Types of Reproductive System 2

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Table of Contents

 Reproduction Definition
 Asexual Reproduction
 Sexual Reproduction
 Reproduction in Plants
 Reproduction in Animals
Reproduction Definition
“Reproduction is the process of producing offspring that
are biologically or genetically similar to the parent

What is Reproduction?
Reproduction is a biological process by which an organism
reproduces an offspring that is biologically similar to the
organism. Reproduction enables and ensures the continuity
of species, generation after generation. It is the main feature
of life on earth.
Types of Reproduction
There are basically two types of reproduction:

1. Asexual Reproduction
2. Sexual Reproduction

“Asexual reproduction refers to the type of

reproduction in which only a single organism
gives rise to a new individual.”

Binary Fission (Asexual Reproduction) – Diagram

Asexual reproduction does not involve the fusion of
gametes, and therefore, the offsprings produced are
genetically identical to the parent. The organisms produced
by asexual reproduction are less diverse in nature. This type
of reproduction is practised widely by unicellular organisms.

The process involves. rapid population growth and no mate is

required for the process. However, a lack of genetic diversity
makes organisms more susceptible to diseases and nutrition
Asexual reproduction is further divided into:

1. Binary Fission: In this, the cell splits into two each cell carrying a copy of the
DNA from the parent cell. For eg., amoeba.
2. Budding: In this, a small bud-like outgrowth gives rise to a new individual.
The outgrowth remains attached to the organism until it is fully grown. It
detaches itself and lives as an individual organism. For eg., hydra.

3. Fragmentation: In this, the parent organism splits into several parts and each
part grows into a new individual. For eg., Planaria.

4. Sporogenesis: In this type of reproduction, a new organism grows from the

spores. These can be created without fertilization and can spread through wind and

“Sexual reproduction is a type of reproduction that

involves the production of an offspring by the fusion of
male and female gametes.”

Sexual Reproduction Diagram

In sexual reproduction, male and female gametes are
formed to produce an offspring. These gametes are either
formed by the same individual or by different individuals
of the opposite sex.

This process is usually slow and complex compared to

asexual reproduction. The organisms so produced are
genetically diverse. Thus, they can evolve along with the
changing climatic conditions. Humans and many
multicellular organisms exhibit a sexual mode of
Reproduction in Plants Plants
- reproduce by sexual and asexual means. Vegetative reproduction is
the main mode of plant reproduction. Roots such as a corm, stem
tuber, rhizomes and stolon undergo vegetative propagation.

Diagram of Asexual Reproduction in Plants

Sexual reproduction in plants takes place through pollination in
which the pollen grains from the anther of a male flower transfer to
the stigma of the female flower.

Sexual Reproduction in Plants – Diagram

A few plants produce seeds without fertilization and the process is

called apomixis. Here, the ovule or the ovary gives rise to new
Reproduction in Animals
Animals reproduce sexually as well as asexually. Sexual
reproduction involves the fusion of male and female
gametes. This process is known as fertilization.
Fertilization can be external or internal. External
fertilization is the process in which the male sperm
fertilizes the female egg outside the female’s body. On
the contrary, in internal fertilization, the fusion of male
and female gametes takes place inside the body of the
Asexual reproduction involves reproduction
processes such as binary fission, budding,
fragmentation, etc. The organisms have no
reproductive systems and therefore no formation
of male and female gametes takes place.

Thus, we see how beneficial reproduction is to

continue life on earth.

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