Social Studies 11 Provincial Exam - Review Guide Takes From Ministry Site

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Social Studies 11 Provincial Exam - Review Guide** Takes from Ministry Site

The following are areas of the curriculum that may appear on the provincial exam.


1. demonstrate understanding of the political spectrum:

• Define totalitarianism, democracy, liberalism, conservatism, socialism, fascism, and

• Who are Canada’s major political parties? How do they think? Where do they fit on
the political spectrum? Who are BC’s major political parties?

2. explain how Canadians can effect change at the federal and provincial levels:

• How can you influence your government? (elections, petitions and protests,
lobbyists, special interest groups, court actions, media campaigns)
• How does Canadian government work?
o How does a bill become a law? (first reading, second reading, third reading, Royal
Assent; difference for private members bills)
o Party discipline vs. free vote, party whip
o Who’s who in government: Cabinet, Speaker, Governor General, Leader of the
Opposition, caucus, etc.)
o Patronage
o Order-in-Council

3. explain how federal and provincial governments are formed in Canada:

• How does our electoral system work? (candidates, parties, constituencies, voting,
election campaigns, first-past-the post vs. proportional representation)
• What is a majority government? What is a minority government? What are the
advantages and disadvantages of each?

4. describe major provisions of the Canadian constitution, including the Canadian

Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and assess its impact on Canadian society:
( ch. 8 p. 198-203 & ch. 11 p. 275, 300)

• What is the British North America Act? What is the Bill of Rights? How do they
connect to our Constitution?
• Why is the ‘notwithstanding clause’ important?
• How can the Constitution be changed (amending formula)?
• What are the fundamental rights and freedoms identified in the Charter? (equality,
mobility, legal rights, language rights, education)? When can these rights be
• What are some current issues surrounding the Charter?


1. describe Canada’s evolution as a politically autonomous nation:

• Identify and describe the significance of events that have made Canada more
independent (autonomous). Some (but not all) examples include:
o Creation of the Canadian corps in WWI (p.26)
o Paris Peace Conference/ League of Nations (p.43-45)
o Halibut Treaty (in-class)
o Channak Crisis (p.55)
o King/Byng Crisis (p.55)
o Balfour Report and the Statute of Westminster (p.55)
o Parliamentary vote to join WWII (p.101)
o Canadian flag (p. 194)
o Patriation of the Constitution (p.199)

2. assess Canada’s role in World War I and the war’s impact on Canada: (ch. 2)

• What did Canada do in WWI? (e.g. Somme, Passchendaele, Vimy Ridge, Ypres, 100
Day Campaign)
• Describe the types of warfare in WWI and how they affected Canadian soldiers
(attrition, trench warfare, submarines, chlorine gas)
• Explain the war’s impact on the home front (“enemy aliens”, conscription, Halifax
explosion, Victory Bonds, rationing, the War Measures Act)

3. assess Canada’s role in WWII and the war’s impact on Canada: (ch. 5)

• What did Canada do to help the Allies in WWII? (Battle of the Atlantic, Hong Kong,
Dieppe, Italian Campaign, bomber command, D-Day, liberation of the Netherlands)
• How did the war affect life at home for Canadians (home front)? (arsenal of
democracy, air training, total war, conscription, propaganda, “enemy aliens”)

4. assess Canada’s participation in world affairs with reference to human rights,

United Nations, Cold War, modern conflicts: (ch. 6 & 7)

• How can individuals and groups address human rights issues (e.g. Response to
the Holocaust, refugee policy, land mines treaty, Rwandan genocide)
• How does Canada contribute to the U.N.? ( peacekeeping, role on the Security
Council, participation in the U.N. agencies)
• Describe Canada’s involvement in the Cold War (Avro Arrow, NATO, NORAD,
DEW Line, Bomarc missiles)
• Evaluate Canada’s response to modern conflicts (Korean War, Suez Crisis,
Bosnia, 1991 Gulf War)


1. explain the significance of changes in world population with reference to

population pyramids, distribution, density, demographic transition models: (ch.

• Interpret population pyramids and the demographic transition model

• Can you read graphs, statistics and maps to collect and analyze population data?
(distribution, density, dependency ratio)
• How does Canada’s population changes compare to those around the world?
• How do we deal with population growth? Explain how improving literacy rates, job
opportunities for women, and family planning policies could affect population.

2. compare Canada’s standard of living with those of developing counties, with

reference to poverty and key indicators of human development: (ch. 14)
• What is the U.N. Human Development Index? How is it used?
• Be able to explain key aspects of the HDI such as life expectancy rates, literacy
rates, infant mortality rates, disease (HIV/AIDS), fertility, GDP
• How is poverty caused? (armed conflict, natural disaster, lack of education,
• How do we help developing countries? (international aid – CIDA, NGOs, UNICEF,
WHO and debt reduction)

3. assess environmental challenges facing Canadians including global warming,

ozone layer depletion, fresh water quality and supply: (ch. 17)

• How does industrial and technological development affect the environment? (global
warming, ozone layer depletion, water)
• How do we respond to global warming and ozone depletion? (Kyoto accord)
• What are threats to our water in Canada? (contamination, misuse) What are
possible solutions? (treatment technologies, conservation)


1. assess the development and impact of Canadian social policies and programs
related to immigration, the welfare state, and minority rights: (ch. 1, 5, 8 & 11)

• How have immigration policies changed in Canada throughout the 20th century?
(head tax, origin of immigrants, points system) (p. 9-12)
• Identify key milestones in the development of the welfare state (medicare, old age
pension, employment insurance, workers’ compensation). Why are they important?
(p. 175)
• Give examples of Canada’s treatment of minorities (internment of Japanese
Canadians, voting restrictions, protection of minority rights in the Charter,
Multiculturalism Act)
(p. 126-7, 298, 206-7)

2. explain economic cycles with reference to the Great Depression and the labour
movement in Canada: (ch. 4)

• Use the following terms to explain an economic cycle: recession, depression,

recovery, prosperity, deficit, inflation, and supply and demand.
• What were the effects of the Great Depression? How did the government respond?
(unemployment, government intervention, protest parties (CCF, Social Credit), soup
• How did the Great Depression encourage the development of the labour
movement? (One Big Union, Winnipeg General Strike, On-to-Ottawa Trek, Regina

3. describe the role of women in terms of social, political, and economic change in
( ch. 2, 5 & 6)

• How did women contribute to Canada during the wars, and postwar? (increased
industrial capacity, economic growth and employment, changing social attitudes)
• How have women influenced Canadian society? (suffrage, prohibition, politics, pay,
employment equity)
4. assess the impact of the conscription crises, Quebec nationalism, bilingualism,
and regionalism on Canadian unity: (ch. 8)

• What were the issues of the conscription crises of WWI and WWII? (p. 39, 124)
• How has Quebec nationalism been expressed? (Union Nationale, Quiet Revolution,
October Crisis, sovereignty referenda, Parti Quebecois, Bloc Quebecois)
• How have these expressions of Quebec Nationalism affected Canadian unity?
• Why is the Official Languages Act important? (Bilingual labeling, civil service hiring)
• Explain the connection between regionalism and alienation (National Energy Policy,
collapse of the cod fishery)

5. demonstrate knowledge of the challenges faced by Aboriginal people in Canada

during the 20th Century and their responses, with reference to residential
schools, reserves, self-government, and treaty negotiations: (ch. 8 - p. 208-217)

• How has the Indian Act impacted Aboriginal people? (marginalization and
• Describe the impact of residential schools on Aboriginal people (destruction of lives
and communities)
• What has been the Aboriginal response to challenges? (negotiations, protests, court
cases with respect to land and resource issues, demand for self-government)
• What are the challenges and benefits for Aboriginal people living on and off
• Why are Aboriginal people concerned about cultural appropriation?

6. represent what it means to be Canadian with reference to distinctive Canadians

programs and policies, important Canadian cultural and scientific achievements:
(ch. 6)

• Compare and contrast Canada vs. the U.S. (death penalty, gun control, health care,
military, entertainment, civil rights)
• How has Canada tried to create an identity for itself? (CRTC, CBC, NFB, Canada
• What does it meant to be Canadian, eh?

Possible (Previous) Essay Questions…


1. Evaluate the development of French Canadian and English Canadian relations from the period
2. Between 1914 and 1931, Canada evolved from colonial status to independent nationhood.
Describe this evolution.
3. Evaluate the impact of WWI on the Canadian homefront. Use examples from 1914-1918.
4. To what extent was the Canadian government successful in its attempts to deal with the
Depression? Explore both sides of the issue.
5. Explain how intolerance has been an issue in Canada since 1914.


1. Describe realistic strategies that Canadians could take to reduce their negative impact on
land, water, and the atmosphere.
2. Explain the difficulties that developing nations experience as they try and break the cycle of

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