LRC fact that the clergy derive their authorities from the Vatican does not mean
that the Pope bestows his own citizenship to each priest. To allow the theory
FACTS: that all of the Churches around the world would follow the citizenship of the
Rodis executed a deed of sale over a parcel of land in favor of the Pope would lead to the absurdity that each member of the Catholic Church
Roman Catholic Apostolic Administrator of Davao, a corporation sole, with would be a citizen of the Vatican or of Italy. As such, it cannot be said that
Msgr. Thibault, a Canadian Citizen, as the actual incumbent. When the the citizenship of the corporation sole, as created under Philippine laws, is
Roman Catholic Administrator presented the deed of sale for registration at altered by the citizenship of whoever is the incumbent head.
the Register of Deeds of Davao, the latter required that the corporation sole The Corporation Law recognized that corporation soles as those
prepare an affidavit declaring that 60% of the members were Filipino which are organized and composed of a single individual for the
citizens. administration of the properties not used exclusively for religious worship of
In spite of assurance by the corporation sole that the totality of the the church. The successor in office will become the corporation on ascension
Catholic population of Davao would become the owner of the property, the to office. Furthermore, the Corporation Law also recognized that the
Register of Deeds still had some doubts as to the registerability of the corporation sole can purchase real property, although there are restrictions
document, and referred the matter to the Land Registration Commissioner. as to the power to sell or mortgage depending on the rules, regulations and
The Land Registration Commissioner found that the corporation sole discipline of the church concerned. As such, the Court finds it absurd that the
was not qualified to acquire private lands in the Philippines because of the corporation sole can purchase properties but would not be able to register
requirement that 60% of the corporation was actually owned or controlled properties in its name.
by Filipino citizens; as the present incumbent of the corporation was a While the Constitution prohibits foreigners from taking, acquiring,
Canadian citizen, the LRC found that the corporation sole was not compliant. exploiting or developing the natural resources of the country, the Court finds
Consequently the corporation sole instituted an action for mandamus that the provisions relating to these are not applicable to corporation soles
with the Supreme Court alleging that the sale in favor is in favor of the because they are merely administrators of the properties titled in their name.
Catholic Church, which is qualified to acquire private agricultural lands for Furthermore, the administration of these properties is for the benefit of the
the establishment and maintenance of places of worship, and prayed that members of the congregation, which is overwhelmingly comprised of
the registration be recognized. Filipinos.
As the acquisition of the properties is for the benefit of the
ISSUE: congregation, the Roman Catholic Apostolic Administrator of Davao cannot
Whether or not the Roman Catholic Apostolic Administrator of Davao be deprived of the right to acquire by purchase or donation real properties
Inc. is entitled to acquire private properties for charitable, benevolent and educational purposes, nor of the right to
register these properties in its name in the Register of Deeds of Davao.
Yes. In a corporation sole, the bishops or archbishops who sit as the UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST IN THE PHILIPPINES, INC.
incumbent are merely administrators of the church properties, and they only vs BRADFORDUNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST, INC.,
hold these in trust for the church. Consequently, upon the death of the (G.R. No. 171905. June 20, 2012)
incumbent of the corporation sole, the church properties acquired will pass
on to his successor in office. FACTS:
The Court also finds that here is no provision of law that confers
ownership of the church properties on to the Pope, or even to the Bradford United Church of Christ, Inc. (BUCCI) built a fence that said
corporation sole or heads of the corporation sole who are mere to encroached the right of way allocated by United Church of Christ in the
administrators of said properties; rather, ownership of these properties fall Philippines (UCCP) to the Cebu Conference Inc. (CCI). UCCP favored CCI and
and develop upon the congregation. the series of events then followed led to the breakup of BUCCI from UCCP.
While the Catholic congregation does follow the guidance of the BUCCI then disaffiliated itself from UCCP and filed its Amended Articles of
Pope, there cannot be said to be a merger of personalities between the Pope Incorporation and By-Laws which provided for and effected its disaffiliation
and the Catholic Church, and it cannot be said that the political and civil from UCCP, which approved by the SEC. UCCP filed a complaint for rejection
rights of the Catholics are affected by their relationship with the Pope; the of decision, alleging that separate incorporation and registration of BUCCI is
not allowed under the UCCP Constitution and By-laws. SEC dismissed UCCP's Republic of the Philippines vs. Intermmediate Appellate Court
petition and defended the right of BUCCI to disassociate itself from UCCP in G.R. No. 75042, November 29, 1988
recognition of its constitutional freedom to associate and disassociate. CA
affirmed the decision of SEC, thus UCCP maintains that it has the sole power FACTS:
to decide whether BUCCI could disaffiliate from it as this involves a purely On February 2, 1979, the ROMAN CATHOLIC BISHOP of Lucena, represented
ecclesiastical affair. by Msgr. Jose T. Sanchez, filed an application for confirmation of title to four
(4) parcels of land. Three of said parcels, are situated in Barrio Masin,
ISSUE: Municipality of Candelaria, Quezon Province. The fourth parcel is located in
Barrio Bucal (Taguan), same municipality and province. As basis for the
Whether or not the determination of the validity of disaffiliation of application, the applicant claimed title to the various properties through
respondents is purely an ecclesiastical affair. either purchase or donation dating as far back as 1928.
At the initial hearing held on November 13, 1979, only the Provincial Fiscal in
HELD: representation of the Solicitor General appeared to interpose personal
objection to the application. Hence, an Order of General Default against the
No. The issue is not a purely ecclesiastical affair. An ecclesiastical whole world was issued by the Court a quo except for the Director of Lands
affair is one that concerns doctrine, creed or form of worship of the church, and the Director of the Bureau of Forest Development.
or the adoption and enforcement within a religious association of needful The preliminaries dispensed with, the applicant then introduced its proofs in
laws and regulations for the government of the membership, and the power support of the petition.
of excluding from such associations those deemed unworthy of membership. Evaluating the applicant's submitted proofs, the court a quo concluded, on
Based on this definition, an ecclesiastical affair involves the relationship the basis of acquisitive prescription at the very least, that the former had
between the church and its members and relate to matters of faith, religious adequately shown title to the parcels of land being claimed.
doctrines, worship, and governance of the congregation. Accordingly, the court ordered the registration of the four parcels together
with the improvements thereon "in the name of the ROMAN CATHOLIC
UCCP and BUCCI, being corporate entities and grantees of primary BISHOP OF LUCENA, INC., a religious corporation sole duly registered and
franchises, are subject to the jurisdiction of the SEC. Section 3 of Presidential existing under the laws of the Republic of the Philippines."
Decree No. 902-A provides that SEC shall have absolute jurisdiction,
supervision and control over all corporations. Even with their religious Against this decision, the Solicitor General filed a Motion for reconsideration
nature, SEC may exercise jurisdiction over them in matters that are legal and on the following grounds:
corporate. BUCCI, as a juridical entity separate and distinct from UCCP,
possesses the freedom to determine its steps. BUCCI’s decision concerns its 1. Article XIV, Section 11 of the New Constitution(1973) disqualifies a
legal right as a religious corporation to disaffiliate from another religious private corporation from acquiring alienable lands for the public domain.
corporation via legitimate means- a secular matter well within the civil court’s
purview. 2. In the case at bar the application was filed after the effectivity on
the New Constitution on January 17, 1973.
On May 13, 1986, the first Civil Cases Division of the Intermediate Appellate
Court rendered its Decision affirming the decision of the trial court.
With the motion for reconsideration before the Intermediate Appellate Court and that it is to the interest of the corporation that leave to mortgage or sell
being denied, petitioner elevated the case to the Supreme Court. should be granted. The application for leave to mortgage or sell must be
made by petition, duly verified by the chief archbishop, bishop, priest,
ISSUE: minister, rabbi or presiding elder acting as corporation sole, and may be
Whether or Not the Roman Catholic Bishop of Lucena, as a corporation sole, opposed by any member of the religious denomination, sect or church
is qualified to apply for confirmation of its title to the four (4) parcels of land represented by the corporation sole: Provided, That in cases where the rules,
subject of this case. regulations and discipline of the religious denomination, sect or church
religious society or order concerned represented by such corporation sole
RULING: regulate the method of acquiring, holding, selling and mortgaging real estate
It must be emphasized that the Court is not here saying that a corporation and personal property, such rules, regulations and discipline shall control and
sole should be treated like an ordinary private corporation. the intervention of the courts shall not be necessary.
In Roman Catholic Apostolic Administration of Davao, Inc. vs. Land There is no doubt that a corporation sole by the nature of its Incorporation is
Registration Commission, et al. (L-8451, December 20,1957,102 Phil. 596). vested with the right to purchase and hold real estate and personal property.
We articulated: It need not therefore be treated as an ordinary private corporation because
whether or not it be so treated as such, the Constitutional provision involved
In solving the problem thus submitted to our consideration, We can say the will, nevertheless, be not applicable.
following: A corporation sole is a special form of corporation usually
associated with the clergy. Conceived and introduced into the common law
by sheer necessity, this legal creation which was referred to as "that
unhappy freak of English Law" was designed to facilitate the exercise of the
functions of ownership carried on by the clerics for and on behalf of the
church which was regarded as the property owner (See 1 Bouvier's Law
Dictionary, p. 682-683).
A corporation sole consists of one person only, and his successors (who will
always be one at a time), in some particular station, who are incorporated by
law in order to give them some legal capacities and advantages, particulary
that of perpetuity, which in their natural persons they could not have had. In
this sense, the King is a sole corporation; so is a bishop, or deans distinct
from their several chapters (Reid vs. Barry, 93 fla. 849, 112 So. 846).
Pertinent to this case is the provision of Sec. 113 Batas Pambansa Blg. 68
which reads as follows:
PAL v. Sps. Sadic and Aisha Kurangking, et al. Yes. The proceedings before the trial court should have been suspended
G.R. No. 146698 after the court was informed that a rehabilitation receiver was appointed
September 24, 2002 over the petitioner by the Securities and Exchange Commission under
Section 6(c) of Presidential Decree No. 902-A.
In April 1997, respondents, all Muslim Filipinos, returned to Manila from their While a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 would ordinarily be
pilgrimage to the Holy City of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, on board a Philippines inappropriate to assail an interlocutory order, in the interest, however, of
Airlines (PAL) flight. Respondents claimed that they were unable to retrieve arresting the perpetuation of an apparent error committed below that could
their checked-in luggages. Thus, respondents filed a complaint with the only serve to unnecessarily burden the parties, the Court has resolved to
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Marawi City against PAL for breach of contract ignore the technical flaw and, also, to treat the petition, there being no other
resulting in damages due to negligence in the custody of the missing plain, speedy and adequate remedy, as a special civil action for certiorari.
The Supreme Court, in A.M. No. 00-8-10-SC, adopted the Interim Rules of
PAL filed it answer invoking, among others, the limitations under the Warsaw Procedure on Corporate Rehabilitation and directed to be transferred from
Convention. Before the case could be heard on pre-trial, PAL filed a petition the SEC to Regional Trial Courts,all petitions for rehabilitation filed by
for the approval of a rehabilitation plan and the appointment of a corporations, partnerships, and associations under P.D. 902-A in accordance
rehabilitation receiver before the SEC, due to serious business losses brought with the amendatory provisions of Republic Act No. 8799. The rules require
by the Asian economic crisis and the massive strike of its employees, which trial courts to issue, among other things, a stay order in the enforcement of
the SEC granted. Moreover, the SEC constituted a three-man panel to all claims, whether for money or otherwise, and whether such enforcement
oversee PAL’s rehabilitation. Then, the SEC created a management is by court action or otherwise, against the corporation under rehabilitation,
committee in accordance with Sec. 6 (d) of P.D. 902, declaring the its guarantors and sureties not solidarily liable with it.
suspension of all actions for money claims against PAL pending before any
court, tribunal, board or body. So PAL moved for the suspension of the The stay order is effective from the date of its issuance until the dismissal of
proceedings before the Marawi City RTC which the trial court denied on the the petition or the termination of the rehabilitation proceedings.
ground that the claim of respondents was only yet to be established. PAL’s
motion for reconsideration was also denied. The interim rules must likewise be read and applied along with Section 6 (c)
PAL went to the Court of Appeals via a petition for certiorari which the latter of P.D. 902-A, as so amended, directing that upon the appointment of a
denied. PAL’s motion for reconsideration was likewise denied by the CA but it management committee, rehabilitation receiver, board or body pursuant to
added that a second motion for reconsideration before the trial the decree, all actions for claims against the distressed corporation pending
court could still be feasible inasmuch as the assailed orders of the trial court before any court, tribunal, board or body shall be suspended accordingly.
extrajudicial foreclosure of its mortgage on October 26, 1984 because a
A claim is said to be a right to payment, whether or not it is reduced to management committee was not appointed by the SEC until March 18, 1985.
judgment, liquidated or unliquidated, fixed or contingent, matured or No matter how practical and noble a reason would be, in order to depart
unmatured, disputed or undisputed, legal or equitable, and secured or from the words of the law stated in clear and unambiguous manner, would
unsecured. In Finasia Investments and Finance Corporation, this Court has be to encroach upon legislative prerogative to define the wisdom of the law.
defined the word claim, contemplated in Section 6(c) of P.D. 902-A, as Such is plainly judicial legislation.
referring to debts or demands of a pecuniary nature and the assertion of a
right to have money paid as well.