Automated Breast Tumor Ultrasound Image Segmentation With Hybrid UNet and Classification Using Fine-Tuned CNN Model

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Automated breast tumor ultrasound image segmentation with

hybrid UNet and classification using fine-tuned CNN model
Shahed Hossain a, Sami Azam b, **, Sidratul Montaha c, Asif Karim b, *,
Sadia Sultana Chowa a, Chaity Mondol a, Md Zahid Hasan a, Mirjam Jonkman b
Health Informatics Research Laboratory (HIRL), Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Daffodil International University, Dhaka, 1341,
Faculty of Science and Technology, Charles Darwin University, Casuarina, 0909, NT, Australia
Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, T2N 1N4, Canada


Keywords: Introduction: Breast cancer stands as the second most deadly form of cancer among women
Image preprocessing worldwide. Early diagnosis and treatment can significantly mitigate mortality rates.
Spatial self attention Purpose: The study aims to classify breast ultrasound images into benign and malignant tumors.
Channel self attention
This approach involves segmenting the breast’s region of interest (ROI) employing an optimized
Hybrid attention module
Image segmentation
UNet architecture and classifying the ROIs through an optimized shallow CNN model utilizing an
Deep learning ablation study.
Method: Several image processing techniques are utilized to improve image quality by removing
text, artifacts, and speckle noise, and statistical analysis is done to check the enhanced image
quality is satisfactory. With the processed dataset, the segmentation of breast tumor ROI is carried
out, optimizing the UNet model through an ablation study where the architectural configuration
and hyperparameters are altered. After obtaining the tumor ROIs from the fine-tuned UNet model
(RKO-UNet), an optimized CNN model is employed to classify the tumor into benign and ma­
lignant classes. To enhance the CNN model’s performance, an ablation study is conducted,
coupled with the integration of an attention unit. The model’s performance is further assessed by
classifying breast cancer with mammogram images.
Result: The proposed classification model (RKONet-13) results in an accuracy of 98.41 %. The
performance of the proposed model is further compared with five transfer learning models for
both pre-segmented and post-segmented datasets. K-fold cross-validation is done to assess the
proposed RKONet-13 model’s performance stability. Furthermore, the performance of the pro­
posed model is compared with previous literature, where the proposed model outperforms
existing methods, demonstrating its effectiveness in breast cancer diagnosis. Lastly, the model
demonstrates its robustness for breast cancer classification, delivering an exceptional perfor­
mance of 96.21 % on a mammogram dataset.
Conclusion: The efficacy of this study relies on image pre-processing, segmentation with hybrid
attention UNet, and classification with fine-tuned robust CNN model. This comprehensive
approach aims to determine an effective technique for detecting breast cancer within ultrasound

* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (S. Azam), [email protected] (A. Karim).
Received 14 June 2023; Received in revised form 11 October 2023; Accepted 20 October 2023
Available online 21 October 2023
2405-8440/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
S. Hossain et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e21369

1. Introduction

Breast cancer is one of the prominent causes of female fatalities on a global scale [1], with approximately 500000 annual deaths
[2]. It is the most widespread cancer in women worldwide [3]. Research has shown that older women are more prone to weakness, as
seen by a greater risk of prefrailty and frailty. Furthermore, breast cancer mortality rates are increased for women over the age of 55 [4,
5]. In the adherence to early identification of breast cancer, assessing disease burden may aid the experts in monitoring progression
and revealing the health imbalances [6]. The highest breast cancer rates are seen in developed countries: 74.1 new circumstances per
100,000 females, compared to 31.3 new cases per 100,000 in less developed countries [7]. The increase of new breast cancer cases was
reported at 1.67 million in 2012 [8], 1.8 million in 2013 [9], and about 2.2 million in 2020, shown in Fig. 1, 12.5 % of the total cancer
cases. It has overtaken lung cancer and become the most diagnosed cancer worldwide [10,11]. By 2025, the World Health Organi­
zation (WHO) estimates that 19.3 million additional cases of cancer will be diagnosed globally [12] and 27.5 million by 2040 with 16.3
million deaths [13]. Though health information is easy to access through social media, a lack of study on improved crisis commu­
nication in these platforms may make it more difficult to effectively notify the public about critical information [14,15], which may
impede early breast cancer diagnosis. To increase public understanding of early detection techniques and their importance, clear
communication is essential. Moreover, integrating social media and internet usage has not only strengthened communication but also,
with innovations, brought transformative potential to various fields like medical research.

Fig. 1. The expected total number of new cancer cases by cancer type for the year 2020 is shown in this statistic. It is estimated that there are
around 18.1 million new instances of cancer worldwide, affecting people of all sexes and ages. The most common kind of cancer globally, affecting
2.2 million new cases, was breast cancer.

S. Hossain et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e21369

According to prior studies [16,17], developing mental issues such as anxiety and stress [18] is higher in breast cancer patients.
Early-stage breast cancer detection can reduce mortality [19] and significantly increase the survival chances [20]. However, it is
difficult to identify breast cancer in its early stages. Breast cancer screening and diagnosis are time-consuming, and the presence of
noise, artifacts, and other difficulties creates difficulties for a radiologist to classify the medical images. In addition, there is a global
shortage of radiologists and medical professionals who can interpret screening data, particularly in rural regions and developing
nations [21]. The increase in the number of patients adds to the burden of radiologists, which may contribute to misdiagnosis. In
addition to mammograms, radiologists typically use ultrasound images to diagnose patients. This takes time and might lead to poor
outcomes if the radiologist is not properly trained. On the other hand, during the COVID-19 epidemic, breast cancer patients expe­
rienced delays in tests, treatments, and operations [22–25]. In addition to causing delays in breast cancer tests, therapies, and op­
erations, the COVID-19 pandemic’s disruption of the medical supply chains showed flaws in depending entirely on conventional
approaches [26–28]. This crisis highlighted the significance of implementing digital platforms for telemedicine and remote patient
monitoring, diversifying supply sources, and encouraging collaborations between healthcare institutions and technology providers to
build a resilient and adaptable supply chain ecosystem for ongoing and uninterrupted breast cancer care [29].
Currently, early detection of breast cancer is distinguished through diverse medical imaging modalities such as ultrasound,
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and mammography [30–32]. Ultrasound has better sensitivity for dense breasts and can be better
for differentiating solid tumors from cysts than mammography [33]. Ultrasound technology is less expensive than mammography and
may detect changes that are not visible in mammograms [34–36]. Radiologists can distinguish between various tissues. Segmenting
breast ultrasound images may be valuable for tumor localization and breast cancer diagnosis [37]. However, scrutiny of breast ul­
trasound images depends on the radiologist’s clinical expertise and involves subjectivity and inter-observer variability. It is also
time-consuming. A computer-aided detection (CAD) system may eliminate inconsistency and reduce the workload of radiologists by
assisting in the analysis of breast ultrasound images [38–40]. It might also be used to segment breast images automatically [41].
Previous CAD systems generally relied on manually created visual information that posed difficulties in generalizing ultrasound images
acquired from diverse techniques [42–47]. The development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology for the automated detection of
breast cancers using ultrasound images has been aided by some recent breakthroughs [48–50]. Deep learning can have benefits for
medical image analysis, including breast cancer [51]. CNN is a kind of deep learning that has several layer hierarchies and translates
the pixels of an image into features. These features are used for image segmentation, disease identification, and classification. Deep
Learning technology can help to identify breast cancer early and reduce ultrasound interpretation time [52–54]. On the other hand, by
enhancing early detection, lowering the demand on screening resources, and optimizing surgical planning, a deep learning breast
cancer detector CAD system can mitigate supply chain issues and increase overall efficiency and resource allocation in breast cancer
care during Covid-19 pandemic-related disruptions [55–57].
This study aims to segment, detect, and classify ultrasound images into benign and malignant tumors. All the experiments that are
carried out in this study are done using the Breast Ultrasound Image (BUI) dataset. However, its images contain texts, speckle noise,
and artifacts. Removal of text, speckle noise, and artifacts from the ultrasound images is imperative to obtain good performance from a
CNN model. Various image preprocessing techniques are explored to eliminate artifacts and noises. Statistical analysis for the pre­
processed images is performed to assess various image processing techniques, including Mean Squared Error (MSE), Peak signal-to-
noise ratio (PSNR), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), and Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM). This study proposes two
completely automated and reliable deep learning models, RKO-UNet and RkoNet-13, based on an UNet-like architecture and a Base
CNN model, respectively. Expanded UNet is employed for image segmentation and RKONet-13 for segmented image classification.
Both models are fine-tuned through ablation studies. The overall process of ultrasound image segmentation and classification proposed
in this study is shown in Fig. 5. Five pre-trained and fine-tuned transfer learning models are employed to compare the performance and
robustness of the proposed classification model with other techniques. Several performance metrics are used to evaluate both models.
The segmentation model’s effectiveness, robustness, and accuracy are evaluated using the PSNR, SSIM, Dice Similarity, Normalized
Cross Correlation, Normalized Mutual Information, Sum of Squared Difference, RMSE, MSE, Feature-Based Similarity Index, and
Universal Image Quality Index. The classification model is evaluated using several metrics, including precision, recall, F1 score,
specificity, and sensitivity. K-fold cross-validation is conducted for the proposed model to ensure overfitting is not occurring. Sub­
sequently, this study uses an additional breast cancer mammogram dataset to substantiate the resilience and effectiveness of the
proposed CNN model. It demonstrates the capability of the proposed CNN model (RKONet-13) to identify breast tumors and detect
breast cancer at the same time. Furthermore, it proves its proficiency in detecting breast cancer from ultrasound images and
mammogram images. The strategy of the work can be described as follows.

1. Initially, noise diminution and data pre-processing algorithms are used to remove text, artifacts, and spackle noise from the raw
ultrasound images.
2. On the pre-processed images, statistical analysis is carried out using MSE, PSNR, SSIM, and RMSE to make sure that the information
is not deteriorated and the quality of the image is still good.
3. A new model, referred as the Hybrid Attention UNet (RKO-UNet), is proposed. It is based on fine-tuning the UNet architecture and
incorporating both spatial self-attention and channel self-attention.
4. An ablation study, modifying the segmentation model, is carried out to enhance the suggested model’s performance.
5. A CNN model is built from scratch and modified by fine-tuning the parameters to find the best classifier.
6. RKONet-13 is recommended on a fine-tuned CNN architecture following experimentation with the segmented dataset, as it pro­
duces the most accurate classification.
7. Another ablation study is done to enhance the classification performance.

S. Hossain et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e21369

The main aim and contributions of the work can be summarized as follows.

1. To develop an automated CAD system that can segment and classify breast tumor.
2. To develop a hybrid attention UNet (RKO-UNet) model that can segment the ROI from the breast ultrasound images.
3. To develop a robust CNN (RKONet-13) can detect or classify breast cancer from the ROI images obtained from the UNet model.

The remaining section of this study’s materials are structured as: the comprehensive and critical analyses of related work are
presented in section 2, the materials and methods is described in section 3, the experiment results are shown in section 4, and the
discussion and conclusion are given in part 5 and 6.

2. Related work

Over the years, several automated computer vision-based techniques have been developed to classify breast cancer based on ul­
trasound images [58,59], where some of them focus on segmentation [60].
Irfan et al. [31] established the Dilated Semantic Segmentation Network (Di-CNN) to identify and categorize breast cancer using the
BUI Dataset and achieved 98.9 % accuracy. They applied a pre-trained DenseNet201 deep model, developed via transfer learning and
utilized for feature extraction. With the trained model, 24-layered CNN were applied with fused feature data in parallel. The outcomes
demonstrated that the fusion procedure increases recognition accuracy. Jianrui et al. [44] used a self-organizing map to map the
instance space to the concept space, then distributed the instances of each bag in the concept space to construct the bag feature vector,
and lastly, used a support vector machine to identify tumors with an accuracy of 91.07 %, (p 0.005) with an area under the receiver
operator characteristic curve of 0.96 for the 168 images of the dataset. They used data collected at the Department of Ultrasound,
Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University. Zhemin et al. [61] utilize transfer learning models to extract features, select
the best model, and then perform feature fusion and classification based on those features. They merged four datasets (BUSI, OMI,
Dataset B, and Hospital) and obtained 95.48 % accuracy after experimenting with 1328 images. Tariq et al. [62] used an ensemble
decision tree with the RUSBoost model to classify the OASBUD (Open Access Series of Breast Ultrasound Data) and BHE datasets
separately, obtaining 99.98 % accuracy for the OASBUD dataset and 97.86 % accuracy for the BHE dataset. For OASBUD, the proposed
system achieved confidence intervals (CI) of 91.48 %–99.38 %, and for the BHE dataset, CIs of 94.90 %–97.86 %. Mishra et al. [63]
isolated the ROI in images from the BUSI dataset and extracted features using a machine learning radionics-based classification
pipeline, resulting in a 97.4 % accuracy. Their method produced values for the F1-score, Mathew’s correlation coefficient, and area
under the curve of 97 %, 94 %, and 0.959, respectively. Kiran et al. [64] modified a pre-trained transfer learning model and extracted
features using global average polling, then they fused the best features using RDE and RGW employing a probability-based serial
approach and classified them using a machine learning model that achieved 99.1 % accuracy. Using a Transfer Learning Model with

Table 1
Shows the tabular view of the previous study.
Paper Dataset Classifier Accuracy Limitation

Irfan et al. BUI Bi–CNN, transfer learning 98.9 % Small dataset size, noisy predictions for erosion operation,
[31] lack of comprehensive geometric features extraction,
computationally intensive, lack of enough validation of the
results and experiments.
Jianrui et al. Department of Ultrasound, Self-organizing map, Machine 91.07 % Focus on local texture features only, limited representation
[44] Second Affiliated Hospital of Learning Classifier of global features, predominance of common tumor types in
Harbin Medical University dataset.
Zhemin et al. 1) BUSI adaptive spatial feature fusion 95.48 % Reliance on transfer learning of deep features, lack of
[61] 2) OMI computational analysis.
3) Dataset B
4) Hospital
Mishra et al. BUSI ML Radiomics based Classifier 97.4 % Limited dataset source (single centre), exclusively
[63] traditional image features.
Byra et al. BUSI Hybrid Classifier (Transfer 91.5 % Limited fine-tuning of only last residual block, high
[65] learning + scaling layers) computational requirements and potential overfitting.
Kiran et al. BUSI Transfer learning with feature 99.1 % Limited number of datasets, high similarity of lesions
[64] fusion, RDE, RGW, Machine
learning Classifier
Moon et al. 1) Private Dataset Ensemble CNN (VGGNet, 91.10 % Small size of dataset, limited exploration of
[66] BUSI ResNet, DenseNet) 94.62 % hyperparameters.
tariq et al. 1) OASBUD Ensemble Classifier, 99.98 % Sensitivity of the dataset variation.
[62] 2) BHE RUSBoost 97.86 %
Yang et al. Collect from 32 Hospital Deep Learning 86.40 % Limited Generalizability
Xiangmin Biomodal breast Ultrasound DDSTN, MMD, LUPI 86.79 % Imbalanced modalities distribution, limited evaluation
et al. metrics
Proposed BUI Robust CNN model (RKONet- 98.41 Limited number of images in dataset, less experiments with
Model 13) the model

S. Hossain et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e21369

Deep Representation Scaling Layers, Byra et al. [65] developed a deep learning model that achieved 91.5 % accuracy and an AUC of
0.95 on the BUI dataset. Moon et al. [66] developed a CAD system using an ensemble CNN model (VGGNet, ResNet, and DenseNet)
with two datasets, obtaining 91.10 % accuracy for a private dataset and 94.62 % for the BUSI dataset. They recorded 92.31 %
sensitivity, 95.60 % specificity, 90 % precision, 91.14 % F1 score, respectively. Yang et al. [67] applied a deep learning-based network
to 14043 images and achieved an accuracy on BUS images of 86.40 %, with an AUC of 0.913, a sensitivity of 88.84 %, and a specificity
of 83.77 %. They used medical data from 32 hospitals. Xiangmin et al. [68] introduced a deep, doubly supervised transfer learning
network for categorizing breast cancer using the bimodal breast Ultrasound dataset. It aimed to introduce the Maximum Mean
Discrepancy (MMD) criterion-based Learning using Privileged Information (LUPI) paradigm. They integrated the two methods using a
new doubly supervised TL network (DDSTN) and achieved 86.79 % accuracy. In Table 1, shows the categorization of the previous
study with limitations.

3. Materials and methods

The section comprehensively explains the materials and methods employed in this study, providing insights into the dataset and its
description, the overall procedure carried out in sequential order, image preprocessing and verification methods, and finally, the image
segmentation and classification approaches.

3.1. Dataset description

The Breast Ultrasound Image (BUI) dataset from the open-source platform Kaggle is used for this research. A total of 780 ultrasound
images are analyzed in this study. The images are categorized into three classes: 133 normal images, 210 malignant tumor images and
487 benign tumor images. The image dimension of this dataset is 500 × 500 pixels on average, and the images are in PNG format [69].
Table 2 provides an overview of the dataset description.
We manually removed the normal class, containing 133 images, from the dataset because this study essentially focused only on the
breast tumors, cancerous cells, and its surrounding tissue. After removing the normal images, the dataset consists of two classes and the
quantity of the images remain unchanged for these classes. Fig. 2 shows some examples of the two classes along with the characteristics
and artifacts. 2(A) depicted the original dataset images with three classes. 2(B) show the dataset with two classes that is used in this
This study uses an extra-best cancer mammogram dataset to check the robustness of the proposed model. The collection contains
1459 images with an average size of 224 x 224 [46]. The data is preserved in PNG format, while the color grading for the images is in
RGB format. There are 417 images of benign masses and 398 images of malignant masses in the entire dataset. Additionally, there are
300 images categorized as benign and 344 images classified as malignant. Fig. 3 gives a visualization of the breast mammogram images
from four different classes. Table 3 provides a brief explanation of the dataset.

3.1.1. Merged ground truths

In this context, ground truth refers to the precise boundary of breast tumors (both benign and malignant) in the ultrasound images,
established using a freehand segmentation in MATLAB [69], which is used to train and validate segmentation models or algorithms.
Some images have multiple ground truths (different annotations or labels of structures or regions of interest). Ground truths must be
merged before segmentation because the segmentation model is trained by implementing a particular image’s ground truths on that
original image. This study merged all the ground truth for individual images. The output of merging multiple ground truths is shown in
Fig. 4.

3.2. Overview of methodology

This work aims to develop an efficient automated deep learning method to help radiologists accurately and quickly segment and
classify benign and malignant tumors. The procedure is shown in Fig. 5.
In Fig. 5, it is shown that the initial phase involves employing noise mitigation and data pre-processing algorithms to eliminate text,
artifacts, and speckle noise from the raw ultrasound images. Subsequently, on the pre-processed images, statistical inspection such as
MSE, PSNR, SSIM, and RMSE, is conducted to make sure the information is not deteriorated and image quality is still good.
Furthermore, a Hybrid Attention UNet (RKO-UNet) model is presented for the tumor segmentation, fine-tuning the UNet architecture

Table 2
Dataset illustration.
Name Description

Image Numbers 780

Average Dimension 500 x 500
Color Grading Grayscale
Image Format PNG
Normal 133
Benign 487
Malignant 210

S. Hossain et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e21369

Fig. 2. (A) images from the original dataset, and (B) the normal class has been removed manually. In this dataset, every image has a ground truth,
and every ground truth has the same dimension, color grading, and data format as the original image. A sample of a mask image is also shown.

Fig. 3. The CBIS-DDSM dataset comprises mammograms categorized into four classes, each exhibiting a range of artifacts across all classes. (A)
Bening, (B) Bening Masses, (C) Malignant, (D) Malignant Masses.

Table 3
Dataset illustration.
Name Description

Image Numbers 1459

Average Dimension 224 x 224
Color Grading RGB
Image Format PNG
Benign mass 417
Malignant mass 398
Benign 300
Malignant 344

and integrating both spatial self-attention and channel self-attention. An ablation study, modifying the segmentation model, is carried
out to enhance the suggested model’s performance. For the classification task, CNN model is built from scratch and modified by fine-
tuning the parameters to find a superior classifier for the segmented ROIs. RKONet-13 is recommended on a fine-tuned CNN network
following experimentation with the segmented dataset, as it produces the most accurate classification. Another ablation study is done
to enhance the classification performance. The result of the final model is then analyzed using a set of performance metrics. The
model’s robustness is assessed by comparing its performance with five transfer learning models, establishing its competitive edge. Five-
fold cross-validation is [70] done to determine whether the model is overfitted or not. The performance comparison with prior studies
is also done. The proposed CNN model’s performance for classification task is evaluated with a breast cancer mammogram image
dataset and the model shows its supremacy in classifying breast cancer with dataset of other imaging modalities as well.

S. Hossain et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e21369

Fig. 4. Merged Ground Truth: (A) shows the original images with multiple tumors. Ground truth (a), (b), and (c) are the ground truths of the
original image (A), combining (a), (b), (c) gives the merged ground truth image (B).

Fig. 5. The workflow of this study is as follows: Frame (1) depicts some of the original ultrasound images of BUIS dataset. (2) Using different image
preprocessing steps, a preprocessed dataset is generated. (3) The preprocessed dataset is segmented using segmentation techniques, resulting in a
segmented dataset, produced by the UNet model. (4) Based on an ablation study, a more robust and accurate model is developed, and (5) the final
model’s results are analyzed using performance metrics.

In summary, this methodology demonstrates the importance of segmentation and classification for breast cancer diagnosis,
effectively addressing medical challenges. Also, a precise understanding on health-related stresses and anxieties [71] that can arise
during such crises, especially for pandemic like COVID-19 is also discussed.

3.3. Image pre-processing techniques

Image pre-processing is probably the most prominent process before images are fed into a deep neural system. It helps to obtain
good performance and reduce the computational time of a network [72,73]. Pre-processing aims to improve the image’s quality,
eliminating unwanted distortions, and improving important features [74]. Ultrasound images are affected by several types of noise.
Ultrasound images contain low-resolution created by the ultrasound wave’s reflection [75]. Without using pre-processing methods, it
is tenacious for a neural network model to classify ultrasound images correctly. This section describes how the quality of ultrasound
images can be improved with image resizing, text removal, artifact removal, and speckle noise removal. Fig. 6 illustrates the main steps
of the image pre-processing done in this study, including image resize, text removal, artifacts removal, speckle noise removal.

S. Hossain et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e21369

The images are resized, and text is removed from the ultrasound images, using a pretrained model, followed by inpainting. Then
artifacts are removed using morphological opening. After removing speckle noise, the pre-processed images are subjected to assess­
ment methods such as MSE, PSNR, SSIM, and RMSE to assess the outcomes. The outcome image after each procedure is also shown in
Fig. 6.

3.3.1. Image resizing

Resizing images is a common procedure in image preprocessing in deep learning [72]. The average image resolution in BUI dataset
is 512 X 512, but different images have different resolutions. All images are resized to 224 X 224.

3.3.2. Text removal

Some images in the dataset contain unwanted text that can affect the model’s performance. In this pre-processing step, an
inpainting algorithm from OpenCV is employed, combined with a pre-trained OCR (Optical Character Recognition) model to remove
text automatically. There are three steps: first, recognize text in the image and gain the bounding boxes, second, generate a mask and
third paint in the areas with test. To acquire the bounding box of the text, Keras-OCR is used. Keras-OCR convey out-of-the-box OCR
models and an end-to-end training pipeline to build new OCR models [76]. It automatically downloads the pre-trained weights for the
detector and the recognizer. The pre-trained model is used in this study as it works well. While passing an image through Keras-OCR, a
tuple (word, box) will be returned, where the box comprises the coordinates (x, y) of the word’s four corner boxes. After recognizing
the text, a mask of the same size as the input images which contains only the text is generated. This informs the algorithm which area of
the image needs to be painted in. Finally, an inpainting algorithm is used to paint in the image’s masked regions. We used cv2.
INPAINT_NS [77]. The algorithm makes used of partial differential equations and is based on fluid dynamics. After inpainting, the
output image is presented without any text. Image 6 shows the whole process of removing text from an image.

3.3.3. Artifact removal

Inadvertently, undesirable items or regions may sometimes appear in the images. As a result, the model’s performance can be
reduced. After eliminating texts from the images, some specific lines, blobs, and noise are still visible. Removing these effectively is a
crucial step in pre-processing images. Morphological opening is applied to remove these kinds of artifacts. In morphological opening,
erosion is applied to eliminate small blobs, followed by dilation to regrow the original object [72]. It requires two inputs, the original
image as well as a second input known as a structural element or kernel to determine the operation procedure. The cv2.get­
StructuringElement function creates a rectangular kernel (5, 5) to extract straight, vertical, or horizontal lines and noises. The size of
the kernel or filter relies on the operations performed. The resulting output is shown in Fig. 7.

3.3.4. Removing speckle noise

The visual quality of ultrasound images, which are low-resolution images generated by reflecting ultrasonic waves, is impacted by
various types of noise, such as speckle noise [78]. Speckle noise may negatively influence image segmentation and compression at the
post-processing stage [75]. Speckle noise is the association of additive and multiplicative noise that is statistically independent of the
original image [79]. The expression of an image with speckle noise [80] is given below (equation (1)):
g(p, q) = f (p, q) ∗ u(p, q) + η(p, q) (1)

where, g(p, q) is the tainted image; u(p, q) denotes multiplicative noise; f(p,q) is original image and η(p,q) is additive noise.
De-noising ultrasound images before diagnosis is important because speckle noise impairs image quality. Speckle noise has been
eliminated from medical ultrasound images using various filtering techniques [81]. Here a median filter is used to remove speckle.

Fig. 6. Image pre-processing steps.

S. Hossain et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e21369

Fig. 7. Text removal process, step by step.

Median filtering is one of the best-known techniques to remove speckle noise from images [75]. Conventional smoothing filters remove
noise from the input but cannot preserve the edges of the signal. In contrast, a median filter is a unique smoothing filter that enhances
the outcome by eliminating noise from the signal while preserving the edges [81]. Edge preservation is an essential property because
edges are important for visual appearance. The central element is exchanged with the median value acquired from the cv.medianBlur()
function that takes median of all the pixels under the kernel area.
Table 4 shows which algorithms, functions and parameter values are used for preprocessing. The Text Removal process uses the
Image Inpainting algorithm with the “cv2.INPAINT_NS” function in the OpenCV library to remove text from the images. Artifact
Removal uses the Morphological opening algorithm with the “cv2.morphologyEx()" function and a structuring element of rectangular
shape and kernel size (5,5). Speckle noise removal uses Median filtering with the “cv2.medianBlur()" function and a kernel size of (5,5).
Image resizing can be performed with the “cv2.imresize()" function.

3.4. Verification

Numerous methods have been utilized for image pre-processing, some of which may impact image condition. Statistical analysis is
used to make sure the image quality is not diminished. This study calculates the PSNR, MSE, SSIM, and RMSE values to analyze image

3.4.1. MSE
The second instance of the error function compared to the original and reconstructed images is known as the MSE [1]. MSE defines
the difference between two images beneath comparison as the cumulative squared error of the pixel-to-pixel difference. The MSE value
ranges from 0 to 1, with a value close to 0 representing acceptable image quality and a value of 0 indicating an image with no
disturbance. Values greater than 0.5 signify a drop in quality [82,83]. The expression for Mean Squared Error (MSE) is typically
provide as in equation (2):
1 ∑m− 1 ∑n− 1
MSE = (O(i, j) − P(i, j))2 (2)
mn i=0 j=0

where, O represents the original image, P represents the pre-processed image, I and j are the row and column indices of the pixels of O
and P, and m and n are the number of rows and columns respectively.

3.4.2. PSNR
PSNR Ratio measures the proportion of the highest signal power and the noise [75,84]. This ratio can be used to compare the
original and the processed images’ quality. Equation (3) expresses PSNR mathematically:

Table 4
Pre-processing algorithms.
Process Algorithm Function/Method Parameters

Text Removal Image Inpainting cv2.INPAINT_NS ()

Bitwise and
Artifact Removal Morphological opening cv2.getStructuringElement() Structuring element = cv2.MORPH_RECT, kernel Size = (5,5)
cv2.morphologyEx() Morphological operation = cv2.MORPH_OPEN
Speckle noise Removal Median filtering cv2.medianBlur() Kernel Size = (5,5)
Image resizes cv2.imresize()

S. Hossain et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e21369

( )
PSNR = 10 log10 (3)
R exhibits the highest variation in the input image data.

3.4.3. RMSE
The root mean square error (RMSE) is also known as root means square deviation (RMSD) [85] and calculates the quality difference
between the original and pre-processed images. Low RMSE values, particularly those near 0, indicate less error and high image quality
[74]. Equation (4) expresses RMSE:
√ N
√∑ dfi − dd 2
RMSE = √ (4)

where, dfi stands for the predicted value; dd stands for actual value and N stands for size of the Dataset.

3.4.4. SSIM
SSIM can be used as a measure of the impact or reduction on image quality of preprocessing measure. The value of the SSIM ranges
from − 1 to 1, where 1 represents perfect structural similarity and 0 denotes no similarity [30]. Equation (5) express mathematical
interpretation of SSIM:
( )( )
2μx μy + c1 2σxy + c2
SSIM(x, y) = ( 2 )( ) (5)
μx + μ2x + c1 σ2x + σ2x + c2

where, x, y represents the two images, σ2x , σ2y the variance and σxy the covariance of the images; μx , μy are two images average compute
with the Gaussian window and; c1 , c2 are two factors to maintain the division. In Table 5 shows these statistical values of 20 images.

3.5. Proposed segmentation and classification approach

In this study, a CAD system has been constructed to utilize breast ultrasound images to segment and classify breast cancer. A UNet
model is used for segmentation and a CNN model for classification using the segmented dataset. An ablation study is conducted to
determine the optimal configuration. The RKO-UNet network is developed for segmentation by performing two architectural exper­
iments and six hyperparameter experiments of the UNet model. The RKONet-13 model is developed for classification using nine
hyperparameter experiments and one architectural experiment. Section 4.2 shows the detailed description of the findings of the
ablation study.

3.5.1. Proposed segmentation model

Image segmentation is an essential process in computer vision [86], like image processing, separating an image into multiple

Table 5
Statistical values for 20 images to compare image quality.

Image_1 15.17 39.35 0.962 0.13

Image_2 13.63 40.66 0.961 0.13
Image_3 14.25 42.59 0.964 0.11
Image_4 13.13 38.28 0.968 0.12
Image_5 12.38 45.47 0.962 0.09
Image_6 13.69 35.65 0.967 0.10
Image_7 13.98 39.28 0.966 0.11
Image_8 13.77 36.41 0.973 0.09
Image_9 15.09 46.22 0.931 0.12
Image_10 15.47 40.25 0.964 0.09
Image_11 12.19 41.79 0.968 0.10
Image_12 12.54 39.31 0.962 0.11
Image_13 12.47 42.45 0.966 0.09
Image_14 15.22 42.63 0.973 0.12
Image_15 12.34 46.22 0.931 0.09
Image_16 12.39 40.25 0.964 0.10
Image_17 14.99 42.45 0.968 0.11
Image_18 14.52 42.63 0.987 0.12
Image_19 14.63 46.22 0.948 0.10
Image_20 14.39 40.25 0.996 0.11

A total of 20 pre-processed images are presented in Table 5, which shows that the quality of pre-processed images remains uncompromised
across the entire dataset, with essential feature information effectively preserved after a large amount of processing.

S. Hossain et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e21369

meaningful parts [87]. In medical imaging, segmentation can help to extract useful information, aiding in treatment planning and
diagnosis [86]. UNet is a Special type of architecture for image semantic segmentation. This study builds on a base UNet-like archi­
tecture which is developed from scratch. The optimal network is determined through ablation study. During the training phase,
encoder, decoder, filter size, kernel_Initilizer, activation function, Dropout, optimizer, learning rate, and batch normalization are
modified and updated to get the best and most robust model.

3.5.2. Base UNet

The base U-Net architecture is comprised of an encoder located on the left and a symmetric decoder situated on the right. The
encoder and the decoder repeat two convolutional layers with the same padding, feature dimension (filter size) of 16, and 3 X3
convolutional kernels. The encoder uses downsampling with maxpool to decrease the feature map’s spatial dimension and then in­
crease the number of feature channels. On the other hand, the decoder uses the deconvolution layer for up-sampling, to restore the
feature details. Low-level and high-level feature maps are combined in a cross-layer. LeakyReLU is relied on as the activation function,
and sigmoid is used as the activation for the last layer. Binary_crossentropy is used as the loss function with the ‘Adam’ optimizer and a
dropout of 0.1. The kernel initializer is ‘he_normal’ and the learning rate is 0.001. Initially, three encoders and three decoders are used
in the base UNet like architecture. Fig. 8 shows the fundamental architecture of the baseline UNet.

3.5.3. Training approach

To train the baseline UNet architecture, initially the highest number of epochs is set to 200 with Adam as the optimizer and a
learning rate of 0.001. ‘Binary cross-entropy is employed as the default loss function and ‘sigmoid’ for activation of semantic seg­
mentation. The sigmoid function always works for binary (semantic segmentation) segmentation and is mainly used for models that
predict the probability. The output of the sigmoid function ranges from 0 to 1. Sigmoid can be mathematically expressed as equation
sigmoid = X
1 + e−

where, X is the Input and e is Euler’s number.

All the experiments of this study were done on a computer with an Intel Core i5-10400F processor, NVidia GeForce GTX 1080 GPU,
16 GB of primary memory and Samsung 980 Pro 500 GB PCIe 4.0 M.2 NVMe SSD for storage.

3.5.4. RKO-UNet
A shallow architecture is proposed for image segmentation with several modules and layers, including input, convolutional, batch
normalization, activation, dilated rate, hybrid attention module, pooling, dropout, and output layers. An ablation study is performed to
find out the optimal layer architecture and configuration of a UNet model based on two architectural experiments and six hyper­
parameter experiments. A detailed description of the findings of this ablation study can be found in section 4.2.1. In Fig. 9 depicted the
RKO-UNet model structure of this study.
The proposed hybrid attention UNet (RKO-UNet) has four down-sampling, four up-sampling and four skip connections similar to
UNet [88]. Every encoding and decoding stage have two hybrid attention modules (a channel self-attention block and a spatial

Fig. 8. Base UNet like architecture.

S. Hossain et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e21369

self-attention block). Binary crossentropy, which measures the difference between anticipated masks and actual values [88], is used as
the loss function. The proposed hybrid attention unit comprises three concurrent convolutional layers (one 3 x 3, one 5 x 5 and one 3 x
3 dilated convolution with dilation rate 3), channel self-attention and spatial self-attention block. It can be mathematically expressed
as equations (7)–(9):

R3 = W3×3 × Rinput (7)

R5 = W5×5 • Rinput (8)

RD = W3×3
• Rinput (9)
c′×h×w c×h×w c×h×w
Here, Rinput ∈ R ; R3 ∈ R ; RD ∈ R .where, W3×3 and W5×5 is the Matrix of a 3 x 3 and 5 x 5 convolution and W3×3
is the
Matrix of a 3 x 3 dilated convolution. Channel self attention. The purpose of the Channel Self-attention block is to assist the segmentation network to select more
feature representations and concentrate on the feature’s category [89]. The channel self-attention block is depicted in Fig. 9. It utilizes
a global average pooling (GAP) technique to quickly integrate the merged feature maps of R5 ∈ Rc×h×w and RD ∈ Rc×h×w into a new
feature map RG ∈ R2c×1×1 of size 1x1. The generated feature map can be described as follows equation (10):
( )
RG = GAP R5 ⊕ RD (10)

where, R5 is the feature map obtained from a 5 x 5 convolution layer, RD is the feature map from the dilated convolution layer; ⊕
denotes elementwise adding together and, RG is the new feature map.
To create a new feature, RG is fed into a fully connected layer, afterwards a batch-normalization layer, ReLU, and a dropout of 0.7.
The newly developed feature map can be described as follows equation (11):
( ( ))
RGf = σ r B Wfc • RG (11)

where, Wfc is the matrix of fully connected layers; B is batch-normalization, σ r is ReLU activation, RG is the input feature map, and RGf is
the new feature map.
RGf is the input of another fully connected operation resulting in a newly updated feature map. equation (12) express the new
feature map in the bellow:

Fig. 9. Hybrid attention UNet (RKO-UNet).

S. Hossain et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e21369


RGf = Wfc • RGf

where, Wfc is the matrix of fully connected layers; RGf is previous feature map, used as an input, and RGf is the output (new feature map).

The new feature map RGf is used as an input for the sigmoid activation to produce a channel attention map and equation (13) express

it in mathematically:
( ′)
α = σ s RGf (13)

Let, α ∈ [0, 1]c×h×w and α′ ∈ [0, 1]c×h×w .where, α = channel attention maps of RD and α′ = channel attention maps of R3 .
Each value of αα′ represents the significance of the channel information at the associated voxel in RR5 . The α and α′ Channel Attention
Maps assist in adaptive extracting of more relevant feature maps from receptive fields with various scales. α calibrates with RD , and α’
calibrates with D for automatic feature selection, and the expression can be written as below equations (14) and (15):

RDC = α ⊗ RD (14)

R5C = α′ ⊗ R5 (15)

Here, RDC ∈ Rc×h×w and R5C ∈ Rc×h×w .

RDC and R5C feature maps are combined and utilized as the input for the following phase. Spatial self-attention block. Spatial attention targets feature location and placement [90]. To enhance the performance of the
model, a spatial self-attention block is created, see Fig. 9. The channel self-attention block is employed as input to a 3 x 3 convolutional
layer. A 1 x 1 convolution operation is conducted on the input feature map, to improve the target’s exact location information. The
mathematical expression 16 and 17 is given below:

RS1 = W1×1 • R3 (16)

( )
RS1 5
C = W1×1 • RC ⊕ RC

where R5C , RDC is the input (Output of the channel self-attention block) and R3 is the feature map of 3 x 2 convolution.
The extracted features fused with F and G with a ReLU activation function and a 1 × 1 convolution with a sigmoid activation to
create the spatial attention mapping. The equation can be expressed as follows (equation (18)):
( ( )
β = σ W1×1 • σ r RS1 ⊕ RS1
C (18)

where, RS1 , RS1 S1

C represent the input, ⊕ stands for element-wise addition, β is a spatial attention map of RC and β is a spatial attention

map of R .
Let, β ∈ [0, 1] and β′ ∈ [0, 1]. Each value of β
denotes the implication of the channel information at the associated voxel in C
. A
spatial attention map with the same number of channels as RS1
C is created by resampling to calibrate β. The resampling process is carried
out similarly for β′. The feature maps scaled by β and β′ can be defined as RS1 S1′
C and R , respectively. The output of the spatial self-

attention block is produced by performing a convolution operation on the associated RS1 S1

C and R . Equation (19) provide the
′ ′

( ′ )
Rout = W1×1 • RS1
C ⊕R

where Rout is the output of the whole hybrid attention module; ⊕ is element-wise addition. Statistical analysis to evaluate the segmentation performance. Immediately following performing ROI segmentation using the
proposed model, various statistical metrics are used to assess its performance. The segmentation performance is evaluated by
comparing the segmented images with the corresponding ground truth image that comes with the dataset. These include PSNR, Dice
Similarity Score, Normalized Cross Correlation, Normalized Mutual Information, Sum of Squared Differences, RMSE, Mean Squared
Error, Feature Based Similarity Index, and Universal Image Quality Index. These metrics provide a comprehensive evaluation of the
segmentation results and help evaluate the efficiency of the proposed model in accurately identifying and separating the ROI from the
rest of the image. Dice Similarity Score (DSC). The DSC is the primary validation metric for the spatial overlap index [91] and evaluates the
pixel-level consistency between a predicted segmentation and the associated ground truth [92]. Equation (20) provides the expression
for DSC:

S. Hossain et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e21369

2(P Q)
DSCP,Q = (20)
|P| + |Q|

where, P is the segmented image, Q is the corresponding ground truth and DSCP,Q is the Dice Score. When the dice similarity coefficient
value is one, the segmented mask and ground truth overlap entirely, and the segmentation is good. The range of the dice coefficient
value is 0–1 [93]. Sum of squared difference (SSD). The sum of squared differences is a measure of similarity, depends on the pixel-by-pixel
intensity differences between two images [94,95]. It is the summation of squares pixels subtraction between two images [95,96].
This can be expressed as follows (equation (21)):
X ∑
∑ Y
SSD(i,j) = (P(i, j) − Q(i + a, j + b))2 (21)
i=0 j=0

where P is first image, Q is the second image, X is the reference image row size; Y is the reference image column size; a is the shift
component of x-axis, and b is the shift component of y-axis. The values of a and b depend on the specific application and the degree of
misalignment between the two images. The values of a and b were set to zero in this study.

3.5.5. FSIM
FSIM [97,98] (Feature-Based Similarity Index) is an image quality evaluation metric which assesses similarities between two
images depending on their structural and perceptual features. The metric is defined as a ratio of joint statistics of two feature vectors. It
uses a set of predefined filters to extract structural and perceptual features, allowing it to provide a more accurate measure of similarity
than pixel-based metrics. Universal image quality index. A universal image quality index combines loss of correlation, luminance distortion, and
contrast distortion to characterize how an image deviates from a reference image [98]. Jaccard similarity index. The Jaccard similarity index is also known as the Jaccard similarity coefficient. It calculates the
similarity between two sets of data, ranging from 0 to 1. A high value specifies a high degree of similarity, while a low value denotes a
low degree of similarity. Jaccard similarity index is expressed by equation (22):

|P Q|
J(P, Q) = ⋃ (22)
|P Q|

Where, J = Jaccard distance; P = data(image) set 1; Q = data(image) set 2. Normalized Mutual Information. Normalized Mutual Information (NMI) is a determine of the similarity between two images. It
is commonly used in image segmentation and information retrieval to evaluate the results. The NMI value ranges between 0 and 1,
where a higher value indicates a better match between the two images [99,100].

3.6. Proposed classification model

A base CNN model is generated. The Convolution layer, Maxpool layer, filter size, number of filters, pooling layer, activation
function, batch size, flatten layer, and loss function are then modified to get the best performing model. The model is trained with the
segmented dataset which has been split into training, testing and validation sets.

3.6.1. Split dataset

After getting the ROIs, the segmented dataset is split before training the classification model. In this study, 70 % of the data is used
for model training, 20 % for testing, and 10 % for validation [101]. Since validation data is evaluated at each epoch during the training
stage, the computational time of epochs will increase for a more extensive validation dataset. The training, testing, and Validation sets
consist of 302, 201, and 100 images, respectively. Fig. 10 shows the distribution of ultrasound images for the two classes in the
training, testing, and validation sets.

3.6.2. Base CNN model

A CNN model with two convolutional layers, each followed by a maxpool layer is used as the base model. Initially, the model has 3
X 3 convolutional kernels. In the first block, the convolutional kernel has 32 and 64 for the second block, with a dropout value of 0.5.
The selected activation function is ‘ReLu,’ ‘SoftMax’ is the final layer activation function. ‘categorical crossentropy’ is used as the loss
function with batch size 32 and the ‘Nadam’ optimizer. The model runs for 100 iterations on the segmented dataset with the 224 x 224
x 3 input dimensions. The learning rate is set to 0.001. The feature map in a convolutional layer is generated by dot operation of the
input and weight. The baseline model of this study is shown below in Fig. 11.
The base model is show below.

S. Hossain et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e21369

3.6.3. Training approach

The utmost amount of training epochs was set to 100, the batch size to 16, with the Adam optimizer and a learning rate of 0.001 to
train the models. The loss function is “categorical cross-entropy.” ‘Softmax’ activation is applied to predict the possibility for each
class. Because Softmax normalizes each value between 0 and 1, their aggregate always equals 1. If the probabilities of one class change,
the probabilities of the other classes also change, preventing a total change in probabilities.

3.6.4. RkoNet-13
This study optimizes the base architecture with various modules and layers, including input, convolutional, activation, pooling,
fully connected, dropout, and dense output layers. Fig. 12 shows the robust CNN (RKONet-13) model which got after doing archi­
tectural and hyperparameter ablation study.
The proposed RKONet-13 has 13 layers, encompassing five convolutional, five max-pooling, and three dense layers. The model has
thirteen layers. This model architecture has five blocks, each with 3 x 3 convolutional layers with ReLU activation, 1 x 1 stride size, and
a 2 x 2 max-pooling layer. RkoNet-13 has a total of 4,592,514 trainable parameters. Throughout the model training, preliminary
weights retrieve attributes from the input data, and the loss function determines the architecture error rate. After each training epoch,
kernel weights are altered depending on the error rate.
Block-1’s initial convolutional layer comprises 32 filters and 2432 trainable parameters. Block-1’s convolutional layer has 32 filters
that retain structural features and textural qualities of input ultrasound images. This creates 32 feature maps for each input, which are
then corrected using ReLU to maintain only non-negative values. The first convolutional layer’s output feature maps are then reduced
by half utilizing a 2 x 2 max-pool layer. After that, the feature maps are passed as input data to Block 2.
Blocks 2 and 3 each include a convolutional layer of 64 filters with 5 x 5 kernel size, and the number of trainable parameters are
51264 and 102464, respectively, with the ReLU activation function. A 2 x 2 max-pool layer follows every convolutional layer of Block-
2 and Block-3, and two blocks shrink the feature maps created by Block 1 to half their original size. The reduced feature map is used as
an input of block 4.
Block-4 has a convolutional layer with 5- × -5-kernel-size with 128 filters, and the total trainable parameters is 204928. A 2- × − 2
max-pooling layer reduces the feature map to half, and creates the input of the 5th block.
Block-5 has 5 × 5 convolutional layers, including 256 filters and the total trainable parameters are 819456 with a 2 × 2 max-
pooling layer.

3.7. Transfer learning models

The proposed classification model was compared with five well-known transfer models: VGG16, VGG19, ResNet50, alexNet, and

3.7.1. VGG16
The VGG16 architecture is a convolutional neural network with a depth of 16 layers, and it employs a 3 x 3 receptive field and six
max pool layers. The most distinctive feature of VGG16 is using 3x3 convolution layers with stride 1 and constantly using 2x2 padding
and maxpool layers. Convolution and max pool layers are organized in a similar way in the entire design. Softmax is used, pursued by
two fully connected layers (FC).

3.7.2. VGG19
VGG19 is a convolutional neural network with a depth of 19 layers. It employs a 3 x 3 receptive field, sixteen convolution layers,
five max pool layers, three fully connected layers, and one softmax layer. The convolution layers have 3x3 filters with a stride one and
constantly using the spatial padding and maxpool layer of 2x2 filters with a stride 2. Ubique the design, the convolution and max pool
layers are positioned in the similar manner. The first two connected layers’ sizes are 4096, and since that, a layer with 1000 channels

Fig. 10. Class distribution of training, validation, and test sets after splitting the segmentation dataset.

S. Hossain et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e21369

Fig. 11. Base CNN model.

Fig. 12. RkoNet-13 model.

for 1000-way ILSVRC classification and a softmax layer is the final layer.

3.7.3. ResNet50
ResNet50 consists of 48 convolutional layers as well as maxpool layer and an average pool layer. The benefits of ResNet50 are that
the large number of trainable parameters enables a very good performance.

3.7.4. InceptionV3
The primary goal of InceptionV3 is to decrease the amount of computational power. It focuses on smaller convolutions, factorized
convolutions, asymmetric convolutions, and grid size reduction. Inception V3 uses like label smoothing, it factorizes 7x7 convolutions
and auxiliary classifiers are used to generate the output. This training time is relatively short.

3.7.5. AlexNet
AlexNet is a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) that was proposed in 2012 and is widely considered as a pioneer in deep
learning for computer vision. It was designed for the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge and won the first place in the
image classification task, outperforming previous state-of-the-art models by a large margin. AlexNet introduced several novel archi­
tectural features such as the rectified linear units (ReLU) activation function, dropout regularization, and data augmentation tech­
niques, which have become standard components in modern CNNs.

4. Results

This section discusses the results, including an ablation study of the UNet and CNN models, a statistical analysis of the segmentation
and classification models, a confusion matrix, loss and accuracy curves and, a comparison of the proposed model with transfer learning
models using raw, pre-processed and segmented datasets. K-fold cross-validation is also done.

4.1. Evaluation metrics

This study used several metrics to assess the CNN and Transfer learning models: Precision, Recall, F1-score, accuracy (ACC),
sensitivity, and specificity. For each model, a confusion matrix was yielded, and the values for true positive (TP), true negative (TN),
false positive (FP), and false negative (FN) were obtained. The area under the curve (AUC) value was also computed. In addition, the

S. Hossain et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e21369

false positive rate (FPR), false negative rate (FNR), false discovery rate (FDR), mean absolute error (MAE), and root mean squared error
(RMSE) were computed. The true positive rate (TPR), also called Recall, and false positive rate (FPR) are plotted against each other at
various threshold levels to produce the AUC value. Equation (23)–(33) provides mathematical expressions:
ACC = (23)
TP + TN + FP + FN

Recall = (24)

Table 6
Ablation study for UNet with eight parameters.
Study 01: Encoders and Decoders

Configuration No. No. of encoders No. of decoders Test accuracy (%) Finding

1 2 2 82.52 Lowest accuracy

2 3 3 88.23 intermediate accuracy
3 4 4 88.94 Highest accuracy
4 5 5 88.90 Intermediate accuracy

Study 2: Changing Model Architecture by adding attention module

Configuration No. Model Architecture Test accuracy (%) Finding

1 UNet 88.94 Previous and lowest accuracy

2 UNet with channel self-Attention block 89.23 Modest improvement
3 UNet with spatial self-Attention block 89.44 Modest improvement
4 UNet with Hybrid attention block 96.94 Highest accuracy

Study 3: Activation function

Configuration No. Activation Test accuracy (%) Finding

1 PReLU 92.78 accuracy deterioration

2 ReLU 97.94 Highest accuracy
3 Leaky ReLU 96.94 previous accuracy
4 Tanh 89.27 accuracy deterioration
5 Elu 83.29 accuracy deterioration

Study 4: Kernel Initializer

Configuration No. Kernel Initializer Test accuracy (%) Finding

1 Initializer 96.65 accuracy deterioration

2 normal 96.77 accuracy deterioration
3 he_normal 97.94 Highest accuracy
4 identity 96.34 accuracy deterioration
5 constant 95.59 accuracy deterioration

Study 5: Batch Normalization

Configuration No. Batch Normalization Test accuracy (%) Finding

1 Without Batch Normalization 97.94 previous and lowest accuracy

2 With Batch Normalization 98.98 Highest accuracy

Study 6: Optimizer
Configuration No. Optimizer Test accuracy (%) Finding

1 Adam 98.98 Highest accuracy

2 Nadam 95.98 accuracy deterioration
3 Adamax 95.45 accuracy deterioration
4 SGD 92.68 accuracy deterioration
5 RMSprop 90.82 Lowest accuracy

Study 7: learning rate

Configuration No. Leaning Rate Test accuracy (%) Finding

1 0.01 99.01 Highest accuracy

2 0.001 98.98 Previous accuracy
3 0.0001 97.67 accuracy deterioration
4 0.07 97.91 accuracy deterioration
5 0.007 97.49 Lowest accuracy

Study 8: Dropout
Configuration No. Dropout Test accuracy (%) Finding

1 0.01 99.01 previous accuracy

2 0.03 97.59 accuracy deterioration
3 0.05 94.67 Lowest accuracy
4 0.07 99.14 Highest accuracy
5 0.09 97.31 accuracy deterioration

S. Hossain et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e21369

Specificity = (25)

Precision = (26)

precision ∗ recall
ACC = 2 (27)
precision + recall

FPR = (28)

FNR = (29)

FDR = (30)

FPR = 1 − Specificity (31)

1∑ n
( )2
MAE = yj − ypj (32)
n j=1

√ ∑
√1 n ( )2
RMSE = √ yj − ypj (33)
n j=1

4.2. Results of ablation study

In this section, the results of each experiment of architectural and hyper-parameter ablations are presented and discussed in detail,
with a focus on the UNet and CNN models. These experiments were designed to evaluate the impact of various design choices on the
performance of the models.

4.2.1. Ablation study of UNet

The base UNet model achieves 88.94 % test accuracy for image segmentation. Eight experiments are performed to modify com­
ponents of UNet, such as Encoder-Decoder, Activation, kernel Initializer, Batch Normalization, Optimizer, learning rate, and Dropout
in order to get a robust model that achieves a high accuracy. The experimental outcomes are explained in Table 6.
In Table 6, study 1, experiment with different numbers of encoders and decoders. As previously explained, encoders perform down-
sampling and decrease spatial dimensions. On the other hand, decoders perform up-sampling to increase the feature’s spatial
dimension. The study consisted of four configurations with varying numbers of encoders and decoders. Configuration 3, with four
encoders and decoders, achieved the highest accuracy of 88.94 %. The integration of an attention layer into the model enhances the
model’s ability to concentrate on the most important features. This can result in an improvement of the model’s performance and an
increase in its accuracy, contributing to a more effective system. In study 2, four different configurations of the UNet model were
evaluated for their accuracy in detecting a certain finding. The baseline model achieved an accuracy of 88.94 %, while the addition of
self-attention blocks resulted in modest improvements. However, the highest accuracy of 96.94 % is achieved with the UNet model
using a Hybrid attention block. The activation function establishes whether to stimulate a neuron by producing a weighted sum and
adding bias. It also involves learning and making sense of non-linear and complex mappings between the inputs and corresponding
outputs [102]. Different activation functions can yield different accuracies. The third study shows experiments on various activation
functions, PReLU, ReLU, Leaky ReLU, Tanh, and Elu, to find the best activation function in terms of accuracy. Initially, the activation
function of the model was LeakyReLU, but ReLU produces the highest test accuracy of 97.94 %, and Elu yields the lowest accuracy.
Kernel initializers may be used as the initial weights since it generates and distributes them [99,103]. In study 4, five kernel initializers,
Initializer, normal, he_normal, identity, and constant, are employed, where he_normal performed best with a test accuracy of 97.94 %.
Batch Normalization enables greater learning rates. Additionally, it serves as a regularizer, often removing the necessity for Dropout
[104]. The experiments with and without Batch Normalization where Batch Normalization performed best with 98.98 % accuracy in
study 5. An optimizer is a function that alters the weights and learning rates of the neural network’s properties and refers to minimizing
or maximizing the loss function [105]. Adam, Nadam, Adamax, SGD, and RMSprop were tried in study 6, where Adam provides the
best test accuracy of98.98 %. The learning rate affects training speed and generalization accuracy [106]. The study 7 is experimented
with learning rates of 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001, 0.07 where learning rate of 0.01 yielded the best test accuracy of 99.01 %. Dropout expands
the performance of neural networks on supervised learning errands in vision and solves the overfitting problem [107]. The study 8
shows experiments with the dropout of 0.01, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07, and 0.09 and got the best test accuracy of 99.14 % with a dropout of
0.07. The increase of the test accuracies for each ablation studies on the UNet models are shown in Fig. 13.
As can be seen in Fig. 13, the base configuration of the model yielded an accuracy of 88.94 %. During the modification of the

S. Hossain et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e21369

number of encoders and decoders, the highest achieved accuracy was 88.94 %. However, after adding an attention module, the ac­
curacy increased to 96.94 %. Further improvement was seen when the activation function was changed, resulting in an accuracy of
97.94 %. The accuracy has further improved to 97.94 % after altering the kernel initializer. The addition of batch normalization and
changing the optimizer resulted in an even higher accuracy of 98.98 %. After further modifications, the accuracy reached 99.01 %.
Finally, after changing the dropout, the highest accuracy of 99.14 % was achieved.

4.2.2. Ablation study of the CNN classification model

This section presents results from ten architectural and hyperparameter ablation studies performed on a base CNN model to create
the robust RKONet-13 model. The base CNN model achieves 87.3 % test accuracy based on segmented ROI. The results in Table 7 show
the impact of different configurations on the model’s performance.
The study 1 of Table 7 shows the models performance over different convolutional layers. A convolution layer performs feature
extraction. Max-pooling accumulates patches from the input feature maps, outputs the largest value in each patch, and discards all
other values [108]. Different numbers of convolutional and max-pool layers yield different accuracy. Initially, the model starts with
two convolutional and two max-pool layers. After that, (3,3), (4,4), (5,5), (6,6), and (7,3) convolutional and max-pool layers were tried
where five convolutional and five max-pool layers performed best with a 93.83 % test accuracy. The ideal filter size is often empirically
determined to achieve the best performance and study 2 shows the experimental validation [109]. The experiment is done with several
filter sizes like 3 x 3 pixels, 4 x 4 pixels, and 5 x 5 pixels, where 5 x 5 pixels yield the highest test accuracy, 94.41 %, with the lowest
training time per epoch was 5 s. In study 3, several numbers of filters or kernels are experimented. Initially the number of filters is the
same for all five convolutional layers (32, 32, 32, 32, 32). After that, the number of features is increased to 64, and the performance
slightly improved. Different numbers are used in configuration 2,3,4,5, and 6. The highest accuracy, of 98.08 %, is achieved with
configuration 6, where the number of filters for the five convolutional layers were 32, 64, 64, 128, and 256. The study 4 shows ex­
periments with two types of pooling layers: max pool and average pool. The Max pooling layer achieves higher accuracy than the
average pooling layer with a low epoch number. The Max pool and average pool layer resulted in 95.08 % and 94.82 % test accuracy,
respectively. The study 5 has investigated ReLU, PReLU, Leaky ReLU, Tanh, Elu, and Selu to determine the most accurate activation
function. The model’s initial activation function was RelU, which produces a test accuracy of 95.08 %. The number of images utilized
in a single forward and backward pass is called the batch size [110]. In study 6, an experiment is done with batch sizes of 16, 32, 64,
and 128 and the highest accuracy is achieved with a batch size of 16 resulting in 96.93 % test accuracy. The flatten layer converts
n-dimensional vector representations into 1-dimensional column vector representations for processing at the dense layer, transforming
the feature map into a flattened output [111]. An experiment with different types of flatten layers is shown in study 7 where “Flatten”
yields the highest accuracy, 96.93. In study 8, various loss functions, such as Binary Crossentropy, Categorical Crossentropy, Mean
Squared Error, Mean Absolute Error, and Mean Squared Logarithmic Error are experimented and Categorical Crossentropy has per­
formed best with a test accuracy of 96.93 %. The study 9 shows investigation on five optimizers: Adam, Nadam, Adamax, SGD, and
RMSprop where Adam results in the highest test accuracy of 98.41 %. Finally, in study 10, several learning rates of 0.01, 0.007, 0.001,
0.0007, and 0.0001 are experimented. The best test accuracy was 98.41 % with a learning rate of 0.001. The increase of the accuracies
for each ablation studies are shown in Fig. 14.
As demonstrated in Fig. 14, the base configuration model was initially able to accomplish an accuracy of 87.3 % on the test data.

Fig. 13. Test accuracy of all the ablation studies of UNet.

S. Hossain et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e21369

Table 7
Ablation study for optimizing the CNN model.
Study 1: Modifying the convolution layers and maxpool layers

Configuration No. No. of convolution layers No. of pooling layers Epoch x training time Test accuracy (%) Finding

1 2 2 97 × 8s 87.30 % Lowest accuracy

2 3 3 95 × 7s 90.48 % Intermediate accuracy
3 4 4 92 × 6s 93.24 % Intermediate accuracy
4 5 5 88 £ 5s 93.83 % Highest accuracy
5 6 6 94 × 6s 92.00 % Intermediate accuracy

Study 2: Modifying the filter size

Configuration No. Filter size Epoch x training time Test accuracy (%) Finding

1 2x2 88 × 5s 91.76 % Lowest accuracy

2 3x3 90 × 5s 93.83 % Previous accuracy
3 5x5 85 £ 5s 94.41 % Highest accuracy

Study 3: Modifying the number of kernels

Configuration No. No. of kernels Epoch x training time Test accuracy (%) Finding

1 32 → 32→32 → 32→32 53 × 4s 93.65 % accuracy deterioration

2 32 → 32→32 → 64→64 39 × 5s 92.71 % lowest accuracy
3 16 → 32→64 → 128→256 65 × 4s 93.46 % accuracy deterioration
4 64 → 64→64 → 64→64 45 × 6s 94.24 % accuracy deterioration
5 64 → 64→64 → 128→256 65 × 5s 94.41 % Modest accuracy
6 32 → 64→64 → 128→256 97 £ 5s 95.08 % Highest accuracy

Study 4: Modifying the pooling layer

Configuration No. Type of pooling layer Epoch x training time Test accuracy (%) Finding

1 Max 97 £ 5s 95.08 % Highest accuracy

2 Average 61 × 6s 94.82 % Accuracy deterioration

Study 5: Modifying the activation function

Configuration No. Activation function Epoch x training time Test accuracy (%) Finding

1 PReLU 9 × 5s 93.65 accuracy deterioration

2 ReLu 97 £ 5s 95.08 % Highest accuracy
3 Leaky ReLu 88 × 5s 93.65 % accuracy deterioration
4 Tanh 5 × 5s 88.89 % accuracy deterioration
5 ELU 28 × 5s 88.88 % accuracy deterioration
6 Selu 25 × 5s 85.71 % accuracy deterioration

Study 6: Modifying the batch size

Configuration No. Batch size Epoch x training time Test accuracy (%) Finding

1 128 27 × 5s 92.06 % accuracy deterioration

2 64 82 × 5s 93.65 % Accuracy deterioration
3 32 43 × 4s 95.08 % Previous accuracy
4 16 97 £ 5s 96.93 % Highest accuracy

Study 7: Modifying the Flatten Layer

Configuration No. Flatten layer type Epoch x training time Test accuracy (%) Finding

1 Flatten 97 £ 5s 96.93 % Highest accuracy

2 Global Max pooling 60 × 4s 95.24 % accuracy deterioration
3 Global Average pooling 54 × 5s 96.83 % accuracy deterioration

Study 8: Modifying the Loss Function

Configuration No. Loss Function Epoch x training time Test accuracy (%) Finding

1 Binary Crossentropy Error Error Error

2 Mean squared logarithmic error 45 × 5s 96.83 % accuracy deterioration
3 Mean Squared Error 96 × 5s 96.82 % accuracy deterioration
4 Categorical Crossentropy 97 £ 5s 96.93 % Highest accuracy

5 Mean absolute error 12 × 4s 68.25 % accuracy deterioration

Study 9: Modifying the Optimizer
Configuration No. Optimizer Epoch x training time Test accuracy (%) Finding

1 Adam 97 £ 5s 98.41 % Highest accuracy

2 Adamax 88 × 5s 90.48 % accuracy deterioration
3 SGD 90 × 5s 84.13 % accuracy deterioration
4 Nadam 44 × 5s 96.93 % Previous accuracy

Study 10: Modifying the Learning Rate

Configuration No. Learning rate Epoch x training time Test accuracy (%) Finding

1 0.01 92 x 55s 91.46 accuracy deterioration

(continued on next page)

S. Hossain et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e21369

Table 7 (continued )
Study 1: Modifying the convolution layers and maxpool layers

Configuration No. No. of convolution layers No. of pooling layers Epoch x training time Test accuracy (%) Finding

2 0.001 97 £ 5s 98.41 % Highest accuracy

3 0.0001 68 x 57s 97.28 accuracy deterioration
4 0.007 87 x 56s 95.85 accuracy deterioration
5 0.0007 65 x 57s 97.34 accuracy deterioration

However, by enacting an ablation study, the accuracy of the model was improved to 98.41 %.
After the ablation study on the suggested RKONet-13 architecture, the classification accuracy has significantly increased and the
training accuracy curve, validation accuracy curve, training loss curve across the training period, and confusion matrix were computed
for the model. Table 8 provides an overview of the final configuration of RKONet-13.

4.3. Analysis of the results of the best segmentation model

In this section, the results of the segmentation model are depicted in detail to provide an understanding of its accuracy and loss
performance during training, testing, and validation.
An example of the output of segmentation is explained in Fig. 15. It can be seen that there is a close similarity between the actual
location and the predicted location of the tumors.
Table 9 summarizes some of the outcomes of the proposed segmentation model. The model achieved 99.14 % test accuracy with
0.017 % test loss. The Dice similarity and Jaccard coefficient index of the model are 90.56 % and 91.33 %, respectively. The training
and validation accuracy are 99.37 % and 99.14 %, respectively.

4.4. Statistical analysis

This analysis includes the evaluation of various metrics such as PSNR, SSIM, Dice Similarity [91], Normalized Cross Correlation,
Normalized Mutual Information, Sum of Squared Differences [94,95], RMSE, MSE, Feature-Based Similarity Index [83,97] and Uni­
versal Image Quality Index [99]. These metrics have been used to quantify the similarity between the predicted and actual segmen­
tations and to convey a comprehensive evaluation of the model’s effectiveness.
Table 10 shows the performance metrics for 10 different images. But to get an overall view of the performance, we calculated the
average values for each of these metrics across all images. The average PSNR was 47.97, indicating that the images have a high PSNR.
The average SSIM was 0.989, showing that the images have a high level of structural similarity. The average Dice Similarity was 0.943,
indicating that the images have a high level of overlap between their segmented regions. The average Normalized Cross Correlation
was 0.954, which shows that the images have a high degree of correlation. The average Normalized Mutual Information was 0.965,
which indicates that the images have a high level of shared information. The average Sum of Squared Difference was 0.23, indicating
that the images have a low degree of difference. The average RMSE was 0.23, which shows that the images have a low degree of error.

Fig. 14. Test accuracy of all the ablation studies of CNN model.

S. Hossain et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e21369

Table 8
Configuration of proposed model RKONet-13.
Configuration Value

Image size 224 x 224

Epochs 100
Optimization Function Adam
Learning rate 0.001
Batch size 16
Activation function Softmax
Dropout 0.5
Momentum 0.9

Fig. 15. Similarity between actual and predicted location of tumor. (A) Original Images, (B) Actual tumor location, (C) Predicted tumor location.
(D) Tumor.

Table 9
RKO-UNet model performance.
RKO-UNet Training Accuracy 99.37 %
Training Loss 0.012
Test Accuracy 99.14 %
Test Loss 0.017
Validation Accuracy 99.14 %
Validation Loss 0.017
Jaccard coefficient 91.33 %
Dice Similarity 90.56 %

The average MSE was 0.05, indicating that the images have a low degree of average squared error. The average Feature-based Sim­
ilarity Index was 0.957, indicating that the images have a high degree of similarity based on their features. Finally, the average
Universal Image Quality Index was 0.965, showing that the images have a high level of quality.

4.5. Results for the classification RKONet-13 model

The following table shows some evaluation metrics for the best CNN model (RKONet-13): precision, recall, F1 score, specificity,
sensitivity, training accuracy, training loss, test accuracy and test loss, and validation accuracy, validation loss.
There is a precision of 98.48 %, a recall of 1.00 %, an F1 score of 97.62, a specificity of 97.8 %, a sensitivity of 1.00 %, and a training
accuracy of 98.98 % with corresponding test and validation accuracy of 98.98 %. Training, testing, and validation losses are 0.039,
0.304, and 0.304, respectively (see Table 11).
The confusion matrix for the most accurate architecture is presented in Fig. 16. The column numbers indicate the predicted label,

S. Hossain et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e21369

Table 10
Segmentation results for ten different images.
Images PSNR SSIM Dice Normalized Normalized Sum of RMSE MSE Feature based Universal
Similarity Cross Correlation Mutual squared similarity index image Quality
Information difference index

Img1 46.81 0.99 0.96 0.95 0.97 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.97 0.98
Img2 45.79 0.98 0.95 0.93 0.95 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.97 0.97
Img3 46.29 0.99 0.93 0.95 0.96 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.93 0.94
Img4 49.21 0.99 0.95 0.96 0.98 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.97 0.98
Img5 48.96 0.98 0.92 0.93 0.94 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.95 0.95
Img6 49.29 0.99 0.93 0.97 0.98 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.96 0.97
Img7 46.37 0.98 0.96 0.98 0.99 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.97 0.98
Img8 46.29 0.99 0.93 0.95 0.96 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.93 0.94
Img9 49.21 0.99 0.95 0.96 0.98 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.97 0.98
Img10 49.29 0.99 0.93 0.97 0.98 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.96 0.97

whereas the actual label of the test images is represented by the row values, and the diagonal values denote the True Positives.
Fig. 17 shows the best performing model’s loss and accuracy curves. Fig. 17 (a) shows the training and validation accuracy during
the model learning. There are no bumps in the training curve from the first to the final epoch. Since the training and validation curves
are closely converging with only a small gap between them, there was no apprehension of overfitting during network training. The
model’s training and validation loss is shown in Fig. 17 (b).

4.6. Statistical analysis of the best model

False discovery rate (FDR), false positive rate (FPR), false negative rate (FNR), kappa coefficient (KC), and Matthew’s correlation
coefficient (MCC) rates, and the efficacy in terms of error rates using RMSE and mean absolute error (MAE) for the best CNN model
(RKONet-13), are enumerated in Table 12.

4.7. Comparison with transfer learning models

Five transfer learning models, VGG16 [84], VGG19 [1], ResNet50 [112], InceptionV3 [113,112], and AlexNet [113], are employed
in this section to the same datasets.

4.8. Compare accuracy of transfer learning model between the raw dataset, preprocessed dataset, and the dataset after segmentation

A comparison of the proposed model’s performance with the five other CNN-based transfer learning models is shown in Table 13.
All the transfer learning models, and the RKONet-13 model were evaluated on the same datasets. The hyperparameters of the model
were the same as described above. For all models, the image size is kept at 224 pixels, the Adam optimizer is used, and all models run
for 100 epochs. A learning rate of 0.001 is used for all models. As compared to all other models, the developed RKONet-13 model
performed the best in terms of accuracy.
The raw dataset, the preprocessed dataset before segmentation, and the dataset after segmentation are loaded and run one by one to
find the training, validation, and test accuracy as well as loss values. An overview of the performance analysis of the proposed model
and the transfer learning model for the raw dataset, the pre-processed dataset before segmentation and the dataset after segmentation,
is shown in Table 13.

4.9. Proposed model’s performance analysis on breast mammogram dataset

As previously stated, this study emphasized an additional breast cancer mammogram dataset to verify the flexibility and efficiency
of the proposed RKONet-13 model. Table 14 demonstration the performance of the model with mammogram dataset having four
different classes.
Table 14 shows that the proposed model provides remarkable performance on the additional mammogram dataset. In addition, the
images of the dataset come from an entirely different modality and the dataset contains four classes. The proposed model demonstrates
its capacity to accurately diagnose breast cancers, achieve 96.21 % accuracy with a high precision score of 96.00 %. The model
achieves 96.25 % recall rate, and its 90.00 % F1 score denotes a harmonic balance between accuracy and recall. The resilience of the
model and its potential for the precise categorization of breast tumor are highlighted by the combined effects of these findings.

4.10. K-fold cross validation

This study includes a five-fold cross-validation experiment to assess the robustness of the proposed model. A validation test known
as K-Fold cross-validation is employed using the training and test datasets [114,115]. There will be k iterations of training and
validation, with a different data fold for each. Using this technique, it is possible to see how variable bias and randomness affect

S. Hossain et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e21369

Table 11
Performance metrics of proposed model.
Proposed Model Precision 98.48 %
Recall 1.00 %
F1 score 97.62 %
Specificity 97.8 %
Sensitivity 1.00 %
Train Accuracy 98.98 %
Train Loss 0.039
Val Accuracy 98.41 %
Val Loss 0.304
Test Accuracy 98.41 %
Test Loss 0.304

Fig. 16. Confusion matrix of the proposed model.

Fig. 17. Loss curve and accuracy curve over 100 epochs. (a) Depicted the accuracy curve of the training and validation, (b) depicted the loss curve
of the training and validation.

accuracy, where the tendency is shown as a discrepancy between actual and anticipated accuracy. Fig. 18 shows the k-fold cross
This study uses k-Fold cross-validation to assess the model’s robustness, and stability with a 1-fold, 2-fold, 3-fold, 4-fold and 5-fold
values. This resulted in a testing accuracy of 98.03 %, 98.14 %, 98.29 %, 98.34 %, and 98.39 %, respectively. The highest classification
accuracy for the proposed model was 98.41 %.

S. Hossain et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e21369

Table 12
Performance metrics of RKONet-13.
RKONet-13 FPR (%) 2.19
FNR (%) 0.00
FDR (%) 4.65
KC (%) 96.5
MCC (%) 96.44
MAE (%) 2.01
RMSE (%) 5.98

The false positive rate of 2.19 %, a false negative rate of 0, a false discovery rate of
4.65 %, a Kappa coefficient of 96.5 %, a Matthew correlation coefficient of 96.44
%, a mean absolute error of 2.01 %, and a root mean squared error of 5.98 %.

Table 13
Comparison between the transfer learning models and proposed model.
Classifier Name Raw Dataset Pre-processed Dataset Segmented Dataset

Test Accuracy Test Loss Test Accuracy Test Loss Test Accuracy Test Loss

VGG16 74.83 % 0.181 84.81 % 0.181 94.13 % 0.181

VGG19 74.66 % 0.163 84.83 % 0.163 93.13 % 0.163
ResNet50 84.96 % 0.199 84.19 % 0.199 94.12 % 0.199
InceptionV3 74.01 % 0.191 85.36 % 0.191 92.93 % 0.191
AlexNet 74.17 % 0.191 83.17 % 0.191 92.13 % 0.191
Proposed Model 79.03 % 0.153 88.96 % 0.146 98.41 % 0.304

The results above demonstrate the importance of image preprocessing and segmentation. The accuracy of the models with the raw dataset was low, as
there the raw image contained text, noise and artifacts. After removing text, noise, and artifacts from the raw images and the accuracy increased for all
models. ROIs were then extracted by segmentation resulting in a further increase in accuracy for all models.

Table 14
Performance of proposed model on Mammogram dataset.
Accuracy 96.21 %
Performance of the proposed Model with Mammogram Dataset Precision 96.00 %
Recall 96.25 %
F1 score 96.00 %

4.11. Comparison with existing work

This section compares the models of ten research papers on breast cancer classification with the proposed model. The comparison is
based on various factors, such as the dataset, the classifier employed, and the accuracy achieved. The findings of these studies are
presented in Table 15.

Fig. 18. K-fold cross validation.

S. Hossain et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e21369

In Table 15, a comparison is made between the proposed model for breast cancer classification and previous studies. The table
shows the various studies, their datasets, the classifiers used, and the accuracy obtained. The analyses include Zhemin et al. used an
adaptive spatial feature fusion classifier and achieved 95.48 % accuracy, Mishra et al. used an ML Radiomics-based classifier and
reached 97.4 % accuracy, Byra et al. had used a Hybrid Classifier and achieved 91.5 % accuracy, Kiran et al. used a Machine learning
Classifier and achieved 99.1 % accuracy, Moon et al. used an Ensemble CNN classifier and gained 91.10 % and 94.62 % accuracy, Tariq
et al. used an Ensemble Classifier and achieved 99.98 % and 97.86 % accuracy, Jianrui et al. used a Machine Learning Classifier and
performed 91.07 % accuracy, Yang et al. used a Deep Learning classifier and achieved 86.40 % accuracy, Irfan et al. used a Bi–CNN
classifier and reached 98.9 % accuracy, and Xiangmin et al. used a DDSTN classifier and performed 86.79 % accuracy. The proposed
model used a shallow robust CNN classifier and achieved 98.41 % accuracy.

5. Discussion and conclusion

This section presents the overall discussion of this study, the comprehensive findings obtained through this study, emphasizing the
most significant outcomes of this study. Furthermore, the limitations of this study research and recommendations of future research are

5.1. Findings

The second-deadliest cancer of women is breast cancer [1]. The fatality rates can be considerably reduced by early diagnosis and
treatment [11]. Breast cancer can be challenging to detect in the early stages. Breast cancer screening and diagnosis take a lot of time,
and the presence of noise, artifacts, and other concerns like supply of medical equipment makes it difficult for a radiologist to cate­
gorize the medical pictures. In the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the medical supply chain had stopped, and it has led to several health
consequences, such as depression, anxiety, and mental stress [116,117].In addition, there is a global shortage of medical equipment for
covid 19, radiologists and medical professionals who can interpret the screening data, particularly in rural areas and developing
nations. Computer-aided detection (CAD) systems can reduce radiologists’ workloads by supporting them in the examination of breast
ultrasound images. Computer-aided detection (CAD) systems reduce radiologists’ workloads by supporting them in the examination of
breast ultrasound images. As a result of recent innovations, artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have been developed for the
automated diagnosis of breast tumors based on ultrasound images. For example, deep learning may benefit breast cancer picture
analysis. This study aims to classify breast ultrasound images into benign and malignant by employing robust CNN model after seg­
menting the ROI (Reason of the Interest) employing a robust and optimized UNet architecture. Extracting the ROI is tough from ul­
trasound images due to lots of noise and artifacts. This study begins with image preprocessing like eliminating textural irregularities,
unwanted noise, and artifacts from raw ultrasound images by meticulously applied to data preprocessing algorithms. The preprocess
images undergo various statistical analysis to verify the image quality is not reduced. PSNR, SSIM, RMSE, and SSIM assess the degree of
deterioration and resemblance to the source images to assess the success of the processing approaches. A novel architecture hybrid
attention UNet (RKO-UNet) is introduced to solve the image segmentation. This model is built based on the base UNet architecture,
which has proven to be effective at segmenting medical images. The RKO-UNet makes use of intricate spatial correlations in pictures
while simultaneously boosting feature extraction across channels by including both spatial self-attention and channel self-attention
techniques. A CNN model (RKONet-13) has been developed from based CNN model which build from a scratch. Both models have
been refined through architectural and hyperparameter ablation study. The RKONet-13 provides optimal classifier performance for
breast tumor detection on benign and malignant. This classification model provides remarkable accuracy and proficiency in detecting

Table 15
Comparison of the proposed model with existing work.
Paper Dataset Classifier Accuracy

Irfan et al. [31] BUI Bi–CNN, transfer learning 98.9 %

Jianrui et al. [44] Department of Ultrasound, Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Self-organizing map, Machine Learning Classifier 91.07 %
Medical University
Zhemin et al. 1) BUSI adaptive spatial feature fusion 95.48 %
[38] 2) OMI
3) Dataset B
4) Hospital
tariq et al. [62] 1) OASBUD Ensemble Classifier, 99.98 %
2) BHE RUSBoost 97.86 %
Mishra et al. [63] BUSI ML Radiomics based Classifier 97.4 %
Kiran et al. [64] BUSI Transfer learning with feature fusion, RDE, RGW, Machine 99.1 %
learning Classifier
Byra et al. [65] BUSI Hybrid Classifier (Transfer learning + scaling layers) 91.5 %
Moon et al. [66] 1) Private Dataset Ensemble CNN (VGGNet, ResNet, DenseNet) 91.10 %
2) BUSI 94.62 %
Yang et al. [67] Collect from 32 Hospital Deep Learning 86.40 %
Xiangmin et al. Biomodal breast Ultrasound DDSTN, MMD, LUPI 86.79 %
Proposed Model BUI Shallow robust CNN 98.41 %

S. Hossain et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e21369

breast cancer also from diffract modalities like mammograms. To ensure the model’s reliability this study conducted a five-fold
validation, which proven the model’s consistent performance. In one-word RKONet-13 proves to be highly effective and holds
great promise in the realm of breast tumor detection.

5.2. Case study

The practical relevance of this study in real-life engineering can be seen in medical diagnostic settings where a breast tumor
diagnosis tool for ultrasound images can be built incorporating the model and integrated into the hospital workflows. Companies
actively embrace Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by maintaining business networks and entrepreneurial collaborations that
promote knowledge-sharing and innovation. Companies that work with medical technologies can develop more advanced software
solutions or may develop an advanced ultrasound machine that will capture internal images and give a decision at the same time for
automated breast tumor analysis. The automated diagnostic systems may assist radiologists in accurately identifying and categorizing
breast tumors from ultrasound images that will be potentially time saver, revolutionize breast tumor analysis and provide real-time
automated diagnostic insights. This commitment to progress not only accelerates medical research but also underscores dedication
to enhancing diagnostic precision with better performance.

5.3. Policy recommendation

Policy makers should prioritize AI-based techniques like RKONet-13 in order to detect and diagnose breast cancer earlier and more
accurately. Research collaborations, funding initiatives, and training programs are important to ensure widespread adoption of AI-
assisted tools for accurate and precise breast cancer classification, particularly in resource-constrained areas and during healthcare
disruptions like COVID-19. It can help remote diagnosis and screening also reduce burden of hospital, radiologist also.
This study addresses the political factors when the RKO-UNet and RKONet-13 has been used in a wide range. These included
navigating various regulatory frameworks, protecting patients’ privacy while the data has been used or shared, reducing the healthcare
disparities through equitable access, fostering international collaboration. On the other hand, for transparent healthcare resource
allocation, intellectual property issues addressing cross border technology transfer as well as overcoming public skepticism through
education should be in concern.

5.4. Research limitation

The proposed segmentation (RKO-UNet) and CNN (RKONet-13) models performed significantly better than conventional models.
However, the proposed model has some limitations that may be explored in the future like the small size of the dataset. On the other
hand, it’s important to note that this study did not use real-time medical images obtained directly from a hospital environment, but real
time medical datasets could be used to dealing with some difficulties of challenges.

5.5. Recommendation for future research

The limitations of these studies are shown in the previous section. The main goal of the future scope will be to reduce or eliminate
all the limitations that were in this study. Working with the different modalities of breast images like mammogram, ultrasound, and
histopathological images. Ensuring a large number of real time medical images obtained directly from one or more hospitals is another
future goal of this study. In the future this research must address the political issues when the RKONet-13 is widely used in the medical

6. Conclusion

This study presents a novel segmentation and classification scheme for breast tumor ultrasound images. A segmentation model
named RKO-UNet is introduced that is optimized through an ablation study. The segmentation is employed on pre-processed images,
done for relevant and better input quality for the segmentation model. A CNN model named RKONet-13 is developed for the superior
classification, integrating ablation study and attention unit. The result of the proposed RKONet-13 model is compared with five
transfer learning models, and k-fold cross-validation is used to assess its performance stability. Several performance metrics show the
effectiveness of the proposed technique. A mammogram dataset is also employed to classify breast cancer with the proposed model and
the model gives a noteworthy performance. This study relies on image pre-processing, hybrid attention UNet, robust CNN, fine-tuning,
and ablation study to achieve the highest accuracy in segmentation and classification and shows a promising performance in the
diagnosis of breast cancer from ultrasound imaged. Moreover, RKO-UNet and RKONet-13 models advance the segmentation and
classification of breast tumor from ultrasound images, introducing a promising path for advanced medical image analysis.

Data availability statement

Dataset used in this study is publicly available form


S. Hossain et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e21369


The research does not have any external funding.

CRediT authorship contribution statement

Shahed Hossain: Investigation, Methodology. Sami Azam: Conceptualization, Investigation, Methodology. Sidratul Montaha:
Data curation, Investigation, Resources. Asif Karim: Data curation, Methodology, Project administration, Resources. Sadia Sultana
Chowa: Data curation, Investigation, Resources, Validation. Chaity Mondol: Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. Md
Zahid Hasan: Validation, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. Mirjam Jonkman: Investigation, Methodology,

Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
influence the work reported in this paper.


The authors Acknowledges the support of Charles Darwin University, Australia.


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