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ISSN (Online) 2581-9429

International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)
International Open-Access, Double-Blind, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Multidisciplinary Online Journal
Impact Factor: 7.301 Volume 3, Issue 1, September 2023

Structural Health Monitoring of Concrete

Structure by Non Distructive Evaluation
Mr. Girish Joshi1, Kalyani D. Kapratwar2, Sarika S. Phad3, Supriya V. Dhabale4, Pradnya N. Admane5
Project Guide, Department of Civil Engineering1
Final Year Students, Department of Civil Engineering2-5
G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Pune, India

Abstract: Day to day we see various defects and problems in our structures like cracks ,honeycombing,
settlement and displacement, deformation and so on which is directly responsible for the lifespan of
structure. But we really aware of about our structure conditions? We really need to monitor the health of
our structures? Anyone curious about what exactly causes of these defects? Yes! Structural health
monitoring is very necessary and essential in these days. In these polluted world ,various causes are
responcible for structural deteriotions.
Structural health monitoring ensure the quality and structure life span. Structural health monitoring is
nothing but monitor or investigate the change occurs in the structure which help the understand
compressive strength of material. Then how to monitor structure ? Yes it is possible without distruction of
building, which is using non distructive testing evaluation. in civil engineering various NDT has like rebar
hammer, ultrasonic velocity ,carbonation test and half cell potentionmeter

Keywords: Non-Destructive Evaluation, Structural Health Monitoring, Columns, Steel, Composite

Sections of concrete & compressive Strength, stress-strain relations, strength determination, Concrete
damage detection

Day to day we see various defects and problems in our structures like cracks ,honeycombing, settlement and
displacement, deformation and so on which is directly responsible for the lifespan of structure. But we really aware of
about our structure conditions? We really need to monitor the health of our structures? Anyone curious about what
exactly causes of these defects? Yes! Structural health monitoring is very necessary and essential in these days. In these
polluted world ,various causes are responsible for structural deteriotions.
Structural health monitoring ensure the quality and structure life span. Structural health monitoring is nothing but
monitor or investigate the change occurs in the structure which help the understand compressive strength of material.
Then how to monitor structure ? Yes it is possible without distruction of building, which is using non distructive testing
evaluation in civil engineering various NDT has like rebar hammer, ultrasonic velocity ,carbonation test and half cell
These tests are help indirectly to find out compressive strengths of structure. Buttests does not gives actual compressive
strength. It gives you probable value that why it accuracy it`s like plue minus 10 or 25 is because we had concrete
as material, which is heterogenous in properties that why lot of limitations are contain in NDT. and NDT accuracy are
actually depend on how to take ND testing, what precausions, guideline you follows.


Literature survey is carried out by study of various Research paper related on Structural health monitoring and
condition assessment of RC structure
D. Breysse ―Non distructive evaluation of concrete strength: an historical review and a new perpective by combining
NDT methods‖-19th Dec 2011, in this paper has been analyzes why and how non destructive testing (NDT)
measurements can be used in order to assess on site strength of concrete. It is based on a) an in-depth critical review of
existing models, (b) an analysis of experimental data gathered by many authors in laboratory studies as well as on site,

Copyright to IJARSCT DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT-12922 122
ISSN (Online) 2581-9429
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)
International Open-Access, Double-Blind, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Multidisciplinary Online Journal
Impact Factor: 7.301 Volume 3, Issue 1, September 2023

(c) the development and analysis of synthetic simulations designed in order to reproduce the main patterns exhibited
with real data while better controlling influencing parameters. The key factors influencing the quality of strength
estimate are identified. Two NDT techniques (UPV and rebound) are prioritized and many empirical strength-NDT
models are analyzed. It is shown that the measurementerror has a much larger influence on the quality of estimate than
the model error. The key issue of calibration is addressed and a proposal is made in the case of the SonReb combined


The instrument measures the potential and the electrical resistance between the reinforcement and the surface to
evaluate the corrosion activity as well as the actual condition of the cover layer during testing. The electrical activity of
the steel reinforcement and the concrete leads them to be considered as one half of weak battery cell with the steel
acting as one electrode and the concrete as the electrolyte. The name half-cell surveying derives from the fact that the
one half of the battery cell is considered to be the steel reinforcing bar and the surrounding concrete. The electrical
potential of a point on the surface of steel reinforcing bar can be measured comparing its potential with that of copper
sulphate reference electrode on the surface.
Practically this achieved by connecting a wire from one terminal of a voltmeter to the reinforcement and another wire
to the copper sulphate reference electrode

Colour observation
a) Instantaneous Red purple colour occur within 30 sec
B) Slow development of colour
C) Boundary is diffuse
Creep back towards surface that occurred after the original result wasrecorded within 30 sec of spraying.

Copyright to IJARSCT DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT-12922 123
ISSN (Online) 2581-9429
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)
International Open-Access, Double-Blind, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Multidisciplinary Online Journal
Impact Factor: 7.301 Volume 3, Issue 1, September 2023


After co-relating with core strength, Core UPV & Rebound values and strength calibration charts prepared by CDC PL
lab, the strength of site members may be assumed as mentioned above in results.
During removal of plaster at these test locations it was observed that the surface layer concrete has Spalled along with
plaster; indicating probable weak concrete on surface.
Before testing all such points were treated with fast setting cement; so as to give flat & smooth surface for UPV testing.
During this evaluation and assessment process we observed that rebound hammer is like just stethoscope because
doesnot gives the direct compressive strength of is indirect method for measuring the hardness of concrete
which indirectly related to probable value of compressive strength.
During the determining the compressive strength rebound hammer value take only 20% as compared to ultrasonic plus
Rebound hammer testing is only reliable to 25mm to 45mm depth of concrete.and it alsodepend upon various factors.
In ultrasonic plus velocity is near to compressive strength of concrete,it is 80% responsible for concrete strength.
It also depends upon various factors and in this test density of concrete is not directly affect the just myth or
When variation in properties of concrete affect the test results the use of one method alone would not be sufficient to
study and evaluate the required property. Therefore, the use of more than one method yields more reliable results.

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Copyright to IJARSCT DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT-12922 124
ISSN (Online) 2581-9429
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)
International Open-Access, Double-Blind, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Multidisciplinary Online Journal
Impact Factor: 7.301 Volume 3, Issue 1, September 2023

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