Data processing continu‐ Data recovery plan Scope and Plan Initiation Business Impact Assessment Business Continuity Plan Plan approval and Implementation Business Continuity Steps Times to Remember Recovery Plan
Recovery requirements ity planning maintenance Development
time frame classification 1. Approval by senior 1. Develop the continuity MTD - Maximum Tolerable Time Business Resumption Plan
Roles and Responsibilites Goals Steps management planning policy statement
AAA - Immediate Recov‐ Mutual Aid Agreements Subscription Services Multiple Centers/Dual Sites Service Bureaus Other Data Backup Transaction Redundancy Defining the continuity strategy Documenting the continu‐ Time of process of down‐ Focus on recreation the
ery/No Downtime (Reciprocal Agreement) Alternatives Implementations Reevaluation of DRP Testing DRP Disaster Recovery procedures Executive Management Staff Criticality Prioritization 1. Select Interviewees ity strategy 2. Plan Awareness Project initiation time that business can necessary business processes
Hot Site Elements sustin and remain viable that need to be reestablished
AA - Full Functional Rolling/Mobile Backup Sites Electronic Vaulting After tests or training 1. Reasons for Testing (Find Typical Roles and Initiate project, give final Downtime Estimation 2. Gathering assessment 3. Plan Maintenance instead of focusing on IT
Warm Site 2. Conduct BIA
Recovery in Four Hours exercises. weakness/Without Weakness not responsibilities approval, souuport materials and techniques Computing components
MTBF - Mean Time
Cold Site In-house or external an accurate test) ongoing process MTD - Maximum Tolera‐
3. Identify the company's BIA Between Failures
A - Full Recovery same day supply of hardware Remote Journaling After a disaster response Senior Management ble Downtime. Facilities
critical business functions Continuity of operations
replacements or an emergency recover Inform Management of Senior Business unit
B - Downtime up to 24 3. Identify preventative controls Estimated Lifetime of plan (COOP)
recoevery capabilities Remain Visible to em‐ management Resource Requirement People
hours allowed Prefabricated Buildings Database Shadowing When personnel, their 4. Identify the resources piece of equipment
ployees and stakeholders Establishes senior man‐
responsibilities, re‐ Verify accuracy of recov‐ these functions depend on Supplies and equipment Recovery Strategy
C - Downtime 24 to 72 sources or organization Identifies and prioritizes time- MTTR - Mean Time To Recover agement and a headquar‐
ery procedures and Direct, manage, monitor recovery critical systems. Bears
hours allowed structure change 5. Calculate how long ter after a disaster. Out‐
identify deficiencies Objectives 4. Develop recovery
ultimate responsibility for all these functions can Estimated time to fix a lines roles and
Rationally ammend strategies
D - Downtime greater When policies, procedures or phases of the plan survive without these piece of equipment and authorities, orders of
Prepares and train business plans and Long Term Objectives
than 72 hours allowed infrastructure change functions get back in production succession and individual
personnel to execute projections Plan design and development
emergency duties FCPA 1977 - Foreighn
Short Term Objectives
Corrupt Practices Act. 6. Identify vulnerabilites and IT Contigency Plan
Communicate new roles 5. Develop Contingency Plan
Verify processing capabil‐ threats to these functions
and responsibilities
ity of backup site BCP Committee Plan for systems, net‐
7. Calculate the risk for each Implementation works and major applica‐
IT different business function
2. Create Testing Plan Directs the planning, tions recovery procedures
implementation and test 6. Test the plan and after disruptions. Should
Indentify and prioritize 8. Document findings and conduct training and
processes be for each major system
3. DR Test Types mission critical applications report to management exercises and application.
Continuously reassess Functional Business Units
Level 1 - Checklist Review Testing Crisis communications plan
recovery site stability
Participate in implemen‐
Copies of plan distributed Recover and reconstruct tation and testing 7. Maintain the plan Includes internal and external
to management for review all critical data communications structure and
Continual maintenance roles. Identifies specific individuals
Level 2 - Table-top HR who will communicate with external
exersice or structured entities. Contains predeveloped
walk-through tet Provide appropriate statements that are to be released.
Management meets to Cyber Incident response plan
step through the plan Monitor productivity and
morale, prevent employ‐ Focuses on malware, hackers,
Level 3 - Walk-through ee burnout intrusions, attacks and other
drill or simulation test security issues. Outlines
Provide counciling and procedures for incident
All support personnel family support
meet in practice execu‐ Disaster recovery plan
tion session. No actual Finance
restore is done Focuses on how to recov‐
Reestablish accounting er various IT mechanisms
Level 4 - Functional drill processes, payroll, after a disaster. Whereas
or parallel test benefits, accounts a contingecy plan is
usually for non-disasters,
Reestablish transaction a DRP is for cases when
All systems are functionally tested
controls and approval limits IT processing taken to
and drills executed
another facility.
Recovery Team
Level 5 - Full-interruption
or full-scale exersice Salvage Team Occupant emergency plan
Trained Spokesperson
Employee Relations
Financial disbursement
Media relations