00 28 8.5 7.0
02:04 34 10.4 Fire tilts towards Raj
02:11 34 10.4 7.3 30o to 40o bend of fire towards Raj
02:17 57 Walk away from the fire
02:42 4.9 Begin walking towards fire from 40 ft
02:45 30 9.1 4.9 Fire low but fat and bushy at the bottom
2 Very bushy fire (showing the formation of
02:46 32 9.8 5.2
a vortex ball combustion at the base)
02:58 16 30 9.1 5.0 Stop and back off from fire
03:02 28 8.5 4.6
03:15 29 8.8 4.8
3 03:22 25 7.6 5.3 Flame bent 60 o or more to east
Flame very tall and brick red. Very tilted
03:34 32 28 8.5 5.7
fire plume.
04:08 25 5.0 Flame very yellow- highly bent
04:24 28 8.5 -
4 Bright yellow fire (very large diameter at
04:26 30 9.1 5.0
the bottom with fireball vortex)
04:28 20 Back off from fire
Very low height fire – completely dragging
06:45 30 9.1 2.4
on the east side due to wind
07:06 31 30 9.1 7.0 Very tall fire plume – brick red in color.

Notes: (1) Data recorded at about 1:20 PM; the sky was partly cloudy at the beginning of the test but became quite sunny by
the middle of the test. However, it was blustery with quite high shifting direction winds (10– 15 kph range).
Approach of the fire was from the west.

Heat flux measured by the hand-held radiometer to locate the person as close as was possible to 5 kW/m 2. Digital
data on the heat flux received were measured by two Medtherm radiometers attached to the person, only from
session 7(in the above table) and afterwards.

Table B-3 (cont’d)

Clock Instantaneous
on the Distance from flame height
Session of
video dike center measured Remarks
# exposure
film from film

(mm:ss) (s) (ft) (m) (m)

Flame brick red in color. Considerable
10:52 30 4.1 drag of the flames on the downwind side
throughout this session.
During all of this session the hand held
6 10:59 25 4.3
radiometer was reading 4.5 to 6 kW/m2
11:18 4.1
11:30 38 4.5 Walk back away from fire
14:49 -- -- -- ----- Fire Extinguished
Heat Flux digital data recorded from two Medtherm radiometers affixed to Raj in
sessions 7 and beyond
Raj walks towards the fire. Hand held
radiometer indicates 5 kW/m2
7 15:50 30 5.1
16:04 Fire plume bends 45o towards Raj
16:07 17 32 5.7 Fire fat in the middle, bright yellow-red
16:15 35 Vertical fire
16:26 35 4.9
16:29 38 Fire bending away from Raj
8 16:39 35
16:49 32
16:55 35
17:03 48 35 4.8
17:14 37 Flame bending away from Raj@ 30
9 17:33 37 5.2 Brick red flame – almost vertical
17:35 21 Quit

Appendix C

Plotted data on radiant heat fluxes and temperatures measured by instruments

C.1: Data from the clothed mannequin exposure tests

Test Date: 09/28/2006 Outer garment: White shirt

Test #: 1 Inner garment: White undershirt
Mannequin location: 32 ft from fire center Clothing fit: Loose
Type of mannequin: Male
Radiometer view: Inner radiometer on the stomach Other Data: None
View through button flap on outer shirt
Double layer clothing

Page C-1
Test Date: 09/28/2006 Outer garment: Red shirt
Test #: 1 Inner garment: Green undershirt
Mannequin location: 32 ft from fire center Clothing fit: Tight
Type of mannequin: Female
Radiometer view: Inner radiometer on the stomach Other Data: None
View through stretched clothing
Double layer clothing

Page C-2
Test Date: 09/28/2006 Outer garment: White shirt
Test #: 2 Inner garment: White undershirt
Mannequin location: 40 ft from fire center Clothing fit: Loose
Type of mannequin: Male
Radiometer view: Inner radiometer on the stomach Other Data: None
View through button flap on outer shirt
Double layer clothing

Page C-3
Test Date: 09/28/2006 Outer garment: Red shirt
Test #: 2 Inner garment: Green undershirt
Mannequin location: 40 ft from fire center Clothing fit: Tight
Type of mannequin: Female
Radiometer view: Inner radiometer on the stomach Other Data: None
View through stretched clothing
Double layer clothing

Page C-4
Test Date: 10/05/2006 Outer garment: White shirt
Test #: 1 Inner garment: White undershirt
Mannequin location: 40 ft from fire center Clothing fit: Loose
Type of mannequin: Male
Radiometer view: Inner radiometer on the chest Other Data: None
View through button flap on outer shirt
Double layer clothing

Page C-5
Test Date: 10/05/2006 Outer garment: White shirt
Test #: 2 Inner garment: White undershirt
Mannequin location: 40 ft from fire center Clothing fit: Loose
Type of mannequin: Male
Radiometer view: Inner radiometer on the chest Other Data: None
View through button flap on outer shirt
Double layer clothing

Page C-6
Test Date: 10/05/2006 Outer garment: White shirt
Test #: 3 Inner garment: None
Mannequin location: 40 ft from fire center Clothing fit: Loose
Type of mannequin: Male
Radiometer view: Inner radiometer on the chest Other Data: None
View through button flap on outer shirt
Single layer clothing

Page C-7
Test Date: 10/19/2006 Outer garment: White shirt
Test #: 1 Inner garment: White undershirt
Mannequin location: 30 ft from fire center Clothing fit: Loose
Type of mannequin: Male
Radiometer view: Radiometers at chest level Other Data: Inner radiometer data lost
Double layer clothing

Page C-8
Test Date: 10/19/2006 Outer garment: Red shirt
Test #: 1 Inner garment: Green undershirt
Mannequin location: 40 ft from fire center Clothing fit: Tight
Type of mannequin: Female
Radiometer view: Radiometers @ chest level Other Data: Inner radiometer data lost
Double layer clothing

Page C-9
Test Date: 10/19/2006 Outer garment: Not used
Test #: 2 Inner garment: White undershirt
Mannequin location: 30 ft from fire center Clothing fit: Loose
Type of mannequin: Male
Radiometer view: Radiometers at chest level Other Data: Newspapers of single and
double sheet thickness interposed
Single layer clothing

Page C-10
Test Date: 10/19/2006 Outer garment: Not used
Test #: 2 Inner garment: Green undershirt
Mannequin location: 40 ft from fire center Clothing fit: Tight
Type of mannequin: Female
Radiometer view: Radiometers @ chest level Other Data:
Single layer clothing

Page C-11
Test Date: 10/21/2006 Outer garment: White shirt
Test #: 1 Inner garment: White undershirt
Mannequin location: 31 ft from fire center Clothing fit: Slightly tight
Type of mannequin: Male
Radiometer view: Radiometers at chest level Other Data: Thin cloth layers in series
Double layer clothing (thin part of clothing layers in series)

Page C-12
Test Date: 10/21/2006 Outer garment: Red shirt
Test #: 1 Inner garment: Green undershirt
Mannequin location: 31 ft from fire center Clothing fit: Tight
Type of mannequin: Female
Radiometer view: Radiometers @ chest level Other Data: Inner radiometer view
thro button flap
Double layer clothing

Page C-13
Test Date: 10/21/2006 Outer garment: None used
Test #: 2 Inner garment: White undershirt
Mannequin location: 31 ft from fire center Clothing fit: Loose
Type of mannequin: Male
Radiometer view: Radiometers at chest level Other Data: Thin cloth layers in series
Single layer clothing (undershirts only used)

Page C-14
Test Date: 10/21/2006 Outer garment: None used
Test #: 2 Inner garment: Green undershirt
Mannequin location: 31 ft from fire center Clothing fit: Tight
Type of mannequin: Female
Radiometer view: Radiometers @ chest level Other Data:
Single layer undershirt clothing

Page C-15
Test Date: 10/21/2006 Outer garment: None used
Test #: 3 Inner garment: White undershirt
Mannequin location: 31 ft from fire center Clothing fit: Loose
Type of mannequin: Male
Radiometer view: Radiometers at chest level Other Data: Thin cloth layers in series
Single layer clothing (undershirts only used)
Effect of placing a newspaper at 2” in front of the outer radiometer studied

Page C-16
Test Date: 10/21/2006 Outer garment: None used
Test #: 3 Inner garment: Green undershirt
Mannequin location: 31 ft from fire center Clothing fit: Tight
Type of mannequin: Female
Radiometer view: Radiometers @ chest level Other Data:
Single layer undershirt clothing
(Inner radiometer probably looking through the thick collar of undershirt)

Page C-17
Test Date: 11/02/2006 Outer garment: White shirt
Test #: 1 Inner garment: White undershirt
Mannequin location: 30 ft from fire center Clothing fit: Loose
Type of mannequin: Male
Radiometer view: Radiometers at chest level Other Data: None
Male mannequin inner radiometer looking through two layers of thin clothing
Double layer clothing

Page C-18
Test Date: 11/02/2006 Outer garment: Red shirt
Test #: 1 Inner garment: Green undershirt
Mannequin location: 30 ft from fire center Clothing fit: Tight
Type of mannequin: Female
Radiometer view: Radiometers @ chest level Other Data: None
Inner radiometer looking through collar thick cloth
Double layer clothing

Page C-19
Test Date: 11/02/2006 Outer garment: White shirt
Test #: 2 Inner garment: White undershirt
Mannequin location: 30 ft from fire center Clothing fit: Loose
Type of mannequin: Male
Radiometer view: Radiometers at chest level Other Data: None
Male mannequin inner radiometer looking through two layers of thin clothing
Double layer clothing

Page C-20
Test Date: 11/02/2006 Outer garment: Red shirt
Test #: 3 Inner garment: Green undershirt
Mannequin location: 30 ft from fire center Clothing fit: Tight
Type of mannequin: Female
Radiometer view: Radiometers @ chest level Other Data: None
Inner radiometer looking through collar thick cloth
Single sheet newspaper interposed between fire and outer radiometer at 2“
Double layer clothing

Page C-21
Test Date: 11/02/2006 Outer garment: Red shirt
Test #: 3 Inner garment: Green undershirt
Mannequin location: 30 ft from fire center Clothing fit: Tight
Type of mannequin: Female
Radiometer view: Radiometers @ chest level Other Data: None
Inner radiometer looking through collar thick cloth
Two sheets of a newspaper interposed between fire and outer radiometer at 2“
Double layer clothing

Page C-22
Test Date: 11/02/2006 Outer garment: None used
Test #: 4 Inner garment: White undershirt
Mannequin location: 30 ft from fire center Clothing fit: Loose
Type of mannequin: Male
Radiometer view: Radiometers at chest level Other Data:
Single layer clothing (undershirts only used)

Page C-23
Test Date: 11/02/2006 Outer garment: None used
Test #: 4 Inner garment: Green undershirt
Mannequin location: 30 ft from fire center Clothing fit: Tight
Type of mannequin: Female
Radiometer view: Radiometers @ chest level Other Data:
Single layer undershirt clothing
(Inner radiometer looking through the thick collar of undershirt)
Effect of placing a newspaper at 2” in front of the outer radiometer studied

Page C-24
Test Date: 11/02/2006 Outer garment: None used
Test #: 4 Inner garment: Green undershirt
Mannequin location: 30 ft from fire center Clothing fit: Tight
Type of mannequin: Female
Radiometer view: Radiometers @ chest level Other Data:
Single layer undershirt clothing
(Inner radiometer looking through the thick collar of undershirt)
Effect of placing a newspaper at 2” in front of the outer radiometer studied

Page C-25
C.2: Data from the tests involving human exposure to LNG fire radiant heat
The project manager and author of this report, Dr. Phani Raj, was the human subject for the tests results reported here. He was
exposed to the LNG fire radiant heat wearing only civilian clothes. Two Medtherm radiometers (wide-angle) were strapped on to the
subject to measure the radiant heat flux incident on the subject, outside the clothing. Thermocouples were placed at (i) inside between
the skin and the undershirt (once on the belly and other times on the chest), (ii) just outside the outer shirt (bead almost touching the
shirt) and (iii) one measurement of the temperature of the air in front of the subject. The following are the recorded data from the
radiometers and thermocouples.

Page C-26
Page C-27
Page C-28
Page C-29

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