Lopez National Comprehensive High School
Lopez National Comprehensive High School
Lopez National Comprehensive High School
Desired outcomes
Teaching strategies
Peer coaching
Numbered heads together – collaborative learning
Independent learning – individual activity
Drill on conversion of fraction to decimal and vice versa and conversion of
English to metric system of measurement and vice versa
Using glass box in teaching orthographic views from an isometric drawing
Project Rationale
Some students fail to earn 80% of the score on the formative assessment in the
competencies related to conversion of fraction to decimal and English to metric system
of measurement because they find it hard to perform basic mathematical operation.
Some do not even know how to multiply and divide. So as a teacher, I must start where
my students are. In our discussion on this competency, we recall the steps and rules in
basic mathematical operation which are necessary to be competent in conversion of
fraction to decimal and English to metric system of measurement.
In order to fill in the gaps of learning, I will incorporate teaching strategies such
as peer coaching, numbered heads together – collaborative learning, independent
learning, individual drill and enhancement discussion in remediating students who are
struggling in this specific learning competency. In peer coaching, I will give instructions
to the students who are competent in this competency to coach or guide their
classmates who find this learning competency difficult. I will provide learning activities
and drills related to conversion of fraction to decimal and English to metric system of
measurement for them to be familiarize and competent in it. I will also conduct
numbered heads together – collaborative learning. In here, students will be divided in
group. Each member of the groups will have an assign number. The teacher will show
conversion problem then she will pick a number. The member of each group who is
assigned to that number will show his or her answer. If he or she is correct then, their
group will get one point. The teacher will also provide further enhancement discussion
to those who find this competency difficult. If the students get 80% of the score on the
activities provided, then they will be competent in these learning competencies.
The intervention program will be conducted within the time frame. For conversion
of fraction to decimal and vice versa five (5) days, for conversion of English to metric
system of measurement and vice versa (5 days), and identify assembly and detailed
drawings five (5 days). The success indicator of all these performances or activities is
80% of the score.
Prepared by:
Checked by:
Noted by:
Principal IV