Module 2 Lesson 1

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with Sir Jayvee
Gender, sex and sexuality are all pretty
complicated ideas – and definitely not
as black and white as some people
might think. The most important thing
to realize is that you’re not defined by
your sexuality or gender. You’re you,
and that’s awesome.
The Gender
The Gender Unicorn is designed to help us
understand gender, sex and attraction
(sometimes referred to as ‘sexuality’).

You can see that some of the concepts

have arrows next to them, and others just
have dots. This is because some concepts
are on a spectrum or range, while others are
more fixed.
The term gender, which can be
understood as the way an individual
expresses and understands
themselves in relation to their sex, is
often used interchangeably with the
term sex. This reflects the common
underlying assumption that the two
are always aligned.
Examples and Illustrations
What is
This refer to a range of conditions where a
person’s sex is not strictly male or female.
This may be due to the presence of male
and female sex characteristics, or the
underdevelopment of primary sex
Sexuality can be complicated and is
not fixed for everyone. There are
many types of sexual orientation that
people identify as having – and it is
now accepted that same-sex
attraction is a normal part of human
11 Sexualities
Heterosexual refers to
when people tend to be
attracted to the opposite
sex or gender.
Gay refers to same-sex attraction
and is most often used to in
reference to men.
Lesbian refers to women
who are mostly
attracted to other
women, or people
identifying as women
Bisexual refers to
individuals who are
attracted to both
sexes and genders.
Pan is also often to Pan means all, so
indicate a diverse pansexual people are
attracted to all genders
sexuality, and
similar to bisexual.
attraction to
people regardless
of their gender.
Asexual refers to
individuals who do not or
have not yet experienced
sexual attraction to
Asexual attraction and desire
for sex.
Homo means “same”,
therefore liking someone
of the same sex. Gay
and lesbian generally fit
into this category
An attraction to one gender where
gay and lesbian can fall under this
10 It means to be
attracted to many
types of genders.


11 A catch all term that encompasses

any identity outside of cisgender
(someone who does not been
identify as transgender)
heterosexual or allosexual.
On the image, you can see that gender
identity has the rainbow symbol next to it, and
that the unicorn is thinking about the symbol.
This is because gender identity is inside us;
it’s how we feel about our own gender.

We may have been taught that male and

female are the only gender identities. This is
the ‘binary’ view of gender. But actually, there
are many different understandings of gender.
If you don’t identify exclusively with being a
male or a female, and instead feel like you fit
somewhere between the two, you might
identify with being ‘non-binary’.
Gender Expression
You can see that the green
dots that symbolize ‘gender
expression’ are outside the
unicorn (i.e. not in its
thoughts). This is because
your gender expression is
what’s visible about your
gender to other people.
How much do other people
read you as masculine,
feminine, a bit of both,
something else, or perhaps
nothing at all?
Sex Assigned
When you were born, the doctor or midwife
assigned you a sex based on your body’s
physical characteristics. This is a fixed
category that may be different from how your
gender self-identity develops as you grow. In
short, this is a biological construct that refers
to one’s physical attributes and genetic make
– up.
Physical Attraction

Physical Attraction refers to the

characteristics of a person that might
make you physically or sexually attracted
to them. Physical attraction can come
from a variety of factors, including
someone’s gender identity, gender
expression, or the sex they were
assigned at birth.
Emotional Attraction
Emotional Attraction relates to the characteristics of a
person that might make you emotionally or romantically
attracted to them.

This can also come from a variety of factors, including

gender identity, gender expression, or the sex they were
assigned at birth.

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