Mapua University: School of Chemical, Biological, Material Engineering and Sciences (CBMES)

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School of Chemical, Biological, Material Engineering and

Sciences (CBMES)

Experiment No.: 4
Title: Galvanic Cells, the Nernst Equation

Group No.: 5
Name: Limboc, April Lyn G.

Pre/Post Lab Quiz

Prelim Data Sheet
Laboratory Attire
Title Page
Report Form

Report Form - Data Sheet

A. Reduction Potentials of Several Redox Couples

Galvanic Ecell Anode Equation for Cathode Equation for

Cells measured Anode Half- Cathode Half-
Reaction Reaction
Cu-Zn 0.79 Zn Zn(s)  Zn2+(aq) + 2e- Cu Cu 2+
+ 2e-  Cu(s)
Cu-Fe 0.96 Fe Fe(s)  Fe2+(aq) + 2e- Cu Cu2+(aq) + 2e-  Cu(s)
Zn-Fe 0.16 Zn Zn(s)  Zn2+(aq) + 2e- Fe Fe2+(aq) + 2e-  Fe(s)

1. Write balanced equations for the six cell reactions.

Cu-Zn : Anode- Zn(s)  Zn2+(aq) + 2e- , Cathode- Cu2+(aq) + 2e-  Cu(s)

Balanced equation: Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq)  Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s)

Cu-Fe : Anode- Fe(s)  Fe2+(aq) + 2e- , Cathode- Cu2+(aq) + 2e-  Cu(s)

Balanced equation: Fe(s) + Cu2+(aq)  Fe2+(aq) + Cu(s)

Zn-Fe : Anode- Zn(s)  Zn2+(aq) + 2e- , Cathode- Fe2+(aq) + 2e-  Fe(s)

Balanced equation: Zn(s) + Fe2+(aq)  Zn2+(aq) + Fe(s)

B. Effect of Concentration Changes on Cell Potential

1. Cell potential of concentration cell: 048 mV
Anode half-reaction: Cu (s)  Cu2+(aq) (0.01 M) + 2e-
Cathode half-reaction: Cu2+(aq) (1 M) + 2e-  Cu (s)

5. Complete the table as follows:

 Ecell Measured: Re-enter the values from Part A, Column 2 of the Report Sheet.
 Reduction potential (experimental): Enter the reduction potential for each redox
couple relative to -0.79 V for the Zn2+ (0.1 M) / Zn redox couple. Use EM2+/M =
Ecell,measured + (-0.79 V), assuming Zn as the anode.
 Reduction potential (theoretical): The reduction potential for each redox couple
(M2+ / M) is calculated from a table of standard reduction potentials and the Nernst
equation (equation 32.7) for [ M2+ ] = 0.1 M.

Galvanic Cell Ecell For the Redox Reduction Reduction % Error

Measure Couple Potential Potential
d (experimental (theoretical)
Cu-Zn 0.79 V Cu2+ / Cu 0V 0.31 100.00 %
Zn-Fe 0.16 V Fe2+ / Fe -0.63V -0.47 34.00 %
Zn-Zn 0 Zn2+ / Zn -0.79 V -0.79 0.00
Zn-Mg Mg2+ / Mg
Zn-unknown, X X2+ / X

B.) Effect of Concentration Changes on Cell Potential

1.) Cell potential of concentration cell: 0.36 V

Anode half-reaction: Cu Cu2+ (0.01 M) + 2e-
Cathode half-reaction: Cu2+ (1M) + 2e- Cu
Explain why a potential is recorded. The 2 metals will be reduced due to oxidation

2.) Cell potential from complex formation: 0.17 V

Observation of solution in half cell. Solution turned into a blue shade.
Explain why the potential changes as it does with the addition of NH3(aq). Addition of NH3 (aq)
will lead more Copper ions to flow to the anode which will lead to a decrease of copper ion

3.) Cell potential from precipitate formation: 0.12 V

Observation of solution in half-cell. Solution turns into a dark brown shade.
Explain why the potential changes as it does with the addition of Na2S. There was an exchange
of ions that happened during the half-cell reactions.

C. The Nernst Equation and an Unknown Concentration

1. Complete the following table with the concentrations of the Cu(NO3)2 solutions and the
measured cell potentials, Ecell,expt.. . Use equation 32.9 to determine Ecell,calc. .

Solution Concentration of Ecell , -log [ Cu2+ ], Ecell , calculated

Number Cu(NO3)2 experimental pCu
1 0.1 mol/L 0.005 1 -0.025
2 0.001 mol/L 0.016 3 -0.073
3 0.00001 mol/L 0.038 5 -0.11
4 0.0000001 mol/L 0.034 7 -0.17

Laboratory Questions

1. The measured potential will be too low because the filter paper salt bridge is not wetted.
When it is not wetted, the charge difference will prevent the flow of electrons in the
system. The purpose of a salt bridge is to balance the flow of ions between reduction
vessel and oxidation vessel while keeping them separate. Without this balance, any
reduction and oxidation would not happen. Therefore, if the filter paper salt bridge is not
wetted, there will be a difference in charge established and so the measured potential will
be too low.

2. Copper will be at cathode since that is the only electrode where reduction is happening.
Thus, copper is cathode electrode in the cell.

3. The measured reduction potentials will have a chance that it would not be equal to the
calculated reduction potentials since, the anode or cathode will have impurities along
them, this will cause the reading of voltage to fluctuate time-to-time. Also, the result of
voltage may have significantly dropped due to resistance occurred in the salt bridge.
4. The cell potential will have a lower reading since NH3 (aq) will be added to a solution with
a lower concentration in the anode. If 1M of CuSO4 is applied than the 0.001 M CuSO4
then there is a difference in concentration. The cell potential will have a lower reading
because of higher concentration of CuSO4 acting as a reducer. This will promote
reduction in the reaction more so, lower chances of redox reaction taking place. Another
side of this could be the anode needing less electron transfer for both solutions to reach

5. The cell potential increased with the addition of Na2S solution because more electrons
can freely travel between the two vessels which are the anode and cathode. They travel
from anode to cathode when the 0.001 M CuSO4 solution discharges electrons.

6. With respect to the basis of measured potentials, there will be an increase recorded as the
concentrations of Copper (II) ion increased. Electrons are also released from the 0.001 M
CuSO4 solution flowing from the anode to cathode. So, when ions are increased, there
would be an obvious increase in electrical potential.

7. The measured cell potential would increase if it has been diluted with Zn2+ ions in the
solution. Since this can be reasoned out by the released of more electrons from the anode
to make the solutions reach equilibrium. By diluting it with Zn half-cell, the reaction
moves away from the equilibrium and thus it would result to a high cell potential. On the
other way round, if it was Cu2+ then reaction moves towards equilibrium and so cell
potential decreases.

8. Considering both ways, will result to a change in cell potential, it may go up or down
depending on the material that will be involved in the overall process. Also, any
exchange number of ions will push the reaction away from equilibrium. Therefore, any
alterations made, no matter if it is Cu2+ or Zn2+, the system may opt to move go closer or
further from the equilibrium. However, looking at the reactions, the concentrations of
Cu2+ must be increased and at the same time, Zn2+ be decreased to generate more cell
potential when both are controlled in measure and concentration. Given this condition,
this will make the system to move away from the equilibrium, promoting more electron
transfer from anode to cathode.


Electrochemistry is a huge sub-branch of Chemistry and its importance in the modern

world is immeasurable. The numerous manufacturing of cars, electric materials and battery
powered objects uses the theory of electrochemistry. Thus, the applications of these are helping
scientists and researchers advance their projects and work on technologies that can help people in
their daily tasks.

In galvanic cells or commonly referred as “voltaic cells”, redox reactions occur

spontaneously, this means a side is being oxidized and reduced at the same time. Nevertheless, to
prove the reaction is happening and continuously taking place, our group has looked into the
reactions placed in front of us and observed the differences in the readings from the multimeter.
The electrodes were not labeled, and the solution is labeled and some of these are Copper (II)
Sulfate (CuSO4), Zinc (II) Nitrate (Zn(NO3)2) and Iron (II) Sulfate (FeSO4). The procedures have
been carried out and the cell potential differences were taken with the three solutions. The
balance reactions were later formed and analyzed from the half-cell reduction table sheet and
Copper (II) was used in the cathode while Zinc (II) is mostly an anode, however when Zinc(II)
and Iron (II) were both in the reaction, Zinc (II) remains to be reducing agent (at anode) and Iron
(II) remains to be oxidized (at cathode) since Iron (II) is more oxidizing than Zinc (II).

Through this experiment, we were able to relate the Nernst equation and its effects with
the change in concentrations of solutions sampled inside the lab. Thus, if we increase product
concentration, cell potential will decrease, in short terms both are inversely proportional from the
other. We also were exposed to certain factors that affects the stability of our experiment and
temperatures are one of it.

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