Pakistan Studies Assignment: Geostrategic Importance of Pakistan

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Pakistan Studies Assignment

Geostrategic Importance of Pakistan.

Course no: CM 300.1
Group Members:
Tahira Fatima, Laiba Kashif, Bisma Shaikh,
Areeba Naz, Shahzaib Ahmed.

Submitted To:
Miss Ghusia Mukhtar.
This paper analyze the geostrategic importance of
Pakistan, which includes geo-graphical description
Of Pakistan, gateway to central Asia, proximity of
Great power and signification as a transmit
Economy. Moreover, it examine the important link
In the china of Muslim countries and china’s link
To Pakistan and reduce India hegemony in the
Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean. Also Pakistan has
The potential to develop transit economy on account
In its strategic location land locked Afghanistan,
Also coastal belt of Baluchistan.
Geo strategic means the importance of a country or a region as by virtue
of its geographical location. Geographical attributes of a state bring it
Both, some opportunities to avail and some risks to evade. Pakistan
availed the opportunities from its geography but could escape the risks
it posed. When a state leans how to exploit its Geography to the best of
Its political and strategic interests the study which comes in shape is
called Geostrategic and geopolitics.

Geostrategic Importance of Pakistan:

Pakistan is located at the region which has great political, economic,
And strategic location. Pakistan is a land of plains, mountain ranges,
Deserts and coastal belts .The country shared its Eastern Border called
Radcliffe Line with India. On its Northern side, it has Sino-Pak Border.
Its Western fronts include the boundaries of 'Durand Line' with
Afghanistan and 'Gold Smith Line' with Iran. The Arabian Sea has
limited the South of the country . Pakistan is thus located in one of the
most sensitive Pakistan is thus located in one of the most sensitive
regions of the world where global rivalries of great power, accentuated
by local rivalries came into conflict with each other and serve to heighten
Pakistan security concerns. Safeguarding its security is, therefore, a
Principal aims of Pakistan’s foreign policy even under circumstance.
 Gateway to central Asia :
Central Asia is the central stage of new great game. Western quest
For resource oil and energy resources in central Asia. After USSR
decline, new quest started which is as manifested by politics of oil.
Pakistan is located very close to the oil rich Middle Eastern countries
Special assistant to Prime minster on revenue. Haroon Akhter Khan
He said, Pakistan holds a very important strategic position on the
World map due to its proximity to china, Russia, and India “we
can become the gateway to Central Asia for oil and energy trade”
The 19th summit of the shanghai cooperation organization will be
Held in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan on June 13 and 14. Heads of states and
Head of governments from the eight member states will represent
their countries. Prime Minster IMRAN KHAN will represent
Pakistan. The sco is the key interstate organization in Asia, which has
world’s largest economies and armies. Initially, the sco comprised
Of six state China, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan,
And Uzbekistan. In 2017, Pakistan and India also joined SCO.
Along with its eight member, Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran and
Magnolia has observer status and Armenia, Azerbaijan,
Cambodia, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Turkey are its dialogue partners.
In 2005, the sco signed a Mau with the association of southeast
Asian Nation for economic and financial co-operation, promotion
Of tourism, environment and natural resources management and
Energy co-operation.
 Proximity of Great Power :
Pakistan is located at the junction of great power. In its neighbor’s
One world power Russia and the other emerging power China lies.
Any alliance among world powers enhances its significance. This
factor has been utilized by Pakistan after 9/11 .security and business
are two main US interest in the region while Pakistan is playing
affront line role in the war against terrorism. A part from this US
Interest in the region to contain growing china, nuclear Iran,
terrorist Afghanistan and to benefit from the market of India. Today
the political scenario of the region is tinged with preemption policy
and US invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. Iran’s nuclear programs,
Indians geopolitical muscles (new strategic deal with US) to gain
hegemony and to counter the rise of China. Which has earned all
qualities to change unipolar world into bipolar world? In all these
Issues. Pakistan is directly or indirectly involved especially after
AL-QEADA operations. The American think tank has repeatedly
accepted that was against terrorism could never be won without the
help of Pakistan. Pakistan has rigorously fought and an ongoing
operation in Waziristan is also targeting the suspected Taliban in
the bordering area.
 Pak-China Relations :
Pakistan-china relation began in 1950, when Pakistan was among the
first countries to an official diplomatic relation with the republic of
China on Taiwan and recognize the PRC, which provided economic,
military and technical assistance to Pakistan. In the first six decades,
the relationship between Pakistan and china was mostly limited to the
political sphere. There were frequent exchange visits of leaderships
of both countries to each other, they supported each other on
domestic as well as on regional and international issues and many
molls were signed between the two countries.
With the launch of one belt one
road (OBOR) initiative and
signing of the china –Pakistan
Economic corridor (CPEC),
And china entered a new era in
their relationship. Chinese
investments are pouring in to
Pakistan, Several mega projects
have been landed in power
generation and transmission.
Recently, On 6th January 2020,
China and Pakistan has launched a naval drill on north Arabian Sea
“Sea Guardian “to increase the inter-Operability between the
two navies. Moreover, CPEC is playing an important role in
Upgrading the lives of people of Pakistan and china and making the
bond between the two countries strangers. Such as CPEC-Energy
Priority projects, CPEC infrastructure projects, CPEC Gawader
Projects, rail based mass transit projects, new provincial projects and
many more are playing a vital role in making a stronger and viable
Pakistan has entered a newspaper, where Pakistan launched. Special
Economic Zones (SEZs) and china has shifted its industry into
Pakistan, the projects of SEZs are rashkai economic zone, M-1
Nowhere, China special economic zone Dhabeji, Boston Industrial
Zone Allama Iqbal industrial zone Islamabad, Development of Industrial
park on Pakistan Steel Mills, Special economic zone at
Maripur, Muhammad Marble city and Moq pondass SEZ Gilgst –
Furthermore, on the issue of FATF, china praised close-ally Pakistan
Enormous efforts in combating terror financing while playing down
reports that it backed India and other countries again Islamabad .
asked about reports that china has joined India and other countries
against Pakistan .foreign ministers spokesman Geng Shaunig told an
online briefing the FATF meeting has decided to give more time to
Pakistan. It was decided in the meeting that Pak will be allowed more
Time to continue implementer its action plan, Gang said:
A day after Pakistan prime minister
Imran Khan spoke to Chinese
President Xi Jinxing and they agreed
to step up communication and
exchange at the highest level to
Pak-China all Weather strategic
Co-operation partnership.

 Reduce Indian Hegemony In The

Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean:
Indian has shared interest with US and NATO in the subjection of
Pakistan. AS they consider nuclear deterrence since 19998. Pakistan
termed its nuclear bombs as“Islamic Bomb” that made it center of
attention in the world politics. The US, NATO, Israel and Indian to
neutralize such as strategic and tactical threat emerging in Pakistan,
They have made plan underpinned objective of balkanizing Pakistan.
It’s the reason on that the US has conspired with international media
against PAK NUKES .Most importantly Pakistan has world best
Missile technology and perceived enemies capitals are in Pakistan
Range likes.
The Indian Ocean reign (IOR), a key geostrategic space linking the
energy-rich nation of Middle East with economically vibrant Asia,
Is the site of intensity rivalry between China and India. India is unlikely

To establish a hegemonic order in south Asia/Indian Ocean because

Pakistan intransigence (and it strategic links with China and the United
States ) and because the simultaneous rise of china and India is creating
larger Asia that is blurring the boundaries between South and Asia /
Indian Ocean and east Asia.
 Significance as Transit economy:
Pakistan can possibly create travel economy on account of its
Strategic location. Land locked Afghanistan now at the period of
recreation finds its ways through Pakistan. China with its quickest
economy development pace of 9% us developing southern provinces.
since its own part is 4500 km away from Sinkiang yet Gwader is
2500 km away. Moreover, Pakistan offers central Asian regions
the most brief route of 2600 km as compared to Iran 4500 km or
turkey 5000 km. gwader port with its deep waters attracts the trade ships
of china, CAR and south east Asian countries., additionally the coastal
belt of Baluchistan can provide outlet to china’s western provinces
approach middles eastern markets with the improvement of coastal
highways and motorway

 China-Pakistan Economic Corridor:

The $46 billion ‘China-Pakistan Economic Corridor’ scheme, which
is being exhibited as a 'Distinct advantage' is more than a network of
roads to link Chinese city of Kashgar with the Gulf States by means
of Gwadar of Pakistan. It is the most cherished fruit of Pakistan’s

geographical importance the country ever had. However, some credit

additionally goes to the foreign policy makers of Pakistan who always
kept into contemplations the Sino-Pak mutual interests. In the wake
of CPEC, China will have the briefest route-access ever available to
the Middle Eastern, African, and European markets. For Pakistan, it
may be another increase however to China, this access is a link to it
long term strategic plan to take over US control in the said regions.
Gwadar port is the closest warm-water port to energy-rich Central
Asian Countries Bought from Oman in 1958, Gwadar has been
formed into a warm-water seaport which currently worked by a
Chinese organization named 'China Overseas Port Holding Company'
under 43 years concurred rent. The port is the spirit of China-
Pakistan Economic corridor the closest remote ocean port to the
landlocked Central Asian Republics Gwadar is another Manifestat2ion
of Pakistan’s geographical important

 Iran Pakistan pipeline project :

Also known as the ‘Peace Pipeline’ the project is another product
Of Pakistan’s geographic significance. The pipeline venture was
officially introduced in 2013; however it's a long way from being
operational because of a few discussions. Especially the counter
Iran position of the USA impacted Pakistan to surrender the task.
Things, however, have changed after the US-Iran Nuclear Deal
and Iran is not any more under gigantic sanctions. Recently in 2019
Iran give notice to Pakistan to complete the project otherwise they will
go to high court.
 Turkmenistan Afghanistan Pakistan and India pipeline:
The Asian Development Bank’s funded project of TAPI is the name
of a gas pipeline which plans to supply petroleum gas from the Caspian
Sea to the four nations. Pakistan because of its geological closeness to
this Central Asian Republic is looking for advantage
from the project it also reflects the dependence of India on Pakistan
for having access to the natural resources of Central Asian Republics.
The development of the venture started in December 2015, and it will
be useful by 2019.More over, Taliban’s is also shows great interest
on this project .under this pipeline project, Pakistan and India will be
provided 1.325 bcfd gases each and Afghanistan will be getting a share
of 0.5 billion cube feet per day .The Afghan Voice agency reported

on February 19 that the amount would be”nearly$400million”

annually.Afganhistan’s ToloNews reported on February 20 that
“Afghanistan is expected to earn $500million USD in transit duties
annually from the project .Turkmen Foreign minister promised in
November that Afghanistan would Receive some $1billion annually in
transit fees for TAPI.The united states also shows great interest in this
project because its overcome the value of IPI project.
 Pakistan shares Marine Border with Oman
Pakistan and Oman settled their maritime under an agreement in 2000;
adhering to the International Law of Sea. This sharing of a maritime
boundary with the brotherly country of Oman can interpret Pakistan’s
geographical importance in the sense of access to Oman’s undersea
energy resources. The sea route can also be used to have access to the
Persian Gulf and its littoral states.

 Central Asia-South Asia (CASA-1000) Electricity Transmission Project :

Central Asia-South Asia (CASA-1000) electricity transmission project
is a 1,227km-long cross-border transmission project being developed
in Central Asia. The project aims to establish an electricity trade
involving the transfer of surplus hydropower available in Central Asia
to electricity-deficient countries in South Asia. Surplus energy
available with Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan will be sold to Afghanistan
and Pakistan, under the project. Estimated to cost approximately
$1.17bn, the project is being developed by the participating countries
under an inter-governmental agreement (IGA) signed in 2008. The
four nations established an Inter-Governmental Council (IGC) for
the project development. The main aim of the transmission project
is to facilitate the transfer of surplus summer power (approximately
1.3GW) from Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to Pakistan via Afghanistan.
An estimated 1GW of power will be transmitted to Pakistan, while up
to 300MW will be delivered to Afghanistan.
 Important link in the China to Muslim
If we look at the map of Muslim countries, Pakistan occupies a
Central location. Towards west of Iran, china extends to North Africa.
It is linked to these Muslim states through land and sea routes and thus
only its ideological background, but its geographical centrality
necessities that is supports the Unity of Muslim world. Prior to the
cessation of East Pakistan, it was the largest Islamic state and naturally
was in the vanguard of the movement for Islamic Unity. Even
afterwards, it actively works for the mutual alliance and unity of the
Muslims. Pakistan vigorously championed the right of self-
determination for Muslims around the world. Pakistan's efforts for
the independence movements of Indonesia, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco
and Eritrea were significant and initially led to close ties between
these countries and Pakistan. However, Pakistan also masterminded
an attack on the Afghan city of Jalalabad during the Afghan Civil War
to establish an Islamic government there. Pakistan had wished to
foment an 'Islamic Revolution' which would transcend national
borders covering Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia.
On the other hand, Pakistan's relations with Iran have been strained at
times due to sectarian tensions. Iran and Saudi Arabia used Pakistan as
a battleground for their proxy sectarian war and by the 1990s,
Pakistan's support for the Sunni Taliban organization in Afghanistan
became a problem for Shia Iran which opposed a Taliban-controlled
Afghanistan. Tensions between Iran and Pakistan intensified in 1998,
when Iran accused Pakistan of war crimes as Pakistani warplanes
bombarded Afghanistan's last Shia stronghold in support of the
Taliban. Thus it can actively participate in the activities of Muslim
world-economic development, transport of resources and above all
combat terrorism.

 Pakistan A Nuclear Power:

Pakistan become nuclear power in 1998 after testing its first bomb .
As of 2017,nuclear power in Pakistan is provided by commercial
nuclear power plants . Pakistan is the first Muslim country in the world
To construct and operate civil nuclear power plants. Pakistan has
ballistic missiles with ranges just Lang enough to hit anywhere in the
country of India . Its has built nuclear –tripped cries missiles that can
Travel more than 400 miles . Pakistan’s weapons count has 6th rank
In the world . As early of 2013 Pakistan was estimated to have had a
Stockpile around 140 warheads, and in November 2014 it was
projected that by 2020 Pakistan would have enough fissile material
For 200 warheads. And is listed in the countries that have atomic
Bomb. Pakistan’s nuclear weapons program took off under the
Leadership of DR.ABDUL QADEER (A.Q.) KHAN, who began
Trying to enrich uranium at the Secret Engineering Research
Laboratories(ERL) in 1976 . Pakistan is not a parlg to the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty but is a member of the International Atomic
Energy Agenay. Pakistan Plans on constructing 32 nuclear power
Plants by 2050.
 Conclusion:
Stephen Cohn describes geostrategic importance of Pakistan in these
“while history has been united to Pakistan ,its geography has been its
greatest Benefits. It has resource rich area in the north-west people
rich in the north-east.”
Pakistan is a junction of south Asia, west Asia and central Asia , a way
from Resource efficient couhlives to resource deficient countries. The
world is facing energy crisis and terrorism. Pakistan is a route for
transportation and affronts line state against transportation, and affront
line state against terrorism.
“Pakistan’s geostrategic importance can be best understood in the
regional and global prospective. In geographical terms, it is
surrounded by four countries ; AFGHANHISTAN, IRAN, INDIA
AND CHINA each of which is a major player in international
Among the innumerable gifts bestowed upon Pakistan by nature ,
Perhaps one of the important one is its ideal and highly geographical
location. Its is prudently used , it can make our country the hub of
international trade and commerce opening up new door of progress and
prosperity for its people.
 Analytical Opinion:
On the basic of current affairs and location of Pakistan , we conclude
that, Pakistan is a junction of south Asia, west Asia and central Asia :
away from resource efficient countries of resources deficient countries .
it is a route of transportation and a affront line state against terrorism.
Further it is the only Muslim country having nuclear power . if we look
on the map of Muslim countries, Pakistan occupies a central location ,
Thus it can actively participate in the activities of Muslim world-
economic development . Pakistan oil and energy game is also getting
stronger we have friendly relations with oil rich middle eastern countries.
Moreover Pakistan has been traditionally ally of emerging economic
giants; china .So, in the vague of any change in world politics, Pakistan’s
Geostrategic significance would further be enhanced.
 References:




 2.Pakistan's Foreign Policy 1947-2012 by Abdul Sattar,oxford pub

 1.Pakistan's Foreign policy by Shahid M AMin, oxford pub.Zheng

Bijian (2005), "China's "Peacefull Rise" to Great Power Status" ,
Foreign Affairs 84(5):18-24Dai Chaowu (2009), "Indian's Foreign
Policy and Great Power Relations During the Cold War"
NETEASE, 2009-06-26

 chrome-extension://mhjfbmdgcfjbbpaeojofohoefgiehjai/index.html


 Iran pakistan and tapi gas pipe line :


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