Uyen 29

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Choose the best answer:

1. The school required that every student……………before September 1st
a. register b. registered c. registers d. was registered.
2. She resented………..waiting for hours in front of the cinema.
a. to be kept b. keeping c. being kept d. being keeping.
3. I’d rather walk……………………a bus.
a. than catch b. to catch c. to catching d. than catching
4. Under no circumstances ……….to play with fireworks without parental supervision.
a. a child should be allowed b. a child be allowed
c. a child shouldn’t be allowed d. should a child be allowed.
5. The driver as well as the passengers…………..hurt in the accident.
a. was b. were c. is d. are
6. Animals in the desert must survive in a……………..environment.
a. difficult b. hostile c. delicate d. tricky
7. There was a time when I couldn’t get to the top of the class, ………..hard I worked.
a. though b. whatever c. however d. no matter.
8. There are so many people who want to buy the house in such a location; you should…………, expect the
price to be rather high.
a. however b. therefore c. so d. A&D.
9. Vegetables that are eaten raw, such as lettuce, may be…… bacteria in soil, water, and dust during
washing and packing.
a. purified b. flourish c. hygienic d. contaminated.
10. “We have been receiving reports of an alarming rate of malnutrition in southern Somali regions, where
thousands of children are…………….death” said Health Minister Isse Weheliye.
a. in terms of b. with respect to c. on the verge of d. in relation to.
11. Airbags protect the driver in the event of a several frontal………
a. result b. incidence c. consequence d. impact
12. We’re free most of the weekend, but we’ve got a few bits and………to do on Sunday morning.
a. things b. stuff c. pieces d. ends.
13. The fastest runner took the………….just five metres before the fishing line.
a. lead b. head c. advance d. place.
14. He will soon………..his new life, drawing his pension and enjoying the financial benefits of his lump sum.
a. take on b. take up c. take to d. take in
15. Paul felt……………..about meeting Lisa.
a. under edge b. on edge c. in edge d. over edge.
16. Mary was………….in the chair. She must have been sleepless last night.
a. wearing off b. dozing off c. calling off d. pulling off.
17. The position left ………in July has not yet been filled.
a. unused b. needed c. vacant d. free
18. You had better cut………..animal fat if you want to lower your cholesterol level.
a. down with b. off with c. out in d. down on.
19. The Health Department ordered extra vaccine to control any possible……..of the disease.
a. breakout b. outbreak c. breakdown d. breakup.
20. Unless you give up smoking, you …………..the risk of damaging your health.
a. bear b. suffer c. make d. run
1. The boss …………….to his secretary using the office.
A. disapproves B. criticizes C. disagrees D. objects
2. Hardly _______ the captain of the team when he had to face the problems.
A. had he been appointed B. was he being appointed
C. did he appoint D. was he appointing
3. As I won’t be able to attend the meeting, I’d like you to sign ……
A. on my place B. on my behalf C. on my name D. on my account
4. He insisted that his method ……………………..correct.
A. be B. should C. were D. was
5. The workers in this factory are paid by ---------
A. hour B. the hour C. an hour D. hours
6. My father doesn’t like any kind of change. He’s very ----- in his ways.
A. fixed B. established C. set D. determined
7. Please don’t ------ yourself out. A sandwich will do.
A. let B. put C. leave D. take
8. He looks much older. His financial worries seem to have taken a terrible ------ on his health.
A. burden B. toll C. strain D. tax
9. There is a ______ in the kitchen.
A. beautiful large round wooden B. large round beautiful wooden
C. beautiful round large wooden D. wooden round large beautiful
10. My brother usually ______ at cards. It’s no surprise that he wins every game.
A. lies B. misleads C. deceives D. cheats
11. Li has _______; he loves cakes, chocolate, ice-cream – anything which is sweet.
A. a sweet mouth B. sweet lips C. a sweet tongue D. a sweet tooth
12. It is ________ that I can’t put it down.
A. so interesting a book B. so interesting book
C. such interesting book D. too interesting book
13. _______ his assistance in those days, I would not be so successful now.
A. If it had not for B. Had it not been for C. If there were not D. Unless I had
14. They thought they could deceive me but they were wrong. I could ________.
A. see them off B. see off them C. see through them D. see them through
15. I couldn’t believe that they were brothers. They were as different as ______.
A. Mars from Jupiter B. chalk and cheese C. dogs and cats D. milk from honey
16. I went to see the boss about a pay rise and he brushed me ____________ with a weak excuse about a
business dinner and left me standing there!
A. up B. away C. around D. off
17. The new teacher was taken advantage of by the students and often had to ____________ her authority.
A. assert B. confirm C. inflict D. strike
18. Oh! That guitar is out of ____________. What a horrible sound!
A. melody B. chorus C. parity D. tune
19. The company has a lot of problems but they all seem to ____________ to money.
A. boil down B. cook up C. lead over D. reason out
20. We took Bill ____________ for a couple of months after the fire at his home. It was no trouble as we have
the extra bedroom up in the converted loft.
A. in B. out C. up D. off
1. Most of the examination is written but there is also a(n) ____________ part which I am really
worried about.
A. vocal B. verbal C. oral D. wordy
2. I never had a moment to myself Tony. I never ____________ looking at your broken radio. Sorry!
A. got round to B. got over C. found out about D. got away with
3. Wow! That was delicious Marny! I have to ____________ it to you: yours is the best tiramisu in the world!
A. hand B. praise C reward D allow
4. My new secretary doesn't even know ____________. It takes her an age to copy down a letter that I dictate
to her.
A. handwriting B. calligraphy C. shorthand D. graphology
5. The old house was ____________ furnished and we had to buy almost everything new.
A. thinly B. sparsely C. mildly D. rarely
6. You shouldn't have bought so many ____________ presents on this holiday. You won't have any money left
when you go back home.
A. rich B. lavish C. worthy D. invaluable
7. It's a long walk tomorrow. We need to ____________ as early as possible.
A. set up B. set in C. set off D. set about
8. If you continue to ____________ debts at this rate, you will have to declare bankruptcy eventually.
A. save B. raise C. incur D. default
9. This fruit has been in the fridge for over three weeks! It is all ____________.
A. rotten B. sour C. bitter D. mouldy
10. You have been ____________ with first degree murder. How do you plea?
A. accused B. charged C. blamed D. caused
11. The great thing about this bank loan is that they give you so long to ____________.
A. pay it in B. give it up C. pay it up D. pay it off
E. give it out
12. We can't use this table as it isn't totally ____________. The balls will roll to one side.
A. plane B. flat C. vertical D. true
13. We were all in ____________ of the fact that the new manager was our old friend Duncan.
A. surprise B. shock C. awe D. amazement
14. The icy road conditions ____________ in over twenty minor accidents this morning, but fortunately no-one
was seriously injured.
A. resulted B. caused C. culminated D. blamed
15. I don't think anyone understood what I was saying at the meeting, did they? I totally failed to get my point
A. around B. about C. across D. along
16. For lunch, I always have something quick and easy: a sandwich, a salad, toast and the ____________.
A. same B. similar C. like D. rest
17. We weren't ____________ of the danger we were in until it was too late and the ice started to break. We
are lucky to be alive!
A. alive B. alert C. awake D. aware
18. The cheese in the fridge is ____________ a very funny smell. I think it must be bad. I will throw it out.
A. giving up B. giving in C. giving off D. giving out
19. You must go and see that new soppy film with Richard Gere. Don't be afraid to ____________ a few tears
though. I did!!
A. spill B. pour C. shed D. sob
20. Harris is a great player but often, he is ____________ to disappear from a game in the last twenty minutes
and that is what happened here today.
A. apt B. tend C. habit D. prone
1. All the hotels along the river are of good quality except The Palace Hotel. If you ____________
clear of that, you shouldn't have too many problems.
A. turn B. steer C. veer D. swerve
2. I can see how old those jeans are. They have ____________ almost to a sky blue color after all these years.
A. faded B. blanched C. disappeared D. reduced
3. Bill and Mary resolved their problems after her brother got them to sit down and have a(n) ____________
talk with each other.
A. candid B. overt C. servile D. piteous
4. We don't know if anyone will come to the warehouse this evening or not to move the stolen money, so just
be on the ____________ for any strange activity at all.
A. guard B. hunt C. lookout D. search
5. Mother arrived home eventually at 5pm, ____________ with grocery bags, having been out shopping for
nearly three hours.
A. burdened B. full C. stocked D. laden
6. If you are not happy with this resort hotel, you will have to make a(n) ____________ for compensation once
you return home.
A. requirement B. recommendation C. claim D. appeal
7. Now I am unemployed, I have too much time ____________ and don't know what to do with myself!
A. to hand B. on my hands C. in hand D. in my hands
8. "Do you want any of these company lottery tickets, Barry?" "Oh, yes. Put me ____________ for three. I will
get a couple for my wife too."
A. up B. in C. out D. down
9. Soldiers reported many of the prisoners of war to be drunk from the effects of vodka, used by the poorly
equipped enemy soldiers to ____________ the pain of toothache.
A. lighten B. lose C. soothe D. calm
10. His performance was so spectacular that he was ____________ out for praise by the team manager at the
end of the game.
A. singled B. filtered C. distinguished D. selected
11. That is Suzy's car in the driveway. She ____________ at work!
A shouldn't be B. couldn't be C. oughtn't be D. can't be
12. You can decide not to go to university but you ____________ the risk of not getting a good job later.
A. suffer B. run C. do D. put
13. ____________ my boss notices what I do in the office, I might as well not be there!
Â. Concerning B. For all C. Whenever D. With regards to
14. Looking after four children alone took its ____________ on Jennifer but she coped admirably.
A. stress B. strain C. weight D. toll
15. He finally managed to find a hotel, ____________ a very expensive one, and they were both relieved.
A. however B. albeit C. even though D. but
16. That was a very tasty stew Mrs. Honeywell. Can I have another ____________?
A. dose B. bout C. ration D. helping
17. OK, I just made "turnip" for 18 points, Gary. Now, it's your ____________.
A. game B. pass C. try D. go
18. I don't think I have enough money till the weekend even for myself, ____________ lend you any!
A. not speaking to B. let alone C. not counting D. except
19. 1. I didn't break anything when I fell over, but I ended up with a great purple ____________ on my thigh.
A. fracture B. wound C. injury D. bruise
20. Harold's problems began when he fell ____________ the wrong type of person and he ended up becoming
a criminal himself.
A. out with B. in with C. for D. back on
1. I will not be made the ____________ for this disaster. I acted on the advice of people above me in this
company and if I go, I am taking them with me!
A. loser B. sacrifice C. scapegoat D. target
2. I wish you kids would just shut up for five minutes. I have got a ____________ headache!
A. drumming B. splitting C. hammering D. beating
3. Oh! I stood up too quickly. I feel a bit ____________.
A. sore B. dizzy C. hungover D. unconscious
4. When you put the hot water into the bowl, be careful not to ____________ yourself.
A. sear B. melt C. scald D. blister
5. The store detective saw him put the chocolate into his pocket and for the sake of a $2 candy bar, he was
charged with ____________.
A. burglary B. mugging C. embezzlement D. shop-lifting
6. The robbery was carried out in ____________ daylight and with hundreds of witnesses present.
A. open B. wide C. broad D. clear
7. Do you know what the letters D.V.D ____________?
A. stand by B. stand down C. stand for D. stand over
8. That car is a bit on the costly ____________! I think I will think about it for a few days.
A. part B. front C. side D. level
9. In some parts of Europe, being in ____________ of cannabis is legal although selling it to others is still
A. hold B. control C. possession D. ownership
10. You haven't cooked this meat enough Andrew. Mine is almost ____________!
A. raw B. rare C. undone D. fresh
11. I do like the new boss but he is just a bit too bossy for my ____________.
A. taste B. suit C. flavor D. liking
12. Did you hear that old Harris has married Jessica, the daughter of the Duchess of Wilmslow! That is quite a
____________ in my opinion.
A. haul B. asset C. loot D. catch
13. Don't touch that letter yet. I have just written it with my new ink pen and it will ____________.
A. blur B. fog C. smudge D. smear
14. Harry thought about betting $200 on a horse called Lucky Harry in the year's biggest horse race but lost his
____________ at the last moment. Fortunately, it fell at the first hurdle!
A. head B. nerve C. mind C. heart
15. Are you doing this English course with a(n) ____________ to getting a better job or not?
A. idea B. vocation C. intention D. view
16. Once we knew he didn't take ____________ to being imitated, we stopped immediately.
A. kindly B. fondly C. nicely D. warmly
17. A good teacher must be a(n) ____________ one, always prepared to introduce new ideas and technology
into the classroom.
A. inventive B. innovative C. reformative D. rebellious
18. Due to heavy snow and high winds, the Bishop Mountain Nature Park will be ____________ for at least
the next few days.
A. inaccessible B. exclusive C. remote D. elusive
19. With the new bridge open across the estuary, the old car ferry was made ____________.
A. redundant B. unemployed C. retired D. extinct
20. When I say I want you to be here at six o'clock, I mean six o'clock ____________. You cannot be late
under any circumstances!
A. on the edge B. at the moment C. on the dot D. in detail
1. The opposition protests against the government now threaten to get out of ___________ and the security
forces are likely to make arrests around the country today.
A. reach B kilter C. hand D. the ordinary
2. The room fell silent when Johnson, unaware of the couple's history, ___________ the subject of divorce.
A. brought about B. brought in C. brought up D. brought off
3. I suppose I always felt a certain amount of jealousy towards Elvin who was always such a well
___________ young man.
A. thought about B. thought up C. thought through D. thought of
4. I can't stand opera. I can't even ___________ myself to listen to five minutes of it on a CD.
A. take B. give C. make D. bring
5. The coach has ___________ fit to move to another club after some disputes over player contracts.
A. seen B. looked C. seemed D. chosen
6. As you are no doubt ___________ aware, your lies have shown you to be an untrustworthy employee and
we will have to let you go.
A. steadily B. painfully C. apparently D. sharply
7. The train finally arrived, covered in snow after two further hours. ___________ to say, when I arrived at the
restaurant, there was no sign of Maggie at all.
A. silly B. useless C. wasteful D. needless
8. You seem a strong candidate Mr. Williams but you don't quite ___________ our requirements for this post.
A. meet B. reach C. achieve D. gain
9. If they ask you about me, don't ___________ that you know where I am, OK?
A. let on B. give in C. give on D. let in
10. Just remember that August in Australia is ___________ with a North American December, though it
doesn't snow!
A. on level B. on a par C. evens D. compared
11. A(n) ___________ diamond such as this would fetch over one hundred thousand if put up for auction.
A. error free B. consistent C. flawless D. persistent
12. After a month, I will ___________ the ropes and won't keep bothering you for help.
A. show B. learn C. get D. finish
13. Here's something that will give you ___________ for thought. Every year, there are 90 million more people
on the Earth than the year before!
A. stop B. break C. reason D. pause
14. ___________ retrospect, we should have noticed how unhappy Carla had become in her marriage. I partly
blame myself.
A. in B. with C. at D. under
15. Haiti is by far and ___________ the most beautiful place I have ever been to.
A. above B. over C. along D. away
16. Do you realize I have now written over a hundred letters of application in ___________ of a new job. I
should become a secretary!
A. hunt B. quest C. search D. seek
17. The young rookie scored over 20 goals in his first year, taking the whole league by ___________.
A. force B. example C. storm D. assault
18. I hope you won't feel too ___________ if I turn up at the last minute. The hotel was fully booked!
A. put in B. put out C. put up D. put away
19. If you are looking for Sheila, she is over in the corner of the library with her head ___________ in her
A. covered B. entombed C. buried D. drowned
20. Your laziness has ___________ in these terrible exam results. You only have yourself to blame.
A. led B. caused C. contributed D. resulted
1. Many celebrities complain about the media attention but I think many of them thrive on being in the
A. torch-light B. headlight C. floodlight D. limelight
2. Mike spent three days at the driving centre before giving up. He just couldn't ___________ to grips with
driving such a large truck.
A. take B. get C. reach D. beat
3. I retired three years ago and didn't know what to do with myself. Getting this dog has given me a new
___________ of life.
A. burst B. loan C. lease D. extension
4. Local police have promised to ___________ on the rampant drug scene that is thought to have contributed to
the death of two teenagers last week.
A. crack down B. weigh down C. put down D. come down
5. Young children are ___________ often willing to behave stupidly to impress their friends.
A. all so B. all very C. all too D. all but
6. The quickest way to the castle is to ___________ for that large hill and cross the river on the new bridge.
Then you can't miss it.
A. go B. reach C. set D. make
7. There's no ___________ asking me to pay for those shoes. You ruined them, you pay for them!
A. use B. motive C. point D. need
8. If the manager says anything about the missed deadline, just ___________ your tongue, say nothing and we
can discuss it later.
A. eat B. swallow C. bite D. suck
9. The most important parts of your job may seem difficult now but they will become second ___________ to
you within a couple of weeks.
A. instinct B. thought C. nature D. mind
10. The laws are in place to protect the monuments but the guards often turn a blind ___________ to what
people get up to here.
A. look B. glance C. watch D. eye
11. We had a great birthday dinner but I didn't expect it to ___________ us back quite so much. That place is
A. get B. hit C. cost D. set
12. Funding to the sales department should be increased but not at the ___________ of other sections of the
A. expense B. detriment C. disadvantage D. punishment
13. "Who is that strange woman ___________ you from across the room? She looks quite aggressive."
A. gazing B. staring C. eyeing D. peering
14. ___________ how nicely she asks me, I don't see why I should help her after her earlier attitude.
A. No matter B. No doubt C. No need D. No importance
15. Ladies and gentlemen, we may soon have to change ___________ slightly to avoid a dangerous looking
thunderstorm up ahead. We will keep you informed at all times.
A. track B. tack C. path D. course

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