History History Future: Buisness Activity Monitioring

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History Future Buisness Activity

The future of drone use is uncertain as regulation and Monitioring

Military commanders have always dreamed of battery life begin to infringe on the development of Construction Monitoring – Real time monitoring of
drones. Currently the FAA and similar bodies across building projects so the managers can watch the pro-
attacking their enemy from a dis-tance. This was first
the globe have strict commercial regulations about gress of a build.
seriously developed during the Second World War flying in certain situations. Furthermore most com-
with the Ryan Firebee. However, before that in 1849 mercial drones have a battery life which lasts only Instant Environmental Impact Assessment – Instantly
20mins on average. Once these obstacles have been monitor, anticipate, and record environmental chang-
the Austrians sent up explosive bal-loons with timed passed there is no doubt to the endless possibilities for es on any project.
fuses over the city of Venice. the use of drones.
Power Line Monitoring Drones – Checking for prob-
lems, deterioration, and signs of danger.

Thermo Imaging of Buildings – To spot heat loss.

Open Seas Pirate Monitoring Drones – Drones fly

around container ships in sensitive areas and make the
captain aware of any vessels heading their way.

Gaming Drones
Amazon primeair is one future concept which

Current It’s not all bad though. Commercial use of drones

doesn’t seem too far away at all. The concept is
amazon packages are attached to the drone’s storage Three Dimensional Chess Drones – What’s the fun in
has skyrocketed as the tech has reduced in price over compartment and the drone is then sent off to the 2D chess when you can fly your knight or rook in for a
the last 10yrs. They are being used with cameras customers house. After landing and dropping off the perfect kill? Checkmate!
Since then technology has improved around GPS package the drone then flies home for its next delivery.
and surveillance equipment with further military mounted to the undercarriage of the drone and Drone Jousting Matches – The collisions will be spec-
research into Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) remotely controlled from the user on the ground,
some including live feeds of what it is seeing.
Emergency Services tacular.

changing the battlefield. Drone Racing – The drone version of the Indianapolis
As a result they are being used for nature Emergency services could use them for tracking of 500.
With this new weapon a negative
people, forest fire detection and reviewing accidents.
connotation has emerged as drones have become films, sport coverage, property sell images,
Drone Obstacle Courses – Great training for aspiring
renowned for killing people in Middle Eastern agriculture and 3d mapping. With such a variety of drone pilots.
countries. All controlled from a control room uses you can see why they are becoming more and
Drone Hunting Season – Forget the clay pigeons, this
anywhere in the world. more popular.
is far more challenging.
The issue has grown considerably now with
the Huffington Post and the Guardian both having
dedicated columns on drones.

Emergent Technology
History Current Future Mercedes is experimenting with airbags which are lo-
cated on the outside of the car. For example if a collision
is imminent an airbag deploys beneath the car to slow it
Cars have in many ways been pioneers in creating new Electric cars are currently a very popular area of interest One expected feature of cars of the future is that they
technology. With such an extensive market and the within the car market. Thanks to the increased efficien- will be able to communicate with each other. For exam-
amount of money in the industry car makers have been cy and power of batteries the realistic effectiveness of ple if a car runs a red light this alerts any other traffic
able to improve on efficiency, power, manufacturing electric cars have been noticed. Manufactures have put around and enables them to react before a collision.
cost, safety and even electric. Some firms such as Tesla both an electric and a combustion engine, also known Furthermore this could extend to objects on roads as
even to the extent of driverless cars. as hybrids which allow the batteries to be charged by well.
Driverless cars have always been a possibility as the main engine, swapping back over once the batteries
auto pilot on planes and self steering rudders on ships are charged. Augmented reality dashboards are also a strong possi-
have. But the issue with cars has always been problem bility. Any information would be displayed directly onto
of real life driving with so many objects/ scenarios they the windscreen. Not only speed and directions but also
have to deal with. indicators for potential hazards.

Driverless Car of the Future, advertisement for “Amer-

ica’s Electric Light and Power Companies,” Saturday
Another promising development is body panels which
Evening Post, 1950s.
store energy. Currently batteries are heavy and big
which makes storing them a problem. The panels would
store energy from charging and regenerative braking.
Toyota is even experimenting with panels which absorb
solar energy.

A fairly recent development has been the introduction

of half driverless cars entering the market. At the mo-
ment they are not fully driverless, but while sitting at
the wheel the car will control its speed and position on
the road, reacting when necessary.

The Google driverless car is one example of a car which

is not far from hitting the market.

Emergent Technology
Crowdfunding is a way to raise money, awareness and
support for a project, from the people around you. It’s a
means of funding that allows individuals to make their
ideas a reality with the power of the crowd.

Crowdfunding is a fairly new creation which has come

about as a result of the web and global communication. Gofundme not only supports product inspired projects
It enables any one to put out an idea or a project and but also help animals, personal injury and emergencies.
with peoples support get it to market. This allows people to support who they choose

The advantages of crowd funding is not only does it help

the creator fund the project but the financial support
suggests there will be a market to sell to. Basically
ensuring a guaranteed demand and supply cycle.

Autonomous, Intelligent, Developable. Meet ZANO the world’s most sophisticated nano drone - aerial photo and
HD video capture platform.

Zano has been one of kickstarters most successful projects

raising up to $2million from eager pledgers.

Crowd Funding
Emergent Behaviour
Online websites such as recycle now give you infor- Looking to the future there is a strong possibility to
mation regarding what you can recycle and where effects are going to become so bad that there will be
you can do it nearby. Its resources like these which are a tipping point in government policy, where they will
encouraging to see. have to enforce strict regulations.

Public transport is becoming more favoured as in-

creased taxes on cars and inner city driving by gov-
As the planet has warmed over the past century the ernments and councils. As a result people are choos-
effects of environmental change has begun to increase ing to save money and also save the environment.
steadily. As a result many places across the globe such
as the Maldives and the Artic are suffering, specifical- As of 2015 drought in the USA particularly the west
ly sea levels. coast has been a real issue and its problems like this
which begin to illustrate that global warming is a real
In response education about looking after the planet threat.
has been introduced and children are growing up Currently investments into water infrastruc-
with sustainability instilled into them. ture is increasing as they find innovative and promis-
ing ways to alleviate the issue.

Park and ride schemes into cities are becoming poplar

whereby you park outside the city and a bus or train
brings you into the centre.

Recently the 5p plastic bag scheme has been intro-

duced to help curb plastic waste. Instead people are
encouraged to by sustainable bags for life.

Enviromental Consiouness
Emergent Behaviour

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