Democracy and Diversity: A Case Study-Mexico Olympics (1968)

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The passage discusses the 1968 Mexico City Olympics where two African American athletes protested racial discrimination in the USA by raising their fists during the medal ceremony. It also discusses the Civil Rights Movement and Black Power movement in the USA which aimed to end legal racial discrimination and racism respectively.

The Civil Rights Movement from 1954-1968 used non-violent civil disobedience to abolish legal racial discrimination against African Americans. The Black Power movement from 1966-1975 was a more militant movement that even advocated violence to end racism in the USA.

Some examples of social divisions mentioned are regional differences (different languages spoken in different regions), differences based on religion, and differences based on racial discrimination.


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A Case Study- Mexico Olympics (1968)
Two African-American athletes, Tommie smith and john carols, won the gold and bronze medal respectively in the
200 ml. race. For the medal ceremony both of tem wore no shoes and stood in their black socks. They were representing
Black Poverty, and racial discrimination against them in the USA.
The athlete from Australia, Peter Norman, who won the silver medal, wore a human rights badge to declare his support
to the two Americans.
Martin Luther King started a movement called Civil Rights Movement in the USA (1954-1968) to abolish legal racial
discrimination against the African Americans. They used a non-violent approach and used civil disobedience as a
method against discrimination.
Another movement, which started in 1966 and lasted till 1975, was called the Black Power movement. It was a militant
movement and even advocated violence, to end racism in USA.
Social division can have many forms.
Social division can be based on regional differences (as in Belgium and Sri Lanka different languages spoken in
different regions)
They can be based on different religions (Sri Lanka)
They can be based on racial discrimination (USA, South Africa)
Social divisions can lead to social inequalities.
Two kinds of social divisions: (i) Based on accident of birth, (ii) Based on peoples own choices. All social differences
do not result in social divisions. Some can unite people also.
I. Most of the social differences are not of our own making, they are based on an accident of birth. Our race, Our color,
our religion, our gender or country of birth, is not chosen by us.
II. But some social differences are made by us only by choice.
Cross- cutting Differences:-
In Netherlands: Catholics and Protestants both can be either rich or poor, with the result they have never had any
trouble . Unalike Ireland, there never had been trouble in the Netherlands. Class and religion cut across each.
Cross-cutting social differences are easier to handle accommodate.
It is to not here that social divisions of one kind or another exist in every country. No country, big or small, has a
homogeneous society, I. e., a society with similar kind of people and of people and hardly any ethnic differences.
There is another reason- people from one resin or country shift to another region or country (both with a country and
another country) to seek better economics opportunities. These migrates create social differences and divisions.
Democracy Leads to-
Competition among political parties
Competition divides society
Leads to competition and division of society
Competition between existing social division of society
Turns them into political divisions
Leads to violence conflicts and disintegration
Range of Outcomes
1. a. Violent conflict
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Example :- Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.
b. Reason : Ethno religious with political fallout.
Example:-Republic predominately catholic. Northern Ireland 53% Protestant, 44% Catholics. The Republic
wanted them to unite.
c. Parties: The nationalists represented the Republic; the unionists represented Northern Ireland and wanted to remain
within UK.
Example: Violent war where hundreds were killed. Republic dough with Northern Ireland and the republic fought
with U.K.also.
Final outcome: A peace treaty signed in 1998 which ended the armed struggle.
2. Yugoslavia also faced ethno-religious differences. They led to political competition. Civil war followed and
Yugoslavia has been broken up, now into six independent nations namely: Bosnia, Croatia, Herzegovina, Kosovo
,Serbia and Montenenegro.
Conclusion: Social divisions should not be allow to influence politics of a country. We have seen the result in our
own country-partition into India and Pakistan.
3. Every outcome is not as disastrous as the Yugoslavian one is. There are social divines in most countries of the world.
(i) Social division will be reflected in politics ( Example : India)
(ii) Political parties will refer to these divisions.
(iii) Political parties would try to redress the grievances of minorities.
(iv) Voting is affected in most countries. People from one community prefer some party more then the others.
(v) In some countries there are parties that focus on one community only.

Factor that decide the outcomes of social divisions.
They are there in Numbers

(i) How do people see their ideates? If people think are Indians first, and then they are Bengali, Punjabi etc. or a religious
or language grope, then there will no conflicts. Trouble in Ireland was because they thought first that they were
Catholics or Protestants and then Irish.
In Belgium it was the opposite. First Belgians, then Dutch or French speaking

(ii) Peace remains if one community does not try to dominate the others. For example ,in Sri Lanka, the demands of only
sinhala was at the cost Tamil speaking community . in Yugoslavia, each ethnic group made demands for itself only
,with the result that the country was divided into six nations.

(iii) Depends on how the government reacts to the demands. If the rulers are willing to share power(as in Belgium) there is
no threat to the unity of the country. But if supported in the name of national unity (as in Sri Lanka) it leads to
An folk social difference becomes a social division when it overlaps with some other social difference. For example
the whites were rich and powerful and the Black was poor and homeless and discriminated against.
When one kind of social difference becomes more important than the other, then it leads to division.
Social difference becomes a social division when it overlaps with some other social difference. For examples the
whites were rich and powerful and the Blacks were poor and homeless and discriminated against. When one kind of
social differences becomes more important than the other, then it leads to division.
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Social Division Affect politics:-
In politics, there is competition between political. If these polities use this Competition in support of some social
divisions, it can lead to political divisions. This can lead to conflict, violence or oven disintegration of a country .


1. Where were the Olympics held in 1969?
(a) Washington (b) London (c) Paris (d) Mexico city
2. Which two US athletics showed their resentment against the radical discrimination policy of the United States?
(a) Peter Normal (b) Tommie Smith (c) J ohn Carlos (d) Both (B)and (C)
3. Who was the Australian athletes who showed sympathy and support to the above two Americans ?
(a) Henry Walpole (b) J ohn Canard Apneal (d) Martin Luther (d) Peter Normal
4. Social divisions and differences are based on important factor ?
(a) Accident of birth (b) Migration (c) Adopting New profession (d)Adopting New Religion
5. Name any two Asian countries in which there was conflicts between two linguistic and ethnic groups
(a) Iran (b) Island (c) Sri Lanka (d) Both (B)and(C)
6. Name the conflicting groups of people in Sri Lanka
(a) The Tamils, The Christian (b) The Buddhist, The Hindus
(c) The Christian, The Muslims (d) The Sinhalese, The Tamils
7. Which one of two following causes led the disintegration of Yugoslavia ?
(a) Foreign attack (b) Political division on religions and ethnic lines
(c) Economic crisis (d) Epidemic
8. What are the two social division of U.S. society
(a) The whites, The French (b) The French, The Spanish
(c) The Spanish, The polish (c) The Black, The Whites
9. Who are Africans- Americans ?
(a) Their ancestors were African who later on migrated to America
(b) Their ancestors were Americans who later on migrated of Africa
(c) They were brought to America from Africa as slave
(d) They belonged to black-White mixed race
10. Which two of the following are responsible for social diversity ?
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(i) Cultural differences (ii) Linguistic differences (iii) Economic differences (iv) Political differences
(a) (i) & (ii) (b) (ii) & (iii) (c) (iii) & (iv) (d) (i) & (iv)
Que. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans. D D D A D D B D A A


Very short answer Type Questions
1. What is by a secular state?
2. What is meat by National Integration?
3. Mention some of the forces hampering National Integration
4. What is communalism?
5. What is caste prejudices
6. What is the language problem?
7. What is meant by Regionalism?
8. What is meant by Economic disparities?
Short Answer Type Questions
1. Mention the main causes of communalism in India.
2. Mention some of the measure to curled the growing of communalism.
3. Write a short note on castesim.
4. What is the significance?
5. What are the dangers to Indias unity?
Long Answer Type Questions
1. Mention the factors promoting the National Integration.
2. How can we Curl Separatist Elements?
3. What are the effects Communalism?
4. What are the effects of casteism on Democracy?
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5. What do you know about the protection of Civil Right Act?
6. Mention the Constitutional for guarantees for the welfare of the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes.


Gender Division: It is a from of hierarchical social division based on biology, social expectations and stereotypes.
Sexual Division of Labor: A system in which all work inside the home is either done by women of the family, or
organized by them thought the domestic helpers.
Feminist: A women or a man who believes in equals right and opportunities for men & women.
Patriarchy : It is a concept which is used to refer to a system that values men more and gives them power over
women. The society based on this ideology is known as the patriarchal society.
Child Sex Ratio : It is referred to as the number of girl children per thousand boys in a given period.
Family Laws : Those laws that deal with family related matters such as marriages, divorce, adoption, inheritance, etc,
in our country every community has its own family law.
Urbanization : The process of shifting of population from rural areas to urban areas for better facility and job
Majoritarien Dominance : The community belonging to a majority category takes the status of Majoritarien
Occupational Mobility : Process of shift one occupation to another, Usually when a new generation takes up
occupations other than those practiced by their ancestors.
Caste Hierarchy : It is a ladder like formation in which all the caste groups are placed from the highest to the lowest
Secular state : A state which has no official religion of its own is known as the secular state, It provides religious
equality and equal status to all religions.
Secularism : It is an ideology which deals with the equal status to all religions and prohibits discrimination on
grounds of religion, It implies religious freedom, people enjoy the right to preach, practice or profess a religion of
their choice.
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Unsociability : A state of affairs in which some backward and lower caste people are treated as outcaste people,
treated as untouchables and are not allowed to mingle with so called upper caste.
Universal adult Franchise : It refers to in which Right to vote is given to every adult citizen of the country.
It is one of the political rights of the people in this-
Universal- signifies- to all
Adult- signifies above 18 yrs and Franchise signifies right to vote
Minorities : The word signifies those groups of people or communities who are lesser in number in a given area.
Communal Representation : A system of separate electorate for the adequate representation of the people belonging
to different communities.
Social change : It signifies the modification which takes place in the life style of people, i.e., mode of living, the
social status and cultural changes,

Public Life and Politics :-
Womans role is minimum in public life specially politics. Though they constitute half of the humanity, their role is
minimal. In many, even in advanced counties of the world, women were not given voting rights for a long time. They
were not allowed and even now not allowed to participate in public affairs or contest for public offices. Women all
over the world, except India, organized agitations, eg, the suffragette movement in England for equal rights.
Women demanded educational and job opportunities, improvement in their legal and political status.
Feminist movements demanded equality in personal and family life also.
Status of Women in India :-
India has a patriarchal society, in society that gives more power to men, values them more and considers them
superior to women.
The literacy rate among women is 54% as compared to the 76% among men.
Every year girls do better than boys in school results, but more girls dropout as parents want to spend their resources
on their sons education.
Though there is an Equal wages Act which states that women should be paid equal wages for equal work, women are
still paid less for the same work, In sports, movies, factories, fields men are still better paid.
Woman are harassed, exploited and subjected to violence, specially un urban areas.
Even today parents prefer t o have sons.
Hence the sex ratio for women is low 933 girls per 1000 boys.
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In India proportion of Women in legislature has been very low. The percentage of elected women members in Loc
sabha has never even reached 10% of the total members.
In the assemblies it is only 5%. Among the world nations, India is at the bottom behind even developing countries of
Africa and Latin America.
The bill to get the same reservation for women in the Loc Sabha and assemblies has still not been passed.
Gender division a social division can be removed only when women have power in politics.
The status of womens representation in Indias legislative bodies:-
Indias representation in legislatures and their participation in politics is very low. The strength of women in the Loc
Sabha is not even 10%. In the agate assemblies it is even lower- only 50%. Some developing countries of Africa and
Latin America have more women representatives. The womens preservation bill, a move to make 33% reservation
for women in the Parliament, is still pending before the Parliament and it has yet to pass it. Only in the panchayati raj
local governing bodies seats are reserved for women.

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Religious Differences
India is a which gave birth to four religions Hinduism, J ainism, Buddhism and Sikhism.
Gandhi said religion could never be separated from politics.
He meat : That politics must be guided by religious ethics. Religion for him meant moral values.
Humans right people believe that most of the communal riots result in minority being victimized They want more
protection for religious minorities.
Womens movement believes that family laws of all religious are discrimination. They are tilted against women and
the government should change these laws.
All the above show a strong link between religion and politics.

Ultimate result is division on the basics of religion.
Communalism is a suitable where one community tries to promote its own interest at the cost other.
The problem became acute when one religion is presenting as superior to others .
The followers of a particulars religion must belong to are community.
Communal politics is based on idea that religion is the basics of a religious community.
When the demands of one religion are former in opposite to others. When one group tries to dominate others.
(i) Religious prejudices and believe in superiority of ones Religion.
(ii) They desire to dominate.
(iii) Mobilization in politics on religious grounds. E.g. :Using sacred symbols, religious leaders, emotional appear. Plain
fear to collect followers of one religion together in the political field.

India chose secularism- because communalism was a major challenge.
No state religion- no religion has a special status(Unilik Pakistan, Sri Lanka and England) Constitution allows
freedom to profess, practice and prorogate any religion, or not to follow any. No discrimination on religious grounds
is allowed by the constitution.
Constitution bans Unsociability.
A secular constitution was a must for India, but is not to fight communalism.
Communal prejudices and propaganda has to be taught in every day life, at every step.

Religion influence politics :-
Gandhi believed that politics must be guided by ethics drawn from all religions.
Ideas, ideals and values drawn from different religions can play should a role in politics.
People should have the freedom to express in politics their needs, interest and demands as a member of a religious
People who hold political power should see that discrimination and oppression does not take place due to religion.
Communal politics ?
(i) The way one uses religion in politics is communal politics.
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It creates problems when one sees religion as the basis of the nation.
(ii) When one religion considers itself superior to other religions.
(i) When there is discrimination against the followers of one religion.
(iv) When state power is used to help one religion to dominate other religious Groups and
(ii) When the demands of one religious group is in opposition to others.


Caste and politics both positive and negative sides.
Caste inequalities.
Caste system division is special to India .
All societies had some form of division of labor, occupations passed from one generation to another.
Caste system is an extreme form of division of labour in it hereditary occupational division sanctioned by rituals.
Caste system created social distinctions excludedoutecaste groups The unhuman practice of unsociability was
followed any the upper castes. Political leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, J yotiba phule, B.R. Ambedkar, Periyar
Ramaswami Naicker promote a casteless society.
First the caste hierarchy is breaking down.
The constitutional of India does not allow any discrimination based on caste.
But caste has NOT totally disappearing from present day India.
Caste in political:-
(i) like communication, caste conflicts threaten the unity of India.
(ii) caste, like communalism, encourage the belief that people belonging to the same caste belong to the same.
(iii) In many places people vote on the basics of caste and fail to select suitable candidates.
(iv) When political parties nominate candidate or choose them for elections, they keep in mind the caste composition of
their constituencies and the people voting.
(v) When a government is formed after elections, Political parties take care of caste equations and different cadets are
represented in the government. Polities partiedparties appear to caste sentiments during elections,
(vi) Universal adult franchise and principle of one- person one vote has compelled Parties to raise caste based issues,
during elections. They have also brought new consciousness among the people of cadets considered inferior and low
until now. this they do get political support.
Caste is only one of them factor in electoral politics why?
No parliament constituency has only one caste dominating it. So the candidate has from the confidence of every
All voters belonging to one caste, do not vote for the same party. A caste is a vote bank I.e., a large proportion of the
same caste vote for particular party.
Sometimes more than one candidate of the same caste stand for elections and sometimes the votes may find no
candidate of this own caste.
The ruling party MPs and MLA lose elections frequently. The could not happen if all votes voted according to caste.
Thus people assess the performance of the government and the leaders and them vote. Rich or poor, men and women
from the same caste vote differently.
Political in caste:-
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Politics also influences caste identities
Each caste group tries to increase its numbers by including sub-castes or neighboring castes.
New caste groups come up, like backward and forward caste groups.
Caste politics have helped Dalit and OBC castes to gain better access to decision making.
Political parties make demands, against discrimination on the basis of caste. They demand more dignity, more
resources, more opportunities.
Caste identity is not healthy in a democracy and can lead to tensions, conflict and even violence.

1. What do you mean by gender division?
2. What does the term sexual division of labor signify?
3. What does the term feminist movement means?
4. What is patriarchal society ?
5. List out the provisions of the equal wages Act.
6. What led to the feminist and womens movement?
7. Give the measures to remove the inequality of women.
8. In what ways unequal treatment of women was raised in the political domain?
9. What is religious differences?
10. What was Gandhijis view on religion and politics?
11. Examine the term communalism.
12. What do you mean by communal politics?
13. What is the term Political Mobilization on religious lines?
14. Give the two steps taken by Indian Government to check the communalism.
15. What do you mean by secular state?
16. What is the term secularism?
17. Why did our constitution framers choose the model of a secular state?
18. Give the concept of caste inequality.
19. What do you mean by caste system?
20. How is caste the role of basis of social community?
21. Examine briefly communalism as an ideology and as social phenomena.
22. What is castes?
23. Give two effects of Castes?

1. What is social equality?
2. How did women achieve gender equality?
3. In what ways womens role was improved in public life?
4. Give a comparative analysis of the political-participation of Indian women to that of the world.
5. How has women participation been increased in the Indian politics? Give a comparative analysis of early and modern
6. What do you mean by the term inequality of women? How is it a hindrance in the way of democracy?
7. List out the three laws enacted by the parliament since independence for the welfare of women.
8. Write a note on the National Commission for women.
9. List out the steps that need to be taken to Improve the social status of women in Indian society.
10. How do idea, ideals and values play a role in politics?
11. What are the basis of communalism?
12. Explain public and private division of men and women?
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13. Examine the present nature of caste system.
14. How is castes harmful to the democratic ideals ?
15. What are the reasons for the great change in the caste system?

1. what does the term inequality of women mean. In what ways is it being practiced in India?
2. Examine the factors responsible for the deregistering status of women in society.
3. Examine the impact of caste system on Indian democratic system. List out some measures to eradicate effects of
4. Examine the relationship between religion & politics.
5. What are the various forms of caste in politics?
6. Examine the measures to combat the problems of communalism.
7. Caste system and politics in India cannot be separated justify the statement.

1. According to the causes of India, 2001, what is the literacy rate in India?
(a) 45.68% (b) 58.45% (c) 65.38% (d) 66.48%
2. According to the census of India, 2001 what is the literacy rate for men in India?
(a) 56.85% (b) 65.95% (c) 68.75% (d) 75.85%
3. According to the census of India, 2001, what is the literacy rate for women in India?
(a) 45.16% (b) 54.16% (c) 56.75% (d) 57.46%
4. According to the census of India, 2001, what is the major religion if Sri Lanka?
(a) Hinduism (b) Buddhist (c) Christianity (d) Islam
5. What is the major religion of Nepal?
(a) Buddhism (b) J ainism (c) Hinduism (d) Christianity
6. According to the census of india,2001 what is the sex ratio in India?
(a) 840 females for every 1000 males i.e. 840 : 1000
(b) 903 females for every 1000 males i.e. 903 : 1000
(c) 925 females for every 1000 males i.e. 925 : 1000
(d) 933 females for every 1000 males i.e. 933 : 1000
7. Which one of the following countries the female perception in public life is not so High
(a) Sweden (b) Pakistan (c) Norway (d) Finland
8. According to the census of India,2001, what is the percentage of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in India?
(a) 16.2% (b) 26.3% (c) 10.4% (d) 12.5%
9. According to the census of India of 2001, what is the percentage of schedule Tributes in India?
(a) 6.8% (b) 8.2% (c) 10.4% (d)12.5%
10. Which of the following two leaders worked for the establishment of classless Society ?
(a) Dadabhai naoroji (b) Mahatma Gandhi
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(c) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (d) Bhagat singh

ANSWER KEY Exercise # 2
Que. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans. C D B B C D B A B B,C

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