Mark Scheme: November 2001

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Page 1 of 2 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
IGCSE Examinations – November 2001 0620 6

1 (a) Boxes completed to show

beaker (1), pipette (1), burette (1) [3]

(b) indicator (1), colour change (1) [2]

(c) repeat the experiment / pH meter [1]

[Total 6]

2 (a) cathode / negative [1]

(b) silver [1]

(c) silver nitrate (1) solution (1) [2]

- -
any silver salt not Cl , I

(d) (i) silver will not coat / stick or similar [1]

(ii) to give even coating / all of it gets coated [1]

[Total 6]

3 (a) to increase ease of extraction / surface area, etc [1]

(b) if hot yeast is killed [1]

(c) spatula [1]

(d) best temperature for yeast (1) too cool does not multiply / yeast is killed > 40ºC(1) [2]

(e) to prevent air (oxygen) / bacteria entering [1]

to allow CO2 to escape [1]

(f) (i) 3 - 4 days (1) + (1) for unit [2]

(ii) 10 days [1]

(iii) yeast dies (1)

no sugar / solution too concentrated re alcohol / orange juice all used up (1) [2]
(Total 12]
Page 2 of 2 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
IGCSE Examinations – November 2001 0620 6

4 (a) pops [1]

hydrogen [1]

Table of Results
All readings correct (3) marks, (-1 for any incorrect) [3]
25 28
26 33
26 37
25 39
25 42
25 45

(b) all points plotted correctly [3]

(-1 for any incorrect)
straight line best fit [1]

(c) temperature from graph (± 1°C) [1]

indication on grid [1]

(d) exothermic [1]

(e) (i) experiment 6 [1]

(ii) largest piece / greatest concentration Mg (1) \ more reaction / collisions with acid particles
etc. (1) [2]

(f) use a burette instead of m. cylinder / insulate / lag apparatus (1)

more accurate / reduce heat losses (1)
repeat (1), average (1)
same initial temperatures (1) \ easy comparison (1) [max 2]
[Total 17]

5 (a) (i) green (1) precipitate (1) [max 2]

(b) red / brown (1) precipitate (1) [2]

(c) green (1) precipitate (1) [2]

brown (1) [1]

(e) ammonia [1]

(f) ammonium [1]

(g) sulphate [1]

[Total 10]

6 (a) Universal Indicator solution / pH paper (1), read pH from chart (1) / use a pH meter (2)[max 2]

(b) chromatography (1) paper (1)

apply cola (1) separation with solvent (1) [max 3]

(c) can open under water to collect gas in graduated tube / m. cylinder (1)
filled with water (1), syringe = 0 (would not work) [2]

(d) limewater [1]

milky [1]
not lighted splint
[Total 9]

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