SP Kalyanam

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Shiva Kalyanam or Shiva Parvati Kalyanam is the marriage ceremony of divine couple, Lord

Shiva and his consort Goddess Parvati. As per the Hindu legends, Lord Vishnu performed Kanya
Daanam of Parvati to Lord Shiva, Lord Brahma was the Yagna Kartha in Shivas marriage.

Shiva Kalyanam is celebrated with utmost pomp and gaiety,dedicated to Lord Shiva. Srikalahasti
hosts the divine marriage of Kalahasthiswara swamy and his consort Gnana Prasunambika

Some devotees continue their Shivaratri Vratam till Shiva Kalyanam. Hindus believe that it is
very auspicious and prosperous to have Shivakalyanam image at their home.

###In the Hindu pantheon the great mother goddess Adishakti is the heavenly wife of Shiva,
Lord of All Gods. Whenever Shiva or Adishakti come to Earth in human form, they are fated to
marry each other again—but that’s no guarantee that all will go smoothly with their courtship. In
this story Adishakti comes to Earth as the mountain princess Parvati, who has her work cut out
for her when she tries to win the affections of Shiva. Shiva spends all his time meditating on a
remote mountainside in the Himalayas and has no interest in marriage. Parvati washes his feet,
wipes his brow, and lays sixteen offerings before him, but he won’t even look at her. Sage
Narada advises her to invoke Shiva’s name—Om Namah Shivaya—over and over again as a
mantra. So in the heat of the sun, in the driving rain, in snow up to her neck Parvati sits and
repeats her beloved’s name until the focused power of her intent opens his heart and persuades
him to ask for her hand in marriage.

Parvati’s timeless story teaches children that with enough love and perseverance even the
seemingly impossible can be achieved. Accompanied by rich, color illustrations prepared
according to the traditional Hindu canon, How Parvati Won the Heart of Shiva will transport
children to a magical world filled with ancient wisdom.

Shiva Weds Parvati

Shiva sent for the Saptarishis, the seven sages who were very wise and
pious, and requested them to go to Himavanta. Parvataraja was in immense
joy that the greatest of sages had come to request for his daughter to be
Shiva's bride. Giriraja exclaimed "My good fortune has borne fruit! My
righteousness has yielded a fragrant flower! The tree of my good race has
borne fruit!" That he would be the father-in-law of Shiva, the world's,
preceptor, put him into a , transport of joy. The marriage was fixed.

Parvataraja sent for Vishwakarma the architect of the angels. With his help a
marriage-pavilion was built, which was extremely beautiful and a wonder to
set eyes upon. The extensive hall for the marriage assembly was unique. The
wedding of Shiva and Parvati was performed with great splendour.

Welfare of the World

The wedlock of Shiva and Parvati opened as it were the portals of the world's
bliss. Shiva is the world's father. Having married him, Parvati became the
mother of the universe. The son born to her later was Kartikeya. He as
commander of the army of the angels attacked the Rakshasas, killed them
and reestablished the path of virtue and righteousness. Tarakasura was killed.
The other son of Parvati is Ganesha or Gajamuka. He places obstacles to the
wicked deeds of bad men and removes impediments in the way of good men.
He also gives knowledge and wisdom.

Extending the World's Knowledge

Shiva, who is Mahadeva or the  Greatest God, is also known as Sarvajna and
Vageesha. Sarvajna means one who knows all, Omniscient. Vageesha is the
lord of knowledge. Parvati had, during her days as a student, learnt the
material as will as the spiritual branches of knowledge through well-qualified
teachers. Still she had the desire to learn more. She was not only proud that
her husband was Sarvajna, but also had the learner's curiosity to know
more.Through her own learning she desired the spread of knowledge the arts
and the intellect all over the world. In Shiva's assembly, not only Parvati but
the angels and other divine beings as well as sages learnt wisdom by listening
to the educative stories, the morals and doctrines, and histories and poems,
narrated by Shiva. The one who requested Him to narrate all those was

Parvati learnt the Sanskrit language and grammar from Shiva. The rules of
grammar taught by Shiva are famous as "Maheshwara Sutras." Later a sage
by the name of Panini publicised them on the earth. It is well known as
Panini’s Grammar ('Paniniya Vyakarana').

Prosody, or metrical science, important for poetry. It explains poetical

structure. As Parvati desired to know it, Shiva taught that to Parvati first Then
a sage by name Pingala learnt it and made it known on the earth. His work on
'Chandas' or prosody was written in Kannada as'Chandombudhi' (in 990 A.
D.) by the poet Nagavarma. Similarly several other branches of knowledge
like dance, architecture, astrology, spells, painting and so on - are said to
have been taught by Shiva to Parvati and then became known to others.
Parvati had great curiosity to know philosophy also. She wanted the
Ramayana to be taught to her with its philosophical content. Pleased with this
request, Shiva taught her "Adhyatma Ramayana.' Brahma learnt it and in turn
taught Narada. Narada narrated the story to sage Valmiki who passed it on to
Lava and Kusha the twin sons of Sri Rama. This is known as  "Srimadlyana."
Later the sage Vedavyasa composed Adhyatma Ramayana in Sanskrit. It is
well known to this day.

The 'Panchatantra' also, which is full of moral stories eagerly listened to and
enjoyed by children even today, is also believed to be a collection of talest told
by Shiva to Parvati in the first instance.

No only was Parvati often discussing philosophy and matters of this world with
Shiva, but was also sometimes venturing into deeds of bravery. The
Mahabharata says that when Shiva went to Indrakeelaka in the guise of a
tribal king of huntsmen to see Arjuna's valour directly, Parvati also went with
him as his tribal wife.

Goddess Chamundeswari is believed to be one of the incarnations of Parvati

She took that form to kill a rakshasa by name Mahishasura. The wicked
Mahishasura was harassing human beings and the angels. Chamundeswari
killed him on the Vijayadashami day. Then she took abode on a hill in
Mahishamandala where the demon ruled earlier. This is the Chamundi Hill
near Mysore City in Karnataka. The hill is 3489 feet above sea level. The
present- day Mysore is theMahishamandala over which Mahishasura reigned.

Kali and Durga are also incarnations of Parvati. As her devotees believe,
Parvati assumed all these forms to kill the wicked in the w6rld and protect the

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