2018-Efficient GPU-based Monte-Carlo Simulation of Diffusion in Real Astrocytes Reconstructed From Confocal Micros

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Journal of Magnetic Resonance 296 (2018) 188–199

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Journal of Magnetic Resonance

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Efficient GPU-based Monte-Carlo simulation of diffusion in real

astrocytes reconstructed from confocal microscopy
Khieu-Van Nguyen ⇑, Edwin Hernández-Garzón, Julien Valette
Molecular Imaging Research Center (MIRCen), Commissariat l’Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The primary goal of this work is to develop an efficient Monte-Carlo simulation of diffusion-weighted sig-
Received 13 April 2018 nal in complex cellular structures, such as astrocytes, directly derived from confocal microscopy. In this
Revised 14 September 2018 study, we first use an octree structure for spatial decomposition of surface meshes. Octree structure and
Accepted 27 September 2018
radius-search algorithm help to quickly identify the faces that particles can possibly encounter during the
Available online 27 September 2018
next time step, thus speeding up the Monte-Carlo simulation. Furthermore, we propose to use a three-
dimensional binary marker to describe the complex cellular structure and optimize the particle trajectory
simulation. Finally, a GPU-based version of these two approaches is implemented for more efficient mod-
Octree structure
Binary marker
eling. It is shown that the GPU-based binary marker approach yields unparalleled performance, opening
GPU up new possibilities to better understand intracellular diffusion, validate diffusion models, and create dic-
Monte-Carlo simulation tionaries of intracellular diffusion signatures.
Diffusion-weighted Ó 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)

1. Introduction can help to better understand the relationship between diffusion

and microstructure. Many numerical methods exist for that pur-
Diffusion-weighted nuclear magnetic resonance (DW-NMR), pose, such as solving the Bloch-Torrey equation [12] by using finite
including diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW- difference method [13–16] or finite element method [17,18].
MRI) and diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance spectroscopy Another method relies on Monte-Carlo techniques [19] to simulate
(DW-MRS), allows measuring the diffusive motion of molecules the diffusive motion of molecules [20–24], which was for example
(water or metabolites, respectively) along the applied magnetic recently used to analyze DW-MRS data at long diffusion times and
field gradient direction [1]. extract long-range brain cell fiber structures [25].
In biological tissues, the diffusion of molecules is usually One of the most critical limitations of numerical approaches is
restricted (e.g. by cell membranes), hence molecular diffusion is that they can be highly time-consuming, in a way that scales with
sensitive to underlying tissue microstructure [2,3]. In particular, the complexity of the geometry and the diffusion time. Some
the mean squared displacement of molecules is smaller than in works already investigate Monte-Carlo simulations in complex
the case of free diffusion (i.e. smaller than 2dD0 T [4,5], where d models of biological tissue. For example, in [26], due to memory
is the number of dimensions considered for the displacement, D0 limitation, the authors down-sampled high-resolution confocal
is the intrinsic diffusion coefficient, and T is the diffusion time). images and built the triangular mesh models of green asparagus
Linking DW-NMR signal to the underlying microstructure is tissue based on these low-resolution images. Then they explored
essential to non-invasively study biological tissues. Numerous the effect of mesh resolution on simulated signal to select the res-
authors have been using simple geometrical models (such as olution minimizing computational time. However, geometry mod-
spheres, cylinders, for which analytical expressions describing dif- els reconstructed from down-sampled images ignore small
fusion exist [6]) to estimate relevant structural parameters such as microstructural features and thus alter important characteristics
axonal diameter and density based on DW-MRI [7–10] or neuronal such as the surface-to-volume ratio. In [27], the authors used
and glial fiber diameter based on DW-MRS [11]. However, due to another technique to reduce the computational time, where the
the complexity of realistic brain cells, analytical expressions do simulation domain was split into uniform subvolumes using a 3D
not always exist. Instead, numerical study of molecular diffusion grid. Each subvolume contained a subset of surface meshes and dif-
fusing particles. Therefore, each diffusing particle needs to test the
interaction with the surface elements of the local subvolume
⇑ Corresponding author. rather than with all surface elements. Like in [27], a polygon cache
E-mail address: [email protected] (K.-V. Nguyen).

1090-7807/Ó 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
K.-V. Nguyen et al. / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 296 (2018) 188–199 189

was used in [28] to speed up the estimation of the closest surface The circumcenter points are used as data to build the octree struc-
elements likely to interact with particles. In addition, the simula- ture, and the circumradii information are used in the octree radius
tion times can be reduced by efficient parallelization on a CPU clus- search algorithm. More detail about the octree structure and rele-
ter. However, it might be difficult for many research groups to vant information can be found on [30,35,36] and references
access large CPU clusters able to reduce computation times by sev- therein.
eral order of magnitudes.
In this paper, we propose two methods for accelerating Monte- 2.3. Binary matrix representation: conversion between voxel and real
Carlo simulations of diffusion. First, we use the octree structure world coordinates
[29,30] to manage and accelerate the interaction of particles with
the surface. Octree structure and fixed radius search algorithms The transformation from a position (i, j, k) in voxel coordinates
allow quickly identifying triangular surface elements that particles (volume image space, i.e. indices in the 3D binary matrix) to real
can possibly encounter (and undergo specular reflection on) during world coordinates (anatomical space) (x, y, z) is an affine transfor-
the next time step. In the second method, instead of conventional mation defined by
mesh-based structure representation, we use a 3D binary marker
to describe the complex cellular structure. This new approach is x ¼ i  r x þ x0 ;
expected to be much more efficient for handling collision with y ¼ j  r y þ y0 ;
membranes, as only one equality test is required. In this latter z ¼ k  r z þ z0 ;
method, the simple rejection method is used, like in some previous
works [21,24,31]. GPU-based versions are finally implemented for where rx, ry and rz represents the image resolutions; (x0, y0, z0) is the
acceleration of both methods. voxel origin’s position in real world space. For simplicity, we can
use (x0, y0, z0) = (0, 0, 0). The inverse transformation from a real
world coordinates system position (x, y, z) to a voxel coordinates
2. Methods system position (i, j, k) can be determined by
2.1. Generation of astrocytic binary markers and astrocyte’s surface i ¼ round ;
triangular meshes rx
j ¼ round ð1Þ
Brain slices from mice perfused intracardially with 4% ry
paraformaldehyde were used to acquire images of GFP expressing z
astrocytes. Briefly, after perfusion, the brain was sliced on a Leica k ¼ round :
razor vibratome, with 100-mm thickness. The slices were mounted
in Vectashield mounting medium for one day. The slices were then
scanned using a Leica SP8 confocal system equipped with a broad- 2.4. Simulating DW-NMR signal in astrocytes
band white-light laser with an oil immersion objective 60x, 1.4
numerical aperture (NA). The white laser power was settled to Throughout this paper, we focus on the DW-NMR signal from
70%, the acquisition speed was 600 Hz, and the final image was isolated astrocytes by ignoring molecular diffusion in the extracel-
the result of an average of 4 laser scans. The confocal image reso- lular space. To compute that signal, we are using three-
lution is approximately 0.074  0.074  0.299 mm3. One cortical dimensional Monte-Carlo simulation, as performed in previous
protoplasmic astrocyte and one striatal fibrous astrocyte were works [20–22,24,31,37]. The algorithm for generating trajectories
selected. Subvolume image of single astrocytes were cropped from and the GPU implementation can be found in more detail in [24].
the confocal microscopy images. These volume images were used For the handling of the restriction during the particle random
for generating binary marker matrix based on the signal intensity walking, we are describing two different methods.
with dual threshold (lower and upper) level and an eighteen-
connectivity neighborhood. This segmentation method, called hys- 2.4.1. Method 1: in the octree structure representation
teresis [32], was implemented in Matlab (MathWorks Inc., Natick, A set of N particles is initialized randomly inside the astrocyte
MA, United States). In the end, the structure is described by a 3D using point in polyhedron algorithm [38,39]. Monte-Carlo simula-
matrix filled with 1 and 0, where 1 indicates that corresponding tion of the diffusion is performed very similar to the Camino sim-
voxel is inside the cell, while 0 indicates a voxel outside the cell. ulator [22], i.e. at each time step each particle randomly moves
The volume binary image above was also used for generating over a constant distance r ¼ 6D0 dt along one random direction,
the triangular surface mesh by using an open-source meshing tool- where dt is the time-step size. In case of interaction with a surface
box ‘‘iso2Mesh” [33] adapted with the cgalmesh [34] library via element, the particle undergoes multiple specular reflections until
volume-to mesh (vol2mesh) procedure. The typical astrocytic sur- no further surface intersections are detected. The main difference
face consists of 5  105–1  106 surface elements. with Camino is the use of octree structure and radius search algo-
rithm (and eventually GPU implementation) for acceleration.
2.2. Octree structure: spatial representation of astrocyte’s surface
triangular mesh 2.4.2. Method 2: in the 3D binary markers representation
Here we focus on the use of binary markers to accelerate the
To manage and accelerate the interaction of particles with Monte-Carlo simulation. First, a set of N particles is initialized ran-
astrocytic surface, we used an octree structure [29,30] to identify domly inside the astrocyte. While the position of each particle is
faces that particles can encounter during the next time step. Octree randomly generated in real world coordinates system, it is con-
is a hierarchical data structure based on a recursive spatial space verted to voxel coordinates (voxel index) according to Eq. (1),
decomposition of a 3D data. The root node is represented by a cube which then allows testing if the particle is inside the astrocyte
(or rectangle box) containing whole data. Each node comprising (i.e. the value of astrocytes’ binary marker for this voxel index
more than 32 data points (or some other value, depending on data being equal to 1). If not, a new initial position is drawn. Then, for
size) is divided into eight child-nodes. The circumcenter points and each time step, the particle randomly moves over a constant dis-
the circumradii describe the astrocyte’s surface triangular mesh. tance r ¼ 6D0 dt along one random direction, where dt is the
190 K.-V. Nguyen et al. / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 296 (2018) 188–199

time-step size as mentioned before. Again, the real world coordi- ison to the other methods, such as finite element or finite differ-
nates position of the particle is transformed to voxel coordinates ence methods by solving the Bloch-Torrey equation.
and is then simply tested against astrocyte’s binary marker to All codes were implemented in C++ using the CUDA v8.0 library
determine whether the new position is accepted (particle still to interface with NVIDIA GPUs (Tesla K40c) and performed on an
inside the astrocyte) or rejected (particle is outside the astrocyte). HP workstation (Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v4 @ 2.20 GHz,
If the position is rejected, then the particle’s movement during this 16 GB DDR4 RAM) on Windows 7 professional. The pure CPU ver-
time step is canceled. This ‘‘rejection sampling” method was used sion and GPU version of the code were both implemented for com-
in previous works, such as [21,24,31]. As mentioned in these parison purposes.
works, the moving step size r must be taken much smaller than
the smallest geometric features. The principle of the Monte-Carlo 2.5. Validation and performance of synthetic DW-NMR signal with
simulation in a binary marker is illustrated in 2D in Fig. 1. simple geometries
In both methods, the DW-NMR signal was computed using the
phase accumulation approach. Briefly, the echo signal is calculated The analytical expressions for diffusion in simple geometries
according to like parallel planes, cylinders, and spheres are known [40]. In this
work, a box (dimension of Lx  Ly  Lz = 4.02 mm  9.02 mm 
1X N
14.02 mm) is used for initial validation and comparison of compu-
S¼ eichj ð2Þ
N j¼1 tational times between CPU and GPU versions. Fig. 2 presents the
triangular mesh of the box (240 surface elements) used in this
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi study. This box was also voxelized into the 3D binary marker rep-
where i ¼ 1, c is the gyromagnetic ratio, and
resentation with the resolution of 0.035 mm3 and used as a geom-
X  etry input for method 2. Moreover, we also simulate the DW-NMR
hj ¼ Gkx xkj þ Gky ykj þ Gkz zkj dt ð3Þ signal with the same parameters using Camino toolkit (http://ca-
k¼1 mino.cs.ucl.ac.uk) for reference in terms of computation time.
More precisely, particle trajectories were simulated using Camino,
where Nt is the number of time steps, ðGkx ; Gky ; Gkz Þ and ðxkj ; ykj ; zkj Þ are and the DW-NMR signals were then computed in Matlab for mul-
the gradient intensity and the position of the particle jth at the time- tiple b-values based on these trajectories.
step tk, respectively. Besides, we consider finite-length cylinders (radius R = 2 mm
Particle trajectories can be simulated de novo for each diffusion and length L = 20 mm) to validate the numerically simulated DW-
parameters set of gradient duration d, gradient separation D, and NMR signal in the case of gradient directions perpendicular and
b-value. Alternatively, we can generate particle trajectories for a parallel to cylinder direction.
given random walk duration (d+D) and then use these trajectories Thirty randomly oriented cylinders were used to validate and
to simulate DW-NMR signals for multiple b-values obtained by test the simulation, with gradient direction rotated accordingly
varying gradient strength [23], as we did for this study. This is always to simulate signal along parallel and perpendicular direc-
one advantage of the Monte-Carlo simulation method in compar- tions (see Fig. 3a). The rationale for doing this was to account for
possible errors due to too coarse discretization of the surface for
some oblique orientations when using the binary matrix
Each of these cylinders was voxelized with five different isotro-
pic spatial resolutions of 0.283, 0.213, 0.143, 0.073, 0.0353 mm3 that

Fig. 1. Example of one particle’s trajectory in 2D using binary marker representa-

tion. The cell (interface represented as a smooth black line) is voxelized, with the
cyan region standing for the intracellular space and the white region standing for
extracellular space. The particle starts at the red point ((2.25 mm, 2.25 mm) in real
world coordinates system, corresponding to (9, 9) in voxel coordinates system), and
then randomly moves over a constant distance r = 0.125 mm. The blue color
segments represent accepted steps. The red color segments represent rejected
steps. The particle stops after 100 steps (green point). (For interpretation of the
references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of Fig. 2. The triangular mesh of the box dimension Lx  Ly  Lz = 4.02 mm  9.02 mm
this article.)  14.02 mm. The number of surface elements is 240.
K.-V. Nguyen et al. / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 296 (2018) 188–199 191

Fig. 3. (a) Thirty randomly oriented finite-length cylinders with radius R = 2 mm and length L = 20 mm used to validate and test the simulation. (b) Three different cylinder
meshes used for Camino simulation. From left to right, the number of surface elements is 344, 630 and 1292, respectively.

were named ”resolution-1” to ‘‘resolution-5”, respectively. The 3.1.1. Case study 1: Simulated DW-NMR signal in the box
CPU-based and GPU-based Monte-Carlo simulations were per- We set the number of particles to N = 218 and the time-step size
formed on each resolution for the thirty cylinders. dt = 0.05 ms for D = 50 ms and dt = 0.25 ms for D = 250 ms (corre-
Moreover, one oblique cylinder was used to generate the sur- sponding to a fixed number of time steps to Nt = 1000 for Camino
face triangular mesh to simulate DW-NMR signal using the Octree simulation used as reference for computational time) for both
approach as well as Camino for reference. Due to the dependency CPU and GPU Monte-Carlo simulation, resulting in a complexity
of the simulation time and accuracy on the number of surface ele- larger than 108. Fig. 4 shows the simulated and analytical DW-
ments, three different meshes were created for simulation (see NMR signals for gradient directions aligned with box axes. As
Fig. 3b). shown in Fig. 4, the simulated DW-NMR signals generated by
The relative difference l2-norm (RE) determined by Octree + CPU/GPU method and Bin3D + CPU/GPU method are in good
agreement with the analytical solutions.
P60 2
b¼0 ðSsimul ðbÞ  Sanalytic ðbÞÞ
RE ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð4Þ
P60 2
b¼0 ðSanalytic ðbÞÞ
3.1.2. Case study 2: Looking for a potential bias due to discretization of
oblique surfaces when using binary marker representation
was used to estimate the relative errors between the simulated sig- In this case, we set the number of particles to N = 217 and time-
nal Ssimul, and the analytic signal Sanalytic, over 61 b-values which step size to dt = 0.005 ms, resulting in a complexity larger than 109.
were increased linearly from 0 to 60 ms/mm2. The mean and stan- The mean and standard deviation of the log of simulated DW-
dard deviation of RE, and the simulation time over 30 cylinders NMR signal (over 30 randomly oriented cylinders) at D = 50 ms
(the same spatial resolution) were used to quantify the accuracy and D = 250 ms for the five different spatial resolutions is shown
and performance of the proposed simulation method (both CPU in Fig. 5. The RE was calculated according to Eq. (4) for the simu-
and GPU versions). lated DW-NMR signals along gradient directions perpendicular
and parallel to cylinder axes. The mean and standard deviation of
RE over 30 randomly oriented cylinders under the same spatial res-
3. Results olution was calculated and is shown in Table 1.
As shown in Fig. 5, the DW-NMR signals obtained by Bin3D
3.1. Validation of simulated DW-NMR signal in simple geometries + CPU and Bin3D + GPU Monte-Carlo simulations are the same. In
addition, given a fixed number of particles and time-step size,
For the validation purposes, the intrinsic diffusion coefficient the highest spatial resolution yields simulated DW-NMR signal
D0 = 0.5 mm2/ms, gradient duration d = 0 ms and gradient separa- closest to the analytical signal, and reaches the smallest standard
tion D = [50; 250] ms were chosen for simulation. We follow the deviation. More specifically, for the gradient direction perpendicu-
recommendation of Ford and Hackney in [21] and Waudby and lar to cylinder principal axes, the simulated DW-NMR signals for
Christodoulou in [24] about the selection of time-step size consid- the five spatial resolutions are all very close to the analytic approx-
ering the smallest structural features. We also follow the recom- imate DW-NMR signal (the REs were smaller than 1% as shown in
mendation of Hall and Alexander in [22] that the simulation Table 1). However, for the gradient direction parallel to cylinder
complexity (product of the number of particles by the number of principal axis, the lower spatial resolution (0.283 mm3) gets sub-
time steps) should be more than 108–109 to get a good approxima- stantial errors at high b-values; the higher spatial resolutions, from
tion of simulated DW-NMR signal. In the following, we demon- 0.213 to 0.0353 mm3, obtained better approximations of the analyt-
strate the validity of the two proposed accelerated methods. Let ical signal as the RE were smaller than 2%, as shown in Table 1. In
Octree + CPU/GPU denotes the simulation method that uses octree addition, by increasing the number of particles to N = 220, which
structure representation of traditional triangular mesh, and remains perfectly manageable using GPU (see Section 3.2 below),
Bin3D + CPU/GPU denotes the simulation method that uses 3D bin- while maintaining the time-step size dt = 0.005 ms, we can
ary marker representation. The suffix CPU or GPU means the simu- decrease the standard deviation of the simulated signals as shown
lation performed on CPU or GPU respectively. in Fig. 6 and Table 1.
192 K.-V. Nguyen et al. / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 296 (2018) 188–199

Fig. 4. The simulated DW-NMR signal (marker) in the box dimension Lx  Ly  Lz = 4.02 mm  9.02 mm  14.02 mm and analytic approximate DW-NMR signal (solid line) as a
function of b-values at D = 50 ms (left) and D = 250 ms (right) in gradient direction aligned to the box axes (using N = 218 particles, dt = 0.05 ms for D = 50 ms and dt = 0.25 ms
for D = 250 ms). The first and second rows represent the simulated DW-NMR signal using Octree + CPU and Octree + GPU methods, respectively. The two last rows represent
the simulated DW-NMR signal using Bin3D + CPU and Bin3D + GPU methods, respectively. In each figure, the red, blue and green colors represent the simulated signal in
gradient direction aligned to the box axes Lx = 4.02 mm, Ly = 9.02 mm, and Lz = 14.02 mm, respectively. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

3.2. Performance First, the computational time of DW-NMR simulation in the box
for D = 50 ms and D = 250 ms, using Camino as a reference tool,
To assess the performance of proposed methods, we used the Octree + CPU/GPU method and Bin3D + CPU/GPU method as
previous configurations (Section 3.1) for CPU and GPU Monte- described in the previous subsection, is presented in Fig. 7.
Carlo simulations. Although the box mesh is very simple and the number of surface
K.-V. Nguyen et al. / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 296 (2018) 188–199 193

Fig. 5. Mean and standard deviation of the log of CPU (top) and GPU (bottom) simulated DW-NMR signals using the binary marker representation, and analytic DW-NMR
signal (solid line) as a function of b-values at D = 50 ms (left) and D = 250 ms (right) in gradient direction parallel and perpendicular to the cylinder.

Table 1
RE (represented as mean ± std) of the DW-NMR signals simulated using the binary marker approach by CPU and GPU Monte-Carlo simulation at D = 50 ms and D = 250 ms for the
gradient direction parallel and perpendicular to the cylinder principal axes. The mean and std are calculated over 30 randomly oriented cylinders.

Perpendicular to cylinder: RE (%)

Bin3D + CPU (N = 217) Bin3D + GPU (N = 217) Bin3D + GPU (N = 220)
D = 50 ms Resolution 1 0.657 ± 0.380 0.737 ± 0.397 0.735 ± 0.375
Resolution 2 0.195 ± 0.159 0.164 ± 0.115 0.092 ± 0.074
Resolution 3 0.194 ± 0.135 0.206 ± 0.119 0.073 ± 0.042
Resolution 4 0.143 ± 0.124 0.203 ± 0.118 0.075 ± 0.056
Resolution 5 0.167 ± 0.106 0.166 ± 0.126 0.086 ± 0.057
D = 250 ms Resolution 1 0.124 ± 0.086 0.133 ± 0.075 0.129 ± 0.073
Resolution 2 0.044 ± 0.037 0.037 ± 0.026 0.024 ± 0.014
Resolution 3 0.032 ± 0.027 0.037 ± 0.030 0.016 ± 0.011
Resolution 4 0.038 ± 0.020 0.032 ± 0.027 0.015 ± 0.011
Resolution 5 0.048 ± 0.028 0.038 ± 0.027 0.017 ± 0.013
Parallel to cylinder: RE (%)
Bin3D + CPU (N = 217) Bin3D + GPU (N = 217) Bin3D + GPU (N = 220)
D = 50 ms Resolution 1 5.964 ± 1.323 5.934 ± 1.454 5.890 ± 1.406
Resolution 2 2.097 ± 0.375 2.126 ± 0.405 2.028 ± 0.176
Resolution 3 1.654 ± 0.354 1.765 ± 0.363 1.485 ± 0.138
Resolution 4 1.443 ± 0.414 1.291 ± 0.382 1.098 ± 0.109
Resolution 5 1.456 ± 0.407 1.175 ± 0.220 1.057 ± 0.137
D = 250 ms Resolution 1 3.933 ± 1.006 3.949 ± 1.129 3.973 ± 0.981
Resolution 2 1.196 ± 0.462 1.302 ± 0.553 1.012 ± 0.170
Resolution 3 0.831 ± 0.333 0.966 ± 0.325 0.719 ± 0.175
Resolution 4 0.838 ± 0.439 0.799 ± 0.366 0.456 ± 0.117
Resolution 5 0.776 ± 0.342 0.848 ± 0.530 0.494 ± 0.159

elements is small, Camino takes more than 1 h for simulation, Bin3D + CPU takes less than min, whereas Bin3D + GPU only takes
whereas Octree + CPU method only needs 7 min when performed less than 2 s. Note that the simulation time mentioned in Bin3D
in CPU and less than 2 min when performed in GPU (Octree + GPU). + CPU/GPU does not account for 20 s for loading the binary mar-
194 K.-V. Nguyen et al. / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 296 (2018) 188–199

Fig. 6. Mean and standard deviation of the log of simulated DW-NMR signals using the binary marker representation, and analytic DW-NMR signal as a function of b-values at
D = 50 ms (left) and D = 250 ms (right) in gradient direction parallel and perpendicular to the cylinder. The number of particles used for simulation is N = 220.

ker ascii file (containing 352  465  450 values of 0 and 1) at the using the same parameters as for Bin3D + CPU and Bin3D + GPU
beginning. It can be reduced by saving the binary marker file as Monte-Carlo simulations, except for time-step size that we
binary format instead of ascii format. Table 2 shows the speedup degraded to dt = 0.05 ms (resulting in complexity  108) to main-
factor between Octree + CPU, Octree + GPU, Bin3D + CPU and tain reasonable computation times in Camino. As shown in
Bin3D + GPU methods in comparison with Camino simulation Fig. 8a, b, and Fig. 8d, using the same simulation parameters,
time. Octree helps reducing the computational time from 5 h in
For in-depth performance test, especially for the method using Camino to 4 min in Octree + CPU and 2 min in Octree + GPU while
3D binary geometry marker presentation, we performed the DW- keeping the same relative error level. Moreover, the larger the
NMR simulation in 30 randomly oriented finite-length cylinder number of surface elements, the more efficient the Octree method
that described in Section 2.5 and measured the simulation time in comparison with Camino. The RE of simulated DW-NMR signals
at D = 50 ms. The mean and standard deviation of RE over 30 ran- using Camino, in the case of gradient direction perpendicular to the
domly oriented cylinders under the same spatial resolution was cylinder principal-axis, was decreased when refining the mesh.
calculated and plotted as a function of the averaged simulation However, when the gradient direction parallels the cylinder
time (see Fig. 8). Increased simulation time was associated with principal-axis, the measured RE of simulated DW-NMR signals
increased spatial resolution. Fig. 8c, e, and f show that the highest remains stable 1% because the representation of cylinder’s
spatial resolution gives the lowest averaged RE values for both extremities remains accurate for all mesh sizes (see Fig. 3b).
Bin3D + CPU and Bin3D + GPU simulations. Moreover, when Although the number of surface elements remains relatively small
increasing the number of particles up to N = 220 in Bin3D + GPU (e.g. as compared to complex cellular surface meshes) and the
Monte-Carlo simulation, the averaged RE did not decrease substan- time-step used in Camino simulations is ten times longer than in
tially (see Fig. 8e and f). The standard deviation, however, was Bin3D + CPU/GPU Monte-Carlo simulations, Camino simulation
smaller presumably due to the larger number of particles (see time remains very long (see Fig. 8d). The reason is due to at each
Fig. 8e and f). The Bin3D + GPU implementation reduced the simu- time-step, the intersection between the displacement vector (from
lation time from hundreds of seconds (in Bin3D + CPU implemen- current to new particle’s position) and all triangular elements of
tation) to seconds. Moreover, the GPU simulation time is the mesh should be checked to make sure that the particle does
increasing linearly with the number of particles. not cross the surface. Segment-triangle intersection algorithms
We also use Octree + CPU/GPU and Camino simulation toolkit to need some cross-products and some comparison operators [41],
generate the reference simulated DW-NMR signals in three cylin- thus driving the computation-cost when the number of surface ele-
ders with a different number of surface elements (see Fig. 3b), ments is large. Instead, when using the binary marker representa-
tion, we only need one conversion from real world coordinates to
voxel coordinates, and one Boolean comparison to determine
whether a given particle crosses the surface or not, whatever the
complexity of the geometry. This explains the efficiency of the bin-
ary marker representation used in the present work as opposed to
the more traditional mesh-based representation.

3.3. Selection of time-step size or number of time steps for the binary
marker approach

The choice of an adequate time-step is particularly important

for the binary marker approach, because in this approach particle
interaction with membranes is treated using the ‘‘rejection meth-
od”, which requires that the elementary jump size is much smaller
Fig. 7. The measured computational times of DW-NMR simulation in Camino
toolkit (yellow), Octree + CPU (cyan), Octree + GPU (blue), Bin3D + CPU (violet) and
than typical distance between membranes. To careful evaluate the
Bin3D + GPU (red). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure effect of time-step size or number of time-steps on the DW-NMR
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) signal, different time-steps dt = [0.5; 0.1; 0.05; 0.01; 0.005;
K.-V. Nguyen et al. / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 296 (2018) 188–199 195

Table 2
The acceleration factor of Octree + CPU, Octree + GPU, Bin3D + CPU, and Bin3D + GPU in comparison with Camino simulator considered as a reference simulation tool.

Octree + CPU Octree + GPU Bin3D + CPU Bin3D + GPU

D = 50 ms 15.3 66.1 48.8 2177
D = 250 ms 10.9 45.6 53.8 2311

Fig. 8. The RE and simulation time of Octree + CPU (a), Octree + GPU (b) and Camino (d) simulations in cylinder, for three different numbers of surface elements (left: 344,
middle: 630 and right: 1292 elements) at time-step size dt = 0.05 ms. The performance of Bin3D + CPU (c) and Bin3D + GPU (e, f) Monte-Carlo simulations at time-step size
dt = 0.005 ms for five different spatial resolutions (corresponding to the 5 markers for a given color/orientation). In subfigures c,e,f: the simulation time increases with
increased spatial resolution; For each spatial resolution, the mean and standard deviation of RE were calculated over 30 random orientations. In all sub-figures, the blue and
red colors represent the measured RE of the simulated DW-NMR signal parallel and perpendicular to the cylinder main axis, respectively. The number of particles used in all
subfigures is N = 217, except N = 220 in subfigure f. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

0.001; 0.0005; 0.0003] ms (with fixed number of particles N = 217) selected as in the previous section, D0 = 0.5 mm2/ms and d = 0 ms,
were used, for three finite-length cylinders: radius R = 0.5 mm, respectively. Three gradient separations D = 5 ms, D = 50 ms and
length L = 5 mm; R = 1 mm, L = 10 mm; and R = 2 mm, L = 20 mm. D = 250 ms were used in this test.
These cylinders were voxelized with the resolution of The RE between the simulated signal and analytical signal in the
0.07  0.07  0.07 mm3 (identical to the confocal resolution along direction parallel and perpendicular to the principal cylinder axes
X and Y). The intrinsic diffusion and gradient duration were was calculated according to Eq. (4) and is shown in Fig. 9.
196 K.-V. Nguyen et al. / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 296 (2018) 188–199

As shown in Fig. 9, the RE between the simulated and analytical (see Fig. 9 - blue line colors). For the acceptable RE < 5%, the
signal in the direction perpendicular to the cylinder axis is very time-step size should be 5  104–5  102 ms.
small (RE < 1% for all three different diffusion time) when the
time-step size is smaller than 0.05 ms. In theory, smaller time- 3.4. Simulation of DW-NMR signal in astrocytes
step size should reduce the error arising from the ‘‘rejection meth-
od” when handling the interaction between particles and the sur- Two astrocytes (one protoplasmic astrocyte and one fibrous
face. However, too small time-step can lead to another kind of astrocyte, see Fig. 10) were selected and extracted from confocal
error, due to the accumulation of truncation errors during the dif- microscopy images to test simulations signals in two different real-
fusion of molecules when the jump size is very small. The above istic shapes. The astrocytic surface triangular meshes and the 3D
reasons explained the increase of RE when the time-step is too binary markers were then generated for simulation as described
short (dt = 0.0003 ms) as shown in Fig. 9 (arrows). Therefore, the in Section 2.1.
time-step should be carefully chosen for Monte-Carlo simulations We used d = 0 ms, D = 50 ms, a large number of particles
of diffusion, and extraordinary GPU performances should not be (N = 220) to reduce the standard deviation of the simulated signal
misused to reduce the time-step below some limit. Once this limit (especially at high b-value), 61 b-values linearly increased from 0
has been reached, further gains in GPU performances should rather to 60 ms/mm2. Six different time-step sizes from dt = 0.01 ms (com-
be used to increase the number of particles. With our current plexity 6  109) to dt = 0.0001 ms (complexity 1011), corre-
implementation, we recommend a lower-bound on time-step of sponding to number of time steps ranging from 5000 to 500,000,
0.0005 ms, with an optimum around 0.05–0.001 ms (as appar- were evaluated to test the impact of dt on the simulation in these
ent in Fig. 9), corresponding to jump size r  0.387–0.055 mm. cells. The simulated DW-NMR signal along three gradient direc-
Moreover, in the case of gradient direction perpendicular to the tions (x, y, and z-direction) using the GPU-based implementation
cylinder’s principal axis, it is surprising that even when the time- of the 3D binary marker method is shown in Fig. 11. In addition,
step size is large (dt = 0.5 or dt = 0.1 ms, corresponding to a jump we also generated the DW-NMR signal (gradient direction along
size r  1.22 mm or r  0.55 mm, respectively), the RE remains x, y, and z-direction) using the GPU-based implementation of the
very low (<1%) for D = 50 and D = 250 ms, but not for D = 5 ms octree structure representation method at time-step dt = 0.001 ms
(see Fig. 9 - red line colors). Thus, the jump size seems to have less and number of particles N = 218 resulting in complexity of 1010,
impact on the simulated signal in small confining structures at thus exceeding the requirement upon complexity to get a good
long diffusion time. In contrast, in the short diffusion time regime, approximation of simulated DW-NMR signal as recommended in
the simulated signal is more sensitive to the jump size (or time- [22]. These simulated signals were then used as the ‘‘ground-
step). In the case of the gradient direction parallel to the cylinder truth signal”, as the specular reflection implemented in the octree
principal axis, the RE values were higher than in the case of the approach can be considered as more conventional and less prone
gradient direction perpendicular to the cylinder principal axis to errors than the rejection method (note that Camino, which also

Fig. 9. RE of simulated DW-NMR signal relative to analytical signal in the direction perpendicular (red colors) and parallel (blue colors) to the cylinder principal axes at D =
5 ms (a), D = 50 ms (b), and D = 250 ms (c), respectively. The circle, cross and squared marker represent the cylinder (radius R = 0.5 mm, length L = 5 mm), cylinder (R = 1.0 mm,
L = 10 mm), and cylinder (R = 2.0 mm, L = 20 mm), respectively. Arrows point to the increasing of RE when the time-step is too small, dt = 0.0003 ms. (For interpretation of the
references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
K.-V. Nguyen et al. / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 296 (2018) 188–199 197

Fig. 10. X-Y view of two surface meshes from real astrocytes used for test the simulation of DW-NMR signal in astrocytes. Left: Protoplasmic astrocytes, Right: Fibrous

relies on specular reflection, ran too slowly for these complex

astrocytic structures).
Because the distribution of astrocytic branches is almost identi-
cal in the x and y-directions for the protoplasmic astrocyte, the
simulated intracellular DW-NMR signals in x and y-direction are
similar (see Fig. 11a). In contrast, the fibrous astrocyte extends
preferentially along x rather than y-direction, explaining the differ-
ent behavior of the simulated DW-NMR signal presented in
Fig. 11b. Moreover, as shown in this figure, changing time-step
seems to have only a moderate effect. RE was calculated between
the simulated signals and the ground-truth signal (from octree
approach). The averaged RE in x, y, and z-directions is shown in
Fig. 12. As shown in this figure, when dt < 0.003 ms (corresponding
to r < 0.1 mm), the averaged RE was very small (<3%). This thresh-
old may be used in other diffusion simulation studies in astrocytes Fig. 12. Averaged RE of the simulated signal (Bin3D + GPU) relative to the ground-
with the 3D binary marker method. Note that, the confocal micro- truth simulated signal (Octree + GPU) in the two astrocytes.
scopy image resolution in z-direction is limited to 0.28 mm, so
that reconstructed confocal microscopy images seem stretched in
the z-direction. Therefore, even using interpolation to oversample
the confocal image in the z-direction to 0.07 mm as in x and y- simulation time is approximately 50–70 s. In contrast, simulation
direction, the simulated DW-NMR signal in z-direction always of the ground-truth signal using the octree approach required 7 h
exhibits more substantial attenuation than in x and y-direction 20 min for protoplasmic astrocyte, and 18 h 40 min for fibrous
(see Fig. 11). astrocyte. The GPU-based implementation of the 3D binary marker
Although the number of particles is enormous and the time- method thus opens the possibility to simulate the DW-NMR signal
step is small, the GPU Monte-Carlo simulation time remains short, in complex cellular structures at high b-values and long diffusion
as shown in Fig. 13. At an acceptable time-step dt = 0.002 ms, the times within reasonable times.

Fig. 11. Simulated DW-NMR signals inside protoplasmic astrocytes (a) and fibrous astrocytes (b). The simulated DW-NMR signals generated by the GPU-based
implementation of the 3D binary marker presentation method is presented in markers. The different colors represent the different time-step which showed in the color bar.
Red, green and blue solid line represents the ground-truth signals of gradient direction aligned in x, y, and z-direction, respectively, as computed using the Octree + GPU
method. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
198 K.-V. Nguyen et al. / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 296 (2018) 188–199

Other phenomena might affect molecular diffusion, such as

active transport over long distances (e.g. flow of the extracellular
fluid, or vesicular trafficking inside the cells). Although in theory
nothing prevents incorporating such phenomena into modeling
tools, we think that the main difficulty would not arise from adapt-
ing algorithms to account for these phenomena, but rather from
the very limited knowledge we have about their magnitude and
the laws governing them.
All source code and geometry models will be released soon on
the author’s GitHub address: https://github.com/khieunguyen/

Fig. 13. Simulation time for the two astrocytes using the Bin3D + GPU method.
This work was funded by the European Research Council (grant
number 336331 INCELL project). The NVIDIA Tesla K40c was gen-
erously donated by NVIDIA Corporation.
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