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Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 157 (2018) 19–30

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Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine

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Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for breast cancer screening

Hiba Chougrad a,∗, Hamid Zouaki a, Omar Alheyane b
Laboratory of Computer Science and Mathematics and their Applications (LIMA), Faculty of science, University Chouaib Doukkali, El Jadida 24000, Morocco
Laboratory of Fundamental Mathematics (LMF), Faculty of science, University Chouaib Doukkali, El Jadida 24000, Morocco

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Background and objective: Radiologists often have a hard time classifying mammography mass lesions
Received 10 February 2017 which leads to unnecessary breast biopsies to remove suspicions and this ends up adding exorbitant
Revised 24 December 2017
expenses to an already burdened patient and health care system.
Accepted 10 January 2018
Methods: In this paper we developed a Computer-aided Diagnosis (CAD) system based on deep Convo-
lutional Neural Networks (CNN) that aims to help the radiologist classify mammography mass lesions.
Keywords: Deep learning usually requires large datasets to train networks of a certain depth from scratch. Transfer
Deep learning learning is an effective method to deal with relatively small datasets as in the case of medical images,
Convolutional Neural Network although it can be tricky as we can easily start overfitting.
Transfer learning
Results: In this work, we explore the importance of transfer learning and we experimentally determine
Computer-aided Diagnosis
the best fine-tuning strategy to adopt when training a CNN model. We were able to successfully fine-tune
Breast cancer
Breast mass lesion classification some of the recent, most powerful CNNs and achieved better results compared to other state-of-the-art
methods which classified the same public datasets. For instance we achieved 97.35% accuracy and 0.98
AUC on the DDSM database, 95.50% accuracy and 0.97 AUC on the INbreast database and 96.67% accuracy
and 0.96 AUC on the BCDR database. Furthermore, after pre-processing and normalizing all the extracted
Regions of Interest (ROIs) from the full mammograms, we merged all the datasets to build one large
set of images and used it to fine-tune our CNNs. The CNN model which achieved the best results, a
98.94% accuracy, was used as a baseline to build the Breast Cancer Screening Framework. To evaluate the
proposed CAD system and its efficiency to classify new images, we tested it on an independent database
(MIAS) and got 98.23% accuracy and 0.99 AUC.
Conclusion: The results obtained demonstrate that the proposed framework is performant and can indeed
be used to predict if the mass lesions are benign or malignant.
© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction diagnosis of the disease via mammography screening increases the

chances of recovery dramatically [2]. However, the accuracy of the
Breast cancer is one of the most common invasive diseases diagnosis can be affected by the image quality or the radiologist’s
among women worldwide. In 2016, there were more than 2.8 mil- expertise prone to errors. The average error rate among radiolo-
lion women with a history of breast cancer in the U.S and this gists is around 30%, according to some studies [3,4]. In some recent
includes women currently being treated and women who have surveys [5], error in diagnosis was the most common cause of lit-
finished treatment. In 2017, 1,688,780 new cases of breast can- igation against radiologists. The majority of such cases arose from
cer are expected to be diagnosed and 600,920 cancer deaths are failure to diagnose breast cancer on mammography [5]. To reduce
projected to occur, though death rates have been decreasing since the rate of false-negative diagnoses, lesions with a 2% chance be-
1989. These decreases are thought to be the result of treatment ad- ing malignant are recommended for a biopsy [6]. However, only
vances, increased awareness and earlier detection through screen- 15–30% of the biopsies are found to be malignant [6]. As a result,
ing [1]. Mammography is the recommended imaging modality for the unnecessary biopsies end up costing so much in terms of time,
breast cancer screening [2], it is more useful as an early detec- money or even discomforts that can occur for some patients due to
tion tool before the appearance of the physical symptoms. Early anxiety or panic attacks. It is therefore substantial to improve the
accuracy of the radiologic diagnosis to increase the positive predic-
tive value of mammography.

Corresponding author. Computer-aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems aim at giving a sec-
E-mail address: [email protected] (H. Chougrad). ond objective opinion to assist the radiologist medical image in-

0169-2607/© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
20 H. Chougrad et al. / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 157 (2018) 19–30

terpretation and diagnosis. CAD systems are especially used as ap-

plications that perform the labeling or differentiation between be-
nign and malignant lesions. In the last few years, deep learning
[7–10] especially through Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
[11] has been proved to work very well in vision tasks. Some of
the recently proposed CAD systems adopted the renowned deep
learning techniques and obtained promising results [12–14]. The
deep learning CADs were introduced to different medical domains,
for example we can mention pulmonary Peri-fissural nodule clas-
sification [12] or Interstitial lung disease and Thoraco-abdominal
lymph node classification [14] and many others. We were particu- Fig. 1. Samples of mammography mass lesions; (a) benign; (b) malignant.

larly interested in the works on breast lesions [15–18]. Most of the

proposed methods involved CNNs but in a traditional way, where
they use only the extracted CNN features or combine them with
some other hand-crafted descriptors to carry out the classification
task [17,18]. However, the most interesting aspect of using CNNs three datasets to boost the learning process, as it is known that
is the end-to-end supervised learning process which does not rely deep learning and other modern nonlinear machine learning tech-
on complex engineered descriptors and instead uses the whole raw niques get better with more data [25]. We will refer to this assem-
image [11]. bled database as the (Merged Dataset) MD dataset.
Convolutional Neural Networks learn discriminative features au- DDSM [26] the Digital Database of Screening Mammography
tomatically, their architecture is particularly adapted to take advan- (DDSM) is publicly available and contains more than 2600 cases,
tage of the 2D structure of the input image, but more importantly sorted according to the degree of severity of the findings. Ev-
one of their most impressive characteristic is that they generalize ery case in the DDSM contains four view mammograms from the
surprisingly well to other recognition tasks [14,16]. In order to train same patient with associated ground truth and other information.
deep CNNs we need large annotated datasets which are lacking in For example the patient’s age, the screening exam’s date, the ACR
the medical domain especially for breast cancer. Moreover, train- (i.e. American College of Radiology reporting system) breast den-
ing a CNN from scratch requires high computational power, large sity that was specified by an expert radiologist. Cases containing
memory resources and time, and with the little data provided we suspicious regions are associated with a pixel level ground truth
can easily start overfitting. One way to overcome this is to use markings of the abnormalities. We were particularly interested in
transfer learning [19] from natural images (for example ImageNet the benign versus the malignant cases, so we used a subset of
which has more than 1.2 million images categorized under 10 0 0 1329 cases containing a total of 5316 images, 641 cases of patients
classes) and perform a fine-tuning as proposed in [14]. with benign mass lesions and 688 cases of patients with malignant
Transfer learning is commonly used in deep learning ap- mass lesions.
plications. It has been very effective in the medical domain BCDR [27] the BCDR-F03 dataset from the Breast Cancer Digital
[13,14] when the amount of data is normally limited. Using trans- Repository is a new dataset of film mammography composed by
fer learning from natural images to breast cancer mammography 736 biopsy-proven lesions of 344 patients. Each case includes clin-
images, has not yet been fully explored in the literature. And, as ical data for each patient, and both Cranio-caudal (CC) and Medio-
far as we know the only work [16] which uses transfer learning to lateral oblique (MLO) view mammograms, which are available to-
classify breast lesions, employs small sized datasets and the deep gether with the coordinates of the lesion’s contours. BCDR-F03 is
Convolutional Neural Network CNN-F [20] as a model. We propose a binary class dataset composed of benign and malignant find-
to perform the learning on different other datasets using some of ings. We used a subset of 600 images from 300 patients, 300 im-
the recent, well-engineered and deepest CNN architectures. ages from 150 benign cases and 300 of images from 150 malignant
In this paper we exploit three of the most impressive CNN cases.
models recently proposed VGG16, ResNet50 and Inception v3 [21– INbreast [28] the INbreast database was built with full-field
23] trained on ImageNet [24]. We investigate the importance of digital mammograms (in opposition to digitized mammograms); it
transfer learning instead of random initialization for each model, is made publicly available together with precise annotations. It has
and explore the impact of the number of fine-tuned layers on the a total of 115 cases including MLO and CC views from each breast
final results. Our primary aim is to make use of these state-of- yielding a total of 410 images. The database provides information
the-art CNNs, and perform a transfer learning from natural im- regarding the patient’s age at the time of image acquisition, fam-
ages to mammography images, in order to build a powerful mass ily history, ACR breast density annotation along with accurate con-
lesion classification tool which can assist the radiologist by giv- tours of the findings that were made by specialists. The INbreast
ing him a “second-opinion” and help him make more accurate database presents a wide variability of cases which includes sev-
diagnoses. eral types of lesions (masses, calcifications, asymmetries, and dis-
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: tortions). We were interested in the benign and malignant cases,
Section 2 describes the proposed approach to classify breast so we assembled a subset of 50 cases including a total of 200 im-
abnormalities into benign or malignant, in Section 3 we give ages, 100 images from 25 benign cases and 100 from malignant
details of the experimentations lead to evaluate the proposed ap- cases.
proach and we show the results. Section 4 gives a brief discussion The Merged Dataset (MD) since deep CNNs perform better
and finally Section 5 concludes the paper. when used with large datasets, we combined all of the previous
datasets (i.e. DDSM, BCDR, INbreast) to build a new big dataset to
2. Materials and methods train our CNN models. To get a balanced dataset, we pre-processed
and normalized all the previously mentioned datasets, as we will
2.1. Datasets explain in the next section, so that we could obtain one big ho-
mogenous database of targeted regions of interest from both cases
We used three public databases to perform the learning and to of patients with benign and malignant lesions (Fig. 1). We obtained
benchmark the deep learning architectures. We then merged all a total of 6116 images from 1529 cases.
H. Chougrad et al. / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 157 (2018) 19–30 21

Fig. 2. Pre-processing of the mammograms; first row of the figure gives the example of a benign lesion and the second row a malignant lesion. (a) the original mammogram
(b) illustration of the location and boundaries of the lesions annotated by imaging specialists (c) the cropped region of interest (d) the normalized ROI after applying Global
Contrast Normalization. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

2.2. Methodology apply geometric transformation to existing data. Applying noise

and transformations to images of lesions makes sense since this
2.2.1. Pre-processing kind of data is very likely to be affected by all sort of noise and
In order to enhance the performance of a CAD system, pre- can be found in different sizes and orientations. Hence, all the
processing is a mandatory step when building the dataset. In our transformations would boost the models to learn better.
work, we extracted the lesions as fixed sized ROIs then we nor-
The images were “augmented” using a series of random trans-
malized them using global contrast normalization. Fig. 2 illustrates
formations so that the models would never see twice the exact
the pre-processing steps for extracting and normalizing the ROIs.
same image. We used width and height shifts with a fraction of
(1) ROI extraction: We used the ground-truth provided with each 0.25 from the total width or height of the image, a random rotation
dataset to detect and crop the regions of interest (ROIs) from range of 0–40°, a shear range of 0.5 and a zoom range between
the images. The location and boundaries of the lesions were [0.5–1.5]. We also flipped the images horizontally and applied the
marked by imaging specialists. We used the provided coordi- “fill mode” strategy for filling in newly created pixels, which can
nates to target and crop the bounding box of the lesions au- appear after a rotation or a width/height shift. To carry out the
tomatically. We fixed the input size ROIs to r x r pixels. We augmentation, we instantiated the Keras [30] ImageDataGenerator
then rescaled the output image, for when the lesion is near the to generate batches of tensor image data with real-time data aug-
edges and the width or height of the cropped ROI is smaller mentation.
than r.
2.2.2. Deep Convolutional Neural Networks models
(2) Global contrast normalization (GCN): Normalization, also
In the last few years, CNNs demonstrated impressive perfor-
called zero-centering is a standard step in medical image clas-
mance as they grew deeper and deeper; with the state-of-the-art
sification. It attempts to deal with external sources of data vari-
networks going from 7 layers to 10 0 0 layers. In this paper, we use
ation like illumination levels, the different scanners used in the
some of these state-of-art architectures, pre-trained on ImageNet,
digitalization process and how this can affect the pixel values.
for transfer learning from natural images to breast cancer images.
Global contrast normalization computes the mean of intensities
VGG16: There are several versions to the very deep convolu-
for each image, and then subtracts it from each pixel of the im-
tional network (VGG) [21] published by researchers from Oxford
age. Let xi,j be the tensor of an image (x ∈ Rr x r ) and x̄ is the
 University, VGG16 is one of their best networks and is well known
mean of the xi,j image intensities x̄ = r12 i, j xi, j .
for its simplicity.
The architecture of this network is deep and simple, it mainly
The tensor of the normalized image is xi, j = xi, j − x̄. consists of an alternation between convolution layers and dropout
layers. VGG was the first to use multiple small 3 × 3 filters in each
(3) Data augmentation: Deep learning models perform better convolutional layer and combine them in a sequence to emulate
when we have large datasets [25]. One very popular way to the effect of larger receptive fields. Although the network is simple
make our datasets bigger is data augmentation or jittering. Data in its architecture, it is very expensive in terms of memory and
augmentation can increase the size of the dataset to 10 times computational cost since the exponentially increasing kernels lead
the original one or more, which helps prevent overfitting when to higher computational time and a bigger size model.
training on very little data. The approach helps build simpler The implemented VGG16 architecture is composed of 13 convo-
and robust models which can generalize better [29]. To per- lutional layers, 5 pooling layers and achieves 9.9% top-5 error on
form data augmentation, the simplest way is to add noise or ImageNet.
22 H. Chougrad et al. / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 157 (2018) 19–30

Table 1
Total number of layers of each model including the fully-connected layers added (5 dense layers added to each model). As well as the
number of convolutional layers fine-tuned for the different fine-tuning strategies adopted. Note that, a dense layer or convolutional
layer followed by a non-linearity is counted as one layer.

Model Total number of layers Last 1 convolutional block Last 2 convolutional blocks Last 3 convolutional blocks

VGG16 23 4 8 12
ResNet50 179 12 22 34
Inceptionv3 221 25 44 58

ResNet50: The ResNet50 is one of the models proposed in the Authors in [31] demonstrated that transfer of knowledge in net-
deep residual learning for image recognition [22] by the Microsoft works could be achieved by first training a neural network on a
research team .The authors came up with a simple and elegant domain for which there is a large amount of data, and then re-
idea. They take a standard deep CNN and add shortcut connections training that network on a related but different domain via fine-
that bypass few convolutional layers at a time. The shortcut con- tuning its weights. [13,14] were able to show that transfer learning
nections create residual blocks, where the output of the convolu- can be beneficial even between two unrelated domains (natural vs.
tional layers is added to the block’s input tensor. For instance, the medical). The advantage of using pre-trained models extends be-
ResNet50 model is composed of 50 layers of similar blocks with yond the limited data issue, where it was proven to be an effective
shortcut connections. These connections keep the computation low initialization technique for many complex models [32,33]
and at the same time provide rich combination features. We propose to investigate the adequacy of this technique for
The ResNet50 model used has one convolutional layer followed our case of study, either to deal with our little data or as a way
by a batch normalization layer, and has two pooling layers in be- for initializing the models. Fig. 3 gives the schema for the models
tween which there is a total of 16 residual modules. Two kinds of setup. The CNN models are built differently but the same proce-
residual modules are alternated, one that has 4 convolutional lay- dure is applied to all of them:
ers and another with 3 convolutional layers and each convolutional
• For starters we kept the original networks architectures up till
layer is followed by batch normalization. The residual block with 4
the fully-connected layers.
convolutional layers is the first one used, followed by at least two
• The original fully-connected layers were built for the ImageNet
or more residual blocks with 3 convolutional layers and so on. The
dataset with 10 0 0 outputs for 10 0 0 class categories. We re-
implemented ResNet50 model achieves a 7.8% top-5 error on Ima-
moved these last fully-connected layers and built our own fully-
connected model, on top of the convolutional part of the mod-
Inception v3: The Google research team with Christian Szegedy
els, suited to our number of classes (i.e. 2 classes “Benign” and
were mainly focused on reducing the computational burden of
CNNs while maintaining the same level of performance. They in-
troduced a new module named “The inception module" which, for The new customized models (VGG16, ResNet50, Inception v3)
the most part, can be described as a 4 parallel pathways of 1 × 1, will be used to train on the different datasets while adopting dif-
3 × 3 and 5 × 5 convolution filters. And because of the parallel net- ferent training strategies. We first conduct an ablation study where
work implementation, in addition to the down sampling layers in we initialize our models randomly. Then, we use the models as
each block, the model’s execution time beats VGG or ResNet. fixed feature extractors and use the Softmax layer on top as a clas-
The research team proposed many models over the years which sifier. Finally, we adopt a fine-tuning strategy and study the impact
are more and more complex, the Inception v3 [23] model was in- of the fraction fine-tuned on the final results (Fig. 3).
troduced at about the same time as ResNet. The network was built The first convolutional layers of a CNN learn generic features
with some new designing principles for example the use of 3 × 3 and can perform more like edge detectors, which should be use-
convolutions instead of 5 × 5 or 7 × 7 in the inception modules, ful to many tasks, but the following layers become progressively
also the expansion of width at each layer to increase the combina- more specific to the details of the classes contained in the dataset
tion of features for the next layer, as well as the aim of construct- [34]. In accordance with this statement and since mammographic
ing a network with a computational budget balanced between its mass lesion images are very different from ImageNet images, we
depth and width. propose to fine-tune our models to adjust the features of the last
The Inception v3 we implemented has 5 convolutional layers convolutional blocks and make them more data-specific; we fine-
each one followed by a batch normalization layer, 2 pooling lay- tune the weights of the pre-trained networks using the new set of
ers and 11 inception modules. The inception modules used contain images by resuming the backpropagation on the unfrozen layers.
different numbers of paths and convolution layers. Authors of the We propose a detailed study on the impact of the chosen frac-
Inception v3 did not define an “Inception cell" and then repeatedly tion of convolutional layers (unfrozen layers) to fine-tune, on the
applied it to downscale the input. Therefore, the inception mod- final results in the experimental section. Table 1 gives the num-
ules used, sometimes consist of 4, 6, 7, 9 or 10 convolutional layers ber of layers of each model and the number of layers we choose
followed by batch normalization and one pooling layer. The imple- to fine-tune, while the rest of the model is frozen for the dif-
mented model by Chollet [30] achieves 7.8% as a top-5 error on ferent fine-tuning strategies adopted (1 block, 2 blocks, 3 blocks
ImageNet, same as ResNet50. and all the blocks). Since the models are very different a convolu-
tional block varies from one model to another as shown in Fig. 3.
For VGG16 a convolutional block contains 3 convolutional opera-
2.2.3. Transfer learning and fine-tuning tions followed by an activation and a pooling layer. In the case of
As we begin to explore deep learning models from more spe- ResNet50 the convolutional block is a residual block while for the
cialized domains as the quantity of available data gets scarce. Even inception v3 it is an inception module.
though we have impressive training methods nowadays, training
deep learning models on small quantities of data is very difficult. 2.2.4. Regularization and the choice of hyper-parameters
The actual paradigm used to deal with this issue has come through Choosing the right parameters when fine-tuning is tricky. The
the use of pre-trained neural networks [19]. optimization is done using Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)
H. Chougrad et al. / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 157 (2018) 19–30 23

Fig. 3. Schema representing the different architectures and implementations of the models using transfer learning while adopting a fine-tuning strategy for some of the last
convolutional blocks. The top part of the figure gives an overview of some of the layers composing each model; each layer is represented with a different color (keys in
the bottom-right of the figure). The bottom-left part of the figure gives a detailed architecture of the customized fully-connected layers added to the bottom convolutional
part of each model; note that the randomly turned-off activations in the dropout layer are represented with dotted circles. The three differently-colored dotted rectangular
selections represent the different implementations of the models i.e. in each implementation the selected layers in the rectangle are fine-tuned while the rest of the model’s
layers are frozen.
{1FT = only one convolutional layer + the fully-connected part are fined-tuned while the rest of the layers are frozen;
2FT = two convolutional layers + the fully-connected part are fined-tuned while the rest of the layers are frozen;
3FT = three convolutional layer + the fully-connected part are fined-tuned while the rest of the layers are frozen;
BN = batch-normalization}.

rather than and adaptive learning rate optimizer, to make sure the To ensure that our model generalizes well, we used L2 regular-
magnitude of the learning rate stays small and not wreck the pre- ization (weight decay) to penalize large weights and prefer smaller
viously learned features [35]. ones. The L2 regularization penalty operates on the weight matrix
When training the fully-connected model we used the adaptive W and is written as: R(W ) = i j Wi,2j .
ADAM optimizer [36] (Adaptive Moment Estimation). The method N
The loss function then becomes: L = N1 i=1 Li + λ R (W )
is designed to combine the advantages of two recently popular where λ is a hyper-parameter which controls the amount of the
methods: AdaGrad and RMSProp, it computes individual adaptive regularization we are applying. We used λ = 1 as it gave the best
learning rates for different parameters from estimates of first and results.
second moments of the gradients. Moreover, we added a dropout layer [37] so that it randomly
On the other hand, when fine-tuning we used the SGD opti- turns off the activations at training time with a probability of .5.
mizer with a small learning rate. We chose an initial learning rate The randomly selected subset of activations are set to zero, which
of 1e-4 and it was divided by 10 each time the validation error prevents some unit in one layer from relying too strongly on a sin-
stopped improving. We also adopted an early stopping strategy to gle unit in the previous layer (Fig. 3).
monitor the validation loss with a patience set to 20 epochs i.e.
the number of epochs to wait for the accuracy to get better, before
stopping, if no progress is noted on the validation set. 2.2.5. The Breast Cancer Screening Framework
Additionally, to improve the results and avoid overfitting, we After fine-tuning the CNNs, we saved the weights of each model
used some tricks, for instance, we performed data augmentation, in HDF5 format and the structure in a JSON format. The model
L2 regularization and dropout. achieving the highest performance (see Table 2) i.e. the Inception
v3 model trained on the merged database, which we will refer to
24 H. Chougrad et al. / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 157 (2018) 19–30

Table 2
Summary of the results obtained when fine-tuning the CNNs on the datasets.

Dataset N of images Model Accuracy (%) Std (%) Time elapsed (Min)

DDSM 5316 VGG16 97.12% ±0.30 271.8

ResNet50 97.27% ±0.34 122.1
Inception v3 97.35% ±0.80 91.6
BCDR 600 VGG16 96.50% ±0.85 32.3
ResNet50 96.50% ±2.30 17.6
Inception v3 96.67% ±0.85 20.4
INbreast 200 VGG16 95.00% ±0.50 15.9
ResNet50 92.50% ±2.36 10.1
Inception v3 95.50% ±2.00 14.3
MD 6116 VGG16 98.64% ±0.22 326.3
ResNet50 98.77% ±0.05 139.9
Inception v3 98.94% ±0.22 64.7

as “Inceptionv 3-MD”, was used as a baseline to build the Breast We train and evaluate the CNNs using a stratified 5-fold
Cancer Screening Framework. cross validation. The mean accuracy, standard deviation and time
To evaluate the performance of the Inceptionv 3-MD model, we elapsed for training each model is reported and are used for com-
tested it on an independent database. Initially, we one-hot encoded paring the different setups.
all of the database labels i.e. each label was represented by a vec- First, we investigate the extent that has transfer learning,
tor p of size K = 2 corresponding to the number of output classes. through the use of pre-trained weights as an initialization for the
p is composed of the value 1 for the correct class and 0 for the CNNs, over training the models from scratch with a random ini-
other class. tialization (Fig. 5). We use the pre-trained models as fixed features
Next, we fed the test images to the model and got the outputs extractors and the Softmax layer on top as a classifier; we call this
probabilities from the Softmax classifier: a 0 fine-tuning strategy (Fig. 6). Finally, we carry out an experi-
exp(yi ) mentation to find out the optimal number of layers we need to
f i (y ) =    fine-tune for each model in order to get the best performance. We
j exp y j test with fine-tuning one, two, three and all of the convolutional
The Softmax function gives normalized class probabilities for blocks of our models and we examine their performance on DDSM,
the output being “Benign” or “Malignant”, the sum of these prob- BCDR and INbreast databases. The blocks were fine-tuned for 90
abilities adds up to 1. epochs with a batch size of 128 images. We used the Keras library
We could then measure the accuracy of the model by compar- [30] with Theano [38] as a backend and the Cuda enabled GPU
ing the two vectors: first the Softmax vector that comes out of NVidia GTX 980 M.
the classifier and contains the probabilities of the classes, and the
other one is the one-hot encoded label vector.
To measure the distance between these two probability vectors,
3.1. Random initialization vs. transfer learning
we use the cross-entropy loss:
exp( fyi ) On the one hand, we randomly initialize all our models and
Li = −log    train them on the datasets and on the other we use the pre-trained
j exp f j models as an initialization for our models. Fig. 5 gives the results
where fj is the jth element of the vector of class scores f. We de- from the comparison between the two different setups trained on
note the distance between the two vectors with D, the Softmax DDSM, BCDR and INbreast.
function with f and the label vector with p. The cross-entropy be- Random initialization merely samples each weight from a stan-
tween a “true” distribution p and an estimated distribution f is de- dard distribution with a low deviation. The idea is to pick weight
fined as: values at random following a distribution which would help the
 optimization process to converge to a meaningful solution.
D( f, p) = − pi log( fi )
i The networks weights were initialized to a small random num-
When the ith entry corresponds to the correct class pi = 1, the ber generated from a Gaussian distribution, in our case the values
cost (i.e., distance) becomes − log(fi ) and when the ith entry corre- were between 0 and 0.05. The low deviation allows to bias the net-
sponds to the incorrect class, pi = 0, the entry in fi becomes irrel- work towards a simple 0 solution, without the bad repercussions
evant for the cost. of actually initializing the weights to 0 [35].
To further evaluate the general applicability of the model, we As an alternative, we perform transfer learning through the use
built a user-friendly interface based on the Inceptionv 3-MD to of pre-trained weights, obtained from the CNNs training on Ima-
classify new images. geNet, as an initialization for our networks weights. In Fig. 5 we
We used python and Tkinter to create the GUI (Graphic User compare random initialization versus the transfer learning strategy
Interface) and Keras [30] with Theano [38] to manage the model. (0 fine-tuning).
The framework takes an image as an input, and gives as an output The 0 fine-tuning strategy which we can also refer to as the fea-
the predicted class label to be displayed as an output (Fig. 4). ture extraction mechanism is the basic way of doing transfer learn-
ing. We first remove the classification part of the networks (i.e. the
3. Experimental results fully-connected layers) which was responsible for giving the prob-
abilities of an image as being from each of the 10 0 0 classes in Im-
The extracted ROIs were of size r × r (r = 300), we rescaled ageNet. Then, we use the remaining part of the models as a fixed
them to be 224 × 224, so that they can be compatible with the feature extractor that computes the CNN codes of each image from
original size of images from ImageNet which were used to train our datasets. We finally use a Softmax classifier to train on the ob-
the original CNNs. tained high-dimensional CNN codes (i.e. feature vectors).
H. Chougrad et al. / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 157 (2018) 19–30 25

Fig. 4. Screenshots of the obtained result from our Breast Cancer Screening Framework based on the Inception v3-MD model; Case of an image containing a suspected
malignant mass lesion.

Fig. 5 gives the comparison summary of the performance of

each network with the two initialization methods while trained on
the same dataset. We can see that the pre-trained models outper-
formed randomly initialized models each time. The assumption is
that it is beneficial to initialize the CNNs with weights from a pre-
trained model since the pre-trained weights may already be good
compared to randomly initialized weights. A pre-trained network
on a large and diverse dataset like ImageNet learns to capture uni-
versal features like lines and edges in its early layers which can be
relevant and useful to most classification problems.

3.2. Fine-tuning: How many layers are too many layers?

The nature of our data which is very different in content com-

pared to the original dataset (ImageNet) allowed us to adopt a
fine-tuning strategy.
We loaded the initialization weights of the models [29]; we
froze the layers of the bottom architecture and trained the cos-
tumed fully-connected model on top with each dataset for 30
Training the new fully-connected model before performing the
fine-tuning is important, in order to start with properly trained
weights and not wreck the learned convolutional base. Experimen-
tal results showed an improvement of 5% to 10% when training
the newly added fully-connected layers before proceeding with the
We investigated the optimal number of layers to fine-tune that
would give us the best performance. Fig. 3 illustrates how we
changed the number of frozen and unfrozen layers each time to
measure the effect that has the number of layers fine-tuned on
the results.
For instance, in the 1 fine-tuning (1FT), we froze all the lay-
ers until the last convolutional block. We unfroze the last con-
volutional block plus the fully-connected block by resuming back-
propagation on them with a small learning rate (1e-4).
For the 2 fine-tuning (2FT) we unfroze two blocks instead of
one and for 3 fine-tuning, three blocks (3FT). The All fine-tuning is
when we unfroze all the layers and changed the values of all the
weights of the models while back-propagating through the whole
Fig. 6 gives the accuracy results for fine-tuning the different
fractions of the models while using the datasets. We can see that
the accuracy increased when we went from 0 fine-tuning to 1 fine-
tuning then from 1 fine-tuning to 2 fine-tuning. However, once the
Fig. 5. Randomly initialized weights vs. pre-trained weights.
number of convolutional blocks exceeded two (i.e. 3 blocks and
more) the accuracy started dropping.
26 H. Chougrad et al. / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 157 (2018) 19–30

3.3. Classification results of the best CNN models implementations

Transfer learning using pre-trained weights from ImageNet

while adopting a 2 fine-tuning strategy (2FT) is clearly the best
setup for all our CNNs.
We use this implementation of our models to train on the
datasets. Additionally, we train the CNNs also on the merged
dataset (MD) and we compute the mean accuracy, standard devia-
tion and time elapsed for each case.
Table 2 reports the performance and results of each model
when fine-tuned on the different datasets.
We can see that all of the CNNs achieve good accuracy rates,
but the Inception v3 model outperforms them all and over all the
datasets. As it has already been shown in Table 1, we notice that
the Inception v3 model is also the deepest network among the oth-
ers. As a matter of fact, the network’s depth affects its performance
by making the learning easier. The advantage is that multiple lay-
ers makes it possible to learn features at various levels of abstrac-
tion, so that global features are progressively learned as combina-
tions of local features along the depth of the network. When it
comes to the computational time Inception v3 and ResNet50 are
both much faster than VGG16. Although both networks are deeper
than the latter, but still they have lower complexity, as they are
not stacked up sequentially. On the other hand, we can clearly
see that the size of data used to re-train the networks affects the
results (Table 2), as it is well known that CNNs perform better
when trained on larger sets of images. The results obtained on the
merged dataset (MD) confirm that deep learning networks gener-
alize better when provided with more data. The performance of
the networks on the test set from INbreast compared to a larger
dataset for example DDSM or MD shows that while the architec-
ture and depth of the CNN model used is important, what is more
important is the quality and quantity of the training data.

3.4. Monitoring the performance of our models

Due to the small number of training examples we have, com-

pared to the thousands of images from ImageNet used to train the
original model, we had to prevent the models from overfitting.
We performed data augmentation but it was not enough, be-
cause the augmented samples were still highly correlated. To rem-
edy this, we forced the weights of the models to take smaller val-
Fig. 6. Comparison of the results obtained using different fine-tuning strategies {0,
1, 2, 3, All} for transfer learning with our models while using our datasets (DDSM, ues by applying an L2 regularization and added a dropout layer.
BCDR, INbreast). Consequently, we needed to monitor the performance of each
model as we do not want our models to start learning too-well, to
the point that they cannot perform as well on never seen data.
We can also see that 2 fine-tuning (2FT) is the clear choice Initially, we used a train/test random split with 80% of the data
when it comes to the optimal number of convolutional blocks we for training/validation and 20% for testing. We used the validation
fine-tune. The assumption here is that while using the pre-trained set to monitor and tune the hyper-parameters of each model as
weights is the better option, the last layers of the models learn it trains. Fig. 7 illustrates the plots of accuracy and loss over the
more data specific features which in our case are very different epochs for the Inception v3 model trained on the merged database
from our type of data. Therefore, resuming back-propagation on (“Inceptionv 3-MD” model). As shown in Fig. 7, the validation set
the last convolutional layers may lead to a better performance as was checked during training to monitor progress, and to possibly
we’ll start learning features that are more suited to our set of data. reduce the learning rate when it reaches a plateau or to force an
Yet, fine-tuning too many layers leads to worse results. Perhaps, early stopping. The test set was then used as hold-out set to mea-
with the deep architectures and the small datasets used, the mod- sure the model’s performance on never-seen data.
els started overfitting by learning irrelevant features due to their After tuning the models and optimizing all of the hyper-
large entropic capacity. And it is showing in Fig. 3 for the INbreast parameters. We used the best setup for each CNN to train one final
database (which is the smallest one in our case of study) where model on all the data using a stratified 5-fold cross validation. We
we got an accuracy close to 50% for our test sets while fine-tuning saved the obtained finalized model for a later use or for making
all layers of VGG16 and ResNet50. predictions on new data.
The idea here is that we need to make the last convolutional Stratified cross validation gives a less biased estimate of the
layers learn more data-specific features but there is no need for model’s skill on unseen data while it attempts to balance the num-
us to disturb the first convolutional layers as they’re already well ber of instances of each class in each fold, to ensure that each fold
tuned to learn generic features especially if we don’t have enough is a good representative of the whole. For each dataset we create
data to train on. and evaluate multiple models on multiple subsets of the dataset.
H. Chougrad et al. / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 157 (2018) 19–30 27

Fig. 7. The plot of accuracy and loss over the epochs for the Inception v3 model trained on the merged dataset (Inception v3-MD); the plots help in tuning the model and
its hyper-parameters while monitoring its performance on the train and validation sets.

The reported mean and standard deviation at the end provide a

robust estimate of the model’s performance (see Table 2).

3.5. Testing the Inceptionv 3-MD on MIAS

The Mammographic Image Analysis Society (MIAS) [39] is a

commonly used database. It contains 322 digitized film mammo-
grams and includes radiologist’s ground-truth markings on the lo-
cations of the suspected lesions. The MIAS data is classified using
various criteria, we chose the images that were classified accord-
ing the severity of the abnormality criteria so the mammograms
not showing masses (Normal) were removed from the dataset and
we kept only the mammograms with benign and malignant lesions
which formed a subset of 113 images.
The subset contained images that were not previously seen by
our CNN so it was used as a test set. We used the same pre-
processing steps on the new images. The Inceptionv 3-MD was
loaded and compiled to perform the classification. We measured
the performance on this set using the overall accuracy, the Re-
ceiver Operating Characteristic curve (ROC) and the Area Under the Fig. 8. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) of the classification of MIAS using
Curve (AUC) metrics as they are the most adopted measures when the Inception v3-MD model.
it comes to evaluating classification systems.
Fig. 8 gives the ROC curve for the classification of the MIAS Table 3
database using the pre-trained Inceptionv 3-MD model. The plot Comparison summary of our approach with others in the lit-
of the true positive rate against the false positive rate follows the
left-hand border and then the top border of the ROC space, which Authors and date Database Accuracy AUC
indicates that the results are indeed accurate. Moreover, the model W. Peng et al. 2015 MIAS 96% –
achieves an accuracy of 98.23% and AUC of 0.99 which indicates G. Carneiro et al. 2015 DDSM – 0.97
that the Breast Cancer Screening Framework is robust and can be INbreast – 0.91
J. Arevalo et al. 2015 BCDR – 0.826
trusted to classify new data.
Z. Jiao et al. 2016 DDSM 96.7% –
Ours MIAS 98.23% 0.99
3.6. Comparison summary of our work with others DDSM 97.35% 0.98
INbreast 95.50% 0.97
BCDR 96.67% 0.96
Table 3 gives a comparison summary of some of the works that
used CNNs for the classification of the datasets we used.
For instance, we have the work of Carneiro et al. [16] in which
they first trained a separate CNN model for each view of the breast a deep feature based framework which combined intensity infor-
(MLO and CC). Then they used the features learned from each mation and deep features extracted from a trained CNN to predict
model to train a final CNN classifier which estimates if the case the category of the test images. They used the accuracy measure
is benign or malignant. The authors tested their approach on the to evaluate the performance of their approach and achieved 96.7%
two publicly available datasets DDSM and INbreast and achieved on DDSM while we achieved 97.35%.
an AUC of 0.97 and 0.91 respectively, while we achieved an AUC of Besides, Arevalo et al. [17] adopted a hybrid approach where
0.98 and 0.97. Jiao et al. [18] also classified DDSM database using they used a CNN to learn the representation of the mammog-
28 H. Chougrad et al. / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 157 (2018) 19–30

raphy images in a supervised way, and then combined the ob- methods which classified the same public datasets we used, and
tained features with hand-crafted descriptors to classify mass le- this in terms of both accuracy and AUC metrics.
sions from the BCDR database. They achieved an AUC of 0.826 and Intensity normalization is an important preprocessing step in
we achieved 0.96 on the same dataset. medical imaging. During image acquisition, different scanners and
To evaluate the performance of our proposed Breast Cancer parameters are used for scanning the different patients or even the
Screening Framework we used the MIAS dataset, we calculated both same patient sometimes, which may result in large intensity vari-
the AUC and the overall classification accuracy of the test images ations. Those variations can be more flagrant from one set of data
and got 0.99 and 98.23% respectively. In contrast, an evaluation of to another (different illumination conditions, materials, expert in
the same dataset by Peng et al. [15] while using ANN (Artificial charge…etc.). This intensity variation can greatly undermine the
Neural Networks) with texture features extracted from the images performance of the proposed system for mammography analysis.
resulted in a 96% accuracy. Subsequently, before using the images and especially before merg-
ing all datasets, we used GCN normalization to reduce the inten-
4. Discussion sity variation between images, which may have been taken under
different conditions. The normalization helps phase out the inten-
To build an end-to-end powerful classification tool for breast sity variations caused by the various lighting conditions. So, that
cancer screening, we explored various setups and approaches. we can effectively reduce intra-variations between images from the
First, we investigated the extent that has transfer learning over same dataset and inter-variations between images from different
random initialization. We tested the performance of all our net- datasets.
works with the two approaches while training on three public To perform the transfer learning, we used datasets of different
datasets. The results demonstrated that initialization with pre- sizes and the results obtained indicated the existence of a corre-
trained weights is advantageous, and that it may be due to the lation between the number of training data and the performance
fact that the weights are already familiar with some universal fea- of the models. Thus, we combined all datasets to build one large
tures and patterns that were learned from ImageNet as opposed to set of images. The merged dataset was used to fine-tune the net-
random weights. works. Assuredly, the Inception v3 model outperformed the other
We then examined the possible ways of doing transfer learning. networks using this set of data as it achieved 98.94% accuracy.
We adopted a “0 fine-tuning” strategy where we used the CNNs A deep CNN composed of many layers trained on a small
as feature extractors then classified the resulting CNN codes us- dataset should have a large entropic capacity. The model is then
ing a Softmax classifier. Afterwards, we started unfreezing the last able to store a lot of information, which gives it the potential to
convolutional blocks one by one until 3 blocks where the accu- be highly accurate by exploiting more features. However, it can
racy started to drop. For the purpose of the experiment, we further also make it more at risk of storing irrelevant features. To mod-
pushed the fine-tuning strategy to the extreme by fine-tuning all of ulate the entropic capacity of our models, we had to first en-
the CNNs layers and we evaluated the performance in each case. large our datasets through data augmentation. Then, we only fine-
The results indicated that while fine-tuning is beneficial and can tuned the last two convolutional layers of the models to get more
lead to a better performance (i.e. if we compare “0 fine-tuning” to dataset-specific features. In addition, we applied L2 regularization
1 fine-tuning and “1 fine-tuning” to “2 fine-tuning”), but too much and dropout to disrupt complex co-adaptations on training data,
fine-tuning, as for example the “All fine-tuning” strategy, leads to and so we made the models focus on the more significant fea-
worse results. We found out that the optimal number of blocks to tures from the images, for a better generalization. Furthermore, all
fine-tune was 2 convolutional blocks. This enabled us to keep the the models were meticulously monitored to examine their perfor-
first layers which learn generic features and fine-tune only the last mance on the training data and the validation data in order to op-
layers to make them learn more data-specific features. timize the hyper-parameters and select the best model. The latter
Transfer learning and fine-tuning allowed us to use the learned was then used to assess both training and test sets simultaneously,
ImageNet weights of different deep learning models as an initial- to ensure that the model is not overfitting and that it performs
ization to our CNNs, and fine-tune them so as they can differenti- equally well on never-seen data (the test data).
ate malignant breast mass lesions from benign ones. After tuning the models and choosing the best hyper-
The obtained results show a clear improvement over other pro- parameters, we trained one final model for each CNN using a strat-
posed methods. Many of the works which classified mammogra- ified 5-fold cross-validation with all the data and we computed the
phy mass lesions employed simple neural networks, shallow Con- mean accuracy, standard deviation and time elapsed for each ex-
volutional Neural Networks (i.e. not deep enough) or the combina- periment to evaluate the performance.
tion of extracted CNN features with other hand-crafted descriptors. We used the Inception v3 model fine-tuned on the merged
However, the most interesting aspect of CNNs is the end-to-end dataset to develop a powerful classification tool. The Breast Cancer
learning, leading to a better performance while using less complex Screening Framework can be used as a Computer-aided Diagnosis
algorithms. The better performance comes from the fact that the system that classifies mammography mass lesions. To evaluate the
internal components self-optimize to maximize the overall system framework, we tested it using new images from the MIAS database,
performance. And Compared to the traditional neural networks, and we achieved an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.99. The results
CNNs reduce the computational cost as they have fewer parame- obtained outperform by a large margin human performance, with
ters and are easier to train. radiologists achieving a 0.82 AUC according to [40].
When comparing the obtained results of each CNN fine-tuned The developed framework could predict and provide the cor-
on the different datasets, we noticed that the depth of the model rect diagnosis for 98.23% of the images from MIAS, 97.35% from
as well as its architecture affects its performance. The best re- DDSM 95.50% for INbreast and 96.67% for BCDR. The results ob-
sults for each dataset were obtained using the Inception v3 model, tained from the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve anal-
which also happens to be the deepest network among the others. ysis showed a high true-positive rate for all previous datasets,
The Inception v3 seems to be more suited for fine-tuning, maybe which means a high probability of correctly identifying malignant
it is because of its architecture which is deep but not stacked up, mass lesions as being cancerous.
making it less sensitive to the vanishing gradient problem. As a Fig. 9 illustrates some examples of images that were misclassi-
result, fine-tuning the pre-trained Inception v3 model enabled us fied (red frames) versus others that were correctly classified (green
to achieve a better performance compared to the state-of-the-art frames).
H. Chougrad et al. / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 157 (2018) 19–30 29

Fig. 9. Examples of regions of interest containing mass lesions; the first row contains benign lesions and the second row contains malignant lesions; the misclassified
images are framed by a red bounding box (the 3 images on the left in both rows) and the correctly classified by a green one (the 3 images on the right in both rows). (For
interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Examining the misclassified images we can see that the texture Acknowledgment
of some of the benign and malignant images is similar. One possi-
bility is that this is due to high breast density. This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
It is well known that cancer is more difficult to detect, in mam- agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
mograms of women with radiographically dense breasts [41]. The BCDR database used in this work was a courtesy of MA
Breasts are made up of lobules, ducts, and fatty and fibrous con- Guevara Lopez and coauthors, Breast Cancer Digital Repository
nective tissue. The breasts are dense in the presence of a lot of Consortium.
glandular tissue and not much fat. On mammograms, dense breast The INBreast database used in this work was a courtesy of the
tissue looks white. Breast masses or tumors also look white, hence, Breast Research Group, INESC Porto, Portugal.
the dense tissue can hide tumors. On the other hand, fatty tissue
looks almost black. On a black background it is easier to identify Supplementary materials
a tumor that looks white (Fig. 9). Therefore, mammograms can be
less accurate in women with dense breasts. Supplementary material associated with this article can be
This suggests that we can further improve our framework, if found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.cmpb.2018.01.011.
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