Suargey MCQ

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Suargey MCQ

Aseptic technique

1 How long dose the each step of hand washing need?

A.12s B.13s C.14s D.15s

ans D

Chap :The Metabolic disorder of water and sodium

1 . A female, 50 years old, 60kg,because of nausea, and vomiting for 5 days, is admitted to hospital. Her
serum sodium is 130mmol/L, the first day sodium supplement should be?   

A.25.5g B.21g C.15g D.10.5g

Ans C

2. Which may be happened in the Hypotonic dehydration?

A.Na+  130mmol/L B.Na+  140mmol/L C.Na+  150mmol/L D.Na+  160mmol/L

ans A

3. A patient feels extreme thirsty, what mostly happened to him?

A.Isotonic dehydration B.Hypotonic dehydration

C.Hypertonic dehydration D.Water poisoning

Ans C

Chap Practice of fluid and acid base imbalance

1. Patients with high fever are easy to occur

A.low volume hypernatremia
B.low volume hyponatremia
C.isotonic dehydration
D.high volume hyponatremia
E.the extracellular fluid was significantly lost .
Ans A

2 The main influence of low volume hyponatremia on the body is ( )

C.Circulatory failure
D.cerebral hemorrhage
E.Nervous system dysfunction
ans C
3. Which of the following water and electrolyte imbalances is most likely to cause shock ( )
A.low volume hyponatremia
B.low volume hypernatremia
C.Isosmotic dehydration
D.Hypervolemic hyponatremia

4 Fluid loss during low volume hyponatremia is characterized by ( )

A.both intracellular fluid and extracellular fluid were significantly lost
B.intracellular fluid was not lost, only extracellular fluid was lost
C.loss of intracellular fluid, no loss of extracellular fluid
D.loss of plasma, but no loss of interstitial fluid
E.significant loss of plasma and intracellular fluid .

5 Hypervolemic hyponatremia is characterized by ( )

A.increased interstitial fluid
B.dramatic increase in blood volume
C.increased extracellular fluid
D.excessive hypotonic fluid retention, resulting in increased intracellular fluid and extracellular fluid
E.excessive fluid accumulation in the body cavity
Ans D

6. Clinically, hyponatremia with low volume should be given in principle ( ).

A.hypertonic sodium chloride solution

B.10% glucose solution
C.hypotonic sodium chloride solution
D.50% glucose solution
E.Isosmotic sodium chloride solution

Ans E

7. People with diabetes insipidus are more likely to develop diabetes( )

A.low volume hypernatremia
B.low volume hyponatremia
C.isosmotic dehydration
D.hypervolemic hyponatremia

Ans A
8. Excessive sweating during a hot march may occur( )
A.isosmotic dehydration
B.low volume hypernatremia
C.low volume hyponatrem
D.high volume hyponatremia
Ans B

9. The principle of management in patients with low volume hypernatremia is supplementation ( )

A.5% glucose solution
B.0.9% NaCl
C.3%NaCl solution was used first, followed by 5% glucose solution;
D.5% glucose solution was used first, followed by 0.9%NaCl solution
E.50% glucose solution followed by 0.9%NaCl solution.
Ans D

10.The normal range of serum potassium concentration is ( ).

A.The tendency for 130 ~ 150 / L
B.The tendency for 140 ~ 160 /
C.The tendency of 3.5 ~ 5.5 / L
D.The tendency of 0.75 ~ 1.25 / L
E.The tendency of 2.25 ~ 2.75 / L
正确答案 C

11.Which of the following is not the effect of hypokalemia on skeletal muscle?( )

A.Muscle weakness
C.Hyperpolarization block
D.Negative resting potential goes down
正确答案 D

12.In severe hyperkalemia, myocardial ( )

A.Excitability↑, conductivity↑,self-discipline↑
B.Excitability↑, conductivity↑,self-discipline↓
C.Excitability↑, conductivity↓,self-discipline↑
D.Excitability↓, conductivity↓, self-discipline↓
E.Excitability↓, conductivity↑, self-discipline↑ 正
确答案 D

13.Patients with severe hypokalemia or potassium deficiency are often ( )

A.Increased nerve-muscle excitability
C.Hypermotility of the gastrointestinal tract
D.Metabolic acidosis
正确答案 B

14.The major hormones that affect the regulation of potassium balance in vivo and in vitro are ( ).
C.Adrenal glucocorticoid
E.Thyroid hormone
正确答案 D

15.The major hormones that affect the regulation of intracellular and extracellular potassium balance
are( ) A.insulin
C.Adrenal glucocorticoid
E.Thyroid hormone
正确答案 A

16 Potassium metabolism disorder and acid-base balance disorder often interact with each other,
which of the following is true ( )
A.Hypokalemia often causes metabolic acidosis
B.Hyperkalemia often causes metabolic alkalosis
C.Metabolic alkalosis often causes hyperkalemia
D.Metabolic acidosis often causes hypokalemia
E.Mixed acidosis often causes hyperkalemia
正确答案 E,
17.The main harm of hyperkalemia to the body is ( )
A.Paralysis of muscles

B.Cause serious kidney damage

C.Cause a drop in blood pressure

D.Cause severe heart rhythm disturbance

E.Cause acid-base balance disorder

正确答案 D

18.(单选题,1.9 分)The second cationic ion in the intracellular fluid is ( )

A.Na +


C.H +


正确答案 D
19.(The mechanism of increased neuromuscular excitability in hypomagnesemia is ( )

A.negative resting potential decreases

B.threshold potential decrease

C.gamma-aminobutyric acid release increases

D.increased acetylcholine release and increased production of

E.increased ATP

正确答案 D
20.The symptoms that are not easily caused by hypomagnesemia are ( )
A.limb muscle tremors
C.reduced blood pressure
E.hypocalcemia and hypokalemia
正确答案 C
21.(单选题,1.9 分)

Clinically, intravenous calcium gluconate is commonly used to rescue hypermagnesiaemia, and the
main mechanism is ( )

A.calcium can antagonize the inhibitory effect of magnesium on neuromuscular

B.calcium can reduce the absorption of magnesium in the intestinal tract

C.calcium can promote the discharge of magnesium

D.calcium can make the negative resting potential smaller

E.calcium promotes the entry of magnesium into cells

正确答案 D
22.The emergency treatment for acute hypermagnesemia is ( )

A.intravenous infusion of glucose

B.intravenous infusion of sodium bicarbonate

C.intravenous infusion of calcium gluconate

D.intravenous saline

E.use of diuretics to accelerate magnesium excretion

正确答案 C
23.The most important cause of hypermagnesemia is ( )
A.excessive oral magnesium salt

B.diabetic patients in coma with ketoacidosis without treatment

C.severe burns

D.Decreased renal magnesium excretion

E.Long-term no feeding

正确答案 D

24.Which of the following statements about blood phosphorus is not true ( )

A.the normal blood phosph

B.thyroxine is the main hormone regulating phosphorus metabolism

C.phosphorus is absorbed mainly from the small intestine and excreted from the kidney.

D.renal failure often causes hyperphosphatemia

E.hyperphosphatemia is the main pathogenesis factor of renal osteodystrophy

正确答案 B
25The effects of hypercalcemia on the body do not include ( )
A.renal tubular injury

B.ectopic calcification

C.decreased excitability of neuromuscular

D.decreased myocardial conductivity

E.increased myocardial excitability

正确答案 E
26.The normal metabolism of the body must be in ( ).

A.In a weakly acidic humoral environment

B.In the weakly alkaline humoral environment

C.In a highly acidic environment

D.In the more alkaline humoral environment

E.In a neutral humoral environment

正确答案 B
27.The H+ in normal body fluids mainly comes from ( ).

A.H+ in foodm
B.H+ of carbonic acid

C.H+ released from sulfuric acid

D.Fat metabolism produces H+

E.H+ produced during glycolysis

正确答案 B
28.The sources of alkaline substances are( )

A.Ammonia produced by deamination of amino acids

B.Ammonia secreted by renal tubular cells

C.Organic acids found in vegetables

D.Organic acids found in fruits

E.The above
正确答案 E
29.The most acidic substance produced by the body during metabolism is ( ).


B.Sulfuric acid

C.Lactic acid

D.Tricarboxylic acid


正确答案 A,
30.(单选题,1.9 分)

The strongest buffering of the buffering acid in the blood is ( )

A.Pr - / HPr

B.H b - / HHb

C.HCO3 ˉ / H2CO3

D.HbO2 - / HHbO2

E.HPO42 - / H2PO4 –

正确答案 C
31.(单选题,1.9 分)

The buffer of volatile acids in the blood mainly depends on ( )

A.the plasma HCO3 ˉ

B.Red blood cells HCO3

C.HbO2 and Hb


E.plasma protein
正确答案 C
33.(单选题,1.9 分)
The pH value of the blood mainly depends on ( ) in plasma.

A.[Pr ˉ] / [HPr ˉ]
B.[HCO3 ˉ] / [H2CO3]

C.[Hb ˉ] / [HHb]

D.[HbO2 ˉ] / [HHbCO2]

E.[HPO42 ˉ] / [H2PO4 ˉ]
正确答案 B

34.The main compensatory mode of acute metabolic acidosis is ( ).

A.extracellular fluid buffering

B.intracellular fluid buffering

C.respiratory compensation

D.renal compensation

E.skeletal compensation
正确答案 C
35.Blood gas analysis of a renal failure patient showed that: pH 7.28, PaCO2 3.7kpa (28mmHg),
HCO3 (17mmol/L), the most likely acid base balance disorder type is ( )
A.metabolic acidosis

B.respiratory acidosis

C.metabolic alkalosis

D.respiratory alkalosis
E.none of the above

正确答案 A
36.The preferred drug for the treatment of metabolic acidosis is ( )

A.sodium lactate


C.sodium citrate

D.disodium hydrogen phosphate

E.sodium bicarbonate
正确答案 E
37.Which of the following is not the cause of respiratory acidosis ( )

A.respiratory depression

B.alveolar dispersion disorder

C.poor ventilation

D.airway obstruction

E.thoracic lesions
正确答案 B
38.Which of the following is not the mechanism of decreased myocardial contractility in acidosis?( )

A.inhibition of metabolic enzyme activity

B.low calcium
C.H+ competitively inhibits the binding of calcium to troponin subunits

D.H+ affects calcium influx

E.H+ affects the release of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum of cardiac myocytes
正确答案 B
39.The compensatory regulation of acute respiratory acidosis mainly depends on ( )
A.Plasma protein buffering system
B.bicarbonate buffer system

C.Non-bicarbonate buffer system

D.Phosphate buffering system

E.other buffering system

正确答案 C
40.The compensatory regulation of chronic respiratory acidosis mainly depends on ( )

A.respiratory compensation

B.dirty compensatory

C.Blood system compensation

D.renal compensation

E.skeletal compensation

正确答案 D
41.The blood gas analysis results of a drowning asphyxia patient after rescue were: pH 7.18, PaCO2
9.9kpa (75mmHg), HCO3 (28mmol/L), the most likely acid base balance disorder type was ( ).
A.metabolic acidosis
B.acute respiratory acidosis
C.chronic respiratory acidosis
D.Metabolic acidosis with metabolic alkalosis
E.metabolic alkalosis
正确答案 B,
42.Blood gas analysis showed that pH 7.32, PaCO2 9.4kpa (71mmHg), HCO3 37mmol/L, the most
likely pH -- base balance disorder type was ( ).
A.metabolic acidosis
B.acute respiratory acidosis
C.chronic respiratory acidosis
D.mixed acidosis
E.metabolic alkalosis
E. Use of alkaline drugs
正确答案 C
43.Which of the following is not the cause of metabolic alkalosis ( )
A.severe diarrhea
B.violent vomiting
C.application of diuretics (furosemide, thiazide)
D.excessive corticosteroids
正确答案 A
44.Recurrent vomiting occurred in a patient with pyloric obstruction. The blood gas analysis results
were: pH 7.5, PaCO2 6.6 kPa (50mmHg), HCO3 3mmol /L. ( )

A.metabolic acidosis

B.metabolic alkalosis

C.respiratory acidosis

D.respiratory alkalosis

E.mixed alkalosis 正确答案 B

45.If the blood gas analysis results showed that PaCO2 increased while hco3-decreased, the most
likely diagnosis is ( ).
A.respiratory acidosis
B.metabolic acidosis
C.respiratory alkalosis
D.Metabolic alkalosis
E.none of the above 正确答案 E,
46.The best treatment for metabolic alkalosis caused by violent vomiting is ( )
A.Intravenous injection of 0.9% normal saline

B.give thiazide diuretics

C.administration of anti-aldosterone drugs

D.Administration of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors

正确答案 A
47.Which of the following is not the cause of respiratory alkalosis ( )

A.Oxygen partial pressure in the inhaled air is too low


D.long-term exposure to confined Spaces

E.traumatic brain injury stimulates the respiratory center

正确答案 D
48.In a hepatic encephalopathy patient, the blood gas test results were: pH 7.48, PaCO2 3.4kpa
(22.6mmhg), HCO3 (19mmol/L), the most likely acid base balance disorder type is ( ).

A.metabolic acidosis

B.respiratory acidosis

C.metabolic alkalosis

D.respiratory alkalosis

E.mixed alkalosis
正确答案 D
49.The main reason for tetany in cases of alkali-intoxication is
A.decreased serum K+

B.decreased serum Cl-

C.Decreased serum Ca2+

D.decreased serum Na+

E.Decreased serum Mg2+ 正

确答案 C
50.Shock can occur when metabolic acidosis occurs ( )
A.Intracellular K+ release, renal H+ -na + exchange decreased

B.Intracellular K+ was released, and the exchange of H+ -na + in the kidney was increased

C.Extracellular K+ migration, and intrarenal H+ -na + exchange increased

D.Extracellular K+ intra - migration resulted in decreased H+-Na+ exchange in kidney

E.Extracellular K+ migration, and intrarenal K+ -na + exchange increased

正确答案 B,
51.Which of the following is not possible ( )

A.Metabolic acidosis with respiratory alkalosis

B.metabolic acidosis with metabolic alkalosis

C.metabolic alkalosis with respiratory alkalosis

D.Metabolic alkalosis with respiratory acidosis

E.respiratory acidosis with respiratory alkalosis

正确答案 E
52.In metabolic acidosis, which of the following changes in enzyme activity is correct ( )
A.reduced activity of carbonic anhydrase

B.increased activity of glutamic acid decarboxylase

C.Increased activity of gamma-aminobutyric acid transaminase

D.decreased glutaminase activity

E.pyruvate decarboxylase activity increased

正确答案 B

Practice of shock

1.The fundamental cause of shock is

A. decreased blood pressure
B. decreased central venous pressure
C. Decreased cardiac output
D. decreased effective circulating blood volume
E. microcirculation disorder
Ans E
2. The main pathophysiological changes during the shock inhibition period were (
A. The microarteries and the anterior sphincter of capillaries are dilated, and the venules behind
capillaries are in systole
B. The intracellular lysosomal membrane ruptured, resulting in cell autolysis
C. large amounts of catecholamines are released from the adrenal medulla and postganglionic
sympathetic fibers
D. The energy source of cells is mainly glycolysis
E. microthrombus formation in capillaries
Ans A
3. The shock index is
A. pulse rate/systolic pressure
B. pulse rate/diastolic pressure
C. Pulse rate/pulse pressure
D. Systolic blood pressure/pulse rate
E. Diastolic blood pressure/pulse rate
4. Which of the following is common to all types of shock (
A. decreased blood pressure
B. reduction of preload
C. load reduction
D. decreased cardiac output
E. decreased skin moisture
Ans D
5. The middle-aged man was injured by a heavy object in his front chest. When he came to the
emergency room, he showed restlessness, nervous tension, cold sweat, 80 beats per minute heart
rate and small pulse
A.Without shock
B. Suspicious shock
C shock
D. Shock inhibition
E.Late shock
Ans c
6. The patient is delirious, pale, with cold and damp extremities and blood pressure
70/60 MMHG (
A.Without shock
B. Suspicious shock
C shock
D. Shock inhibition
E.Late shock

7. In antishock, blood volume is replenished, usually with a liquid (

A.5% glucose solution
B.5% glucose salt solution
C.10% salt and sugar solution
D.5% sodium bicarbonate
E. equilibrium salt solution
8. After dilation, the blood pressure of the shock patient was normal, but the urine volume was still
low, and the specific weight was 1.021, suggesting that (
A. acute kidney failure
B. insufficient renal blood supply
C. renal vasodilatation
D. renal resorption disorder
E. urinary tract injury
9. The treatment principle of shock patients with high central venous pressure and normal blood
pressure is (
A. Cardiac diuresis
B. Proper hydration
C. correct acidosis
[D]. Vasodilatation
E. vasoconstriction
ans d
10. Shock patient, with cold and wet skin, cyanosis, no improvement after active dilation, blood
pressure 80/60mmhg, central venous pressure 18cmH2O, which treatment is the best choice (,
followed by (
A. cardiotonic
B. faster blood transfusion
C. expedite infusion
[D] vasodilators
E. vasoconstrictor
F. diuretics
11. During shock, the patient should be in the following position:
A. half Laying
B. Low head and high foot
C. head and leg up 10 ~ 30 °
D. head high, feet low
E. lateral position
12. The most important indicators of improved microcirculation after shock treatment are:
A. regain consciousness
B. the skin color turns red
C. Limb temperature increases
D.blood pressure rises
E. increased urine volume
13. The primary and basic measures to combat shock are:
A. Blood volume replacement
B. improve cardiac function
C. correct acidosis
D. improve peripheral vascular tone
E. prevention and treatment of acute renal failure
14. For emergency dilatation of traumatic shock, the preferred solution is:
A. glucose solution
B. the plasma
C. whole blood
D. balance liquid
E. dextran
15. Main manifestations of compensatory period in shock patients:
A. rapid pulse, low blood pressure, and significant reduction of pulse pressure
B. rapid pulse, low blood pressure, slight narrowing of pulse pressure
C. Pulse rate, normal blood pressure and no change in pulse pressure
D. the pulse is slightly faster, the blood pressure is normal or slightly higher, and the pulse
compression is small
E. Pulse rate, blood pressure slightly decreased, pulse pressure no change

(1~3 questions share the same stem

16. A male,32 years old, bilateral lower limb crush injury, conscious, indifferent expression, clear
thirst, pale complexion, wet and cold skin, pulse 112 times/min, blood pressure 90/60mmhg
(12/8kpa), central venous pressure 4cmH2O (0.398kpa), capillary filling slow. Blood pH is 7.32.
The patient's condition is
A. no shock
B. shock compensatory period
C. moderate shock
D. severe shock
E. collapse

17. Female, 85 years old, was sent to the emergency room due to massive hematemesis and black
stool. Previous coronary heart disease, renal arteriosclerosis. Blood transfusion, fluid replenishment
and corresponding blood - stopping measures should be given immediately. For this patient, the
most significant reference index for guiding fluid intake and input speed is
A. central venous pressure
B. cubital vein pressure
C. blood pressure
D. heart rate
E. the urine volume
18. The following statements about the treatment of shock are false
A. hemorrhagic shock is treated by dilation
B. large doses of oxycodone can be used in septic shock
C. in hemorrhagic shock, hemostasis is the main means that cannot be ignored
D. in septic shock, a booster drug should be used first
E. Effective circulating blood volume should be restored in septic shock
19. The significance of blood pressure drop in shock is
A. is the only basis for the diagnosis of shock
B. shock is the most common clinical manifestation
C. Is a leading indicator of shock severity
D. Is the main indicator of tissue cell hypoxia
E. is the earliest indicator of shock
20. Female, 45 years old, was hit by the left season rib and ruptured spleen when she was in a car
accident. His blood pressure was 80/60mmhg (10.6/8kpa), his consciousness was clear, his pulse
was 120 times/min, his expression was indifferent, he was thirsty and his face was pale. The amount
of blood loss was estimated at
A. 400 ~ 500 ml
B. 600 ~ 700 ml
C. 800-1600 ml
D. 1700-2400 ml
E. > 2400 ml
21. High central venous pressure and normal arterial pressure are reflected
A. Right ventricular dysfunction or relative hypervolemia
B. increased intrathoracic pressure
C. Right ventricular dysfunction or inadequate capacity
D. increased intravenous ileal blood volume
E. excessive constriction of volumetric blood vessels
22. The most commonly used item in shock monitoring is
A. heart index
B. blood gas analysis
C. Pulmonary wedge pressure
D. central venous pressure
E. cardiac output
23. An adult with burns of 60% of the area was admitted to hospital 7 hours later. Shock was still
found after injection of morphine, cephalosporin antibiotics and physiological saline of 1000ml,
which should be considered as
A. neurological shock
B. septic shock
C. cardiogenic shock
D. hypovolemic shock
E. toxic shock
24.The following measures for the prevention of acute renal failure in shock patients do not apply,
The right is( )
A.Correct hypovolemic shock in time to avoid renal ischemia
B.Drugs that are likely to cause renal vasoconstriction should not be used in the treatment of shock
C.Patients with hemolytic tendency should keep renal tubules unobstructed and alkalize urine to
avoid renal tubule damage
D.Heparin should be applied to treat shock with DIC in time
E.Use diuretics as soon as there is a decrease in urine output
正确答案 E,
25. The central venous pressure and blood pressure of the shock patients were 5cmH2O
80/65mmhg, the treatment principle is
A. Proper hydration
B. use cardiac drugs
C. use vasodilators
D. Rehydration test
E. adequate hydration

26. Male, 40 years old, with abdominal pain and fever for 48 hours, blood pressure 80/60mmhg,
clear consciousness, pale complexion, wet and cold limbs, tense abdominal muscles, disappearance
of intestinal rumble, was diagnosed as( )
A. neurogenic shock
B. septic shock
C. moderate hypovolemic shock
D. severe hypovolemic shock
E. anaphylactic shock

Practice of perioperative management

1.The drainage and extraction time of latex film after surgery is generally in the postoperative ( )
A.1 to 2 days

B.3 days

C.4 days

D.5 days

E.After 5 days
正确答案 A
2.The indications of gastrointestinal decompression tube removal after surgery are ()
A.After 3 days
B.Abdominal pain disappeared
C.Exhaust through anus
D.Can hear and bowel sound
E.Abdominal distension disappears
正确答案 C
3.Elective surgery for patients with heart failure, at least after heart failure control ()

A.< 1 week

B.1 to 2 weeks

C.3 to 4 weeks

D.5-6 weeks

E.> 6 weeks
正确答案 C
4.The following types of drainage tubes are improperly treated as ()
A.Attention should be paid to observe whether the drainage tube is unobstructed

B.Carefully record the color and volume of the drainage fluid

C.The t-tube with indwelling in the bile duct can be removed 1 week after surgery

D.Gastrointestinal decompression tube can be removed after gastrointestinal function recovery

E.Peritoneal cigarette drainage is generally removed 24-72 hours after surgery

正确答案 C
5.40-year-old male patient with duodenal ulcer underwent subtotal gastrectomy via midline incision
in the upper abdomen and drainage with latex film in the incision.The general removal time of
drainage film is ().
A.1 to 2 days after surgery

B.Three to four days after surgery

C.5 to 6 days after surgery

D.7 to 8 days after surgery

E.9 to 10 days after surgery

正确答案 A,
6.Hernia surgery patients were admitted with blood pressure of 150/96mmhg.The correct
treatment for this blood pressure value is ().
A.Preoperative use of antihypertensive drugs

B.No antihypertensive medication is needed before surgery

C.Antihypertensive drugs are used intraoperatively
D.No antihypertensive drugs are needed after surgery
E.Antihypertensive drugs were used before and after operation
正确答案 B,

7.The most important measures to prevent postoperative atelectasis are ()

A.Use a lot of antibiotics
B.Steam inhalation
C.Turn over and breathe deeply. Encourage coughing
D.Apply expectorant medicine
E.Oxygen inhalation
正确答案 C
8 Male, 20 years old, underwent appendectomy due to the perforation of acute appendicitis, and
the incision was red and swollen with thick secretions 3 days after the operation. After removing
the suture, 20ml pus was extracted. The wound healing type of this patient should be recorded as
ans E

9.The most common symptoms after surgery are ()

A.The pain
C.Nausea and vomiting
D.Abdominal distension
正确答案 B,

10.The response of postoperative anesthesia is ().

A.The pain
C.Nausea and vomiting
D.Abdominal distension
正确答案 C
11.The patient fasted for 12 hours and cut off water for 4 hours in order to ()
A.Reduce postoperative infection
B.Prevent abdominal distension after surgery
C.Prevent anastomotic fistula
D.Prevent the wound from opening up after surgery
E.Prevent vomiting during anesthesia or surgery
正确答案 E

12.After the operation of the neck and chest, the position the patient should take is ().
A.The hypothesis
B.Lateral position
C.High fowler's
D.The lower half supine position
E.15° ~ 30° head, high foot, low slope
正确答案 C
13.The most common cause of fever 3 to 6 days after surgery is ()
A.Metabolic abnormalities
B.Low blood pressure
D.Blood transfusion reaction
正确答案 E
14.Female, 62 years old, diagnosed gastric cancer, blood pressure 160/100mmhg, moderate
anemia, emaciation, which of the following items is not necessary in preoperative preparation ()
A.Correction of anemia
B.Improved nutritional status
C.Detection of liver function
D.Blood pressure drops to normal
E.Blood biochemistry
正确答案 D
15.Patients with severe diabetes should undergo elective surgery, and preoperative blood sugar and
urine sugar should be controlled within ().
A.Blood glucose 5.6 ~ 11.2mmol/L, urine sugar (+ ~ ++)
B.Blood glucose was below 5.6mmol/L, and urine sugar was negative
C.Blood glucose was less than 11.2mmol/L, and urine sugar was negative
D.Blood glucose below 5.6mmol/L, urine sugar (+)
E.Blood glucose above 11.2mmol/L, urine sugar (+)
正确答案 A

16.Among the following heart disease patients with normal heart rhythm and no heart failure trend,
the worst surgical tolerance is ().
A.Coronary heart disease
B.Patients with acute myocarditis
C.Rheumatic heart disease
D.Patients with hypertensive heart disease
E.Atrioventricular block
正确答案 B

17.Take more after abdominal surgery ()

A.The hypothesis
B.Lateral position
C.Prone position
D.High fowler's
E.The lower half seat
正确答案 E

18.Male, 43 years old.Pelvic fractures, perineal lacerations caused by trauma, postoperative urinary
retention, irritability, the best treatment is ()
A.Intramuscular injection of valium 10mg
B.Hot compress on the lower abdomen
C.Oral analgesic
D.Intravenous injection of formylcholine
E.Indwelling catheter
正确答案 E

19.The body temperature of the diabetic patient is 38℃, and the incorrect treatment measures in
the perioperative period are ().
A.Preoperative use of long-acting insulin, postoperative to continue to give
B.Antibiotics were administered preoperatively
C.Stabilize your blood sugar at a slightly elevated level before major surgery
D.Postoperative gastroparesis should be noted
E.Pay attention to the foot examination after the operation
正确答案 D,

Chap practice of surgery nutrition

1. The ratio of essential and non-essential amino acids in total parenteral nutrition solution is generally

A 1:1

B 1:2

C 1:3

D 1:4

E 1:5

Ans B

2. Advantages of total parenteral nutrition support

A water, electrolyte and nutrient solution were all intravenous

B water and electrolyte supplementation can be increased at will

The incidence of metabolic disorder is lower than that of total gastrointestinal nutrition

D increases the secretion of digestive juices in the gastrointestinal tract

E Prolonged use is beneficial to the recovery of intestinal function

Ans A

3. Avoid subclavian vein puncture

A restless patient

B potential high central venous pressure

C patients with coronary heart disease

D coma

E) severe emphysema or chest deformity

Ans E

4. Which of the following is the complication caused by insufficient total parenteral nutrition

A low blood sugar

B. Liver function impairment

C intestinal wall dysfunction

D. Liver enzyme profile was elevated

Delayed wound healing

Ans E

5. The daily energy requirement of normal people is

A 6325 kj

B 8500 kj

C 7535 kj

D 5000 kj

E 9735 kj

Ana C

6. The catabolic period after surgery generally lasts

A 10 to 12 days

B 8 to 10 days

C 5 to 7 days

D 3 to 4 days

E 2 to 3 days

Ana C

7. In the early phase of fasting, 100g of glucose is injected into the veins every day, and urine nitrogen is
excreted every day

A 20 g

B 15 g
C 2.5 g

D 10 g



8. Albumin level below indicates severe malnutrition

A 35 g/L

B 25 g/L

C 15 g/L

D and g/L

E 21 g/L

Ans E

9. The correct statement about nutrition support is

A normal adult needs about 6000kJ of energy per day

B tube diet can only be isotonic fluid

C total parenteral nutrition support must be given from deep veins

The D factor diet provides adequate nutrients to correct the negative nitrogen balance

E fasting for less than 7 days can be done without nutritional support

Ans D

10. Peripheral venous supplementation is appropriate

A total parenteral nutrition not exceeding 1 week

B. patients with mechanical ventilation after non-gastrointestinal surgery

C. Limb fracture surgery

D total parenteral nutrition not exceeding 2 weeks

E patients with long-term needs for parenteral nutrition

Ans D

11Fat emulsion as the main preparation of parenteral nutrition, its advantages do not include

A provides the body with essential fatty acids and triglycerides

B has no stimulation to the venous wall and can be injected through the peripheral veins

C all high in calories

As a carrier of fat-soluble vitamins, D is beneficial for the human body to absorb and utilize fat-soluble

E has diuretic action, accelerate toxin eduction

Ans E

12When liver function is not complete, choose the nutrient solution that the following contains what
kind of material to be advisable

A aromatic amino acid

B arginine

C glutamate

D-branched amino acids

E double peptide

Ans D

13When parenteral nutrition is supported, the dosage of compound amino acid is generally

A 1.0g / (kg, d)

B 1.0 ~ 1.5 g/ (kg, d)

C 2.0 ~ 2.5g / (kg, d)

D 1.5 ~ 2.0g / (kg, d)

E 2.5 g/ (kg, d)

Ana B

14 complications of total parenteral nutrition itself included

A pneumothorax
B subcutaneous hematoma

C hemothorax

D. Mediastinal hematoma

E liver enzyme profile increased

Ans E

15Total parenteral nutrient to thermo - nitrogen ratio was the minimum

A 1:50

B 1:100

C 1:10

D 1:150

E 1:300

Ans D

16 what can be more sensitive to reflect the changes in the body protein is

A fibronectin

B transferrin

C retinol binding protein

D albumin

E - thyroxine binding prealbumin

Ans B

17. Surgical indications for the application of total parenteral nutrition support are

A short bowel syndrome

B sepsis

C) acute necrotizing pancreatitis

D digestive tract fistula

E all the above

Ans E

18. Nutritional status is assessed and is commonly used clinically

A triceps skin wrinkle thickness, weight

B weight, serum albumin detection

C nitrogen balance test and lymphocyte count

D. Thickness of triceps dermis and lymphocyte count

E high creatinine index

Ans B

19 The most serious complication of total parenteral nutritional glucose metabolism disorder is

A transaminase is elevated

B hypertonic nonketotic coma

C hypoglycemia

D. Elevated serum bilirubin concentration

E. septic shock


20The specific role of arginine in nutritional support is

A energy for red blood cells

B stimulates the release of growth hormone

C inhibits protein synthesis

D inhibits the release of insulin

E. Energy of monocytes

Ans B

21The largest energy storage facility in bodies

A body fat

B glycogen
C muscle

D protein

E liver

Ans A

Practice of surgical infection

1.acute infection means( )

A.infection within 2 weeks of lesion

B.infection within 7 to 10 days

C.acute inflammation, mainly within 3 weeks

D.infection lasting from several hours to 1 week

正确答案 C

2.Characteristics of surgical infection, which of the following is wrong( )

A.often have obvious local symptoms serious systemic infection

C.infectious diseases that generally require surgical treatment

D.can be a mixture of several bacterial infections

正确答案 B

3.The "red line" appeared in the skin near the infected lesion is( )

A.reticular lymphangitis

B.superficial phlebitis

C.deep lymphangitis

D.superficial lymphangitis

正确答案 D
4.The pathogenic bacteria of erysipelas are( )

A.staphylococcus aureus

B., B hemolytic streptococcus

E. coli

D. Bacteroides

正确答案 B

5.early neutrophilic granulocytosis is due to( )

A.large number of neutrophils

B.small neutrophils

C.large plasticity of neutrophils

D.neutrophils move rapidly

正确答案 D

6.The dangers of the facial "danger triangle" are( )

A.invasion of the maxillary sinus

B.suppurative intracranial infection

C.Epicanthic phlebitis


正确答案 B,

7.Different from general abscess incision in carbuncle drainage( )

A.large incision

B.multiple small incisions

C.deep incision

D.make "+" or "++" incision

正确答案 D,

8.The indications of open drainage in suppuratitis are( )

A.metacarpophalangeal dysfunction

B.redness, swelling and heat pain

C.sense of fluctuation

D.throbbing pain

正确答案 D

9.tetanus is caused by clostridium tetanus( )


B.local infection



正确答案 C

10.The first muscles to experience severe contraction in tetanus are( )

A.upper limb muscles

B., back muscle

C.masticatory muscles

D.cervical muscles

正确答案 C

11.Time for automatic immunization to prevent tetanus( )

A., 1 ~ 3 years

B., 3 ~ 5 years

C., 5 ~ 10 years

D., 10 ~ 15 years

正确答案 D

12.(The wrong principles of tetanus treatment are( )

A.timely and correct treatment of wounds

B.use antitoxin to neutralize toxins

C.Replenish water and electrolytes

D.routine tracheotomy to ensure unobstructed airway

正确答案 D

13.patients with tetanus are injected with large amounts of antitoxin to( )

A.control and relieve convulsions

B.inhibit the reproduction of clostridium tetanus

C.reduce the production of toxins

D.neutralize free toxins . 正确答案 D

14.The most reliable way to prevent post-traumatic gas gangrene is( )

A.thorough debridement

B.use large doses of antibiotics

C.Rinse or wet the wound with hydrogen peroxide

D.Timely treatment with antivenom for gas gangrene

正确答案 A
15.Clinical practice has proved that effective and reasonable intravenous infusion is( )

A.2 hours before surgery

B.2 days before surgery

C.1 hour before surgery or at the beginning of anesthesia the end of the operation

正确答案 C

16.Preferred antibiotic for gas gangrene( )


B., aminoglycosides


D., metronidazole

正确答案 C

17.The initial symptoms of tetanus are( )

A.reverse angle-arch

B.limbs convulsion

C.difficulty opening mouth

D.shortness of breath

正确答案 C

18.the objectives of antibiotic combination are( )

A.avoid incision and drainage

B.make up for the deficiency of surgical operation

C.prevention of postoperative incision infection

D.mainly to control mixed infection

正确答案 D

19.furuncle is( )

A.Acute suppurative infection of A hair follicle and its associated sebaceous glands

B.acute suppurative infection of adjacent hair follicles and sebaceous or sweat glands

C.acute suppurative infection of a single hair follicle and its surrounding tissues

D.Acute suppurative and systemic symptoms of hair follicle and affiliated glands

正确答案 C

20.The common pathogenic bacteria of fungal sepsis are( )

A.candida albicans


C.cryptococcus neoformans

D.staphylococcus epidermidis

正确答案 A

21.the following are not signs of sepsis( )

A.chills, high fever or low temperature

B.headache, vomiting and cold sweat

C.pulse rate is fine and breathing is short

D.pathogenic bacteria can be found in bacterial culture

正确答案 D
22.The time of post-traumatic gas gangrene was( )

A.1-4 days after injury

B.B. 1 week after injury

C., C, 2 hours after injury

D., D, 12~24 hours

正确答案 A,

23.Gas gangrene has no following manifestations( )

A.irritability, white lips and sweating

B.pulse is fine and body temperature is elevated

C.breathe deeply and quickly

D.jaundice and hemoglobinuria

正确答案 C

24.The best efficacy of antibacterial drugs is( )

A.incubation period of infection

B.early infection

C.first 24 hours of infection

D.stable period of infection

正确答案 B

25.the pus has a sweet smell, and the bacteria may be( )



C.pseudomonas aeruginosa
E. coli

正确答案 C

26.pus with fecal odor, bacteria may be( )


B.anaerobic bacteria



正确答案 B

27.Proteus infection, the first choice( )




D., metronidazole

正确答案 B

28.In 30 tetanus patients, hibernating mixture no. 1 was slowly dribbled into the vein to( )

A., cool the patient and restore his strength

C.reduce spasm and pain by sedation and spasmolysis

D.prevent respiratory depression

正确答案 B regards tetanus, the following incorrect statement is made( )

A.tetanus is mainly diagnosed by clinical manifestations should be differentiated from purulent meningitis, rabies and hysteria

C.typical gram-positive bacteria can be found on CSF examination

D.Anaerobe is difficult to be found in wound culture

正确答案 C,

30.reasons not for a systemic surgical infection are( )

A.A large number of pathogenic bacteria

B.strong toxicity

C.low anti-infection ability of the body

D.species of bacteria

正确答案 D

31.severe pain, swelling, chills, fever and fatigue in suppurative phlebitis, which should be dealt with as
follows( )

A.Infrared physiotherapy

B.External application of golden powder

C.Incision and drainage

D.Enhanced anti-infection

正确答案 C

32.incision for drainage of phlebitis( )

A.Make a longitudinal incision on the side of the distal phalanx

B.incisions are selected according to the fluctuation points

C.Conventional puncture drainage

D.Make a longitudinal incision in the abdomen of the finger, and the proximal part shall not exceed the
transverse groove of the knuckle

正确答案 A

33.When drainage is performed for suppurative tenosynovitis, the incision should be( )
A.Cut the side of finger lengthwise

B.cut along the median line of the metacarpophalangeal surface

C.about 0.2cm apart from the midline of the palm of the finger

D.Make a longitudinal incision at the side of the middle and near two knuckles

正确答案 D,

34.When a patient was examined, there was a 5cm wound in his right leg with unclear depth and
twisted pronunciation under the skin, which should be considered____(It is a completion)

A. anaerobic streptococcal infection

B. coli infection

C. gas gangrene

D. organization of automatic pneumatosis

得 4.3 分正确答案

Practice of trauma
1. Which of the following is wrong about trauma

A. injuries caused by mechanical injury factors

B. closed wounds in which the skin remains intact after injury

C. Skin damage after injury is an open wound

D. the trauma caused by tangential force is called contusion

E. serious injuries are those with respiratory, circulatory and consciousness disorders after injury

Ans D

2. Open trauma is not included

A. bruise b. contusion c. cut wound d. laceration e. skin avulsion

Ans B

3. Which of the following factors is conducive to wound repair and wound healing

A. bacteria infection B. blood circulation obstacle

c. foreign body kept too much or inactivation

D. local braking e. administration of corticosteroids

Ans D

4. The main reasons for excessive scarring in the process of wound repair are as follows

A. individual difference factors

b. poor matching at skin suture

c. excessive granulation tissue hyperplasia

D. Fibroblast hyperplasia

e. excessive collagen in scar

Ans E

5.Which of the following is wrong about first aid for trauma

A. severe or severe trauma must be treated from the scene.

B. airway, respiratory and circulatory disorders should be treated first in the rescue of severe trauma
C. Special attention should be given to rescuing patients with severe acute pain and moaning before
rescuing quiet patients.

D. When fracture concomitant shock, rescue shock first

E. Prevent re-injury during rescue


6. Which of the following is not the cause of post-traumatic shock

A. excessive blood loss

b. intense nervous system stimulation

c. acute renal failure

D. spinal cord injury

e. severe sepsis after injury

Ans C

7. Generally, the wound edge is relatively flat, and the bleeding may be oozing or overflowing, or jet due
to the rupture of small arteries.This injury to
A. laceration b.stab wound c. abrasion d. skin avulsion e. cut wound

Ans E

8. Regarding debridement and suture, which one is not correct

A. Local infiltration anesthesia can be generally performed in the wound. B. Remove dirt, foreign matter,
remove dead tissue and stop bleeding completely

C. Monolayer suture may be used only for skin or subcutaneous dehiscence

D. For severe wound contamination, the skin suture can be temporarily not ligated, and then ligated and
matched again 24 hours later without infection

E. If the wound is infected, the lower suture should be removed and treated as the infected wound

Ans A

9. For the wounds with serious pollution, no suture should be given temporarily after debridement. If no
obvious infection is observed after 24-48 hours, suture should be performed again

A. primary suture b. secondary suture c. delayed suture d. stretch suture e. none of the above

Ans C

10. Excessive growth of granulation tissue in the wound may hinder the formation of marginal
epithelium and should be used

A. Burn the cotton swab with 10% silver nitrate, and then wash it with iso-osmotic saline.

B. Wet compress with phenoxyethanol

C. cover the wound with vaseline gauze

d. wet compress with hypertonic saline

e. wet compress with furacilin

Ans A

11. Which of the following is wrong with regard to hemostasis

A. digital pressure method can only be used for short-term arterial blood flow control

b. digital pressure method for hemostasis is mainly used to block capillary bleeding

C. Compression bandaging should be done with appropriate tightness

D. tourniquet method is mainly used for bleeding of limbs that cannot be controlled by other methods

E. the disadvantage of tamponade hemostasis is that the hemostasis is not complete enough, and it can
also increase the chance of infection

Ans B

12 Male, 24 years old, admitted to the emergency department due to accident injuries.The initial
diagnosis was pelvic fracture with urethral injury and traumatic shock.The order of treatment for this
patient should be

A. Pelvic fracture was first fixed by traction, followed by anti-shock, and then urethral injury was treated

B. Shock was first treated, then urethral injury was treated, and then pelvic fracture was fixed by

C. Shock was treated first, followed by traction and fixation of pelvic fracture, and then urethral injury
was treated

D. Urethral injury was treated first, followed by anti-shock, and then traction fixation of pelvic fracture
was performed

E. Urethral injury was treated first, followed by traction and fixation of pelvic fracture, and then anti-

Ans B

13. Male, 18 years old, was admitted to the hospital for emergency treatment.Examination: blurred
consciousness, hemoptysis, sediment and blood overflow in the mouth and nose, dyspnea, irritability,
severe abrasion and swelling of the left chest wall, heart rate 98 times/min, blood pressure
120/90mmhg, still able to move the limbs independently, moderate swelling, petechiae and severe
abrasion of the middle and lower part of the left thigh. .The most urgent rescue measure at this time is

A. consult a thoracic surgeon for treatment

b. remove upper respiratory foreign body and keep the airway unobstructed

c. blood transfusion

D. oxygen intake

e. splint fixation of the left lower limb

Ans B
14 Female, 26 years old, her facial skin was cut open by zipper fasteners for 8 hours due to the slide of
the luggage above the plane seat. Examination showed that the whole skin layer of her left cheek was
split, about 2.5cm, with smooth edges and blood scabs. .The patient's wound belongs to

A. clean wounds b. contaminate wounds c. infect wounds

d. sterile wounds e. general wounds

Ans B

Practice of burns

1.The basic principles of first aid for burn patients :()

A.Terminate or disengage from the source of injury as soon as possible

B.judge the injury quickly

C.cold therapy immediately

D.Nearby first aid and classification transfer specialist hospital

E.all right

正确答案 E

2.The following incorrect judgment of burn area is :()

A.the current calculation method of burn area in China adopts the palm method and the new
Chinese nine-point method

B.the patient had five fingers together, and the palm area was about 1% of the body surface

C.the palm method is generally used for scattered small area burns or large area burns

D.The calculation method for adult and child burn area is exactly the same

E.The calculation method of burned area in children is different from that in adults

正确答案 D

3.Classification of burn severity :()

A.burn area under 20% Ⅱ degree burns for minor burns

B.or burn area between 31% ~ 50%, Ⅲ degree area under 10% burns for moderate burns
C.burn area between 31% ~ 50%, or Ⅲ area is between 21% ~ 30%, or burn area is less than
31%, but there is one of the following situations: compound with severe injury;Moderate and
severe inhalation injury is severe burn

D.burns with a total area of more than 50%, or Ⅲ area of more than 20%, for severe burns

E.burns with a total area of more than 80%, or Ⅲ area of more than 50%, for severe burns

正确答案 D

4.The indications of tracheotomy in patients with severe burns are:

A.Face and deep neck burn, neck ring scab may have upper airway obstruction

B.Patients with progressive hoarseness, wheezing and obvious concave

C.dyspnea and respiratory frequency > 35 times/min

D.Continuous hypoxemia, PaO2 less than 60mmHg or 70mmHg after oxygen inhalation

E.all above are correct

正确答案 E

5.The indications for hospitalization of burn patients are :()

A.Ⅱ area greater than 10%, or Ⅲ degrees area greater than 1%

B.has special deep burns

C.special cause burns

D.poisoning, inhalation injury or other combined injury

E.all above are correct

正确答案 E,

6.The course of illness of critically burned patients includes:

A.exudation phase (shock phase)

B.Acute infection

C.Wound recovery period

D.functional rehabilitation period

E.all above

正确答案 E

7.The following incorrect information about burn shock :()

A.The main clinical feature of burn shock is hypovolemic shock

B.shock may occur in adults with burns of more than 20%

C.shock may occur in children with burns of more than 10%

D.shock is also a sure thing in critically burned patients with proper management

E.The more severe the burn, the higher the incidence of shock

正确答案 D

8.The incorrect basis for the diagnosis of burn shock is :()

A.pulse rate increased above 130 beats/min


C.thirsty and fidgety

D.decreased urine volume

E.Decreased systolic pressure, decreased pulse pressure

正确答案 B

9.Male,25 years old, 70 kg, Ⅱ degree and Ⅲ degree burn area of 60%, its first rehydration
fluids(in the first 24 hours) is( )

A.crystal 4200ml+ colloid 2100ml+5% glucose 2500ml

B.crystal 4200ml+ colloid 2100ml+5% glucose 5000ml

C.crystal 2100ml+ colloid 4200ml+5% glucose 2500ml

D.crystal 2100ml+ colloid 4200ml+5% glucose 5000ml

E.crystal 3150ml+ colloid 3150ml+5% glucose 2500ml

正确答案 A

10.As for the prevention and treatment principle of burn shock, it is incorrect :()

A.timely and effective liquid resuscitation

B.avoid food and water

C.reduces free radical damage

D.Protect cell function

E.Protect important organ functions

正确答案 B

11.The correct route of infection in burns is as follows :()

A.wound B.the intestinal C.the respiratory tract D.vein E.all above

正确答案 E

12.The most common causes of pulmonary infection after burns are :()

A.delayed recovery

B.inhalation injury


D.use glucocorticoid

E.iatrogenic factors

正确答案 B

13.The main risk factors for venous catheter infection in burn patients include:

A.The iv catheter was indwelling for A long time, more than 72 hours.

B.High nutrient solution was intravenously injected

C.Indwelling catheter through wound surface

D.repeat intubation at the same site

E.all above
正确答案 E

14.The principles for the prevention and treatment of enterogenous infection in critically
burned patients are incorrect as follows :() prevention and treatment of shock

B.early gastrointestinal feeding

C.early fasting

D.application of microecological agents

E.rational use of antibiotics

正确答案 C

15.Clinical manifestations of burn shock: decreased pulse, decreased urine output, thirst,
restlessness, nausea and vomiting.( )

A. 对 B. 错 正确答案 错,

16.Burn shock is characterized by hypovolemic shock .( )

A. 对 B. 错 正确答案 对,

17.Cold therapy is immediately after burns or after debridement with low temperature cold
water (6 ~ 10 ℃), 0.5 ~ 1 h.( )

A. 对 B. 错 正确答案 错

18.The healing process of burn wounds can be divided into four stages: coagulation,
inflammation, repair and maturity.( )

A. 对 B. 错 正确答案 对,

Practice of general surgery

1. It takes time to kill bacillus with bacillus by boiling method

A. 15 minutes
B. 30 minutes C. 45 minutes D. 60 minutes E. 120 minutes

Ans D

2. arm disinfection play a role to

A. eliminate and kill bacteria on and deep within the skin

B. can only eliminate and kill the bacteria on the skin surface

C. reduce bacteria on the surface of your skin

D. Reduce the toxicity of bacteria on and deep in the skin

E. Prevent sebaceous glands and hair follicles from contaminating wounds with bacteria

Ans B

3. Once cardiac arrest is identified, efforts must be made to reconstruct breathing and circulation within

A. 4-6 minutes

B. 6-8 minutes

C. 8 to 10 minutes

D. 10 to 12 minutes

E. 12 to 14 minutes

Ans A

4. Which of the following principles for the prevention of cardiac arrest is wrong?

A. Preoperative comprehensive preparation is emphasized

B. closely monitor physiological changes during the operation to avoid drug overdose

C. Strict intraoperative protection against hypoxia and carbon dioxide accumulation

D. Intraoperative blood loss and fluid loss were supplemented

E. Intraoperative administration of cardiotonic and antihypertensive drugs

Ans E

5 .Which of the following is wrong in mouth-to-mouth resuscitation?

A. The head is highly reclined and the lower jaw is held up

B. exhale to see chest cage lifted

C. Blow air no less than 20 times per minute

D. pressure the cricoid cartilage back when blowing

E. pinch nostrils when blowing

Ans C

6. The chest external heart massage should be applied at the pressing site

A. Fourth intercostal space on the left margin of the sternum

B. junction of upper middle 1/3 of the sternum

C. Junction of the lower and middle third of the sternum

D. substernal 1/3

E. junction of sternum and xiphoid process

Ans C

7. Which of the following is wrong to measure the effectiveness of external heart massage?

A. carotid and femoral pulses felt

B. progressive cyanosis of the lips

C. The systolic pressure shall be more than 10.7kpa (80mmHg)

Ddilated pupils begin to contract E. occasional spontaneous breathing

Ans c

8. Correct location of intracardiac injection

A. apex

B. right apex

C. corresponds to left ventricular position

D. fourth intercostal space on the left margin of the sternum

E. none of the above

Ans D
9. Complications most likely to occur after cardiac resuscitation

A. myocardial hypoxic injury

B. pulmonary edema

C. hypoxic brain injury

D. centrilobular necrosis of the liver

E. tubular necrosis

Ans C

10. The preferred dehydrating agent for the prevention and treatment of cerebral edema after

A. 50% glucose solution

B. 20% mannitol solution

C. 25% sorbitol solution

D. 30% urea solution

E. serum protein

Ans B

11. Heavy use of any of the following diuretics may result in hypotonic dehydration

A. 20% mannitol solution

B. 25% sorbitol solution

C. 50% glucose solution

D. furosemide

E. none of the above

Ans D

12. Which of the following common causes of hyperkalemia is wrong?

A. limb crush injury

B. Oliguric phase of acute renal failure

C. excessive and excessive potassium input

D. Long-term gastrointestinal decompression

E. large amount of stock blood

Ans D

13. Which of the following principles for the treatment of hyperkalemia is wrong?

A. immediately stop potassium intake

B. Proactively prevent and treat arrhythmias

C. Rapidly reduce serum potassium concentration

D. restore kidney function

E. Blood volume replacement


14.Which measure is wrong when rescuing patients with hyperkalemia?

A. peritoneal dialysis

B. lingerts solution quiescent point

C. 10% calcium gluconate static point

D. 5% sodium bicarbonate static point

E. 10% glucose solution plus insulin quiescent point

Ans B

15. The body weight is 60Kg, and the clinical manifestations are severe metabolic acidosis. When the
carbon dioxide binding force is not measured, 5% sodium bicarbonate solution can be added first

A. 200 ml

B. 300 ml

C. 400 ml

D. 500 ml

E. 600 ml

16. Patients with intestinal obstruction accompanied by severe dehydration metabolic acidosis and
hypokalemia shock should be treated first

A. whole blood

B. Correct metabolic acidosis

C. Potassium supplement

D. Correct dehydration

E. Relieve intestinal obstruction

Ans D

17. Respiratory acidosis is the first problem to be addressed

A. lung infection, heavy use of antibiotics

B. perform artificial respiration

C. use of respiratory stimulants

D. Relieve respiratory obstruction and improve lung ventilation function

E. Give alkaline liquid

Ans D

18. The secretion of aldosterone causes which of the following

A. loss of sodium and water from urine and retention of potassium

B. Loss of sodium, water, and potassium from urine

C. Retention of potassium and water and loss of sodium from urine

D. Retention of sodium and water and loss of potassium from urine

E. Retention of sodium, potassium and water

Ans D

19. Hypokalemic alkalosis occurs in one of the following situations

A. uremia

B. after gastric surgery

C. oliguria after surgery

D. severe trauma

E. excessive blood transfusion

Ans B

20. The urine volume of 200ml was oliguria every 24 hours after surgery, which of the following cannot
be used to explain

A. Secretion of large amounts of vasopressin

B. Insufficient liquid supplement

C. shock

D. urinary tract obstruction

E. renal insufficiency

Ans A

21. The main purpose of routine fasting before surgery

A. Avoid gastric distension that may interfere with the operation

B. Prevention of intraoperative (preoperative, intermediate and postoperative) vomiting and aspiration

C. prevent postoperative abdominal distension

D. prevention of postoperative intestinal paralysis

E. prevent postoperative constipation

Ans B

22. General preparation before surgery, which of the following is not correct

A. Patients who need absolute bed rest after surgery should be trained to relieve themselves on the bed

B.Surgery outside the gastrointestinal tract does not require fasting

C. If blood transfusion is needed, blood should be prepared for use

D. Skin preparation

E. on the night of 1 day before the operation, the patient is usually given sleeping pills or sedatives
before going to bed

Ans B
23.Which one is wrong before ulcer disease, subtotal gastrectomy?

A. Fluid intake 1 day before surgery

B. fasting for 12 hours and water deprivation for 4 hours before surgery

C. Soapy water enema at night before surgery

D. Oral administration of neomycin or streptomycin 3 days before surgery

E. morning indwelling gastric tube

Ans D

24. Which of the following is not true of the purpose of early post-operative movement out of bed

A.p revention of pulmonary complications

B. Prevention of venous thrombosis of lower limbs

C. Reduce bloating and urinary retention

D. reduce the spread of infection

E. promote wound healing

Ams D

25. The most common complications after abdominal surgery are

A. Incision infection

B. incision dehiscence

C. atelectasis

D. acute gastric dilatation

E. deep venous thrombosis of the lower extremity

Ans A

26. One week after laparotomy, there was a large amount of reddish fluid flowing from the wound, so
the maximum possibility should be considered

A. Incision infection

B. incision dehiscence

C. Incision subcutaneous effusion

D. hematoma in the incision

E. the patient has hemorrhagic diathesis

Ans B

27. Of the measures to prevent postoperative atelectasis, which of the following is not correct

A. exercise deep breathing and coughing before surgery

B. control respiratory tract inflammation before surgery, no smoking for 1-2 weeks

C. Prevent postoperative vomiting and aspiration

D. relieve incision pain with analgesics at any time

E. assist client with tracheal discharge at all times

Ans D

28. Urinary retention within 24 hours after hemorrhoidectomy in a patient is the most likely cause

A. swelling and pain

B. inhibition of urinary reflex after lumbar anesthesia

C. urinary tract infection

D. mental burden

E. unaccustomed to urinating in bed

Ans A

29. Management of postoperative urinary retention, first

A. Conduct catheterization under strict aseptic operation

B. intramuscular injection of carbamyl choline 0.25mg

C. induce client to urinate spontaneously

D. hot compress on the lower abdomen

E. acupuncture therapy

Ans C

30. Common characteristics of shock

A. decreased plasma volume

B. elevated hematocrit

C. Circulating blood volume was less than vascular bed volume

D. blood loss

E. Arteriolar relaxation results in loss of peripheral arteriolar resistance

Ans C

31. Whether the microcirculation perfusion is in good condition depends on the three factors that
maintain the normal circulation function

A. Blood volume, cardiac function and infusion speed

B. Cardiac function, differential pulse pressure, and blood volume

C. peripheral vascular tension, blood volume, and cardiac function

D. Cardiac function, peripheral vascular tension, and blood pressure

E. Blood volume, pulse pressure difference, peripheral vascular tension

Ans C

32. Which of the following is false regarding the prevention of shock?

A. The fracture should be fixed

B. Timely replenishment of blood volume

C. pain relief for unrecognized acute abdominal pain

D. severe fluid imbalance should be corrected

E. control severe infections

Ans C

33. Which of the following laboratory values confirmed DIC is incorrect?

A. platelet < 7 万/mm3

B. fibrinogen < 0. 125 g %

C. Prothrombin time was more than 2-3 seconds compared with the control group

D. Partial thrombin time was more than 10 seconds compared with the control group
E. coagulation time was more than 10 minutes

Ans C

34. Causes of "prerenal renal failure"

A. crush syndrome

B. septic shock

C. extensive burns

D. bilateral ureters were mistakenly ligated during pelvic surgery

E. lack of water and decreased blood volume

Ans E

35.Which of the following is true of renal failure

A. Daily urine volume less than 400ml is called oliguria

B. Daily urine volume less than 100ml is called anuria

C. the etiology of acute renal failure can be divided into three categories: prerenal, renal and retrorenal

D. Death from water intoxication and hypertension is common in the oliguric phase of acute renal

E. all of the above is true

Ans A

36. The most suitable diet for patients with renal failure

A. low protein, moderate carbohydrate and fat

B. High protein, high carbohydrate, low fat

C. High protein, low carbohydrate, high fat

D. low protein, low carbohydrate, low fat

E. Low purine diet

Ans A

37. Female, 42 years old, was hospitalized 16 hours after the collapse of the earth wall, which crushed
her right waist, abdomen and lower limbs. After anti-shock treatment, the blood pressure was
18.7/12kpa (140/90mmhg) and pulse rate was 96 times/min, and the heart and lung were negative.
Right waist and right lower abdomen have blood stasis spot. No mass was found in the abdominal soft
and renal areas. Catheterization without gross hematuria, protein (+++), red blood cells and tube type;
The urine color was darker after catheterization, with an average urine volume of 8ml per hour, which
should be considered

A. hypovolemic shock

B. acute renal failure

C. renal trauma with renal vascular rupture

D. severe renal contusion

E. bladder rupture

Ans B

38. What toxins can hemolytic streptococcus produce to facilitate the spread of infection

A. hemolysin

B. interleukin

C. Plasma coagulase

D. hyaluronidase

E. excitation peptide

Ans D

39. The transition from infection to chronic outcome is due to

A. too much bacteria in the lesion

B. poor blood circulation in local tissues

C. improper use of antibiotics

D. human body resistance is equal to bacterial virulence

E. bacteria are too virulent

Ans D

40. The main measures to prevent infection of sterile incisions are

A. Subcutaneous hemostasis should not be performed by electrocautery

B. use fine thread for vasectomy

C. Strict adherence to aseptic techniques

D. At the end of the operation, the incision was irrigated with isotonic saline

E. drainage was placed in the incision

Ana C

41. The most dangerous complication of the "" dangerous trigone" "furuncle of the face

A. Easy to cause eyeball infection

B. Toxemia

C. facial cellulitis

D. cause cavernous sinusitis

E. Carbuncle is easy to form ans D

42. Which is true about abscesses

A. Abscesses are usually undulating once they have formed

B. abscesses are usually accompanied by systemic reactions

C. some abscesses have edema of the skin at the corresponding site

D. deep abscesses often fluctuate

E. cold abscess with pain

Ans C

43. Acute suppurative infection requiring early incision and drainage before fluctuation

A. suppurative finger inflammation

B. carbuncle

C. furuncle

D. acute lymphadenitis

E. metastatic abscess of pyemia

Ans A

44. Surgical treatment of paronychia with subonychal abscess should be performed

A. Longitudinal incision and drainage of the nail groove on both sides

B. Transection of nail root, partial nail resection and drainage

C. Longitudinal incision of the nail groove on both sides, and the epithelial film of nail root was turned

D. Decarbonization

E. nail root epithelium upturned, partial nail resection at nail root

Ans D

45. Abscess phlebitis, timing of incision

A. obvious redness and swelling of fingers

B. jump pain occurs and tension increases significantly

C. pain relief

D. there are fluctuations

E. X-ray film indicated bone necrosis

Ans B

46. Which of the following is false regarding sepsis

A. is one of the most severe systemic infections

B. Once the bacteria enter the blood, it can cause sepsis

C. sepsis and toxemia often coexist

D. Certain instrumental examinations may be the cause of sepsis

E. Bacterial sepsis may occur during the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics

Ans B

47. In order to improve the positive rate of blood culture for sepsis, the best time to draw blood is at

A. at the onset of fever

B. peak fever

C. at the beginning of the cold war

D. at the end of the cold war

E. expect chills and fever before

Ans E

48.Which of the following is wrong about the symptoms of G-bacilli septicemia

A. Fever shows intermittent heat, often chills, and in severe cases, body temperature does not rise

B.Cyanosis is more common in the extremities

C. oliguria and anuria were obvious

D. Late onset of septic shock and persistent drop in blood pressure

E. metastatic abscesses are uncommon

Ans D

49. Early indications of tracheotomy in patients with tetanus

A. paralysis of respiratory center and dyspnea

B. lung infection

C. frequent convulsions are difficult to control with drugs

D.difficulty in swallowing, food swallowed by mistake

E. chest abdominal muscle rigidity, limited breathing

Ans C

50.Which of the following is wrong when choosing antibiotics

A. for severe infections, administration should be done intravenously as much as possible

B. Combine them as much as possible to reduce side effects

C. choose antibiotic drugs according to the diagnosis

D. Select antibiotics according to antibiotic sensitivity test

E. sepsis should be controlled and stopped 2 weeks after infection

Ans B

51. Secondary infection is defined as

A. infection caused by multiple bacteria

B. infection caused by a variety of pathogenic microorganisms

C. infection caused by special anaerobic bacteria

D. infection caused by drug-resistant strains when antibiotics are used

E. tuberculosis is secondary to infection by pyogenic bacteria

Ans D

52. For patients with closed abdominal injury, early exploratory laparotomy should be performed if any
of the following conditions occurs

A. Paroxysmal abdominal pain with severe labor pains and prolonged intermission

B. nausea, vomiting, water loss and acidosis

C. the range of peritoneal irritation gradually expanded

D. 5ml coagulated fresh blood was extracted from abdominal puncture

E.WBC12500/mm3,Neutrophil80%,Fecal occult blood(+++),Urine microscopic examination of red

blood cells(+)

Ans C

53 Among the principles of debridement, which of the following is wrong

A. remove foreign bodies from the wound

B. removal of dead tissue

C. Completely stop the bleeding

D. suture the wound according to the situation

E. drainage must be placed

Ans E

54. Which of the following is wrong when dressing the wound of a patient infected with pseudomonas

A. isolation clothing should be worn

B. The dressing changing articles should be special and simple

C. The contaminated dressing should be removed in time

D. Used equipment shall be disinfected and sterilized twice as much time

E. Change the brush for 2 minutes

Ans C

55. Male, 24 years old, and fell into 80 ℃ heat sink, water flooded hips, scald area of preliminary

A. 30% ~ 35%

B. 35% ~ 40%

C. 40% ~ 45%

D. 45% ~ 50%

E. > 60%

Ans B

57. Shallow Ⅱ degree of the clinical manifestations of the wound

A. slight redness, slight pain and no blisters

B. severe pain, uniform redness and blisters

C. dull pain, pale wound, blisters

D. Dull pain perception, pale wound, no blisters

E. The pain disappeared, and the wound surface was waxy white, inelastic and without blisters Ans D

57. The deep Ⅱ degree burns the depth of the local damage

A. superficial dermis, partly germinal

B. Epidermal layer and germinal layer are alive

C. deep dermis with residual skin appendages

D. the fat layer E. lower fat layer

Ans C

58. Large area burns may be given when the patient is thirsty during the shock phase

A. plenty of cold boiled water

B. A small amount of repeatedly salted boiled water

C. lots of orange juice

D. plenty of sugar water

E. lots of tea.

Ans B

59. Which of the following burn wound debridement methods is wrong

A. Shave the wound hair

B. wash normal skin with soapy water

C. Remove all blisters

D. Remove the necrotic epidermis

E. Wipe the wound with a sterile solution

Ans C

60. Which of the following characteristics of benign tumors is false

A. high degree of cell differentiation

B. The growth is mostly expansible without metastasis

C. never threaten life

D. There is a clear boundary between the capsule and surrounding tissues

E. a few may be malignant

Ans C

61. Which of the following is true regarding the application of isotopes in the diagnosis of tumors

A. The scanning diagnosis has A high resolution and can show lesions with A diameter of less than 2cm

B. The positive rate of gastrointestinal diagnosis is relatively high

C. liver scanning is a specific method for the diagnosis of liver cancer

D. liver scans can detect early liver cancer

E. none of the above is true

Ans E
62. Malignant tumor is the most accurate in diagnosis

A. symptoms and signs

B. The test is positive

C. X-ray examination

D. special examinations using new techniques, such as CT

E. pathological examination

Ans E

Chaper Practice of cervical and brest disease


Which of the following is the best prognosis for thyroid cancer?

A.Anaplastic carcinoma

B.Follicular adenocarcinoma

C.Papillary adenocarcinoma

D.Medullary carcinoma

E.Squamous cell carcinomas

正确答案 C

2.Except for which of the following are the characteristics of subacute thyroiditis?

A.Basal metabolic rate slightly increased

B.Thyroid pain, and can affect the ear, temporal

C.Previous history of upper respiratory tract infection

D.The glands are hard as stone

E.The thyroid gland is enlarged and tender

正确答案 D,
3.Radical thyroidectomy does not produce:



C.Phosphorus excretion is reduced


E.Any of these symptoms

正确答案 B

4.Functional parathyroid adenomas are usually:

A.Benign and solitary

B.Malignant and solitary

C.Benign and frequent

D.Malignant and multiple


正确答案 A

5.Young female patients have indistinct breast lumps and obvious pain during menstruation. Tips:

A.Breast cancer


C.Mammary gland disease

D.Intraductal papilloma

E.Fibroadenoma of the breast

正确答案 C

6.Except for which of the following is true about breast exams?

A.Tenderness suggests inflammation or cystic breast disease

B.A hard, painless, irregular nodule is characteristic of cancer

C.Palmar, not fingertip, should be palpated during examination

D.Inverted nipples indicate lesions

E.Multiple nodules are suggestive of cystic breast disease

正确答案 D

7.Which of the following is true about breast cancer?

A.Breast cancer is more painless

B.Solitary breast mass is the main symptom

C.Involving the Cooper ligament, the nipple is retracted and recessed

D.The subcutaneous lymphatic vessels were blocked and the skin showed "orange peel-like" changes

E.Breast cancer lymphatic metastasis is more common in the armpit

正确答案 C

8.Prominent manifestations of breast disease are:

A.Breast pain and nipple discharge

B.Breast pain and lumps

C.Breast pain

D.Breast lump

E.Nipple discharge

正确答案 B

9.Except for which, the following are the clinical manifestations of acute mastitis:

A.Chills and fever develop

B.The axillary lymph nodes in the affected side were enlarged and tender

C.White blood cell count increased significantly

D.Breast skin is red and swollen, thickened and coarse

E.Breast pain, local redness and fever

正确答案 D

10.The main metastatic pathways of breast cancer are:

A.Metastasis to the lung via blood supply

B.Through the medial lymphatics to the supraclavicular lymph nodes

C.Ipsilateral axillary lymph node metastasis

D.Subcutaneous lymphatic metastasis to the contralateral breast

E.Metastasis to bone via blood vessels

正确答案 C

11.All but one of the following are breast sarcomas:

A.Stromal sarcoma of the breast

B.Lymphosarcoma of breast

C.Fibrosarcoma of breast

D.Lobulated fibroadenoma of the breast

E.Fibroadenoma of the breast

正确答案 E

12.Regarding intraductal papilloma, which of the following is not true:

A.The tumor is small and often unreachable

B.See more at classics parturient woman

C.Can overflow from the nipple bloody fluid

D.In addition to nipple discharge, generally no conscious symptoms

E.Belong to benign pathological change, won't malignant change

正确答案 E

13.The following is not true about the causes of breast cancer:

A.Cause unknown

B.Estrogen is directly related to breast cancer

C.Menarche is early, menopause age is late and breast cancer comes on concerned

D.Age at first full term is associated with breast cancer

E.Fibroadenomas of the breast are associated with breast cancer

Practice of abdominal external hernia

1.The most important cause of external abdominal hernia is

A.Chronic cough

B.Chronic constipation


D.A weakness or defect in the abdominal wall

E.Often be engaged in the job that brings about abdominal pressure to heighten

正确答案 D

2.Indirect inguinal hernia,which is the most common hernia content?



C.Greater omentum

E.The small intestine

正确答案 E

3.What part of the hernia sac is equivalent to the hernia ring of external abdominal hernia?

A.The bottom

B.The body

C.Cervical junction

D.The neck

E.None of the above

正确答案 D

4 .The contents of the hernia sac can only be partially incorporated back into the abdominal
cavity.External abdominal hernia without blood circulation disorder in the intestinal wall is

A.Reducible hernia

B.Irreducible hernia

C.Reversible hernia

D.Incarcerated hernia

E.Strangulated hernia

正确答案 B

5.The most important reason for the occurrence of incarceration is

A.Hernia contents are large and hernia sac is small

B.Hernial rings are small and abdominal pressure is increased

C.The hernia contents adhere to the hernia sac

D.Hernial sac neck edema

E.Poor elasticity of hernia contents

正确答案 B

6.Incarceration of external abdominal hernia refers to

A.All external abdominal hernias that cannot be retracted

B.An external abdominal hernia in which the contents adhere to the hernia sac

C.An external abdominal hernia in which the neck of the hernia sac flexes and the contents become

D.An external abdominal hernia in which the intestine becomes part of a hernia sac

E.None of the above

正确答案 C

7.Which of the following is false about inguinal hernia?

A.Oblique hernias are most common in children and young adults.

B.The straight hernia sac is posterior to the spermatic cord

C.The straight hernia sac neck is lateral to the inferior epigastric artery

D.The inferior wall of the inguinal canal is the inguinal ligament

E.Oblique hernia incarceration is more common

正确答案 C,

8.The most common external abdominal hernia is

A.Femoral hernia

B.Abdominal incisional hernia

C.Indirect inguinal hernia

D.Umbilical hernia

E.Direct inguinal hernia

正确答案 C

9.(单选题,4.3 分)

The hernia sac for an oblique inguinal hernia is located in the spermatic cord

A.The inside

B.The lateral

C.The front

D.The rear

E.The below

正确答案 C

10 The direction of the inguinal canal

A.Outward, upward, shallow

B.Inward, upward, shallow

C.Outward, downward, shallow

D.Inward, downward, shallow

E.None of the above

正确答案 D

11 What forms the outer ring of the inguinal canal ?

A.Conjoint tendon

B.Transverse abdominis

C.Internal oblique

D.External oblique tendon

E.Superficial subcutaneous fascia

正确答案 D

12.Which of the following is incorrect in the anatomy of the inguinal canal?

A.The inner mouth was the inner ring and the outer mouth was the subcutaneous ring

B.The upper wall is the arcuate lower margin of the internal oblique and transverse abdominis

C.The inferior wall contains the inguinal ligament and lacunar ligament

D.The anterior wall is the transverse abdominal muscle

E.The posterior wall is the transverse fascia and peritoneum

正确答案 D

13.What anatomical factors are responsible for congenital indirect inguinal hernia?

A.The upper end of the peritoneal sheath process is not closed

B.The middle peritoneal process is not closed

C.The lower end of the peritoneal processes is not closed

D.The unclosed peritoneal process is just a very small tube

E.The peritoneal processes are not descending into the scrotum

正确答案 A

14. The difference between indirect inguinal hernia and direct inguinal hernia, which of the following is

A.Indirect hernia is associated with a weak transverse abdominal fascia, while direct hernia is associated
with a weak internal oblique

B.Oblique hernia occurs from the inner ring and develops along the spermatic cord. Direct hernia occurs
in the herniated triangle and does not develop along the spermatic cord
C.The oblique hernia is located on the medial side of the inferior epigastric artery. The straight hernia is

D.The oblique hernia sac is behind the spermatic cord. The straight hernia is in front

E.The internal ring of the oblique hernia is medial to the lacunar ligament; The straight hernia is lateral

正确答案 B

15.Which of the following is wrong about the straight hernia triangle?

A.The straight hernia triangle lies medial to and posterior to the lower end of the inguinal canal.

B.The inguinal ligament is its lower margin

C.The lateral margin of the rectus abdominis is its medial margin

D.The inferior epigastric artery is its lateral side

E.The fascia transversalis develops normally

正确答案 E

16.The three sides of the straight hernia triangle are.

A.Inferior epigastric artery, conjoint tendon and inguinal ligament

B.Conjoint tendon, inguinal ligament and lateral margin of rectus abdominis

C.Conjoint muscular and inguinal ligaments

D.Inferior epigastric artery, external margin of rectus abdominis and inguinal ligament

E.Inferior epigastric artery external margin of rectus abdominis and pectineal ligament


正确答案 D

17.Acquired indirect inguinal hernias are most common in children and young adults because of the
following tissue hypoplasia
A.Aponeurosis of extraabdominal oblique muscle

B.Transverse abdominal fascia

C.Intraventral oblique muscle and transverse abdominis muscle

D.Extraabdominal oblique muscle and transverse abdominal fascia

E.Inguinal ligament

正确答案 C

18.The key point of differentiation between incarcerated hernia and strangulation is

A.Hernia does not retract

B.Whether the hernia block has tenderness

C.Vomiting occurs with strangulated hernia

D.Shock occurred with strangulated hernia

E.Obstruction of blood circulation occurred in strangulated hernia

正确答案 E

19.The most important factor in incisional hernia is.

A.The suture technique is not good

B.Postoperative abdominal distension and acute cough

C.Infection of incision

D.The drainage material was placed for too long.

E.Incision is too long

正确答案 C,

20.(单选题,4.3 分)

The most important differentiating point between indirect and direct hernias is.

A.The oblique hernia is oval or pear-shaped.

B.An oblique hernia mass often falls into the scrotum

C.Oblique hernias are most common in children and adolescents

D.An indirect hernia is one in which the hernia is no longer protruding and the internal ring is

E.The finger was inserted into the subcutaneous ring, making the patient cough after impact feeling for
the oblique hernia

正确答案 D


The main basis for the diagnosis of indirect inguinal hernia during surgery is.

A.The hernia ring is medial to the inferior epigastric artery

B.The hernia ring is in the straight hernia triangle

C.The hernia sac neck is below the pubic tubercle

D.The hernia sac neck is lateral to the inferior epigastric artery

E.The hernia sac is in the groin

正确答案 D

22.Incarcerated external abdominal hernia is the most common.

A.Incisional hernia

B.Irreducible hernia

C.Sliding hernia

D.Femoral hernia

E.Direct hernia

正确答案 D

23.(单选题,5.4 分)
Which of the following is false regarding strangulated hernia?

A.Hernial sac fluid becomes hemorrhagic

B.The stuck bowel is a dark red

C.It is associated with acute mechanical ileus

D.Causes cellulitis of the external tegmentum of the hernia

E.Self-puncture causes fecal fistula


正确答案 B

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