43 Animal Reproduction and Development

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Animal reproduction is necessary for the survival of a species. In the animal kingdom, there are innumerable ways that species
reproduce. Asexual reproduction produces genetically identical organisms (clones), whereas in sexual reproduction, the genetic
material of two individuals combines to produce offspring that are genetically different from their parents.

 43.0: Prelude to Animal Reproduction and Development

During sexual reproduction the male gamete (sperm) may be placed inside the female’s body for internal fertilization, or
the sperm and eggs may be released into the environment for external fertilization. Seahorses provide an example of the
latter. Following a mating dance, the female lays eggs in the male seahorse’s abdominal brood pouch where they are
fertilized. The eggs hatch and the offspring develop in the pouch for several weeks.

 43.1: Reproduction Methods

During sexual reproduction the genetic material of two individuals is combined to produce genetically diverse offspring
that differ from their parents. The genetic diversity of sexually produced offspring is thought to give species a better
chance of surviving in an unpredictable or changing environment. Species that reproduce sexually must maintain two
different types of individuals, males and females, which can limit the ability to colonize new habitats as both sexes must
be present.

 43.2: Fertilization
Sexual reproduction starts with the combination of a sperm and an egg in a process called fertilization. This can occur
either inside (internal fertilization) or outside (external fertilization) the body of the female. Humans provide an example
of the former whereas seahorse reproduction is an example of the latter.

 43.3: Human Reproductive Anatomy and Gametogenesis

As animals became more complex, specific organs and organ systems developed to support specific functions for the
organism. The reproductive structures that evolved in land animals allow males and females to mate, fertilize internally,
and support the growth and development of offspring.

 43.4: Hormonal Control of Human Reproduction

The human male and female reproductive cycles are controlled by the interaction of hormones from the hypothalamus
and anterior pituitary with hormones from reproductive tissues and organs. In both sexes, the hypothalamus monitors and
causes the release of hormones from the pituitary gland. When the reproductive hormone is required, the hypothalamus
sends a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) to the anterior pituitary.

 43.5: Human Pregnancy and Birth

Pregnancy begins with the fertilization of an egg and continues through to the birth of the individual. The length of time
of gestation varies among animals, but is very similar among the great apes: human gestation is 266 days, while
chimpanzee gestation is 237 days, a gorilla’s is 257 days, and orangutan gestation is 260 days long. The fox has a 57-day
gestation. Dogs and cats have similar gestations averaging 60 days.

 43.6: Fertilization and Early Embryonic Development

The process in which an organism develops from a single-celled zygote to a multi-cellular organism is complex and well-
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regulated. The early stages of embryonic development are also crucial for ensuring the fitness of the organism.

 43.7: Organogenesis and Vertebrate Formation

Gastrulation leads to the formation of the three germ layers that give rise, during further development, to the different
organs in the animal body. This process is called organogenesis. Organogenesis is characterized by rapid and precise
movements of the cells within the embryo.

 43.E: Animal Reproduction and Development (Exercises)

Connie Rye (East Mississippi Community College), Robert Wise (University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh), Vladimir
Jurukovski (Suffolk County Community College), Jean DeSaix (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Jung
Choi (Georgia Institute of Technology), Yael Avissar (Rhode Island College) among other contributing authors. The
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