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Rubrik India Employee Benefits Guide

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Rubrik India Pvt Ltd

Table of Contents

Insurance 2

Gratuity 5

Leaves 5

Group Medical Insurance: Rubrik India provides Group Medical Insurance (GMC) through Religare
insurance. The group medical insurance policy provides for a total sum insured up to INR 500,000 per family per
year. Family definition includes Employee + Spouse + 2 dependent children + 2 dependent parents OR in laws
(combinations are not allowed). Rubrik India pays 100% of the premium for each employee and their dependents
enrolled in this plan (non-voluntary). Coverage ceases after age 80.

Rubrik’s group medical Insurance Policy includes the following:

Features Terms & Conditions

Pre-existing disease Covered for All.
Maternity Benefits INR 75,000 for both Normal & C- Section Delivery
Dental & OPD (Out Patient Covered Upto INR 15,000 per family with sub limit of INR 5,000
Treatment ) Coverage for Out patient treatment ( OPD )
New Born Baby Coverage from Day 1 Covered from day one upto the Family Floater Sum Insured.

9 Months Waiting Period for Waived for All

Room Rent or Room Type Single AC Pvt Room for Normal Hospitalization & No Cap for
Restriction ICU Hospitalization
Pre and Post Hospitalization 30 days pre-hospitalization and 60 days’ post-hospitalization
Coverage respectively.
Well Mother Care Expenses Coverage for Room Rent for Mother whose required to Feed the
baby post birth if the new born baby is hospitalized covered up to
the baby’s age of 2 years
within the Family Floater Sum Insured.
Healthy Baby Expenses / Well baby Covered for Expenses Incurred for a Normal baby after the birth
till discharge. Automatic coverage for necessary expenses related
to the newborns wellbeing
after birth and before discharge. Expenses like doctor’s checkup
and any other checkup/ tests performed to
ensure that the baby is well at birth. Covered up to INR 10,000
Care Expenses within maternity Limit

Pre and Post Natal Expenses Covered p to INR 5,000 within the Maternity Limit on IPD &
OPD basis
Congenital Internal Disease Covered for All.
Day Care Procedures Any day care procedures covered with/without pre-authorization in-
network or non-network hospitals.
Claims Intimation No claims intimation required for reimbursement claims and day
care procedure claims
Reimbursement Claims Claim reporting/submission period within 30 days from the date of
Reporting/Submitting period discharge.
Limit on Any One Disease or Ailment No Capping.
Limit on Surgeon Charges, Anesthetic No Capping.
Charges, Stent Charges, etc.
Co-pay Clause No Copay.
Hospitalization/Injury Arising Out of Covered for All.
Emergency Ambulance Charges 1% of Sum Insured subject to a maximum of INR 2,000,
whichever is less Per Occurrence on admission only

Continuity Benefit Employee’s or family member who are presently covered under
GMC policy of RUBRIK INDIA PVT LTD will be allowed to buy
individual health policy with the existing insurance company as
per prevailing rates and will be allowed to get continuity benefits
(excluding maternity benefit and no claim discount) Confirmation
on coverage of the employee & dependent confirmed by the
insured & TPA. The continuity benefit is as per the retail
underwriting guidelines.
Cyberknife Treatment / Robotic Covered upto 50% Copay
Surgery / Bio- absorable stent /
AMETO laser Surgery / Toric Lens
/ K Y Laser Prostate

Rubrik India’s third party administrator (Mediassist India Pvt Ltd - TPA) – Religare acts as an extended
administrative hand of the insurance company. In the case of any instance of hospitalization, you’ll need to provide
the TPA name, as well. Coverage becomes effective on your date of hire. Please refer to the plan documents for
full detail on limits and coverage levels.

Annual Health Checkups: In addition to Group Medical Insurance, employees can submit for reimbursement
of up to INR 5,000 annually for a medical exam for themselves. Annually refers to benefits year (April through
March). Claims must be submitted through Greytip for reimbursement.

Personal Accident Insurance- The employee will be covered under the Company’s personal accident
insurance policy. This policy covers the employee against any accident, bodily injury and short term/long
disability from such accidents. The sum assured under the Company’s insurance policy is up to 2 (two) times your
CTC with cap of INR 1.5 crores.

Features Terms & Conditions Definition

Accidental 100% of sum insured In case of Accidental Death, Covered
Death Member will receive 100% of the sum

Permanent Total 150% of sum insured Permanent total disability is a disability

Disability in which a Covered Member is unable
to perform regular work for a period of
more than 12 calendar months due to
a disability arising due to accident.

Permanent As per the schedule of the policy Permanent partial disability is a

Partial disability in which a Covered Member
Disability is prevented permanently from
working at permanently from working
at full physical capability because of
injury or illness.

Temporary Total 1% of the Sum Insured subject to A benefit is paid to an

Disability maximum of INR 25,000 per week for employee due to the complete
104 weeks inability to perform each and
every duty pertaining to
employee’s occupation. Policy
pays a weekly benefits amount
following the elimination

Medical Actuals or INR 25,000, Expenses incurred for medical

Benefits whichever is lower. services and supplies which are
recommended by the attending

Physician. Only Covered
Medical Expenses are covered.

Terrorism Waived for All. In case of accidental death

Benefits during any terrorist activities,
the claims gets paid from this

Education 10% of Principal Sum Insured Following the accidental death of a

Benefit or INR 100,000, whichever is Covered Member, insurer will pay a
lower benefit to or on behalf of the children
(2 no’s) who are perceiving higher
education(after 12th Std). Benefit Will
be paid for that year up to 10% of
prinicipal sum insured or INR 100,000
for child.

Repatriation of Covered upto INR 10,000 per claim Up to INR 10,000 will be paid for
Remains expenses incurred for repatriation of
remains of the employee under this

Modification Covered up to INR 25,000 One-time home alteration and vehicle

Benefit modification expenses for covered
expenses to make increase the
accessibility for the increase the
accessibility for the disabled member.

Emergency Covered up to INR 50,000 If Insured Member is got hospitalized

Family due accident ,Then family members
can utilize this benefit upto the limit.

Group Term/Life Assurance- The employee will be covered under the Company’s group life Assurance policy.
This policy will cover the employee against death. The sum assured under the Company’s insurance policy is up
to 2 (two) times your CTC .




AGE BRACKET 18- 65 Years
ACTIVE AT WORK CLAUSE Applicable for 1st Year of Policy for New Joiners
BASIC LIFE COVER Covered up to 100%

Rubrik India will pay Gratuity to eligible employees at the time of resignation or retirement or death in accordance
with the provisions of the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972. An employee is eligible to receive gratuity benefit at
the rate of 15 days "Basic" pay for every completed year of service based on the last drawn salary. This amount
is payable only if the employee completes 5 (five) years of continuous service with the Company at the time of
his retirement.

Other Monetary Benefits:

In order to support your wellness, ease of commute to work, and connectivity to IT infrastructure, Rubrik provides
the following monetary benefits

Other Monetary Benefit Monthly Fixed Amount

Broadband Reimbursement INR 3,300 Rubrik India will reimburse
employees, the charges incurred
by them in maintaining a
Broadband connection at home for
official work. An employee can
claim the reimbursement of an
amount up to INR 3,300 a month
based. This is a reimbursement of
Broadband and is not a
reimbursement for telephone

Rubrik India may decide to alter from time to time the Other Monetary Benefits, based on management discretion.
Taxes arising out of the above perquisite income will be taxed at the hands of employee.

You should contact hr-apac@rubrik.com with any questions or requests for assistance.

Leaves and Time Offs

It is a priority for us to value your hard work, dedication, and contributions. Rubrik offers best and competitive
employee rewards program.

Privilege Leave: In addition to the usual public holidays, you are entitled to 18 working days of paid time
off per year, pro-rated based on hire/termination dates. You accrue 18 vacation days in a full working year
(1.5 days per month). You can carry days over to the following year, with a maximum total balance of 30
days. Please use your days to ensure they are not lost. Your Holiday Entitlement balance may go into negative
if you use more than your current accumulated number of days. Balance can be viewed in the Time Off
application on your Workday home screen. If you are a manager, you can also view your teams time off
requests and balances. With this program, you are able to take time off as you need to balance your work and
personal life, provided you meet your work deliverables and performance expectations. Your manager must
approve all time off requests in advance via Workday for approval and tracking purposes. Providing as
much advance notice as possible is appreciated. Encashment of privilege leave during employment is not
permissible while the outstanding leave balance will be paid based on the last drawn monthly basic pay.

Sick/Casual Leave: You are entitled to up to 12 working days’ paid for Sick leave per year, pro-rated based on
hire/termination dates. Sick/Casual Leave is intended for shorter, unplanned periods of leave, such as for
emergencies, attending to personal work, etc. Sick Leave does not accrue, nor does unused Sick Leave carry over
from year to year. Unused Sick leave cannot be encashed. Your manager must approve all time off requests in

advance via Workday for approval and tracking purposes. Providing as much advance notice as possible for
casual leave is appreciated.

Parental Leave: Rubrik is a family-friendly workplace, and we strive to support you and your growing families.
Encouraging and enabling the work-life balance of our team members is an essential element of our rewards

Maternity leave entitlement of 26 weeks to eligible women employees in case of women having less than 2
surviving children. The leave entitlement for the third child and above shall be at 12 weeks. Out of the 26 weeks,
not more than 8 weeks can be taken before the date of expected delivery. Women who opt for a child through
surrogacy or adopt a baby below three months, will be entitled to 12 weeks of maternity leave from the date of
handing over the child to adopting mother or commissioning mother

Fathers are entitled to Two (2) weeks paid at 100% of Fixed Compensation for paternity and adoption leave.

You must provide 30 days’ notice (or as much notice as practicable if the leave is not foreseeable) of your leave
start to HR.

Bereavement Leave: An employee who has lost an immediate family member by death is entitled to 5 days of
leave. Your manager must approve all time off requests in advance via Workday for approval and tracking

Paid Public Holidays: Updated list for 2020 will be published in the month of December 2019.

Optional Holidays: You may select a maximum of 2 Optional Holidays per year. The list of optional holidays
to choose from can be found in the Rubrik India HR folder (Holiday List). To select optional holidays, select the
day in the Time Off tool and choose the 'Optional Holidays' Plan.

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