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B. Tech
(VI Semester) EXAMINATION, 2012-13
Fluid Machinery (TME-604)
Time : 3 hrs. Max Marks : 100

Attempt all questions.

Q. 1. Attempt any four parts : 5 x 4 = 20

(a) What is slip of reciprocating pump? Why does it occur? Under what circumstances it
is negative?
(b) What is a positive displacement pump and in what ways does it differ from a
centrifugal pump?
(c) Discuss the difficulties in operation of centrifugal pumps.
(d) What is cavitation and how can it be avoided in reaction turbines?
(e) State the advantage of draft tube and justify not using it in Pelton wheel
(f) Explain the hydraulic efficiency, mechanical efficiency & overall efficiency in case of Pelton

Q. 2. Attempt any four parts : 5 x 4 = 20

(a) How are pumps classified? State advantage and disadvantage of rotary pumps over
reciprocating pumps.
(b) Derive an expression for the force exerted by a jet of water on a moving plate when
it is held normal to the jet.
(c) What is surge tank? Give a brief classification of surge tanks
(d) Explain degree of reaction .Also find out the degree of reaction for an actual reaction
turbine having radial discharge.
(e) Francis turbine : Shaft power = 14990kw , runner speed = 275 rpm, Net head = 110 m
Diameter at inlet = 1.8 times diameter at outlet. Axial length of blade at inlet = 0.15 times
diameter at inlet, flow ratio= 0.20, hydraulic efficiency = 90 % , overall efficiency = 85%

Velocity of flow at inlet = velocity of flow at outlet. Determine: (i) inlet and outlet diameters
(ii) guide blade angle (iii) vane angles
(f) Explain with neat sketch, the working of hydraulic Ram. Also mention its advantages.
Q. 3. Attempt any two parts: 10X 2 = 20

(a) Define specific speed of a centrifugal pump. Derive an expression for the same. How
does the specific speed of a centrifugal pump differ from that of a turbine?
(b) A hydraulic turbine is to develop 1015 KW when running at 120 rpm under a net
head of 12 m. Work out the maximum flow rate and specific speed for the turbine if
the overall efficiency at the best operating point is 92%. In order to predict its
performance, a 1:10 scale model is tested under a head of 7.2 m. What would be the
speed, power output and water consumption of the model if it runs under the
conditions similar to the prototype?
(c) A single-acting reciprocating pump is to raise a liquid of density 1200 Kg/m 3 through a
vertical height of 11.5 m, from 2.5 m below pump axis to 9 m above it. The plunger moves
with simple harmonic motion, has diameter 125 mm and stoke 225 mm. The suction and
delivery pipes are of 75 mm diameter and 3.5 m & 13.5 m long respectively. There is a long
vessel placed on the delivery pipe near the pump axis but there is no air vessel on the
suction pipe. If separation takes place 0.88 bar below atmospheric pressure, find : (i)
Maximum speed with which the pump can run without separation taking place (ii) Power
required to drive the pump, if f=0.02 Neglect slip for the pump.

Q. 4. Attempt any two parts : 10X 2 = 20

(a) Show that the work saved in overcoming friction in the pipelines by fitting an air vessel is
84.8 % for a single acting reciprocating pump.
(b) An inward flow reaction turbine is supplied 0.233 m 3/s of water under a head of 11
m. The wheel vanes are radial at inlet and t6he inlet diameter is twice the outlet
diameter. The velocity of flow is constant and equal to 1.83m/s. The wheel makes
370 rpm. Determine i) guide vane angle ii) inlet and outlet diameters iii) width of the
wheel at inlet and outlet. Assume that the discharge is radial and there are no losses
in the wheel. Take speed ratio as 0.7, neglect thickness of the vanes.
(c) How are hydraulic turbines classified? Differentiate between impulse and reaction
turbine. Why can’t reaction turbine be operated by impact of a jet on the vanes like
impulse turbine?

Q. 5. Attempt any two parts : 10X 2 = 20

(a) A centrifugal pump impeller whose external and internal diameters are 400mm and 200 mm
respectively is running at 950 rpm. The rate of flow through the pump is 0.035 m 3/s. The
suction and delivery heads are 5 m and 25 m respectively. The diameters of suction and
delivery pipes are 120 mm and 80 mm respectively. If the outlet vane angle is 45 0, the flow
velocity is constant and equal to 1.8m/s and power required to drive the pump is 15 KW,
determine i) inlet vane angle ii) overall efficiency iii) manometric efficiency
(b) A straight conical draft tube attached to a Francis turbine has an inlet of diameter 3m and its
outlet area is 20 m2. The velocity of water at inlet is 5 m/s. The inlet is set 5 m above the tail
race level. Assuming the loss of head in the draft tube equals half the velocity head at
outlet , determine

(i) The pressure head at the top of the draft tube,

(ii)Total head at the top taking tail race level as datum,
(iii) Power of water at outlet of runner,
(iv) Power of water at the end of the draft tube,
(v) The power lost in the draft tube.
(c) Describe with sketches the working and advantages of any two of the following
i) Hydraulic torque convertor
ii) Hydraulic crane
iii) Hydraulic coupling

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