A Boiler Combustion Control System With Combustion
A Boiler Combustion Control System With Combustion
A Boiler Combustion Control System With Combustion
Ratio Optimisation means of water wall around the inside of furnace. As for
the control schemes, three control loops are installed for
and Soft
the fuel, the airflow and the furnace negative pressure, and
the two inputs are the coal and air. The objectives of the
combustion control system are:
ing the fuel. The advantages of measuring fuel by means of heat boiler system. Industrial control computers including operator
release are as follows. workstation and engineer workstation, control scheme configuration
• Any change or disturbance in fuel transmission system has no software and HMI software installed, were used and deployed in
effect on accurate measurement of the fuel; supervisory central room. Supervisory computers and Ethernet/
• Suitable for measuring various kinds of fuel or mixed fuels and Fieldbus gateway DFI302 are connected by 10MB Ethernet. OPC
measurement accuracy can be guaranteed; Server was installed in supervisory computers to realize the com-
• Changes in heat-release of fuel have no effect on accurate munication between supervisory computers and gateway. Fuel supply
measurement of the fuel; was regulated by variable-voltage & variable- frequency (VVVF)
• Load varying has no effect on accurate measurement of the fuel. motor in the main steam pressure control system; forced draft was
Consequently, heat release can reflect the changes in the fuel into controlled by VVVF motor driving forced draft fans in forced draft
the furnace quickly and accurately. It does not need any correction control system; furnace negative pressure was controlled by VVVF
for the measurement caused by disturbances such as changes in fuel motor driving induced draft fans in furnace negative pressure system.
transmission, fuel types and heating value, etc. A typical FF-FCS System302™ by SMAR Ltd., was deployed in field
It is difficult to measure the heat release of combustion directly in level to implement field-based, distributed measurement and control.
practice. Therefore, an alternative measurement methodology is used FF authenticated intelligent fieldbus instruments and peripheral were
here. The measurement procedure is stated as follows: included in System302. FI302, IF302, LD302 and TT302 are the intel-
ligent transmitters and actuators used in the system. Control strategy
1. Measuring drum steam pressure and evaluating the changing rate configuration software Syscon 5.0 is also included in System302™.
of it, which is then multiplied by the capacity coefficient Cb;
2. Measuring main stream flow D; 4. Design and Implementation in Configuration
3. Heat release can be represented by the sum of D and the differential of
steam pressure in drum Pb with time. Configuration of control schemes was based on FF User Layer, which
is directly related to the process automation tasks themselves, and it
3. Control Implementation with Fieldbus System is based on distributed control or monitoring strategies of Function
Blocks. Function Blocks (FBs) are User Layer elements that encapsu-
The design objectives are to implement field-based and completely late basic automation functions and consequently make the configura-
distributed automation for the boiler combustion system with tion of a distributed industrial application modular and simplified.
fieldbus. It is well known that the fieldbus has many advantages Distributed among the field instruments, the FBs have their inputs
over DCS, and one of them is field-based control supported by and outputs linked to other blocks in order to perform distributed
function blocks. Some algorithms, which have to be implemented in closed control loop schemes. When blocks from different instruments
Main Control Unit (MCU) in DCS before can be achieved in field are linked together a remote link is configured and mapped to a cyclic
instruments now, which greatly improves the decentralization, safety message. The Foundation Fieldbus standardized a set of ten basic func-
and quality of control system [4]. tion blocks [5], a complementary set of eleven advanced control blocks,
The whole system was formulated into two levels: 1) supervisory and a special flexible function block intended to be fully configurable
level, 2) field-based measurement and control level. 10M Ethernet (i.e., internal logic and parameter) by users. The standard and advanced
is used in the communication of supervisory level while Foundation block sets provide mathematical and engineering calculations neces-
Fieldbus (FF) H1 (31.25Kb) is used in field level. Four redundant sary to configure typical industrial control loop strategies.
fieldbuses and bridges are installed with each fieldbus controlled by Foundation Fieldbus (FF) can be classified as a LAN (Local Area
a different bridge. Thererfore, the running of the whole system is not Network) for instruments used in process and industrial automation,
affected in case of breakdown from any fieldbus or bridge. Advanced with the ability to distribute the control application through a
supervisory and control configuration software was adopted in the network. The FF Data Link Layer supports two transmission policies:
upper level. Data exchange with field level, such as field data supervi- 1) scheduled cyclic data, and 2) sporadic (unscheduled) background
sion and setting point control etc, were implemented by means of data. These two communication policies share the physical bus, but
OPC. FF intelligent devices, such as transducers and actuators, were they are respectively segmented in cyclic time slots or periods. In the
deployed in field level. The structure of the whole control system scheduled communication period, most process variables generated
based on FF is shown in Figure 6. by periodic processes are transmitted cyclically according to a static
Fieldbus network and global schedule table loaded on the LAS node. This cyclic transmis-
Ethernet network, gateway sion mode has higher priority over acyclic transmission modes [6].
equipment, power supply, The general control strategies stated in Section 2.1, with the
HMI equipments (operator conventional cascade PID control as its backbone, were implemented
station) were all deployed in in field level by means of intelligent devices. The optimisation
redundancies. Operation of algorithm for the air-to-fuel ratio stated in Section 2.3 was deployed
the whole system will not be and executed in supervisory computer to make the evaluation
affected in case of fault in any easier. Necessary I/O data for optimisation computation, such as
single component. heat-release, airflow were acquired from the field devices and the
UPS was used in power optimised ratio sent back to them.
supply service. Enough power If no specific design is made to configuration of control strategies,
supply was ensured when data from field representing air and fuel, will be transmitted as
Figure 6: Structure and Framework of main power supply was in unscheduled background data when the computers require the data
the Control System Based on Foundation a fault state to secure the from the field instruments. This mechanism cannot meet the real
Fieldbus safe shutdown of the whole time requirement of control and data updating since time-critical