Doac Vs LMWH

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Direct oral anticoagulant (DOAC) versus low-molecular-weight heparin

(LMWH) for treatment of cancer associated thrombosis (CAT): A systematic
review and meta-analysis

Ang Lia, , David A. Garciaa, Gary H. Lymanb,c, Marc Carrierd
Division of Hematology, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA, United States
Divisions of Public Health Sciences and Clinical Research, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA, United States
Division of Medical Oncology, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA, United States
Clinical Epidemiology, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


Keywords: Introduction: It is unclear if direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) are effective and safe alternatives to low-mo-
Neoplasms lecular-weight heparin (LMWHs) for the treatment of cancer-associated venous thromboembolism (VTE). We
Venous thrombosis aim to synthesize existing literature that compared DOACs versus LMWHs in this high-risk population.
Heparin Materials and methods: We conducted a systematic review using EMBASE, MEDLINE and CENTRAL for all ob-
servational studies and randomized controlled trials (RCTs) (PROSPERO: CRD42017080898). Two authors in-
Factor Xa inhibitors
dependently reviewed study eligibility, extracted data, and assessed bias. Primary outcomes included 6-month
recurrent VTE and major bleeding. Secondary outcomes included clinically relevant non-major bleeding
(CRNMB) and mortality.
Results: We screened 426 articles, reviewed 25 in full-text, and selected 13 and 2 for qualitative and quantitative
synthesis, respectively. Based on a meta-analysis of the 2 RCTs, DOACs had lower 6-month recurrent VTE (42/
725) when compared to LMWH (64/727) (RR: 0.65 (0.42–1.01)). However, DOACs had higher major bleeding
(40/725) when compared to LMWH (23/727) (RR 1.74 (1.05–2.88)). Similarly, CRNMB was higher (RR 2.31
(0.85–6.28)) for patients receiving DOACs. There was no difference in mortality (RR 1.03 (0.85–1.26)).
Observational studies were heterogeneous with high risks of bias but showed recurrent VTE rates consistent with
the meta-analysis.
Conclusions: DOACs were more effective than LMWHs to prevent recurrent VTE but were associated with a
significantly increased risk of major bleeding as well as a trend toward more CRNMB. The absolute risk dif-
ferences were small (2–3%) for both primary outcomes and may reflect better compliance with DOACs than

1. Introduction have been approved for the treatment of VTE in the general population.
All have demonstrated comparable effectiveness and safety to vitamin K
Cancer patients have a 4 to 7-fold increased risk of venous throm- antagonists in the non-selected cancer subpopulation [7]. Network
boembolism (VTE) which includes deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and meta-analyses based on indirect comparisons also suggest that DOACs
pulmonary embolism (PE) [1]. The management of cancer-associated may also have similar effectiveness and safety to LMWHs for the
thrombosis (CAT) is challenging because cancer patients have higher management of CAT [8,9]. However, clinical guidelines continue to
risk of recurrent VTE and major bleeding episodes compared to patients recommend LMWHs over DOACs as the preferred initial treatment of
without cancer [2,3]. For the past decade, subcutaneous low-molecular- CAT due to the lack of high quality data from dedicated trials [10].
weight heparin (LMWH) has been the recommended treatment for CAT Recently, DOACs have been compared to LMWH in randomized con-
[4,5]. However, only approximately 50% of patients adhere to long- trolled trials (RCTs) [11,12]. We hereby report the results of a sys-
term treatment with parenteral LMWH despite strong recommendations tematic review of all observational studies and a meta-analysis of RCTs
from clinical practice guidelines [6]. Direct oral anticoagulants comparing the effectiveness and safety of DOACs versus LMWHs for the
(DOACs), including dabigatran, rivaroxaban, apixaban, and edoxaban, treatment of CAT.

Corresponding author at: Division of Hematology, University of Washington, 1100 Fairview Ave N, D5-100, Seattle, WA 98109, United States.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Li).
Received 14 February 2018; Received in revised form 21 February 2018; Accepted 21 February 2018
0049-3848/ © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Please cite this article as: Li, A., Thrombosis Research (2018),
A. Li et al. Thrombosis Research xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

2. Methods

2.1. Search strategy

We conducted a systematic literature search using EMBASE,

MEDLINE and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials
(CENTRAL) from all languages over a 10-year span (January 1st 2007
to December 14th 2017). The full search strategy is available in the
Supplemental Appendix 1. We also performed a hand search of the
American Society of Clinical Oncology and the American Society of
Hematology annual meeting abstracts in 2017. References of included
studies and narrative reviews were reviewed for additional studies. The
systematic review protocol and search strategy were registered online
(PROSPERO: CRD42017080898).

2.2. Study selection

Two authors (AL and MC) independently identified studies eligible

for inclusion based on an initial screen of reference titles and abstracts.
Articles (including meeting abstracts) were included for further review
if they directly compared a DOAC (dabigatran, rivaroxaban, apixaban
or edoxaban) to a LMWH (dalteparin, enoxaparin, tinzaparin, na-
droparin) for the treatment of CAT and reported the primary or sec- Fig. 1. PRISMA flow diagram for study inclusion and exclusion.
ondary outcomes. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs), prospective and
retrospective observational studies were included. Article records were
studies, and 2 retrospective claims database studies.
independently reviewed for inclusion in duplicate, and discrepancies
were resolved by consensus.
3.2. Observational studies
2.3. Data extraction and quality assessment
There were significant heterogeneities in the patients' selection,
Two authors (AL and MC) independently extracted the data. outcome reporting, and duration of follow-up periods among different
Primary outcomes of interest included 6-month incidence of recurrent observational studies [19–29]. Therefore, pooled proportions of the
VTE and major bleeding. Secondary outcomes of interest included in- primary and secondary outcome events were not generated. The out-
cidence of clinically relevant non-major bleeding (CRNMB) and all- comes of individual studies are summarized within Table 1. Most stu-
cause mortality. Outcomes were defined according to those used in the dies used rivaroxaban (DOAC) and enoxaparin (LMWH). The on-treat-
included studies. Major and CRNMB episodes were usually defined ment duration of DOAC was usually longer than that of LMWH. All
according to the criteria of the International Society on Thrombosis and studies except one reported lower rates of recurrent VTE for patients
Haemostasis [13,14]. The qualities of RCTs were assessed using the using DOAC as compared to those on LMWH [27]. The major bleeding
Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool and qualities of observational studies were and CRNMB outcomes were heterogeneous across different studies.
assessed using the ROBINS-I tool from the Cochrane Method group Two studies that only included gastrointestinal and gynecological
[15,16]. Selective reporting bias for the included RCTs was assessed by cancers reported higher rates of major bleeding episodes for patients on
identification of studies in trial registry and comparison of reported a DOAC [23,27].
outcomes and those listed from the protocols. Publication bias was
examined by funnel plots of study results plotted against sample size. 3.3. Synthesis of randomized controlled trials

2.4. Statistical analysis Two RCTs (HOKUSAI-Cancer and SELECT-D) were included for the
analysis [11,12]. Baseline characteristics for both trials are shown in
Pooled proportions, relative risk (RR), risk difference (RD), and 95% Table 1. Approximately, 30 to 50% of the included CAT were in-
confidence intervals of primary and secondary outcomes over a 6- cidentally detected and a majority of patients had metastatic disease.
month follow-up period were generated from included RCTs. Forest The HOKUSAI-Cancer and SELECT-D trials compared edoxaban and
plots of comparative RRs (DOACs versus LMWH) were created using the rivaroxaban to dalteparin, respectively. Overall, DOACs (42/725) had a
Revman 5.3 software. Analyses were conducted using the Mantel- lower incidence of 6-month recurrent VTE when compared to LMWHs
Haenszel random effects model (DerSimonian-Laird analysis) [17]. (64/727) (RR: 0.65 (95% CI: 0.42–1.01; I2: 17%)) (RD: −0.03
Heterogeneity between trials were assessed by visual inspection of (−0.06–0.00)) (Fig. 2A). However, DOACs (40/725) had a higher in-
forest plots and by the percentage of total variation across studies above cidence of 6-month major bleeding when compared to LMWHs (23/
chance alone (I2 statistic) [18]. 727) (RR: 1.74 (95% CI: 1.05–2.88; I2: 0%)) (RD: +0.02 (0.00–0.04))
(Fig. 2B). Similarly, CRNMB was higher (RR: 2.31 (95% CI: 0.85–6.28;
3. Results I2: 78%)) (RD: +0.06 (0.01–0.12)) for patients with CAT receiving a
DOAC (Fig. 2C). There was no difference in mortality (RR: 1.03 (95%
3.1. Study selection and characteristics CI: 0.85–1.26; I2: 15%) (RD: +0.01 (−0.04–0.06)) (Fig. 2D). Finally,
there did not appear to be a publication bias across studies based on
A total of 426 articles and abstracts met the initial search criteria. visual inspection of the funnel plots (data not shown).
Out of the 426 screened articles, 25 were selected for full text review
including 13 and 2 that were selected for qualitative and quantitative 3.4. Qualitative assessment
synthesis, respectively (Fig. 1). The study characteristics are depicted in
Table 1. There were 2 RCTs, 9 observational retrospective cohort The risk of bias for each study is depicted in Fig. 3. Both RCTs had a

A. Li et al. Thrombosis Research xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Table 1
Summary of studies from systematic review of DOAC vs. LMWH for the treatment of cancer-associated thrombosis.

Study Design Intervention Outcome

Characteristic DOAC LMWH Endpoint (time) DOAC LMWH

Raskob RCT Number (follow-up) 522 (12 mo) 524 (12 mo) VTE (6 mo) 6.5% (34/522) 8.8% (46/524)
Article Patient age, gender 64, 53% male 64, 50% male MB (6 mo) 5.6% (29/522) 3.2% (17/524)
2017 [11] CA type, stage 11% heme, 53% met 11% heme, 53% met CRNMB (6 mo) 12.3% (64/522) 8.2% (43/524)
VTE type, history 32% incidental, 9% hx 33% incidental, 12% hx Death (6 mo) 26.8% (140/522) 24.2% (127/524)
Drug name (duration) Edoxaban (6.9 mo) Dalteparin (6.0 mo) VTE (12 mo) 7.9% (41/522) 11.3% (59/524)
MB (12 mo) 6.9% (36/522) 4.0% (21/524)
CRNMB (12 mo) 14.6% (76/522) 11.1% (58/524)
Death (12 mo) 39.5% (206/522) 36.6% (192/524)
Young RCT Number (follow-up) 203 (6 mo) 203 (6 mo) VTE (6 mo) 3.9% (8/203) 8.9% (18/203)
Abstract Patient age, gender 67, 54% male 67, 48% male MB (6 mo) 5.4% (11/203) 3.0% (6/203)
2017 [12] CA type, stage 59% met 59% met CRNMB (6 mo) 12.3% (25/203) 3.0% (6/203)
VTE type, history 54% incidental 52% incidental Death (6 mo) 24% (48/203) 27% (54/203)
Drug name (duration) Riva (55% at 6 mo) Dalteparin (52% at 6 mo)
Ageno Cohort Number (follow-up) 146 (12 mo) 223 (12 mo) VTE (12 mo) 3.4% (5/146) 4.5% (10/223)
Article (record) Patient age, gender 69, 52% male 68, 47% male MB (12 mo) 1.4% (2/146) 3.6% (8/223)
2017 [19] CA type, stage 8% heme, 14% GI CA 10% heme, 29% GI CA CRNMB (12 mo) NR NR
VTE type, history 28% hx 12% hx Death (12 mo) 4.8% (7/146) 24.7% (55/223)
Drug name (duration) Riva (5.0 mo) NR (5.4 mo)
Alzghari Cohort Number (follow-up) 48 (10.4 mo) 23 (> 6 mo) VTE (6 mo) 2.1% (1/48) 13.0% (3/23)
Article (record) Patient age, gender 62, 50% male 62, 39% male MB (6 mo) 6.3% (3/48) 4.3% (1/23)
2017 [20] CA type, stage 33% met 70% met CRNMB (6 mo) NR NR
VTE type, history 100% DVT/PE 100% DVT/PE Death (6 mo) 10.4% (5/48) 39.1% (9/23)
Drug name (duration) Riva 92% (6.7 mo) Enoxaparin (4.5 mo)
Chaudhury Cohort (record) Number (follow-up) 107 (6 mo) 179 (6 mo) VTE (6 mo) 2.8% (3/107) 6.1% (11/179)
Article Patient age, gender 62, 52% male 59, 51% male MB (6 mo) 2.8% (3/107) 1.1% (2/179)
2017 [21] CA type, stage 20% heme, 68% met 28% heme, 76% met CRNMB (6 mo) 9.3% (10/107) 4.5% (8/179)
VTE type, history 100% DVT/PE, 10% hx 100% DVT/PE, 5% hx Death (6 mo) NR NR
Drug name (duration) Riva (56% at 6 mo) Dalteparin (54% at 6 mo)
Ross Cohort Number (follow-up) 30 (11.6 mo) 123 (11.6 mo) VTE (12 mo) 6.7% (2/30) 8.1% (10/123)
Article (record) Patient age, gender 64, 43% male 58, 44% male MB (12 mo) 13.3% (4/30) 10.6% (13/123)
2017 [22] CA type, stage 24% heme, 31% met 27% heme, 54% met CRNMB (12 mo) 6.7% (2/30) 7.3% (9/123)
VTE type, history 17% CADVT 30% CADVT Death (12 mo) NR NR
Drug name (duration) Riva 90% (NR) Enoxaparin (NR)
Signorelli Cohort Number (follow-up) 18 (6 mo) 26 (6 mo) VTE (6 mo) 0% (0/18) 3.8% (1/26)
Article (record) Patient age, gender 60, 100% female 60, 100% female MB (6 mo) 16.7% (3/18) 7.7% (2/26)
2017 [23] CA type, stage 100% GYN, 33% met 100% GYN, 35% met CRNMB (6 mo) NR NR
VTE type, history 11% hx 27% hx Death (6 mo) NR NR
Drug name (duration) Riva, NR Enoxaparin, NR
Phelps Cohort Number (follow-up) 190 (5.0 mo) 290 (5.3 mo) VTE (6 mo) 6.3% (12/190) 7.2% (21/290)
Abstract (record) Patient age, gender 58 overall 58 overall MB (6 mo) 2.6% (5/190) 7.6% (22/290)
2016 [25] CA type, stage 32% heme 19% heme CRNMB (6 mo) 17.9% (34/190) 26.2% (76/290)
VTE type, history 53% met overall 53% met overall Death (6 mo) 13.7% (26/190) 22.8% (66/290)
Drug name (duration) Riva 88% (NR) Enoxaparin (NR)
Hummert Cohort Number (follow-up) 85 (NR) 97 (NR) VTE (NR) 1.2% (1/85) 2.1% (2/97)
Abstract (record) Patient age, gender 65, 54% male 57, 54% male MB (NR) 8.2% (7/85) 7.2% (7/97)
2017 [24] CA type, stage 53% met overall 53% met overall CRNMB (NR) 7.1% (6/85) 3.1% (3/97)
VTE type, history NR NR Death (NR) NR NR
Drug name (duration) Riva (7.1 mo) Enoxaparin (3.1 mo)
Rahman Cohort Number (follow-up) 23 (NR) 149 (NR) VTE (NR) 0% (0/23) 7.4% (11/149)
Abstract (record) Patient age, gender NR NR MB (NR) NR NR
2017 [26] CA type, stage NR NR CRNMB (NR) NR NR
VTE type, history NR NR Death (NR) NR NR
Drug name (duration) Riva (NR) Enoxaparin (NR)
Seo Cohort Number (follow-up) 78 (NR) 111 (NR) VTE (NR) 5.1% (4/78) 0.9% (1/111)
Abstract (record) Patient age, gender NR NR MB (NR) 16.7% (13/78) 7.2% (8/111)
2016 [27] CA type, stage 100% GI 100% GI CRNMB (NR) 12.8% (10/78) 6.3% (7/111)
VTE type, history NR NR Death (NR) NR NR
Drug name (duration) NR (NR) NR (NR)
Khorana Cohort Number (follow-up) 3370 (8.3 mo) 4313 (6.8 mo) VTE (6 mo) 8.7% 11.7%
Abstract (claims) Patient age, gender NR NR MB (6 mo) 4.4% 4.9%
2017 [28] CA type, stage NR NR CRNMB (6 mo) NR NR
VTE type, history NR NR Death (6 mo) NR NR
Drug name (duration) Riva (5.3 mo) NR (3.2 mo)
Streiff Cohort Number (follow-up) 660 (5.6 mo) 707 (5.6 mo) VTE (6 mo) NR NR
Abstract (claims) Patient age, gender NR NR MB (6 mo) 8.2% 8.3%
2016 [29] CA type, stage NR NR CRNMB (6 mo) NR NR
VTE type, history NR NR Death (6 mo) NR NR
Drug name (duration) Riva (3 mo) NR (1 mo)

NR: not reported, RCT: randomized controlled trial, cohort: retrospective cohort study (based on hospital records or claims databases), DVT: deep vein thrombosis, PE: pulmonary
embolism, CADVT: catheter-associated DVT, VTE: venous thromboembolism, MB: major bleeding, CRNMB: clinically relevant non-major bleeding, heme: hematologic malignancy, GYN:
gynecologic malignancy, GI: gastrointestinal malignancy, met: metastasis, hx: history, mo: month, riva: rivaroxaban.

A. Li et al. Thrombosis Research xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 2. Forest plots of relative risks (RRs) for

pooled outcome comparisons between DOAC and
LMWH from randomized controlled trials. (A)
VTE recurrence by 6-month, (B) major bleeding
by 6-month, (C) clinically relevant non-major
bleeding (CRNMB) by 6-month, (D) overall mor-
tality by 6-month. Gray boxes superimposing RR
estimates are proportional to the weight of the
included study. Heterogeneity between trials is
assessed by the I2 statistic.

low risk for bias with the exception to blinding of participants and
personnel due to the open study design; however, both had blinded and
independent adjudication process for outcome assessment [11,12]. All
9 observational cohort studies had bias due to confounding and missing
data [19–27]. Most studies also had selection bias due to treatment bias
and inappropriate exclusion criteria (e.g. excluding patients who did
not have certain duration of anticoagulation). Finally, the 2 claims
database based studies had low risk for confounding given inverse
weighting by the propensity score of treatment; however, both used
recurrent VTE and major bleeding outcome measures that had not been
appropriately validated in this specific patient population and could not
be adjudicated (potential misclassification bias) [28,29].

4. Discussion

To our knowledge, this is the first systematic review and meta-

analysis to summarize the incidence of recurrent VTE and major
bleeding episodes in over 5000 patients with CAT managed with DOACs
when directly compared with LMWHs. While we included observational
studies in the systematic review, our meta-analysis is only based on the
RCTs. We believe that our literature review and data synthesis will
provide clinicians with new insight to help decision making for patients
with CAT.
The reported 6-month proportions of recurrent VTE and major
bleeding episodes for patients receiving LMWH in our meta-analysis are
similar to those previously reported in other CAT-related trials [4,5].
This provides reassurance about the generalizability of our findings to
current clinical practice. Overall, the rates of recurrent VTE in patients
treated with DOACs seemed to be lower to those receiving LMWHs.
However, the risk difference of major bleeding and CRNMB episodes
demonstrated a similarly higher risk of bleeding in patients treated with
DOACs compared to those on LMWHs. It is important to note that al-
Fig. 3. Risk of bias summary. Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool for randomized controlled trials though statistically important, the absolute risk differences between
is used to assess bias for the randomized trials (Raskob 2017 and Young 2017). ROBINS-I treatments with DOACs versus LMWHs are small for both recurrent VTE
is used to assess bias for the observational studies. +low risk, −high risk,? unclear/
(−3% (−6% to 0%)) and major bleeding (+2% (0 to +4%)). Com-
insufficient information.
pliance with DOACs was generally better than compliance with LMWHs

A. Li et al. Thrombosis Research xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

likely leading to longer time on treatment with DOACs. In the Hokusai- Funding sources
Cancer study, 15% of DOAC patients compared to 4% of LMWH pa-
tients discontinued study treatment due to “patient decision for in- This work was supported by grant from the National Heart, Lung,
convenience of dosing” [11]. Differential compliance could explain the and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health under award number
differences in effectiveness and safety but would also reflect the real- T32HL007093 (AL).
world difficulty to adhering to long-term treatment with parenteral
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