FP4030MT L0808R PDF
FP4030MT L0808R PDF
FP4030MT L0808R PDF
Back view for HMI with built-in Digital & Analog I/O
Special Features :-
Communication Ports:
Two serial ports to connect PLC at RS232 / 422 / 485 levels / Printer
/ Programming Port
One USB (Device) port as Programming Port
Digital I/O Up counter UP Down Counter
FP4030MT-L0808R can have up-to 08 digital Inputs integrated to the unit. 4 Program Control -
digital inputs can be configured as Normal Digital inputs or High Speed Counters Subroutine CALL Subroutine RET For
(100 KHz). Digital inputs are high impedance 24 VDC. Next Master Control Set Master Control Reset
FP4030MT-L0808R can also have up-to 08 digital outputs integrated to the unit. Jump Control Set Jump Control Reset En Intr
Dis Intr WTR Step sequence Init
2 digital outputs can be configured as Normal Digital outputs or PWM Output Step sequence Input Step sequence output
(100 KHz). Normal Outputs are relay (NO) and transistor outputs (NPN / PNP).
Function -
Moving Average Digital Filter PID1,4
Analog I/O Upper limit Lower limit Maximum Value
Average Value Function generator Minimum Value
FP4030MT-L0808R can have up-to 2 Analog inputs and 1 Analog output. The
Analog inputs are 0-5 VDC, 0-10 VDC,0-20mA, 4-20 mA, mV, TC, RTD and Special -
Analog outputs are 4-20mA, 0-10VDC. Analog input has 16 bit resolution. Analog Device Set Device Reset Register Set
output has 12 bit resolution. Register Reset Set Carry Reset Carry
Encode Decode Bit Count Flip Flop
Direct I/O Set Calender Calender Operation
High Speed Counters The execution of ladder logic is in microseconds. Ladder monitoring for debugging
FP4030MT-L0808R supports High Speed Counter inputs up-to 100 KHz. is also supported in FP4030MT-L0808R configuration software.
These High Speed Counter inputs can be used for applications such as Rate
Measurement,Speed Measurement, Totalizer, etc. The user can define up-to 2 Communication Ports
Single Phase High Speed inputs or 2 Quadrature inputs. FP4030MT-L0808R have upto two serial communication ports. Both the ports can be
used for programming of FP4030MT-L0808R, printing screens (alphanumeric data),
connecting to third party serial devices (barcode readers, temp scanners etc.) or to
PWM Output
connect to a PLC or drive. User can configure these serial ports to connect 2 different
FP4030MT-L0808R supports PWM Outputs up-to 100 KHz. These PWM Outputs devices supporting different protocols, such as PLC / Drives / DCS / SCADA etc.
can be used for applications such as Motor control. The user can define up-to 2
Independent PWM Outputs.
Configuration Software
® ® ®
FlexiSoft is a compact, Windows based software to configure the FlexiPanels
units. User friendly configuration tools and easy approach, helps user create
Real time and historical Alarms can be defined in FP4030MT-L0808R. applications quickly and easily.
User-friendly Alarm object can be defined on the display. Alarms can be real time or
historical. Keys can be assigned to acknowledge Alarm, view and scroll.
Recipes data is stored in the HMI’s memory. With one button stroke, a set of data
can be downloaded to the PLC. Once in the local memory, the recipes data can be
edited using simple data entry objects.
FP4030MT-L0808R has built-in RTC support. The user can use RTC for any real
time based application.
Ladder Support
FP4030MT-L0808R support ladder functionality. User can define logic in the unit
using FlexiSoft configuration software. The execution of ladder could be through
communication port or through I/O. Only HMI version of FP4030MT-L0808R also
support ladder functionality. It is used for critical applications where data is
processed before sending it to controller.
Addition Subtraction Multiplication
Division Addition with Carry Subtraction with Carry
Increment Decrement
Compare -
Greater than Greater than or equal Equal
Not Equal Less Than Less than or Equal
Logic -
Shift Rotate
Supported Task in FlexiPanels® are :-
Type Screen
Task Power up Global Before While After
showing showing hiding
Go to screen × ×
Go to next screen × × ×
Go to previous screen × × ×
Write value to tag
Turn bit ON
Toggle bit
Print Data × × × × ×
Number of HS Outputs 2
128x64 Yes Up-to 24 k Up-to 8 DC 6 Relays 2A 2 Universal 1 2** Device Yes 10W 300 gms. 109 W x 71 H x 53 D 99.5 W x 62.5 H
FP4030MT-L0808RP-A0201U 3” Multicolor 1 MB 312 KB (Bidirectional) 2 PNP 0.3A Voltage (Drawing A)
Backlight &
128x64 Yes Up-to 24 k Up-to 8 DC 6 Relays 2A 2 Universal 1 2** Device Yes 10W 300 gms. 109 W x 71 H x 53 D 99.5 W x 62.5 H
FP4030MT-L0808RN-A0201U 3” Multicolor 1 MB 312 KB (Bidirectional) 2 NPN 0.3A Voltage (Drawing A)
Backlight &
128x64 Yes Up-to 24 k Up-to 8 DC 6 Relays 2A 2 Linear 1 2** Device Yes 10W 300 gms. 109 W x 71 H x 53 D 99.5 W x 62.5 H
FP4030MT-L0808RP-A0201L 3” Multicolor 1 MB 312 KB (Bidirectional) 2 PNP 0.3A Voltage (Drawing A)
Backlight &
128x64 Yes Up-to 24 k Up-to 8 DC 6 Relays 2A NA NA 2** Device Yes 10W 300 gms. 109 W x 71 H x 53 D 99.5 W x 62.5 H
FP4030MT-L0808RP 3” Multicolor 1 MB 312 KB (Bidirectional) 2 PNP 0.3A (Drawing B)
** One “D” type port that supports RS232 and RS485 levels on different pins. “Y” type cable can be used for separate RS232 and RS485 levels simultaneously.
Dimensions :-
109 109
99.5 99.5
53 53
Drawing A Drawing B
Depth including I/O connector Depth including I/O connector
Supported Printers :-
Please contact factory for more information. We welcome an opportunity to develop new, custom drivers and customized units.
Survey No. 2/6, Baner Road, Pune - 411045, India.
Tel : +91 20 2729 2840 Fax : +91 20 2729 2839
Email : [email protected]
Website: www.renuelectronics.com
An ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 certified company
(Specifications subject to change without prior notice. DS-FP4030MT-L08080R: Rev.J)