Main Mudras and Bandhas

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The document describes various mudras and bandhas from hatha yoga texts, including their Sanskrit names, English translations, intended effects and methods of performance.

Some of the mudras and bandhas described include jalandhara bandha, which closes vital parts and destroys death, maha bandha which destroys decay and death, and khechari mudra which destroys disease and death and leads to a divine body.

Many of the mudras and bandhas involve contracting and engaging specific muscle groups like the abdominal muscles or anal sphincter. Others involve positioning of the hands, feet and tongue. Some are performed in water or with ashes. The methods aim to stimulate, awaken or lock in vital energies in the body.


(from the Gheranda-Samhita, Hatha-Yoga-Pradipika, and Shiva-Samhita)

There are twenty-five mudras, the practice of which gives success to the Yogis (Gheranda-Samhita 3.1).

The ten mudras listed in the Hatha-Yoga-Pradipika “annihilate old age and death. They have
been explained by Shiva and give eight kinds of divine wealth (i.e. the great “powers”: becoming
small, becoming large, becoming light, becoming heavy, coming within easy reach of
everything, wish fulfillment, mastery and control over matter and Nature). These Mudras should
be kept secret by every means, as one keeps one’s box of jewelry, and should, on no account, be
told to anyone, just as a husband and wife keep their dealings secret” (HYP 3.7-9).

The Gheranda-Samhita describes 25 mudras and bandhas. The 10 mudras and bandhas described
in the Hatha-Yoga-Pradipika are indicated with a star (*). The 10 mudras and bandhas described
in the Shiva-Samhita are indicated with a cross (+).

GAZING (drishti) at the middle of the eyebrows is called bhru-madhya-drishti (“mid-brow

gazing”) and is performed in mudras marked with an up-triangle(▲). “WATER-PIPE SEAL”
(jalandhara-bandha) is performed in the mudra/bandha marked with a square (■).


1. ASHVINI-MUDRA Invigorates the body, cures Contract and dilate the anal
“Dawn-horse seal” diseases of the rectum, and sphincter muscle repeatedly
helps awaken Kundalini-shakti
2. BHUJANGINI-MUDRA Destroys all stomach diseases Extend the neck a little forward
“Serpent seal” and draw in air through the
3. JALANDHARA- Closes the 16 adharas (vital Press the chin and the top of the
BANDHA*+ parts); destroys death; “he who sternum bone together. The 16
“Water-pipe lock” practices for six months, vital parts are the: thumbs, ankles,
becomes an adept without knees, thighs, prepuce, organs of
doubt” generation, navel, heart, neck,
throat, palate, nose, middle of the
eyebrows, forehead, head,
fontanelle (brahma-randhra).
4. KAKI-MUDRA Destroys all disease Shape the mouth like a crow's
“Crow seal” beak and then suck in air.
5. KHECARI-MUDRA*+▲ Destroys disease, decay and Sit in Vajrasana. Close the “holes
“Space-walking seal” death; the body becomes of the nostrils opening into the
divine, it cannot be “burned by mouth” with the tip of the tongue
fire, nor dried up by the air, nor (thus stopping inspiration).
wetted by water, nor bitten by
snakes, it becomes “beautiful”;
samadhi is quickly attained
The next three bandhas must be performed together (in the order 7, 6, 8). “These three are the
great secrets” (HYP 3.30):
6. MAHA-BANDHA*+■ Destroys decay and death; “by Press the left heel against the
“Great lock” virtue of this Bandha a man anus, put the right foot on the left
accomplishes all his desi res” thigh; slowly contract the muscles
of the rectum and base of the
pelvis (perineum); restrain the
breath with jalandhara-bandha.
7. MAHA-MUDRA*+▲■ Cures all disease, destroys Press one heel against the anus,
“Great seal” death, confers siddhis keep the other leg straight; hold
the big toe of the straight leg (like
janu-shirshasana). Restrain the
breath with jalandhara-bandha.
8. MAHA-VEDHA*+■ Destroys decay and death Sit in maha-bandha and restrain
“Great piercer” the breath (after exhalation) with
jalandhara-bandha. Then, with the
support of the hands, lift off the
ground and gently tap the ground
with the buttocks several times.
9. MANDUKI-MUDRA The body retains “perpetual Press the tip of the tongue against
“Frog seal” youth” the palette.

10. MATANGINI-MUDRA Destroys decay and death, Stand in neck-deep water. First
“Elephant seal” confers great strength “like an draw in water through the nostrils
elephant” (Gheranda) and expel it out the mouth; then
draw in water through the mouth
and expel it through the nostrils.
11. MULA-BANDHA* Destroys decay; controls prana Press the left heel against the anus
“Root seal” and contract the rectum (ashvini-
mudra); press the intestines near
the navel against the spine; press
the right heel against the pubis.
12. NABHO-MUDRA Destroys all disease “In whatever business a Yogi may
“Ether seal” be engaged, wherever he may be,
let him always keep his tongue
turned upwards (towards the soft
palate), and restrain the breath
(Gheranda). Similar to khecari-
mudra (5).
13-17. PANCHA-DHARANA (“Five concentrations”). These are listed in the order of density
of elements, earth being the densest element, ether the most subtle:
13. PARTHIVI-MUDRA Conquers the “Earth” and
“Earthy seal” (also called adho- causes steadiness
14. AMBHASI-MUDRA Destroys all sorrows
“Watery seal”
15. AGNEYI-MUDRA Destroys death
“Fiery seal”
16. VAYAVI-MUDRA Destroys decay and death
“Air seal”
17. AKASHI-MUDRA Destroys death
“Ethereal seal” (also called
18. PASHINI-MUDRA Awakens Kundalini Wrap the legs around the neck,
“Bird-catcher seal” like yoga-nidrasana (“Yoga
19. SHAKTI-CALANI- Destroys decay and death Sit in siddhasana. There are two
MUDRA+ different descriptions of this seal.
“Stirring-the-power seal” Rub the body with ashes and wrap
the loins with a soft, white cloth,
one cubit long and three inches
wide. Restrain the inhalation,
perform ashvini-mudra.
Completes yoni-mudra
(Gheranda). Sit in vajrasana,
inhale through the right nostril
and restrain the breath. Hold the
ankles (Svatmarama).
20. SHAMBHAVI- “He who knows this Fix the gaze between the
MUDRA*▲ Shambhavi . . . is Brahma (GS eyebrows.
“Shambhu”s seal” 3.66)
21. TADAGI-MUDRA Destroys decay and death Sit in paschimottanasana and
“Tank seal” hollow the abdomen like a “tank.”

22. UDDIYANA-BANDHA* The “Great Bird” forced up Forcefully contract the abdomen
“Flying-up lock” into the sushumna; makes and press the viscera up towards
emancipation easy; conquers the diaphragm and back towards
death the spine.

23. VAJRONI-MUDRA Awakens Shakti, causes long Sit with legs raised, hands on
Sometimes VAJROLI life, emancipation ground (looks like paripurna
“Thunderbolt” navasana with hands on floor).

24. VIPARITA-KARANI- Destroys decay and death; yogi Perform Headstand. Sometimes
MUDRA+* will not “perish even at describes as Shoulderstand.
“Inverse action seal” Pralaya” (i.e. dissolution of the
25. YONI-MUDRA Never polluted by sins Sit in siddhasana. There are two
“Perineal seal” different descriptions of this seal.
Yoni-mudra is used as another
term for what we call shan-mukhi-
mudra: close the ears with the
thumbs, eyes with the index
fingers, nostrils with the mid
fingers, upper lip with the ring
fingers, lower lip with the little
fingers. Draw in the breath with
kaki-mudra (4). Contemplate on
Shiva/Shakti, and realize self-
identity with Brahma, the
“source” (yoni) within
(Gheranda). Contract the
perineum (yoni) (Shiva).
26. UDDANA-BANDHA Destroys sins, sorrows, disease Described only in Shiva-Samhita.
“Upward lock” and death; purifies the navel The viscera below and above the
(and thereby the “winds”), and navel are brought to the left side
kindles gastric fire; gives above the navel.
vigraha-siddhi (“power over
the microcosm”)

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