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Wisconsin Ballast Water Treatment Feasibility Determination

Prepared by
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources


In 2008, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) issued a Vessel
General Permit (VGP) to regulate the incidental discharges from the normal operation of
vessels, including ballast water, into waters of the United States (US), under the Federal
Clean Water Act (CWA). However, there are no numeric discharge standards or
compliance dates in the VGP. Some state governments, including Wisconsin, believe that
the VGP does not require action that is necessary to protect the Great Lakes from the threat
of aquatic invasive species. As a result, these states have created their own ballast water
discharge permits or have issued conditional CWA Section 401 Water Quality
Certification based on the responsibility to protect the waters of the Great Lakes states and
fulfill the intent of the CWA.

In conjunction with its Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES)

General Permit No. WI-0063835-01-0 for Ballast Water Discharge (General Permit), the
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) reviewed documentation and expert
opinions on ballast water treatment technologies to determine the commercial availability
of these technologies and feasibility of achieving the Wisconsin standard, as defined in
Table A of the General Permit. (See Table A below.) WDNR’s review and determination is
based upon whether the following criteria are met:

A. Treatment technologies are able to meet the Wisconsin standards in Table A of the
General Permit.
B. Treatment technologies are commercially available.
C. It is feasible to install the technologies onboard both new and existing vessels.
D. Sufficient time exists to comply with the discharge standard’s effective dates.

Table A
Wisconsin Standard
Parameter Limit Type Limit and Units Sample Sample Type
Organisms > 50 µm in Daily Average < 1 Viable organism To be determined Composite
minimum dimension per 10 m3
Organisms 10 - 50 µm Daily Average < 1 Viable organism To be determined Composite
in minimum dimension per 10 ml
Escherichia coli Daily Average < 126 cfu per 100 ml To be determined Composite
Intestinal enterococci Daily Average < 33 cfu per 100 ml To be determined Composite

If WDNR makes a finding that technology is not commercially available to comply with
the Wisconsin standards in Table A, then the requirements in Section 4.1 will be modified
pursuant to the permit modification process in s. 283.53, Wis. Stats., and the less stringent
International Maritime Organization (IMO) standard, as portrayed in Table B of the
General Permit, will apply. (See Table B below.) Treatment system manufacturers,
researchers and companies that have vessels covered under the permit were encouraged to
submit information to WDNR to assist in the treatment feasibility determination for
complying with Wisconsin’s proposed discharge standard in Table A of the General

Table B
IMO Standard
Parameter Limit Type Limit and Units Sample Sample Type
Organisms > 50 µm in Daily Average < 10 Viable organisms To be determined Composite
minimum dimension per m3
Organisms 10 - 50 µm Daily Average < 10 Viable organisms To be determined Composite
in minimum dimension per ml
Escherichia coli Daily Average < 250 cfu per 100 ml To be determined Composite
Intestinal enterococci Daily Average < 100 cfu per 100 ml To be determined Composite

On January 13, 2010, WDNR presented a scope of work and requested that
the Great Lakes Ballast Water Collaborative (Collaborative) act as the technical advisory
committee to discuss the issues, research the feasibility of the criteria, and make
recommendations based on the combined effort of experts in the field of ballast water
treatment technology. The Collaborative consists of scientists, researchers, non-
governmental organizations, vendors, naval architects, ship engineers, shipping industry
representatives and federal, state and province regulators. In response to WDNR’s request,
the Collaborative met twice, in May (Montreal, Quebec) and in July (Duluth, Minnesota),
and held a number of conference call discussions, addressing the listed criteria. Three
workgroups were formed to try to answer specific questions within the criteria. WDNR’s
determination is based in part upon its review of currently available technical information
and in part on the conclusions of the Collaborative’s general discussions and workgroup
efforts, detailed in two separate reports, which are incorporated by reference into this
feasibility determination (Appendices A and B).


Criterion A: Treatment technologies are able to meet the Wisconsin standards in

Table A of the General Permit.

Key terms associated with this criterion:

 “Efficacy” means the ability of a system to treat ballast water to a level compliant
with Wisconsin’s performance standards.
 “IMO” or “IMO Standard” means the International Maritime Organization’s
proposed performance standards for the discharge of ballast water (Regulation
D-2 of the Ballast Water Convention).
 “Type Approval” means certification that a ballast water treatment system has been
thoroughly tested and verified to the point that the system passes and is approved
by a regulatory entity [i.e., United States Coast Guard (USCG) and IMO].
 “Verification” means certification to a specific standard.

A workgroup of experts (Group 3 of the Ballast Water Collaborative Duluth Working

Groups, which is incorporated by reference into this feasibility determination as Appendix
C) reviewed and assessed the current verification capability for treatment systems in order
to comply with a discharge standard of 100 times the IMO standard (Wisconsin standard
from Table A).

Currently, the major obstacles to testing ballast water treatment systems (BWTSs) are:

 The large volumes of water necessary for a sample – At a 100 x IMO standard, a
testing protocol would require a minimum of 30 cubic meters of water.
 Proper analysis of the volumes of water – Test methodologies are evolving, but
there is still no standardized testing protocol.

It is currently not possible to verify that any available ballast water treatment system can
meet the Wisconsin 100 x IMO standard. Enforcement actions would be limited to large,
obvious violations such as discharging without any treatment, and they would be difficult
for violations associated with meeting the limits such as a discharge which is treated but
does not meet the treatment standard.

Recommendation for Department Determination (Criterion A)

The workgroup’s assessment is that no formal protocols are currently in place for verifying
treatment efficacy necessary for type approval to 100 x IMO on a consistent basis.
Therefore, the conclusion is that treatment technologies are not able to demonstrate
compliance with the Wisconsin standards in Table A of the General Permit.

Criterion B: Treatment technologies are commercially available.

Key terms associated with this criterion:

 “Commercially Available” means the system has been adequately tested, vetted and
certified (i.e., Type-Approval to the IMO D-2 standard); is available for purchase,
delivery and installation; is sold by multiple vendors and is in sufficient supply to
meet demands.
 “Rated” means the system has received type approval certification based on IMO

A workgroup of experts (Group 1 of the Ballast Water Collaborative Duluth Working

Groups) reviewed and identified “commercially available” BWTSs that have been “rated”
to meet or exceed 100 x IMO.

The factors considered in determining whether a treatment technology is commercially

available were:

 Safety
 Affordability
 Cost effectiveness
 Fresh water compatibility
 Water temperature variability
 Product availability
 Vendor availability
 Insurability
 Maintenance
 Technology and vessel compatibility

On August 27, 2009, the United States Coast Guard (USCG) proposed discharge standards
and BWTS verification methods, to be implemented in two phases. The proposed rule has
not yet been adopted. The USCG is not confident that any of the current systems can meet
IMO and USCG Phase 1 standards. The following concerns have been raised during the
USCG studies and tests of BWTSs:

 The systems could not consistently meet the given criteria.

 Quality Assurance/Quality Control is not in place.
 Test methodologies are not repeatable.
 Data could not be validated.

None of the systems tested by USCG could meet the 100 x IMO Wisconsin standard.
These results were confirmed by a subgroup of the USEPA Science Advisory Board
Ecological Processes and Effects Committee (EPA SAB EPEC) that studied over 30 types
of BWTSs. Initial results of the study, which are incorporated by reference into this
feasibility determination (Appendix D), will show that, when testing out to 10 x IMO,
100 x IMO and 1000 x IMO, all BWTSs tested either: 1) may have the potential to meet
the standard (but it can not be verified), or 2) are unlikely to or will not meet the standard.

(The final report is to be published Summer, 2011.) The USCG does not believe any
BWTS can currently meet 100 x IMO. Since there are currently no testing protocols for
evaluating whether or not a BWTS can achieve 100 x IMO, the claims by some BWTS
manufacturers that their products are capable of reaching the 100 x IMO standard can not
be scientifically proven.

Testing protocols [i.e., USEPA’s Environmental Technology Verification (ETV),

incorporated by reference into this feasibility determination (Appendix E)] were recently
finalized and published by USEPA. BWTS vendors would need to rigorously test their
systems prior to WDNR relying on the claims that the BWTS complies with 100 x IMO.
However, protocols to test to this standard are still in development.

In addition, insurance companies will not insure US vessels without USCG type approval
of a BWTS. Without insurance, the vessels cannot operate. Thus, USCG type approval of a
BWTS is necessary before it can be installed onboard.

Currently the best and most effective way to remove non-indigenous species from ballast
water is the Best Management Practice (BMP) of mid-ocean Ballast Water Exchange
(BWE) or saltwater flushing (for vessels with No Ballast On Board, or NOBOBs), required
by the USCG [33 CFR §151.1510(a)(1)] for all ocean-going vessels entering US waters,
until ships are required by IMO to have onboard BWTSs in 2016. (WDNR’s General
Permit requires BWTSs be installed on board all ocean-going vessels by 2012 for new
vessels and by 2014 for existing vessels.) In BWE, ballast water (presumably coastal
water) is exchanged with open-ocean water during a voyage. This reduces the number of
coastal organisms, which are potential invasive threats. This has been an effective practice
to help reduce the threat of aquatic non-indigenous species to US waters. The USCG plans
to sunset the BWE requirement when the final rule is adopted because the requirement was
intended to be only an interim solution. However, WDNR believes this is a BMP that
should be sustained long-term, in addition to other requirements, in an effort to better
protect the waters of Wisconsin from the threat of aquatic non-indigenous species. The
idea of utilizing BWE combined with BWTSs for effective control of ballast water and
better protection against the introduction of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens is
supported by the recent research of Dr. Sarah Bailey (Great Lakes Institute of
Environmental Research), which is incorporated by reference into this feasibility
determination under Additional Resources.

Recommendation for Department Determination (Criterion B)

The workgroup’s assessment is that there are many factors to consider in determining
whether treatment technologies are commercially available. The conclusion is that they are
not commercially available at 100 x IMO treatment levels at this time.

Criterion C: It is feasible to install the technologies onboard both new and existing

Key terms associated with this criterion:

 “Feasibility” means the extent to which it is technically, economically and legally
possible or reasonable.
 “Practicable” means safely and economically possible, with an appropriate

A workgroup of experts (Group 2 of the Ballast Water Collaborative Duluth Working

Groups) examined the key components of the installation process from the vessel owner’s
perspective. It also reviewed the factors affecting timing and how the lifespan of the vessel
compares with the lifespan of the system. It would not be cost-effective to install a new
system on a vessel that will be retired within a few years. EPA SAB EPEC has come to
similar conclusions.

Regulatory uncertainty was identified as being the largest obstacle for installation
feasibility. When a national standard is adopted and an approved technology is available,
the timeline for the installation of a BWTS will still be 3 to 5 years after that, due to the
following steps in the installation process:

 Vessel-specific evaluations
 BWTS selection
 Design and installation plans and specifications
 System purchase
 Installation contractor selection
 BWTS delivery and installation

BWTS suitability depends on a number of factors which vary from vessel to vessel,
including ballast pumping rates and volumes, trade routes and ballast water retention time
associated with the trade routes, and vessel life cycle and economic considerations that
would help determine the ideal time to install a BWTS.

Primarily because of insurance issues, it is unlikely that a BWTS would be installed

onboard before it has been type approved by the USCG. For a product to be USCG type
approved, it must have demonstrated that it complies with all relevant regulations and
requirements, has successfully completed the required tests, and is enrolled in a follow-up
program that monitors for quality control. This program monitors product uniformity in
order to ensure that there is no deviation from the approved design. In addition, the USCG
will only type approve to a federal standard, not to a state standard, such as the 100 X IMO
Wisconsin standard.

There is only one freshwater testing facility (Great Ships Initiative in Superior, WI), and
vessels entering the Great Lakes will need to install BWTSs that have been approved
through freshwater testing. There are no testing facilities in the world that have the ability
to test to standards more stringent than IMO. In addition, until the USCG rules establishing
US testing standards are promulgated, there are no approved US testing methods that are

even available. To date, no one BWTS has passed Type Approval to the IMO D-2 standard
for saltwater, brackish and freshwater systems.

To facilitate BWTS testing and approval, the USCG Shipboard Technology Evaluation
Program (STEP), which is incorporated by reference into this feasibility determination
(Appendix F), promotes the development and testing of treatment technology until the
USCG rule is adopted for type approval. STEP allows owners of vessels the opportunity to
install, operate and evaluate experimental BWTSs for use in US waters. STEP offers
access to vessels for further research and development of experimental technology and
serves as an interim step to type approval.

Recommendation for Department Determination (Criterion C)

The workgroup determined that it is not yet practicable to install the BWTS technologies
onboard existing or new vessels. Thus, the conclusion is that it is not feasible to install the
technologies onboard both new and existing vessels.

Criterion D: Sufficient time exists to comply with the discharge standard’s effective

On July 17, 2009, IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC59)

concluded sufficient technologies were available for installation on vessels constructed in
2010. The MEPC59 report is incorporated by reference into this feasibility determination
(Appendix G). Research conducted by Dr. Bailey supports the MEPC59 findings.
Additionally, there are BWTSs which have received Type Approval to the IMO D-2
standard. WDNR proposes to accept Type Approval to the IMO D-2 standard as an
equivalent to receiving USCG Type Approval, for the purposes of meeting compliance
with the General Permit. The compliance dates in the General Permit will remain. The
IMO discharge standard for treatment systems becomes effective in 2012 for new ocean-
going vessels and in 2014 for existing ocean-going vessels.

Recommendation for Department Determination (Criterion D)

Based on the above information as well as evaluation of other states’ research and
requirements (including California, New York, Minnesota and the National Park Service,
which is hereby incorporated by reference into this feasibility determination under
Additional Resources), WDNR’s conclusion is that sufficient time does exist to comply
with the IMO discharge standard’s effective dates.

Incorporated by reference to this feasibility determination, the following appendices are


Appendix A Report from the Great Lakes Ballast Water Collaborative Meeting:
Montreal (including attachments)


Appendix B Report from the Great Lakes Ballast Water Collaborative Meeting:


Appendix C Ballast Water Collaborative Duluth Working Groups

Appendix D EPA SAB EPEC Ballast Water Advisory Documents (Drafts)

Appendix E Generic Protocol for the Verification of Ballast Water Treatment


Appendix F Shipboard Technology Evaluation Program

Appendix G Report of the Marine Environment Protection Committee on its Fifty-

Ninth Session


American Bureau of Shipping. 2010. Guide for Ballast Water Exchange.

Bailey, Sarah. 2010, publication pending. Development of Guidelines and Other

Documents for Uniform Implementation of the 2004 BWM Convention.

Code of Federal Regulations. 2010. 33 CFR §151.1510.

Great Lakes Ballast Water Collaborative Home Page:

International Maritime Organization. 2004. Convention BWM/CONF/36

International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water
and Sediments, 2004.

Lee II, H., Reusser D.A., Frazier, M., and Ruiz, G. 2010. Density Matters: Review of
Approaches to Setting Organism-Based Ballast Water Discharge Standards. U.S.
EPA, Office of Research and Development, National Health and Environmental
Effects Research Laboratory, Western Ecology Division. EPA/600/R-10/031.

Lloyd’s Register. 2010. Ballast Water Treatment Technology: Current Status.

National Park Service. 2010. Bridging Ballast Water Treatment Technology Gaps:
Moving from Proof of Concept to Full Implementation of Great Lakes Ballast Water
Skid Mounted Treatment Systems Within 24 to 36 Months!


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