Parvati, Hindu Goddess Parvati, Shiva Parvati, Parvati Devi, Daughter Mountain

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Parvati, Hindu Goddess Parvati, Shiva Parvati,

Parvati Devi, Daughter Mountain

About Parvati
Parvati is the benevolent aspect of the ultimate female form of mother Devi.

Being the daughter of the mountain King, Himawan and queen Mena, she is
known as "daughter of the mountain".

She is the wife of Lord Shiva and mother of both Ganesha and Murugan.

Also known as Uma and Guari she is the Hindu Goddess of love, marriage,
children, devotion, fertility and beauty.

She is the mother goddess in Hinduism carrying the divine energy between a man
and woman.

Like her husband, Shiva, Parvati is a consummate meditator. Statues of Shiva are
almost always shown with Parvati as a constant companion by his side.

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Parvati, Hindu Goddess Parvati, Shiva Parvati, P...

Birth of Parvati
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The gods invoked the mother-goddess, who appeared before them as Kundalini, a
coiled serpent. "I will coil myself around Shiva, wean out his knowledge and
energy for the good of the world and make him father a child," said Shakti.
Shakti took birth as Parvati, daughter of the Himavan, lord of the mountains,
determined to draw Shiva out of his cave and make him her consort.

Priti and Rati

Everyday Parvati would visit Shiva's cave, sweep the floor, decorate it with
flowers, and offer him fruits hoping to win his love. But Shiva never opened his
eyes to look upon her charming face. Exasperated, the goddess invoked Priti and
Rati, goddess of love and longing, to rouse Shiva out of his mediation. These
goddesses entered Shiva's desolate cave and transformed it into a pleasure garden
filled with the fragrance of flowers and the buzzing of bees.

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Parvati, Hindu Goddess Parvati, Shiva Parvati, P...

Death of Kama
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Guided by Priti and Rati, Kama, the lord of desire, raised his sugarcane bow and
shot arrows dripping with desire into the heart of Shiva.

Shiva was not amused. He opened his third eye and released the flames of fury
that engulfed Kama and reduced his beautiful body to ashes.

The death of Kama alarmed the gods. "Without the lord of desire man will not
embrace woman and life will cease to be."

" I shall find another way to conquer Shiva's heart. When Shiva becomes my
consort, Kama will be reborn," said the daughter of the mountain, Parvati.

Not Even a Leaf

Parvati went into the forest and performed rigorous tapas, wearing nothing to
protect her tender body form the harsh weather, eating nothing, not even a leaf,
earning the admiration of forest ascetics who named her Aparna.

Aparna matched Shiva in her capacity to cut herself from the world and
completely master her physical needs. The power of her tapas shook Shiva out of
his mediation. He stepped out of his cave and accepted Parvati as his wife.

Shiva married Parvati in the presence of the gods following the sacred rites and
took her to the highest peak of the cosmos, Mount Kailasa, the pivot of the
universe. As the world revolved all around them the two became one and Kama
was reborn.

"Parvati melted Shiva's stern heart with her affection."

Hermit to Householder
Parvati melted Shiva's stern heart with her affection. Together they played dice on
Mount Kailas or sported on the banks of Lake Manasarovar, discovering the joys
of married life.

The goddess awakened Shiva's concern for the world by questioning him on

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Parvati, Hindu Goddess Parvati, Shiva Parvati, P...

various issues. As he spoke, he revealed the secrets of the Tantras and the Vedas
that he had gathered in eons of mediation.

Inspired by her beauty, Shiva became the fountainhead of the arts, of dance and
drama. He sang and danced to the delight of the gods who were pleased to see his
enchantment with the goddess.

The Birth of the Celestial Warlord

Parvati gave Shiva's aura to the gods. "From this will rise the warlord you seek,"
said the goddess. The gods gave Shiva's aura to Svaha, consort of Agni, the fire
god. Unable to bear the heat of the auro and the god Agni for long, Svaha gave
the aura to Ganga the river goddess who cooled it in her icy waters until Shiva's
aura turned into a seed.

Aranyani, the goddess of the forest, embedded the divine seed in the fertile forest
floor where it was transformed into a robust child with six heads and twelve

Six forest nymphs called the Krittikas found this magnificent child in a lotus.
Over come by maternal affection they began nursing him. The six headed son of
Shiva, born of many mothers, came to be known as Kartikeya.

Parvati taught Kartikeya the art of war and turned him into a the celestial warlord
called Skanda. Skanda took command of the celestial armies, defeated Taraka in
battle and restored the heavens to the gods.

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Parvati, Hindu Goddess Parvati, Shiva Parvati, P...

Kali drinks Raktabija's Blood

Skanda, guardian of the heavens, went on to destroy many demons who opposed
the reign of the gods. But he could not defeat the demon Raktabija. Whenever
this demon's blood touched the ground, a thousand new demons sprang to life. He
seemed unconquerable.

To aid her son in his endeavor to rid the three worlds of the demon, Parvati
entered the cosmic battlefield as the dreaded goddess Kali - dark as death, gaunt
with sunken eyes, gaping mouth, with long disheveled hair covering her naked

Kali spread her tongue over the battlefield and licked the demon's falling blood
catching on her long, outstretched tongue before the drop could find its way to
the ground springing a demonic life anew. Raktabija, without his multiplying
numbers was left powerless. Skanda was able to dispatch Raktabija and all his
remaining duplicates with ease.

Skanda thanked his mother for her timely help. To celebrate her victory, Kali
danced wildly on the battlefield, bedecking herself with a garland of served heads
and a girdle of severed hands.

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Parvati, Hindu Goddess Parvati, Shiva Parvati, P...

Shiva Calms Kali

Intoxicated with Raktabija's blood, Kali ran amuck across the three worlds,
destroying everything and everyone in her sight.

To restrain her, Shiva took the form of a corpse and blocked her path. As the
goddess, blinded by bloodlust, tripped on his lifeless body, she was jolted out of
her frenzy. She wondered if she had killed her own husband. She placed a foot on
Shiva's chest and brought him back to life.

Shiva then took the form of a little child and began to cry, stirring maternal love
in the heart of Kali. This forced her to shed her fierce form; Kali became Gauri,
the radiant mother, bestower of life.

Parvati's Son
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Guari told Shiva that she wanted a child. Yet, Shiva was not interested in a
family. He turned away from her and went into to the forest to perform tapas.

Determined to be a mother, Parvati decided to create a son for herself without the
aid of her husband. She scrubbed her skin with sandal paste, scrapped off the
dead skin, mixed it with clay and molded out of it a beautiful doll into which she
breathed life. She ordered her newly created son to keep watch over her cave and
keep out all strangers.

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Parvati, Hindu Goddess Parvati, Shiva Parvati, P...

Guardian of Thresholds
When Shiva returned to Kailas, Parvati's son failed to recognize his mother's
consort and prevented him from entering the cave. Irritated by the child's
insolence, Shiva raised his trident and cut off his head.

When Parvati saw her son's headless body she wept and out of her tears came her
fierce handmaidens, the Yoginis, who threatened to destroy the whole world. To
placate Parvati, Shiva resurrected the child by placing an elephants head on the
severed neck. Shiva also accepted Ganesh as the first of his sons.

Ganesh, who had prevented Shiva from crossing the threshold of his mother's
cave, became keeper of thresholds, an obstacle to all that is undesirable. He who
seeks access to the wisdom, bounty and mystery of Nature worships Ganesh
beloved son and sacred doorkeeper of Shakti.

The Divine Homemaker

With Parvati by his side, Shiva became a family man. But he did not abandon his
ways as a hermit: he continued to meditate and immerse himself in narcotic
dreams. His carefree attitude, his refusal to shoulder household responsibilities
sometimes angered Parvati. But then she would come to terms with his

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Parvati, Hindu Goddess Parvati, Shiva Parvati, P...

unconventional ways and make peace. The consequent marital bliss between
Shakti and Shiva ensured harmony between Matter and Spirit and brought
stability and peace to the cosmos.

Parvati thus became Ambika, goddess of the household, of marriage,

motherhood, and family.
By Kyle Tortora, [email protected]

See All Of Lotus Sculpture's Parvati Statues

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