Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer: A.V. Gusarov

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Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 257 (2020) 107366

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Radiative transfer, absorption, and reflection by metal powder beds in

laser powder-bed processing
A.V. Gusarov
Laboratory of 3D Structural and Functional Engineering, Moscow State University of Technology STANKIN, Vadkovsky per. 3a, Moscow, 127055 Russia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Laser powder-bed processing is widely employed in 3D printing. The technological processes strongly de-
Received 22 June 2020 pend on such effective radiative-transfer properties of powder beds as the absorptance and the radiation
Revised 2 October 2020
penetration depth. However, it is still not completely clear what are the principal factors influencing these
Accepted 3 October 2020
properties and what are the possible ranges of their variation. For theoretical investigation of the radiative
Available online 6 October 2020
transfer, a ray-tracing method is developed where the effective properties of powder beds are expanded
Keywords: in series of the reflectance of the solid-phase surface. Once the coefficients of the power series are cal-
Absorptance culated, they can be used for any combination wavelength/material thus facilitating parametric analysis.
Cubic structure Powder beds are modeled by equal spheres packed in regular cubic-symmetry structures of various den-
Normal-directional reflectance sity. The calculated radiation penetration depth can vary from few particle diameters for close-packed
Normal-hemispherical reflectance structures with moderate solid-phase absorptance to few tens of particle diameters for less dense power
Packed spheres
beds of a highly reflecting material. The effective absorptance of the powder bed is revealed to decrease
Powder bed
Radiative transfer
significantly with the packing density. The calculated dependence of the powder-bed absorptance versus
Ray tracing the solid-phase absorptance and the density is validated by the known experimental data. The calculated
3D printing angular distribution of the radiation reflected by a powder bed slightly deviates from the cosine-like dis-
tribution corresponding to the diffuse reflection law. It is validated by the known experimental data. A
modified model of equivalent medium is proposed to approximate the obtained ray tracing results by
analytic expressions.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction primary interaction of an incident laser beam with a powder bead,

which can induce other physical processes important for a specific
Radiative transfer in packed particle beds attracts the atten- technology. In 20 0 0, Tolochko et al. [8] accomplished a compre-
tion of researchers in various fields including nuclear [1], solar [2], hensive experimental measurement of normal-hemispherical re-
and hydrogen [3] energetics and thermal insulation [4]. The goal of flectance for various metal powders at the wavelengths of 1.06
these experimental and theoretical studies is to estimate the radia- and 10.6 μm that are the most employed ones in technological
tive thermal conductivity and the reflectance/absorptance/ trans- lasers. They found that a powder bed is considerably more absorb-
mittance properties important for the applications. Theoretical ap- ing than a flat surface of the same material. Later, measurements
proaches of view-factor matrix [1], radiation distribution factors of normal-hemispherical reflectance [9,10] and absorptance at nor-
[5], neural networks [6], and generalized radiative transfer equa- mal incidence [11] in other scientific groups confirmed the results
tion [7] have been developed. The Monte Carlo ray tracing (MCRT) of Tolochko et al. and widened the list of studied materials and
is widely employed in these approaches. It requires generation of wavelengths.
digital models of the particle beds, which is the important part of High-quality 3D printing requires obtaining thin uniform pow-
the whole radiative-transfer model. The most useful models of par- der layers by mechanical deposition. The best conditions for this
ticle beds are random packing of spheres by the discrete element are generally attained when powder particles are spherical and the
method [1,5] and regular periodic structures of spheres [1,3]. gravity force applied to a particle is comparable with or greater
Laser processing of powder beds is finding ever-widening ap- than the Van der Waals adhesion forces between particles [12]. The
plication in engineering due to a rapid development of 3D print- latter condition defines an inferior bound for particle size depend-
ing employing metal powder bed processes. Light absorption is the ing on material. Commercial metal 3D printers commonly employ
powders of spherical particles around 20 microns or greater in di-
ameter and lasers with 1.07 μm wavelength [13]. The great diame-
E-mail address: [email protected]
0022-4073/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.V. Gusarov Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 257 (2020) 107366

ter/wavelength ratio allows one to use the ray optics for explaining
light absorption in the powder beds. The most rigorous theoretical
results were obtained by MCRT.
Wang et al. [14,15] developed an MCRT model to calculate ab-
sorptance of an array of randomly distributed non-intersecting
polydisperse spheres. For the specular reflection law, this model
satisfactorily agrees with experimental data. Boley et al. [16] cal-
culated the absorptance of three model arrays of spheres: a bed of
two close-packed layers of equal spheres and two beds of polydis-
perse spheres with a Gaussian and a bimodal distributions. They
revealed a dependence of the effective absorptance of the powder
bed on its structure model accepted for calculations, which is es-
pecially important for highly reflective materials. In view of this Fig. 1. Reflection and transmission of collimated incident radiation by an array of
fact, it is not surprising that the values of the effective absorptance opaque specularly-reflecting spheres. The numbers near the exiting rays designate
reported by Boley et al. are considerably less than the correspond- the number of reflections from spheres.
ing values reported by Wang et al. Zhang et al. [10] compared the
close-packed structure of equal spheres with denser structures ob-
tained by filling the pores between the spheres with additional recently Kovalev et al. [21] reported the ray tracing results indi-
smaller spheres. Their MCRT calculations did not found a clear de- cating that incident radiation penetrates into packed beds to the
pendence of the effective absorptance on the density. depth of about few particle sizes. Gusarov and Kruth [17] explained
Another theoretical approach is the model of effective absorb- the penetration in the framework of the RTE model and found that
ing scattering medium that reduces the problem to the radiative the principal parameter responsible for the penetration depth is
transfer equation (RTE). The parameters of this model can be esti- the specific surface. These results suggest that the arrangement of
mated from the parameters of the powder bed. Gusarov and Kruth particles on the surface of the packed bed is also important for
[17] solved a half-space problem for RTE and found the effective reflection and penetration. Zarrouati et al. [22] reported consid-
absorptance of the powder bed as function of the absorptance of erable periodic variations of packing density near walls of a con-
the flat surface. In this approximation, the effective absorptance is tainer with a packed bed. Similar irregularities are possible near
independent of powder bed density, which contradicts the recent the top surface too.
MCRT results [16]. Surprisingly, the RTE model agrees well with The gravity force increases as the particle size cubed while the
experimental data, see [18]. adhesion Van der Waals force between particles is proportional to
Not only the effective absorptance but also the penetration pro- the particle size [23]. That is why the adhesion force is negligible
file and volumetric absorption affect laser processing of powder in packed beds of macroscopic particles and becomes comparable
beds. Transmittance of powder beds was measured [19] to estimate with or greater than the gravity force in powder beds. This fact
volumetric light absorption. Both the MCRT and RTE models indi- essentially determines the lower density of powders [12,20]. Ex-
cate that the powder bed structure significantly influence the pen- perimentally measured packing density of powders [9] varies de-
etration depth. Normal-directional reflectance measured in [9] can pending on the material, particle size and shape. Generally, the
provide additional information about light interaction with pow- density is less for finer powders and powders of irregular parti-
der beds. However, the analysis of these data using an RTE model cles [9]. Prediction of powder bed properties in a wide range of
[9] did not result in clear conclusions. It was probably due to re- packing density is a challenge. The measured reflectance of powder
strictions of the model. beds gradually increases with density [9]. This tendency has not
The weak point of the existing ray-tracing studies of radiative been confirmed theoretically. Thus, the RTE model proposes that
transfer in powder beds is modeling the realistic structure of the the effective reflectance is independent of the density [17]. How-
beds. There are known works aiming to simulate mechanical de- ever, comparison with ray tracing [16,21] shows that this model
position of powders in the conditions typical for industrial laser systematically underestimates the reflectance.
powder-bed machines, for example [12], but the known theoretical In summary, ray tracing appears to be the most reliable theo-
investigations of radiation transfer do not use such realistic mod- retical approach to radiative transfer in the powder beds but prin-
els. cipal difficulties arise in modeling the packing structure. There is
Thus, Wang and Kruth [14] generated their packed-bed mod- no yet a systematic theoretical study of the packing density in-
els by sequential random placing of particles until there is a free fluence in the range important for laser powder-bed applications.
space for a particle. They did not communicate the resulted pack- The present work proposes to analyze a set of regular structures
ing density. Boley et al. [16] and Kovalev and Gusarov [20] used of spheres within a wide range of packing density. The principal
the sequential rain model for random packing. Boley et al. did not questions to answer concern the difference in radiative transfer be-
communicate the packing density too. Kovalev and Gusarov con- tween high-symmetry lattices of packed spheres and the influence
sidered the adhesion Van der Waals force in addition to the gravity of the structure orientation relative to the packed bed surface.
force. Therefore, the packing density varied with the particle size
because of varying the adhesion/gravity force ratio [20]. However, 2. Ray tracing
one cannot be sure if such variation is realistic because the rain
model considerably differs from the blade spreading typically used The great particle size/wavelength ratio justifies using ray trac-
in laser powder-bed processes. Boley et al. [16] and Zhang et al. ing. In a packed bed, the ray tracing is not applicable in thin gaps
[10] studied close-packed regular structures of spheres but their between particles around contact points. The thickness of such a
density was significantly greater than typical powder densities ex- gap is of the order of the wavelength. Therefore, the cross section
perimentally measured by Gusarov et al. in the range from 0.33 to area of the gap is much less than the projected area of a particle.
0.67 [9]. Thus, the relative error introduced is expected to be low.
Kovalev and Gusarov [20] found a considerable anisotropy in The example of Fig. 1 shows that one can distinguish inci-
their model packed beds. It is not clear if one can expect a signifi- dent rays subjected to one, two etc. reflections from a non-convex
cant anisotropy in realistic powder beds. Wang and Kruth [14] and opaque object. A novel ray tracing technique is proposed. It is ap-

A.V. Gusarov Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 257 (2020) 107366

Table 1
Structure models of powder beds.

Structure Abbreviation Coordination number Density

3D lattices of packed equal spheres √

Face-centred cubic FCC 12 π √2/6 = 0.740
Hexagonal close-packed HCP 12 π √2/6 = 0.740
Body-centered cubic BCC 8 π 3/8 = 0.680
Simple cubic SC 6 π /√6 = 0.524
Diamond DI 4 π 3/16 = 0.340
2D lattices of packed equal circles √
Hexagonal Hex 6 π 3/6 = 0.907
Square Sqr 4 π /√4 = 0.785
Hexagonal honeycomb HexH 3 π 3/9 = 0.605

plicable in assumption that reflectivity ρ is independent of the in- dense. However, close packing is believed to be favorable to im-
cidence angle. In this case, every reflection of a ray attenuates ray’s prove the laser powder bed fusion process and is considered in
energy by a factor of ρ . Then, the energy becomes ρ n of the initial the ray tracing simulation of Boley et al. [16] and Zhang et al. [10].
energy after n reflections. Every ray is traced until it is reflected The present study includes the FCC and HCP structures to compare
back or passes forward through the object analyzed. Then, the fol- the results with the previous works. Besides, one cannot exclude
lowing series give the effective reflectance R and transmittance T another application domain where the theoretical results on FCC
of the object: and HCP would be demanded.
  For each structure, surfaces parallel to several low-index planes
R  rn
= ρn, (1) are tested as shown in Figs. 2 and 3. These figures also show the
T tn calculation domains for ray tracing chosen for each combination
structure/reflecting surface. The optimal calculation domain is a
where rn is the fraction of incident rays turned back after n re-
prism bounded by vertical planes in 3D (see Fig. 2) and a rect-
flections and tn the fraction of incident rays passed forward after
angle in 2D (see Fig. 3). Everywhere excluding DI(110), the nearest
n reflections from the object. Here r0 = 0 by definition because no
vertical mirror planes of the given structure are chosen as the lat-
ray can turn back without a reflection while t0 can be positive.
eral boundaries of the calculation domain. In the case of DI(110)
Of course, all the incident rays are directed on the object. How-
shown in Fig. 2(l), one cannot find the necessary number of mir-
ever, the object may have through holes. Therefore, transmittance
ror planes perpendicular to the (110) plane. Therefore, two paral-
through the object is possible without reflections.
lel mirror planes and two parallel planes perpendicular to them
The assumption that ρ is independent of the incidence angle, is
bound the calculation domain from the lateral sides. The distance
acceptable for metals [24]. The advantage of such an approach is
between the no-mirror planes equals the lattice period in the di-
that the ray tracing computation is independent of the value of
rection normal to them.
reflectivity ρ . Once factors rn and tn are calculated by ray trac-
Vertical incident rays are generated on the top of the calcula-
ing, they can be applied to any combination material/wavelength
tion domain. The mirror conditions are imposed on the mirror lat-
defining the value of ρ . This offers the generality of results nec-
eral boundaries. The periodic conditions are imposed on the non-
essary for the present study. Numerical ray tracing computation is
mirror lateral boundaries. The spheres reflect the rays specularly. A
stopped if a ray is not reflected back or transmitted forward after
ray is traced until the number of reflections from the spheres at-
a predefined great number of reflections N. Therefore, the series
tains a predefined number N or it exits through the top or bottom
in Eq. (1) are truncated in numerical calculation. Partial sums of N
boundary of the calculation domain. Fractions rn and tn are calcu-
terms approach R and T with the confidence interval estimated as
lated as the ratio of rays exited from the top and bottom bound-
    aries, respectively, after n reflections from the spheres to the to-
0< − ρ n ≤ EN ρ N+1 , (2) tal number of incident rays. The number of incident rays for each
T tn calculation is of the order of 1010 . Appendix A presents analytic
calculation of factors r1 and r2 for the close-packed row of circles
in two dimensions (see Fig. 3(a) or (c)) that were used to test the

N algorithm for numerical calculations.
EN = 1 − rn − t n, (3)
n=1 n=0
3. Normal-hemispherical reflectance and absorptance
is the fraction of rays neither turned back nor passed forward af-
ter N reflections. The left inequality of Eq. (2) follows from the fact Fig. 4 shows the first 12 reflection factors rn (a) numerically
that all terms of the series in Eq. (1) are positive. In the right in- calculated by ray tracing and the effective absorptance (b) of the
equality of Eq. (2), fraction EN given by Eq. (3) is the upper bound 2D structures. It has to be noted that there are no through gaps
for both the factors rN+1 and tN+1 . in such structures. Therefore, transmittance T = 0 and absorptance
Table 1 lists the studied periodic structures with their princi- A = 1 − R, where R is calculated by Eq. (1). The effective absorp-
pal characteristics, the coordination number and the relative den- tance is plotted versus the absorptance of a flat surface a = 1 − ρ
sity. Typical powder beds used in laser processing has the density in the range from 0.01 to 1. For the close-packed row of circles
in the range from 0.3 to 0.67 [9]. The density depends on the in- corresponding to Sqr(10) or Hex structures, the first two reflec-
terplay of the gravity and the Van der Waals adhesive forces and tion factors calculated by ray-tracing (black circles in Fig. 4(a))
varies with the powder material and particle size [21]. The regimes coincide with the corresponding values calculated analytically in
of mechanical spreading of powder also influence the resulting Appendix A (crosses). Analytical calculations become very cumber-
powder bed density [12]. The mentioned range of density is ap- some for three and more reflections. Therefore, only the cases of
proximately covered by the DI, SC, and BCC structures, see Table 1. one and two reflections are considered. The value of the reflec-
The close packed FCC and HCP structures are considerably more tion factor rn depends on the kind of 2D structure, especially in

A.V. Gusarov Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 257 (2020) 107366

Fig. 2. Beds of equal spheres packed into regular structures with the top horizontal surface parallel to the crystallographic plane indicated by the Miller indices: (a)–(c) FCC;
(d) HCP; (e)–(g); (h)–(j) SC; (k)–(m) DI. Three views are shown for each powder bed model: Top view on the reflecting surface (right); Axonometric view with the reflecting
surface on the top (middle); Calculation domain for ray tracing (left).

the range of n from 3 to 10 (see. Fig. 4(a)). Nevertheless, the ef- structure and ABCABC ... for the FCC one (see Fig. 2(c) and (d)). The
fective absorptance is not sensitive to either the structure or the first two layers are common for FCC(111) and HCP(001). Two lay-
orientation (see. Fig. 4(b)). Probably, it is because r1 and r2 are ers reflect noticeably more than one layer (see Fig. 5(b)), especially
nearly identical for all the structures, which have the most weight for highly reflective materials with low a. It is in line with the
in Eq. (1). reflection factors rn (see Fig. 5(a)): the difference between them
Fig. 5 compares the effective reflectance R for beds consisting increases with n while the terms with great n are important for
of close-packed monolayers. The stacking is ABAB ... for the HCP highly reflective materials only, according to Eq. (1). The difference

A.V. Gusarov Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 257 (2020) 107366

Fig. 3. Beds of equal circles packed into regular 2D structures: (a) Hexagonal lattice
with a close-packed row of circles on the top; (b) Hexagonal honeycomb lattice; (c)
Square lattice with a close-packed (10) row of circles on the top; (d) Square lattice
with a (11) top plane; Two views are shown for each powder bed model: The lattice
with an elementary cell (dached lines) and two nearest vertical mirror lines (right);
Calculation domain for ray tracing (left).

Fig. 5. Stacking of close-packed layers of spheres: reflection factors (a), effective

reflectance R (b), and convergence of the effective reflectance with the number of
layers (c).

between the beds of 2 and 3 close-packed layers is considerably

less and can be neglected at a > 0.1. The three layers packed in
FCC(111) are a bit more reflective than the three HCP(001) layers.
That is because the third FCC(111) layer overlaps all the through
Fig. 4. Beds of packed circles in 2D: reflection factors (a) and effective absorptance
holes while there are through holes in the HCP(001) stacking at
any number of layers (compare the top views in Figs. 2(c) and (d)).
However, the difference between FCC(111) and HCP(001) becomes

A.V. Gusarov Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 257 (2020) 107366

Table 2 domain can be completely scattered and absorbed by the neighbor

Models of deep powder beds: Parameters of sphere structures and ray
domains. Indeed, experiments [19] indicated that the transmittance
tracing. The sphere diameter is D.
of powder beds becomes not detectable at the thickness of about
Structure Plane λ/D K S/D N EN 5 particle diameters. Therefore, one can neglect the transmittance

FCC (100) 2/2 10 7.07 400 0.012 of a deep powder bed and estimate its absorptance as A = 1 − R.
(110) 1/2√
√ 20 10 600 0.015 Fig. 6 shows the absorptance found. It has to be noted that the ab-
(111) √2√3/3 10 8.16 2000 2.8 · 10−3 sotptance significantly depends not only on the structure but also
HCP (001) √2 3/ 3 10 8.16 2000 5.6 · 10−4
on the orientation of the structure relative to the top surface of
BCC (100) √3/√3 20 11.55 600 0.012
the bed, which is specified by the Miller indices of the top layer of
(110) 2 3/ 3 20 16.33 600 0.026
(111) 1/3 30 10 700 6.6 · 10−3 spheres. The dependence on orientation is especially important for
SC (100) 1
√ 20 20 1000 3.4 · 10−3 the less dense SC and DI structures.
(110) √2/2 20 14.14 800 9.8 · 10−4 The reflectance experiments average the radiation reflected
(111) √3/3 20 11.55 400 5.2 · 10−3
from a great number of the ordered domains adjacent to the pow-
DI (100) √3/√3 40 23.09 500 2.5 · 10−3
(110) 2 3/ 3 20 16.33 500 1.2 · 10−4 der bed surface. Suppose that the different domains are randomly
(111) 1, 1/3, 1... 30 20 600 0.022 oriented. Then, the ray-tracing results can be averaged over orien-
tation to approach the experimental conditions. Fig. 7 shows that
there are three (100), four (111), and six (110) directions in cubic
lattices. Therefore, the weighted average absorptance is
negligible at a > 0.1. The reflection factors rn along with the effec- 3 6 4
tive reflectance R converge rapidly with the increase of the number A= A100 + A110 + A111 , (4)
13 13 13
of the monolayers stacked. Fig. 5(c) shows that the reflectance of
five layers is essentially the same as the reflectance of ten layers in where indices designate orientation. Fig. 8 summarizes the absorp-
the studied range of a, 0.01 ≤ a ≤ 1. Thus, the curves of reflectance tance averaged over orientation. It has to be noted that all the
for 10 layers shown in Fig. 5(b) should be an accurate estimate structures of packed spheres are considerably more absorptive than
for an infinitely deep powder bed composed of close-packed layers 2D structures of packed circles, for example Sqr(10) (see Fig. 8),
parallel to the surface. In summary, the top layer and the layer be- and the effective absorptance successively increases in the series
low the top one essentially form the back reflected radiation. The of FCC, BCC, SC, and DI structures. Table 1 indicates that the pack-
contribution of the third layer is much less important and the in- ing density decreases in this series. Thus, the ray tracing reveals a
fluence of the fourth and the consecutive layers can be neglected considerable increase of the effective absorptance with decreasing
depending on the particular conditions and the required accuracy. the density.
In the majority of experimental works, the reflectance is mea- Gusarov and Kruth [17] approximately calculated the absorp-
sured for deep powder beds. To obtain the ray tracing results cor- tance of a deep powder bed in the framework of the model of
responding to the experimental conditions, the influence of the equivalent absorbing scattering medium. A two-moment approach
bed thickness is numerically studied for all the cases shown in to the radiative transfer equation resulted in the following expres-
Fig. 2. The beds of different thicknesses are obtained by consec- sions for effective reflectance Rem and absorptance Aem [17]:
utive addition of the layers of spheres parallel to the surface. The √ √
1− a 3 a
convergence analysis is similar to those for the close-packed struc- Rem = √ , Aem = 1 − Rem = √ . (5)
1+2 a 1+2 a
tures, which is described above in detail. The difference is that the
layers are not close-packed. The interlayer distance depends on the The dash-dotted line in Fig. 8 shows Aem . The ray tracing re-
given structure and the direction. Fig. 2 shows the spheres belong- sults appear to approach Aem when the packed density of the bed
ing to different layers by different colors. The convergence anal- tends to zero. The greater the density of the bed, the greater the
ysis reveals the number of layers K and the corresponding bed deviation of the ray tracing from the equivalent-medium theoret-
thickness S at which the effective reflectance becomes indepen- ical prediction. The equivalent-medium model [17] assumes that
dent of the depth. The ray tracing results obtained with K layers the incident radiation enters into the spaces between the particles
closely correspond to the reflectance of a deep bed. Table 2 shows and neglects the radiation projected directly on the top particles.
the number of layers K, the bed thickness S, the number of re- This can explain the discrepancy observed. Introducing the appro-
flections N taken in to account at ray tracing, and the calculated priate boundary conditions for the incident radiation one can cor-
value of parameter EN necessary to estimate the error by Eq. (2). rect the drawback of the equivalent-medium model. Indeed, frac-
The convergence with respect to the number of testing incident tion r1 of the incident rays is reflected back by the particles on
rays has been studied by comparing the results calculated for ap- the top of the powder bed according to the approach applied in
proximately 108 , 109 , and 1010 rays. Even at 109 , the results are the present work. This fraction of the incident radiation does not
satisfactory but a bit noisy. At 1010 rays, the noise becomes non- penetrate into the powder bed. It is natural to exclude it from the
visible in the plots. The principal calculations are accomplished for equivalent-medium model, which gives
the number of testing incident rays around 1010 . For all the struc-
R = r1 ρ + (1 − r1 )Rem , A = 1 − R = r1 a + (1 − r1 )Aem . (6)
tures except for DI(111), S = K λ, where λ is the interlayer distance.
For DI(111), the interlayer distances of 1 and 1/3 sphere diameter One can consider Eq. (6) as the first-term approximation of
D alternate, and λ/D = 2K/3 for even values of K. Eq. (1) with the remainder estimated by the equivalent-medium
Top views in Fig. 2 show that many of the considered regu- model.
lar structures of spheres has through holes. This means that the Rigorous application of Eq. (6) requires numerical calculation
transmittance will not tend to zero with increasing the thickness. of the first reflection factor r1 by ray tracing. Fig. 9(a) shows a
However, if particles are ordered in realistic powder beds, the char- spherical particle on the top of a powder bed and explains how
acteristic size of ordered domains does not exceed several parti- to estimate the value of r1 without numerical ray tracing. If a nor-
cle diameters. For example, discrete-element modeling of forma- mally incident ray strikes the sphere at a point of the 45-degrees
tion of a powder bed [12,20] revealed short-range ordering within cone shown in Fig. 9, it is reflected parallel to the bed surface. The
3–4 particle diameters. Thus, a deep powder bed should consist of sphere reflects back any ray striking the spherical segment cut by
small ordered domains. Radiation transmitted through an ordred the cone. The projected area of this segment Sb is a half the pro-

A.V. Gusarov Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 257 (2020) 107366

Fig. 6. Effective absorptance of a deep bed of equal spheres depending on the structure and the top surface indicated by the Miller indices.

jected area of the sphere S, sorptance:

Sb = S/2. d d 3 a
(7) A = a + (1 − ) √ . (11)
2 2 1+2 a
Suppose that there are k spherical particles on the top of the pow-
Fig. 8 shows this approximation by dashed lines. The modified
der bed with the total area Stot . Then, the packing density is
equivalent medium model gives the same tendency as the ray trac-
kS ing calculation (full lines). The insert in Fig. 8 shows the relative
d= , (8) deviation between the model and the ray tracing estimating the
error of the model. The relative error for SC is less than 10%. The
according to the principle of Delesse. The first reflection factor is relative error for DI becomes greater than 10% only at low ab-
kSb sorptance of the solid phase a < 0.03. The approximation of BCC
r1 = . (9) and FCC is worse. For these structures, the relative error increases
above 15% at a < 0.2. Thus, the precision of the modified model
One can obtain from Eqs. (7)–(9) that r1 is a half d, of equivalent medium decreases with the packing density in the
series of DI, SC, BCC, and FCC structures.
r1 = . (10) Fig. 8 shows experimental data on absorptance of powder beds
2 reported by Boley et al. [11], Tolochko et al. [8], and Gusarov et al.
Fig. 9(b) shows that Eq. (10) satisfactorily estimates the numeri- [9]. The packing density d of the studied spherical powders is in
cally calculated factors r1 . Substitution of Eq. (10) into Eq. (6) re- the range from 0.5 to 0.6 [9], which approximately corresponds to
sults in the following analytic approximation for the effective ab- the SC structure with d = 0.524. Indeed, most of the experimental

A.V. Gusarov Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 257 (2020) 107366

Fig. 7. Low-index directions in a cubic lattice.

Fig. 8. Average effective absorptance of a deep bed of equal spheres compared with the absorptance of Sqr(10) structure in 2D, other models, and experiments. The insert
estimates the relative error of the modified model of equivalent medium.

points are near the full red curve calculated by ray tracing and the are easily oxidized too. The oxidation can explain the discrepancy
dashed red curve calculated by the modified equivalent-medium between the experiments and the models for these three powders.
model, Eq. (11), for the SC structure. However, the powders of Al, Gusarov et al. [9] measured the effective reflectance of an oxidized
Ti, and W are significantly more absorptive and correspond bet- copper powder and the same powder after annealing in hydrogen
ter to the equivalent medium model, Eq. (5). It would not vali- atmosphere. They found that the annealed powder is considerably
date the equivalent medium model because it contradicts the re- less absorbing. The red point for copper in Fig. 8 corresponds to
cent ray-tracing results. Boley et al. [11] supposed that aluminum the annealed powder. It perfectly agrees with the ray tracing (see
is oxidized and, therefore, absorbs more. Titanium and tungsten the red full-line curve).

A.V. Gusarov Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 257 (2020) 107366

Fig. 10. Powder bed absorptance versus the packing density: Comparison of exper-
iments of Gusarov et al. (closed circles) with the ray tracing (open circles) and the
modified equivalent-medium model (full lines).

Fig. 9. (a) Back reflection by a sphere on the top of a powder bed. (b) First reflec-
tion factor r1 calculated by ray tracing (points) and theoretically estimated (line).

The same metal can follow the specular or diffuse reflection

model depending on surface roughness, oxidation degree, and
other factors influencing the state of the surface. It is difficult to
detect experimentally if the surface of a given powder particle is
specular or diffuse because of the small size, typically below 50
μm. Powders obtained by gas-phase atomization frequently have
spherical particles with a rather smooth surface, see SEM images
in Ref. [9]. One can expect that they reflect specularly. Indeed, ox-
Fig. 11. Partial angular distributions of reflected radiation n (θ ) for 20 layers of
idation can change the reflection model. We tried to estimate the SC(100) structure. The insert defines the reflection angle θ .
difference between the specular and diffuse reflection models the-
oretically [17]. It has to be noted that the reflection pattern of a
single convex opaque particle irradiated by a collimated beam is the ray tracing. The curve for Cu demonstrates the right tendency
isotropic for a specular surface and anisotropic, preferentially back- of A decreasing with d. It approximates the experiment and the ray
ward directed, for a diffuse surface [17]. This explains the model- tracing at d < 0.4 but a discrepancy arises and increases at d > 0.4.
ing results [17] indicating that the bed of diffuse particles is up
to 10% more reflective. The experimental trend is opposite: oxida- 4. Normal-directional reflectance
tion makes powder beds more absorptive. Therefore, the change of
reflection model at oxidation cannot be the principal factor. It is The direction of the reflected radiation is commonly character-
likely that the oxidized surface becomes more absorptive. ized by polar θ and azimuth ϕ angles relative to the external nor-
Experiments of Gusarov et al. [9] revealed a dependence of the mal to the powder bed surface. The studied regular structures ex-
powder bed absorptance on the density of the bed. Closed circles hibit considerable variation of the reflected distribution both in θ
in Fig. 10 show these data for iron and copper powders. The con- and ϕ . However, the variation in ϕ does not correspond to realistic
fidence interval reported is ± 0.002 [9]. It is much smaller than powder beds where all in-plane directions are statistically equiva-
the symbols in Fig. 10. The figure indicates a clear decrease of the lent. According to the reasoning reported in the previous section,
absorptance with the density for both of studied materials. Open the statistically isotropic packed bed is likely a set of randomly ori-
circles in Fig. 10 show the ray tracing results for these materials. ented small ordered domains. This suggests averaging the angular
The absorptance of solid material a accepted for modeling is equal distribution over ϕ . Only distributions in polar angle are consid-
to the value estimated from the complex refraction index [9]. The ered below. In the chosen frame, the polar angle is equivalent to
values of a are shown on the right-bottom of Fig. 10. The ray trac- the reflection angle.
ing gives the similar function A(d). A small shift of the ray tracing To estimate the angular distribution of reflected radiation, re-
relative to the experiments for Fe can be explained by an error in flection angle θ is calculated for every back-reflected ray during ray
the accepted value of a. Full lines in Fig. 10 show the modified tracing. The insert in Fig. 11 shows the reflection angle between
equivalent-medium model, Eq. (11), for the same values of a. The the reflected ray and the external normal to the powder bed sur-
curve for Fe satisfactorily agrees with both the experiments and face. The interval of angles from 0 to π /2 is divided into a great

A.V. Gusarov Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 257 (2020) 107366

diffuse surface,
(θ )
R (θ ) = . (16)
2 cos(θ )
The powders of iron and copper consisted of spherical particles
with the diameter approximately from 125 to 160 μm. Their pack-
ing density d was 0.55 and 0.58, respectively [9]. It is around the
packing density of the SC structure, see Table 1. That is why this
structure is chosen for ray tracing. The values of the solid-phase
absorptance a indicated in Fig. 14 are taken as reported in Ref.
[9]. The experiment and the modeling excellently agree at reflec-
tion angles θ < 70◦ for Cu and θ < 80◦ for Fe. The modeling
confirms the experimentally observed tendency of increasing the
normal-hemispherical reflectance with θ at θ > 60◦ . A discrepancy
at oblique angles can be explained by the experimental errors due
Fig. 12. Total angular distributions of reflected radiation  (θ ) for the models of a to the influence of the borders of the cuvette with the powder and
deep powder bed with the SC structure at selected values of the solid-phase ab- a non-ideal alignment of the sensor relative to the cuvette [9].
sorptance a.

5. Penetration of radiation into the powder bed

number of small intervals. The number of rays within an interval
around angle θ is divided by the solid angle covered by this in- The depth profile of the radiative energy flux is calculated dur-
terval, which gives the value of the angular distribution at θ . We ing the ray tracing. Axis Z is directed downward, codirected with
distinguish angular distributions n (θ ) of rays back-reflected after the incident rays. The centers of the top-layer spheres are placed at
n reflections from spheres and normalize them, the level z = 0. A great number of horizontal planes z = const are
uniformly distributed over the height of the calculation domain.
n (θ )d cos(θ ) = 1. (12) The number of intersections of rays with every plane is counted.
0 We count the rays with positive and negative projections on axis Z
Then, the total angular distribution of reflected radiation is separately to calculate the net flux of rays at depth z as the differ-

 ence of the intersections of rays with the positive projections F + (z )
(θ ) = rn ρ n n (θ ). (13) and those of rays with the negative projection F − (z ). The rays af-
n=1 ter n reflections by spheres are counted separately to obtain partial
Series (13) is similar to Eq. (1) for the normal-hemispherical re- fluxes of particles Fn+ (z ) and Fn− (z ). Finally, normalized partial net
flectance R. Integration of Eq. (13) gives the normalization condi- fluxes are calculated as
tion, Fn+ (z ) − Fn− (z )
f n (z ) = , (17)
 1 Fi
(θ )d cos(θ ) = R. (14) where Fi is the number of incident rays. Thus, fn (z) is the net frac-
tion of incident rays intersecting level z in the positive direction
Fig. 11 shows selected partial angular distributions n (θ ) used as
of axis Z after n reflections by spheres. The energy transferred by
basis functions in series (13).
a ray is multiplied by a factor of ρ n after n reflections. Therefore,
Fig. 12 shows examples of calculation by Eq. (13) for the mod-
the ratio q(z) of the net radiative energy flux at depth z to the en-
els of a deep powder bed with the SC structures of various orienta-
ergy flux transferred by the incident radiation can be expanded in
tions specified by the Miller indices of the top plane at the selected
absorptance values of a flat surface of the solid phase a = 1 − ρ .

The number of layers of spheres K and the number of terms in the
q (z ) = ρ n fn (z ), (18)
expansion N are listed in Table 2. The results show that the angu-
lar distribution of the reflected radiation strongly depends on the
structure orientation relative to the top surface of the powder bed. similar to Eq. (1) for the normal-hemispherical reflectance and
Therefore, the weighted average is calculated according to the fre- Eq. (13) for the angular distribution of the reflected radiation.
quency of the three low-index crystallographic directions shown in Fig. 15 shows an example of the calculated partial net flux dis-
Fig. 7. The averaging is similar to Eq. (4), tributions. The depth z is normalized by particle radius D/2 here.
The distributions are uniform above the powder bed at z < −D/2
3 6 4
(θ ) = 100 (θ ) + 110 (θ ) + 111 (θ ), (15) and decay with z inside the powder bed. The flux of the incident
13 13 13 rays f0 tends to a non-zero value as z increases. This value is the
where indices designate orientation. Fig. 13 compares the angular fraction of rays propagating in the through holes of the structure.
distributions averaged over orientation for the sequence of struc- Fig. 16 shows examples of calculation by Eq. (18) for the models of
tures FCC, BCC, SC, and DI with decreasing packing density d. All a deep powder bed with the SC structures of various orientations
the distributions are cosine-like ones typical for diffuse reflection. specified by the Miller indices of the top plane at the selected ab-
One can select features typical for each structure, for example, a sorptance values of a flat surface of the solid phase a = 1 − ρ . The
small peak at θ = 0 obtained for the FCC. However, there is no gen- number of layers of spheres K and the number of terms in the ex-
eral tendency of varying the angular distribution with the packing pansion N are listed in Table 2. Fig. 16 indicates that the depth pro-
density. For all the studied structures, the angular distribution de- file of the energy flux is sensitive to the structure orientation rela-
forms with increasing the solid-phase absorptance a: the relative tive to the top surface of the powder bed. Therefore, the weighted
contribution of low-angle (θ < 50◦ ) reflections decreases and that average is calculated according to the frequency of the three low-
of high-angle (60◦ < θ < 85◦ ) reflections increases (see Fig. 13). index crystallographic directions shown in Fig. 7. The averaging is
Fig. 14 compares the ray tracing with experimental data [9] on similar to Eqs. (4) and (15),
the normal-directional reflectance defined as the ratio of the angu- 3 6 4
lar distribution of the reflected radiation to that of totally reflecting q (z ) = q100 (z ) + q110 (z ) + q111 (z ), (19)
13 13 13
A.V. Gusarov Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 257 (2020) 107366

Fig. 13. Angular distribution of radiation reflected by a deep bed of equal spheres packed in the FCC, BCC, SC, and DI structures at selected values of the solid-phase
absorptance a. Packing density d is indicated on the top of each diagram.

Fig. 15. Partial depth profiles fn (z) for 20 layers of SC(100) structure.
Fig. 14. Normal-directional reflectance R(θ ): Comparison between the experiments
of Gusarov et al. at 0.79 and 0.633 μm wavelengths (points) and the present ray
tracing for the SC structure at the indicated values of the solid-phase absorptance That is why averaging over a great number of particles does not
a (lines).
eliminate the angular points. Such details cannot be generalized to
random packing.
Full lines in Fig. 17 present the profiles of radiative energy flux
where indices designate orientation. averaged over orientation for the FCC, BCC, SC, and DI structures
The curves plotted in Figs. 12, 13, and 16 exhibit angular points, at various values of the flat-surface reflectance of the solid phase
i. e. points where the derivative is not continuous. Probably, the an- a. It has to be noted that the value of the normalized energy flux
gular points are due to shadowing of a particle by another one. It q at z ≤ −D/2 is equal to the absorptance. The flux decays with z
occurs at equivalent positions and directions in regular structures. but generally does not tend to zero because a fraction of the in-

A.V. Gusarov Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 257 (2020) 107366

Fig. 16. Normalized net flux of radiative energy q(z) for the models of a deep pow-
der bed with the SC structure at selected values of the solid-phase absorptance a.

cident rays propagate in the through holes of the considered reg-

ular structures without reflections. In a realistic powder bed, the
length of such through holes is limited by the size of quasi-reqular
domains and may be as low as few particle diameters [19]. There-
fore, the penetration depth of the incident radiation is estimated
as the characteristic length where the profile q(z) changes from
the constant left value to the asymptotic right value. Fig. 17 shows
that the penetration depth can vary from few particle diameters in
the more dense FCC and BCC structures of well-absorbing material
with a = 0.5 to few tens of particle diameters in the less dense SC
and DI structures of highly reflecting material with a = 0.01.
The radiation penetration depth determines the domain where
the radiative energy transforms into the thermal one and thus con-
siderably influences energy and heat transfer. Therefore, it is im-
portant for applications. Theoretical estimates are useful to predict
such a highly variable value as function of material and powder
bed parameters. The model of equivalent medium occupying half Fig. 17. Depth profile of radiative energy flux in a deep bed of equal spheres packed
space z > 0 gives the following equation for the normalized flux of in the FCC, BCC, SC, and DI structures at selected values of the solid-phase ab-
radiative energy [17]: sorptance a: ray tracing (full lines) and the modified model of equivalent medium
√ (dashed lines).
3( a − a ) √ 3a
qem (z ) = exp (−2 aβ z ) − exp (−β z ), (20)
1 − 4a 1 − 4a
at z > 0,
where β is the effective extinction coefficient. The multiphase ap-
3 2−d  √ √ 
proach [25] estimates this parameter for the bed of opaque equal q (z ) = ( a − a ) exp (−2 aβ z ) − a exp (−β z ) . (23)
spheres as 2 1 − 4a
Dashed lines in Fig. 17 show the profiles of radiative energy flux
3 d
β= . (21) according to the modified model of equivalent medium, Eq. (23).
2 ( 1 − d )D The domain between the sphere vertices at z = −D/2 and the cen-
The model of equivalent medium overestimates the absorptance ters of the top-layer spheres at z = 0 is considered as the interme-
of powder beds relative to the ray tracing results, see Fig. 8. The diate layer between void, z < −D/2, and powder bed, z > 0. There-
correction of the boundary condition for the half-space problem of fore, the jump specified by Eq. (22) is spread over this domain by
radiation transfer is proposed in Section 3. This correction results a linear approximation between q(−D/2 ) = A and q(0).
in the following expression for the energy flux profile: Fig. 17 shows that the modified model of equivalent medium
 (dashed lines) generally describes the considerable increase of the
A = r1 a + (1 − r1 )Aem , z≤0 radiation penetration depth with decreasing both the packing den-
q (z ) = . (22)
(1 − r1 )qem , z>0 sity and the solid-phase absorptance revealed by the ray tracing
(full lines). However, a significant difference may occur between
The estimation of the first reflection factor r1 by Eq. (10) results in the model and the ray tracing. To quantify the penetration of exter-
the analytic expression for the energy flux inside the powder bed nal radiation into a powder bed, we define the penetration depth

A.V. Gusarov Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 257 (2020) 107366

and hexagonal honeycomb two-dimensional structures of equal cir-

cles are tested too. The simulation results are sensitive to the ori-
entation of the studied structures relative to the surface of the
powder bed. A realistic powder bed is assumed to consist of many
small quasi-regular domains with arbitrary orientation. Therefore,
the ray-tracing results are averaged over orientation.
To evaluate the penetration of external radiation into powder
beds, radiative energy flux is calculated through a plane parallel
to the bed surface at arbitrary depth z. The obtained profiles of
the energy flux versus z revealed the dependence of the radiation
penetration depth versus the packing density d and the solid-phase
absorptance a. It can vary from few particle diameters for close-
packed structures with d = 0.74 and moderate absorptance around
a = 0.5 to few tens of particle diameters for a less dense power
bed of highly reflecting material with d = 0.34 and a = 0.01.
The absorptance at normal incidence and the normal-
directional reflectance are calculated for deep powder beds. It is
shown that the effective absorptance of a powder bed A consider-
ably increases with decreasing the packing density d. The functions
A(d) obtained by the ray tracing agree with the known experimen-
tal data. The function A(a) obtained by the ray tracing for the SC
structure with d = 0.524 agrees with the known experimental data
for powder beds of non-oxidized metallic spherical particles be-
cause the density of such powders approximately corresponds to
that of the SC structure. The ray tracing can considerably under-
estimate the powder bed absorptance of Al, Cu, Ti, and W. It is
explained by a possible oxidation of such powders, which can con-
siderably decrease the reflectance of the solid phase.
Fig. 18. Penetration depths of half-decay 2 (top) and 90%-decay 10 (bottom) in a The calculated angular distribution of the radiation reflected by
deep bed of equal spheres packed in the FCC, BCC, SC, and DI structures calculated a powder bed is similar to the cosine-like distribution correspond-
by ray tracing (points) and the modified model of equivalent medium (lines). The
packing density d is indicated near the curves.
ing to the diffuse reflection law. However, a deviation from the dif-
fuse law is found: the reflectance in the directions around the nor-
mal is lower while the reflectance in oblique directions is greater.
k as the distance where the energy flux profile q(z) decays from The deviation increases with the solid-phase absorptance a. The in-
its maximum value q(−D/2 ) downto 1/k fraction of the maximum crease of the reflectance with the reflection angle agrees with the
above the asymptotic value q(∞). Namely, known experiments on the normal-directional reflectance of pow-
der beds. The ray tracing does not reveal a general tendency for
k = zk + D/2, (24)
varying the normal-directional reflectance with the packing den-
where zk is the solution of equation, sity d.
A modified model of equivalent medium is proposed to approx-
q(−D/2 ) − q(∞ )
q (z ) = q (∞ ) + . (25) imate the obtained ray tracing results by analytic expressions. The
k model uses the known solution to the half-space problem for the
Fig. 18 compares the penetration depths at k = 2 and 10 calcu- radiative transfer equation. The effective properties of the medium
lated from the profiles of ray tracing and those of the model. are estimated by the multiphase approach. The solution is modi-
The model satisfactorily agrees with the ray tracing for the depth fied by the proposed boundary condition to take into account that
of 90%-decay 10 in the range of the solid-phase absorptance a fraction of the incident radiation is reflected back by the parti-
0.1 ≤ a ≤ 0.5. Under other conditions, the model penetration depth cles on the top of the powder bed without penetrating inside the
may overestimate the ray-tracing depth but the model is still ac- bed. The precision of the modified model of equivalent medium
ceptable for order-of-magnitude estimates. decreases with the packing density. The model agrees with the ray-
tracing predictions of the radiation penetration depth and agrees
6. Conclusions with the known experimental data on the powder-bed absorptance
and normal-directional reflectance.
A ray tracing method is developed to simulate optical character- The radiative-transfer characteristics of powder beds calculated
istics of heterogeneous media consisting of one transparent phase by ray tracing are validated by the available experimental data.
and one opaque phase. The principal assumption is that the re- They determine energy transfer in laser processing of powder beds.
flectance of the opaque phase surface is a constant. The effective Therefore, the obtained results can be used for optimizing the ex-
optical characteristics of the heterogeneous media are expanded in isting laser powder-bed technologies and developing new ones.
power series of the opaque-phase reflectance. Once the coefficients
of the power series are calculated, they can be used for any com-
bination wavelength/material thus facilitating the parametric anal-
ysis of the ray tracing results.
The ray tracing is applied to metal powder beds typical for laser Declaration of Competing Interest
powder-bed processing that are modeled by equal spheres packed
in regular cubic-symmetry structures of various density, the face- The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
centered cubic, hexagonal close-packed, body-centered cubic, sim- cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
ple cubic (SC), and diamond-like structures. The square, hexagonal, influence the work reported in this paper.

A.V. Gusarov Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 257 (2020) 107366

CRediT authorship contribution statement shows the minimum angle α = α1 when the ray is directed on
another circle after the first reflection. We draw the ray reflected
A.V. Gusarov: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Formal by a symmetry line in point F to make the figure more compact.
analysis, Writing - original draft. Fig. A1(b) shows the minimum angle α = α2 when the ray turns
back after three reflections by the spheres. Thus, the incident ray
Acknowledgement turns back after one reflection if 0 ≤ α < α 1 and after two reflec-
tions if α 1 ≤ α < α 2 . Therefore,
This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher
r1 = sin α1 , r2 = sin α2 − sin α1 . (A.1)
Education of the Russian Federation under project 0707-2020-
0034. To find α 1 , consider similar triangles ACO and BCD in Fig. A1(a),

Appendix A. Analytic calculation of factors r1 and r2 in 2D |AO| |CO|

= . (A.2)
|BD| |CD|
Fig. A1 traces rays striking a close-packed row of circles at the
One can see from Fig. A1(a) that
incidence normal to the row axis. The close-packed row is the top
layer of both the Hex and the Sqr(10) strictures (see Fig. 3). An- |CO| − |CD| = R. (A.3)
gle α in Fig. A1 specifies the position of the incident ray relative From triangle AHO,
the nearest circle. One can see that the incident ray turns back af-
ter the first reflection by the nearest circle at small α . Fig. A1(a) |AO| cos β = R. (A.4)
From triangle CHO,
|CO| cos γ = R. (A.5)
From Fig. A1(a),
|DG| + |EF| = R. (A.6)
From triangle DGO,
|DG| = R sin α . (A.7)
From triangles BEF or DEF,
= |EF| tan β . (A.8)
Exclude |DG| and |EF| from Eqs. (A.6)–(A.8):
|BD| = 2R(1 − sin α ) tan β . (A.9)
Exclude |AO| and |BD| from Eqs. (A.2), (A.4), (A.9):
|CD| = 2(1 − sin α ) sin β|CO|. (A.10)
Exclude |CO| and |CD| from Eqs. (A.3), (A.5), (A.10):
2(1 − sin α ) sin β + cos γ = 1. (A.11)
Substitution of
π π
β= − 2α and β = 3α − (A.12)
2 2
reduces Eq. (A.11) to
2 cos 2α + sin α = 1. (A.13)
The solution of Eq. (A.13) is

17 + 1
sin α = sin α1 = , α1 ≈ 39.820773◦ . (A.14)
To find α 2 , consider rays traced in Fig. A1(b). Equations (A.2)–
(A.7) are still valid. The following Eqs. (A.15)–(A.18) can be written
instead of Eq. (A.8). From triangle BEI,
|BD| + |DE| = |EI| tan β . (A.15)
From Fig. A1(b),

|EI| = |EF| + |FI|, (A.16)

|FI| = R(1 cos δ ), (A.17)

|DE| = R(cos α sin δ ). (A.18)

Fig. A1. Normal incidence on a close-packed row of circles: The upper bound of Exclude |DE|, |EI|, and |FI| from Eqs. (A.15)–(A.18):
angle α when a ray turns back after the first reflection (a) and the second reflection
(b). |BD| = [|EF| + R(1 cos δ )] tan β − R(cos α sin δ ). (A.19)

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