A Review On Sliding Wear Behaviour of Al PDF

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Tribology Online, 9, 3 (2014) 121-134.

ISSN 1881-2198
DOI 10.2474/trol.9.121


A Review on Sliding Wear Behaviour of Aluminium Matrix Composites with

Hybrid Reinforcements for Automotive Applications
Jaswinder Singh1) and Amit Chauhan2)*
University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Panjab University SSG Regional Centre
Hoshiarpur, Punjab 146023, India
University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Panjab University, Chandigarh 160014, India
*Corresponding author: [email protected]

( Manuscript received 17 February 2014; accepted 29 June 2014; published 30 September 2014 )

The aluminium matrix composites, particularly with hybrid reinforcements are the advanced materials that
have been widely used as a substitute material in the transport sector, to manufacture lighter-weight and
higher-performance components. As these components are often subjected to sliding wear under working
conditions, therefore several of these applications require enhanced frictional and wear resistance. The
purpose of the current review is therefore aimed at highlighting the focus of the current research scenario, in
the field of tribological behaviour of aluminium based hybrid composites, to explore the materials for
automotive applications. A significant experimental data has been reported in this area, and it has been
revealed that the materials possessing high wear resistance are associated with formation of a stable tribolayer
on the wear surface and the fine equiaxed wear debris. The operating variables such as applied load, sliding
distance and sliding speed, temperature, wearing surface hardness, reinforcement contents and morphology
have been found as critical parameters in relation to the wear regime, encountered by the material during
operation. An attempt has been made to present and review the various aspects relevant to sliding wear
behaviour of aluminium alloys and the hybrid composites, with different combinations of reinforcements.
Further, it has been found that the cost and the weight of the aluminium matrix composites can be
considerably controlled, by addition of hybrid reinforcements, without compromising the tribological

Keywords: sliding wear, aluminium composites, hybrid reinforcements, ceramics, and waste materials.

and the processing route [7]. These materials have been

1. Introduction emerged from the perpetual need of high-performance
components for automotive applications. AMCs offer
Metal matrix composites (MMCs), like most
the promising perspective in assisting the automotive
composite materials, provide enhanced properties over engineers to achieve improvement in vehicle efficiency.
monolithic materials, such as higher strength, stiffness Recent developments in this field have confirmed that
and weight savings [1]. Generally, there are two phases the properties of these composites can be tailored, by
in the MMCs, i.e. a fibrous or particulate phase, changing the fraction, size and type of reinforcing
distributed in a metallic matrix. The MMCs reinforced
particles, to meet a particular requirement [8-10].
with ceramic reinforcements have shown significant The silicon carbide (SiC) and alumina (Al2O3) are
improvement in tribological properties, including some of the hard ceramic reinforcements, which are
sliding wear resistance [2,3]. This is due to the presence
added to aluminium matrix to improve its mechanical
of hard phase in the metal matrix, which protects the strength and wear resistance. However, the use of single
matrix from wear [4,5]. Under sliding conditions, the reinforcement in aluminium matrix may sometimes
applied load is transferred from the ductile alloy matrix
compromise the values for physical or mechanical
to the hard reinforcements, providing higher stress properties. First of all, these reinforcements are denser
bearing capabilities to MMCs [6]. than the aluminium matrix, and they increase the weight
The aluminium matrix composites (AMCs) are the
of the AMCs. Secondly, ceramic particles are very hard,
type of MMCs, which offer flexibility in the design of a and they increase the wear rate of the mating
component, by selecting suitable matrix, reinforcements

Copyright © 2014 Japanese Society of Tribologists 121

Jaswinder Singh and Amit Chauhan

counter-faces, due to the abrasive action. Therefore, strengthening (in a given direction), but the particle
these reinforcements reduce the wear resistance of the reinforced composites are more attractive, due to their
tribosystem, while improving the wear resistance of the cost effectiveness, isotropic properties and their ability
AMCs [11]. Thirdly, the increase in hardness of the to be processed, using similar technology used for
composites due to presence of hard particles makes the monolithic materials. The reinforcement particles which
machining of AMCs difficult. Thus, it is essential to can be reinforced into the aluminium matrix are
identify the ways to retain the positive influence of generally classified into two categories: hard particles
ceramic particles, while the attending these problems, like SiC, Al2O3 and silica (hardness up to 30 GPa),
simultaneously. The use of secondary reinforcement is which are added to improve the wear resistance
well suited for these applications and their addition can properties, or soft particles like graphite and MoS2
make the design of AMCs more flexible and reliable. (hardness below 2 GPa), which are used for solid
lubrication purpose [24]. Therefore, by selecting the
1.1. Hybrid aluminum matrix composites (HAMCs)
appropriate type of reinforcement particles, it is possible
The applications of AMCs with multiple
to improve the wear performance of the composites.
reinforcements (hybrid composites) are continuously
growing, as they are considered as a better substitute for 1.1.2 Processing methods
single reinforced composites. These composites The characteristic profile for the composites with
combine the properties of the ceramics with that of the same composition and amount of the reinforcement can
secondary reinforcements, to provide aggregate also be changed by selection of manufacturing
characteristics profile, not exhibited by any single technique and the processing method. Jayaseelan et al.
material [12-16]. Recent research on hybrid composite [25] fabricated aluminium alloy specimen with 5%
has revealed that the presence of graphite particles can silicon carbide contents, using stir casting and powder
reduce the wear of the composites, while agro/industrial metallurgy fabrication routes, and found that the stir cast
waste products can be added to provide materials for specimen possessed superior strength levels than the
low cost and low weight applications [17,18]. The sample made by powder metallurgy. Further, Zhou and
agro/industrial waste materials like red mud, fly ash, Xu [26] found improvement in wettability, reduction of
rice husk ash (RHA) and bamboo leaf ash (BLA) are porosity and homogeneous distribution of reinforced
some of the green reinforcements, which can be particles with two step stir casting, and hence better
beneficially used as reinforcements in the aluminium tribological properties. The addition of magnesium
matrix. But, the strength level achieved by reinforcing along with reinforcing particles has also been found to
these particles into the aluminium matrix is too less to influence the wear characteristics of the AMCs. Ahlatci
be used for high stress bearing applications [19-21]. et al. [27] reported that the addition of magnesium also
This may be due to presence of silica (SiO2), which has helps in improvement of wettability of particles within
strength much lower than the aluminium matrix. the alloy matrix and therefore increases the wear
Therefore, these materials can be considered as resistance of the composites.
secondary reinforcements in aluminium matrix in
1.2. Wear characteristics
addition the ceramics, to obtain the candidate materials
The composite materials designed for wear
for various automotive components [22]. In addition to
resistance applications should be able to support heavy
this, two different ceramic reinforcements can also be
load, without undergoing any deformation or fracture
combined to improve mechanical performance of the
during performance. They should also maintain
composites under certain conditions.
controlled friction and wear over long periods, without
Keeping all these issues in mind, this paper presents
severe surface damages as galling, scuffing or seizure.
various aspects related to the wear behaviour of
The MMCs reinforced with ceramic particulates can
HAMCs. The wear mechanisms of pure aluminium
withstand severe wear conditions, because of their high
alloys, single reinforced composites and the HAMCs
strength [28,29]. The aluminum based MMCs possess
containing particulate reinforcement phases are also
good thermal conductivity along with reduced weight,
discussed and compared. In addition to this, the
due to which most widely preferred for these
significant parameters which control the wear behaviour
applications [30,31].
of the composites have been identified. The study will
Stephens et al. [32] reported that the wear resistance
helpful in development of database for wear properties
normally increases with increase in the volume contents
of the HAMCs, with the use of secondary reinforcement
of hard ceramics and the particle size. The hard ceramic
(to either alumina or silicon carbide).
particles increase the strength and wear resistance of
1.1.1 Reinforcements type composites, but decrease their ductility [27,33]. The soft
The focus of the selection of suitable material for particles like graphite and TiO2 acting as solid lubricants,
tribological applications is the desired type, quantity and decrease the coefficient of friction, the ductility and the
distribution of the reinforcements (particles and fibers) strength of filled matrix [16,17]. Further, Deuis [4]
in the matrix alloy [23]. Although, the fiber reported that the materials possessing high wear
reinforcements provide the most cost effective resistance are influenced by the formation and

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A Review on Sliding Wear Behaviour of Aluminium Matrix Composites with Hybrid Reinforcements for Automotive Applications

detachment of the oxide layer, on the surface of the 2. Review and discussion
composite under the load range used.
2.1. Reinforcing solid lubricants and ceramic particles
Although, HAMCs have the capability to offer
Table 1 presents the various investigations regarding
excellent strength to weight ratio, while providing
influence of solid lubricant particles as partial
comparable wear properties, but a careful identification
reinforcement, into the aluminium matrix, with different
of the conditions through analysis and understanding of
type and size of reinforcements and operating
tribological parameters is a major issue for material
selection and development. Moreover, contradictory
Suresha and Sridhara [34] found that the protective
results regarding the influence of the different
layer formed between the pin and the counterface, due
tribological parameters on the performance of HAMCs
to incorporation of graphite particles in the aluminium
can be found from previous investigations. Many
matrix. This behaviour may be due to the fact that the
investigators carried out experiments on the wear
graphite particles acts as solid lubricants and reduce
performance of HAMCs, against different counter
friction, while the ceramic particles are quite hard and
surfaces under different parametric conditions. In the
produce abrasive action.
following section, the tribological behavior of HAMCs
Suresha and Sridhara [34-37] reported that the wear
with different possible combinations of reinforcements
of composites decreased with increase in the percentage
have been discussed and reviewed.

Table 1 Sliding wear investigations regarding influence of solid lubricant particles in HAMCs fabricated
by stir casting method

Reference Suresh et al. Kumar and Dhiman Elango et al. Radhika et al.
[34] [38] [42] [44]

Apparatus Pin on disc Pin on disc Pin on disc Pin on disc

Reinforcing SiC, Gr (Total SiC (7%) SiC (7.5%) Al2O3 (9 mass%)

Particles 10% share) Gr (3%) TiO2 (0-5%) Gr (3 mass%)

Size of SiC (10-20) SiC (27-33) SiC (25) Al2O3 (15-20)

Particles(μm) Gr (70-80) Gr (20-25) TiO2(50) Gr (50-70)

Matrix type LM25 Al 7075 LM 25 AlSi10Mg


Counterpart EN-31 Steel EN 32 steel disc Hard steel EN 32 steel

Ra =0.1 μm HRC 70 HV 698 HRC 65

Speed (m/s) 0.4-2.0 2-6 1.04 (fix) 1.5-3.5

Load (N) 15-75 20-60 29-49 20-40

Distance (m) 400-2000 2000-4000 150-475 700-2100

Mass/volume -- Response surface -- Taguchi

Fraction (%) methodology method

%age Error -- 7 -- 3.88-14

Parameters -- (1) load (2) speed, (1) load, (1) distance,

Influence (3) distance (2) distance (2) speed (3) load

Analysis SEM graphs ANOVA, SEM graphs, SEM, ANOVA

Regression equations Graphs Regression eqn

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Fig. 1 Variation of the wear with reinforcement content, sliding speed,

load and sliding distance for Al/SiC/Gr hybrid composite [34]

Fig. 2 The specific wear rate of the unreinforced alloy and hybrid composite for all
combination of load and sliding speed with respect to sliding distance [38]

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A Review on Sliding Wear Behaviour of Aluminium Matrix Composites with Hybrid Reinforcements for Automotive Applications

of reinforcement and sliding speed, while with in vol% for fixed particle size, the wear rate and
increasing load and sliding distance, the wear of the coefficient of friction of the composites decreased, due
composites increased (Figure 1). With addition of solid to lubricating nature of TiO2. With an increase in the
lubricant i.e. graphite particles, the wear of the load, the wear behavior was changed from mild to
composite tends to decrease. On the other hand, the severe, although this change for composites takes place
presence of silicon contents is responsible for increase at higher values, as compared to unreinforced alloy. It
in strength and the resistance to wear of composite. But, has been revealed that the wear rate decreased, as the
it reduces the machinability of parts, and increases the sliding distance was increased. This behavior of the
stiffness. In the study, the percentage of reinforcements composites is due to microstructural homogeneity with
for optimum wear conditions was evaluated to be 7.5%. greater porosity, and poor interfacial bonding between
The results obtained in this study are in line with that matrix and TiO2 particles, which further leads to the
obtained by Stojanovic [16] i.e. the combined use of the formation of oxide layers on the surface of contact. This
both the hard and soft reinforcements lead to layer acts as a protection cover on the surface of
improvement of tribological and mechanical composites, and thereby reduces the wear [43].
characteristics of aluminium alloys. N. Radhika et al. [44] applied Taguchi’s method to
Kumar and Dhiman [38] fabricated hybrid generate an experimental plan, for finding the wear
composites to compare the specific wear rate of pure
alloy (Al-7075), and the alloy (Al-7075) reinforced with
7 mass% of silicon carbide and 3 mass% of graphite. It
was reported that the specific wear rate of the hybrid
composite was lower than the pure alloy, for all
combinations of operating parameters. Under low speed
and low load conditions, the specific wear rate was
reduced, due to formation of oxide layers, crushing of
the silicon carbide particles and miniature lubricant
layer formation in between work material and counter
surface [39-41]. This type of the behavior was observed
up to transition state, after which this trend was reversed,
due to decrease in the role of the oxide layer. With an
increase in the sliding distance, the specific wear rate of
both the materials (alloy and composite) under
investigation decreased up to transitional conditions,
after which the trend was changed. The specific wear
rate of these materials for all combinations of load and
speed with sliding distance is shown in Figure 2.
The results obtained are in line with [16,34] that
wear resistance of alloy increased with hybrid
reinforcement. It was supported by the result that the
Al-7075 alloy was seized during the test, while no such
failure was observed for hybrid composites under
investigations. A combination of different types of wear
behavior was also observed for the both the materials i.e.
abrasion, delamination and adhesive wear. By applying
the Response Surface Methodology (RSM), the load
was predicted as most influential parameter as far as
specific wear rate of materials under test is concerned,
followed by sliding speed and sliding distance.
According to Elango and Raghunath [42] the
aluminium matrix (LM25) reinforced with hybrid
reinforcements (SiC and TiO2) possess higher strength and
wear resistance, as compared to the aluminium matrix. The
results of the study are presented in Figures 3(a) and 3(b),
and it can be observed that the wear resistance increased,
when hybrid reinforcement were added into the
Al-matrix. It was also revealed in the study that the Fig. 3 Wear rate of unreinforced alloy and
aluminum alloy exhibits more wear followed by SiC composites at applied loads of (a) 29.43 N, (b)
reinforced Al-matrix composites and the hybrid 39.24 N [42]
composites. When contents of the TiO2 were increased

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performance of the hybrid composites (Al-Si10Mg + generated to establish correlation between the
alumina + graphite). This method significantly reduces significant terms obtained from ANOVA analysis. The
the number of trials that are required to model the experimental values and computed values were
response function, compared with the full factorial compared and an error associated with dry sliding wear
design of experiments [45,46]. By applying this of composites varying from 3.88% to 14.1% was
technique, possible interaction between the factors that predicted. In this study, the wear rate was found to
influences the wear behavior was identified. The results increase with increase in wear load, and decrease with
show that sliding distance (46.8%) has the highest increase in wear speed and sliding distance [16].
influence on wear rate, followed by applied load
2.2. Reinforcing combination of ceramic particles
(31.5%), and sliding speed (14.1%). For coefficient of
Table 2 shows the previous investigations, regarding
friction, the sliding distance, applied load and sliding
influence of combination of different ceramic
speed have contribution of 50%, 35.7% and 7.3%
reinforcements into Al matrix.
respectively. Further, the regression equations were
Uvaraja and Natarajan [47] applied Taguchi

Table 2 Sliding wear investigations regarding influence of ceramics in HAMCs fabricated by

stir casting method

Reference Uvaraja et al. [47] Kumar et al. Rajmohan et al. [54]


Apparatus Pin on disc Pin on disc Pin on disc

Reinforcing SiC(5-15 mass%) SiC (0-15%) SiC (10 mass%)

Particles B4C(3 mass% Zrcon Mica (0-6 mass%)
fix) (0-15%)

Size of SiC (30-70) SiC (20-32) SiC (25) Mica(45)

Particles(μm) B4C(5-20) Zr (20-32)

Matrix type Al 7075 LM 13 Al356

Counterpart EN-31 Steel HRC EN 32 EN 32 steel HRC

62 HRC 65 65

Speed (m/s) 1.5-4.5 1.6 m/s fix 0.3-1.57

Load (N) 10-40 1 kg, 5 kg 9.81-49

Distance (m) 400-2000 0-2880 --

Mass/volume vol%(5-15) SiC -- Mica (0-5 mass%)

Fraction (%)

Time (min) 5-15 -- --

Temp.(°C) -- 50-300 --

Techniques Taguchi method -- R.S.M. method


% Error 6.9-9.23 -- 5

Parameters (1) vol% SiC, (1)Load (1) Load (2) mass%

Influence (2) load (3) speed mica, (3) Speed

Analysis ANOVA, SEM, SEM, Graphs ANOVA,R2-value

Regression eqns.

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A Review on Sliding Wear Behaviour of Aluminium Matrix Composites with Hybrid Reinforcements for Automotive Applications

technique to evaluate wear performance of the HAMCs,

with different combination of hard ceramic
reinforcements (SiC and B4C). The optimum conditions
for minimum wear rate and coefficient of friction were
evaluated, using the developed ANOVA and the results
were verified by regression equations [45].
Percentage of reinforcement (30.99%) has been
found as the most influential parameter, regarding the
sliding behavior of the composites, followed by applied
load (29.96%) and sliding speed (29.89%), as shown in
Figure 4(a) and 4(b). The error obtained with the help of
ANOVA for wear rate and coefficients of friction are
10.78% and 10.65% respectively. Multiple regression
values for wear rate and coefficient of friction are found
to be 0.865 and 0.866 respectively. The errors with
maximum values of 11.76% and 9.23% were observed
for wear rate and the coefficient of friction, respectively.
These values confirm that the Taguchi’s method can be
successfully applied for evaluating the influence of
various parameters on sliding wear behaviour of the
composites. It is revealed from the study that the wear
rate decreases with increasing values of speed, volume
fraction and time, while it increases with increasing load
To study the wear behavior of composites at high
temperatures, Kumar et al. [48] fabricated five
composites, namely A, B, C, D and E with different
compositions of zircon sand and silicon carbide
particles were used as hybrid reinforcements (up to 15
mass%), to obtain required wear properties [49,50]. The
microhardness of these composites with different
combinations of dual reinforcements has been presented
in Table 3. The higher values of microhardness for Fig. 4 (a) Main effect plot for means wear Rate, (b)
hybrid composites show that the composites with better Contribution % age of wear and friction
interfacial bonding between particle and alloy matrix coefficient [47]
can be obtained, by incorporating dual reinforcements in
the aluminium matrix. from 50°C to 200°C at low load i.e. 1 kg, the wear
Figures 5(a) and 5(b) shows the variation of the wear behaviour was changed from mild to severe conditions
rate with change in temperature for dual and single whereas at higher load i.e. 5 kg, the oxide layers were
reinforced composites, at the loads of 1kg and 5 kg. The observed to be formed, due to which the wear rate
results show that when the temperature was increased increases up to 150°C, and thereafter it decreases at

Table 3 Comparison and microhardness of five composites fabricated for investigation [48]

Composite Total 15%wt reinforcement Microhardness

SiC ZrSiO4 Particle Interface Matrix

A -- 15 735.03 129.42 69.85

B 11.25 3.75 730.28 138.31 93.06

C 7.5 7.5 695.08 117.23 70.83

D 3.75 11.25 677.23 127.21 71.28

E 15 -- 724.21 129.31 76.03

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out of all the five composites. This will result in better

wear performance under sliding conditions, due to better
interface between the reinforcement particles and matrix,
at all temperatures at loads of 1 kg and 5 kg.
The results also confirm that to obtain composites
with better wear properties, it is necessary to have good
interfacial bonding. Chawla and Shen [52] reported that
direct strengthening arises in metal matrix composites,
as a result of the transfer of load, from the weaker
matrix to the harder and stiffer particulates, through the
matrix particulate interface. When the hard particles get
separated from the interface, it will results in an increase
in wear rate of composites, due to reduction in the
T. Rajmohan [54] used surface response
methodology, to analyze the influence of various
parameters on the wear loss of the HMACs. The aim of
the study was to evaluate the controllable parameters
that will results in optimization of response, by
satisfying all the constraints [55]. The analysis of
variance was carried out, and the predicted values were
found to be very close to the experimental results, which
show the validity of the applied method. As the sliding
velocity was increased the wear loss decreased
reasonably, while the wear loss was increased with
increase of load. Results indicate that due to
incorporation of mica particles, the wear loss reduced,
while the density increased. The results of the ANOVA
indicated that load is the main parameter influencing the
Fig. 5 Wear rate of composites versus temperature wear loss of composites, followed by mass fraction of
with (a) 1 kg load, (b) 5 kg load [48] mica. It is inferred from the study that as the load was
increased, the wear behaviour of the composites
200°C temperature for all the composites. This changed from abrasion to delamination [56,57].
behaviour of the composites is due to the reason that the 2.3. Reinforcing agro waste material and ceramic particle
pin protects the wear surface, due to formation of oxide The wear properties of various HAMCs fabricated
layer [51]. Beyond this temperature, the transition from by incorporation of agro/industrial waste materials,
mild wear to severe wear takes place. The detachment along with ceramic particles (either silicon carbide of
of the oxide layer from the wear surface takes place, due alumina), as investigated by various authors are
to delamination mechanism [52]. The micrographs of presented in Table 4.
the worn surfaces and debris were also studied, and it Alename et al. [58] investigated the wear behaviour
was found that with increase in temperature up to 250°C, of HAMCs partially reinforced with agro industrial
the surface cracks were formed. Due to this, the waste ashes. The aim of the work was to explore the
delamination of the subsurface layers takes place, which possibilities of developing low cost materials. Al-Mg-Si
further lead to the void nucleation and crack alloy matrix was reinforced with rice husk ash (RHA)
propagation. This mechanism results in the material and silicon carbide (SiC), in weight ratios of 0:1, 1:3,
removal from the wear surface in the form of plate like 1:1, 3:1, and 1:0, to prepare 5, 7.5 and 10 mass% of the
debris. reinforcements. For 5 mass% reinforcement phase, the
The depth of wear tracks on the surface increases up hybrid composites with 1:3 weight ratios of RHA and
to a load of 5 kg due to material removal by micro SiC were having least coefficient of friction, while the
cutting and microcracks were also observed in the hybrid composites with 1:1 and 3:1 weight ratios of
subsurface area of the wear surface. In overall, it was RHA and SiC were having coefficients of friction
found in the study that the dual reinforced composites comparable to that single reinforced composites (either
show improved wear resistance at higher temperatures, SiC or RHA). The results indicate that the use of RHA
as compared to single reinforced composites. Silicon as a complementary reinforcement in hybrid composites
carbide particles are more effective than zircon sand do not degrade the coefficient of friction, and therefore
particles as reinforced in LM13 alloy, in improving the the wear resistance properties. Thus, RHA can be
wear resistance. Composite-B (11.25% SiC and 3.75 significantly used to produce low cost composites. The
Zircon sand) shows the highest value for micro hardness,

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A Review on Sliding Wear Behaviour of Aluminium Matrix Composites with Hybrid Reinforcements for Automotive Applications

Table 4 Sliding wear investigations regarding influence of agro-industrial waste in

HAMCs fabricated by stir casting method

Reference Alaneme et al. Alaname et al.

[58] [61]

Apparatus Tribometer Tribometer

Reinforcing SiC, RHA total Al2O3 (6-8 mass%)

Particles (5, 7.5, 10 mass%) RHA (2-4 mass%)

Size of SiC (28) Al2O3 (28)

Particles (μm) RHA (50) RHA (50)

Matrix type Al-Mg-Si Al-Mg-Si

Counterpart -- Hard Tungsten

Carbide Ball

Load (N) 25 25

Time (minutes) 0-16 0-16

Parameters mass% RHA mass% RHA


Analysis SEM, Graphs SEM, Graphs

Al based alloy matrix, as usual, had the highest and its value remained constant for the whole time (i.e.
coefficient of friction among all the materials. For 7.5 1000 seconds) under investigations. It is also supported
mass% (RHA & SiC) reinforcement phase, the hybrid by the results for the hardness for all the composites,
composites developed in different weight ratios also which is highest for single reinforced (Al-Mg-Si
showed comparable coefficient of friction with SiC matrix-10 mass% Al2O3) composite. Thus, it will
reinforced composites. undergo less plastic deformation as compared to the
When the hybrid composites were fabricated with 10 hybrid composites, and hence it will show lower friction
mass% reinforcement phase, it was observed that the coefficient [59].
coefficient of friction decreased with higher RHA The wear mechanism of the composites was
contents, when compared with other hybrid composites observed to transform from predominant abrasive wear
grade, means an increase in the wear resistance of to adhesive wear with increase in RHA mass%. Detailed
composites. The results are also supported by the SEM examination of wear tracks of single reinforced
graphs of the wear surface, which show the sign of Al-Mg-Si matrix-10 mass%Al2O3 composite reveal the
adhesive wear mechanism due to accumulation of wear features associated mainly with abrasive mechanism. In
debris in most of the cases under investigation. The case of Al-Mg-Si/8 mass% Al2O3/2 mass% RHA hybrid
higher values for coefficient of friction results from composite, the presence of abrasive wear is clearly
adhesive of these wear debris on the surface of these evident from the formation of long grooves inside the
composites [59,60]. wear tracks, while the signs of adhesive wear can be
According to Alename et al. [61], rice husk ash concluded from the patches of removed materials,
(RHA) and alumina (Al2O3) can be successfully used as which are glued to the worn surfaces [60,62]. For the
hybrid reinforcements to develop HAMCs. The RHA case of Al-Mg-Si/6 mass% Al2O3/4 mass% RHA hybrid
was added in 2,3 and 4 mass% with alumina, to develop composite, the predominant wear mechanism is
10 mass% of reinforcement phase in Al-Mg-Si alloy adhesive, which is responsible for increase in coefficient
matrix. The coefficient of friction was used to of friction with time. The wear rate increased with time,
investigate the wear properties of the hybrid composites. due to the fact that the pieces of worn surfaces get
The composites developed by reinforcing alloy matrix welded to the surface of aluminium composite, and
with 10 mass% alumina had least coefficient of friction, adhere the sliding motion of the hard tungsten pin
i.e. lower wear rate as compared to hybrid composites, against the surface.

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2.4. Influence of mechanically mixed layer (MML) less for mica reinforced hybrid composites even at high
During the sliding of wear surface against the hard loads.
pin, the frictional contact takes place and high The results obtained are in agreement with the
temperature is developed at the surface. The metal results of Srinivasan et al. [63], who also found that the
present in the specimen reacts with the oxygen of presence of oxide films reduces wear. These films are
atmosphere to form their respective oxides. These distributed uniformly throughout the worn surface, and
oxides form a continuous film over the entire wear on further sliding it is converted into wear debris.
regime and reduce the wear rate from the surface. This Basavarajappa et al. [16] have observed that the wear
oxide layer is known as mechanically mixed layer rate of Al 2219/SiC/Gr hybrid composites, decreases as
(MML) and influences the wear behaviour of the speed increases up to 4.5 m/s. The iron particles
composites. This layer has hardness much higher than present in the counterface gets oxidized, to form a
the hardness of aluminium composites. protective layer, during sliding conditions against the
According to Rajmohan et al. [54], wear loss starts hard SiC particles. According to Li and Tandon [64], the
decreasing, when the sliding speed is increased beyond wear rate of the Al-composites is influenced by the
a limit, known as transitional speed, due to increase in presence of MML in the load range used. Due to
temperature and softening of the Al/SiC/mica hybrid presence of the MML, the transition of mild to severe
composites. The similar type of results were also wear can be delayed. Once this layer is removed from
obtained in other investigations i.e. the formation of the wear surface, the direct contact takes place between
MML reduces the wear rate [38,42,47,48]. The the wear surface and the counterface. The MML cannot
formation of the oxide layer avoids the metal to metal be formed again, which leads to reduction of frictional
contact at normal load and normal speed conditions, and force [65]. The observations indicate that the MML
hence reduces the coefficient of friction. Under severe formed with material comes from three sources: the
load and velocity conditions, these films get deformed counterface, the matrix and the particles.
and the contact between two metals starts. Thus, the The process of formation and separation of the
oxide films reduce the interaction between the asperities, MML can be confirmed from the micrographs of the
and avoid adhesive wear. Due to this, the wear loss is worn surfaces. The SEM examination of the worn

Fig. 6 Wear surface of hybrid composite with 3% mica reinforcement under (a) load of
49.05 N and sliding speed of 1.57 m/s, (b) under load of 9.81 N and sliding speed
0.837 m/s, (c) under load of load 28.43 N and sliding speed of 0.381 m/s [54]

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A Review on Sliding Wear Behaviour of Aluminium Matrix Composites with Hybrid Reinforcements for Automotive Applications

surfaces of mica reinforced hybrid composites at to the aluminium matrix.

different loads and velocities is presented in Figures
3.2. Wear performance
6(a) to 6(c) [54]. These micrographs show numerous
The HAMCs have shown the capability to offer
long grooves and these craters on the worn surfaces
more flexibility, in the design and manufacturing of
with increase of load to 49.05 N, at sliding speed of 1.57
automotive components, such as brake rotors, engine
m/s. The rows of furrow and delamination are the signs
blocks, cylinder liners, pistons, gears, valves, pulleys,
of plastic deformation. The wear tracks clearly indicate
suspension parts etc. Therefore, the need of hour is to
the presence of MML on the wear surface, which
explore these materials for sliding wear applications.
suggests that the sliding motion between hard pins and
This can be achieved by finding the wear characteristics
wear surface generates heat, and influences the wear
of these materials under the influence of different
rate. These films are uniformly distributed throughout
controllable parameters, as they exert a very strong
the worn surface, and eventually broke off, to form wear
effect on the wear of composites [67]. The wear of
debris. The frictional heat during the wear contributes to
composites against the counterface can also discussed
oxidation of finer debris more easily than the coarser
depending on the characteristics of worn surfaces, the
wear debris and tribo-induced layers [68]. These
The results of the previous investigations reveal that
findings can contribute to evaluation of tribological
the formation of MML on the wear surface of
properties of these composites, based on a large variety
unreinforced alloy and the HAMCs delays the transition
of experimental data, obtained with different wear test
of wear behaviour from mild conditions to severe
methods. The database regarding the wear performance
conditions, under dry sliding conditions [38]. However,
will enhance the applications of HAMCs for various
the MML is stable under low loads and sliding
automotive components, under sliding wear conditions.
velocities and unstable under higher loads and sliding
velocities for unreinforced alloy. But in the case of
HAMCs, the MML is stable even under higher loads 4. Conclusions
and velocities. This may be due to the presence of hard Review of the prior investigations on the tribological
ceramic reinforcements in the HAMCs, which increases properties of HAMCs provides several conclusions,
the hardness of the MML at higher temperatures. Due to regarding the influence and interaction of the reviewed
this, the detachment of the MML gets delayed and it parameters and the wear performance characteristics of
will ultimately lead to superior wear properties of the the composites:
HAMCs as compared to matrix alloys, for all • The incorporation of solid lubricant particles as
combination of operating parameters. partial reinforcement in aluminium matrix increases
the wear resistance of composites, while the use of
3. Future prospects of HAMCs agro/industrial wastes like rice husk ash as a partial
3.1. Material selection reinforcement has also shown great promise for wear
In future, every organisation is concentrating on resistance applications. It also confirmed that the
development of equipments and machine components, combination of hybrid ceramic reinforcements can
which consumes least possible energy. To achieve this also offer better or comparable tribological
target, there is need of lighter and smarter materials. properties, under optimized controllable parameters.
HAMCs have come as a solution to this very specific • The wear rate, wear loss, coefficient of friction and
material requirement. Currently, the efforts are made to morphology of the wear surfaces can be used to
develop HAMCs, with use of high quality and low measure the wear performance of the composites.
cost/weight reinforcements from industrial waste. The Under low load and low speed conditions the
alternative materials produced from solid wastes will abrasion of the wear surface takes place, while at
exhibit good market potential, to fulfil the requirements their higher values the adhesion or thermally
in various applications due to environmental activated severe wear starts, which is responsible for
friendliness, cost effectiveness and energy efficiency the wear tracks on the surface. Further, the sub
[66]. For example, red mud is one of the most surface cracks i.e. delamination of the composites
inexpensive and low density reinforcement available in can leads to the failure, due to formation of
large quantities as solid waste by-product, during microcracks in the subsurface.
production of aluminum from bauxite. Hence, • Although material parameters, like normal load and
composites with red mud as reinforcement are likely to sliding distance appear to be the principal interacting
overcome the cost barrier for wide spread automotive parameters, but it may be expected that the sliding
and small engine applications. The use of aluminium as velocity indirectly affects the subsurface behaviour
a matrix material will reduce energy consumption, through subsurface crack propagation, friction and
because it is a lighter material. Red mud as a temperature change.
complementary reinforcement will overcome the cost • The techniques like Taguchi method, surface
barrier, while the SiC will provide the requisite strength response methodology can be successfully applied,

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